H(GH WATER. Today:-2.18 a.m.; 2.15 p.m. Tomorrow:-3.10'a.m.;-3.41 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JULY 24. TAMAniNE, s;s. (6.35 p.m.), 1089 tons, Lowe, from Picton. KAPUNI, m.s. (11.25 p.m.), 100 tons, McKlnuon, from Wanganul. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. ECHO, mix. scow (1.20 a.m.), 132 tons, Miles, from Blonlicim. ARAHL'ItA, s.s. (D.lj a.m.), 1007 tons, Hay, from Xelstn. POUT WAIKATO. M.s. (3.23 a.m.), 668 lons, Wutclilln, trqm Lyttelton. RAXGATJHA, t.c.s. (7 a.m.), 6152 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. GALE, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 507 tons, Davics, from Oneknka. , " m.s. (8.15 a.m.), 208 tons, O'Donncll, from Motuckn. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JULY 24. KAPITI, m.s. (3 .p.m.), 242 tons, Johanscn, for Wanganui. TITOKI, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 023 tons, Wahlstrom, for Nelson. XIKAU. s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 24S tons, for Nelson (in tow-of Titofci). MATAXGI. s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 13GG tons. Wildman, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 348S tons, Irwin, for Lyttclton. PORT WHANGAREI, m.s. (8.5 p.m.), 508 tons, Watts, for Lyttclton. KARTIGI,' s.s. (8.13 p.m.), 2347 tons, Brlsco, for New Plymouth. KINI, s.s. (8.43 p.m.), 1388 tons, Collins, for Westport. KOHl,mix. scow (10 p.m.), 123 tons, Goldle, for Nelson. KIWITEA, s.s. (11.40 p.m.), 2343 tons, Bruce. for Auckland. . WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. CANADIAN CHALLENGER, s.s. (fi.3o a.m.), jI3D tons, Wilson, for Newcastle lONIC, s.s. (7 a.m.), 12,332 tons, Jackson, for Southampton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Hawcra, "Patc'a, today. Matangl, Nelson, tomorrow, 0.30 a.m. Tamahinc, Picton, tomorrow, 6.13 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Kekerangu, Newcastle, tomorrow. Kakarlkl, Newcastle, tomorrow. Breeze, Wanganui, tomorrow, liangltiki, Napier, tomorrow. Wiiinul, Glsliorne. tomorrow, loxton. Kaiapoi, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, 27th. Tapti,: Auckland, 27th. Matakana. Auckland, 27th. Opihl, Lyttclton,-27th. Holnislen, southern ports. 27th. Waitaki. southern ports. 27th. ■ Te Aroha, Hokltika, 27th. Walmarlno. southern ports, 27tli Kapuni, Patea, 27tli. Gael, Motueka, 27th. Holmdalb. New Plymouth, 27th Kini, Westport, 28th. • Opawa. Auckland, 28th. Storm, southern ports, 2Sth. Huntingdon. Napier, 28th. Port Whangarei, southern ports, 2Sth. Kohl, Nelson and Bays, 20th. Totara. Lyttelton. 29th. Kaimal, Greymnuth, 291h. . Awahou—Lyttelton, 30th. Wiugatul. Auckland. 30th. Gabriella. Sydney, 30th. Abel Tasman. Auckland, 31st. Talroa, Tlmaiu. 31st. Storm, Now Plymouth, Ist. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Arahura, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Ilangatiru. Lyttclton. today, p.m. Kapuni, Patea, today. T.nipata, Jlapua, today. Echo. Blenheim, today. -Awahoii.. Napier, today. Port Waikato. Auckland, today. Marama, Auckland, today. Gale, southern ports, today. Matangl, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, '7.43 p.m. Hawera, Patea, tomorrow. Breeze, southern ports, tomorrow. Mauuganui, Sydney, , tomorrow. Foxton, Lyttclton, tomorrow. Talisman, Taka'ka, tomorrow. Tiiiiiahinc, Picton, 27th, G. 15 niiii. Opihl,'Kelson, 27th. Holmßlen, Wancauul. 27th. Gael, Greymoiith,' 27th. Hoiradale. southern ports, 27th. Wiiimii, Dunedin. 27fh. Walmarfno, Auckland, 2Sth. . To Aroha, Westport. 28th. Storm, Warißanul, 28th. Waitaki, Bluff, 28th. .' Taptl, Lyttelton, 2Slh. , Kckeriuißii. Lyttelton. 28th. ■ - Kaimai. Greymnnth. 2Sth. Port Whanxnrel, Auckland, 28th. Wlnentul, southern ports, r,Oth. L Totara. New Plymouth. 30th. . • Ki'lil. Nelson ami luiys, 31st. Onawa. Lyttelton. 31st. Storm," southern ports, Ist. Huutinedon, Lj ttclton, lbt. BERTHAGE LIST. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. ('.-.iindliin CluillciiKPr- ■ King's Wharf. EHim—()uceii\s Wharf No. 13. Gale—Glasgow. Wharf. I 'Himn'miul In the aiream. j ll.iwcra—King's Wharf. Kaiwarra - In the Stream. ' Kamatn —In the Stream ' Kapuni—Glasgow Wharf. " llarninn—Taranakl- Street Wharf. .Uomnval—Clyde Qua.? Wharf MaAingamii—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Xgahau—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Omaua—Patent Slip Wharf. Paua—Burnham Wharf ■ Port Waikato—Queen's Wharf No. t. Rata—Railway Wharf. Rangatira—Ferry Wharf. 5 Talisman—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Tanpata—Queen's .Wharf No. 14. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Wahlne—Patent Slip Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA, leaves Sydney Monday for Wellington; due August 3: leaves Wellington . August 4 for Sydney and Melbourne; due Syd- • ney August 7, Melbourne August 10. (Huddart, . Parker.) MONOWAI. laid up at Wellington. (U.S.S. • Co.) MARAMA, leaves Wellington" today for ; Auckland; due Auckland Friday; leaves Auck- . land Friday for Sydney; due July 31. (U.S.S. . c°> PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. MARIFOSA, leaves Sydney today for . Los Angeles and San Francisco: due Auckland , Saturday, Suva Tuesday, Pago Pago August 1, . Honolulu August G, Los Angeles August 11, San . Francisco August 13. (Burns. Philp, and T. ' and W. Young.) ! MONTEREY,' leaves' Los Angeles today i for Sydney and Melbourne; due Honolulu • Monday, Pago Pago August 4, Suva August 7, . Auckland August 10, Sydney' August 13, Melbourne August 17. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) AORANGI, left. Vancouver July 18 for Sydney; leaves Honolulu today; duo Suva August 3, Auckland August G: leaves Auckland August: •7; due Sydney August 11. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Sydney July 19 for Vancouver; due Suva Friday, Honolulu August 3, Vancouver August 10. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ MAKURA, left Sydney July 5 for San Francisco; due San Franclso Friday; leaves San L Francisco August 1 for Sydney; due Papeete ■ August 11, Rarotonga August 14, Wellington' August 20: leaves August 21, due Sydney . August 25. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI. laid up at Wellington; leaves^ here Thursday for Sydney; due Monday; leaves, ' Sydney August 2 for San Francisco; due Wel- > lington August 6; leaves August 7; due Itaro- . tonga August 11, Papeete Aucust 13, San Fran-, Cisco August 24.' (U.S.S. Co.) I LOADING OVERSEAS. CANADIAN SCOTTISH, ' leaves Montreal August 10 for Bluff (dito October 6) and Lyt- . telton, via Australia. (C.N.S.) i CITY ■OF WINCHESTER, leaves New York • August 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. (Federal Co.) ! GABRIELLA, leaves Sydney July 25 for Wel--1 lington (due July 30), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and .'Greymoiith. (f.S.S. Co.) , , ■ : ; ■ GOLDEN STATE, leaves Los Angeles August 1 for Auckland (due August 27), Wellington, . and Australia. (Burns, Philp.) * • HERTFORD, leaves Liverpool August. 11' for ' Auckland (duo September 17), Wellington, Lytl telton; and Diinedin: (Federal Co.) ' '"•; KAIMIRO, load 3 Newcastle v August. S for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.)1 m ■.-.-'..■-.:..■■ ' KAREPO, leaves Adelaide July 30, Edlthburg July 31, Melbourne August 3, for Auck- - land and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) ; ■ KARTIGI, loads Newcastle August 2 for New , Plymouth, Nelson, Ptcton, Glsborne, and Grey- . mouth. (U.S.S. Co.) , . MELBOURNE MARU, leaves MoJ[ August 1 for Australia; Wellington (due September 4), • and Auckland. (Federal Co.)' / ■ ....-,. NARBADA, leaves Calcutta August 3, completes at '■' Penans, Singapore,: and Samararig, for Auckland,. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin, and Bluff. '(U.S.S. Co.) PORT DUNEDINi leaves. Liverpool September I for iAuckland, Wellington,; lytfelton; Dunedin, and Nelson. - (C. and D. Line.) > PORT HUNTER, leaves London August 22 tor Auckland and Wellington;' ■ (C: and'D. Line.) .-■ :. '■■■■ . ■ ••-..■ -. .' .-- ..; , . PORT HOBART, . leaves. New York July SO for Auckland, Wellington,' Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (C. and D Line.)REMUERA, leaves London August 23 for Wellington (due September 29), Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Bluff. (N.Z.S. Co.) ROTORUA, leaves London August 2 for Wellington (duo September 20), Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, and Napier, via Suva. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ RANGITATA, leaves London July 26 for Wellington (due August 20), and Auckland (N.Z.S. Co.) ' TAINUI. leaves London August-8 for Wellington (due, September 17), and Auckland. (S.S. nnd A. Co ) WAIKOUAITI, leaves Hobart July 25 for Bluff (due July 31), Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttelton.- (U.S.S. Co.)
VESSELS OVERSEAS. ABEL TASMAN, left Sydney July 21 for Auckland (due July 27), Wellington (July 31), Ljttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. (Holm and Co.) AKABOA, left Southampton July 13 for Wellington (duo August 16)- and Lyttelton. (S.S. and A. Co.) BRISBANE MARU, left Mojl July 1 for Australia, Wellington (duo August 6), and Auckland. (Federal Co.) BENHOLM, left New York July 7 Tor Auckland (due August 13), Wellington, Lyttelton Duncdin, and Australia. (Federal Co) CANADIAN VICTOK, left Montreal May 25 for Australia. Bluff (due August 1) Dunedin and Lyttelton. (C..N.5.) CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, left Montreal June 23 for Australia, Dunedin (due August 20) and Lyttelton (August 24). (C.N.S.) CANADIAN HIGHLANDER left Montreal June 30 for Auckland (due August S), Wellington (August 13), and Australia (C.N.S ) FORDSDALE. left Liverpool July 21 for Auckland (due August 23), Wellington (August 31), Lyttelton. and Port Chalmers. (S.S. and A. Co.) GOLDEN COAST, left Los Angeles July 4 for Auckland (duo July 30), Wellington (August 3), and Australian ports. (Burns. Phllp.) HAURAKI. left Los Angeles July 11 for Auckland (duo August 3), Wellington, Lyttel'ton, Dunedin, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.) KAKAItIKI. left Newcastle July 20 for Wellington (due July 2G.) (U.S.S. Co.) KEKERANOU. left Newcastle July .20 for Wellington (due July 20), and Lytteltou. (U.SS. Co.) KARAMEA, left Hamburg May 29 for Australia (to discharge) and New Zealand (tn load); due Port Chalmers August 3. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT GISBORNE, left London July 13 for Auckland (due August 19), Dunedin. Bluff, and Timaru. (C. and D. Line.) PORT FAIRY, left London June 21 for Suva. Dunedin (due August 2), Lyttelton; and Oamaru. (C. and D. Line.) PORT NICHOLSON, left Glasgow June 21 In ballast for New Zealand, via Cane of Good Hope: due August 9. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITANE. left London June 28 for Auckland (due August n and Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) TEKOA, left Liverpool July 1 for Auckland (due August 8). Wellington. Lyttolton. and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING.' ANTONIO, from Nauru Island; at Auckland. FISCUS, from Italy;-for Dunedin; left New Plymouth July 24. KALINGO, from Newcastle and Sydney; at Gisborne. (U.S.S. Co.) MATAKANA, from London;' for Wellington (duo July 27); left Auckland July 25:. (SIS. and A. Co.) OPAWA; from Liverpool; for Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, and New Plymouth: at Auckland; leaves July 26. (Federal Co.) TAPTI. from New York; for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; left Auckland July 21. (Federal Co.) WAIRUNA, from Vancouver; for Australia; at Dunedin; leaves July-25.- (U.S.S. Co.) WAITAKI, from Melbourne;'for Lyttelton and Wellington; at Dunedin; leaves July 25. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ' HUNTINGDON, at Napier; leaves July 2T for Wellington and Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton August 7 for London and West Coast ports. (Federal Co.) KAKAMEA. to load at Port Chalmers (August 3), Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (August 11),. and Auckland: leaves Auckland ' August 18 for London, via- Cape Uorn. ' (S.S and A Co.) r • - KAIMIRO, at Grcymouth;. leaves July 26 for ■Melbourne:. (U.S.S.. Co.) KUMARA, at BlufT; leaves July '20 for. New Plymouth and .Wellington' (due ~' August ,-2); leaves Wellington: August; 3 for London, via Montevideo:and Tcncriffe^',(S.S; arid-A. Co.) ORABI, at Auckland; 'leaves July 27 \for London and West Coast port 3, via Cape Born. (Federal Co.) OPAWA, to load at New Plymouth (August 3), Nelson, Wanganut, and Auckland; leaves Auckland August 22 for' London, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Cape Horn. (C. and: D. Line.) PORT BRISBANE, at Gisborno; leaves July 23 for Auckland; leaves Auckland July 28 for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and p. Line.) I'ORT FAIRY;' to load at Oamaru: (August 11), Lyttelton, Napier, and , Wellington . (due August-22).; leaves Wellington. August 23: for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) PORT HARDY/ to^ioad al' Bluff Uuly ; aui. Timaru, New Plymouth, Wanganul. and Wellington (due August 15); leaves .Wellington August 17 for Southampton and London. vi» Cnne Horn.' (C. and D. Line.) KANGITIKI.' at Napier: leaves July 25 for Wellington ;;:ieavegt;Wellington August 3 for London : via Pnnaftio. : (N.Z.S Co.) TAIROA, at BLuff:-leaves July 26 for Timaru, Wellington fjiilv 31-Aurust' 1). and Auckland; loaves Aurlsbnn Auwst 0 for London and West Coast ports, via Montevideo and TenerifYe. (S.S. :uul A. Co.) WAITAKI. at Dimrd'n: for Lyttelton. "Wellington (July 27). and BlufT: leaves BluH July 30 for Melbourne. (U.S.S. Co.) ISLAND SERVICES. WAIPAHI. from Sydney and Suva; left Auckland yesterday for Newcastle, Sydney, Fiji, and Auckland. ■: (U.S.S. Co.) MAUI POMARE. left Wellington July 17 for Apia and Nine: due back at ■, Lyttelton August 0 and Wellington August 7. ond H.) KAUKTU. from Auckland. . Rarotonga. and Aitutnkl: left Rarotonga Saturday for Auckland (due Sunday next). (U.S.S. Co.) KANNA, from Auckland: left Nukualofa icsterd.iy for V.ivau" and Greymouth. (U.S.S. Co.) TEEP. left Lyttelton July 20. for Waitangi, Owenga. and Kaingaroa; thence Welllnston and Lyttelton. (G.B. and H.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range cf\the undermentioneo wireless stations -tonight:— Auckland.—Abel Tasman. Fiona, Golden Coast, Hauraki, Inverbank, Eanna, Karetu, Mariposa, Matakana, Maul ' Pomare, ■ Niagara, Port Brisbane, Port Fairy, Trlona. Waipahi. Wellington.—Aorangl. Canadian Challenger, City or Los Angeles. Dlomerte, Dunedin. Hororata, Huntingdon. lonic. Kalingo, Laburnum, Maori, Marama, Monterey, Nueula, Rangatira, Rangitane, ." Rangltlki, ■ Riinhlne, Tamabiue, Tapti. Awarua.—Makura, .Matal. plivebank, Waikouaiti, Waltakl,- Wal'runa, Wanganclla. PERSONAL. ■ - The R.M.S. Maungauul rccommissloned at Wellington today under the command of Captain A. T. Totcn. His officers arc:—Chief, Mr. A. T. Adam; second, Mr. A. V. Knight; third. Mr. S. H. Crawford: fourth, Mr. G. D. Jensen; purser; Mr. H. F. Ferguson; chief engineer, Mr. X; Sinclair.: second, . Mr. JP. Mcßean; third, air.1-:.':. H. G. Whyte; fourth, Mr. G. Bell: fifth, Mr. H. L. McGregor; sixth, Mr. W. Webling; seventh,. Mr. W. O'Sulllvan; eighth, Mr. A. R. McLcod; electrician, Mr. N. T. Watson. Mr. G. Watt has Joined the Marama as third engineer, In place of Mr. F. McMaster, who will transfer to the Waitakl as second engineer. TALKIES ON MARAMA. -Before.her last sailing from Wellington the Union Company's Intercolonial: stenmer Marama ;\vas-fitted with .talkies. It Is reported , that they have proved very successful, and that they are of great Interest'to passengers. Tile talkies have been installed in the.lounge. PORT FAIRY AT SUVA. The Port Fairy, cns route froni, London, was due at Suva today. She is expected to reach Dunedin about August 2 and will complete discharge of her English cargo at Lyttelton. and Oamaru. HUNTINGDON'S MOVEMENTS. The Huntingdon Is to leave Napier on Friday for loading at Wellington. . She now leaves here on Wednesday next for Lyttelton to complete, sailing on August, 7 for London and West Coast ports. THE RANGITIKI. The Eangitlkl leave Napier at 11 p.m. today for Wellington to complete her Homeward loading; BY TELEGRAPH. FREMANTLE, July 24. Arrived.—Oraina, from London. AUCKLAND, July 24: Sailed.—Niagaral (12.25 p.m.), for Vancouver; Tapti (fi.3op.rn.),- for Wellington ; Walpalil (8 p.m.), for Newcastle: PICTON,:JuIy 24. ' Arrived.—-Breeze' (5.35 p.m.), -from' Wellington. WESTPORT, July 24. Arrived.—Eata (Hls p.m.),' from Wellington. - , KAIAPOI, July 24. Sailed.—Ngahau (2.4.5 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON, July 24. Sailed.-—Waiplata (5.20 p.m.),. for Dunedin. . ' DUNEDIN. July 24. Arrived.—Walruna (6 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed.—Oplhl- (4.30 p.m.), for Oamaru; Holmglen (6 p.m.), for Timaru. BLUFF, July 24. Sailed.—Waltaki (11,50 a.m.); for Dunedin. . NELSON, July 25. Arrived.—Matangi (5.53 a.m.), from Wellington. GISBORNE, July 25. Sailed.—Walnul (2.20 a.m.), for Wellington. WANGAXUI, July 25. Arrived.—Kapttl (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON, July 25. Arrived.—Maori (6.50 a.m.), from Lyttelton. SUVA, July 25. Arrived.—Port Fairy; from London. SYDNEY, July 25. Sailed.l —Abel Tasman, ;for Auckland. Melbourne; July 25. Arrived.—Karcpo, from Greymouth. . About , 50,000 lifeguards arc •wanted by the Koyal Life-Saving Society to prevent the toll of summer 'bathing fatalities. The present strength of the corps is 5000.
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Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 21, 25 July 1934, Page 12
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2,357SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 21, 25 July 1934, Page 12
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