TOMORROW'S MATCHES FIXTURES AND GROUNDS The fixtures and grounds for tomorrow's cricket are given below. Inquiries by telephone as to the playing or postponement of fixtures should be made by dialling the following numbers, specially provided with a new Installation for dealing with requests for Information regarding the day'a local sports fixtures:—Cricket. 43-018; tennis and athletics, 45-018; other sports 44-008 Information will also be posted on the notice board In the window of the "Evening Post" front office, but cannot be given over Telephone 44-040, which Is reserved for business calls. Inquiries should not bo made before 11 a.m. ' • Results of events for publication In the "Sports Post" should be given without delay by telephoning No. 44-040. 35GS©©©©©©©©e©5a©©©©©©©®©©©
O t) eesseseeeeeeeceeeeeseeeeeo W.C.A. MATCHES, j Senior. Midland v. Wellington College Old Boys, Basin Reserve No. 1; Messrs. Webb and i Hayden. Kllblrnle v. Hutt, Basin Beservs No. 2; Messrs. Baker and Alderslcy. University v. Institute, Kllblrnle No. 1; Messrs. Mooro and Watts. Wellington v Karorl, Karorl No. 6; Messrs. Lambert and Reynolds. Second Grade. Technical v. Wellington (5.0.), Kelburn No. 1, Messrs. Hendry and Rowe; University v. Old Boys, Kelburn No. 2, Messrs. Stewart and Smith; Kllblrnle v.. Hutt, Hutt, Messrs. Jenness and Taylor; Fetone v. Wellington, Petone; Karorl v. Johnsonvllle, Johnsonvllle; Midland v. Institute, Kilbirnie No. 6, ■ Messrs. Laurenson and Watson. Junior A. Midland v. Institute, Anderson No. 1, Messrs. Burns and Eton; Petone v. Onslow, Petone; Kilbirnie v. Midland (3.W.), Kllblrnle No. 2, Messrs. Hamilton and C. Wilson; Karorl v. Wellington, Wakefleld No. 4, Messrs. Mclvor and- Mav; Brooklyn v. Porlrua, Porlrua; Hutt v. Kilbirnie (Junior B2), Hutt; Mr. Toomath. Junior 81. Old Boys v. Karori, Karorl No. 7, Messrs. Jensen and Eagle; Midland v. Y.M.C.A., Wakefield No. 1; Institute v. Railways, Anderson No. 2; Petone v. University, Petone. Junior 82. Hutt B v. Wellington A, Hutt; Midland v. Petone East, Wilford School; Kllblrnle v. Hutt (Junior A), Hutt; Wellington B v. Hutt A, [Hutt. Junior C. Kilbirnie v. Institute, Lyall Bay No. 4; Kalwarra v. Wellington, Wakefleld No. 2; University v. Onslow, Nairnville No. 1; Old Boys v. Brooklyn, Kelburn No. 4; Technical v. Karorl, Karorl No. 8. Junior D. Midland B v. Old Boys, Wakefleld No. 3; Karori v. Technical, Karorl No. 9: Midland A v. Kilbirnie. Kilbirnie No. 3; Institute, a bye. Junior E. Karorl v. Institute A, Karori No. 10; Kaiwarra v. Kilbirnie, Kilbirnie No. 4; Johnsonvllle v. Institute B. Johnsonvllle; Railways v. Technical, Lyall Bay No 5. Third Grade. Hutt v. Petone, Petone; Onslow A v. Railways, Nairnville No. 2; Onslow B v. Kaiwarra, Nairnville No. 3; Kilbirnie v. University, Kilbirnie No. 8; Karorl v. Y.M.C.A., Anderson No. MERCANTILE LEAGUE. A Grade. Customs Agents v. Prestige Hosiery, Athletic Park No. 1, Mr. R. Brooks; Taxes Department v. Amalgamated Bricks, Newtown No. 7, Messrs. W. Fergerson and C. V. Reeve; •Sargoods v. Jasco, Wakefleld Park No. 7, Messrs. I). Preston and B. Riggs; Taubmans v. Woolworths, Kelburn No. 3, Messrs. F, W. Mitchell and P. Morgantl; Working Men's Club v. Roseneath, Athletic Park No. 2, Messrs. \\. J. Perkins and J. May. B Grade. lierhampore v. Telephone Exchange. Lyall Bay No. 1, Mr. W. J. Blllington; Celtic v. Smith and Smiths. Wakefleld Park No. 6. Mr. J. Cunninghame; Gasco v. Pastimes, Anderson Park No. 2, Mr. H. Hassell; Grey Cabs v. Nlven-Clarke, Kilbirnie No. 5, Mr, C. F. Jones; Hannahs v. Justice Department,-Karori No. 2, Mr. A. C. Dalton. C Grade. Audit Department v. Ulm, Anderson Park No. 5, Mr. P. Key: Bonds Hosiery v. Tramways, Nairnville No. 4. Mr. O. E. Dormer; Empire Box v. Shipping, Karorl No. 3, Sir. H. Wlffln; Harbour Board v. Odllns, Karorl No. 4, Mr. R. J. Paton; Labour-Tourist v. Milk Department. Newtown . No. 1, Mr. F. V. Sanderson. O Grade. Atlantic Union v. State Advances, Newtown No. 2, Mr. A. Miller; A.O.T.N. v. Seatoun. Wakefleld Park No. 9. Mr. J. McLeod; Bins Harris v. Ross and Glendinlng, Karori No. 5, Mr. G. Flint; Central v. Pensions Department, Karorl No. 1. Mr. J. A. Williams; Ferguson and Osborn v. N.Z. Slippers, Kllbirniß No. 7. Mr. R. J. CarswelL E Grade. Customs Department v. Wright Stephensons, Lyall Bay No. 3, Mr. A. J. Hastings; Excelsior v. Taxes Department, Lyall Bay No. 2, Mr. H. Yeoman; General Motors v. Star Stores, Newtown No. 3, Messrs. E. Napier and ft, Emmlns; Insurance Offlcers v. Rovors, Athletic Park No. 3, Mr. D. Calcinal; Labour Bureau v. Printing Department, Wakefleld Park No. 5, Mr. G. Harris. F Grade. Aulsebrook-Tul v. Insurance Offlcers, Newtown No. 5. Mr. E. W. Smelt; Berhamporo v Wellington Woollen Co.. Kllblrnle No. 9. Mr. 5, Smith; J. K. McKenzles v. Self Help, Athletic Park No. 4, Mr. W. Carlyle; Lands and Survey v. National Bank, Newtown No. 4, Mr. L. Williams. (3 Grade. Bureli and Co. v. Moore' Wilson, Anderson Park' No. 6, Mr. S. T. Meyers; Gordon and Gotch v. Shipping, Wakefleld Park No. 8, Mr. S. J. Keene; Telephone Exchange v. Duthles, Newtown No. 6# Mr* F. Ryan;. Gasco, a bye. UPPER HUTT ASSOCIATION. Army v. Colts, No. 1 wicket, 2 p.m.; Trentham v. Upper Hut, No. 2 wicket, 2 p.m.; Ordnance v. Wesley, No. 3 wicket, 2 p.m.; R.S.A., a bve. . BOYS' ASSOCIATION. Senior, 2 p.m.—lnstitute A v. Stop Out A, Prince of' Wales Park No. 1; Institute B v. Stop Out B. Prince of Wales Park No. 2. Third Grade, 9 a.m.—lnstitute v. Stop Out A, Kllblrnle' No. 1: Institute Miramar v. Stop Out B, Kilbirnie. , Fourth Grade, 9 a.m.—lnstitute A v. Institute Miramar C. Newtown No. 1; Institute Miramar A v. Institute Miramar B, Newtown No. 2; Institute'B v. St. Mark's. Newtown No. S; Institute C v. Y.M.C'.A.. Newtown No. 4.' HUTT VALLEY ASSOCIATION." A Grade.—Trafalgar Park v., Todd Motors, Hutt Recreation Ground No. 6, Mr. Toomath; Empire v. Eastbourne, North Park No. 2, Mr. Dougan; Meadows v. General Motors,. North Park No. 1, Mr. J. E. Boult; Gear United v. Gracefleld, Hutt Recreation Ground No. o, Mr. VVlnnle; Bell Park v. Taita, Bell Park, Mr. b' 1 Grade. —Metters United v. General Motors, Hutt Park No. 1, Mr. S. Letlca; Epuni V. Woollen Mills, North Park N0.3, Mr. Gibson; Central v. Munt, Cottrell, and Nellsen, Naenae Reserve No. 2,' Mr. Nellsen; Hibernian v. Watwhetu, Trafalgar Park No. 2, Mr. Malm, G?ado.-?M.C.A yC v. Trafalgar Park Nae-' nae Reserve No. 1, Mr. Wilson; Gracefleld v. Taita, McEwan Park No. 2, Mr. Morgan Gen eral Motors v. Gear United,-Randwlek School, , "\Tr Francis iun. M.U. Oddfellows v. Todd | Motors, McEwan Park No. 1, Mr. Fn"j c l?| j D Grade.— Trafalgar Park v. Metters United, | Trafalgar Park No. J ; Hibernians v. Central, McEwan Park No. 3; Eastbourne v. .Motors, Eastbourne; Munt, Cotterell, and Nell sen v. Tatta, Naenae Koserve No. 3, Mr. Keiler ' WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Senior.- -College O.G v. Nairn hota!' Technlcai%.G. v lU^ r^nd S a" Street No. 1, Messrs. J. H. Poulter and A. Tldmanj Training College, a bye. Intermedlate. —Trinity v. £ y 'j Bay No 2, Messrs. F. Sampson and F. J. Hatcher; Wesley v. Kllblrnle, Tanera Crescent, Voolwonhs. Emerson Street No 1 Messrs. T. Miller and G. Gerrle; Tower Hutt v Y.W.C.A., Rolleston Street No. 2.° R Y Cooke and E Graham : Kl - birnie v. College 0.G.. ® ay M^N j lly Messrs W. R. Looner and F. G. Mcwaiiy. Hannahs v. Technical O.G Emerson Street No. 2, Messrs. J. Creagb and C. Ben. jeca nlcal (day), a bye.
W.C.A. TEAMS. Onslow. Junior A: Bull, Thomas. Lenlhan, Munro, Centry (2). Griffiths, Bradsbaw, Kelly, Perkln, Burton. Junior 'ev Frazer, Slmmonds, McGowan, "etUjT. Ydams, P. Kelly. Eades, Oxley, Thlrd Richards, Chapman, Taylor, Hooper, Browne Youngs. Fitzpatrlck, McKay, Munro, McHugh Meek. Third B: Qulnn, Fo3 ®' Ralph, pbilp. Hayes, Brown. Bruce, Mantann, Mantann, Bunce. „ *r wihv institute Old Boys.—Senior. .M. . l>noy» Burke, Crook, Henderson, Uw, Montgomery, Marsh, O'Kecfe. K. McLean, A. McLean, |e tt. Second grade: Thawley, Arnott, J. Bllby, C. Bartlett, L. Bartlett, Euckam. Curam nGS, nurcomb. Lang, McKeowen. Junior A. Owen, Bowen, Bradshaw, Brown. Douglas, Jleek, McCarthy Nausbaum, W. Scott, Stevens .A en - more Junior B; Bull, Cotter, Ferguson. Glni, Sin .Nixon. PerstonMason Je<Ts, Andrew. Tavlor Junior C; Calvert, Abbott, lleveridge, Collenge, Lewis. Levy, Roger£ Smith. Wickendon. Jun or E <A> • I)ovey, Hart, Hawkins, Finale, Maher, O Shea. Plowman, Traill (2), Webb Dick, Armstrong. Bowen. Burns Blandford Cunningham, Hill, Hendry, Henderson, Mont gomery, Stevenson. ! jKH&irnie.—Seniors Asnenden
Bain, Christophersen, Lubransky, Parsloe, Rice, Turnbull, Ward, Wilson. Second grade: Coleman, Eaton, Hanscomb, Heath, Lawton, McGrath, Parkin, Kooke, Ward, Wilson, Wrlgley. Junior A: Allen, Askew, Davison, Dumbleton, Drake, Flanagin, Fraln, Haswell, Haylock, Plowman, D. Thomas. Junior E2: Bramley, Blamlres, Jamleson, Hearfleld, Lewer, Restieaux, Itoss, Stevens, Taylor, Virtue. Junior C: A'Court, Boesley, Bryenton, Bolland, Hobman, Mackein, McG'lymont, Held, Sollitt, Ward, Weller. Junior D: Alexander, Burd, Blackmore, Cocks, Hunt, King, Lamberg, Newton, Teague, Whelan. Junior E: Cox, Hudson, Morris, Macarthur, Fhllpott, Eoss, Russ, Smith, R. Thomas, Tucker (2). Third: A'Court, Cross, Dunn, Kemp, Goldstein, Loughnan, Robinson, Smit.hson. Stott. Tibbetts. Stephens. Petone.—Second Erade: Martin (2), Croft (2) Judd, Smith, Hudson, Holland, Johns, Adams, Waddington. Junior A: Palnton (3), Posselt, Barber, H. Hudson, Love, Booth, Parker, Tovey, Williams. Junior B: Craig, Macfarlane, Mudge (2), Mullaney, Andorson, Edney, Coleman, Feasey, Nankivell, Brough. Price. Third: Love, Buddie, Sehofer, Devine, Taplin, Hartley, Edwin, Perrett, Mather, Hitchcock, Falrbalrn, Kent. Midland—Senior: Bezzant, Buddie, Crawford, Dustln, Gates, Hepburn. McCawe, O'Neill, Osborn, Randall, Tlndill. Second: Armstrong, Bentley, F. Bock, Bryant, Cantlay. Dalton, Fay, Jack, Lust, Murdoch, Watson. Junior A: Davenport, Grace, Graham,' Gray, McCarthy, Moloney, Morgan, Raven. Rich, Watts, Webb. Junior A (South Wellington) : Barclay, Baxter, Bolt, Cakebread, - Clark. Fulton, Gell, Hester, Karsten. Kennedy, Matthews. Junior B1: Darragh, Daly, Harnett, Humphreys, K. Laurence, N Laurence, Madden, Meyer, Moseley, Russell, Ward. Junior B2: Aspen, W. Bock, Cooper, Griffin, James, C. Johnson, Mason, Moore, Ongley, Reyling, Smith. Junior D (A). Binning, Brown, Burns, de Mutti. Dexter, Hu'chings, P. Johnson, Snook, Trendle, Turner, Windsor; twelfth man, Scott. m Johnsonville.—Second grade: Crawford, M. Kenny, A. Kenny, Mildenhall, Ha»iday, Mastenton, Lange, Selwood, Turner, Mason Sinclair, Hardy, Gcorgeson. Junior E. Partes, Grant, Richardson, Turner, Knott, Cutcme, Hicks, Golding. J. Moone, D. Moore. Parsloe, Ha K»lwarra—Junior E: Wlltiams, Harris, Weaver, Taylor, Wellum, Woodward, Betteridge, Evftns, Scorrlnge, Aldridge, Holmes University.—Senior: Blandford, De ai J* Eag lev Harding, Harpur, McMillan, Paetz, Steve'ns, Trlehlebank, Wilson, P., riearv Fortune, Johnston* Klrkham, Knowsley, Mcßae, Rees-Jones, Sharrock, Stephenson, Wild, Junior B: Be r endsen, Doolan. Evans, J., Halpin, Hoffmeister, Howell, Kane, Sandle (2) Walker (2). Junior C: Blacker, Campbell, ConneU, Desborough, Porteous, Ra ne, Richards, Roberts, Simm, Wilson U). Third. Bray (2). Evans (2), Greaney, Harrison. Johnstone, Murphy, Saxton, Watt, Wells. Wellington.—Senior: Biundell. fcll, Foley, Kuhn, Mallard, Mason', " e6ch '^". EaD ' Co ™ ns' Thomas, Whyte. Second fade. Covisms, Wlren, Hain, Arndt, Tuckwell, Godfrey.Kose. Wilson. Monteath, Carey, Reynolds. Secoml grade (Stop Out): Moore (3), Sandholm, Boyton, Austin, Chaplin, Jertries, McDonald, Sullivan, Bale. Junior A: McPhee, McUurg, W. McKenzie, Deedman, Dawson. Smith, Biundell, 'Frazer, O'Connor, Perry, Ward, Jeppsou, Junior C: Windust, Olney, Fitzgerald, Quin, Carr, Nlcholls, Trelaveu, Geddes, Columb, Turnbull, Corby. Junior B2: Airey, Charlton, Clouston, Luckie, Macdonald, McAneny, Roach, Boss,. Sims, Standish, Watt. Karori.—Senior: Hollings, Browne (-), Cutta, Cooper, King, Rowe. McDonald, McGavin, Standldgo. Macdonald. Second: Prlnglc, Edwards (2), Hay, Beck, Seareil, Mack, Hurdley, Bolton, Coupland, Briggs. Junior A. Nimrao, Sutton, Cudby, VV'arren, Mack, Beverldge, Coupland, Cuthbertson, Plcot, Judd, Armltage. Junior B: Monk. Gaskin, Harrington, Adams (i.). Kells. Harpham, Tanner, McPartland. Kelgh, C. Cooper. Junior C: Russell, Keenan, Clarke, Lewer, Stead, Hlldreth, ' Stevans, Chadwick, Crowther, Cook, Hopkins, Congdon. Junior D: Nimmo, Fhypers (2). Macdonald, Munro, Thorpe, McKenzie, Wright. Searell. Dickey, Barker, Gribblo. Junior E : Gaskin (2). Monk, Beasley, Gray Cook, Nleison, Sievers, Kells, HUng, Burnette, Barnett, "Bremner, Jensen. Railways.—Junior B: Glfford, Knapp, 8.. Knapp, A., DWan, Wolley, Robson, A. Robson, J:, Hills, Buckmaster, Gray, Bryan. Junior E: Brown, Donald, Withers. Burns, Hewitt, Leineweber, Knapp. M., King, Walton, Kallaher, Fisher. Third: Froggatt, Weston, Bain, Robinson, Turnbull, Venimore, Squires, Fagg. Dwyer, Angland, Thorne.
Stop Out.—Senior Boys A: .W. Green, J. McCann, R Morgan, L. Jamleson, A. and R. Wynn, J. Cairncross, I. Hay, A. -Edwards, n. Ebert, A. Mlsscoll, R. Burns, D. Ross, S. Watson. B team: M Burnard, D. Davies, R. Jones, K. Godkin, K. Walls, W. Simmons. M. Chin, H. Kitto, E. Brigden, A. Christie, H. Greatbach, D. and E. Wright, R. Smith, A. Muir.
Wellington College Old Boys.—Senior: Boyes, Browne, Burnette, du Chateau, Duncan, Griffiths, Lamason (2), Rainbird, Wareham, Whyte. Second: It. Bush, M. Dentice, Dshrberg, (jtiirke, Reynolds, Ronaldson, Rough, Souness, Thompson, Wlckstead, K. Young. Junior B1: Bradley, Clmlno, Cording, Dentice, Earl, Male, Moiiey, Prince, Reynolds, Steel, M. Young. Junior C: As selected. Junior D: Bull, Colley (2), Cowlcs, Carter, Earl, Bardsley, Kelly, Mushet, Mitchell, Talt. HUTT VALLEY ASSOCIATION TEAMS. Taita—A grade: ; Searle (2), Wright, Alsop, McLeod. Meyrlck, Cooper,. Swain, Moore, Pud[ney, Spencer, Culliraore (twelfth man). C grade: Kllmlster. Westbury, Hollis, Oliver, Natusch. Cottle, McXabb, Ward, Blake, Woolley, Ptlcher, Ferretti (twelfth man).. D grade: Hudson, Alisop. Clent, Balls, Little. Hansen, Gorrle, Kemp, Pemberton, McArthur, Semi, Boothe (twelfth man). , : Gracefleld.—A team: A. Irvine. N. Berry, R. Tlilmbleby. F. Law. J Sharpe, F. Vincent, E. Barry, W. Henshaw. R Douglas. M. Maiden, G. Webster, A. Wallis, D Gosper. B team: Dean, Ferguson, VVakeham, K. Painton, A. Miller, i J. Irvine, McGlinn, Bayliss, Sansom, Taylor,, Laidlaw. Foster, Haines. Toomath. Empire.—F. J. May, A. T. Wood, SI. F. Nicholls. H. E. Nicholls, J. B. Wilson, T. Sherlock, A. Bryant. M. Phllp,- P. Dougan, A. G. White, B. K. Mitchell, L. Harvey. Meadows. —R. Dunn, B. Jones. H. N. Jones, G. Johnson, D. Byrne, H. Webster, A. Orten, R. Greer, D. Leggatt, R. Brown, B. Falrbrother, R. Armstrong (twelfth man). Epuni.—M. Futter. B. Futter, T. Walker, A. Rltson, M. Smith, J. Bale. G. -Bertram; J. Beagle, H. Withers, F. /Hayes, G. Harrison, A. Futter (twelfth man). . Eastbourne.—A grade: E. Roberts, J. Bradburn, E. Foley. K. Robertson, N. Foley, P. Hay, H. Gerard, J Palno. M. Gerard, F. Berry, E. Marriott. D grade: N. Lowe, _L. Spence, M. Fahey, A. Hetherlngton. B. Glrdlestone, W. Andrews. J. Barr-Macpherson, .B._ Lawton, M. Hill. B. Phillips, A. Smith (twelfth man). Hibernian.—B grade: Laracy (2), M. Coma"' Crook, France, M. Gilllgan. Anderson, Burke, Kelly, Davidson, Summers. D pade: A. G - gan, Dennis, McKone, Wells, McGurk, 0 Sullivan, Hepburn, O'Flahcrty, Prendergast, Hill, Booth, Foley (twelfth man). .. .. Trafalgar Park.—A team: Lapworth, Elliott, Matthews, Clunle, Tyrrall, Lowe, McLaggen ; Jonea, Huxtable, Claridge, Hicks. C team. Morice, Posselt, O'Meara, Feeney (3), Han sen, Anderson, McKlllop, Cohen, Gardner, Wlgham, Robinson. D team . Burt (2), Lowe, Jones, Claridge, Cockhead, GriiTen, Drylle, Staples, Trevltblck, Douglas. Hntt—Senior grade J C&pstlck, Cbapness, Cheevers, Fowler, Gwilllam, Kemp. McCarthy, McLeod, Ross,. Stehr, Wright.Second gradeu Brosnahan, Halllgan, Kyle, ■ Lawton, C. Mulr. L. Muir, Peglar, Rudman, Slssons, Trask.Wall. Junior A: Church. GwllUaro, Halstead. Jarvls, Lambert, Longton, E. Mulr, Or. Warnes, C. Williams. Junior B2 B. Balllnger, W Faher Foster, R. Mulr, Neale,' Richards, Sullivan T. Wall! White, R. Williams, Rees. Junior B2 A: Aldersley, Gower, Hardy, Heap, Hunt, Jenness, Judd (2), Roberts (2). ■ Third erade. Barbie, Everett, Faber, wider, Guthrie, Jones. Smith, Walsh, Whiteman, Hamilton, Hunt. Rae. Line 3.
' MERCANTILE LEAGUE TEAMS. Burch C. Adams, J. Condon, M. Connelly, R. Devlin, J. Keegan, L. Kraft, 1. Newson, A. Nlcliolls, G. Warwick. G. Williamson, L. Williamson, E. Thirwell (twelfth man). Central.—S. Martin, Lucas, Bowman, H. Mar tin, Johnson, Massey, Bowman, J un ;- B " °?' Barnett, Danby, Murdoch, Lloyd (twelfth man). Smith and Smith.—Dobbs, Bennett, Farrell, I Synott, Roberts, Brooks, Waller, Henderson, Hart, Buscoe, Hassell T General Motors.—A. Pridmore, M. P per, J. Simpson, N. Inness, K. Kelly, K. Eyton C. Simmonds. H. Hutchings, T. Hodges. J. \erity, L. Masters, B. Hanify, A. Wilcox, W. Hedges. Roseneath.— Young, V Davies, Broush. Gregory, A, Martin, Jupp, Collins, Darrocli, Melville, Christie, K. Davies (twelfth man G. r P Worklnj Men's Club.—Andrews, Casey, Ericsson Essen, Foley, Hennessy, Lawton, Matson, McDermott, Randall, Wareham; emergencies. Davies, Rigby, Alabaster. Gas Co. —Hurne, Wlddison, Church, Cameron, Meade, Barr, Harris, Lawsob, Cook, Kraft, Beid, McGregor, W. Smith, Giavin, Muiholland. Seatoun.—Smith, Birch, Sim, Day (3), Kelly, Kelr, Berry. Makinson, Walker, Harkness. Jasco. —Donovan, KUby, Watts, Clarke, Ersklnc, Smitlison, Brooks, Gini, Lawton, Noat, Stiver, O'Sullivan, Kirschberg. Upper Hutt Association Teams. Colts: Irvine, Auckram, N. F. McGhie, Dunn, Tucker, Cooper, Wilson, V. L. McGhie, Hazelwood, Lloyd, Whiteman. WOMEN'S TEAMS. College Old Girls. —Senior: I. Pickering. M. Rofe, J. Watson. D. Hatcher, H. McLellan, I. Foley, B. Itogerson, C. Baker, M. Moore, B. Picken, J. Hatcher. J. Stenberg. Junior:. E. Nielsen, I. Prince, D. Hill, B. Eames, L. Thomas,. K. Bourke, M. Kelly, R. Book. K. Jamleson. J. Rice, K. Baker. B. Charles. Technical College ■ Old Girls. —Senior: H. Buck, B. Holmes, Jean Mack, L. fiarrla. T. Monk,' E. Calcinai, A. Ell. N. Sheridan, P. Douglas, P. Samnson. J. Marshall. Junior: V. Bellamore, 0. Woodger. L. Buck, M. Duncan, M. Crlchton. M. Klrk'and,. J. Silk. E. Guthrie. W. Warr, B Hoare, M. Bramley, M. Bradsbaw. Kilblrnle.—lntermediate: H Ashenden, M. Bennett, B. Browell, J. Capper, M. Dumbletqn, D Grainger. J. Hudson. M. Lomai, J. Saunders. L Scott, M. Wilson. Junior: J. Alloway, E. Blatherwlck, M. Brbad P. Hlegins, E. Jorgensen, B. Leight. N. McDowell, J. . Nolan, J. Schofleid, G. Stevens. 1., Thomas. Wellington.—D. Simons. J. Mack, M. Smith, M. Kiiby, B. Wills, C. Clarke, C. Keating. E. Reynolds. M. Allen. B. Godfrey, K. Fitzgerald, C. Cullen. .
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 12, 15 January 1937, Page 3
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2,880CRICKET Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 12, 15 January 1937, Page 3
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