HIGH WATER. Today.— •■>:■ ">b';ii.m.; 10.8 p.m. Tumorrow. —10.K5-a.m.; 10.51 p.m. Monday.—ll. Hi a.m.; 11.33 p.m. ARRIVALS. FKIUAY, JUNE 7. I CAMBRIDGE,' s.s. (7.20 p.m.), 10,846 tons, Williams, from Liverpool, via Auckland. NOII.V MVE.N. trawler (10.10 p.m.), lljli tons, Sutherland, from Cook Strait. .SATURDAY, JUKE 8. KAPfTI, s.H. (5.15 a.m.), 242 tons, Johansou, from WijiiKuniil. AItAHUKA, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 1607 tons, Uay, from Nelson. * WAI PI ATA, s.s. (7 a.m.), 2826 tons, ChatUe.hl, from 'Lyttellon. MAOKI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3488 tons, Morgan, from Urtteltuu. I'AKUUA, s.s. (10.23 a.m.), 71S tons, Nairn. from Lyttelton. TALISMAN, aux. scow (11.45 a.m.), 09 tons, lleury, from Takaka. DEPARTURES. i'UIUAY, JUKE 7. ORErUKI, s.s. (i.35 p.m.), 545 tons, Davles, for Wanganui. TAMAUINK, s.a. (2.45 p.m.), ISB9 tons, Kane, for I'ictou. ECHO, aux. scow (4 p.m.), 132 tons, Miles. for Blenheim. MELBOURNE MAItU (4.40 p.m.), 5423 tons, 110, for Auckland. 3TOKM, s.s. (4.50 p.m.), 749 tons, Williams, for Bluff. TEES, s.s. (5 p.m.), 546 tons, Anderson, for Lyttelton. KAITOA, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 319 tons, Pearson, for Nelson. RANGATIKA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), 6152 tona, Cameron, for Lyttelton. SATUBDAY, JUNE 8. REMUERA,- s.s. (7 a.m.), ll;383 tons, Holland, for London.
CoastaL Tamahlne, Plcton, today, 6.13 p.m. Inaha, Patea, today. Kaiuia. Nelson, "tomorrow, 7 a.m. Jlmigutira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Orcpuki, Wanganui, tomorrow. Kohl, Nelson and bays, tomorrow. Parera, southern ports, tomorrow. Poolta, Westport, tomorrow, lireeze, southern ports, tomorrow. Klwitea, Greymouth, 10th. Echo. Blenheim, 10th. Gael, (ireymouth, 10th. Wainiarlno, Auckland, lOtb. Walrau, Blenheim, 10th. Port Wbangarei, Auckland, 10th. Falrburn, Westport, 10th. Kapuni, Patea, 11th. Kapltl, Wanganui, 12th. Totara. Greymouth. 12tb. Por). Waikato, southern ports, 12tli. Kaimal, Lyttelton, 12th. Breeze, Wanganui, 12th. Holmglen, Waikato, 13th. To Aroha, Hokttlka, 13th« Holmdale,. southern ports, 13th.- : Paua, New Plymouth, 13th. Walnui, southern ports, 14th. .Wlngatul. Lyttelton. 14th, • Storm, Lyttelton, 14th. Pakura, Gisborne, 14th. Port Whangarel, southern ports, 15th.
Overseas. Golden Cloud, Auckland, today. Kaliulro, Auckland, 10th. Aldington Court, Auckland, lOtll. Makura. Sydney. 10th Maul Pomare, Apia. 11th. . ■ Itotorua, London, 12th. Port Gisborne, London, 13th. Monowal Auckland. 13tb. Waltakl, Lyttelton, 13th. Karligl, Greymouth, 14th. Kakarikl, Newcastle, 14th. Karepo. New Plymouth, 14th. Otlra. Lyttelton, 14tb. Canadian Scottish, Auckland, 13th. Halaklava, Singapore, 16th. Beatus, New Plymouth, lftb. Canadian Cruiser, Lyttelton; 20th. Coptic, London. 20th.
Arahura, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tcxiay, 7.45 p.m. Walnut, Dunedin; today. Te Aroha, Hokitlka, today. Waipiata, Auckland, today. Pakura, Napier, today. Kapunl, Patea, today. Walrau, Blenheim, today. Breeze, Wanganui, via Picton, tomorrow, Kaltoa, Nelson, ' 10th, 6.50 p.m.' Raugattra, Lyttelton,; 10th, 7.45 p.m. Inaha, Patea, 10th. Kapltl. Wangauui, 10th. Port Whangarcl, Duuedln, 10th. Klwitea. Auckland, 10th. I'arera, New Plymouth, 10th. Orepuki. Dunedin. 10th. Waimarino. Lyttelton.' 10th. Talisman, Nelson, ■■10th! Poolta, Lyttelton,. 11th. ' Holmglen, southern ports, 11th. Port Walkato,, Auckland, 11th. Kohl, Nelson and bays, 11th. Falrburn, Westport, 12th. Kalmal. Nelson, 12th. Breoze, southern ports, 12th." Te Aroha, Greymouth, 13th. Holmdale, Picton, 13th.Wlngatul, Auckland, 14th. Storm, Wanganui, 14th. Walnui. Napier, 15th. Port Whangarei, Auckland, loth. Overseas. Napier Star, Auckland, today, 3 p.m. Abel Tasman, Lyttelton, today. Walpahl, New Plymouth, today. Remuera London, tomorrow, daybreak. Golden Cloud, Melbourne, 10th. Kalmlro, Lyttelton, 10th. Makura, San Francisco, 11th. 3 p.m. Aldington Court. Lyttelton, 11th. Durham, Lyttelton, 12th. Cambridge, Lyttelton, 12th. Rotorua, Lyttelton, 13th. Monowal. Sydney. 14th. Canadian Scottish. Australia. 15th. ■ Ottru. Auckland, 17th. BERTHAGE LIST. Awahou —In the stream. Abel Tasiiian—Plp'tea Wharf. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Cambridge—King's Wharf, Durham—Glasgow Wharf. Goldeu Cloud—Plpttea Wahrf. Holmdale—Queen's Wharf Ko. 6. tlunatauel—ld the .stream. Inaha—King's Wharf. Johu—ln tlia Stream. Kalwarra—ln the strtau. ' Kapunl—King's Wharf. Kapiti—Pipltea Wharf. Maori—Kerry Wharf. Marama—Patent Slip. Matai—Ferry Wharf. Nora Nlven—Queen's.Wharf No. 7. Napier Star—Pipltea Wharf. Oplhl—ln the stream. Pakura—Queen's Wharf No. .11. Piako—King's Wharf. Te Aroha —Queen's Wharf No. 13. Talisman —Queen's Wharf No. 13. Wahine—Patent Slip Wharf. Wairau—Queen'a Wharf No. 13. Walpahl—Hallway Wharf. Waipiata—Queen'a Wharf No. 1 north. Walnui—Queen's Wharf No. 2.
WANGANELLA, left ' Wellington Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; due Sydney tomorrow, Melbourne Wednesday; leaves Melbourne Wednesday. Sydney June 15, for Auckland ; due June 19. (Huddart, Parker.) MONOWAI, left Sydney yesterday for Auckland and Wellington» due Auckland Monday; Wellington Thursday; leave!-Wellington Friday for Sydney; due June 17. (U.S.S. Co.)
AORANGI, left Sydney May 22 for Vancouver; due Vancouver . Friday; leaves Vancouver June 19 for Sydney; due Honolulu June 26, Suva July 5, Auckland July 8; leaves Auckland July 9; duo Sydney July 13. (U.S.S. Co.)
MARIPOSA, left Los Angeles May SO for Australia; leaves Pago Pago today; due Suva Tuesday, Auckland Friday, Sydney June 17, Melbourne June 21. (Burns, Philp, and-T. and W. Young.) ' MONTEREY, left. Melbourne May 25, Sydney May 29; for San Francisco; due Honolulu Monday, Los Angeles June 15, San Francisco Juno 17. (Burns, Plillp, and 1. and W. Young.) ■ ~.■■■MAKURA. left Sydney Thursday tor San Francisco; due Wellington Monday; leaves Tuesday; duo Rarotonga June 15, Papeete June 17, San Francisco June 28. <O.S.S. Co.)
MAUNGANUI, left San Francisco Thursday for Sydney, due Papeete June'lS, Barotonga June 18, Wellington Juae 24; leaves Wellington June 25; due Sydney June 29. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA left Vancouver May 21 for Sydney; due Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland Tuesday; due Sydney June 15; leaves Sydney June 20 for Vancouver; due Auckland June 24, leaves June 25; due Suva June 28, Honolulu July 5; Vancouver July 12. (U.S.S. Co.)
BENHOLM, leaves New York June 15 for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedln. (Federal Co.) . ,
BRISBANE MARU. leaves MoJI July 2 for Wellington (due August 8) and Auckland, »la Australia. (Federal Co.)
CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, Icarea Montreal June 21 for Dunedln (due August 21). Lytteltou. and Wellington (Aumat 27) rla Australia. (C.N.S)
CANADIAN CHALLENGER, was to leaf* Montreal May SO for' Australia. Dunedln (dv« July 30), Lyttelton, and Wellington (C.N.S.)
CANADIAN HIGHLANDER leaves Mom real lune 28 for Auckland (due August 7). Wei-. Mncton <Aiieii3t . 12).' and Australia (C.N.S.I
DORIC STAB, leaves London Juno 14 for Auckland (due July 22), Wellington, New Plymouth, and Up load) Australia. (Blue Star Line.) .
OABIUELLA; loads Newcastle June 14, complete Sydney, for Wellington and Akaroa. (U.S.S. Co.)
GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Aqgeles June 30 for Auckland (due June 27) and Wellington (July 1). (Burns, plillp.)
HAUBAKI. leaves Los Angeles June SU.for Auckland (duo ,'uly £6), Wellington, New Plymouth, .Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Australia(U.S.S, Co.)
UUIA. loads Melbourne earj.v Juue for Grey uiuutli, Wtiitport. aud Auckland. '
IvAIKA.NUA, from .Newcastle, lcavee -Port Stephens Juue !>, and Sydney June 10, for Auckland and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.).
KALI.Ni.iU, luuus Newcastle Juue la.' completes Sydney, fur Wellington aud Waugauul. (U.S.S. Co.) • ■■
KAIiIiTU, luuda iNuwi'astle June 12, complete* Sydney fur Biulf, UuueUlii TimarU. »ud Lj'ttelluu. (U.S.S. Co.)
KAKAKIKI. was to'leave Newcastle June 7 tor Wellington (due June 14) aud Ureymouth. (U.S.S. Co.) '
OMANA, luada Aduluidt- Juue IU, cuinyUaeo Alelbouruu, for New Hlyiuuulh, Auckland, Wei liiiKtou, mid Lytteltou. (U.S.S. C 6.1
I'OKT WVNDHAM. leuvea LouJoii July « tur l.jtttltou, Duuedin, Bluff aud Tlniuru. via Suva. (C. Hud D. Llnel
IUNOITAiNK. ieuv«t, Luiiaun Juiit II tor iuckluml (diiL- July 31> uud WellluKtoo lAutfual 5) (NZ.3 Co.)
BMJtNIiV MAKU, was. lo leave Slujl June i ror Australia, Welllugtuu (due July ti>. and Aucisland. (Federal Co.)
KUUKKV leaves Llyerpuol June 22 tor Aucklaud (due July 31) Wellluiiton. Ljttelton, and Dunetllu. (Federal Co.)
TAMAItOA. leaves London June 12 tot l.ytteltnn Idue July IS) aud fort Chalmers. (B.S and A L"o.)
TItOJAN STAR, leaves Uuited. Kingdom JuniIS in ballast for New Zealand; due July it (Blue Star Line.)
BALAKLAVA, left Singapore Ma; 29 for Wellington (due Juue lti). Lyttelton. and Uunediu. (Shell Co.)
BINTA, left Batum May 10 for Auckland (due end of June), and other New Zealand ports (Assoc Motorists.) CANADIAN SCOTTISH, left Halifax April 26 for Auckland (due June 11), Wellington (June 15), and Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, left Halifax April 21 for Bluff (due June 14), Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington (Juno 20), and Napier, via Australia. (C.N.S.)
CANADIAN VICTOR, left Montreal June 1 for Auckland (due July 12), Wellinstou (due July 15), and Australia. (C.N.S.)
CITY OF SALISBURY, left New tforU May 24 tor Auckland (due Juue 291. Wellington. Lyttelton, and Uunediu. (Federal Co.)
COPTIC, left London May 15 for Welllnjton (due June 20) aud Auckland. (S.S. and A. Co.) GOLDEN BEAR, left Los Angeles June. 2 for Auckland (due Juue 28), Wellington, and Australia. (Burns. Phllp.)
HERTFOUU, left Liverpool June 1 for AucKland (due July 10), Wellington, Lytteltoa, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) KAREPO. left Sydney June 6 for New Plymouta (dv cJuue 12), and Wellington .(U.S.S. Co.-) MATAKANA, left London June 5 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand, (to load). (S.S. and A. Co.) ;.■ .' ; NEW ZEALAND,: left Los Angeles June — for Auckland (due 'June 31), 'Wellington (July 3), and Australia. (T.O. Co.) O. B. SORENSEN, left San Francisco May Z2 for Auckland (due June 16), and Wellington (due June 20) (Shell Co.) . ■ POET HUON, left New tort .May 30-to* Australia (to discharge)" and New Zealand (to load). (C and D Line.) .'■-... PORT GIBBORNK. ietl London Ma; • for Auckland (due June •). and WtUostas (da* June 13). (C and D. Llne.l PAKEHA. left' Uvarpool May 11 -fa Auckland (due June 10), Napier Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (S.S. and A. Co.!
ROTORUA. left London Hay S fw Welilnitoo, passeogera only (due Juot I!). Uytteltoo and Port Cbalmere. IN 56.& CO.I
UUAUINE, left London May 24 for Wellington (passengers only, due July 11). Lyttelton, Port Chalmers. Bluff, and Napier, (la Suva; (N.Z.S. Co.) BANGITIKI. left London May 80 for Wellington (due July 3) and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' WESTMORELAND, left New York April 4 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (to mad).- due Bluff June 10. (federal Co.) WAIRTJNA, left Los Angers May 81 for Auckland (due June 3D), Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and. Australia. (U.S.S. WAITAKI, left Melbourne June 5 for Bluff (dtie June 10), Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington (June 13). (U.S.S. Co;)
ALDINGTON COUBI', from New York; for Wellington (due Monday). Lyttelton Dunedin, and Australia; left Auckland'yesterday.' (C. and D. Line.) ' ' .... " ABEL TASMAN, from Sydney;, for Lyttelton, Auckland, Napier, and Greymouth; at Wellington; leaves today. (Holm and Co.) : BIRCHBANK, from Sourabaya; at Auckland. • BEATUS, from New Orleans; for New Plymouth, Wellington, Lytteltou, and Dunedin: left Auckland. Wednesday. (G. H. Scales.) CASIBWDGE, from Liverpool; for Lyttelton, Dunediu, and- New Plymoutli; at Wellington; leaves Wednesday. (Federal -Co.) GOLDEN CLOUD, from Los. Angeles: for Wellington and Australia; left Auckland Tuesday. (Burns, Phiip.) • ■ ' KAIMIRO, from South Australia and Melbourne; for Wellington (due Monday), Lyttelton Dunedin, and Bluff; left Auckland Wednesday. (tI.S.S. Co.) MELBOURNE MAKU, from Mojl; for Auckland ; left .Wellington yesterday. (Federal Co.)' WAIKODAITI, from Newcastle. Sydney, and Port Kembla; for Lyttelton; at Tlmaru; leaves today. (U.S.S.-Co.) WELCOMBE, from Nauru Island; at Auckland. . . .'...'
AKAROA, left Glsborne yesterday for Port Chalmers (due tomorrow), Lyttelton, Plcton, Wellington (June 19-22), and Auckland: leaves Auckland June 28 for Southampton and London, via Panama and Curacao. (S.S. and A. Co.) CAMBRIDGE, loads New Plymouth June 17. Opua, Auckland, Gisborne. Napier. Wanganul. and Wellington (due July 11); leaves Wellington July 13 for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool. and Glasgow (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CRUISEK, loads Bluff .June 14, Dunedln, Lyttelton. Wellington (June 20-21,). and Napier; leaves Napier June 24 for New York, Boston,; and Montreal." (C.N.S.) DURHAM, at Wellington; leaves Tuesday for Lyttellon. New Plymouth, and Auckland: leaves Auckland June 25 for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, and Glasgow. (Federal. Co.) KALINGO. at Greymouth; leaves .Monday for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) NAPIER STAR, at Wellington; leaves today, S p.m., for Auckland; leaves Auckland June IS for London, via Capo Horn. (Blue Star Line.) OTIRA, at Oamaru, leaves Monday, for LytteltOD, Wellington (June 14-17), and Auckland; loaves Auckland June 21 for London and West Coast United Kingdom porte, Via Cape Horn. (S.S. and A. Co.) . . PIAKO. at Wellington; leaves tomorrow, i a.m., for Napier, Tokomaru Bay, and Auckland; leaves Auckland June 19 tor London and Liverpool, via Cape Horn. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ PORT DARWIN, at Wanganul; leaves Monday for New York, Southampton, and London, via Panama.' ■ PORT GISBORNE, loads Tlmaru June IT. Wanganui, New Plymouth, Auckland. Napier, and Wellington (due July 5); leaves Wellington July 6 for .London, via Cape v .Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) • .„ ROTORUA, loads Port Chalmers June 20, Bluff, Lyttelton, Wellington (July 3-G), and Auckland; leaves Auckland July 13 for London, via Panama and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIPAWA, at New Plymouth; leaves Tuesday for Lyttelton, Auckland, and Wellington (due June 22); leaves Wellington June 28 for London, via Cape Horn. (S.S. and A. Co.) WESTMORELAND, loads . Bluff Monday, Port Chalmers, Timaru, Wanganul, Wellington (June 24-28), and Auckland: leaves Auckland July 3 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.)
MAUI POMARE, left Wellington May _21 for Apia and Niue; due Wellington Tuesday from Apia, via Lyttelton; leaves Wellington Ju..e 18 for Apia and Niue. (G.B. and H.) WAIPAHI, loaves Auckland June 15 for "port WHANGAREI. leaves Auckland June 21 for Nukualofa. (U.S.S. Co.)
The following vessels are expected to be within rango of the under-mentioned wireless ttations durlus the weekend:— Auckland.—Kor Saturday only: Melbourne Maru, Port Glsborue. For Sunday only: Monowai. Napier Star. For Saturday aud Sunday: Armadale, Beatus, Canadian Scottish, Duncdln, Karepo, Koretu, Niagara, Nucula. Chatham Islands.—South Sea. • Wellington.—For Saturday only: Abel Tasman, Maori. Napier Star, Rangatlra, Tamahlne, Waipahi. For Sunday only: Makura, Plako. For' Satqrday and Sunday: Aldington Court. Aorangl, Coptic Golden Cloud, Hurunui. Kaimlro, Lacklan, Mahana, Marlposa, Monterey. Materoa, Maul Pomare, Port Darwin, Port Whangarel, Rangltata, BanEitlkl, Kerauera, Kotonia, Yoseric. Awarua.—For Saturday only: Makura, Monowai For Saturday and Sunday: Akaroa, Alfl'e Cam, Balaklava, Canadian Britisher, Cape York, Maunganul, Omana, Waitaki, Wanganella, Westmoreland.
The Tanker New Zealand has left Los Angeles with a cargo of bulk motor spirit for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, and Australian ports. She is due at Auckland on June 31 and will arrive here about July 3.
The Westmoreland, en route from Australia In ballast to load at New Zealand ports, has reported hy radio that she expects to reach Bluff, her first landing port, at noon, tomorrow.
The Golden Bear cleared Los Angeles on June 2: with cargo from Pacific Coast ports for Auckland, Wellington, and. Australia. She Is duo at Auckland on June 28.
The Port Darwin Is now to clear Wancanui finally on Monday for New York, Southampton, and London, vlu tlio Panama Canal.
the. Doric Star Is now to leave London on Juno 14 for Auckland, Wellington, and New Plymouth, and is vow . due at Auckland on Tulr »*• .
The 'Canadian Victor left Montreal on June 1, and Cape Breton on June 6 for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia. She: Is now due at* Auckland on July 12 and .at Wellington on July 13. ' ,' .' ." '"•
The Canadian Highlander, which, left piuff on May 2 for-New York, Boston, hi'id Montreal, arrived at Panama ou May 28 and sailed oa May 29. ' • ■ . , '
The Canadian Constructor, which leftAvellington on May 9 for' New York, Boston,' kr.'d Monlreiil, arrived at 'Panama on Juue >" anj sailed on Juue 3. . ■
The Otira,- which left London, on Aprils Tor discharge at Australian ports, arrli'6d.,;at Oamuru at (i o'clock lnst night to .commence Uomoward loading She -will leave Oamarii on for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland. Sho Is due at Wellington on June 11", sailing on June 17 for. Auckland,: from which port she Is to loavu on Juue '21 .for London aud West Coast U.K. ports, via< ..Cape, Horn. ' ■ y --~'.:: .
LONDON, June r^. Arrlyud—At Los Angeles, New Zealand; »t New York, Canatlian Highlander. ,'" ■. •. , Sailed—From Sydney1 (Nova Scotia), Canadian Victor. ■■■ "'". • SYDNEY,. June 7i Sailed—Monowai (3 p.m.), for Auckland. NELSON, June .8. Arrived—Kaltoa (6.15 a.m.)-, from.'Wellington. ' ..•■.',.: AUCKLAND, June 8. Sailed—Kaimiro (12.10.. a.m.), for Wellington. ■ • ,'. AUCKLAND, June 7. Sailed—Nucula (11.20 a.m.), for Suva; Aldington Conrt (5.30 p.m.) and Port Whangaret (6.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Canopus (7 p.m.), for Westport; Beatus (G. 30 p.m.),'for New Plymouth; Kalmlro (10 p.m.), and WalmariM (10 p.m.), for Wellington. ..'.,, LYTTELTON, June 8. Arrived—Rangatira (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington. . '■ ' ■ ■ '.•■■■■■ >.■■ LYTTELTON, June • 8:. Arrived—Taupata (6.15 a.m.), Parera (S.» a.m.), Breeze (8.30 a.m.), from Ttinaru.' BLENHEIM, June 8> Arrived—Echo (6 a.m.), from Wellington; WANGANUI, Juno, 8. ;' Arrived—Orepuki (2.5 a.m.) f=.from Welllniton. - ,■--.'... PICTOX, Jtine 7. Arrived—Tamahine (0.10 p.m.), from 'Wellington. . ■ ... •-. ■ , , DUNEDIN, .June 7: balled—Port Walkato (9 p.m.), for TimarU.'
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Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 134, 8 June 1935, Page 12
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2,711SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 134, 8 June 1935, Page 12
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