HIGH WATER. Today—lo.ll a.m.; 10.37 p'm Tomorrow—ll a.m.; 11.20 pui (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER » XAMAHINE, s.s. (6 p.m.), 19SU tons, Kane, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. MATA.NGI, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 1308 toils Wildman, from Nelson. RANUATIUA, t.c.s. (7 a.m.), G152 tous Cainurou, from Lyttelton. . . PORT CHALMKKS, m.s. t ».23 a.m.), 8550 tons Complon, from New Plymouth. ' KAPITi, m.s. (J. 30 p.m.;. Zi'Z tons, Joliauseu, from Lytteltou. ECHO, aux. scow (U.iiU p.m.), 132 tous, illlcs, from Blenheim. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4. ECHO, aux. scow (3.0 v.m.). 132 tons. Miles, troni lileulieim. . ' GABMELLA, s.s. (4 a.m.). 1357 tons, Denniston, from Wangaiiui. WAI.MAIUNO. s.s. (li.-lj a.m.), 3007 tons. Pros. ser, from Auckland. TOTAKA, s.s. ( a.m.), 42G tons, Edca from Duncdiu. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2. TALISMAN', aux. scow (5.5 p.m.), 33 tons Henry, for Nelsou. . ' HOLMGLEN, m.s. (U p.m.), 44S tons McArtliur. for New Plymouth. WAINUI. s.s. (0.20 p.m.), 1033 tons, Waters tor Napier. KAUU, m.s. (0.23 p.m.), 10U0 tons, lUtclilc for Nelsou. ' POOLTA, s.s. (G. 35 p.m.), 1075 tons. Shame. for Lyttelton. BREEZE, m.s. (0.40 p.m.), G22 tous, Stewart for Bluff. TE AltOllA. aux. scow (0.30 p.m.), 103 tons for Hokitlka. " AKAHUBA. s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1007 tons, Hay for Nelson. PAUERA. s.s. (7.40 p.m.), 531 tous, Kauerva for Dunedin. WAHINE. s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 4436 lons, Irwin for Lyttelton. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3. MAIMOA, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 8011 tons, Thurston, for Walkokopu. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4. STORM, s.s. (12.10 a.m.), T43 tous, Williams, for rieton. ' v HOLMDALE, s.s. (12.15 a.m.), OSI tons, Copland, lor Pielon. FUTURIST, s. trawler (8 a.m.), 241 tons Ormes, for Cook Strait. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. T.imaliine, Picton, tomorrow, 0.15 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, tomorrow, T a.m. Kauunl, Fatea, tomorrow. Huwuia, Patea, tomorrow. Canopus, Westport, tomorrow. Fairburu, Karamea, tomorrow. Foxtou, Patea, tomorrow, lnaha, Patea, tomorrow. Gael, Hokltlka, tomorrow. Holmdale. Wanganui, Olh. Ngahau, Nelson, Bill. Echo, Blenheim, 6th. • Karu, New Plymouth, Gtii. Kapiti. Wangaiiui, 7lh. Wainui, Gisborue, 7th. . Holmglen, Waikato, 7th. Kalingo, Lyttelton, 7th. I'arera, southern ports, 7th. l'akura, Lyttelton, Bth, Breeze. Lyttelton, Bth. Karepo, New Plymouth, Bth. Te Aroha. Hokitika, 3th. Wingatiii. Lyttelton, Sih. Port Waikato, Auckland, 11th. Waiplata, Auckland, 11th. Overseas Traders. Canadian Cruiser, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Brisbane Maru, Melbourne, 6th, a.m. WaitaKi, Lytteltou, 7th. King .Malcolm, Napier, Sth. Emma Maersk, Sau Pedro, 11th. Monowai, Sydney, 11th. Makura, Sau Francisco, 11th. \ Tainui, Southampton, 12th. Omana, Newcastle, 14th. Uaroune. Auckland, 15th. Rotorua, London, 15th. City of Bagdad, Auckland, IGth. Golden State, Auckland, ISth. Thorhild, San Pedro, 20th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coastal Traders. ICaitoa, Nelson, today, G. 30 p.m. Rangatira, Lyttelton, today, 7.43 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, 2.45 today. Kanua, Auckland, today, l'ukura, Napier, today. Totara, Westport, today. Walniarinu, southern ports, today. Alexander, Greymouth, today. Matangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 6.30 p.m. Wa'liiue, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow, llawera, Patea, tomorrow. Kapuuii patea. tomorrow. Kapiti, 'Wangituul; tomorrow. Matai, southern llshla', tomorrow, lnaha, Patea; tomorrow. Foxton, Lytteltun, tomorrow. Ngahau. Nelson and Bays, Oth. I'airburn, Westport, Gth. Kalmai, Westport, GtU. Karu, Dunedtn, Sth. llolmdale. southern ports, 6th. Canopus. Westport, 6th. Gael, Greymouth, Oth. Holmgleu, southern ports, 7th. Kalingo, Wanganui, 7th. Walnui. Bluff. Bth. Parera, New Plymouth, 7th. Breeze, Wanganui, via Picton, Sth. Wiugatui. Auckland, 9th. Te Aroha, Greymouth, 9th. Port Waikato, southern ports, 11th. Waipiata. Lyttelton, 11th. , * Overseas traders. Rangitlkl. Auckland, today, 11 p.m. l'ort Hunter, Lyttelton, tomorrow, p.m. Port Chalmers, Napier, tomorrow, p.m. Brisbane Maru. Auckland oin. Waltaki. Napier. 7th. Gabriella, Greymouth, Oth. Kiiiß Malcolm, New Plymouth, 10th. Monowai. Auckland, 12th. Makura, Sydney, 12th. Tainui, Auckland, 14th. Rotorua, Lyttelton, 15th. Garonne, Lyttelton, 17th. City of Bagdad, Lyttelton, 20th. Golden State, Melbourne, 20tlv. BERTHAGE LIST. Alexander—King's Wharf. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Fairlmrn—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Ciabrlella—Clyde Quay Wharf. Gael—Queen's Wharf No. 7. Hawera—Pipitea Wharf. Hlniatanci — In the Stream, lnaha—King's Wharf. John—ln the Stream. Kalwarra—Patent Slip Wharf. Kanna—Fryatt Quay. Kaitoa—Queen's Wharf Ko. 10. 'Kapunl—King's Wharf. Kapiti—Glasgow Wharf. Kalmai—Railway Wharf. Matai—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Jlatangi—Queen's Wharf No. IX. Maori—Clyde Quay Wharf. Oplhl—ln the stream. Tort Hunter—King's Wharf. Vakura—Pipitea Wharf. I'ort Chalmers—Glasgow Wharr. RaiiL'atira—Lyttelton Wharf. HauSiti Id—Pipitea Whart. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Totara—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Waimarino—Queen's Wharf No. 16. Waipahi—lVyatt Quay. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. WANGANELLA, left Melbourne Wednesday, Sydney Saturday, for Auckland; due Wednesday; leaves Auckland Jridav for Sydney; due November 11. (Huddart, Parker.) JfARAMA, left Wellington Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; arrived Sydney today, due Melbourne Wednesday; leaves Melbourne Thursday for New Zealand; due Bluff November 11, Dunedin November 12, Lyttelton November 14, Wellington November 13; leaves Wellington November IG, Bluff November 18, for Melbourne; duo November 22. (U.S.S. Co.) MONOWAI, leaves Sydney Friday for Wellington and Auckland; duo Wellington November 11, Auckland November 15; leaves Auckland November 15 for Sydnsv: due November 18. (U.S.S. Co.! PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. LURLINE, left San Francisco October 15, Los Angeles October 10, for Sydney and Melbourne; clue Sydney tomorrow, Melbourne Friday; leaves Mclbourno Saturday, Sydney November Xi, for San Francisco: due Auckland November 18. Suva November 10. Pago I'ago November 20, Honolulu November 23, Los Angeles November 30, San Francisco DcMAKXTRA, left Pan Francisco October 23 for Sydney; leaves Rarntonga today, due Welliniton November 11 : leaves Wellington November 12; due Sydney November 10. (U.S.S. MArXGANUI. left Sydney October 21 for San Francisco; due Papeete tomorrow, San Francisco November 13. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Sydney October 19 for Vancouver; dun Vancouver Thursday; leaves Vancouver Saturday for Sydney, via Honolulu and Auckland; due Auckland November 28; leaves November 28 for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY, leaves San Francisco November 12, Los Anceies November 13, for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Honolulu November IS, Pago Pago November 23, Suva November 26. Auckland November 2!>. Sydnoy December 2 Melbourne December l>. (Burns. Philp, and T' and W Ynung.) AOKANGI, leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver: due Auckland November 11; loaves November 12; due Suva November 13. Honolulu November 22, Vancouver November 29. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. ABEL TASMAN, was to loavo Sydney October 20 for Wellington and other New Zealand ports. (Holm and Co.) CITY Oh KLOKKXCB. leaves New York Noveinhcr 22 for Auckland. Wellington Lvtlclton nune.lln. mul Australia. (Federal Co.) GOLDEN COAST, was tn leave Los Angeles November 1 for Auckland. Wellington, and Aus- I tralia. (lUirns. Philp.) i CABIIIELLA, loads Newcastle November 21 I completes Sydney, for Napier and Gisboinc! (U.S.S, Co.) |
UAURAKI, leaves Los Angeles November 4 lor Auckland idtio December IJ, Wellington m v?J U'V .DuncUla. BluW. and /.Australia! UUIA, was to leave Melbourne . October 23 «r •\\ estport. UroynioutU. Duuedin, and Auc-k-KABETU. loads Newcastle about November B completes Port Stephens and Sydney for Bluff' nnfivrr"-1""1 L>ttcltou, (U.S.S. Co ) fo^c^^S^o"j OUrUt! KoVCUlber " berVAlr^?]'t loadL 15, diU")llrg about mid-Novem-ber completes Adelaide, for-Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New PiyNew Pi™1"",'," 08 ■Me">o«nc for Auckland and *■»*.» Jrijnioutu. (U.S.S. Co) •i2 L forEA^u' le> a?i Los Ansel" November r,7,, i» w ,d <duo Dec«mbcr 18). Welliug■Co 3 tOUI Duuedi». and Australia. (U.S.S. cJb^^'VnP"' was t0 leave M°Jl No>cmoei i. for Wellington (due Derpniher x» ""NAtS!?? 11', via Australia 6(FederaToo.) M »,£ii- f •*.' lea?es November zs tor f«f^n nd <due end Member). Wellington. Hmflr- J imaru> .Blutt..;and Dunedln, via Henaug, Singapore. ..and . Samai-ans (U.S.S NORTHUMBERLAND, leaves New York Nor NEW ZEALAND, was tSteai'e San Pedro .. "ANtUANE leaves London November 14 £iv ufSS1 tZ December 1S) flnd Auck--4,^n II!0i A'^lcav^ s Llver P°ol November 10 for Auckland due December 26)-, Wellington (December 30), Lyttelton, and Dunedin. : (S.S. und a. Co.) WAITAKI. loads Newcastle November 13, completes Sydney, for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) DOMINION BOUND. Jta'iJSSlui^F^K, 8' AllcUluulCANADIAN SCOTTISH, left Montreal October 1 tor Dunedln (due December 8). Lyiteltr?ii and,nW^W? B;toD 'December 12). via TvsCANADIAN VICTOR, left Montreal October 11 for Auckland (due November 23) Wellin»ton <K<"ember 2S> aDd Australia. (C.N.S ) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Montreal Ocober 27 for Wellington (due December 28* Lyttelton, and Dunedin. via Australia (C.N.S ) CANADIAN HIGHLANDER. left Montrea \v»m? bi et * ,nor Auckland (d«e December lit (C?NS) (December 18)' and Australia! CITY OF BAGDAD, left .New YorS October a, Newport News October 12. tor Auckland (due November 14) Welllnaton. Lyttelton Dunedin and Australia (Federal Co) fJS?Ivv A;, MAEBSK> lefl San Pedro Owner 10 foj< WeUlngton (due November 11). {U.S.S. I7<if o orDf ?l l .STAT?H 1C" LOS A"*6"* O"0"" 17 for Auckland (due November 14). Wellington and Australia. (Burns. Philp.) . GJ,KO^^ E- 'eft Datum September 8 for Auckland (due November 11), Wellington. Lytle"°n. and Dunedlu. (G. H. Scales.) I.ALJ'., ieft OlaSßow about Seuiember 30 Tor ?Ca Dnterhur nd s'| tteltoa via CaDB of Good Hodb HUNTINGDON, le°ft Liverpool October 28 Tor Auckland (due December 4), Wellington (DeiScralC Lyttelt°n. Dunedln. and Bluff. KAIRANGA, left Sydney October 30 for Auckland (due November 5). (U.S S Co ) KAIJIIRO, left Melbourne November 1 for New Plymouth (due November 7). Auckland Portland, and Napier. (U.S.S. Co.) MANDALAY, left Nauru Island October 30 for Auckland (duo November 10) and WangaNOUSEMEXT, left Seychelles Islands Ontober 8 for Auckland (due November 15) and southern ports. (A. S. Paterson.) NORFOLK, left Liverpool October 6 for Auckland (due November 16). Napier WeiIMm.^SS^k, , LytteltoD DiinedlnPORT HOBART, left New York October 31 for Auckland (duo December 1), Welllnirton ynsx.'2?,I.nand1 .nand Dunedin- (C and D. Line.) ' , KANGITATA. left London October v tor Auekand (due November 20) and WelllnK ton (November 25) (N.Z.S Co.) ,T,t?2 TORDA left London September 2? for Wellington (passengers only, due November' Suva! wTs" CoT Chalmera aDd Bluff "ia i;^AINUII left So«thampton October 4 for Wellington (due November 12), and Auckland. (b.S. and A. Co.) TAMAROA, left London, November 1 for Wellington (due December 4) and Auckland (S S and A. Co.) THORHILD. left San Pedro October 26 for Wellington (due November 20.) (U.S.S On ) WAIPAWA, left London October IS for Port Chalmers (duo November IS), Lyttelton and ■Nelson.- (S.S. aud A. Co.) WAIRUNA. left Los Angeles Ootnher 19 fnr Auckland (due . November 13), Napier. Wellington (November 21) Lyttelton Dunedin anil Australia ( Co.) YEIFUKD MARU, left Japan October 20 for Auckland, (duo November- 12);- Lyttellon, aud Castlcclift. -.■.-•■ >.-/...- '-~ ■ ' ■ DISCHARGING ON COAST. AMALTHUS, from Ballk Papan: at Lyttelton. (Shell Co.) AYMEIUC, from Kauru Island; for Dunedln; at Lyttelton. FORTHBANK, from Porto Empedoele; for Australia; at New Plymouth. INNAREN, from Vancouvef; for Dunedln • at Lyttelton: leaves today. (G. H. Scales.) KALINGO. from Edlthburg. Adelaide, and Melbourne; for Timaru. Lyttelton, Wellington, and Castlecllff: at Dunedin; leaves today (U.S.S. Co.) ■ ■ . KING MALCOLM, from Tampico; for Napier. Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Dunodin:< aud Bluff; at Gisborne. (Dalgety and Co.) "'•"■ PORT HUNTER, from Liverpool; for hyi-' telton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth; at Wet' linpston; leaves p.m. tomorrow. (C. and Dl. Line.) PORT CHALMERS, from London: at New Plymouth. (C. aud D. Line.) •'■;-• RANGITIKI. from London: at Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) • W. B. WALKER, from Palembang; at Dunedin. (A.U.O. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Sydney and Hobart, for Timaru and Lyttelton; at Dunediii; leaves today.. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIPAHI, from Sydney; at Wellington for repairs. (U.S.S. Co.) WAITAKI. from Melbourne; for Dunedln, Lyttelton. Wellington, and Napier; -at BIuET; sails today. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING IN NEW ZEALAND. AKAROA, at Auckland: leaves Friday, 5 p.m. for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, loads Auckland November 11 for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, Et Lyttelton; leaves today for Wellington; leaves Wellington tomorrow for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) . . GABRIELLA, loads Greymouth November 11 for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIRANGA, leaves Auckland November 11 for Melbourne and Adelaide. (U.S.S. Co.) KARTIGI. leaves Greymouth Wednesday for Melbourne and Adelaide. (U.S.S. Co.) MAIMOA, at Waikokopu; leaves tomorrow for Napier, Opua. aud Auckland; leaves Auckland November 15 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAUANA, loads New Plymouth November 20, Wanganui, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier; leaves Napier December 14 for London, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT HUNTER, loads New Plymouth November 11, Lyttelton, Wellington (November 22-23). and Auckland; leaves Auckland November 30 for 7,ondon and West Coast. (C. and D. Line.) PORT CHALMERS, at Wellington; leaves p.m. tomorrow for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland; leaves Auckland November 14 for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) PORT CAROLINE, at Timaru; leaves tomorrow for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington (due November 21) ; leaves Wellington November 23 for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) KOTORUA. loads Port Chalmers about November 21, Bluff, Wellington (December 2-4), Auckland, and Napier; leaves Napier December 14 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) RANGITIKI. at Wellington; leaves today for Auckland, Tokomaru Bay, and Napier; leaves Napier November 19 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI. at Dunedln: leaves today for Timaru. Lyttelton, and Bluff; leaves Bluff November 11 for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) WAITAKI. leaves Nnpler Saturday for Newcastle and Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) SERVICES TO ISLANDS. MAUI I'OMAItE, left Welllnirton Tuesday for Apia and Nine. (T. J. Gardiner.) PORT WHAXGAREI, leaves Auckland l'riclav for Nukualofa. (U..S.S. Co.) NfJAKUTA. left Auckland Saturday for Suva to Innrt for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) TEI'.S, left Lyltelton Friday for Chatham Islands. (T. J. Gardiner.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland.—Golden State. Isleworth, Lurllnc, Maul Pomaro, Middlesex, Ngakuta, Port Campbell. Rotorua, Trentbank. Wanganclla. W. li. Walker Chatham Islands.—South Sea. Wellington.—Brisbane Mam. Canadian Cruiser, H.M.S. Dioniede. 11.M.5. Duuedln. Fresno Star, Hoeghtrader, King Malcolm Muimoa. Malaita. Matai. Mataroa. Niagara, Port Hunter Hangatira. Rangitata. Rangltiki. Remuera,, Tainul, Tamahine, Tamaroa, Wahine. Awarua.—Alfle Cam, Bendigo, City of Tokio, Haurakl, Innaren. James Cook. Kalmiro, Kalingo, Karetu, Kartlßi. Msikura, Mamma, Mnunganui. New Zealand, Nollsement. Omana, Port. Cnroline, South Africa, Trlona. Wairuna Waitaki, Walkouniti. | PERSONAL. I,i <;'V," :l»" A- Kussell is now in command of I lie l'oolta. relieving Captain C. Sharpc • Captain K. W. Kanerva has resumed command of the Parera. replacing Captain C. A. i b;u-|<er. i Mr. il. S,. S. ■ Curtis i» now second officer |
of tlio UolniElcu, relieving Mr. H. Uobert- *""' « - / TAINUI RADIOS.'. .' '" ivYn 0 ,' Jain, ul c» route lrora Southampton to Wellington, has radioed that she now expects 10 arrive here In the afternoon of November at AuUland -"'"wards' complete discharge HIGHLANDER LEAVES MONTREAL. Iho (.aujdldo JllirtiliiHlir left Montreal on tiidiy lor Ai^Xund, Wellington, and Auslriili.l Mie X duo at Auckland on December 11, .md iliould airlvc hero on December 16. PORT HUNTER LATER. iJIm, 'i 0" Hun. tcr' "i 1 I'naent dlschnreiiig Lneipool car«o here, is now to leaio tomorrow ouung to complete discharge at Littelton. Dumdln. and New Pljmoutli. MARINE EXAMINATION : RESULTS. llie following aio the rebults of eutmlnalloiib conducted by the Marine Deiiarnnendurlns October -siaster ot home-trade W.U Ihi,. t £ .'."'"V ""■' OlUccr ot I'ODie-tre^ i>hlp, T C Uouslas, signalb only, F. T. Chatman, flrst-tlat,', oil engineer, D. a. Small, fe W White, g. bcott; becond-class oil cn?!nn Cr' iV m GclMu": restricted limits oil euWicci, D. Mooie, h. G. L. Baxter, C. U. g. BY TELEGRAPH. ' c , , ' bYDNEY. November 2. laud n"r!l" a UliU "m)l for Auck" , . , ~ SYDXLY, xVovcmbcr 4 toil arama illA~ ara)> from WolUnj. Sailed-Ule nor tbAtJ^tm', - .„, , ,-,, PICTON, Noicmbcr 2. Armed—Kohl (4 13 p.m.), from Wellington. . , , LYITELTON, Noi ember " Arrhed—Anulthus (115 pm ) and Winratui (2 30 pi), Horn WclUneton. A^ri]?0 3p(mf. fPor mDuneSn ChaUlaDlS; cSSWa^S &U «!,ii n .^ „ BLDrF, November 2 Knifnl Tf ?-' Carol" 9 (?-«5 a.m.), for Timaru; Kallngo ( p.m.), for Dunedlii. . 4. !„ - v v ACCKLANI); November 3. Arrivea—Yacht Morewa (10.45- a.m.) from Brisbane; Akaroa (11 p.m.). .from" Kapler. Arrlved^ a h,neL^ Xa^\o^^; ?'or, aUfrS Ulrel,& a- m-)- fr°* *"hi . . , , DUXEDIN. November 3. Arrived—Aymerlo (11.30 a.m.). from Lyt. telton; Kallngo (10.40 a.m.), from Bluff. ■ ■ NEW PLYMOUTH, November 4. Arrived—Holmglen (3 a.m.), from Welling. Arrived-Karu M^«£^,
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Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 109, 4 November 1935, Page 12
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2,554SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 109, 4 November 1935, Page 12
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