HIGH WATER. ' Today: 7.2S a.m.; 8.3 p.m. Tomorrow : 5.22 a.m.; 5.33 p.m. ARRIVALS.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. TAMAHIXE, s.s. (6.25 p.m.), MS!) tons, Kare, from l'icton. HOLMULEX, m.s. (7.55 p.m.), 432 tuns, Mead, from Ljttelton. FItIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. KAPUT, m.s. (12.50 a.m.),' 242 tons, Jolmnsuii, from Wiingiinui. KAITOA, s.s. (fl.-MI a.m.), 319 tons, Wahlstroni, from Nelson. MA'i'AUOA, s.s. (G. 53 a.m.), 12,341 tons, Gaskcll, from Lyttcltoii. RAMJATIKA, t.e.s. (7 a.m.), G152 tons, Cameron, from L.vtteltou. STOK.M, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 71& tons, Williams, from Lyttelton. x DEPARTURES. THUKSDAY, SEI'TKMBEIt 7. OPAWA, m.s. (1.50 p.m.), 10,10 li tons, Robinson, for Napier. KAFUM, m.s. (5.00 .)p.n»-). IS4 tons. JlcKinnon, for Paten. OPIHI, s.s. (1j.25 p.m.), 1117 tons, Evans, for Xelsun. KIXI, s.s. (0.40 p.m.), 13S8 tons, Collins, for I/yttclton. MATAXCiI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1340 tons, Hay, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3458 tons, Invln, for Lyttelton, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. PORT CAMPBELL, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), S3OS tons. Swan, for Uisborne. EXPtCIEO ARRIVALS Aliitangt, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. .Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Pciolta, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Titoki, Tiiiiranga, tomorrow. Ksirtigl, Nupier, tomorrow. Ko.vton, soutliern ports, tomorrow. Kairburn, Patea, tomorrow. Taupata, Tarakohe, tomorrow. Kapiinl, Patea, tomorrow. l'aiia, Napier, tomorrow. Tamahine. Picton, 10th, 6.15 p.m. Kapiti, Wnnganul, 10th. >' . Waipahi, Portland, 10th. Koiii. Nelson, 10th. Port Hardy, Napier, 10th. Stnrm, Wnngamii, 10th. Kaimiro, Greymouth, 10th. Oiillil, New Plymouth, 10th. Kulmai, Wostport, 10th. Au-ahou, Lyttelton, 11th. John, Port Waikato,- 11th. Waimarino, Auckland, lltli. Port Whangarel, Auckland, 11th. llolmdale, southern ports, 11th. Tekoa, Auckland, 11th. New Zealand. Lyttelton, lltlx. Totara, Lyttelton, 12th. Hata, Wanganul, 12th. Cite, southern ports, 12th. Hohndnle, \Vanj>amii, 13th. Hauraki, Auckland, 13th. fjinadlan Victor, Auckland, 14th. Xarbacla, Auckland, 14th. Cnle, Wanajrnui, 14th. Wainui, Lyttelton, 14th. HROJtCTEO OEPARTURES HolmiUen, Waiißanui, today. Kapiti, Wunaimui, today. Kaitoa, Nelson, today, 6.30 p.m. - I'.angliata, Bluff, today. Wltißatul, Auckland, today. Willy, Auckland, today. 0. A. Knudsen, Kan Pedro, "today. Storm, WiUißanui, va Pictou, today. RiiiiKatirii. Lyttelton, 7.40 p.m. Maori, li.vttelton, tomorrow, 7.43 p.m. Kcho, Blenheim, tomorrow. 'i'e Aroha, West port, tomorrow. Ho'.ilh Sea. Chatham Islands, ton.orrow. Poolta, Xauier, tomo-row. Titoki, Dunedin, (onmriow. Foxton, Foxlun. tomorrow. Taupata, Nelson, tomorrow. Fairburn, Westpnrl, tomorrow. I'akura, Auckland, tomorrow. MataiiKi, Nclsou. 10th, midnight. . Kapuni, Patea, 11th. Tamahine, Picton, 11th, 5.45 p.m. John, southern ports, 11th. Wulmarino, southern ports, 11th. Storm, southern ports, 11th. I'nrt Whangnrcl, southern ports, 11th. flolinilalc, Wiinsamii, lia .Picton, 11th. Futurist, flshinß grounds, 11th. Opihl, Dunedin, 11th. Waipahi, Lyttelton, 11th. Kolii, Nelson, 12th. Awahou, Napier, 12!h. Gale, Wantianui, 12th. ltata, Wcsuport, 12th. Maul Pomare, Nine, 12th. Totara, New Plymouth, 12th. Port Hardy, New Plymouth, 32th. Te Koa, Lyttelton, 13th. llolmdale, southern ports, 13th. liali', snutliern purls. 14th. I'nua, Wauacnui, 14th. Malaioa, Southampton, 10th. ■ : BERTHAGE LIST. Futurist—Queen's Wharf No. 7. HolmKlen—(lueen's Wharf No. 6. Hawera—Queen's Whaif NtJ. 11. liimatanKl —In the Stream. i Kapiti—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Kaitoa—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Kalwarra—ln the Stream. / Kiwltea—Railway Wharf. Kama—ln the stream. I Komata—ln the Stream. Karepo-Mlramar Wharf. Mataroa—Glasgow Wharf. Maiitma—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Maul Poniard—Taramikl Street Wharf. Omana —In the Stream 0. A. Knudsen —Miramar Wharf. Opawa—Glascow Wharf. I'akura—Patent Slip. Parera—Thorndon Breastwork. Kangatira—Ferry Wharf. llanKitata— Plpitca Wharf. South Sea—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Te Aroha—Queen's Wharf No.: 13. Talisman—Queen's Wharf' No. 13. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Wahtns! —Patent Slip Willy—Burnham Wharf. Wingatui—'Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. WANGANELLA, leaves Sydney tomorrow for Auckland; due Auckland Wednesday; leaves Auckland September 15 for Sydney; duo Sydney September II). (Huddart, Park,cr.) MARAMA, leaves Wellington today for Sydney ; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney September 15 for Wellington; due Wellington September 10. (U.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. MARIPOSA left Sydney August 23 for San Vrancisoo; duo Los Angeles tomorrow, San Francisco Monday ;■ leaves Sim Francisco September 10, Los Angeles September 20, for Sydney and Melbourne, via ports. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) MAKURA, left San Francisco Augifst 30 for Sydney; duo Papeete tomorrow, Itarotonga Tuesday, Wellington September IS; leaves Wellington September 19; due Sydney September 23. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, left Sydney August 31 for San Francisco; due Rarotonga tomorrow; Papeete Monday; San Francisco September 22. (U.S.b. Co.) MONTEREY, left Los Angeles August 23 for Sydney and Melbourne; leaves Auckland too!?", Sydney Monday, Melbourne September 15. (Ruins, Philp. and T. and W. Voting.) AORAXGT, left Vancouver August I" for Sydney; due Sydney tomorrow, leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver, via ports. (L.S.S. MONOWAI, left Sydney August 17 for Vancouver : due Vancouver today; leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney, via ports. (L.b.h. Co.) __ ISLAND SERVICES. KABETC, left Sydney August 2G for Fiji and Suva; due Auckland Monday from Suva. (L MAl?I POMARE, leaves Wellington" Tuesday for Nine and Apia; due back at Lyttelton on October 2, and at Wellington on October 3. (G.E. and H.) LOADING OVERSEAS AKAROA, leaves Southampton October 6 for Auckland (due November 10) and Wellington (November 15). (S.S. and A. Co.) BRISBANE MARU, leaves Kobe September 30 for Wellington (due November 1) and Auckland, via Australia. (Federal Co.) _ CUMBERLAND, leaves Uve-nool heptember H for Auckland (due October IS) Nepier. Wellington (October 28) Lyttelton and : nunedln FOnDSDALE/leaves Liverpool October 21 f,or Auckland (due November 2(i). Wellington Lyttelton. Port Chalmers, and New Plymouth. (S.S. "'"go'lDßN CROSS, leaves Lns Angeles October 15 for Auckland (due November 10) and Australia. (Burns. Phllp.) GOLDEN CLOUD, leaves Los Angeles September 30 for Auckland (due October 27) and Wellington. (Burns, Philp.) KALINGO, leaves Newcastle September S, Adelaide September in. Melbourne September IP for Auckland. Wellington, and New Plymonth. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT GISBOBNE. leaves London October 11 for Dnnedin (due November 20) and Lyttelton, via Suva. (O. and D. Line.) PORT HUON. leaves London September 20 for Auckland (due about October 20),' Dunedin, and Bluff. (C. and D. Line.) ROTOBOA leaves Liverpool .September 30 for Auckland (duo about November. 9). Wellington ,'Nnvemher lfi). Lyttelton. Port Ch.iimers and Timaru (Federal Co.) T\M\ROA leaves Southampton September S for' Wellington (due October 11) and Auckland (October l(i). (S.S. and A.. Co.) WINTON leaves New I'orH September 10 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton and Duneflln (Federal Co.) WAIHEMO. leaves Las Angeles September 15 tor Auckland (due October 10), Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton. Duncdln. and Australia (U S S Co.t WAIRUNA, leaves Los Angeles October 7 for Auckland (duo November 2). Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI. loads Newcastlo about September 15. completes at Port Stevens nnd Sydney for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. ANTIGONE, left Java September 2 for Auckland; due about September 25. COPTIC, left London August 31 for Suva, I Port Chalmers (due about October 11), Lyttelton, and Timaru. (S.S. and' A. Co.) j CANADIAN CONQUEROR, left Montreal
September 2 for-Auckland (dm; October 12), Wellington (October Hi), and Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAiN VtLTOH. ittt M.intri-iii julj i? tor Auckland (due September 101, Wellington (Septerabei 14), and Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN LEADER, let I .Montreal lulj 21 tiir Australia, Dunvdin idue SmienitiiT in and l.vtldlnn (C N.S ) CANADIAN CRUISER, left Montreal August ■I.) for Australia, Diincdiu (due October 2J). and I-.vtlelton. (C S.S.I . CITY OK SINGAPORE, left New York August I!) for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteiton, Dunedin, and New Plymouth, via Gulf of Mexico poris. (Federal Co.) '■GOLDEN' BEAR, left Los Angeles September 1 for Auckland (due September. 27), Wellington, and Australia. (Burns, I'liilp.) UOLDEN KOI) left L«s Armeies August 15 tor Auckland (due September 10) and Australia (Hums. Pliilp.) I HAURAKI from Vnnrouvci ana Sim frnn clsco, left Los Angeles August 12 for Papeete, Auckland (due September fl), Wellington (September ID Lyttelton, New Plymouth, and Australia. (U.S.S Co.) lONIC, left .Southampton August I) roi Wei llngton (passenger? onlyl Mttelt™ Port Chalmers, and Bluff; due Wellinston September 10 (S.S. and A Co.) IXVKKBA.VK left l'ampleo August II tor Auckland Idue annul Septembei 14>, New t'lvmouth, ■Wellington, Dunedin, and Australia. (Federal Co.) NAKHADA icfi Cnli-uttn Aiieusi a •l.i purls for Auckland (due September !)), .Wellington (September 13), Lyttclton, I'imaru, Dtmeriin, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) I'IIK'J ALMA lett Liverpool August 19 tor Auckland (due September 24), Wellinston (Sepicmbet 28) Lyttelton. and Dunedin iC and IJ Line. I I'OKI HIIXTEK ictt London August II tnr Auckland (due Sentember ID Wellington (September 211 and Sew I'lymniith iC. tnd I) Line.) ItKMUERA left London Autfust 24 fot Auckland (due September SOI and Wellington ] (N.Z.S Co I ! aHYMNET left Seychelles Islands Inly - for Port Chalmers (due about September 201 (A. S. Paterson.) SYDNEY MARU, left Mojl September 1 for Wellington (due October 2) and Auckland (October !>) via Australia (Federal Co.) WAINUI, left Melbourne September G for Bluff (due September 11), Dunedin, Lytteltott, and Wellington (due September 14). (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING ASAMA MARU, from Mllke, for Lyttelton and Wellington (September 21) ; at Auckland. (Wright, Stcpliensfin.) GAEIUELLA, from Newcastle, for Akaroa; at Napier; leaves September 11. (U.S.S. Co.) KIWITEA, from Port Stephens, for IMcton; at Wellington (U.S S. \Co.) MELBOURNE MARU. from Kobe, rla Australia: at Auckland. (Federal Co.) NUCULA. from San t'ranclsco. at Auckland. NEW ZEALAND, from Los Angeles; for Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland; at Dunedin. (T.O. Co.) RUAHINE, from London, via Sura, for Lyttelton'and Napier; at Toft Chalmers. (N.Z.S. Co.) TEKOA, from Liverpool; for Wellington (September II), Lytteltcn. Dunedin. New Plymouth, and Nelson ; at Auckland; leaves September 0. (Federal Co.) WILLY, from Bali!; Papaii, for Auckland; at Wellington; leaves September S. (Shell Co.) VESSELS LOADING. MATAROA, at WelHnpton: leaves September Hi (daybreak) for Southampton and London, via Panama and Curacao. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAMAKI. to call at New Plymouth (September IS), Wellington (September 21), Napier, Wsborne, and Auckland; leaves Auckland October 7 for London, via Cape Horn. • (S.S. and A. Co.) OPAWA, at Napier; leaves September fl for Opua ami Auckland; leaves Auckland September 20 Tor London and West Coast ports. (Federal C'l.) POUT CAMPBELL, left Wellington September 7 for Gisborne and Auckland; leaves September' Hi for London, via Cape Horn. (f. mid D. Line.) PORT 7IARDY. Nt Napier; lerves September !) f.vr Wellington. New Plymoutn, and Auckland; leaves Auckland September 21 for London, via Cape Horn. (C. and D. Line.) I'OHT WAIKATO, to call at Dunedin (September 3fi), Tlmaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (September 22), Aucliland, Whangarci, and Dargavillc; leaves Dargavlile about September 29 for Srdnpy. (Holm and Co.1) JU'AHINE, at Port Cbalmers; to call at Lyttelton, Napier, Wellington (September 21-23), New Plymouth, and Auckland: leaves Auckland October 7 for London and West Coast ports. (Federal Co.) RANGTTATA, at Wellington; leaves September S for BIuIT, Lyttelton, Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland about September 29 for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, at Bluff; leaves Bluff SepJombcT 9 for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S: 'Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of • the undermentioned wireless stations tonight :— Aucliland.—Australia. Canberra, City of Canberra, Dtomede, Golden Rod, Haurald, Karetu, Laburnum,' Melbourne Maru, Monterey, Narbada, Northninor, Veronica. Chatham Islands.—Nil. Wellington.—Canadian Scottish, Marlposa, Maori. Marama, O.A. Knudsen, Opaw.i, Port Campbell, Port Hardy, ISangatira, Rajigitane, Itansltata, Tainul, Tamahine, Willy. Awarua.—Makura, Maunganul, New Zealand, Waikouaiti. Walnul. PERSONAL. Mr.- T. E. Bevan, chief officer of (ho ICartigi, has been transferred to -the Maori In a similar capacity, relieving Mr. T. S.'-Mac-Nicol, who will await orders at Wellington. Mr. R. Blamplcd has rejoined (he Opihi as second officer and Mr. C. Strong has gone to Dunedin for ■ holidays.' Mr. J.;V. Broadhottse has joined the Kiwitea as third officer, relieving Mr. I. L, Russell, who has transferred to the Kartigi in a similar capacity. . .Mr. .T. H. Ibbotson has joined the Karepo as second officer, relieving Mr. D. W. Williams for holidays. • Mr. A. W Itabbitts has been appointed second officer of the Kini, relieving Mr. R. F. IMvar for holidays. Mr. J. B. Williams, third officer of the Tamahine, has been transferred to the Waikouaiti In a similar capacity, relieving Mr. L. R. Lccder for holidays. Mr. H. J. Petty, third officer of the Waimtl, has been invalided ashore at Melbourne with appendicitis. Mr. H. Weston is rclicrins Mr. J. B. Williams as third officer of the Tamahine. PAKURA TO SAIL. The Richardson steamer Palmra is to come off the Patent Slip tomorrow morning, and, after adjusting compasses, will sail for Auckland, where she will relieve the Pukeko. NELSON FERRY SERVICE. The Anchor Line advises that berthing lists arc now open for the Christmas runnings of the Wellington-Nelson ferry steamers. • STIRLING POINT BUOY. The Marine- Department advises that the Stirling Point lighted buoy has been replaced after overhaul, according to- a message received from the Bluff Harbour Board. CALM LAID UP. The costal steamer Culm, which arrived at .Lyttelton yesterday afternoon from Wanganul. Is to be laid tip indefinitely at Lyttelton. . THE CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR. The Canadian Constructor, which left Bluff on August 0, arrived at Panama on Monday and railed on Tuesday for New York. THE GOLDEN ROO. The American steamer Golden Rod is expected at Auckland on Sunday froni Pacific Coa>;t ports with general cargo. The vessel is to leave Auckland on Monday for Melbourne. PORT WAIKATO AT AUCKLAND. The Port Waiknto was expected to go into dock at Auckland today for cleaning and painting. She will sail for Bluff ou Monday. REMUERA CLEARS CARACAS BAY. The Remucra, which left London on August 24 for Auckland and Wellington, cleared Caracas Bay on Wednesday. She is due at Auckland on September 30. , ' HAURAKI FROM LOS ANGELES, The trans-raclftc motor cargo ship Hauraki, en route from Los Angeles, is due at Auckland tomorrow and at Wellington next Wednesday. FUTURIST FOR OVERHAUL. The trawler Futurist went on to the Patent Slip this mornliig, where she Is to undergo overhaul. BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND. September 7. Arrived —Melbourne Maru (2.33 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Canopus (II p.m.), for Westport. PORT AIIURIRI, September 7. Arrived—Paua (1.30 'p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON,. September 7. Arrived—Calm (2.50 p.m.), from Wanganul. Sailed—Xcohaii (3.20 p.m.), for Hcathcote River; Waikouaiti (G. 4.1 p.m.), for Bluff. IItJNEDIN, September 7. Arrived—New 'Zealand (5.30 p.m.), l'rom Sydney. Sailed—Holmdalc (0.30 p.m.), for Oamaru. BLUFF, September 7. Sailed—Gale (2.45 p.m.), for Dunedin. NAPIER, September ,8. Arrived—Opawa (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. September 8. Arrived—Matangi (0.20 a.m.) and Oplhl (7 a.m.), from Wellington. ■ GREYMOUTH, September R. Arrived— Kaimai (2 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON, Sentember 8. Arrived—Matal (6.15 a.m.), Maori (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA, September S. Arrived—Kapunl (9.37 a.m.), from WelllnsPORT CHALMERS, September 8. Arrived—Ruahine '(7 a.m.), from Wellington. |
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Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 60, 8 September 1933, Page 10
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2,353SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 60, 8 September 1933, Page 10
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