' HIGH WATER. Today.—ll.3 a.m.; 11.20 p.m Tomorrow.—ll.43 a.m. (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. IXAHA. M.s. (1.5 p.m.), 231 tons, Cihson, from Pa tea. KAIMAI. s.s. (6 p.m.), 1.135 tons, Bonetti, from Westporf. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. WAIPAIII. s.s. (2 a.m.), 1753 tons, Burgess, HOI,.MGLEN,'m!s. (4.13 a.m.), 4SS tons McArthur, from Mercer. STOKM, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 7-19 tons, Williams, from Westport. .MATAXGI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 13C8 tons, Wildman from Nelson. WAHIXK. s.s. (7 a.m.), 4436 tons, Kane, from Lyttclton. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. TAUPATA, m.s. (3 p.m.), 208 tons, Ilughan, for Tarakohc. TAMAHINE, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 1959 tons, Ritchie, lor Picton. GAEL, m.s. (5.5 p.m.), 05 tons, Tregidga, for Greymouth. ECHO, aux. scow (5.15 p.m.), 132 tons, Miles, for Blenheim. KAPITI, m.s. (5.50 p.m.), 212 lons, Johanscn, for Wanganul. AWAHOU, m.s. (0.5 p.m.), 410 tons, Copland, for Duncdln. KOUTUNUI. M.s. (6.40 p.m.), 173 tons, McXab, for Gisborne. KAPUNI, m.s.- (T. 5 p.m.), 190 tons, McKlnnon, HAWERA, m.s. (7.5 p.m.), ISS tons, JtcLachlan, for Paten. ARAIIURA, s.s. (T. 30 p.m.), 1007 tons. Hay, for A'clsou. RANGATIKA, t.e.s. (".50 p.m.), C 152 tons, Invin, for Lyttelton. NAPIER STAR, s.s. (9 p.m.), 10.553 tons, Riloy, for Gisborne. PORT WHANGAREI, m.s. (10.45 p.m.), 508 tons. Holm, for Wnnganul. BREEZE, m.s. (10.45 p.m.), 622 tons, Horler, for Dunedin. THURSDAY, February 4. PARRACOSIBE, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 469S tons, for Nauru Island. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. " Coastal Traders. Tamahine, Picton, today, 6.15 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.31) a.m. I Rangatlra, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. llawera, Patoa, tomorrow. Holmglen, Waikato, tomorrow. Kapuni, l'atea, tomorrow. Wainui, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Holmlca, Gisborne, tomorrow. Kareiw, Greymouth, tomorrow. Taupata, Tarakohe, tomorrow. Talisman, Waltapu, tomorrow. Kaplti, Wanganul, tomorrow. Tc Aroha, Wanganul, tomorrow. Storm, Wanganui, 6th. Port Waikato, Auckland, 6tn. Waimarino, Lyttelton, 6th. Gale, Wangamii, 7th. Kaimiro, Wcstport, 7th. Kohl, Nelson and bays, 7th. Win'ratui, Westport, 7th. Port Wanganul, New Plymouth, ith. Waitaki, Auckland, Sth. Ucho, Blenheim, Bth. Breeze, southern ports, 9th. Awaliou, southern ports, 10th. Holmglen, southern ports, 10th. "Karu, Greymouth, 11th. Overseas Traders. Tamaroa, Southampton, today, 11 p.m. Port Fairy, Napier,. tomorrow. Jlarama. Lyttelton, tomorrow. Canadian Constructor, Timaru, tomorrow. Awatea, Sydney; Bth. Canadian Highlander. Auckland, Bth. Oronsay, Auckland, Bth. Huntingdon New Plymouth, Sth. Manju Maru, Lyttelton, flth. Napier Star. Napier, 9th. rilefjell, Balik Papan, lOtli. Romuera. Lyttelton. 12th. Sydney Star Australia, lath. Sydney Maru, Auckland, 15th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders. Malangi, Kelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Waliino, Lyttelton, today, 7.43 p.m. Wlngatul, Wcstport, today. Kaimiro, Westport, today. Storm .Wanganui,- via Pioton, today. Waipalii. Duncdln, today. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow, 2.4j p.m. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea, tomorrow. Arahura, Ncbon, tomorrow, 7.30 D.m nancatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow. i.4j p.iu. ("le Waneanui, via Picton, tomorrow. KSCn S iSS'S tomorrow. Nlkau, Tarakohe, tomorrow. Karu Greymouth, tomorrow. Holmglen, southern ports, tomorrow. 1-ort Waikato. southern ports, Oth. Waimarino, Auckland. Gtl). - Wainui, Napier. 6th Kaplti. Wanganui, 6th. tlolmloa, Napier. 6th. Waitakl, Lyttclton, Slh. j'ort Whanagrel,.southern ports, Stli. Te Aroha. Westport, Bth. Gale, southern ports, Sth. Kohi Nelson and Bays. 9th. BreeV Wanganul. via ricton. 9th. Awahou, Waikato. 10th. Uolmglen, New Plymouth, 10th. Overseas Traders. Maungauui. Sounds cruise, today, 8 p.m. Kjr^n^'Sn.'^orrow, noon. Matua. Auckland, 6th. Durham, Lyttelton, Sth. -, Tamaroa; Auckland, Bth. Canadian Constructor, Nayier, Sth. . Port Falrv. Lylteiton, 9tn. ' Sn'&^tteiton, .10,1, BERTHAGE LIST. ii m s Aolilllos— Clyde Qun.v Wharf. llolm"len—Queen's Wharf !\o. ~. Holmdale—Patent Slip. Uurunul—Aotea Quay. Inaha— King's -Wharf. ' John—Patent Slip. Kaikorai—Miramar AMiarf. Kalmai— Railway Wharf. Karu— Glasgow Wharf. Kaimiro— Railway Wharr. Kalingo—Queen's Wharf No. .1 north. Maori—Patent Slip. Matua—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Maunganul—Queen's Wharf No. 1 noulri. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Nikau—Queen's Wharf No. 10. Tort Bowen—Pipitea Wharf. Paua—Burnham Wharf. Storm—Railway Wharf. Talniil—King's Wharf. Tamaroa —Pipitea Wharr. ■ ■ . Wingatul—King's Wharf. Waipahl—Queen's Wharf Wahlne —Lyttelton Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. AWATEA, left Wellington Tuesday for Sydney ; due .Sydney tomorrow; leaves Sydney tomorrow for Wellington; due 'Wellington Mon"siARAMA, left Melbourne January 27 for Wellington ; due Lyttelton today, Wellington tomorrow; leaves Wellington Saturday, Bluff Monday, for Hobart and Melbourne; due Hobart February 12, Melbourne February 14. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ WANGANELLA, leaves Auckland tomorrow for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney February 11 tor Wellington; due Wellington February 14. (Huddart. Parker.) PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. AORANGI, leaves Sydney February IS for Vancouver; duo Auckland February 22; leaves Auckland Fobruary 23: due Suva February 26, Honolulu March 5. Vancouver Jlarch 12. (U.S.S. Co.) „, , NIAGARA, left Sydney January 21 for Vancouver: duo Honolulu tomorrow, Vancouver February 12. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING FOR ,NEW ZEALAND. CITY OF GLASGOW, was to leavo Halifax January 23 for Auckland (due February 2S). Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln. and Napier. (FCAXAD?AN CRUISER, leaves Halifax February 21 for Auckland (due March 2S), Wellington (April 3), Lytlelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) ' „, . COPTIC, leaves Antwerp rcuni-irj -•* iui Auckland (due April C). and New Plymouth. 1 GABRIELLA, loads Gratton about February 21 completes Coff's Harbour and Newcastle, for Auckland and Klorcroa. (U.S.S. Co.) HAURAKI, leaves Vancouver February 6 roi Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, DuneJln, and Australia, via Papeete. (U.S.S. Co.) KEIFUKU MABU. leaves Mime February 4 for Auckland, Wellington, Lytlelton, and Dunedin. (Wright. Slepheuson.) KARETU, loads Newcastle about February 5. completes Port Kembia and Sydney, for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttclton. (U.b.b. COICEKERAXGU, leaves Adelaide February 8 and Melbourne (February 11) for Auckland. lU ir S\?n VVGA leivc« Newcastle February i. co,nple"es Sydney February 5. for Auckland (UK^u'R?.°'loads Newcastle about February 8, completes Sydney for Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) OPAWA, leaves London February 11 '<"• DunOdin, Lyttelton, Timaru, and Nelson, via fama. <3OMANA°'loads Edlthburg February 10, Port Lincoln February 12, and Adelaide February 15, for Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. ' PORT HOBART, was to leavo Liverpool January 30 for Auckland (due March 8) .Wellington, Lyttclton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth. (Port Line.) PORT DICNISON, was to leave New \ork January 30 for Auckland (due March 1). Welliiißinn, Lyttelton, nml Dunedin. (Port Line.) I'.ANGITATA, leaves London February 4 for Wellington (due March 11) and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOUTH AFRICA, leave? San Pedro Ft-hruary 16 for Auckland (duo March 4), Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (T.O. Co.) TIIOItHILD. leaves Oeban — for Wcllinfrton (duo March 6). (U.S.S. Co.)
DOMINION BOUND. ARAWA, Jcft -London January 22 for Wellington (passengers only); due February ' 27, jj-tteilon, Fort Chalmers, and Bluff. (S.S. aud A. Co.) BUSWORTH,' Ie» JmmlDßtiam January 2 ror Auckland (duo March 6) and New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) CAMBRIDGE! left Liverpool January 11. for Auculand (due February IS). Wellington (March G). Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) FERNMOOR, left Antwerp January 24 Tor Auckland (due March IT) aud Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) FILEF.IELL, left Ballk Papan January 22 for Wellington: due February 10. (Shell Co.) HERTFORD, left Glasgow January 25 in bal last for New Zealand; due March 6. (N.Z.i,. Co) ' _ KAIWARIIA, left Ocean Island — for Auckland:- duo February 14. (U.S.S. Co.) MAIMOA left London December 30 for Australia and New Zealand (to load March). (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT GISBORNE, left London January 23 for Wellington (due February 2S). Auckland, and Napier. (Port Line.) PORT TAUEANGA, left London January 10 for New Zealand. (Watchliu Line.) RIDLEY, left Antwerp February 1 for Auckland (due March 16), Wellington, and New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) KANGITIKI, left London January T for Auckland (duo February 11) and Wellington (February 18). (N.Z.S. Co.) RAMSEY, left Antwerp December 12 for Auckland (due February 4). (N.Z.S. Co.) RARANGA. left Antwerp January 23 for Auckland (due March 10) and New Plymouth, via Cape of Good Hope. (S.S. and A. Co.) I'.OTORUA. lert London January 5 roi Wellington (due February 14) (N.Z.S. Co.)' SYDNEY MARU, left Mojl January 25 Tor Auckland (due February 12). Wellington (February 13). Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal SURREY, left New Tori January 13 fur Auckland (due February 14), Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) TRIONA, left Ocean Island January 31 for Auckland (due February 8). TAMAROA, left Southampton December 29 for Wellington (duo February 4) and Auckland, via Curacao, Kingston, and Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIPAWA, left London January 1 for Port Chalmers (due February 7), Lyttelton, and New Plymouth, via Suva. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIRANGI. left London January 13 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to load March) (S.S and A. Co.) WINTERHUDK, left Seychelles Islands Norember 26 for Auckland (due February). WESTMOOR,. left Antwerp December 24 for Auckland (due, February 11) and New Plymouth. ' (N.Z.S. Co.) 2EALANDIC. left Liverpool December 15 for Australia and New Zealand (to load February). (S.S. and A. Co> . DISCHARGING ON COAOT. CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, from Halifax; for Wellington (due Monday), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Blutf; at Auckland; leaves tomorrow (Port Line.) DURHAM, from Liverpool; for Lyttelton and Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves Monday. (Federal Co.) HUNTINGDON, from Liverpool; at New Plymouth. (Federal Co.) KAIKORAI. from Newcastle; at Wellington. (U.S.S Co.) . KALINGO, from Newcastle and Sydney; for Castlecllff; at Wellington; leaves today. (U.S.S. 1,'0.J LIMERICK, from Vancouver; for Bluff and Australia; at Dunedin; leaves today. (U.S.S Co.) NORTHUMBERLAND, from Newport News at Dunedin. (Federal Co.) : REMUERA, from London; for Timaru; at Bluff; leaves tonight. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKpUAITJ. from Newcastle and Sydney; for Timaru and Lyttelton; at Dunedin; leaves Saturday. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. BENCRUACHAN, loads Picton tomorrow, Tolaga: Bay, Lyttelton, Bluff, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers February 24 for Dunkirk, Antwerp, London, and Hull. (G. U. Scales.) CANADAX CONSTRUCTOR, at Timaru; leaves today for Wellington (due tomorrow). Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland Feb(Federal" Co.) " CORNWALL, ai Port Chalmers; leaves tonight for Lyttelton; leaves Jiyttelton February 12 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Halifax. (Federal Co.) FORDSDALE, left Port Chalmers yesterday for Bluff, Timaru, Waikokopu. Wellington (February 14-10), and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton February 9 for London, via Panama and Curacao. (S.S. and A. Co:> HUKUNUI. luads Timaru February it, Onmai-u. Lyttelton, Auckland, Tokoinaru Bay. Wellington (March 4-G), and Napier; leaves Xapier March 11 for London. Avonmouth. Liverpolo, Manchester; and Glasgow, via' Panama. (Federal Co.) HUNTINGDON, nt New Plymouth: leaves Monday for Wellington (February 9-13). Auckland Bluff, and Port Chalmers; leaves Fort Chalmers February 26 for London., Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow. ■ r!a . Panama and Curacao. (Federal Co.) . NAPIER STAR, loads Gisborne today, Napier. Wellington (February 11-13). Lyttelton, and Bluff; leaves "Bluff February 22 for London, via Panama. (Blue Star Line.) NORFOLK, at Auckland; leaves Auckland Monday for Southampton and London, via Panama and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) PORT BOWEN, at Wellington; leaves Wellington noon tomorrow for London, via Panama. Boston, and Halifax. (Port Line.) PORT NICHOLSON, loads Auckland Monday, Gisborne, Waikokopu, Port Chalmers, and Wellington (due February 26); leaves Wellington February 27 for London, via Cape Horn and St. Vincent. (Port Line.) PORT FAIRY, at Napier; leaves today for Wellington (due tomorrow), yyttelton, Timaru, aud Bluff; leaves Bluff February 23 for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas. (Port 'pORT TOWNSVILLE,' at Auckland: leaves Auckland Tuesday for London, via Cape Horn and Teneriffe. (Port Line.) MAXJU MARU, at Lyttelton; leaves Monday for Wellington (due Tuesday), Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland February 1j for Japan. (Wright. Stcphenson.) REMUERA, ioads Lyttelton Monday, Wellington February 11, leaves Wellington February IS for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) SYDNEY MARU, loads Dunedin February LO. Wellington (February 21-23), and Auckland; leaves Auckland February 27 for Japan via Cobu. Manila, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. (Fed"tAMAROA, loads Auckland Monday, Now Plymouth and Wellington (due February 21) , leaves Wellington ■ February 26 for Southampton and London, via Panama, Kingston, aud Curacao. (S.S. and A. Co.) TAINUI, nt Wellington: leaves Wellington daybreak Saturday for Southampton and .London, via Panama, and Kingston, (S.S. and A. C°WAIMANA. at Wanganui, leaves Saturday for Auckland; leaves Auckland February H for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Cape Horn, Montevideo, and Tenerifle. o'' loads Auckland Saturday, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (February 17-20), and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers' February 2G for Southampton and London, via Capo Horn and Las Palmas. (S.S. and A. Co.) ■ • SERVICES TO ISLANDS. MATUA leaves Wellington Saturday, Auckland Tuesday, for Rarotonga, Nukualofa, Apia, MAUI POMAKEJ duo *aclc Lyttelton Monday Wellington Tuesday, from Apia and Nluej leaves Wellington February 25 for Apia and 1 'tEES left Lyttelton Tuesday for Chatham Islands. (T. J. Gardiner.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are. expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless Rona, Triona. An- Sburton. Brisbane Maru^ Oroiujay, FortNlchol-SOWening?o^-Ra angatiraf Wahine, Wa- ' ' $T' P^arrSbe! Port Fairy, Rangltanc, Rangltlkl, Rotorua, TT^.-S?.ttT-LcHb. Wakakura Limerick, wall Dunedin Star, Esperance ■ Bay, Mnloja, Moldavia Mongolia. Narkunda. Meuw Zeeland, Northumberland, Orama, Orford, Orion, Ormonde. Orontes, Polzclla, Kemuera, Strathnaver, Islands.—South Sea. ARMADALE TO LOAD. Th»' Vrmidalo is to load al Wellington. N,n er Lvt te C Timaru. Bluff, and Hinedin durins: Marc* and April for New York, boston and Montreal. . RIDLEY WITH BASIC SLAG The Ridley left Antwerp 5' W c£ Auckland on March _18. RANGITANE CLEARS COLON. ... r-inultane which left Wellington on January 14 for "he United Kingdom, sailed from Colon on Tuesday. PORT NICHOLSON LEAVES PORT KEMBLA. The Port Nicholson left Port Kembla at 2.a0 i vMterday for Auckland, where she is due En Sunday to commence Homeward loading. WESTMORELAND CLEARS CURACAO. T ,,, Westmoreland, which left Port Chalmers onffiuiry 7 for the United Kingdom, sailed from Curacao.on Sunday. ROCKS AT STEWART ISLAND. The Marine Department -^*J%^ V"1 VO? C?» potion (1) 234 degrees 3 cables Island n POM'ion v y es B __ frX, from Micrometer Rock. Latitude 47 decablos from jii Lo ncltude 167 degrees 39 lilies X (a.prox-:). Details: A rock with m i .h nf Mv feet M I-W.S. and marked by kelp C'exlst°s ig each of the above positions. UPOLU ISLAND LIGHT. •Uiriners are advised regarding the South raVflc Upolu island tint. Mnlua light has been
established in a position Lat. 13deg -lomln .43 sec S long, lfldeg. OOmiu 12sec W., 352dcg 1 4 miles from Falula Point. Abridged, description: Fl. cv. 4sec, 18ft, 6M (U)'. Details: An unwatched light, flashing white every, four seconds, flash lsec. eclipse 3sec, is exhibited from a white concrete pillar In the above position. PORT BOWEN'S PASSENGERS. The following passengers are booked to leavo Wellington tomorrow for Boston, Halifax, and London by the Port Bowen: —Mrs. A. and Miss O. Murphy, Mr. R. A. L. Monger/ Mr.' O. X. I)a\McP. Miss R. Wrathall, Mr. H. Aiken, Mrs. and Miss Chamberlain, .Miss E. Rickey, and Mr. C. Wolf. Dr. D. F. I'rice will act as ship's surgeon. . ' ' , BY TELEGRAPH, .. AUCKLAND,. February 3. Arrived.—Wanganella (12.10 p.m.), from Sydney. - Sailed.—Gabriella (G p.m.), for Westport. To Sail.—Port Walkato (9 p.m.), for WelllngGISBORNE, February 3. Sailed.—Holmlea (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON, February 3. Arrived.—Tamahine (7 p.m.), from WellingtOn" ' • MOTUEKA. February 3. To Sail.—Xikau (1 a.m., February 4) tot Wellington. HOKITIKA, February 3. Sailed.—Hokitika (4 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN, February 3. Sailed.—Marama (6 p.m.),- for Lyttelton; Manju Maru (6.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Fordsdale (7 p.m.), for.Bluff. .
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 29, 4 February 1937, Page 16
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2,405SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 29, 4 February 1937, Page 16
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