HIGH WATER. Today—3.3o a.m.; 4.1(5 p.m. Tomorrow—l.ll a.m.; 5.S p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, MAY 5. TAMAHINE, s.s. (6.33 p.m.), 19S0 tons, liitchie, from Pieton. KAPIiNI. M.s. (11.15 p.m.), 100 tons, McKinuou (put back). WANGANELLA, m.s. (11.30 p.m.), 0360 tons. Bates, from Sydney. . WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. ECIIO, ails, scow (4.13 a.m.), 132 tons, Miles, from Blenheim. ARAHUKA. s.s. (5.25 a.m.), 1007 lons, Hay, from Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), -4430 toils, Irwin, from Lyttclton. ALEXANDER, m.s. (5.5 a.m.), 377 tons, Martin, from Tarakohe. GALE, m.s. (9 a.m.), CIS tons, Davlcs, from Wangamti. ' DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, MAY 5. CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, s.s. (3.50 p.m.), 5370 tons, Robertson, for Sydney. PORT NICHOLSON, s.s. (6.35 p.m.), S-102 tons, Gregory, for London. lIOLMDALE, s.s. (U.uO p.m.), CSI tons, Copland, for Duuedin. MATANGI, s.s. (7.33 p.m.), 13GG tons. Wildman, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 31SS tons, Kane, for Lyttelton. STORM, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 749 tons, Williams, for Wanganui. BREEZE, m.s. (a.40 p.m.), 622 tons Stewart, for Dunedin. WAIMARINO, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 3067 tons, Prosser for Auckland WEDNESDAY, MAY 0. MATAT, s.s. (S.lO a.m.), 1050 tons, Burgess, for Cook Strait. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Karu, Lyttcllon, today. Ilokilika. Hukiiika, tonight. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Matangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 3.30 a.m. Taupata. Nelson, tomorrow. Tamaliine, Plcton, tomorrow, 6.15 p.m. Talisman, Waltpu, tomorrow. Kartlgi, Auckland, tomorrok. Storm, Wanganui, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, Btil. Kaplti, Wanganui, Bth. Hawera, Patea, Bth. Kapuni. Patea, Stlhj Port Waikato, southern ports, Bth. I'akura, Lyttelton, Sth. Walnul, Gisborne, Sth. • Uolmglen, Waikato, Sth. Inalia, Patea, Sth. Waipiata, Tiniaru, 10th. Karepo. WcstDort, 10th. Port Wlmgarei, Auckland, 11th. Totara, Greymoutli, 11th. Holmdale, southern ports, 11th. Breeze, southern ports, l'-tb. Kaimlro, Napier, 12th. Parera, southern ports, 13th. Overseas Traders. Kckerangu, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Tongariro. Wanganui, Bth. Canadian Challenger, Lyttelton, Sth. Salvus, Westport, 9th. • James Cook, Napier, 11th.. Makura, Sydney, 11th. .Middlesex, Lyttelton, 13th. Durham, Napier, 13th. Narbada, Auckland, 16th. Wairangi, London, 17th. Tamaroa. Auckland, 21st. Waipawa, Lyttelton, 24th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders. Tamahlne, Picton, today, 2.45 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, today, 7.45 p.m. Kapiti, Wanganui, today. Totara, Greymoutli, today. Alexander, Motueka, today. Echo, Blenheim, today. Gale, southern por.ts, today. -Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Karu, Nelson, tomorrow. Taupata, Mapua, tomorrow. Kohl, Nelson and bays, tomorrow. Storm, southern ports, tomorrow. Hokitika. Westport, tomorrow. Parera, southern ports, 7th. To Aroha, Westport, 7th. Kapuni, Patea, Sth. Hawera, Patea, Sth. Port Waikato, Auckland, Sth. Holmglen, southern ports, Sth. Talisman, Nelsou and bays, Sth. Kartigi; Lyttetlon, Sth. Pakura, Napier, 3th. Wainui. Bluff, 9th. Port Whangarci, southern ports. 11th. Holmdale,' Wanganut, via Pieton, 11th. -. Waipiata, Auckland, 11th. Breeze, Wanganui, via Piclon, 12th. Parera, New Plymouth.- 13th. Kaimiro, Lyttelton, 13th. ■ Overseas Traders. Coptic, Port Chalmers, tonight. Tainui, Southampton, tomorrow, S p.m; South Sea, Chatham Islands, tomorrow. Wanganella, Sydney, tomorrow. Tamaroa, Lyttelton, Sth. Canadian Challenger, Napier, Oth. Makura, San Francisco, 12th. : Durham, London, loth. BERTHAGE LIST. Alexander—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. • Brisbane Maru—Pipitea; Wharf. Coptic—Glasgow Wharf - ' Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 13. 4 Gale —Fryatt Quay. Himatangl—ln the Stream. Huanui—Queen's Wharf No. 9. John —Patent- Slip. Karepo—Railway Wharf. Kapiti—Queen's Whait No. 5. Kairansra — Miramar Wharf. Kohi—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Kartigi—Queen's Wharf No. 16. Karu—Pipitea Wharf. Kek,-ransu—Taranakl Street Wharf. Mai«ma—Patent Slip, Oplhl—ln the stream. Paua—Burnham Wharf. Parera —Patent Slip. Port Gisborne—King's ■ Wharf. Rnngatira—Floating Dock. South Sea—Queen's Wharf No. X Tamahine—-Queen's Wharf No. 4. Taupata—Fipltea Wharf. Tamaroa—Pipitea Wharf. ToUra —Taranakl Street Wharf. Talnut—Glasgow Wharf. AVahtne—Lyttelton Wharf. Wanganella—Queen's Wharf Jfo. 1 south. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. MONOWAI, leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland Monday, Wellington May 14; leaves Wellington May 15 for Sydney; due Sydney May 18. (U.S.S. Co.) WANGANELLA, leaves Wellington tomorrow for Sydney and Melbourne; due Sydney Sunday, Melbourne May 13; leaves Melbourne May 13, Sydney May 16, for Auckland; due Auckland May 29. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. AOBANGI, left Sydney April 23 for Vancouver; due Honolulu Friday, Vancouver May 15; leaves Vancouver May 20 for Sydney; due Honolulu May 27,. Suva June 5, Auckland June S; leaves Auckland June 9; due Sydney June 13. (U.S.S. Co.) MAKURA, leaves Sydney tomorrow for San Francisco; due Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday; due Itarotonga May 16, Papeete May 19, San Francisco May 29; leaves San Francisco June 3 for Sydney, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, leaves San Francisco today for Sydney; duo Papeete May 16, Rarotouga May IS, Wellington May 25; leaves Wellington May 26; duo Sydney May 30; leaves Sydney June 4 for San Francisco, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver April 22 ror Sydney; due Suva Friday, Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland Tuesday; due Sydney May 16; leaves Sydney May 21 for Vancouver: due Auckland May 25; leaves Auckland May 26; due Suva May 29, Honolulu Juno 5, Vancouver Juno 12. (U.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY, left San Francisco April 2S, Loa Angeles April 20. for Sydney and Melbourne; due Pasro Pago Saturday, Suva Tuesday. Auckland May 15; leaves Auckland May 15; due Sydney Slay IS, Melbourne May 22; leaves Melbourne May 23, Sydney May 27, for San Francisco, via ports. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) MARIFOSA, loft Melbourne April 25, Sydney April 29, for San Francisco; due Pago Pago today, Honolulu Monday, Los Angeles May 16, San Francisco May IS; leaves San Francisco May 26, Los Angeles May 27, for Sydney and Melbourne, via ports. (Burns, Philp. and T. and' W. Young.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. CANADIAN PLANTER, leaves Montreal May 22 for Auckland (due July 1), and Wellington (July 5). (C.N.S.) CITY OF CANTON, leaves New York fMay 23 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. (N.Z.S. Co.) EMPIRE STAR, leaves London May 6 for New Zealand; due June 8. (Blue Star Line.) GOLDEN CLOUD, was to leave Los Angeles May 1 for Auckland (due May 27) and Wellington (May 30). (Burns, Philp.) GABRIELLA, loads Newcastle about May IS, completes Sydney, for New, Plymouth and CastleKALINGO. was to load Newcastle May 5, completes Sydney, for Napier and Gisborne. KEKERANGU, loads Newcastle about May IS, completes Sydney, for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) KARETU. loads Newcastle about May 27, completes Sydney, for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, and Lvttclton. (U.S.S. Co.) MA't.uiUA, leaves l,ouiiuu May 13 for Lytteltou (clue June 18), and Port Chalmers. (S.S nnd A. Co.) MELBOURNE MAIiU, was to leave Moil May 2 for Dunedin (duo June 2), Lyttelton, Wellington (Juno 5). and Auckland. (Federal Co.) OMANA, loads Adelaide and Edithburg end I ■May tor Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin: completes. Melbourne for. Auckland, lu.o.fc. Co.)
PORT DUNEDIN, leaves London Slay 14 for Wellington and Auckland. (I'ort Line!) NORTHUMBERLAND, leaves London May 28 for Aueklaud (due July 1), and Wcllinstsu (July 6). ' (N.Z.S. Co.) TUSCAN bXAK, leaves West Coast U.K. ports •May 33 lor Auckland (due June 27), Wellington, Lyttelton, I'ort Chalmers, and Napier. (Blue Star Line.) WAJKOUAITI, was to load Newcastle May 3 completes Sydney (May 8) and Hobart, for Bluff, Dunediu, Timaru, and Lyttelton. WAITAKI, leaves Melbourne Alay 13 for BlufT, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. BRISBANE AIARU, at Wellington'; for Auckland ; leaves Auckland May 8 for Tanan (federal Co.) . CANADIAN SCOTTISH, leaves Auckland today, for New York, Boston, and Montreal. CANADIAN VICTOR, loads Lyttelton May IS Wellington May lil, for New York, Boston and Montreal. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, at Timaru ■ eaves today for Lyttelton, Wellington (Oue l'nday), and Napier; leaves Napier May 11 for New York, Boston, and Montreal. (C N S ) CUMBERLAND, left New Plymouth last'ni"ht for Auckland; leaves Auckland May 9 for London, Avonmouth,-Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.) COPTIC, at Wellington; leaves tonight for Port Chalmers; leaves. Port Chalmers noon Tuesday for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palraas. (S.S. and A. Co.) DURHAM, at Tokomaru Bay; for Gisborne. Waikokopu, Napier, and Wellington (due May 13) ; leaves Wellington May 15 for London, via Cape Horn. (N.Z.S. Co.) MIDDLESEX, at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton tomorrow for New Plymouth, Wanganui, and Wellington (duo May 13) ; leaves Wellington May 16 for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) PORT HOBART, loads Nelson tomorrow, Kcw Plymouth, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington (May 20); leaves Welltncton May 22 for London, via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) . KOTORUA, loads Timaru May », Lytteltun Napier, and Wellington (due May 19) ; leaves Wellington May 22 for London, via Panama (N.Z.S. Co.) RANGITANE. at Auckland; leaves Auckland noon tomorrow for London, via Panama. TAMAROA. loads Lyttelton Saturday, Tim.mi. Auckland, and Wellington (due May 21) ; leaves Wellington 5 p.m. May 25 for Southampton and London, iva Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) TAINUr. at Wellington; leaves Wellington S p.m. tomorrow for Southampton and London, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) TONGARIRO, left Plcton last night for Wanganui and Wellington (due May 9) ; leaves Wellington May 14 for London and Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and- Glasgow. (Federal Co.) WAIPAAVA, loads Auckland today. Opua, New Plymouth. Bluff, Lyttelton. and"Wellincton (due May 24) ; leaves Wellington May 29 for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas. PASSENGERS FOR ENGLAND. The following passengers are booked to sail by the Tainui, which is to leave Wellington at S p.m. tomorrow tor Southampton and London, via the Panama Canal:— Jllss D. Aldrich, Key: JS. C. and Mrs. Atkinson, Master J. Atkinson, Mr. F. Barnes Mrs. W. Barr, Miss JS. W. Barr, Miss C. J. iiarr. Miss 1\ B. Bean, Mr. B. Ifeyer, -Mr. and Mrs. Blsuee, Mr. ji. J. Boue, Airs. L. G. Boyd, Master I), l: G. Boyd, Aliss v. Bioauimrst, Mr. H. F. W. i/rovvu. Airs. J. t\ Buncombe, Mx. and Mrs. A. N. Burns, Miss M Campbell, Airs. H. Carlson, Aliss JS. disunion: Mrs. E. G. Casslni, Key. H. W. and Airs. Cater, Mrs. E. Choulles, Alias Choulies, Aiiss Cuoulles, Miss Choullos, Mrs, Chitty, Aliss 11 1\ Clark, Mr. and Airs. H. R. Clark, Mr. S S Colquhoun, Mr. X. 11. Connell, Hr. C. Cowan, Miss 13. Al. . Crawford, Aliss At: A. Cross, Air. i\ 0. Davis. Airs. 41. de Koland-Burt, Aliss Jfi. de Roland-Burt, Airs. E. Dickinson, Airs. A. Douglass, Miss M. E. Dunnet, Miss J. Duthie, Mr. Kntrican, Airs, i'indlay; Mr. A. 11. S. Galtiraith, Air. C. A. Gateuby, Airs. Gateuby, Airs. A. A. George, Miss M. uiesen, Aliss A. Ulller, Aliss J. Gillies, Airs. Al. E. Goousall, Aliss L. Uoulstoue, Aliss E. Al. Gupwcll, Aliss L. Hadley, Jlr. J. K. Hair, Airs. Hair, Alastcr G. Hair, Miss J. Hair, Aliss Harper, Alias H. Al. .Harper, Air. and Airs. P. Harpliuger, Air. and Alls. \V. H. Harris, Airs. E. Al. Helmore, Airs. E.- Al. Helmore, Aliss L. I. Herald, Aliss R. Al. Hinehey Air. W. Hubbard, Airs. W. G. Hutchison, Air's. rett, Aliss Al. A. Jarrett, Aliss 'n. .F. Jarrctt, Airs, c; L. Jones, Air. .1. T. Julian, Air. U. C. Julian. Airs. R. M. Justice, Air. and Airs. 1. Lamont, Aliss L. Lldgett, Aliss L. Lister, Aliss H. G. Alackenzie, Mr. A. ■S. Alacpherson, Air. M. C. Alarls, Mr. and Atrs.-J. IVAleuzlcs, Airs. H. AlcDonaid, AHss J. AlcDonald, Air. and Mrs. A. McNeil, Miss P. Alcßae, Mr. Al. A. Jlurdoch, Air. and Airs. E. T. Norrls, Airs. A. Owen, Airs. R.< a. Oiby, Air. -and Airs. L. R. Partrid&e, Airs. S. Paterson, Aliss L. M. Paulsen, Airs. Al. Pecples, Air. S. Perkins, •Airs. ' Al. A. Poppelwell, Miss Al. E. Puppclwell. Miss S. E. Pridham, Air. and Airs. 11. E. Radley, Air. and Airs.. i. J. Read, Aliss E.. Al. Read, Air. and Mrs. A. J. Rigg, Aliss B. W. Rigg, Miss A. E. Rlshworth, Airs. L. Robertion, Aliss E. L. Robertson, Muss S. Robertson, Aliss K. Robinson, Air. D. Rodger, Airs. P. J. Rodte, Hiss Al. F. Rodie, Mrs. A. Rogers, Air. and Airs. C. Ross, Air. and Airs. E. Sanders, Aliss N. Al. Sanders, Aliss J. Al. Sanders, Airs. C. Scott, Ailss E. F. Scott, Aliss A. I. Shackle, Air. and Mrs. B. Shaw, Airs. Soljak, Aliss B. At. Stewart, Air. P. C. Theii, Aliss J. T. Thompson. Air. and Airs. C. A. Tidy, Air. W. B. Tidy, Air. J. E. Toller, Airs. Toller, Air. A. H. Tubben.Alrs. L. A. Wakefleld, Rev. A. K. Warren, Air. N. A. R. Watson, Aliss F Whibley. Air. J. E. Williams, AHss D. Al. Wills, Air. and Airs. E. R. Wlnkler, Air. and Mrs. R. Wood, Alaster R. Wood, Jllss D. A. Vates, and Madam Al. L. Clcrget. WANGANELLA'S PASSENGERS. The. followinc passengers arrived in Wellington last' night from Sydney by the Wauganella :— ilr. H. Adams, Aliss G. N. Aiken, Mr. W. Ahem, Air. R. W. Asqulth, Aliss E. P. Baker, Aliss P. C. Ball. Air. P. Blakcney, Mr. C. 11. iiridgford. Air. G. C. Bromley. Father J. Bowers, Airs. E. Blackmore, Rev. Father W. Buckley, Air. A. Bitossi. Air. L. A. Blok, Mrs. I .1. Chesswas, the Hon. R. Cosgrove. Airs. G. li. Cosgrove. Air. and Airs. .R. A. Candy, Airs. Al. Caiman, Mr. C. Copelin, Air. J. Carroll, Miss M. CunilnE. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cort'igan, Air. and Airs. F. R. . Connelly, ' Air. W. Dillon, Captain C. Dlttmer, Afajor K. G. C. Dennys, Mrs. B. G. Davies, Air. H. Duncan nail, Airs. C. E. Edmonds, Aliss M. C. Elliott, Atlss E. A. Ellis, Rev. Dr. T. Ferrier Hulme, Airs. R. At. Gooder, Mr. G. H. Greenfield, Air. and Airs. C. S. Grear, Miss J. Grear, Mr.. J. H. Gooda,ll, Mr. and Sirs. J. M. Gray, Arr. H. J. Grunt, Air. and Mrs. J. E. Hewitt, Airs. W. Herjjert, Miss If. Hammond, Mr. E. L, Hazelton, Miss E. Hamill, Mrs. H. C. Isaacs, Miss A. W. Isaacs, Miss M. G. Irons, Aliss N. Jobson, Mr: 'C. Kebholl, Airs. Al. Kebbell, Major J. Kirk, Air. A. P. Lane, Jlr. L. Lamble, Mrs. J. Muriel,. Miss .AL Alunro, AUss Al.. Mulligan, .Miss. E. Morison, Miss C. E. Martyn, Mrs. E.M. Mountler, Airs. J. Morland, Brigadier A.- I/. ■ Molesworth, Miss L. Alolesworth. Air. J. A, MeFarlane, Airs. Al. A. AlcFarlane. Miss W. MeFarlane, Air. J. JlcFarlane, Mr. E. Alacauley, Mr. and Mrs. J. AlcKew, Mr. F. K. Maefartane, Mr. J. JfcLellan, Air. W. Nicholson, Mrs.W. J. Nicholson, Air. W. D." Nolan, Rev. Father J. O'Grady, Airs. Al. H. Pratt, Air. G. R. Price. Air. A. W. Platts, Mrs. M.! Platts, Mr. E. A. Jtoy, Air. L. Reuell. Aliss I. Simpson, Miss SI. B. Siovers, Airs. Al. -Symes, Air. and Mrs. N. Shepherd, Air. and Mrs. 'A. Schabor, Mr. L. C. Shepherd. Mrs. A. h. Shepherd, Mr. M. Seidenberg, Air. A. G. Stephenson, Mrs. S. Sundstrom, Captain J. P. Tlndel, Air. X: F. Turner. Aliss K. Towers, Jlr. and Airs. W. 0. Urquhart. Air. H. A. Voss, Jlr. and Mrs. A. W. Woolley, Air. and Airs. E. A. Wilson, Mr. R. D. Wilson, Air. and Airs. H. Warner, Air. W. A. D. Younfr, Aliss E. N. Hollins, Air. and Airs. H. J. Archer. Miss J. Archer, Mr. W. Allen, Aliss C. B. Adderley, Afiss Al. E. Brice. Air. W E. Baker. Air. R. T. Bacon. Airs: S. A. Berry, Miss J». Berry, Aliss-D. Booth, Air. 11. G. Bowe. Airs. L. A. Couchman,- Miss H. C. Couchman, Air. J. Danby. Air. L. Frankle, Aliss G. A. Groll, Mr. and ■ Mrs.- V. C. Cosling, Air. C. A: Goodfellow, Mrs. F. T. Horton. Air. R. Houlahan, Master R. Houlahan, Air. and Airs. A. J. Huxtable. Air. X. Johns, Airs. V. Jones, Afaster P. Jonr.s. Mr. D. .T. Lewis, Aliss G. Leach, Jtr. and Jfrs. W. J. Lawson, Airs. A. T. Martellt. Miss A. Afasters, Afr. W. Jlason, Mr. H. J. Miller, Mr. and Airs. T). AleLean, Master W. McLean. Miss C. McFarlane, Air. and Airs. ,T. D. O'Sulllvan, Mrs. E. L. Pickering, Miss D. Pickering, Sir. E. K. Rowc, Airs. K. Rafferty, Airs. H. Swayne, Afiss D. Tew. Afrs. E. Weir. Arr. B. E. Watts. Afiss A. Al. Walt, Air. K.--H. Woods, Air. I. C. Woods, and Air. W. H. Whalan.; PASSENGERS ON THEMISTOCLES. The following- is a'list of passengers who are leaving today from Sydney for South Africa and England on the Themlstocies:— ■Airs. J. E. E. Grlmshaw, Air. E. Aiorrlsby, Airs. A. Aforrlsby, Colonel T. W. Simpson, Airs. L. H. Simpson, Air. L. H. Nulands, Airs R S.Nulands, Master-J. G: Nulands,'Airs. S S Aloore, Air. C. 0. T. Rutherford, Airs. S. E. Rutherford, Airs. M. H. L. Simpson, AlJss B At. Dalzell, Air. J. Hall, Rev. Father J. Ryan, Air. K. R. Smith, Air. G. W. Smith, Airs. Al. F. Alansill. Miss H. I. Mansill, Atrs. Blanche Hansen, Air. C. E. Smith, Afiss J. E. Robertson .Miss J. Mansill, Afaster R. Alansill, Air H Turnbull, Mrs. J. Turnbull, Miss J. Turnbull, .Master G. Turnbul, Aliss At. Turnbull. Mr. D. V. Constable. Air. G. A. Hayward. Afr. W. C. Hogg, Air. S. K. Calcott, Air. James G. King, Air. Robert R. Macaskell-Hardness. Air. J..J. Hall. Airs. S. Thomson,. Air. F. G. Boyce Jlr. L. W. Ormandy, Airs. G. H. Ormandv, Airs. D. Al. Flood, Air. R. M. Antlll, Aliss A. B. Thomson,. Miss A. J. Eush-Alunro, Air. S. Smith. Air. W. A. T.rers, Mr. A. H. Hillock, Atrs, At. L. Hillock, Mr. F. C. Simmonds, Airs. D. Simmonds, Mr. L. H. Alontgomery, Air. P. P. Stanley, Airs. D. : A.' Broad, Aliss J. Carter, Air. H. E. Wayne. TRANSHIPMENTS EX WANGANELLA. The Wanganella, which arrived at Wellington last night from Sydney, brought transhipments ex thoOtranto, Orontes, Jarvis Bay, Aioncolia Yayo Maru, Vlminale, Strathaird, Thermopylae and Erlangcn. TAMAROA'S ITINERARY. The Tamaroa will now leave Wellington on Firday for Lytetlton to load, arid after loading lat Timaru and Auckland will return here nn May 21. She will leave here finally at 5 p.m. on May 25 for Southampton and London, via Panama.
SERVICES TO ISLANDS. foS aP,Ka E: 2* Co PORT WHANGAREI. at Auckland. (U.S.S, \Jjn'P'}Hl',l-'1 J''. s s-vdne y "day for Fiji and *iu**M 4 inu. \ u.»?.h. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. vUhZ MloKhi ~ «Escl» ire expected to h. staliolis to'^gluU' 18 u"d»-a<ntioned "irelesl Auckland —James Cool;, Kaiwarra. Alaul Pomare. Ashburton, Canadian Constructor Cau adlan Scottish, Cumberland, Dalemoor," John Knudsen, Narbada, Oakbank, Tekoa. Wedo bine Aclimer^Aoran-?""-"' Tama' lln"' l" a« So'Sii Sea, e'Bris^n ae nSL r Vu, kTanadian "hiVS lander. Coptic, Durham. Mariposa, Monterey Ton ariro Bangllata' Rcm«era, Salvus, Awarua'.— Triaster, Wailaki. Cape of Good Hope, City of Canberra, Golden Bear, Limerick. Narkunda. I'ort Hobart, Rotorua, Strathnarcr! COPTIC FURTHER DELAYED. . The Coptic, which is to leave Wellington at S p.m. today for Port Chalmers, will now clear that port at noon on Tuesday for London Tia Cape Horn and Las Palmas. TAINUI'S DEPARTUKRE. The Taluul will now leave Wellington t% S p.m. tomorrow for Southampton and Loadon, via Panama and Kingston. • ' " WAIRUNA FROM NAURU. The W.Vmma left. Nauru Island on Saturday witlj a cargo of phosphates for: discharge at Lyttelton, liavensbourne and Dunedin. Sh« is due at Lyttelton early next week. HUNTINGDON COMING. The niintincdon left Liverpool on Sunda* for New Zealand. She Is due at Auckland r. a June 11 and will complete discharge at Wellington, Lyttcllou, Dunedin, and New Ply. mouth. HURUNUI AT MONTEVIDEO. The Uurunul. which Ird Auckland on April 11 for the United Kingdom, cleared Alontevidea on Sunday. TURAKINA CLEARS CURACAO. The Turakina, which left Napier on April t for United Kingdom ports, cleared Curacao om NORTHUMBERLAND REPLACES RANGITIKI, ~,'{ he Northumberland will replace the Raniltiki, sailing from London on Alay 2S for Auckland and Wellington. CANADIAN VICTOR AT NEWCASTLE. The Canadian Victor arrived at Newcastle oa .Monday from New Zealand ports. She is due back at Lyttelton on Alay IS. BY TELEGRAPH. ( Sailed—Mariposa (3 p.m.), for *San* Praa« . , . AUCKLAND, Alay 5. Arrived—Port Whangarei (4.45 p.m.), fro* Suva. Sailed—Dalemoor (j.25 p.m.), for Sydney. DUNEDLN, Alayo. Arrived—Walpiata (1.15 p.m.), from LyttelSailed—Cape of Good Hope (3.45 p.m.), fo« Paagoumaue, New Caledonia. NELSON, May 6. Arrived—Malangi (0.10 a.m.), from Welllniton. LYTTELTON, Alay •6. Arrived—City of Canberra (7.10 a.m.) 'an 4 Alaori (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Karu (10.25 p.m., sth), for WelUngi ton.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 106, 6 May 1936, Page 14
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3,289SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 106, 6 May 1936, Page 14
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