HIGH WATER. Today: 1.27 a.m.; 1.53 p.m. Tomorrow: 2.18 a.m.; 2,45 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, JULY 23. AWAHOU, m.s. (8.10 p.m.), 410 tons, Coldi- : eutt, from Waikqkopu. TUESDAY, JULY 24. FUTURIST, trawler (2.20 a.m.), 241 tons Orraes, from Cook Strait.-. UATAMiI, s.s. (5.5 a.m.;, 1366 tons, Wlldman, trom Nelson. ■ MAOici, s.s. (■ a.m.), 3488 tons, Irwln, from Lyttelton.'.. ..-.--.. MARAJUA, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 6497 tons, Morgan. from Sydney. • •' ■ BREEZE, m:s. (8.50 a.m.). 622 tons Stewart from Lyttelton. PORT WHAMiAKEI, m.s. (0.25 a.m.), 508 tons, Watts, from Auckland. TITOKI, s.s. (10 a.m.). Bio tons, Wahlstrom, trom Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, JULY 23. ECHO, aux. scow (i p.m.), 132 tons, Miles, for Blenheim. TAUfAIi, m.s. (5.15 p.m.), 2GB tons, O'Donnell, for Motueka. HOLIIDALE, s.s. (0.40 p.m.). 6SI tons Coplaud, for Nelson. '•■'■■ ARAHURA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1607 tons. Wildman, for Nelson. ' - ■ RANGATIRA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), C 152 tons Cameron, for Lyttelton. WAIPIATA, s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 2326 tons, Gray, for Lyttelton. ...'.•" PARERA, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 534 tons, Kan'erva, for Dunedln. TUESDAY. JULY 24. FUTURIST, -s. trawler..(B.3o -a.m.). 241 tons. Ormes, for Cook Strait. . , . ■ . . * ■ EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tamahine, l'icton, today, 6.15 p.m : Arahura—Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a m Raugatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7am Uawera, Patea, tomorrow, ' i'ort Waikato, southern .ports, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. ' Gale, New Plymouth, tomorrow. ■ • Kekerajigu, Newcastle, tomorrow. ' Taupata, Jlotueka, tomorrow. Kapiti, Wanganul, 26th. Kini, Westport, 26th. Kgftartki, Newcastle, 26th. Breeze. Wanganul, 26th. Tapti, Auckland, 26th. Rangitiki. Napier, 26th. • . ' ' • Wainui, Gisborne, 26th. Foxton. Kaiapol, 26th. Opihi, Lyttelton, 27th. ■ - ' Matakana. Auckland,'27th. ' ■ Holmglen, southern ports. 27th. Opawa, Auckland. 27tli. Waitaki,'southern ports. 27th. Te Aroha, Hokitika, 27th. Waimarino. southern ports. 27th. Storm, southern ports. 27th. ;. Holmdale. New Plymouth.. 27th. ' - .Kaimai, Greymouth, -28th.- ' ■-'■■' .Huntingdon, Napier.- 28th. * Kohl, Nelson and Bays, 29th. . ■ Totara. Lyttelton. 29th. Awahou—Lyttelton, 30th. • - . -.. Wingatul; Auckland. 30th. Gabriella. Sydney, 30th. . Abel Tasman, Auckland, Sist. ; • Storm, New Plymouth, 31st. '■- Tairoa, Timaru, 3IsU. •■ . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matangi, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, today, 7.45 p.m. Kartigi, New Plymouth, today. Kiwitea, Auckland, today. Kapuni, Patea. today. Port! Whangarel, southern ports, today. Breeze. Wangamil, via Picton, today. Kohl, Nelson and . bays, today. ■Kapiti, Wanganui, today. Titoki, Nelson, today. Kini, Westport, today. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow, 6.15 p.m. Anthura, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Uangatira, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Taupata, Motueka, tomorrow. Hawera. Patea. tomorrow.' , '■ * Canadian Challenger,-' Sydney, tomorrow. Awahou, Napier, tomorrow . Port Waikato, Auckland, tomorrow. Marama, Auckland, tomorrow. (■'ale, southern ports, tomorrow. lonic, Southampton, tomorrow. 'Maunganul.- Sydney, 26th. Breeze, southern ports, 26th. Poxton. Lytlelton. 26th. Oplhl, Nelson, 27th. Holmslen, Wnnganul.' 27th. Walmartno. Auckland, -27th. Holmdale, southern ports, 27th. To Aroha, Westport, 27th. Storm, WaiiEanul, via Picton, 27th. Walnut,' Dunedln. 27th. Waitaki, Blurt, 28th. Tapti, Lyttelton, 28th. Kekernngu, Lyttelton, .28th. Kaimai. Grcynmuth. 28th. Totara. New Plymouth, 30th. Opawa, Lyttelton. 31st. Storm, southern portb, 31st. BERTHAGE LIST. Awahou—King's Wharf. Breeze—Queen's Wharf No. 6. Canadian Challenger—King's Wharf. Futurist —Queen's Wharf No. 7. Himatauel —In the stream. Hawera—King's Wharf. lonic—King's Wharf. Kiwitea—Railway Wharf. Kini—Railway Wharf. Kartigi—Railway Wharf. R3.lwa.rrn—ln tho Kornfltii"~lD th 6 . Stream. Kapitt—Queen's Wharf No. S. Kohl—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Kapuni—Glasgow Wharf. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Marama —Taranaki Street Wharf. .Monowal—Clyde Quay Wharr. Maunganul—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Nikau—.Queen's Wharf No. 8. Omana—Patent Slip Wharf. Paua—Burnham. Wharf ' Port 'Whangarei—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Port Waikato—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Tamahine—Queen's Whart No. 4: Titoki—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Wahlne—Patent Slip Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA, leaves" Sydney Monday for .Wellington; due August 3; leaves Wellington August 4 for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Sydney August 7, Melbourne August 10. (Huddart, Parker.) MONOWAI. laid up at Wellington. lU.S.S. Co.) MARAMA. left Sydney! Friday for Wellington and Auckland; leaves Wellington tomorrow; due Auckland Friday; leaves Auckland Friday for Sydney; due July 31. (U:S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. MARIPOSA, leaves Sydney tomorrow for Los Angeles and San Francisco; due Auckland Saturday, Suva July 31, Pago Pago August 1. Honolulu August 6, Los Angeles August 11, San Francisco August 13. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. Young:) MONTEREY, leaves Los Angeles tomorrow for Sydney and Melbourne; due Honolulu Monday, Pago Pago August 4, Suva August 7, Auckland August 10, Sydney August 13, Melbourne August 17. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and W. young.) AORANGI, left Vancouver July IS for Sydney; duo Honolulu tomorrow,' Suva August 3, Auckland August 6; leaves Auckland August 7; due Sydney August 11. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Sydney July 10 for Vancouver; due Suva Friday, Honolulu August 3, Vancouver August 10. (U.S.S. Co.) 1 MAKURA, left Sydney July 5 for San Francisco; duo Snn Franciso Friday; leaves San Francisco August 1 for Sydney; due Papeete August 11, Rarotonga August 14, Wellington August SO;, leaves August. 21, due Sydney Aucust 25. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI. laid up at Wellington; leaves here Thursday for Sydney; due Monday; loaves Sydney August 2 for San Francisco; due Wellington August 6; leaves August' 7; due Rarotonga August 11, Papeete August 13, San Francisco August 24. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS. CANADIAN SCOTTISH, leaves Montreal August 10 for Bluff (due October 6) and Lyttelton, via Australia. (C.N.S.) CITY OF WINCHESTER, leaves New York August 21 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Australia: (Federal Co.) GABRIELLA, leaves Newcastle July 24, Sydney July 25, for Wellington (due July 30), liyttelton, Dunedln, and Greymouth. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN STATE, leaves Los Angeles August 1 for Auckland (due August 27). Wellington, and Australia. (Burns, Phllp.) HERTFORD,. leaves Liverpool August 11 for Auckland (due September 17), Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin (Federal Co.) KAIMIRO, loads Newcastle August 3 for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) . KAREPO, loads Edithburg July 2S, completes at Adelaide and Melbourne, for Auckland and Wellington (U.S.S. Co.) : KARTIGI. loads Newcastle August 2 for New Plymouth. Nelson. Picton. and . Gisborne. (U.S.S. Co.) MELBOURNE MARU, leaves Moil August 1 for Australia, Wellington (due September 4). and Auckland. (Federal Co.) ■ NARBADA, leaves Calcutta August 3, completes at Penang, Singapore, and Samavang, for Auckland, Wellington; Lytteltoii. Timaru. Dunedin, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) • PORT DUNEDIN, leaves Liverpool September V for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Nelson. (C. and D. Line.) : PORT HUNTER, leaves London August 22 for Auckland and Wellington. (C. and D. Line.) ■■■■-■: ' PORT HOB ART. leaves New York July SO for Auckland, Wellington, LyttelLon, and Dunedin. . (a and D Line.) " ' REMUERA, leaves London August 23 for Wellington . (due September 29), Lyttelton. Port Chalmers, and Bluff. (N.Z.S. Co.) ROTORUA, leaves London August 2 for Wellington (due September 20), Port Chalmers. Lyttelton, and Napier," via' Suva. (N.Z.S. Co.) RANGITATA, leaves London July 26 for Wellington (due August 29), and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ .?■-.,-■ TAINITI. leaves London August 8 for Wellington (due September 17), and Auckland, (S.S. nnd A. Co ) V WAIKOUAITI, leaves Hobart July 25 for Bluff (due July 31), Dunedln, Timaru, and Lyttelton. iu.S.S. Co.)
■'":'- VESSELS- OVERSEAS. ' ' ABEL' TASMAX, left Sydney July '21 * for AueKiand (due July. 27), Wellington (July si), L^teltou, punedin,,and; Biuff. (Holm and Lo.) aKAROA, left Southampton Julyl3 for' Weflinsion (_uua August lv) and Lytteitou. (S.S. BK^BAi\£ MABU, left Mojl July 1 for AusAusust ti)- aud AuckBEXtiOliM, leti New l'ork July 7 for Auckland (ciue August 13), Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, .ana ; Australia, (i-'eueral Co ) ■ CAiNADIAiN VlC'iOK, left Montreal May 25 an-d I^ol^fr AUBUSI U; JJUnedln' CAAAUIAA' •COASTitUCrott, left Montreal June Jd.tor Australia, Dunedin (due August 20) and Lyttelton (August ti). |C.KS ) , CAJSAIJIA.N: HIUHLANI.EB. left Montreal June. 30,-Vfor Auckland (due August 8) Weillngion (August <13)," and Australia (C NS ) FPRDSDALE, left • Liverpool July 21 for Auckland (due August 25), Wellington (August ol) Lyttelton, and; Port Chalmers. ; (S.S. and A. Co.) ".-,•- ---GOLOEN COAST, left, Los Angeles July 4 for Auckland (due July. .30), Wellington (August 3), and Australian ports. (Burns, Philp ) ' HAUHAKt left■;■ Los Angeles July 11 ror Auckland :(due -August 3), Wellington Lyttel-"S-'av"^-",' 1 Australla- (U-S.S. Co.) KARARIM. ieft Newcastle July 20 for Wellington (due July 26.) (U.S.S. Co ) KEKERANGU. left Newcastle July -'0 for Wue July .25)/ and Lyttelton. (U.Ja.fcj, Co.) . - KARAMEA, left Hamburg ■ May 29 tor Australia (to discharge) and New • Zealand Co load) ; due Port Chalmers August 3. (S.S. and PO'KT GISBORNE. left London July '13 for Auckland (due"August 19). Dunedin, Bluff, and Timaru (C and D Line.) PORT FAIRY, left London June\2l Tor Suva Dunedin (due July 25) Lyttelton. and Oamaru (C. and D. Line.) PORT NICHOLSON left Glasgow .June 21 in-ballast tor New Zealand, via Cape of Good Hope; due August 9 (C. and: D. Line.) . RANGITAXE, left London June 28 for Auckland (due Aujrusl, ]) and Wellington. (N.Z S Co.) ....,•.-■ TEKOA, left Liverpool July 1 for Auckland (due August 8K Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. / ANTONIO, from Nauru Island; at Auckland CANADIAN CHALLENGER, from Montreal'; for Australia; at Wellington; leaves July 25. (C.rt.S.) . FISCUS. from Italy; for Dunedin; at New KALlNGO;'from Newcistle and* Sydne y• 'at Gisborne. (U.S.S. Co:) MATAKANA, Jrpm- London.,- for Wellington (due July 27); »t'Auckland s leaves July 25; (S.S. and A. C 0.)., ~ .; .. ■ ■-,:-■;■■ ..- OPAWA, from Liverpool; for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth ;at Auckland;. leaves Jiily 25. (Federal Co.) TAPTI. from New Tork; for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia; at Auckland; leaves July 24: (Federal- Co.) .■■'- . . "■■■.■■" WAIRUNA, from Vancouver;:for Dunedin and Australia: left Lyttelton July ,23.'(U.5.5. Co.) WAITAKI, from Melbourne;, 'for. Dunedin, Lyttelton, and. Wellington; at Bluff; leaves July 24. (U.S.S. Co.) ■>• , , VESSELS LOADING.; J ■':'-.'' HUN-TINGDOX, at Napier; leaves July 27 for Wellington and Lyttelton; leaves -.- Lyttelton August 7 for Lbndon and West Coast ports (Federal Co.) ':. ■ V ' lONIC, at Wellington; leaves July 25 (daybreak) for Southampton and "London, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) ". KARA.MEA, to load at Port Chalmers (August 3), Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (August 11), and Auckland; leaves; Auckland. August 18 for London, via Cape Horn. (S.S. and A. coj ;■ ...":• ■. .-"■ .•- ■.-. ,■..-;-" : .. •>•■■. KAIMIRO, at Greymouth; leaves July i 25 for -Melbourne. (U.S.S. Co.) . -.. KUMARA, at Bluff; leaves July 26 for New Plymouth and Wellington (due August 2); leaves Wellington August 3 for London, via Montevideo and Tenerltt'e. (S.S. and A. Co.)v ORARI, at Auckland; leaves July 27 for London and West Coast ports,,via Cape Horn. (Federal Co ) PORT BRISBANE, at Gisborne; leaves July 25 for Auckland;, leaves Auckland July 28 for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) POUT HARDY, to ioaa at Blun iJuiy 30), Timaru, New Plymouth, Wanganul. and Wellington (due August, 15) ; leaves Wellington August 17 for' Southampton and London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) BANGITIKI, at Napier; leaves July 25 for Wellington: leaves Wellington August 3 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAIROA, left Port Cballfccrs July 24 for BiuCf, Timaru, Wellington (July 31-August 1), and Auckland; leaves Auckland August 6 for London and West Coast ports, via Montevideo and TcnerlfTe.' (S.S. and A. Co.) WAITAKI, to load • at; Dunodin (July .25) Ljttelton, Wellington (July 27), and Bluff; leaves Bluff July '30" for Melbourne. ■ (U.S.S. Co.) ISLAND SERVICES. - WAIPAHI, from Sjdney and Suva; at Auckland, leaies Auckland today for Newcastle, Sjdney, Fiji, and Auckland (U SS. Co) MAUI POMARE, left Wellington July 17 for Apia and Nine; due back at Ljttelton August 6, and Wellington August 7. (G B and H.) KARETU. from Auckland. > Rarotonga. and Aitutaki; left Rarqtonga Saturday for Auckland (due Friday next) (U.S S. Co ) KANNA, from Auckland; Jeft Suva Saturday for • Nukualofa,..Vavau;- and" Grej-mouth. (U.S.S. Co.) , TEES, left Lyttelton Fflday for Waltangl. Owenga. and..Kalngaroai; thence Wellington and Lyttelton. • (G. 8.. and H,y WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels 'are- expected to be within ranee of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland.—Abel Tasman,; Fiona, Golden Coast, Hauraki. Inverbank, ■•-. Kanria, . Karetu, Matakana, Maui Pomare, Niagara, Port Fairy, Triona, Tapti. Waipahi. Wellington.—Aorangi, Canadian .Challenger; City of Los Angeles, Diomede,; Dunedln.Hororata. Huntingdon, Kekerangu, Laburnum, Maori, Nucula, Port Brisbane, BangatirS.: Rangltane, Rangitikl, Ruahinc. Tamahine. Awarua.—Makura. Matal, Talroa, Waihemo. Wairuna, Waitakl, Wanganella. . PERSONAL. Captain. A. H. Prosser ;has taken ■ command of the Waimarino. relieving Captain R. M. Kane, who returned to Wellington:this morning for instructions. Captain W. Johnson has resumed command of the tug Terawhltl, after holidays, relieving Captain P. ■! E. Rj-an, .who Is now oh holiday leave. Mr. J. Blllingham has joined the Niagara as senior third officer, relieving Mr. A. J.. McKcnzie, who is proceeding to Sydney on holiday ienve. Mr. H. F. Ferguson is joining the Maunganul' today as purser. Mr. J. Hiighan has been engaged as mate on the Rata. THE BRISBANE MARU. Tho Brlsbano Maru arrived at Sydney last Sunday from Japan, via Brisbane. She is to leave Hobart on August 2 for. Wellington, where she Is due on August 6. She will leave here on August 7 for Auckland, clearing that port on August 13 on her return trip to Japan, via Australia. GOLDEN CROSS REPLACED. The steamer Golden State is to replace the Golden Cross, leaving San Francisco next Monday and Los Angeles on August 1. for Auckland, Wellington, and Australian ports. Tho Golden State is due at Auckland on August 27, and at Wellington four days later. She is loading at San Francisco and Los Angeles only. HO ROR AT A SAILS. After completion of her Homeward loading the Hororata left Tokomaru. Bay at 9a.m. today for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. CANADIAN CHALLENGER'S DEPARTURE. The Canadian Challenger will not now leave Wellington. until daybreak tomorrow for Australian ports. ■■'.'. ... ' '■' , " * RANGITIKI FOR WELLINGTON. Tho Bangitiki, loading at Napier, is to leave there tomorrow for Wellington, where she Is due on Thursday. She will leave here at 11 a.m. on August 3 for London, via Panama. PORT SYDNEY ARRIVES HOME. The Port Sydney, which' left.; Wellington on Juno 7 for London and ■:,West; Coast, ports, arrived at London yesterday. MATAI DELAYED. The Matal has been held up at Stewart Island on account,of bad weather. She Is still-ex-pected to leave Bluff on Monday: evening next for West Coast lights and Wellington. TAIROA LATER: The .Talroa left Port Chalmers today to load at Bluff. Timaru, Wellington, and- Auckland. She is now due here on July 31; and leaves on August 1- for Auckland, from where her final sailing date for London and West .Coast ports, via Cape Horn, is now. August 6. . FORDSDALE SAILS. The Fords'dale'. left '•'. Liverpool on Saturday afternoon for Auckland, Wellington,', Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers, via Curacao and Panama. She Is due at Auckland on .-August 25, and. at Wellington on August 31. ■ WAS IT A RECORD? It was stated today that the motor-ship Taupata had broken the record for a trip, between the Queen's Wharf and Miramar Wharf, having done-the Journey yesterday afternoon in 21 minutes. The times,recorded by the Harbour Board do not bear out this contention, as,-on her trip yesterday from Queen's Wharf ■ No. 13 to Mlraraar the Taupata took 30 minutes, ana on her return trip from Miramar to Queen's Wharf she also occupied the half-hour. The steamer Kaitoa's record of 21 minutes'over the Journey, made on the' morning of October 9 last year, would appear to stand. The distance Detween xhe two wharves is approximately three and-
one-third nautical miles. Captain Wahlstrom was in command of the Kaltoa when she mace her record run last- year, i ." . / ■•".■■ ;• ■"' v MAnAMA'S PASSENGERS. ■ The Slarama' arrived at Wellington this morning, alter, an uneventful trip- from Sydney faquaily conditions and south-westwinds were experienced during the-greater ■ part- of the *ojage. She brought the following passengers- ;, B- <P* Allen, Mr. and Sirs. F. G. Adam- \?™ <T' /?" :,Asnenb-"rst, Mr. A.- Bain, Mr.- and ~ t, C- Bal «ne, Mr. B. X. Banks, Mrs. L Mr TTo Jl^, W- Butler' Mr- S. Bardebes, ill. J. J. Beardsley, Mr. W. W. Barlow, Mr • P Ba«a. u?- »*■ B. W. Bonnell, Mrs M°Basbford; Ti^k^An •». Bo'i? d> Mr- B.= Ulfss, "Mr. 'B. W Colo^f i "f- H- p. Betteley. Miss B, Black. Colonel J. w. Clark, Dr. H. C. Carter *Jlr' S Mr arnd f Mdl Combe- Condon M rh»* V' J- Catm, Miss T. Cann, Mlsi Mis* APt 'nm «d Mrs- E- ~H; J- de Ciefe, .Miss. A. L. Dill,. Mr. H EnclUh ' »rV«- ir ■ v-^ Forbes, Miss M. G. FrengleySirJ B Frkkle"' Master C. Geprglon.Mr. K. B.Hume Mr W F Harward.JUrs. K. N. Hall, Mrs. A.' M." Hicks'. Miss E. Hussey-Cooper, Mr: M. Hope,'Mr j S. Haughey. Mr:, and. Mrs. J. P. Inglis, Jlasteri f, and D;,, lnells- Dr. A.-Jenkins. Miss-B.M. Jackson, Miss Mi M.-Kerr, Mr. A. W. Kellaway Mr. W. Kain;;Mr, J. E, Longden, Mr!-!. mi Le"i3v Mr- p- Leahy, Mr. : J. R. Layton. Miss D Layton, Mrs. <i. Leslie. Master G. Leslie, Sir. H. Lehndorf, Mr. S. Lockwood,' Mrs. E.\V. Lee-Foster, Mrs. J. W. Jlatthewson, .Miss L. Moran, Mr, D. W. Murray, Miss D. Murdoch. Mr»h" "" J, lason> ilr; A- •>• Moore. Mr. F. W. Matthews, Mrs' F. Munson, Mr.F. H. Maunine. . .?■ F- Marshall., Mr. D. F. Miller,' Mrs.' J. A. McGregor, Mrs. M. McGlynn. Mrs. A. H. MacNamara Mrs. K. F. MacAllster,- Mr. W. •n Mac,lJ auJs hton- Mr. W. W. McCormack. Mr. ■K. J. MacKay. Mr. L. C. llealc. - Mr. TF. H. j>lnnlm. Mr. A. Norman. Mrs. K. nt. Neims, Mr.----m n' IV n.= Ir- and Mls- X > O-Dimoghue. pimP- T, Suli iraD' Dr- M- J- O'Shea, Mr. H* Phillips, Mr. F. Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. R. Peart, Master, A Peart, Mr. J. L. Foulter. - Mrs. ■A. Poulter. Mr and Mrs. 'G. W. Ramsay.-Mrs. £ Kamsay-Copeland. Mrs. E.-Roth,' Mrs. H. C. Butter, Miss T. Sewell, Mr. A. Seanians. Miss 2" ?• S, v, mes> Mr- T- Vj: Shepherd; Miss B. J. Spain, Mr. and Mrs..-VY. ,Sharman,Mrs. M. Sherwood. Master M. Sherwood, Mr."P.. Swire, Mrs. R. E. Sippe, Mr. \V;C. Spray, Mr. an* Mrs. R. W. Stephens, Master-W, B. Stephens, Mr., B. W. G. Staveley,. Mrs. J,;H. Stebblng.. Mrs. E. Tomlinson, Miss .8.~ Tomlinson, Master L. Tomllnson. Mr. and-'Mrs. D; 0. £Ti]burn, Master D. Tilbur'n, Misses "P.- and J.7.Tilburn, Mr. J. R. Victor, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.-Tietmeyer, Mrs. B. Whittaker, Miss S: »Tiittaker,. Mrs. A. E. Wrigley, Mr.' R. M. Watsorii'MissE.-Watson, Mrs. R. Watson, Mr. C. B. V. Wheeler, MrJ and Mrs. E. W. Wise, Mrs. M..V. Wells, Mr. G. White, Miss L. Wilson. Mrs. G.W. Watson, Mrs. E. Whittall, and, 7 Chinese. TRANSHIPMENTS BY MARAMA.V Transhipments ex the'following vessels were hrought to Wellington today by the Marami from Sydney :—For Wellington: Nieuw Zeeland, Orungal, .Hatarana,, Talune,:;Koranui, Anten, Chltrali Katoomba, Dimboola; Kowarra, *Atsut» Maru,, Sydney Maru. 'Narkunda, 'Esquilino, Orsova. Aachen, Tanda, Changete, Kankin, and Beridißo.-'. For Auckland: XanMn, Bendigo, and Themistoples; v-_ ■ :'. i _':' • r ■:-'.<• ■ NIKAU TO RETURN TONIGHT. A The small steamer Nikaui which is now berthed at Queen's Wharf No. 8 after having had> herrboiler ■ and funnel removed yesterday. Is to be towed across to Nelson this evening by the Tl(oki. She will be converted into ft motor-ship at .Kelson. . - V -'■■•■■ ' ':■ V BY TELEERAPH. ■'> ■-.:'- ---: -^ ;-/ .; piCTOIv, July 23. i ■■■ Arrived—Tamafhine (6.15 p.m.), from Wel« ' lington.-, ■;■.;■-'••■' . '. ,: :.-' WESTPOBT, July 23.; Arrived—Te Aroha (5.50 p.m.), from Wel« ■llngton. : . ,-■ ; .■■■■'■ DUNEDIN, July. 23., Sailed—Waimarlno (5 p.m.). for Timaru. , ': NELSON, July 24.^ Arrived—Arahura (6 a.m:); Holmdale (7.2* a.m.), Taupata (7.45 a.m.),. from .Wellington. . . port Chalmers; July 24: Arrived—Holmglen (8.30 a.m.), from -Wellington. -~'■ " ' c r ~-,-':..'!- i-.^i->-- : LYTTELTON, July 24. Arrived—Rangatira (6.45 a.m.); from Wellington. .: . ..'■■. -.•." ■•- - .-■;.
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Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 20, 24 July 1934, Page 12
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3,131SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 20, 24 July 1934, Page 12
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