HIGH WATER. Today.—lo.ll a.m.: 10.15 p 111 Tomorrow.—ll.o a.m.; 11.X j>.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, AUGUST S. TAJta"n Xpicto,i' <0 "■I"" )> 1!18<J tO"S> nitchie' STOIiM, s.s. (10.3. p.m.), 710 tons, Williams from Want-aim!. AWAHOU n,s. (11.5 p.m.), 410 tons, Nairn, from SUNDAY, AUGUST 9. KAITOA. s.s. (0.35 a.m.), 319 tons, MacMillan, trom Nelson. WAINUI, s.s. (5.40 a.m.), l(i:!3 tons, Collier, HANGATIHA, t.cs.' (7 a.m.), 0132 tons, Morgan, from Lyttelton. GOLDKX COAST, «.s. (10.30 a.m.), 5705 tons Kvedslrnp. from Auckland. PORT WHANC.AKKI. M.s. (12.5 p.m.), 30S tons Holm, from J.yttelton. CALK," m.s. (12.5 p.m.), D 22 tons, Davios, from Lyttelton. MONDAY, AUGUST 10. GAEL, m.s. (4.33 p.m.), !)i tons, Trlgidga, trom Hokitilia. WAIMAIUNO, s.s. (5.53 a.m.), 3007 tons, Bruce from Auckland. lIOKITIKA. s.s. (G. 13 a.m.), 203 tons, Naldcr from Holtllika. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, AUGUST S. TEES, f.s. (2.20 p.m.), 310 tons, Willcox, for Lyttelton. UOLMLEA, s.s. (CIO p.m.), 554 tons, Kanerva lor New riymouth. - KAIIKro, s.s. (U. 25 p.m.), 2503 tons, Collins for Napier. HAWERA, m.s. (7 p.m.), ISS tons, McLaclilan, for Patea. .MATANGI, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 13GG tons, WildMAOKI,'s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 31SS tons, Kane for Lyttelton. WAIMEA. s.s. (5.3 p.m.), -131 tons, Pearson, for Wcstpon. TOOLTA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1073 tons, Burgess for Westport. KAPITI, m.s. (11.40 p.m.), 212 tons, Johansen, for Wanganui. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Talisman, Picton, today. Gale, southern ports, today., Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Tamaliine, .Picton, tomorrow, 0.15 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Inali.'i, Palea, tomorrow. Tc Arolia, Wauganui, tomorrow. Hsiwera, Patt'a, tomorrow. Kapiti, Wanganul, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, 12th. Totara, Greymouth, 12th. Alexander, Tarakohe, 12th. irolmdalo, southern ports, 12th. Kuril. Lytleltou, 13th. Hokitika, Waikato, 13Ui. Gale, Wanganui, 13th. Uolmdale. Wanganui. 11th. PaK-ura, Lyttelton, 14th. Wainui, Gisborne, 14th. Overseas Traders. >'ma Borthen, Batum, today. City of Dieppe, Auckland, 12th, p.m. Linileubank, New Plymouth, 12th. ltaransa, Lyttelton, 13th. Fordsdale, Napier, 13th. Canadian Conqueror, Auckland, lith. Port Darwin. Auckland, lGtli. ■ G. S. Walden, Auckland lSlli. Zcalandic, Auckland, 21st. Hertford, Auckland, 21st. lielyo Maru, Auckland, 22nd. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders. Tamaliine, Picton, today, 2.45 p.m. Kaitoa, Nelson, today, 6.30 p.m. Rangatlra, Lyttelton, today, 7.13 p.m. Talisman, Picton, today. Storm, southern ports, today. Wainui, Napier, today. Awahou, Napier, today. Kartigi, Oreymouth, today. • Gale, Wanganui, via Picton, toda3". Port Whangarcl, Auckland, today. Waimarino, southern ports, today. Matangl, Kelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Hawera, Patea, tomorrow. Kapiti, Wanganui, tomorrow. Kclio, Blenheim, tomorrow. Kohi, Kelson and Bays, tomorrow. To Aroha. Westport, tomorrow. Kaimai, Westport, tomorrow. Gael, Grcymouth, tomorrow. Uolmdale. Wanganui, via Picton, 12th. Alexander, Lyttclton, 12th. Hokitika. Westport. 12th. Karu, Nelson, 13th. Gale, southern ports, 13th. Uolmdale. southern ports. 14th. Jlolmlea, southern ports, 14th. Wainui, Dunediu, 15th. Pakura, Xaplcr, 15th. Overseas Traders. Huntingdon, London, today. Surrey, Lyttulton, today. Golden Coast, Melbourne, today. Akaroa, Auckland, tomorrow, 5 p.m. Jlaui Poniare, Nlue, toomrrow. Lindcnbank, Lyttelton, 12th. Kar.-iiiga. London. 14th. I'ordsdale, New Plymouth, 15th. BERTHAGE LIST. Akaroa—Glasgow Wharf. Awahou—Queen's Wharf Xo. 10. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Gael—Jliramar Wharf. Golden Coast—Taranakl Street Wharf. Galo—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Holmglen—Railway Wharf. Hokitika—Plpitea Wharf. Huntingdon—Glasgow Wharf. John—Patent Slip. Inaha—King's Wharf. Kaimai—Railway Wharf. Kaitoa—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Kohl—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Kartigi—Queen's Wharf No. I south. Maul Pomare—Taranakl Street Wharf. Nina Borthen—Point Howard Wharf. Opihi—Patent Slip. Paua —Burnham Wharf. Kangatira— Lyttelton Wharf. Surrey—King's Wharf. Storm—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Talisman—Queen's Wharf So. 13. Tamaliine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. ■ Wahinc—Floating Docli. Wainui—King's Wharf. Waimarino —Pipltca Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. . MAItAMA, left Wellington Friday for Sydney; duo Sydney tomorrow; leaves Sydnevi Friday for Wellington; duo Wellington August IS. (U.S.S. Co.) . WAXGANELLA, left Melbourne Friday; leaves Sydney today for Auckland; duo Auckland Friday: leaves Auckland August 17 for Sydney; due Sydney August 21. (Huddart, Parker.) PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. AORANGI, leaves Sydney Thursday,for Vancouver ; due Auckland August 17; leaves Auckland August 18; due Suva August 21, Honolulu August 28, Vancouver September 4; leaves Vancouver September 9 for Sydney, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) MAKUJiA, left San Francisco July 21) for Sydney; due P.arotonga today, Wellington August 17 ; leaves Wellington August IS; duo Sydney August 22; leaves Sydney August 27 for San Francisco; duo Wellington August 31: leaves Wellington September 1; due Rarotonga September 5, Papeete September S, San Francisco September IS. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGAXTJI, left Sydney July 30 for San Francisco; due Papeete tomorrow, ' San Francisco August 21; leaves San Francisco August 2G for Sydney; due Papeete September 5, Rarotonga September 7, Wellington September 14; leaves Wellington September 15; duo Sydney September 19. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney; duo Honolulu Augjjust 19, Suva August 28, Auckland August 31; leaves Auckland September 1; due Sydney September 5; leaves Sydney September 10 for Vancouver, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY, left Melbourne July IS for San Francisco; duo San Francisco today; leaves San Francisco August 18, Los Angeles August 19, for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Honolulu August 24, Pago Pago August 29, Suva September 1, Auckland September 4; leaves Auckland September 4; due Sydney September 7, Melbourne September 11, (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. Young.) MARIPOSA. left Sau Francisco July 21, Los Angeles July 22 for Sydney and Melbourne; due Sydney today, Melbourne Friday, leaves Melbourne Saturday, Sydney August 19, for San Francisco; duo Auckland August 22; leaves Auckland August 22; due Suva August 25, Pngo Papo Aupust 20, nonolulu August 31, Los Angeles September 3, San Francisco Scptemher 7. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIND, leaves New YorS October 8 for Auckland (due November 10). (Federal Co.) CUMBERLAND, leaves London Aucust 20 for Auckland (due September 2G) and Welllnston (October 2). (N.Z.S. Co.) CITY OF BRISBANE, leaves Now York September 16 for Auckland (due October 19) (Federal Co.l CANBERRA MARU, was to leave Jlojl August 2 for Duncdln (due August 29), Lyttclton, Wellington (September 1), and Auckland, via Australia. (Federal Co.) KAIWARRA, leaves Newcastle August 12, completes Port Stephens and Sydney, for Wellington and Napier. (U.S.S. Co ) KAIMIRO, leaves Edlthburg August 18, completes Adelaide and Melbourne, for Auckland, Napier, and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) KARETU, leaves llobart August 12 for Bluff, Timaru. Lyttolton, and Oamaru. (U.S.S. Co.) SOUTH AFRICA, leaves Los Angeles midAugust for Duncdln (due September 30). Lyttclton. Wellington, and Auckland, via Australia. (Texas Co.) ROTORUA. leaves Liverpool August 15 for Auckland (due September 23), Wellington (October 2), Lyttelton, Duncdiu, and New Plymouth. (Federal Co.) TAMAROA was to leave London August G for Auckland (due September 10) and Wellington (September 10). (S.S. and A. Co ) W.UTAKI. leaves Melbourne August 13 for Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) DOMINION BOUND. AWATKA. Inn the Clyde August •" fur Wei-I )ln~ton (line September 3), via Curacao and Panama. U'..S.S. Co.)
ASIIIiL-liTOX left New York July 31 for Auckland (due September C), Wellington (Seou.™bcr II), Lyttelton, aud Duuedin. (Federal "cAXADIAN SCOTTISH. left Moutraal July!' J.I for Auckland (duo September 5) W'clliu"ton, Lyttelton. and Duuedin. (Port Line ) " CANADIAN CHALLENGE!!, left Montreal July 11 for Wellington (duo August 21) aud Australia. (Port Line.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, lefi Montreal Jumi -o tor Auckland (due August 10). Wellington (August 14). Lyttelton, Dunediii. aud Bluff ni^'i-?^ (Cape Breton>- (^'-Z-S. Co.) OUMiDI.N CUAU. letl Liverpool Jutv 5 for New Zealand (to load), due August 24 via South Atrlca (Blue Star Line ) GOLDEN BEAR, left Los Angeles August 4 for Auckland (due August oO) \Vclliii"tou (September 3), and Australia. (Burns, l'liflp.) G. S. WALDEN, left Palembang - for Auckland (due August 14), Wellington (August IS*), Lyttelton. and Duuedin. (A O U Co ) ,, I™°Kl>. left Liverpool about July o for Auckland duo August 17), Wellington v dua (Ser-il ■ JtteUuu' ""Dedln, and Uiufl". KALINGO,' left Sydney August 3 for New d»r." ou(uss ucco vf ust U)> l' ictou< aud Ca3tlo' KAIRAXfiA, left Melbourne August 4 for New Plymouth (duo August 11), Auckland, Wellington, aud Lyttelton. (U.S.S Co) LIMERICK, left Los Angeles August S for Auckland (due August 30), Wellington (September 3), New Plymouth, Lytlcltou, Dunedln aud Australia. (U.S.S. Co) NINA BORTHEN, left Batum June 27 for Wellington (duo August 10); Lyttelton, Dunodin, and Auckland. (Associated Motorists.) NARBADA. left Calcutta August 3 for Auckland (duo September 4), Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru. Dunedln. and Bluff, via PenanSingapore, and Samarang. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT FAIRY, left London July 17 for Dunedin (due August 27). Lyttelton, and BIuET. via Suva. (Port Line.) POUT UOBAHT, left Liverpool July 20 for Auckland (due August 31), Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedln. (Port Line ) RANGITAXE. left London July 23 for Wel- (\ °S (d"8 Soptiembcr J) aud Auckland. RKIYO MARU, left Jtllke July 20 for Auckland (due August 18), Wellington (August 2-') son ) t0D ' aU° Dunedln- (Wright, StcpheuSCALARIA left Ballk Papan August 1 for t^W.^iThoT and WeUtaston PT; US MA STA, K' left iondon A«S"5t 7 for FclEn^xSE Co"," SePtCmber 14) aad L>t" ZEALAXDIC, left London July 10 for AuckX '(sVS^3^ WelilnstoU (AuBUSt DISCHARGING ON COAST. (F?S ACo E) IIARU ' fr°m M°Ji> ttt AucklandCITY o/mkPPE. from New York; for Wellington (due Wednesday), Lyttelton, and Duncdin; at Auckland; leaves today. (Federal Co ) FORDSDALE, from London; at Kapler. (S. t>. and A. Co.) GOLDEN COAST, from Los Angeles; at Wellington. (Burns, Philp.) KIWITEA, from Adelaide; for Portland; at Napier; leaves today. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIKORAI. from Newcastle and Sydney; at Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) LINDENBANK, from Galveston; for New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duuedin ; at New Plymouth. (G. H. Scales ) PORT HUNTER, from London, for Timaru and New Plymouth; at Lyttelton; leaves tomorrow. (Port Line.) RANGITATA, from London; at Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, from Liverpool; for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Oamaru; at Wellington; leaves today. (Federal Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle, Port Stephens, Port Kembla, and Sydney; for Tlmaru, Lyttelton ;at Dunedin; leaves today. (U S S Co.) LOADING IN. NEW ZEALAND. AKAROA, at Wellington; leaves 5 p.m. Jomorrow for Auckland; leaves Auckland August 15 for Southampton and London, via Panama (S.S. and A. Co.) BRISBANE MARU, at Auckland; leaves Auckland today for Japan. (Federal Co.) CAMBRIDGE, loads New Plymouth August 17, Wangauui, Opua, Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (due September 10); leaves Wellington September 24 for London, via Panama. (Federal Co.) DUNEOIN STAR, loads Bluff August 21 Lyttelton, New Plymouth, Wellington (due September ]), Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland September 12 for London, via Cape Horn. (Blue Star Line.) FORDSDALE, at Napier;- leaves tomorrow for Wellington (due Thursday), New Plymouth. Wanganui; leaves Wangauui August 19 for Southampton and London, via Panama aud Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) HUNTINGDON, at Wellington; leaves Wellington today for London. Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Montevideo. (Federal Co.) MATAKANA, at Auckland; leaves Auckland Wednesday for London, via Montevideo and Teneriffe. (S.S. and A. Co.) NORTHUMBERLAND, at Port Chalmers; leaves today for Wanganui and Auckland; leaves Auckland August 15 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow, via Panama Canal. (Federal Co.) PORT DARWIN, loads Auckland Wednesday, Wellington (August 10), Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Bluff; leaves Bluff August 20 for London, via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) PORT HUNTER, loads New Plymouth August 19, Wellington (August 20), Tlmaru, Napier. Gisborue, and Auckland; leaves Auckland September 5 for London, via Panama. (Port Line.) RANGITANE, loads Wellington September 14 and Auckland; leaves Auckland September 24 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) RARANGA, at Lyttelton; leaves Wednesday for Wellington (due August 13); leaves Wellington August 14 for London, via Montevideo and Teneriffe. (S.S. and A. Co.) RANGITATA, at Auckland; leaves Saturday for Napier, Lyttelton, and -Wellington (due August 22); leaves Wellington August 27 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, loads Oamaru August SI, Port Chalmers, Bluff, Timaru, Wellington (due September 1), and Auckland: leaves Auckland September 10 for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) ZEAL.VNDIC, loads Wellington August 21, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Port Chalmers, Bluff, and Auckland; leaves Auckland September 10 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Cape Horn and Las I'almas. SERVICES TO ISLANDS. MAUI POMARE, loaves Wellington 4 p.m. tomorrow for Niuo and Apia. (T. .1. Gardiner.) MATL'A, loft Cook Islands Friday for Auckland (duo Thursday). (U.S.S. Co.) TEES, at Lyttelton. (T. J. Gardiner.) WAIPAHI, left Auckland Friday for Suva tc load for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland.—Hauraki, Matua, Triaster, Waipahi, Brisbane Maru, City of Dieppe, Canadian Conqueror. Dalcross, Eskdalegate, G. S. Walden, Levernbank, Olivebank, Zcalandic, Port DarChalham Islands.—South Sea. Wellington.—Maori, Rangatlra. Tamahlne, H.M.S. Dunedln. H.SI.S. Leith, Nucula. H.M.S. Wellington, Fordsdalc, Golden Coast, Hertford, Huntingdon, Mataroa. Rangitane, Nina Borthen. Awarua.—Matai, H.M.S. Achilles, Awatea, Gabriella, Kaimlro, Karetu, Makura, Marama, Maunganul, Triona, Waikoualti, W'aiotapu, Waitaki, Wanganclla, Northumberland. LIMERICK EN ROUTE. The Limerick left Los Angeles on Saturday for New Zealand.- She is due at Auckland on August 30 and here on September 3. MATAKANA'S DEPARTURE. The Matakana will not leave Auckland until Wednesday for London. AWATEA'S "ALL'S WELL." The new trans-Tasman liner Awatea, which is en route to New Zealand from tho Clyde, reported by radio to her owners, tho Union Steam Ship Company, on Saturday: "Fair weather. Average speed IT knots. Behaviour -of vessel excellent. Remarkable absence of vibration. Everything going well." " PORT DARWIN CLEARS PORT KEMBLA. Tho Port Darwin, left Port Kembla at !i p.m. on Saturday for Auckland, where she is due on Wednesday afternoon to commence loading. She will complete at Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Bluff, leaving Bluit ou August 20 for the United Kingdom. PORT HUNTER'S ITINERARY. The Port Hunter, at present discharging London cargo at Lyttelton, is to leave tomorrow for Timaru and New Plymouth to complete discharge. She will load at New Plymouth, and is duo at Wellington on August 20, leaving here now on August 22 for Timaru, Napier, Gisliornc. and Auckland. She will clear Auckland on September 5 for Loudon, via Panama. CITY OF DELHI AWAY. Having completed discharge of the New Zealand portion of her cargo, tho steamer City of Delhi left Lyttelton at midday on Saturday for Australia.CITY OF DIEPPE DUE WEDNESDAY. Tho City of Dieppe Is to leave Auckland at 5 p.m. today for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedln to continue discharge. She is due here on Wednesday afternoon. MAUI POMARE FOR NIUE AND APIA. The Maul Pomaro is to leave Wellington at 4 p.m. tomorrow for Nine and Apia. TACOMA STAR EN ROUTE. The Tacoma Star left London on Friday for Port Chalmers a-nd Lyttelton. She is due at Port Chalmers on September 14. BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, August S. Sailed. —From London, Tamaroa; from Ban Vrancisco, Limerick. SYDNEY. August !). Arrived. —Cambridge, from Lyttelton. LYTTELTON, August S. I Sailed.—City of Delhi (12.20 p.m.). for Cairns: Wuigatui (4.5 p.m.). for Dunedin; Gabriella (6.10 p.m.), for Dunedin
AUCKLAND. August 0. Arrived.—Omana (7 a.m.) aad Brisbane Martf ii.SQ p.m.), from Wellington. LVTTELTON, August !>. ton;'Karanga (7.30 a.m.), from Timaru; Tecs (10.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Foxtoa (S3 p.m.), from Foxtou. DL'NEDIX, August 9. Arrived.—Wingatui (2.45 p.m.) aud "Gabriel!* (5.45 )>.m.), from Lyttelton. To arrive—Karu" (11 p.m.), from Welling* ton.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 35, 10 August 1936, Page 12
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2,434SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 35, 10 August 1936, Page 12
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