HIGH WATER. Today—4.2 a.m.; 4.40 p.m. Tomorrow.—s.s a.m.: 0.43 p.m. (Standard Time.)
ARRIVALS. MONDAY, OCTOBEIt 22. KOUTUXU:,, m.s. (7.30 p.m.), 107 tons, Smith, front Napier. TUESDAY, OCTOBEIt 2',:. JIAOItI, s.s. (7 a.m.), .'iISS tons, Irwin, from Lyitelton. MATAXGI, s.s. (10.15 a.m.), 1300 tons, Wildnuin, from Nelson. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, OCTOBEtt 22. TAMAROA, s.s. (4.05 p.m.), 12,054 ions, Williams, for Lyttelton. ' RANGATIRA, i.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), G152 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. TUESDAY, OCTOBEIt 23. AItAHUKA, s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 1607 tons. Hay, for Nelson. TAMAHINE, s.s. (2 a.m.), 19S0 tons, Lowe, tor I'icton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS Kapuni, Picton, today. WiiugiUicllsi, Sydney today. I'ort Whangarel, Auckland, today. Tamahine, Melon, today, 6.15 p.m. Hawera, I'atea, today. South Sou, Chatham Islands, tomorrow. llolmglen, Waikato, tomorrow. Breeze, southern ports, tomorrow, Kangatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Arahura, Kelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Kaplti, Wanganui, 25th. Tiloki, Onekaka, 25th. Tamaroa Lyttelton, 25th. Echo, Blenheim, 25th. llolmdalc, southern ports, 25th. Kaimai, Greymouth, 20th. Kini, Greymouth, 26th. Upthi, New Plymouth, 20th. Wainui, southern ports, 20th. Parcra, southern ports. 20th. Te' Aroha, Hokitika, 26th. Gale, southern ports, 27th, Totara, southern ports, 27th. Waiplata, southern port?, 27th. llolmdalc, Wanganui, 27th. Storm, southern ports, 29th. Kartigl, Auckland, 20th. Gale, Wanganui, 30th. Maui Pomare, Lyttelton, 30th. Poolta, Auckland, 30th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Echo, Blenheim, today. Wingatui, Auckland, today. Canadian Leader, Sydney, today. King William, New i'lymouth, today. Opihi, Nelson, today. ' Port Whangarei, southern ports, today. Waimarino, southern ports, today. Matangi, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, today, 7.45 p.m. Kohl. Nelson and bays, tomorrow, ilolmglen, southern ports, tomorrow. Koutunui, Napier, tomorrow. Hawera, Patea, tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea, tomorrow. Kaplti, Wanganui, tomorrow. Canopus, Westport, tomorrow. Breeze, Wanganui, via Picton, tomorrow. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow. 7.30 p.m. Kangatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.15 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow, 2.-15 p.m. 'J'itold, Westport, 25th. Wanganella, Sydney, 25th. Hohmlalo, Wanganui, via Picton. .oth. Port Hunter, London, 25th.. Parcra, Wanganui, 26th. Opihi, southern -ports, 20th. Tamaroa, Auckland, 27th. Gale, Wanganui 27th. Wainui, Nailer, 27th. Waiplata, Auckland, 27th. Holmdalo. southern ports. 27th. Totara. New Plymouth, 27th. Kini, Napier. 27th. Storm, Wanganui, via ricton, 20th. To Aroha, Greymouth, 20th. Gale, southern ports, 30th. BERTHAGE LIST. Canadian Leader—Taranaki Street Wharf. Canopus—Hallway Wharf. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Hawera—King's Wharf. Itimatiingl—l" the Stream. liiiihn—King's Wharf, i Kapuni—Pipitea Wharf. King William—lJurnhum Wharf. Kalmiro—Patent Slip Whart, Kulwarra—ln the Stream Komata—ln (he Stream. Kohl—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Kaimai —Miramar Wharf. Koutunui—Glasgow Wharf. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. ( Moa—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Opihi—King's Wharf. Pari tut v— Glasgow Wharf. I Port Hunter—Glasgow Wharf. Port Whangarei—Queen's Wharf No. I. I'amahlne--Queen's Wharf No. 4. Waimarino—King's Wharf. Walhemu— l.teul Slip Wharf. Wahine—Patent Slip Wharf. Wakakura— Perry Wharf. ; Wingatui—Queen's Wharf No. 2 south. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA, left Sydney Saturday for Wellington; due today; leaves Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Sydney Sunday, Melbourne Octobor 31. (Huddart, Parker.) MONOWAI, left Auckland Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Melbourne tomorrow; leaves Melbourne tomorrow, Sydney Iriday, for Auckland; due Monday. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA. left Sydney Friday for Auckland; arrived today; leaves Auckland Friday for Sydney: due October 30. (U.S.S. Co.) MAHENO leaves Port Chalmers October 30, Bluff October 31, for Hobart and Melbourne; ' due Melbourne November 5: leaves Melbourne 1 November 15 for New Zealand; duo Bluff November 39, Dunedin November 20. Lyttelton November 21. Wellington November 22. (Tj.S.h. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. MARIPOSA, left Los Angeles October 17 for Australia; due Pago Pago Saturday, Suva October 30, Auckland November 2, Sydney November 5, Melbourne November 0. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) MONTEREY, left Sydney October l< for America: leaves Suva today. due lago ' Pago tomorrow, Honolulu Monday. Los Angeles November 3, San Francisco November 5. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) AORANGI, left Sydney October 11 for Vancouver; due Honolulu Friday, Vancouver November 2. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver October 10 tor Sydney; due Suva Friday, Auckland Monday; leaves October 30; due Sydney ► MnvPTnlifir 3. (U.S.S. Co.) . _ MAKURA leaves Sydney Thursday for San Francisco; due Wellington Monday. • leave. Wellington October 30; due Kawrtonw November 3: Papeete November 5, San Francisco November 16. (U.S.S. Co.) .„„„, MATJNGANUI,- leaves San Francisco tomorrow for Sydney; due Papeete November 3, Rarotonga November 6. Wellington 12, loaves Wellington November 13, due bjclncy November 17. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS, AKAROA, leaves London November 28 for Auckland (due January 2) and Wellington. COMLIEBANK,' leaves Ocean Island October 23 for Auckland. GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Angeles November 1 for Auckland (due November 2.) Wellington, and Australia (Burns Phlip.) IIAURAKI, leaves Los Angeles November 5 for Auckland (duo November 27). Wellington Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia p.S.Sai HUIA, leaves Melbourne October 23 for Westport (due October 29), Greymouth, Dunedln. Nelson, Wellington, and Auckland. KALTN'GO, loads Grafton (November 2), completes Newcastle November 8, for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (U.S.S. Co.) KANNA loads Newcastle November 1 for Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) KAREPO, loads Newcastle October -3, K>r Auckland (due October 30) and Greymouth. IXKARETU,' loads Edithburg October 24 leaves Adelaide October 26, for Bluff, D'incdin, Timaru, LytteHon. Wellington. Castlecllff. New Plymouth, Auckland, and Westport. (U.b.b. MAMAttI, leaves Loudon November 11 for Suva, Lyttelton (duo December 22), loit Chalmers, Bluff, and Napier. (S.S. .?"£ A- <<°-> MELBOURNE MAUTJ, leaves Mop November 1 for Australia. Wellington (duo December 5). and Auckland. (Federal Co.) ~ . MATAROA leaves London October SI tor Auckland (due December 5) aud Wellington ' SNARBiD AA. C?o'ads Calcutta (mid-November, early December). Penang. Singapore, and Samarang for Auckland Wellington Lyttelton. Timaru. Dunedin. and Bluff (U.S.S. Co.) OPAWA leaves Liverpool November 21 for Auckland (due January 2), Wellington. LjHelton, nimedin. Bluff and New Plymouth. (Fed"pOUT CAMPBELL, leaves New York October 30 for Auckland. Wellington Lyttelton. ami Dunedin (C. and D Line.) n „,„ h „, « 4 PORT FAIRY leaves LondoD Octofiej *4 tor Suva muff and Lyttelton (C. and U nivniTAT\ leaves London November 15 for Aurtlan^tduV December 19) and Wellington ' NWAirAWA leaves Liverpool November 3 tor Auckland (due December 13) Wellington. Lytteltnn. Dunedin and Tlmaru (S.S andli. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, loads Newcastle October .o. comnletos at Sydney and Hobart for Bluff Dunedin. Timaru and Lvtrelton. (U.S.S Co) WAITAKI, leaves Melbourne October 31 for Bluff, Dunedlu. Lyttelton. and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. AII.MADALE left New York September 18 for Auckland (duo October 23), Wellington. f.yltellou. Dunedin and Australia (Federal Co.) BRISBANE MARU lefl Mojl October 2 for Australia. Wellington (duo November 41 nnd Auckland (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Montreal October 6 for Auckland (due November 14), Wellington (November IS), and Australia.(C.N-S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, left Montreal August 25 for Dunedln (duo October 23) and Lyttel- i tun. via Australia. (C.N.S.) . CORNWALL, left Liverpool September U4 for |
Auckland (duo October 31), Wellington, Lytteltou. and Dunedin (Federal Co.) CANADIAN SCOTTISH, left Montreal august 1.5 for lilutf (due October 2ti).aud Tlmaru, via ! Australia. (C.N.S.) I CANADIAN VICTOK. iL-lt Montreal SeptemI ocr 30 for Dunedln (due November 26) sud jLyttclton. via Australia (C.N.S.) | CITY 06' DELHI, left New York October 1U I for Auckland (due November 11), Wellington | (about November IS). LjHelton. Uuuedln, and I Australia. (Federal Co.) U A Bill ELLA, left Sydney October 1!) tor New Plymouth! due October 25), Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Akaroa. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN BLaK ieti L..s AuKi'lcs Ouuiifr I for Auckland (due October 27),' Wellington (November 2), and Australia. (Burns, Flillp.) U AI.S LKITII iell Uiuuium m»ii :i io nu Auckland (due November 14), via Suez, East Indies, Thursday Island (October 23-251 mid Brisbane, lONIC, left Southampton October S toi Weilingtou (due November 14) and Auckland ISS and A Co.) KENT, left Liverpool October 13 for Auckland (due November 2). Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin (Federal Co.) LACKLAN, left Falembang October 12 for Auckland (due November -4), Wellington (November 8), Lyttolton, and Dunedin. (V.O. Co.) iMAHANA, left London OctuDei v tin Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (for loading) ; due New Zealand aboul December 1 (S.S and A Co.) lUNGITANE. lr.fl London' October 18 for Wellington (due November 21) and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) RANGl'l'lKl. left London September ZV for Auckland (due October 241 iod Welltnistoo (N.Z.S Co.) RARANGA lelt London SeoteiWier a. In n;ti last for Ne» Zealand »la Cart it Rivki ii-io» and Sydney; duo Wanganui October 29. (S..S. and A. Co.) RUAHINE. left London October 4 for Wellington (due November 14) aud Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) . . t'IiOJAN STAR ieti London t^eptemcet :v Id ballast for New Zealand: due ODua October 28 (Blue -*ttar Llne.l TUSCAN STAR, left London October 15 lv ballast for New Zealand: due November 18. (Blue Star Line.) WAIWEItA left London Seuiember H tui Sura, Port Chalmers (due October 231, LytI telton, and New Plymouth (S.S. and A. Co.) i WAIKUNA left Los Angeles October !) for Auckland (duo November 5), Napier, Wellington (November 10). Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff anri Australia (II S.S Co.) j YOSERIC, left Nauru Island October 5 for 1 Auckland. VESSELb OISCHAFfGINb CANADIAN LEADER, from Montreal; tor Australia; at Wellington; leaves October 23. (C.N.S.) KING WILLIAM, from Tampico; for New Plymouth, Lyttelton, and Duuediu ; at Wellington; leaves October 23. LIMNEA. from Ballk Papan; at Auckland. (Shell Co.) OMANA, from Sydney; for Auckland; at Napier, leaves October 24. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT DUNEDIN, from Liverpool; at Dunedin. (C. and D. Line.) VESSELS LUADINb CANADIAN LEADEHj at Wellington; leaves October 23, for New York, Boston, and Halifax, via Australia (C.N S ) CANADIAN SCOTTISH, loads at Blufl (October 20-27), and Timaru; leaves Timaru October 20 for New Yoi'k. Bostou, uud Halifax. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, loans at Uuuedln (October 23-24). and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton October 27 for New York Boston and Halifax (C.N.S.I HERTFORD, at New Plymouth; for Auckland; leaves November 2 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) KANNA leaves Greymouth October 21 for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S Co.) KALINGO, at Glsborne; leaves October 26 for Graft™ and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) KOTO MAKU, at Auckland; leaves October 23 for Iwate. Japan. (Wright, Stephenson.) PCtRT HUNTER, at Wellington: leaves October 25 for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) KEMUERA, at Auckland; leaves October 27 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) KANGITIKI. loads Wellington October 31. completes Auckland. Tokomaru Bay, and Napier: leaves Napier November 1G for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S Co.) PORT DUNEDIN. loads Nelson October 2(1. completes at Wancanul, Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (clue November S) ; leaves Wellington November 10 for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) TROJAN STAR, loads at Opua October 28, completes at Gisbornc, Wellington (November 5), New Plymouth, and Auckland; leaves Auckland November 16 for London, Avonmonth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (Blue Star Line.) T.VMAROA,1 at Lyttelton : loaves October 24 for Wellington, Auckland, and Napier; leaves Napier November 6 for London, via Panama. (S.K. and A. Co.) WAITAKI, at T!luff: leaves October 23 for Melbourne. (U.S.S. Co.; ISLAND SERVICES. WAIPAHI, leaves Sydney tomorrow for Fiji. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUI POMARE, left Wellington October 0 for Apia and Nine; due back at Lyttelton on October 29 and at Wellington on October SO (G.B and H.) ' TEES, left Wellington October 1G for Pitt Island. (GB. and H.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight :— Auckland.—Armadale, Dalveen, Golden Bear, Lacklan, Llmnea, Maul Pomare. Monterey, Ramdtiki, Tainui. Trojan Star. Wellington.—Aoraugi. Canadian Leader, Hertford. King William, Maori. Mariposa, Niagara, Rangatira, Rangitanc, Rangltatii, Rotorua, Tamahine, Wnnganclla. Awarua.—Canadian Cruiser, Canadian Scottish, Monowaj, Waikouaiti, Wait aid. Wyatt Earp. PERSONAL. Captain V. L. G. Jaunay has taken command of the Tamahine, temporarily relieving Captain E. R. Lowe for orders. Mr. F. Radford has been engaged as second officer of the Awahoti. WANGANELLA DUE THIS EVENING. The Wanganella is due here at 7.30 p.m. today from Sydney, and will bertli immediately at No. 1 south Queen's Wharf. WAIWERA REPORTS AGAIN. En route from London the Walwera has. reported by wireless that she now reach Port Chalmers at 4 p,m. today.. She will leave on Thursday for Lyttelton, and New Plymouth to complete discharge. TAINUPS "ALL WELL." The Tainul, which left Auckland on October 18 for Southampton and London, via Panama, has reported having experienced good weather since leaving port; all are well on board. RARANGA TO LOAD. Coming to New' Zealand to load for Britain the Raranga arrived at. Sydney yesterday morning. She Is to leave tomorrow evening for Wanganul to commence loading, being due there next Monday morning. RUAHINE LEAVES PANAMA. The Buahtne, en route for Wellington from London, arrived at Colon on Sunday and lett. Panama the same day. She is due here on November 14, and is to complete discharge at Auckland. RANGITIKI AGAIN REPORTS. The Rangltikl, en route from London, reports again by radio stating' that she now expects to reach Auckland at midnight today. She is to complete dischargo at Wellington. PORT HUNTER'S DEPARTURE. The Port Hunter, which is completing loading at Wellington, Is now to leave here on Thursday afternoon for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama.. BY TELEGRAPH. MELBOURNE, October 22. Sailed—Karetu, for Edithburg. ADELAIDE, October 22. Sailed—Canadian. Scottish, for Bluff. SYDNEY, October 22. Arrived—Monowai (8 p.m., Sunday), from Auckland; Abel Tasman, from Westport. CHATHAM ISLANDS, October 22. Sailed—South Sea' (noon), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. October 22. Arrived —Parera (4 p.m.), from Wellington. PICTON, October 23. Arrived—Tamahine (G a.m.), from WclllngPORT CHALMERS, October 23. Arrived—Wainui (4.30 a.m., 22nd), anfl Parera (G. 40 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. October 23. Arrived—Arahura (S.lO a.m.), from Wellington.
LYTTELTON, October 28. Arrived—Baugatira (6.45 a.m.), and Tamaroa (7.15 a.m.), from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 98, 23 October 1934, Page 10
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2,199SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 98, 23 October 1934, Page 10
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