' r HIGH WATER; . Today—7.2o'i.m:; 7,47 p.m.Tomorrow—B.lß a.m.; 8.45 p.m. . , (Standard Time.) ,; ARRIVALS. THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 7. MATANGI, >s.s. (5.30: a.m.), 1366 tons, WildV&n, from Nelson.; - • ■ . WAHINE, s.s. (7- a.m.), 4436 tons, Ir\vlnv from Lyttelton: :.'.-.-:.■ STORM, s.s. .(8.5-a.m.),.. 749 tons, Williams, from Lyttelton. • . • - MAHENO, s.s.'. (10' a.m.), 5323 tons. Morgan from Lyttelton. . - HOLMDALE; s.s. (10.20 a;m.), 681 tons. Conlaud, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. TAMfo!"p'| fe' SB <2-5° P' m>)i iOB9 tOns- GraT' KALINGO. s.s.' (4.30 p.m.), 2047 tons, Oslcnfeld, for Grcyniouth. KAPUNI, m.s. (6 p.m.), 100 tons, JJcKlnnon, for Pa tea. - ECHO, aux. scow (6 p.m.),. 132 tons. Miles, for Blenheim. • INA?o A' Pate (™° P' ra' >> 251 t0"S' Glbaol1' ARAHURA. s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1607 tons. Hay. for Nelson. RAXGATIRA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.). 6152 tons Cameron, for I.yttelton. BREEZE, m.s. (8.30 p.m.), 622 tonß, Stcwart, for New Plymouth. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Omann, Sidney, today. Holmdale, southern , ports, today. Paua, Napier, today. Canopus. Westport, today. Coptic, .Napier, today. Holmglen, New Plymouth, today. Talisman, Golden Bay,, today. Tamatilne; Plcton,, today, 6.15 p.m. . Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Rnngatlra, -Lyttellpn, tomorrow. 7 a.m. Kapunl, Patea, tomorrow. . ~ Orepuki, New Plymouth, tomorrow. Walnul, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Walplala, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Monowal. MDford Sound, tomorrow. Imperial Star, Auckland, tomorrow. Tltoki.'Greymouth, tomorrow." Port Napier, Walkokonu, tomorrow. ■ Echo. Blenheim,.tomorrow. - - , Taupata, Mapua, tomorrow. Hawera, Patea. 9th. ~ , Inaha, Patea, 9th. • Kapltl,. Wanganul,9th. i Otranto. Auckland, 9th. (Sale, southern port* ■ Bth. "■ '■ " Storm, WanEanul, 9th. Port WhanKarei. southern ports; 9Ut Breeze. Wanganul, 9th: ■ ■■ ■ ■ Taupata,, Walrangl, 9th: Kinl, Tlmaru, 9th. '■'■■' ■•••■':-.• Kohl. ■ Nelson and. bays,; 10th. ■;■ ■ Awahou, Gisborne. 10th. ■'.--■' Karetu, Napier, 10th. • . Te Aroha. Hokltika;1 11th1. ■ Wanganella, Sydney, nth. Huntingdon. Napier, 13th. : • Kemuera, Lyttelton,; 13tb. ■• ■ Port Hobart; Auckland, 13th. Gale, New.Plymouth,; 13th; ". ;: ; PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matarigi, ..Nelson, today,-7,30;;p.m.: Wahine, Lyttelton,' today, 7.45-p.m. Kapltl,' Wanganul, today. .' . ■.'..' Hawera, Patea, today.. .. Northumberland, .Lyttelton, today. Storm, Waiiganul, via Plcton, today. . Holmdalei W'anganuC. today. • :■.■■:.-: '■ Holmglen, southern ports, today.;. ' Tamahiue, Plcton,, tomorrow, 2.45 p.m. . Arahura,- Nelson, tomorrow, .7.30.. p.m. • Rangatlra,. Lyttelton, tomdrrow," 7:45 Wingalul,-Newcastle, tomorrow. '•■ , Talisman,' Nelson arid bays, tomorrow. .. Taupata.'.Walra'ngi,'. tomorrow. ... Kapunl, Patea,.. tomorrow.Echo, .Blenheim, vtomp'rrbw.: Inaha, Patea,. tomorrow. '. -, Kalmai;, New'; Plymouth,: tomorrow. ■ Monmval, Sydney, tomorrow.,, ■--:■-. . Brisbane-Maru, Auckland,-tpmqrrpir.; Oniana, New Plymouth, tomorrow. * -Walpiata, Napier,'tomorrow. : ; •• '~- i CanopuSi Auckland, tomorrow. ■ V ■.■■•■ Orepuki, Duriedin.'tomorrpw. - ./, , Wainui, Napier,. tomorrow. ' TltoU,, Glsborne,' 9th'. ; ' : Port Whanßarei, Auckland, 9Ub- ■ - - Maheno, Bluff,. 9th," ■- ■-. ■'"■ . Klni; Greymouth," 9th.' '.'■'; " . . Taupata, Mapua; 9th. ' ?'■ .■ ' '■■"-' " . Breeze, southern " ports, * 9th. .- > Gale: \Vansanul, 9th. •■;'■ ■ Storm; southern ports, 9th.,' :" :. '•'-. Maimoa, Plcton,■.'. 10th. ,■ : Otranto, Sydney, 10th: •"•:. ■ : : Port Napier; L>-tteltoq; 11th. .;, To Aroha, Greymouth, 11th. \ Paua, Nelson, 11th. Imperial-Star, Tima'ru, 11th. Karetu, southern ports. 11th. "; Wanganella, Mllford Sound,. lltfc. .. .' Awahoui Napter, 12th. ' '. Kohl,' Nelson, 12th. ' ' ' Coptic' Wanganul, 12th. <Jale, southern, ports. 13th. Port Hobart.-Lyttelton, 14th. -. BERTHAGE LIST. * Brisbane Maru—King's Wharf. ■ • , Coptic—King's Wharf. . Falrburn—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Ifolmdalc-^Jiieen's Wharf No, 1-north. Holmglen—Queen's Wharf-Nov 6. ; Hawera-^Klng's Wharf., ' ' Himatangi—ln the stream. John—Queen's Wharf No. $.. ■ . . Kalwarra:—ln- tlje Btreara. .. Kalmat—Railway Wharf. ' Kapltl—Plpltea Wharf. • '. , Maimoa—Glasgow .Wharf. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Maori—Patent'Slip. '1 . Mahencvr-Tarahakl Street Wharf. ' Northumberiand-^Plpltea -Wharf. ,- Oplht—lnN the Stream. ■ . Orepukl—Queen's: Wharf, No. 10. Omana—Pipitea-Wharf. ;. ■ ' Talisman—Queeii'3 Wharf No. 13. Tamahlne^-Qu'een's' Wharf No. .4.-' . ■ . v Wingatui—Clyde Quay Wharf. .: Waipiata—Queen's.'Wharf. No.' 16. : INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA,' leares. .'.Sydney today for Wellington; due .Monday; leaves Wellington February 15 for Sydney ■ and Melbourne; due Sydney February 18, .Melbourne February iZ. - (Huddart,' Parker.) ■."-■' MONOJ.VAI,' leaves Wellington; tomorrow for Sydney and Melbourne;■•dne- Sydney Monday, Melbourne ' February-.13; . Leaves. Melbourne February 13, Sydney FebruaryVls; for Auckland; due February 18. (U.S.S.Co.) ■/ '• MARAMA, lea,ves Sydney tomorrow for Auckland; due Tuesday; ■' leaves Auckland • February 15 for Sydney; due' February 19. (U.S.S. Co.) ■■•'. :;- •":■ ••■■'■-"': ■' ■'■'-. " '- •' • MAHENO, left Melbourne, January 31 for New Zealand; arrived Wellington today; leaves Wellington Saturday, Bluff Monday, for Hobart and Melbourne;1' due Melbourne February 16. (U.S.S.' Co.) ; . ' -.■■ ■ ; ,-:■ -;.'. ■-~., '. .; ■ , 'PACIFIC MAIL;STEAMERS. v MARIPOSA,. left -San! Francisco February. .5 for ..Australia; due Honolulu Monday; Pago- Pago ' February • 18, Suva-February 19. Auckland February 82, Sydney Fobruary 25, Melbourne March 1. (Burns. Phllp. and T and -W. Tiling.) MONTEREY, left . Sydney February .6 for America; due Auckland.' Saturday, Suva~ tuesday, 'Pago Pago. Wednesday, Honolulu February 18, Los Angeles-February 23. San Francisco February 25. (Burns. Philp, and T. and:W. Tbunß.) ' " : AORANG I, left Sydney .January 31 for Vancouver:.due Suva tomorrow, Honolulu February 15. Vancouver February 22. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA-, left Vancouver January 30 for Sydney; due Suva. February 14, Auckland February 17; leaves February. 18; due Sydney February.,. 22..-. (U.S.S.VCo.) MAKURA. left San-Francisco.'January 16' for Sydney; Sue Sydney Saturday; leaves Sydney February 14 for San.Francisco; due Wellington February 18; < leaves Wellington February 19, Rarotonga" February :23,' Papeete February 23; due San Francisco March' 8. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, lert Sydney ..January .17, for San .Francisco; ,due' San Francisco tomorrow; leaves" San." Francisco Wednesday for Sydney; leaves'Papeete'February 23, 'Rarotonga February .26; due; Wellington; March 4, leaves March .5;; due.Sydney March. 9. j .. . > overseas;; '■ ■; ; GOLDEN- COAST, leaves Los Angeles March 1 for Auckland : (due "March' 27).' Wellington and Australia. (Burns, Phllp.) •■ • BAURAKI.. leaves ~ Los. Angeles February 24 tor Auckland (due March ,20),' Wellington* Lyttelton, Duriedln, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.) HURUNUi; leaves Liverpool February-10 for Auckland., (due-March .27), Wellington (April 4),' Lyttelton, Dune'din, and Napier.. (Federal Co.)'. . -■• . ■.'■- -.: ••'■...■■ ■ - ■ INDIEN, leaves Los Angeles March 24 for Auckland (due April. 20), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIMIRO, loads Adelaide and Edlthburc midFebruary, for Auckland, -Portland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, .and Dunedln. (U.S.S. Co.) . ■..:-,' . ' • ■ ' KALINGO, loads Newcastle February 22 for Wellington. . (U..S.S. CO.) MAHIA, leaves Liverpool. March 9 for Auckland (due April-16), Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Tlmarii. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, leaves Lqndon March 20, Southampton March -22; for Auckland (due April 24) and Wellington. (S.S. and A. Co.) NORFOLK, -leaves Liverpool March 39 for Auckland (due Ma> 9). Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. (Federal Co.) NGAKUTA, loads EdlthbUrg February IS, completes: Adelaide, for- Dunedin and Lyttelton. (u.s.s. Co.) :..■-.' -..■■'•.■ BANGITANE, leaves London February 7 for Wellington ■ (due ■ March : 14) and Lyttelton. (N.Z.S; Co.) ■■:-■■. ■■. ■ -.. ; . ■ RANGITATA, - leaves London March 7 for Auckland .(due;1 April 11). and Wellington. (N:.z:s. Co.) -'-•■ .' ■ i ■ -.- . SYDNEY MARU, leaves. Moil March 1 for Australia, Wellington (due April 4), and Auckland. (Federal Cp.), - " -. . TONGARIRO, leaves London February 7 for Auckland (due March 18). Port Chalmers, and Nelson. (N.Z.S., Co.) . . VESSEL, leaves London March 21 for Lyttelton (due April 29), Port Chalmers, and New Plymouth. (N..Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, leaves Newcastle February 8, Sydney ■ February ,9, for Bluff, Dunedln. Timaru, and Lyttelton. (UiS.S. Co.) WINGATUI. loads. Newcastle February 14 for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) . .
(p _J|_ VESSELS OVERSEAS. ANGLO-CANADIAN,'Ieft Vancouver December 11 (or Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (for loading), due " Pictno ahoui feb ruar> 12.. ((;, H Scales.) ARDE.WOHR, left New York January 3 for Auckland (chi« February 10), Wellington, Ljttelton, Diinedln, and Australia. (Federal Co".-) ■ . -, CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Halifax February 2 for Auckland (due March 11), Wellington (March lti). Lyiulton, and Dunedin. (C.N.S.) .■■••• CANADIAN SCOTTISH let! Halifax IKTwri tier 29 for Auckland (due February 11), Wellington (February 15), Lyttelton, Uunedin, and Biutt (C.N.S.I CUMBERLAND, left Liverpool January li in ballast for New Zealand; due March 6. (Federal Co.) ■ FORDSDALG, left London, January 17 for Suva, Port Chalmers (due February 28), Lyttolion, and Napier. (S.S. and A. Co.) GABRIELLA, left Sydney • February 4 for New Plymouth (due February 10), Glsborne. Picton, and Westport. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN BEAK, left Los Anseles February 1 for Auckland (due February 27),-Wellington (March 3) (Burns. Phllp.) • HERTFORD, Jeft United Kingdom January 12 In ballast for New Zealand; due March 1. (N.Z.S.' Co.) " ' ■.■••• INVERBANK, left Nauru1 Island .February 1 for Lyttelton (due February 11) and Duncdhi, KUMARA left Newrastle-on-Tyne January Z1 In ballast for New Zealand, via Capa of Good Hope and Sydney: due March 20. (S.S. and A Co.) ' ' "■ ■'. :-.\ /:■■, LITIOPA, left Balik Papan January- 22 for Lytlelton (duo about February 10); . , (Shell Co.) • MELBOURNE,-MARU, . left Mojl February 2 for Australia Wellington (due March G) and Auckland. (Federal1 Co.) ~;/. - : • NUDDEA, itti Antwerp --January .25 . . ror Auckland (due about March." 241. and 'New Plymouth, via Cape of 'Good Hope. * (N.Z.S. CO.) ' ' ' ■■■•■! ..-.:, - .. ~,....., . OMANA. left Sydney February I for-Wel-lington, (due February. 7), New Plymouth Auckland. Lyttelton. Tlmaru, and Dunedin (U.S.S. Co.) ' • ■■■-.' v . . OILRELIANCE left Batum January — for Auckland (due about March ; 13). Wellington Lyttelton, and Dunedin (Associated Motorists) ■: PAKEHA, left Liverpool > December •22 in ballast ,for New-Zealand, .via Cape .of Good Hope and Sydney; due February 11. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT VICTOR, left Newcastle-on-Tyne January 24 In ballast for New Zealand: due March 15. (C. and D. Line.) . PORT AUCKLAND, left New York January 31 for Auckland (due March 1), Wellington Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (C. and D. Line.) PORT PIBIE. left Newcastle-on-Tyne January 30: in. ballast for.: New Zealand: due March 20. ■■ (C. and D. Line.) • RANGITIK) left' London January 10 tor Wellington (due February 14) and Auckland (N.Z;S Co.) '■''■:■■::. ■■■'■•■y.ri ■;:-■■ ' '- ■ STOREY',W Falmoutb January R In'ballast lOJ^Nxw Zealand: diieOajnaru February 18 " SOMERSET,-left Faimoutb' February Sin bal»as^ for. New Zealand; due about March 20. TUSCAN STAB, left England January 24 in ballast for New Zealand; due Glsborne February. 28.. (Blue Star: Line.)■: .'■ ■■'.■ ': ■ . TAMAROA. left Southampton- January 25 for Auckland (due February 27) and Wellington (S.S. and A. Co.) TURAKINA. left Liverpool January 27 : for Auckland (due March 7). - Wellington.. Lytelton, and Dunedin. (Federal.: Co.) -....;. . </£SSELS OISCHARGJNU ._._. ' ' -'•, BRISBANE MARU, from Japan-; for 'Auckland; at Wellington; leaves February S. (Federal Co.) : -'- ■ NORTHUMBERLAND, from- Liverpool; for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers; at Wellington; leaves February 7. (Federal Co.) PORT HOBART, from London; for 'Wellington," New Plymouth, and Bluff;, at Auckland; leaves February 11. (C. and D. Line.) -: •' .TAINUI, from Southampton; for Port Chalmers; :at -Lyttelton; leaves-February 8. '.(S.S. and A. Co.) : TRIONA, from Nauru' Island, at Auckland. WAITAKI, from Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla; and.Hobart; .for Lyttelton; at Dunodin; leaves February 7.' (U.S.S. C\,.) ■' VESSELS LOADING. ANGLO-CANADIAN, loads Picton about February 12, ■ Lyttelton, Bluff, Port Chalmers, and Wellington (due end of February); leaves Wellington about March 2 for Dunkirk, Antwerp, and United Kingdom. (G. H. Scales.) CANADIAN BRITISHER, left ;. Duussdin February.4 for Napier, leaves A'apler "February 8 for New York. Boston,' and/'■ Halifax. (C.N.S.) . -.. . ~- -\ COPTIC, left Napier February ■?:" for "Wellington (February T-12),. Wanganui, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port CJialmexs' February 21 for Southampton, London:. aud;;.HulJ. . vli Panama. (S.S. and A. Co:) hl%om*-:+??.* HUNTINGDON, at Auckland;- leaves Feb'i ruary 9 for Napier, Wellington; ; Lytteltpii,Bluff, and Port Chalmers; leaves^ Port >Chal-": mers" February 23 for London, AvonmoutU 1; Liverpool, and Glasgow. (Federal Co.) - • ••' IMPERIAL STAR, ;.Jeft Auckland February 7 for Wellington, Tlmaru, ;■ Bluff, and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers February1 21 for London, via Panama: ~(Blue Star Line..) MAMARI, at ■ Wanganui..; ."Heaves February 8 for London, Avorimouth. Llvftrp'ool. and. Glas-' gow, via Panama. (SS.arid'Ai1. Co.) ■ JIAIMOA, at VVelllngtpri; leaves February 10 for Picton and Lyttelton;,leaves 'iyttelton February 18 for Londoii,'via "Panama" and Kingston. ; (S.S. and A. Co.) , ;■ MATAKANa; loads New fiymoutn - February 15, ,VVanganul, Wellington (February 22-27). and AucKjod;' leaves Auckland March 5 for London, via' Panama and Kingston IS.S. and A. Co.) ■■■■-'•■ ' -■:'■* ■ ::-.~.------..•-.■•;".•■ . -■.-,- NORTHUMBERLAND, loads Port Chalmers February .'ls, Tlmaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (due. February 22), Auckland, and Napier; leaves Napier Starch 6 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow, via Panama. (Federal Co.) . :■' OPAWA, at New Plymouth; leaves February 9 for Auckland. Waikohppu, and Wellington (due February 25) : leaves Wellington February 28 for New York and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) PENNYWORTH, at Lyttelton: loaves Fehruary. 9 for Bluff; leaves Bluff February 12 for New. York. Boston, and Halifax. IC.N S.I PORT NAPIER, at' Walkpkotui; leaves . February 7 for Wellington. Lyttelton. and Bluff: leaves Bluff February 19 for London, via Cape Horn., (C..and D. Line.) ROTORUA, at.Nelspn; leaves February 7 fpr Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (due February 20> : leaves Wellington' February 23 for Loprinn:. «tn' Panama (N.^.S. Co.! • REMUERA. at Napier; leaves February 7 for Lyttelton and Wellingfpn (duo February 13); leaves. Wellington February 16- for1 London, via Panama. (N.Z.S.'. Co.) ' • '' SURREY" 'loaaV Oamaru February 18.- Wellington (February 21-25). Glshorne. Auckland and Waneanul: leaves • Wanganu) March 1J for Lohdon Avonmnuth. Cardiff. Llvernool. Manchester, and Glasgow via Panama (Federal Co.» , TAINUI. "loads Port Chalmers February » B|uff. Lyttelton, and : Wellington-"''(due February 22);, leaves. Wellington March;--6 for London via -Panama » and ■ "Kingston. (SS and A. Co.) - ■ -••-.•' ~ WAIMANA. loads, Oamaru February 18. Tlmani .Bluff, Napier, and Wellington .(due March 6) -.leaves Welllncton'Marebn for. London, via Panama and-. KlnKstpn. , (S.S. -and, '&.■'- CO.) '■ ; .. '"-',-',-■:..' ','/,'■ '.'.■: •' •"- ;- v^lSLAND'sEßy!oks";f/X:V: ■ 'C-' WAIPAHI, leaves 'Audkland; tpday fpr Sydney (due Tuesday); thenco Fiji and Queensland. (U.S.S. Co.) .--, ■•: .--■• -■::. ;• . TEES, left Wellington/ Tuesday for . Waitangi. (G.B. and JLY■ ' ' • ■ '■:.■.-■■--.. KANNA. left Wulpple Island January 'Si.'-via Noumea Tor Lyttelton (due Februarys). Tlmaru. and Dunedin. (U.S.S. Co.) , . MAUI POMARE, left Wellington January 31 tor Apia and Niue: due back at Lyttelton ou February .20 and at Wellington on February 21 (G.B. and H.) . -.. V :.'..-. ■;-. /- WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE: - The ' following vessels are1 expected' to", be within^ range -of' the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:—'•-.-"-• — '■-■■.■ i Auckland.—Aorangi. _Ardenvohr, Australia, Canadian Scottish. Dalveen, Diomede. Invcrbank, Jfatai, Maul Pomare, Monterey, Otranto, P,ort~ Glsborne, RosauraJWalpahi.' ' V - Chatham Islands.—South' Seal " ~. Wellington.—Akaroa, Coptic, Brisbane Marili Canadian Britisher, Franconia, Imperial Star, Kallngo, Kariria, Maniiarl, Monowal,, Niagara, Northumberland, Omana, Port Napier, Rangatira. Rangitata, Rangitiki. Remucra, Rotorua. Tamahihe. Tamaroai Wahine. . . Awarua.—Bear of Oakland, Benholm, Golden CJoud, Jacob Ruppert, Kaimiro, leith, Makura, Maunganui, Ngakuta, South Africa, Waikawa, Waltaki,Wakakura, Wanganella. ' ' BY THE THEMJSTOCLES. The follpwlng is . a list of New Zealand passengers who have, joined the Themiatocles for South Africa and United• Kingdom ports:— From Wellington: Mr. N. A: Block, Mrs. C. T. Block. . Miss K. Welch. Mr. Charles Stairs, Mrs. Alice Stairs, Mrs. E. J. Jordan, Mrs. E. Tomlinsbn, Miss M. E. Tomlinson, Master L. A.'Tomlinson, Mr. J. Harrison, Mr. G. Rader, Mr. L. C. King, Mrs, M. R. King, Mr R. W. Culpan,. Mr. A. -H. G. Paterson, Mrs.. L. M.. Paterson, .Miss: R. A. Paterson, -Miss ,L.' Paterson. Master H. A. Paterson, Master D. B. Palerson, Mr. .W. J. Dobson, Mrs. M.' Ay Dobson, Miss R. M. Mines, Mr. i. . Calder, 'Mrs.- J. M. Calder, Mr. F. Zambon. From Chrlstchtirch: Mr. J. R. Frickloton, Mr. T. E.1 Smitlierami Mrs. S. Smitheram. Miss M. H. Smltlieram, Mr. \f. W. Robertson, Mr.- S. Kartun, Mrs. Y. Kartun, Master I. K. Kartun, Master D. Kartun, Master B. Kartun, Master R. Kartun, Mr. R.- B. E. McNabb, Mr. H. G. Bennett. Mr. W.- R. H. Daniels, Mr. J. J. Ormand.V. From Dunedin: Miss Florence E. Couzens, Mr.. Francis G. Adamson, Mrs. A. S. Adamson, Mr. Hugh Livingston, Mr. Thpmas W. M'arrlner. Jtr. Laurence S. Malcolm. From Auckland: Mr. H. B. Bowman.. Miss G. E. Jlellor. Mr. H. J. Cramer-Roberts, Mr. H. Cramer-Roberts, Mr. W. Buchanan, Mr. J. K. Austin, Mr. W. G. Dcrham. x RANGITATA AT PANAMA. The Rangilata. which left Auckland oh January 18 for London, via Panama, and KingEton, arrived at Panama yesterday'morning."
CANOPUS COMING. The Wcstport Coal Conipany-s Canopus left westport at midnight latt night for Wei. mgton, where she Is expected to arrive late lodaj. si,c nlll "probably 'call tomorrow evening tor Auckland to complete discharge. IMPERIAL STAR DUE TOMORROW. The Imperial Star left" Auckland at 1215 a m today for Wellington, where she Ib exper ed to nrrhc about 10 am. tomorrow to continue her Homeward loading. TANKER,PAUA. l»Tdlf. h»ri 1| C°mi'anslS COaSUI tankCT PaU» I illf™ m tomorrow from Napier, she uIU sail on Monday next for Nelson. PORT HOBART AT AUCKLANP. and S y f°r Wellta«». Kew Pljaoutli, MAIMOA'S MOVEMENTS. n-Jr'n? JH' mm,,, w '" Dow ltß''a h«B "n SundaT morning for Picton .md Ljttelton to complete her loading for Britain r ■ '■"■"i"*™ WINGATUI RECOMMISSIONS. Tho \Mnpaiul rccoramlssloned at Wellrngton today She will leave here tomorrow for Isewcastle, where shs nlll load for Auckland » NGAKUTA'S CHANGE.D LOADJNG. Tho NEakiiU will now load at Edlthbur* and Adelaide from February IS for Bunedla and L^ttclton PERSONAL. nn'r^r "" R., K?! th' "Uo acted as" assistant o tho Marlboroußh Sourida. has since Joined tho Aorangl in a similar capacity. TANKER. LITIDPA. HHnn,T t0 frT J Ballk Papan- the tanker S nri'^v I, f x." c, etcd«o arrive at Ljttelton about r™oS S cU'at 31*0 a carso ot petro» BY TELEGRAPH. . . AUCKLAND, February 7 Armcd-Otranto (3 30 pm>, from BrlitZL n O \n H°^\ ( r4 "">. from Londoa %\ta p , "Vt I from Nauru Islan<'Vorf Gtsborna (5 p.m ), for Ne# balled-Klnl (3 55 p.m), for Tlmaru.> d,ii ,„ „ DUNEDIN. February 7 n^rir 3 o(Vm.n^ma?r :Por'^:
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Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 32, 7 February 1935, Page 14
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2,663SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXIX, Issue 32, 7 February 1935, Page 14
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