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ARTESIAN WATER From 600 FEET below tho surface. IT cost us £500 to obtain this wonderful flow of the PUREST AVATEK in New Zealand. All our well-known BEVERAGES are guaranteed manufactured from this natural lODISED Water, including our famous "CAMEOC" Dry Ginger Ale. •Telephone your ORDER for a box of our Eenowned ASSORTED BEVERAGES. We deliver to your private homes daily. THOMSON, LEWIS, & CO., LTJ)., Telephones: 51-219. Hutfc and Pctone Branch 63-167. '■ K. C. MORPETH, DENTIST, VrOTIFIES his removal from Molesworth ■*•" Street to the Bank of New Zealand Chambers, Lambton Quay, Entrance directly opposite Barrett's Hotel, Plimmer's Steps. TELEPHONE 40-524. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ] "Anzac." —rralse is well deserved, but it would be invidious to make inontlon even of out- I standing individual work when so fnany gave splendid help. "L.R.r."—The article appeared on July 10.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 10


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