HIGH WATER. Today—3.3o a.m.; 4.4 p.m. Tomorrow—4.3o a.m.;' 5.5 P.M. (Standard' Time.) ARRIVALS. ■ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26. WAITAKI, s.s. (2 p.m.), 2212 tons, Lone, from Auckland. ItAXGATIKA, ' t.e.s. (5.45 p.m.),, 61.02 tons, Irwin, from Picton. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27. CHIFUKU MAItU, s.s. (12.1S a.m.),-5857 tons, Sugimoto, from Auckland. MATANUI, s.s. '(5.50 a.m.). 1340 tons, Wildman.' from Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (6.5S p.m.). 4436 tons, Kane, from Lyttelton. TAMAHINE, s.s. . (9.25 p.m.), 1989 tons, Ritchie, from Picton. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2S. TALISMAN, aux. scow (3.55 a.m.), 99 tons, Henry, from Nelson. RAXUATIBA, t.e.s. (7 a.m.), 6152 tons, lrvrin, from Lyttelton. ■ AWATEA, s.s. (U. 30 a.m.), 13,452 tons, Dave;, from Sydney. * ARAHUKA. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 1607 lons, Hay, from Nelson. ....'.' ' DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26. JOHN KNUDSEN, m. tanker (7.13 p.m.), 9071 tons, Fjertoft, for Lyttelton. RANGATtRA, t.e.s. (7.55 p.m.), 6152 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27. TAMAHINE, s.s. (2 a.m.), 1989 tons, Ritchie, for I'icton. ORFORD, s.s. (5.5S a.m.), 20,043 tons, Sarson, for Sydney. INAHA, m.s. (2.5 p.m.), Ssl tons, Gibson, for Eatea. . • , WAHINE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 ' tons, Kane, for Lyttelton. ' ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 28. MATANGI, s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 1366 tons. Wildman, for Nelson. NORA NIVEN. s. trawler (8.30 a.m.), 166 tons, Sutherland, for Cook Strait. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. , . Coastal Traders'. Matangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow; 6.15 p.m. Wahlne, Picton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. • Foxton, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Breeze, southern ports, tomorrow. Holmdale, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Inaha, Patca, tomorrow. . , Kakoa, Motueka, tomorrow. fort Whangarel. southern ports. r>Qtk. ' Nikau, Marlborougti Sounds, 30th. Poolta, Greymoutl), SOtli. Echo, Blenheim, 30th. . Hawera, Patea, 30th. Kapunl, Patea, 30th. Kapitl, Wanganui, 30th. Breeze, Wanganut, 31st. ■ ' ' Walpiata, Bluff, Ist. Waimarino, Auckland, Ist,. dale,. southern ports, Ist, ■ Overseas Traders. Kaliugo, Sydney, today. Ksperance Bay, Auckland, 30lh. Doric Star, Napier, 30th. Mallia, Auckland, 31st. I'ort Adelaide, Wanganut, 31st. City of Manchestor, Auckland, 2nd. "Tainui, Southampton, 4th. Huntingdon, : Auckland, 4th. Canadian . Constructor, Auckland, Bth. ' PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' CoastaJ Traders. Tamahine, Plcton," today, 2.45 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, today,, 7.3.0 p.m. Kuogulira, Lyttellon,. today, 7.45 p.m. Taupata, Jlarlborough Sounds, today. Holmlea, Napier, today. Echo, Blenheim, today. Talisman, Nelson' and bays, today. Hawera, Patea, today. Holmglen, southern ports, tday. Huauul, Westport, today. ■ Kapunl, Patea, today. , • Kapiti, Wanganui, today. Waitaki, LytteUon, today. ■ • Matangi, Nelson; tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Wahlne,. Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45. p.m. Wingatul, southern ports, today. luaha, Patea, tomorrow. Breeze, Wanganui, via Picton, tomorrow. Kolii, Nelson and.bays, tomorrow. ■ Ivalinso, New Plymouth, tomorrow.. Foxton, Lyttelton, tomorrow. ' Port Whangarei, Wangauui,' 30ih. Karligi, Napier, 30th.' . . . . . Kaltoa, Westport,. iJOth.. . ■ NJltnu, Motueka, 30th. ' : Breeze, southern ports.' 31st. Walmarlno..- Dunedlu, 2nd. . . f,ale, Wanganui, \vla Picton, 2nd. Waipata, Auckland, '2nd. Overseas Traders. Melbourne Marti, Lyttelton, today. | Awatea, Sydney, today. ...... .Marama, Bluff, today. 1 Benreoch. Lyttelton, tomorrow. Chlfuku Maru, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Hororata, London, 30th, daybreak. . Esperance Bay, Sydney, 31st, 4 p.m. Mahla, LytteUon. 31st. BERTHAGE LIST. •• Awatea—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Arahura—queen's Wharf No. Vl.' Australlnd —Glasgow Wharf. Benreoch—Glasgow Wharf. Chifuku Maru—King's Wharf. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Futurist —Queen's Wharf No. 7. ' . j Hawera—King's Wharf. j Holmlea—Glasgow Wharf. Holmglen—King's Wharf. Huanul—Queen's Wharf No. 7. ! Hurunui—Pipltea Wharf. ■ : I Hororata—King's Whavf. . . ■ ] John—Patent Slip. j Karu—Miramar Wharf.Kaiml'ro—.Railway Wharf. ' • liairanga—Miramar Wharf. Kaikorai—Fry'att Quay. Kalingo—Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. Kartigi—Railway Wharf.' . . Kapiti—Pipitea: Wbarf. Kobi—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Kapunl—Glasgow Wharf. Marama —Taranaki' Street Wharf. Matai—Lyttelton Wharf. Makura—Patent Slip. Maori, Patent Slip. Melbourne Maru —Fryatt Quay. ■ Nora Nlven—Queen's Wharf No. 9. , Paua—Burnham Wharf. Rangatira—Lyttelton: Wharf. ' ' South Sea —Clyde Quay Wharf. . Tamahine—rQueen's Wharf No. 4.. Talisman—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Taupata—Queen's Wharf No. 10. Waitaki—Queen's Wharf No. 2. H.M.S. Wakaiura —Queen's Wharf No. S. ■Wingatul—Qu ten's Wharf No. 16.. . Waipalii—Queen's Wharf No. 11. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. AORANGI, leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney; due Honolulu January 6. Suva January 13, Auckland January 18 ; leaves Auckland January 19; due Sydney. January 23..(U.5.5. Co.) NIAGARA, leaves Sydney January 21 for Vancouver; due Auckland January 25; leaves Auckland January 26; due Suva January 2fl, Honolulu February 5, Vancouver February 12. (U.5.5.,C0.) ..-...■ INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. AWATEA, leaves Wellington today, for sSydnew; due Sydney Thursday; leaves Sydney Friday'for Wellington; due Wellington January 4. (U.S.S. Co.) WANGANELLA, left Melbourne December 28, Sydney Thursday, for Auckland; duo Auckland today; leaves Auckland January 4 for Sydney and Melbourne; flue Sydney January S, Melbourne January 11. (Huddart, Parker.) ' MARAMA, leaves Wellington today. Bluff Wednesday, • for Melbourne; duo Molbourne Sunday; leaves Melbourne January 6 for Wellington ; dno Bluff January 30, Dunodln January 32, Lyttolton January 14, Wellington January 1,1. (U.S.S. Co.) MAIINOANUI, leaves Auckland December 28 for Sydney: duo Sydney January 1. • (U.S.S. Co,) . LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. AUAWA. leaves London January 21 for Lyttolton (duo February 28), Port Chalmers, and Binir. (S.S, and'A. Co.) JBOSWOItTH, loaves Immingharo January 1 for Auckland and Now Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) BRISBANE MARU. was to leave Moji December 27 for Auckland," Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdln. (Federal Co.) CITY OF GLASGOW, leaves Halifax January 21 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunodln, and Kapler! (Federal Co.) CAMBRIDGE, leaves Liverpool January 9 for Auckland (due February IS), Wellington (February 25), Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. (Federal "Co.) .■ ■■ CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, was to leave Halifax December 21 for Auckland (due February 3), Wellington' (February 8). Lyttelton, Dunedln. and Bluff. (Port Line.) GABIUELLA, loads Grafton early January, completes Colt's Harbour and Newcastle for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.). . ' KEIITUKII MARU, leaves Miike January. 22 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncilin. (Wright. Stephenson.) MANJU MARU", was to leave Yokohama December 19 ,for . Auckland •• (due January 21), Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duuediu, (Wright, Stephenson.) OILRELIANCE, was to leave Black Sea October — for New Zealand. ItANGITIKI. , leaves London January 7 for Auckland (due February 11) find Wellington (February 18), via Kingston. (N.Z.S. Co.) THORHILD. leaves San Pedro January — for Wellington (duo January 20). (U.S.S. Co.) ' • • ' . TAMAROA, leaves London December 27 for Wellington (due . February 3) and Auckland. (S.S. and A. Co.) WESTMOOR. was to leave Antwerp December 23 for Auckland and New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ • ■ , . ■ DOMINION, BOUND. CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, left Montreal November 29 for Auckland (due January 7), Wellington (January 14), Lyttelton, and Dunedln. (Federal Co.) CHINA EXPORTER, left Japan December — for Auckland (due January S) and New Plymouth. (Wright, Stephenson.) DURHAM, left Liverpool December 20 for Auckland (due January 28),. Wellington (February 3). Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) FORDSDALE, left Liverpool December '2 for I Auckland (due January .7), Wellington (January 15-19), LytteUon, nod Port Chalmers. I (S.S. and A, Co.) : [
KARETI/,. left Samarang December 18 for Auckland (due January 4), Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlniaru, Dunedin. and Bluff. (U.S.S, Co.) KAURI, left Melbourne December £4 for I New Plymouth, Auckland, Wellington,- Lyttelton, and Timaru. (U.S.S. Co.) LIMERICK, left Vancouver -December 10 for Auckland (due January 7)/Wellington (January 11), New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Duuedin, Bluff, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.)NAPIER STAR, left London December 13 tor Auckland (due January 19) and Wellington (January 26) (N.Z.sTCo.) NORTHUMBERLAND/ left Newport News December 21 for Auckland (due January 20), Kawke's Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) NARBAUA, left Calcutta November 20 ror Auckland (due December 28)., Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru. Dunedin,'and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT TOWNSVILLB, left Loudun November 20 for Lyttelton (duo January 3). Dunedin. Bluff, mid Nelson, via Suva (Port i.ine.l RAMSEY left Antwerp December 12 for Auckland (due February 1). (N.Z.S. Co.) ' UEMUERA, feft London December 10 -for Wellington (passengers only, due January 17), Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff, and Timaru. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOUTH AFRICA, leSt San Pedro —; for Dunedin (due December SI), Lyttelton. Wellington, and Auckland, via Australia. IT.O Co.) ■ • ■• SIR KARL .KNUDSEN, left Singapore December 16 for Auckland,(due January 3). (Shell Co-» TARANAKI. "left Liverpool November 15 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to load); due January. (S.S and A. Co.) TAINUI, left Southampton November 27 tor Wellington (due January 4). (S.S. and A. Co.C ' ..' - • ' TROJAN :STAR, left Liverpool November 7 for South Africa, thence' in ballast to New Zealand (January 4). (Blue Star Lint.) VARANGAII, left Oeban December 22 for Wellington (due January 13). (U.S.S. Co.) WAIMANA, left London November 28 for Wellington (duo • January 7) ■ and Auckland. (S.S. and A. Co.) ■ WINTERHUDE, i.ft Seychelles . Islands Notember 26 for Auckland (due end Janfaryl . ZEALANDIC, left LiTerpool December 15 for Australia and New Zealand (to load February). (S.S. arid A. Co.) ' DISCHARGING ON COAST. BENREOCH, at 'Wellington; leaves tomorrow for Lyttelton, Timaru, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers January 6 for' Dunkirk, Antwerp, London, and Hull. (G. H. Scales.) CHIFUKU MARU. from Miike," for Lyttelton and Dunedin; at Wellington. (Wright, Stehhenson.) . . i CITY OP MANCHESTER, from 'New Ywk, for Wellington (due January 2j. 'Lyttelton, .and Dunedin; at Auckland; leaves Thursday. (Federal Co.) . HUNTINGDON, from Liverpool;•'for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth; at Auckland; leaves Saturday. (Federal Co.) . -.'.'■.,• HURUNUI, from Newport:' at 'Wellington.. (Federal Co.) ■ MELBOURNE MARU, from Kobe; for Lyttelton and Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves today. (Federal. Co.-) .■ : . NORFOLK, from Liverpool, for Port Chalmers and Bluff; at Lyttelton: leaves Wednesday. .(Federal Co.). JOHN KNUDSEN, Irom Palenibang; at Lyttelton. (V.O. Co.) -'" KALINGO, from Eden, Newcastle, and Sydney;: for- New Plymouth, -Picton, ' Akaroa, and Greymouth; at .Wellington. (U.S.S.. Co.) KAIKORAI, from Newcastle and Sydney: toe Napier; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.)' OMANA, from Adelaide/-Edlthburg, and Melbourne; at Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) . RANGITANB, from London; at Auckland. (n.z.s. ,Co.) ,:,■•■:,.':, : SAIKOH MARU, from Aamori; at'Lyttelton (Wright. Stephensoh.) TEKOA. from Montreal.; at Dunediu, (N.Z.S. Co.) : ■ . WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney; for Timaru, Lyttelton, and Oamaru; at Dunedin ; leaves tomorrow. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. AKAROA^ at Auckland; leaves ' Auckland 5 p.m. January, 5 . for .London,, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) AUSTRALIND, at Wellington; leaves' Wellington tomorrow for New York, Boston, and Halifax. .(N.Z.S.. Co.) BENREOCH, at Wellington; leaves Tuesday for Lyttelton, Timaru, and Port Chalmers; leaves Fort Chalmers .January . 6 for Dunkirk. Antwerp, London; and Hull. (G. H. Scales.) DORIC Napier;.leaves tomorrow for Wellington (due Wednesday). . Lyttelton. and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers January 7 "for London', via Panama. (Blue Star Line.) GABRIELLA, at' Greymouth;; leaves Greymouth today for. Sydney. - (U.S.S. Co.) HOROBATA, at Wellington; leaves Wellington daybreak Wednesday for Boston, London. Avoninouth, .Liverpool, and Glasgow. (Federal . Co.). ■ . ■ ■ ■ . . ■ . MAHIA, at Auckland; leaves tomorrow for Wellington (due Wednesday) and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton January-.4 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via. Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT ADELAIDE, at Picton:' leaves Wednesday for Wellington, (due Thursday), Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers January S for London, via Cape Horn. (Port . PORT ALMA,- loads New. Plymouth today, Opua, Auckland, Waikokopu, Napier, Picton, and Wellington'(due January 20); leaves Wellington January 23 for London, via Cape Horn. (Port' Line.) PORT HUNTEB. loads Napier today, Gisborne. I Timaru. . Bluff, and .Wellington ■ (duo • January ill); leaves Wellington January 15 for London, j via, Panama. . (Fort Line.) . RUAHINE.'at liyttelton; leaves tomorrow for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) . • RANGITANE, loads Auckland today and Wellington January 11; leaves Wellington January 14 for London, via Panama and Kingston. '(n:Z.S. Co.)- -.-"'!" , : ''■'," TROJAN STAR, loads. Auckland ■ January 4, \apier, Lyttelton, and Wellington (due January 18); leaves Wellington January 26 for London,' via Panama.' (Blue" Star' Line.) TEKOA. loads'Port.Chalmers tomorrow. Bluff. New Plymouth. Wellington (January 7-11). Napier.- Opua, and Auckland; leaves Auckland Tinuary 23 for London,- Avonmoutli. Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co). TARANAKI; loads Gisborne January v. Auckland,-Onutt, New Plymouth,- and Wellington (due January 21) : leaves Wellington January: 28 for London, via Cape. Horn and Las Palmas,.. .(S.S. and- A.- Co.) WESTMORELAND, at: Bluff; for Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers ; January 4 for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.) •• • SCRVICES TO ISLANDS. MATUA. left Auckland Dxjrembev '16 for Islands; due Suva December 31;-thence Auckland (due January- 4). and Wellington (January 6). ' (U.S.S: Co.) MAW PQMARE, left Wellington Wednesday for Apia and Niue. (TJ J; Gardiner;) TEESv leaves Lyttelton January 4 for Chatham Islands. (T, J. Gardiner..).. SOUTH SEA. leaves Wellington January 4 for Chatham Islands. , (T. J., Gardiner.), '. WITHIN WIRELESS GRANGE. '.': The following vessels are expected to be within range' of the .undermentioned ■ wireless statloAucSnSd.—Maunganui. Mauf -Pomarei Capehorn, Lacklan, Mania, Narkunda. ■■ • ■ i ■ .Wellington,—Rangatlra, Tamahine, VksUjlne. Awatea, Kaikoral, Kallnso, Marama, Waltakl, Doric Star, Matarba, Melbourne Maru, Orford, Port Hunter, Rangitata; Remuera. Tamaroa. | Awarua—Trlona, Walotapu,. Cathay, Esperance Bay, Keifuku Maru, Mongolia, Mooltan, New Zealand Star, Orama, Ormonde, Otrantes, Oronsa-y,- Otranto, Strathaird, Strathnaver, Tainui. - Chatham Island.—Nil. : NORTHUMBERLAND EN ROUTE. The Northumberland left New. York on December 19 and Newport News, on December -1 for-Auckland.. Hawke's Bay, .Wellington. Lyt-tcltpn,-and Dunedin. She is .due at Auckland on January 20. HORORATA'S SAILING. •' The'Hororata is now to leave' Wellington at daybreak, on Wednesday for .Boston, London, A'vonnKHith, Liverpool, and Glasgow, CITY OF MANCHESTER. Tho'City of Manchester, which a«'iTC. d =^ Auckland yesterday from New-York, is to'leave there on Thursday and will' arrive here -on Saturday. She will complete discharge at Lyttelton and DuncHn. , ■'■"■ TEES FOR CHATHAMS. ' The Tees is to leave Lyttelton about January 4 for Chatham Islands. , , SOUTH SEA TO SAIL. - The 'trkwler South Sea is to leave here about January' 4 for the Chatham Islands. . . JOHN KNUDSEN FOR SAN PEDRO. The tanker John Knudsen is expected to leave Lyttelton today for San-Pedro. BY TELEGRAPH. . ' ■ LONDON. December 26. Arrivod-At the Clyde, Hertford: at Cristobal! Sawolka and City of Evensville; at Balboa New Zealand Star and Mataroa. LYTTELTON, December 2G. Arrived— Salkoh Maru, (4.5 p.m.), from Auckland. ' AXJCKI/ AND. December 27. Arrived— Karepo -(6.15 a.m.). from Westport" . LYTTELTON. December 27. Arrived-John Knudsen (10.20 a.m.), trom Wellington. Fruit and vegetables were so plentiful in' Hampshire. England, recently that they.were being given away. Outside orchards in-Droxford stood baskets of apples, plums, and beans, with notices "Help yourselves, but' please leave the baskets." : In other parts of Hampshire fruit growers who cannot get what they consider a reasonable price for their fruit are letting it rot pn. the-trees.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 154, 28 December 1936, Page 10
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2,238SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 154, 28 December 1936, Page 10
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