HIGH WATER. Today: 10.19 a.m.; 10.45 p.m. Tomorrow. 11.9 a.m.; 11.34 p.m. (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. MONOWAI. s.s. (3.22 p.m.), 10,852 tons, Davcy, from Sydney. FUTURIST, trawler (3.45 p.m.), 241 tons, Ormes, from Cook Strait. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10. FAIRBURX, atix. scow (12.5 a.m.), 03 tons, Sawyers, from Little Wanganui. MATANGI, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 13(iG tons, Wildman, from Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 348S tons, Irwln, from Lyttelton. KAPITI, m.s. (8 a.m.), 242 tons, Johansen, from, Wanganui. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13. TAMAHINE, s.s. (2.50 p.m.), 1030 tons, Lowe, for Ficton. ECHO, aux. scow (4.5 p.m.), 132 tons, Miles, for Blenheim. TOTARA, s.s. (5.20-p.m.), 426 tons, Eden, for New Plymouth. ARAHURA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), ICO7 tons, Hay, for Nelson. RANOATIRA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), 6152 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. KAPUNI, m.s. (8 p.m.), 190 tons, McKlnnon, for Patea. HAWERA, m.s. (8 p.m.), ISB tons, McLachlan, for Patea. INAHA, m.s. (8.5 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibson, for Fatea. OPIHI, s.s. (9.20 p.m.), 1117 tons, Russell, for Dunedin. KOUTUNUI, m.s. (10.5 p.m.), 167 tons, McNab, for East Coast Bays. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16. FUTURIST, s. trawler (10.25 a.m.), 241 tons, Ormes. for Cook Strait. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kalmai, Westport, today. Tees, Lyttelton, today. Klni, Greymouth, today. Tamahine, Picton, today, 6.15 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Bangatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.M. Echo Blenheim, tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea, tomorrow. Hawera, Patea, tomorrow. King William, Napier, tomorrow. Omana, Sydney, tomorrow. Tamaroa, Auckland, tomorrow. \ Storm, southern ports, tomorrow. Inaha, Patea, tomorrow. Hertford, Gisborne, tomorrow. Alexander, Greymouth, tomorrow. Holmglen, southern ports, tomorrow. Kapiti, YVanganui, ISth. Te Aroha, Hokitika, ISth. Holmtlale, Wannanui, ISth. Ualnui, Gishnrne, ISth. Parera, Waikato, ISth. ['on Walknt" southern ports, ISth. Waipiata, Auckland, 19th. Wtngatui, southern ports, 19th. Canadian Leader, Auckland, 19th. Waitaki, Lyttelton, 19th. Wakakura. Marlhorough Sounds, 19th. Paua. Picton. 20th. Onihi, southern ports, 20th. Moa, Nelson and bays, 20th. fort Hunter. New Plymouth, 21st. Port Whangarei, Auckland, 22nd. Kalmai. Westport, 22nd. Waimarin'i Auckland. 22nd. Awahou, Lyttelton, 23rd. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matangi, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, today, 7.45 p.m. Kapiti, Wanganui, today. Tees, Pitt Island, today. Moa, Nelson and bays, today. Makura, Sydney, today. Monowai, Auckland, today. Awahou, Napier, today. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow, 2.45 p.m. Arahura,.Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Rangatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.43 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Hawera, Patea, tomorrow. Kapuni, Fatea, tomorrow. Breeze, southern ports, tomorrow. Koyo Maru. Auckland, tomorrow. Fairhurn, Westport, tomorrow. Matai. Brothers' Light, tomorrow.Hnlmglen, Wanganui, tomorrow. Port Dunedin, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Remuera, Auckland, tomorrow. Storm, Wanganui, tomorrow. Alexander, Westport, tomorrow. Parera, southern ports, 18th. To Aroha, Westport, ISth. Gnle, southern ports, 18th. Kalmai, Greymouth, 18th. Kini, Greymouth, 18th. Holmciale, southern ports, 18th. King William. New Plymouth, ISth. Omana. Napier, ISth. Port Walkato. Auckland. ISth. Winsatul, Auckland, 19th. Walnut. Dunedin. 19th. Canadian Leader. Sydney, 20th. Opihi, Nelson. 20th. Port Whangarei. southern ports, 2-nd. Waimarino, southern ports, 23rd. BERTHAGE LIST. Awahou—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Breeze—Taranaki Street Wh&«. Fairburn —Queen's Wharf No. 13. Futurist—Queen's Wharf No. i. Gale—Taranaki Street Wharf. Himatangi—ln the Stream Kaimiro—Patent Slip Wharf. Kaiwarra—ln the Stream. Komata—ln the Stream. Koyo Maru— King's Wharf. Kapiti—Glasg-ow Wharf. Matangi—Queen's Wharf J.O. 12. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Moa—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Monowai—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Makura—Pipitea Wharf. Port Dunedin —King's Wharf. Paritutu— Railway Wharr. Remucra— Glasgow Wharf. Stornnger—Miramar Wharf. Tamahlne-Quc-en's Wharr No. 4. Tees—Taranaki Street Wharf. Waihemo— Patent Slip Wharf. Wahine—Patent' Slip Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA. left Auckland Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; due Melbourne tomorrow leaves Melbourne tomorrow, Sydney Saturday, for Wellington; duo October *3. "SftS'l* Sydney Friday for Wellington and Auckland; leaves ™"nft™™*£ due Auckland Thursday ; leaves Auckland Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne due Sydney Simdav Melbourne October 24. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland; due October 23; leaves Auckland October 26 for Sydney; due October 30. (U.S.S Co.) MAHENO, leaves Port Chalmers October 30, Bluff October 31, for Hobart and Melbourne: due Melbourne November 5; leaves Melbourne November 15 for New Zealand; due Blurt N-oveSber 18. Dunedin November 20 Lyttelton November 21, Wellington November 22. (U.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. MARIFOSA. was to leave r n o^ ra" o e r isc° u t l °: tralla '^due Pago Pago October 27. Suva October 30, Auckland Novemher 2 Sydney November 5. Melbourne Novemb" 9 (Burns. Philp. and T. and W Young.) MONTEREY, left Melbourne Saturday, leaves" Sydney tomorrow for America; due Auckland Saturday, Suva October 23, Pago Pago October 24, Honolulu October 29, Los Angeles November 3, San Francisco November 5. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. Young.) AORANGI. left Sydney Thursday for Vancouver; was to leave Auckland today; duo Suva Friday Honolulu October 26, Vancouver November 2.' (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver October 10 for Sydney due Honolulu tomorrow, Suva OcMbcrSß. Auckland October 29; leave. October 30: due Sydney November 3. (U.S.S. <-o.) MAKURA; left San Francisco September 2b for Sydney: due Sydney Saturday; leaves Sydney October 25 for San Francisco; due Wellington October 29; leaves Wellington October 30 : due Rarotonga November 3 ; Papeete >°V™T her 5; San Francisco November 16. (U.b.ft. C°MATOOANUI left Sydney September 27 for San Francisco;-due San Francisco Saturday, leaves. San Francisco October 24 for Sydnej. due Papeete November 3, Rarotonga November 6, Wellington November 12. leaves Wellington November 13, due Sydney November li. (U.&.&. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS. AKAROA, leaves London November 2S for Auckland (due January 2) and Wellington. (S.S. and A. Co.) < . GABRIELLA, leaves Newcastle October ir. Sydney October 18, for New Plymouth, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Akaroa, and Greymouth. (U.b.b. C°GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Angeles November 1 for Auckland (due November 27). Wellington, and Australia (Burns, Phllp.) n HATTRAKI leivßS IjOS Angeles NovcmDer •* fnr Auckland (due November 2*>. WeUineton. Lvtteltnn. Dunedin. and Australia (U.S.S. Co.) KALINGO, loads Grafton (October 28). completes Newcastle early November, for Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (U.S.S ; to.) KANNA, loads Newcastle October 2i for' Wellington, New Plymouth, and Lyttelton. (Tj.b-b----°k\REFO, leaves Melbourne October 20, completes Newcastle (due October. 23), f°r, T AUC*land (due October 30) and Greymouth. (U.b.b. C°KARETO, loads Melbourne October 19, completes Edithburg and Adelaide, for Bluff, Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington Castlecliff New Plymouth, Auckland, and Westport. (U.S.S. Co.) ,_ ~ , , MAMARI, leaves London November 14 ror Suva, Lyttelton (due December 22) Port Chalmers, Bluff, and Napier. (S.S. and A. Co.) MELBOURNE MARU. leaves Moji November 1 for Australia, Wellington (due December 5), and Auckland. (Federal Co.) MATAROA leaves London October 81 ror Auckland (due December 5) and Wellington (S.S and A Co.) NARBADA, loads Calcutta (mld-Nnvemner-earlv December) Penang Singapore, and Samarang for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru. Dunedin. and Bluff. (U-S.S. Co.) OPAWA. leaves Liverpool November 24 for Auckland (due January 2), Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff, and New Plymouth. (FedPOOLTA, loads Newcastle October 21 for
New Plymouth and Lyttelton.- (U.S.S. Co.) PORI CAMPbKLL, leaves New lorn uctober 30 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton,' and uunedin (C and D- Line.) I'ORT FAIRY, leaves London Octobet IM ror Suva Blulf and Lyttelton. (C. and U. Line.) RANGITATA, leaves London November 15 for Auckland (due December 19) and Wellington. (N.ZS. Co.) RANGIIANK, leaves London October 18 ror Wellington (due November 21) and Auckland (N.Z.S Co. I TNSCAX STAR, leaves London October IT in ballast for New Zealand; due November 20. (Blue Star Line.) WAII'AWA, leaves Liverpool November 3 for Auckland (due December 13). Wellington, Lytteltnn, Dunedin and Timaru. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKOUAITI. loads Newcastle October 24, completes at Sydney and Hobart, for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. ARMaDaIE left New York September 18 for Auckland (due October 23), Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin. and Australia (Federal Co.) BRISBANE MARU. left Jlojl October 2 for Australia, Wellington (due November 4). and Auckland (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Montreal October 6 for Auckland (due November 14); Wellington (November 18), and Australia. (CM.S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, left Montreal August 25 for Dunedin (due October 23) and Lyttelton, via Australia (C.N.S.) CORNWALL, left Liverpool September 24 for Auckland (due October 31). Welllncton. Lyttelton, and Dunedin (Federal Co.) CANADIAN SCOTTISH, left Montreal August 15 for Bluff (due October 26). and Timaru, via Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN VICTOR, left Montreal September 30 for Dunedin (due November 26) and Lytteltnn via Australia (C.N.S.) CITY OF DELHI, left Xew York October 10 for Auckland (due November 11), Wellington (about November IS), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. (Federal Co.) GOLDEN BEAR, left Los Angeles October 1 for Auckland (due October 27). Wellington, and Australia (Burns. Phlip.) H M.S LEITU iett cnatharo August 13 Tor Auckland (due November 14). via Suez, East Indies. Thursday Island (October 23-25). and Brisbane. lONIC, left Southampton October 5 for Wellington (due November 14) and Auckland. (S.S. and A Co.) KENT, left Liverpool October 13 for Auckland (due November 2), Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) MAHANA. leri London October 6 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (for loading) ; due New Zealand about December 2. (S.S. and A. Co.) OMANA, left Sydney October 11 for Wellington (due October 17), Napier, and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) RUAHIXE. left London October 4 toi Wellington (due November 21) and Auckland (N.Z.S. Co.) RANCiITIKI. left London ' September 21) for Auckland (due October 24) and Wellington (N.Z.S Co.) RARANOA left London September 8 in onl last for New Zealand, via Cape of Good Hope and Sydney • due about Oc'ober 29 IS.S. and A Co.) TRO.IAN STAR left London September 211 In ballast for New Zealand:'due Opua October 28 (Blue Star I.ine.l .-, WAIWERA. loft London September 14 for Suva, Port Chalmers (due about October 21). Lyttelton. and New Plymouth. (S.S. and A Co.) WAITAKI, left Melbourne October 11 for Bluff (due October 16), Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington (October 19). (U.S.S. Co.) WAIRUNA, left Los Angeles October 9 for Auckland (due November 4), Napier, Wellington (November 10), Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. CANADIAN LEADER, from Montreal; for Wellington and Australia; at 'Auckland; leaves October 17. (C.N.S.) DAL VEEN, from Java; at Auckland. KALINGO. from Newcastle, for Cisborae: at Auckland; leaves October 16. (U.S.S. Co.) KING WILLIAM, from Tampico; for Wellington (October 17), New Plymouth, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; at Napier; leaves October 16. LIMNEA, from Balik Papan; for Auckland; at Lyttelton. (Shell Co.) PORT DUNEDIN, from Liverpool, for Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Nelson ; at Wellington ; leaves October 17. (C. and I). Line.) STORANGER, from San Pedro; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) TURICUM, from San Francisco; for Dunedin ;at Auckland; leaves October 16. (Shell Co.) TAMAROA. from Southampton; for Wellington ; left Auckland October 15. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKAWA, from Los Aneeles; at Dunedin. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Port Kembla; at Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. CANADIAN LEADER, loads at Wellington (October 19) ; leaves October 20 for Xew York, Boston, and Halifax, via Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN SCOTTISH, loads at Bluff (October 26-27), and Timaru; leaves Timaru October 29 for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CRUISER, loads at Dunedin (October 23-24), and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton October 27 for New York. Boston, and Halifax (C.N.S.) HERTFORD. left Gisborne October 16 for Wellington, New Plymouth, and Auckland; leaves Auckland November 2 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) KOYO MARU, at Wellington; leaves October 17 for Auckland; leaves Auckland about October 24 for Iwata, Japan. (Wright, Stephenson.) PORT HUNTER, at Auckland: leaves October 17 for New Plymouth and Wellington (October 21) ; leaves Wellington (October 24 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) REMUERA. at Wellington; leaves October 17 for Auckland; leaves Auckland October 27 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAINUI, at, Auckland; leaves October 18 for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKOVAITI. at Lyttelton ; leaves October 17 for Bluff; leaves Bluff October 19 for Sydney and Newcastle. . (U.S.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland.—Ahamo, Aorangi. Canadian Leader, Maui Pomare, Foolta, Port Frcmantle, Rotorua, Tamaroa, Turicum, Tymeric, Waipahi, Waiwera. Chatham Islands.—Nil. Wellington.—Hertford, King William, Koyo Maru, Makura, Maori, Monowai, Niagara, Omana, Rangatira, Rangitata, Rangitiki, Tamahine. Awarua.—Canadian Britisher, Karctu, Maungannl, South Africa, Waitaki, Wanganclla, Wyatt Earp. ISLAND SERVICES. WAIPAHI, from Sydney, Lautoka, and Suva; arrived Auckland yesterday; leaves today for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUI POMARE, left Wellington October 9 for Apia and Niue; due back at Lyttelton on October 29 and at Wellington on October 30. (G.B. and H.) TEES, from Waitangi, Owenga, and Kaingaroa; arrived at Lyttelton yesterday and is due at Wellington today: leaves here today for Pitt Island. (G.B. and H.) PERSONAL. Mr. S. B. Ward has been engaged as second officer of the Tamahine, relieving Mr. E. G. Mcatyard. Mr. J. Fltzpatrick is now chief officer of the Totara, In place of Mr. A. H. Flsk. Mr. J. R. Keith has been appointed assistant purser of the Tamahine. MONOWAI'S TRANSHIPMENTS. Transhipments from the following vessels were carried by the Monowai, which arrived here yesterday from Sydney:—Corrlmal, Tamon Maru, Time, Koranul, Shiralla, Nestor, Kitano Maru, Autolycus, Westralia, Zealandia, Oronsay, Mooltan, Talune, Aroona, Ballarat, Orsova, Saros, Mlldura, Bunvah, Temeraire, Yomachichi, Cardross, Orungal, Taiplng, Tara, Sydney Maru, Xieuw Holland, Otranto, Atsuta Maru. MONOWAI'S PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived at Wellington yesterday by the Monnwal from Sydney:— Mr. T. W. G. Acland, Mrs. G. L. Aickin, Mrs. E. A. Ashton, air. D. J. Arnott, Mrs. J. Bolton, Mr. C. W. B. Barton, Mr. W. T. Barton, Mr. A. R. B. Barton, Mr. C. Bell, Mrs. C. Bell, Mrs. L. L. Benzie, Mr. A. G. Bethune, Mr. L. Bonnlngton, Mrs. H. ■ Booth, Mrs. M. Bowie, Mr. W. M. Bradshaw, Mr. J. E. Bray, Mr. Hirst Brook. Mrs. V. T. Brown, Mr. W. C. Burt, Mrs. W. C. Burt, Miss X. J. Burt, Mr. G. H. Bell, Mr. A. F. Bound. Mrs. F. Burnett, Miss L. Blades, Mrs. R. Burgess, Mr. K. A. Carlyle, Mr. W. Clark, Mrs. W. Clark, Master J. W. Clark. Miss I. Clarkson, Mr. B. Cottrlll, Mr. F. G. Cowper, Mrs. F. G. Cowper, Mr. L. N. Curtis, Mrs. L. N. Curtis, Miss I. I. Corkhill, Mr. H. L. Davis, Mr. S. B. Davys, Mr. R. H. Denton, Mrs. R. H. Denton, Mr. W. J. Dlxon, Mr. F. R. Dudley. Mr. E. Dawson. Mrs. V. E. Dawson. Master J. Dawson, Mrs. L. Devereux, Miss B. L. Davles, Mr. C. V. navies, Miss D. E. Davis, Mr. R. W. Dlxon, Miss A. Miss E. M. Easson, Mrs. A. Elliot, Mr. C. R. Emerson, Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. M. C. Engley, Mr. R. T. Ellis. Mr. G. Elltil, Mr. J. A. Fergusson, Mr. W. ,T. Forbes, Mrs. M. A. Foden, Master I. W. Graham, Mr. A. A. Gillies, Mrs. C. Gleeson, Mr. J. R. Hancock, Mr. E. C. Hands, Rev. Canon Hilllarri, Mrs. W. G. Hilliard, Miss H. Billiard, Mrs. W. P. Hilliard, Dr. S. W. Hogg, Mr. A. E. Humphries, Mrs. A. Harris, Mr. .T. R. Hay. Mrs. Hay, Miss D. Hay, Miss .T. Hay. Mr. C. Home, Mrs. C. Heatherbell, Master Heatherhell. Mrs. S. Hoskin, Mrs. F. L. Hoskin, Mr. H. Huhhard, Mrs. C. Hnmmerston, Miss M. Hnmmerston. Mr. A. Hall. Mr. L. Hall, Mrs. A. Hall. Mrs. it. Kansen. Master E. Hansen. Mr. W. Hardy, Mr. D. Hardy, Mr. P. Hare, Mr. D. Harvie, Mr. J. Hoffman.
Mr. .1. H. .Terram, Mrs. Jerram. Mr. H. K. .Tnhnstnne, Mrs. Johnstonp, Miss P. Kennedy, Mr. H. T. Kitto, Mrs. Kittn, Mrs. C. Kent, Mr. G. L. Katounas, Mr. F. Lloyd. Mr. .1. Lindsay, Mr. F. Lowden, Mr. JI. Marks. Miss E. W. Miller, Mr. M. I. Mitclitnson, Mr. C. h. Movr-
bray, Mr. R. J. Murphy, Mrs. Murphy, Miss G. Murphy, Mr. W. Martin, Mrs. Martin, Mr. H. G. Martin, Miss L. Matthews, Miss C. E. Major, Mr. F. H. Morgan, Mr. J. Morton, Mrs. J. F. Muir, Mr. R. McDougail, Mr. J. P. McMaster, Miss R. E. McGrath, Miss H. Nixon, Mr. A. E. Neale, Mr. J. N. Ormrod, Mr. J. Payne, Mrs. Payne, Miss M. rayne, Mr. E. G. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. A. H. Poole, Mr. H. E. Powell, Miss W. H. Prout, Mr. J. A. Peele. Mr. R. Percival, Mrs. T. F. Reid, Mr. G. D. Robinson, Mr. S. T. Rough, Mr. T. L. Raines, Mr. W. H. Reid, Mr. C. T. Richardson, Mr. D. Rodgers, Mrs. S. M. Rofe, Master J. Rofe. Mr. B. Sargent, Mr. W. A. Scott, Mr. E. Simpson, Mrs. C. Smellie, Mr. S. Smith, Mr. A. T. Spain, Mrs. Spain, Mr. L. J. Stace, Mrs. Stace, Miss Stace, Major G. Simcocks," Mr. P. Stock, Mr. J. T. Slnnamon, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. G. Stevenson, Mrs. H. Sutherland, Miss I. Sutherland, Miss M. J. Todliunter, Mrs. T. Toomey, Miss G. M. Tewsley. Miss K. F. Thornston, Mr. I. C. A'ldal. Miss J. A. Wales, Mr. J. L. Warren, Mr. E. J. Webb, Mrs. A. M. Webb, Mr. J. L. Whiteman, Mr. H. F. Wood, Mr. L. S. Woolf, Mrs. L. S. Woolf, Master Woolf, Mr. P. G. Walker, Rev. H. E. Wallis, Mr. J. H. Walter, Mrs. Walter, Mr. A. G. Ward, Mr. W. Woodrow, Mrs. Woodrow. The Monowai is to leave here again tonight for Auckland, from which port she is to sail on Friday for Sydney and Melbourne. RANGITATA AT PANAMA. The Rangitata, which sailed from Auckland on September 26 for London, arrived at Panama on Sunday. THE CITY OF DELHI. The City of Delhi sailed from New York last Wednesday, and from Newport News on Friday, for New Zealand. She is due at Auckland on November, and will be at Wellington a week later, completing discharge at Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australian ports. KENT EN ROUTE. The Kent sailed from Liverpool on Saturday for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lytteltnn. and Dunedin. She Is duo at Auckland on November 21, and here on November 2S. TUSCAN STAR IN BALLAST. The Tuscan Star is now to leave London either today or tomorrow in ballast for New Zealand. She Is now due at her first loading port on November 20. TEES FROM CHATHAMS. The Tees, which arrived at Lyttelton yesterday from Waitangi, Owenga, and Kainearoa, brought the following passengers :—Mesdames W. Gentles and A. J. Porter, Messrs. S. M. Din, M. Magnissen, and Moffat. The vessel brought 1043 sheep and six bales of wool to Lyttelton, and sailed late last night for Wellington to discharge a full cargo of fish. From Wellington the Tecs will go to Pitt Island to load sheep for Lyttelton. BY TELEGRAPH. \ AUCKLAND, October 15. ■ Sailed—Rotorua (6 p.m.), fo,r London. PICTON, October 15. Arrived—Gale (5 p.m.), Holmdale (5 p.m.), and Tamahine (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT, October 15. Sailed—Kaimai (2.35 p.m.), for Wellington. GREYMOUTH, October 15. Sailed—Kini (2.15 p.m.), for Wellington. .LYTTELTON, October 15. Sailed—Tees (9.15 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ DUNEDIN, October. 15. Sailed—Port Waikato (6.15 p.m.), for TimarU. BLUFF, October 15. Sailed —Wingatul (7.10 p.m.), for Dunedin. » GISBORNE. October 16. Sailed—Hertford (7.15 a.m.), for Wellington LYTTELTON, October 16. Arrived—Rangatira (6.3j a.m.), Llnjnea (7.4 i a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON, October 16. Arrived—Arahura (4.50 a.m.), from Welling" GREYMOUTH, October 16. Sailed—Alexander (1.20 a.m.), for Welling.
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Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 92, 16 October 1934, Page 12
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3,124SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 92, 16 October 1934, Page 12
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