HIGH WATEH. Today—bVlO a.m.; 7.10 p.». Tomorrow—7.4o a.m.; 8.6 p.m. (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. ALEXANDER, m.s. (4.30 p.m.), 377 tons, Eden, \VIEGAND,°s!s.'>(T. 15 p.m.), 5809 tons, Sehtilz. from Auckland. SUNDAY, JANUARY 26. LOCH LOMOND, s.s. (3.10 a.m.), 5152 tona. from Auckland. WAINLf, s.s. (8.23 a.m.), 1633 tons, Waters, from Lyttclton. BANUATJRA. t.e.s. (7 a.m.),) 8152 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. DORSET, m.s. (7.M a.m.), 10,893 tona, Ashworth, from Liverpool, via Auckland. PORT WHANGARKI, m.s. (8 a.m.), uOS tons. Watts, from Lyttclton. BREKZB, m.s. (8 a.m.), G22 tons, btovrart. from Wanganut. KAPITI, m.s. (8.30 a.m.), 242 tons, Johiinsen, from Wanganut. KAREPO, s.s. (9.J0 a.m.), 2^63 tons, Gardner, from Napier. HAWERA, m.s. (11.55 a.m.), 188 tons, McLachlan, from I'atea. KAVUNI, m.s. (1.5 p.m.), 190 tons, Mchmnon, from I'atca. STORM, ss. (1.25 p.m.), 149 tona, Williams, TAMAWnK%.3S P.m.), 1989 tons, Kane, from Vlct.»n. MONDAY, JANUARY 27. I'ARERA, s.s. (3 a.m.). ou4 tons, Kanerva, from Waikokopu. PORT WAIKATO, m.s. (0.3j a.m.), buS tous. Holm, from Auckland. KOHI. aux. scow (7.15 a.m.), 12j tons, l.oldie. from D'Urvllle Island. ARAHURA, s.s. (8.15 a.m.), 1607 ton-,, liay from Nolson. . TE AROHA, aui. schooner (10. j0 a.m.), lUa tons, Olsen, from Hokitlka. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2u. TAMAHINE, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 19S» tous, Kane, for IMcton. , NARDANA, s.s. (2.25 p.m.), 7974 tona, for Lyttelton. ORARr, m.s. (4 p.m.), 10,107 ton*, Ashnorth, for Napier. GAEL, m.s. (5.15 p.m.), 95 tons, N:;liler, for Oreymouth. CANADIAN BRITISHER, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 5370 tons, Sneltzer, for Newcastle. DORIC STAR, s.s. (6 p.m.), 10,093 tons, Oswald, for Napier. WAIPIATA, s.s. (IS p.m.), 2826 tons, Lowe, for Auckland. MATANGI. s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1366 tons, Wildman for Nelson. W'AHINE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4430 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton. .MONDAY, JANUARY 27. ALEXANDER, m.s. (12.5 a.m.), 377 tons, Eden, for D'Urvllle Island. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Echo, Blenheim, today. Walmarlno, Auckland, today. Tamahlnc, Picton, tomorrow, C.15 p.m. Walilue, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. MaUmgi, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 a.m. Holmglen, southern ports, tomorrow. Awahou, Onckaka, tomorrow. Inaha, Fatea, 29th. Kapiti, Wanganui, 29th. Kalmal, Greymouth, 29th. Rata, Tarakohc. 30th. Karu, Lyttelton, 30th. Parera, Glsbornc, 31st. Storm, Wansanui, 31st. Holmdale, southern ports, 31st. Wlngatul, Lyttelton, 31st. Gale, Lyttelton, 31st. Kalmiro. Greymouth, 3rd. Gale, Wanganul, 3rd. Overseas Trader*. Walranui, Gladstone, today. Dort Dcnison, Picton, tomorrow. Waltaki, Sydney, 29th. Karetu, Lyttelton, 29tb. Golden Cloud. Auckland, Slat. Kartlgl, Napier, 31st. t Canadian Constructor, Lytteltou, February 1. Cornwallis. W'anganui, 2nd. lonic, Lyttclton, 2nd. Huntingdon, Auckland, 3rd. PROJECTED OEPARTUKES. Tamahlne, Picton, today, 2.45 p.m. Arahura, A'elson, today, 7.30 p.m. Rangatlra. Lyttelton, today, 7:45 p.m. Kapiti, Wangunui. today. Hawera, Patea, today. I'ort Whanearei, Auckland, today, y Parera. Napier; today. Breeze, southern ports, today. Port Walkato, southern ports, today. Storm, Wanganul, today. Kapunt, I'atea, today. Inaha, Patea, today. Wainul, Napier, today. Poolta, Westport, today. Matangt, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. W'ahlnc, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Awahou, southern ports, tomorrow. Holmglen, New Plymouth, tomorrow. Taupata, Nelson aud bays, tomorrow. Walmaritio, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Kohl, Nelson and bays, tomorrow. Te Aroha. Greymouth, tomorrow. Kalmai, Napier, 29th. Karu, New Plymouth, 50th. lyiimiro, Westport, 30th. Rata, Westport, 30th. Holmdalo, Wansanul, via Ficton, 31st. Wingatul, Auckland, 31st. Gale, Wanganui. via Picton, 31st. Storm, southern ports, 31st. Gale, southern ports, 3rd. Waipiata, Lyttelton, 3rd. Overseas Traders. Wicgand, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Loch Lomond, Sydney, tomorrow. Karetu, Sydney, 29th. Kartigl, Westport,. 31st. Port Denisou, WaiiKmnii, February 1. Golden Cloud, Melbourne, l»t. Cornwallis, New York. 3rd. lonic, London, 6th, daybreak. Huntingdon, London. _ 7tu. BERTHAGE LIST. Arahura —Queen's Wharf No. 12. Breeze —Queen's Wharf No. 1 north, Dorset—Plpitea Wharf. Echo —Queen's Wharf So. 13. Futurist —Queen's Wharf No. 7. ' Hlmatangl—ln the stream. Hawera —King's Wharf. Inaha—King's Wharf. John—ln trie Stream Kalmiro—Railway Wharf. Kapiti—Plpitea Wharf. Kohi-^Queen's Wharf No. IS. Kapunl—King's Wharf. ' Karepo—Fryatt Quay. Kallngo—Mlrtmar Wharf. Kalwarra—Patent Slip Wharf. Loch.Lomond—Taruakl Street Wharf. Miro—Shelly Bay. Maori—Clyde Quay Wharf. Oplhl—ln the Stream Poolta—Railway Wharf. Port Denlson —Glasgow Wharf. Port' W«lkato^-Queen's Wharf No. 6.' Port Whangarei—Queen's Wharf No. %. Parera—Pipitea Wharf. Rangatira—Lyttelton Wharf. Storm—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Te Aroha—Queen's' Wharf No. 13. Tamahlna—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Taupata—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Totara—ln the stream. H. 51.5. Wellington—Clyde Quay Wharf. Wlegand—Fryatt Quay. Walmarino—Queen's Wharf No. 16. Wainui—King's Wharf. Wairangi—Aotea Quay. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. MARAMA, leaves Melbourne Wednesday for Wellington; due Bluff Sunday, Duncdin February 4, Lyttelton February 6. Wellington February 7. (U.S.S. Co.) MONOWAI, leaves Sydney Friday for Wellington ; due Wellington February 3; leaves Wellington February 8, Auckland February 10, for .Sydney; due Sydney February 13. (U.S.S. Co.) WANGANELLA, leaves Sydney February G for Wellington; due Wellington February 9. (Huddart. Parker.) PACIFIC MAlu SERVICES. MAKI'KA, left Sydney January 16 for San Francisco; due Papeete tomorrow, San Francisco February 7. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, left San Francisco January 15 for Sydney; due Rarotonga today, Wellington February 3; leaves Wellington February 4; due Sydney February 8. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver; due Auckland February 3; leaves Auckland February 4; duo Suva February T. Honolulu, February 14, Vancouver February 21. (U.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY, left San Francisco January T for Australia; duo Sydney today, Melbourne Friday. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) AORAJJGI, leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney; due Honolulu February 5, Suva February 14, Auckland February 17; leaves Auckland February 18; due Sydney February 22 (U.S.S. Co.) MARIPOSA, leaves San Francisco February 4, Los Angeles February 5, for Sydney and Melbourne; due Honolulu February 10. Pago Pago February 15, Suva February IS. Auckland February 21; due Sydney February 24, Melbourne February 28. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. Young.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. AKAROA was to leave Tilbury January 26 for Auckland (duo February 27) and Wellington (March 2). (S.S. and A. Co.) CAPE YORK, was to leave Los Angeles January 25 for Auckland (duo February 23), Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton. Duncdin, and Australia, via Apia. (U.S.S. Co.) • CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR.' leaves Montreal February 24 for Bluff (duo March '.'(!). i Duncdin. Lyttelton, and Wellington (April 3) yin Australia IC.NS.) CANADIAN SCOTTISH leaves Montreal February 21 for.. Auckland (due March 10) and Wellington (Mar-.-b M». (C.N.S.) CHIFTJKU MAHU, was to leave Miikc Japan. January 2j_ for Auckland (duo February 16). Wellington (February 20), Lyttelton, and DunKiln. (Wright, Stepbcnson.)
GOLDEN STATE, leases Los Angeles reb- 0 ruary ) tor Auckland (duo February 27). Wei- ~ liugtou (March Z) «ud AvJtralU. (Burns. f l'hlip.) JAJI'KS COOK, was to leave Sydney January 25 tor Auckland (due January 31),-Wellington, and Greymouth. (Holm and Co.) KAIKAftUA, luaoa Newcastle abuut t'ebrti- 1 ary 7, completes Sydney, for' Auckland. (U.S.S. J to.) KIWITEA. loads Sydney about January 30, complete:) Melbourne for Auckland and Greymouth. (Ii.S.S. Co.) KARETU, loads Newcastle abuul February ; 1, Sydney, and Hobart, for Bluff, Duucdin, ; Timuru, Lytteltou, and Oaniaru. (U.S.S. Cu.) MIDDLESEX, leaves Llverpuol February 3 tor Auckland (due March 18), Wellington (March zj), Lyttelton Uunediu. «ud Blutt. (Federal Co.) OMANA, leaves Edithburug February 1 for < Adelaido (February 3) for Auckland, Portland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duucdin. (U.S.S. Co.) \ UANGITATA, leaves London February 6 for < Wellington (due March VI), aqil Auckland, sia Klngstou. (N.Z.S. Co.) SI'EYBANK. loads Ocean lalanu tebruary for Auckland or New Zealand ports. WAIKOUAITI, leaves Sydney January 29 for Bluff, Duuedia, Tiraaru, Lyttelton. (U.S.a. Co.) WEIKBANK, loads Oceau Uluuo February ' for Auckland or New Zealanii purts.. ' ZEALANDIC, leaves London January 89 tor I'ort Chalmers (due March 10), Lyttelton, aud Tiruaru. (S.S and \. Co.) DOMINION BOUND. I 1 BRISBANE MARU, left Mojl Jauuary 1 for Duuedin (due Jauuary 29), Lyttelton, Wellington (February 2), and Auckland. via Australia. (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CONSTRCCTOK. left Montreal November IS for Australian ports, Dunedtu i (due January H9), Lytteltou, Wellington (due , February 1), aud Auckland. (C.N.S.) i CANADIAN CKUISEIt, left Halifax January | 1 for Australia. Bluff (due February 22), Duncdin, Lyttelton, aud Wellington (February i 20). (C.N.S.) . I CITY OF DIEPPE, left New York about January 8 for Auckland (due February 10), Wellington (February 14), Lyttelton, and Dunediu. (Wright, Stephenson.) CANADIAN PLANTER, left Halifax December 31 for Auckland (due February 10) and Wellington (Fobruary 14). (C.N.S.) EMPIRE STAR, .eft London January 11 for Auckland (due February 13), Wellington, and Napier. (Blue Star Line.) FORDSDALE, left London December 21 in ballast for New Zealand; due February 1. (S.S. aud A. Co.) HERTFORD, left Liverpool December 30 for Auckland (due February 7), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. and New Plymouth. (Federal Co.) HURUNUI, left Cardiff January 25 for New Zealand to load; due March 16. (N.Z.S. Co.) KAIRANGA, left Sydney January 21 for Auckland (due January 27). (U.S.S. Co.) MAMARI, left London January 18 in ballast fur New Zealand: due March i. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAKANA, left LondoD December 24 In ballast for New Zealand; due mid-February. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, left Southampton December 28 for Auckland (due February 2). Wellington, aud Bluff. (S.S. and A. Co.) PENSILVA, left Antwerp December 6 for Auckland (due February 6). (N.Z.S. Co.) rukil NariEH, lull Ne»easUß-ui.-!yiio December 30 for New Zealand; <lue February li. (C. and !>. Line.) KUAUINE, letl Loudon December 20 Cor Wellington (passenger! only, due February 5). Port Chalmer», Lyttelton, Tituaru, and New Plymouth, via Suva. (N.Z.S. Co.) RANGITIKI, left Loudon Jauuary » for Wellington (passengers only, due February 13), Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, via Kingston. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOUTH AFRICA, left Los Angeles December — for Auckland (due February 2) aud Wellington (February 5). (T.O. Co.) TURAKINA, left Liverpool January 24 for New Zealand to load; due March !). (N.4.Q. °TARANAKI, left Liverpool January 21 for Auckland (due February 22), WellluEton (February 28), Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (S.S. and 'TUSCAN STAR, letl London January 11 for South Africa to discharge; thence in ballast to New Zealand to load; due Marcb A. (Blue Star Line.) WAIRANGI, left London December 4 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to load Homeward) (due Wellington January 27). (S.S. and A. Co.) WAITAKI left Sydney January 24 for Wellington (due January 29) and Gisborne (U S.S. Co.) ■ . WILLIAM C. DALDY, left Neweastle-ou-Tyne November 7 for .Auckland. (A.H.8.) WAIMANA, left London January 16 In ballast for New Zealand, via Capo of Good Hope (dua Marcb 6), (S.S. and A. Co.) DISCHARGING ON COAST. CORNWALLIS, from Montreal, for Wanganui and Wellington; at Auckland; leaves toDORSET," from Liverpool, for Lyttelton and Duuedin; at Wellington; leaves Friday. (FedeIiABRIELLA, from Newcastle and Sydney; for Castlecliff; at New Plymouth. (U.S.S. C9GOLDEN CLOUD, from Los Angeles; for Wellington (due Friday) and Australia; at Auckland; leaves tomorrow. (Burns, Philp.) KING EDWIN, from Tampico; for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland; at Tlmaru. KARETU, from Eden, Fort Kembla, Newcastle, Port Stephens, And Sydney; for Wellington ;at Lyttelton; leaves tomorrow. (U.b.S. °LOCH LOMOND, from Vancouver, for Sydney; at Wellington; leaves tomorrow. (U.S.S. MANJU MARU, from Sliike, at Dunedin. (Wright. Stephenson.) NARDANA, from New York, for Dunedin; at Lyttelton. (Federal Co.) REMUERA, from London; at Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) WIEGAND, from New Orleans; for Lyttelton and Dunedin; at Wellington. WEIISBANK, from Cuba, for Australia; at Auckland. LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. DORIC STAR, at Napier; leaves Saturday for Auckland; leaves Auckland February 6 for London, via Panama. (Blue Star Line.) HUNTINGDON, at Auckland; for Wellington (February 3-7); leaves Wellington February 7 for London, Avonmouth, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow, via Panama'and Curacao. (Federal Co.) lONIC, at Bluff f leaves tomorrow for Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington; leaves Wellington February 6 for Southampton, and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) KARETU, at Lyttelton; leaves tomorrow for Wellington; leaves Wellington January 29 for Sydney; Newcastle, and Hobart. (U.S.S. Co.) KABTIGI, loads .Auckland today, Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Westport, and Greyraouth, for Melbourne and Adelaide. (U.S.S. Co.) MANJC MARU, at Dunedin; for Wellington and Auckland; leaves' Auckland February 1 for Japan.. (Wright, Stephenson.) NORTHUMBERLAND, at Auckland; for Wellington (February 3-7), and Bluff; leaves Bluff February 14 for London,, Avonmoutb* Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow, via Panama. (Federal Co.) ORARI, at Napier; leaves Napier Friday for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.)- - PORT ADELAIDE, at Naplsr; leaves Napier Wednesday for London, via Cape Horn. (C. aud D. Line.) . . . . PORT DENISON; at Picton; leaves today for. Wellington (January 28-February 1) and wanganul; leaves Wanganul February 5 for London, via Cape Horn. l(C. and D.1 Line.) PORT HUON, at Auckland; leaves Auckland February 4 for .London,, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) ■■■"■; REMUERA, loads Auckland January 30. Tokomaru Bay; Wellington (February. 8-12). and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton February 15 for London, via Panama and Curacao. (N.Z.S. °TAIROA, at Napier; leaves tonight for Waikokopu, Wanganui, and Auckland; leaves Auckland February 8 for London, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIWERA, at Auckland; leaves Thursday for Gisborne, Wellington (February 4-8), and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton- February 11 for London, via Cape Horn and Las-Palmas. (Ss.b. and A. Co.) SERVICES TO IBLANOS SIAUI POMARE, leaves Wellington Thursday for Apia and Nlue. (T. J. Gardiner.) PORT WHANGARKI, leaves Auckland Friday for Nukualofa. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIPAHI, leaves Suv* Thursday for Auckland (due February 4). (U.S.S. Co.) TEES, leaves Lyttelton tomorrow for Vaitangl and Katagaroa, (T. J. Gardiner.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless atations tonight: — Auckland.— City of Manchester, Cornwallis, Golden Cloud, John Knudsen, Kairanga, Matai, Ruahlne, Waipahi. Chatham Islands.—South Sea. -,_,.,_,,„_ Wellington.—Akaroa, Canadian Britisher, H.M.S. Dlomede, Doric Star Fordsdale. Mataroa, Orari, Port Adelaide, Port Dentil. Port WhadKurel. Rangatlra, Rangtane, K?ngltlfc , Tamahine, Tairoa. Tamaroa, Wahlne, Wairaugi, WAwarua.-B?*sbane Maru. Canadian Constructor, Dalveen, Discovery 11, Karetu, Kiwitea, Makura, Manju Maru, Maunganui Monowal, New Zealand. Olive Cam. South Africa, Triona, Waikoualtl. Wyatt .Earn. GOLDEN CLOUD AT AUCKLAND. The Golden Cloud, at present discharging carco from the Pacific coast of America at Auckland, is to leave there tomorrow for Wcllliicton being due here on Friday. She will leave Wellington on Saturday for Melbourne, where sho is due on February 8 to complete discharge. TEES FOR WAITANGI. Tho Tees is now to leave Lyttelton tomorrow for Waitangi aud Kalngaroa. CANADIAN PLANTER CLEARS PANAMA, j The Canadian Planter, en route from Uali- - fax to Auckland and Wellington, cleaved l'anama on January. 1C q
CONQUEROR LEAVES HALIFAX. The Canadian Conqueror • left Halifax, on Friday for Sew Zealand. She Is due at Duucdin on March' 2<i, at Lyttelton on March 2!t, and at Wellington on April 1. SCOTTISH AT PANAMA.. The Canadian Scottish, which left Wellington on December 24 for American ports, arrived at l'anama on January 21 and left on the following day. TURAKINA EN ROUTE. The Turakina sailed from Liverpool on Friday In ballast for New Zealand to load., Sho is due on the coast on March 0. HURUNUI COMING. The Hiirunul left Cardiff on Saturday for New Zealand to load.. She is due on about March lti. BY TELEGRAPH. ' LONDON, January 25. Arrived—At Colon, Rangitiki; at Vancouver, Aoraugt. AUCKLAND, January 20. Arrlred-Golden Cloud (11.25 a.m.), from Loi Angeles; Waiwera. (12.15 p.m.), from. New Ply-mouth. LYTTELTOX, January 20. Arrived—Karetu (15 a.m.), from Tlmaru; Wahlne (0.05 a.m.), and Nardana (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Holmglcu (12.15 p.m.), fro* Tlmaru. ' • l
DUNEDIN, January 2G. Arrived—Holmdalo (10.45 a.m.), from Wanganui; Manju Maru (S.SO a.m.), from Timaru; Gale (1.20 p.m.), from Lyttelton. ' AUCKLAND,'Januarv 27. Arrived—Port Huon (6.45 a.m.), from W«U liugton. ' /• ■ . , , NAPIER, January-27. Arrived—Orari (7.30 a.m. 26th), and Dorle Star (1.15 p.m. 2Cth), from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 22, 27 January 1936, Page 12
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2,488SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 22, 27 January 1936, Page 12
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