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-"■-■: WANTED TO BUY. ~ r~t ANTED to Buy, Furniture and Furnishings of every tltvcription, prompt cash. People's Auction Jftart, ID Courtenay Place. ATPANTED to Buy, for cash, Ladies' and "" Gents' Superior Left-off Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Travelling Bags, etc. Woodward's, 121 Vivian Street. Tel. 51-243. ANTED, by new arrival, Good Sec-ond-hand Furniture; must be cheap; spot cash. Apply 144 Evg. Post. WANTED to Buy, Quantities of Household Furniture for cash. Davis Bros., Lower. Cuba Street. Tel. 42-419. ANTED to Buy, Used Cars, for cash. Wellington Motors, 7 Vivian Street. Tel. 51-502. WANTED to Buy, Cent's Push-bicycle. '» Apply 154 Kclburn Parade. Tel. 26-272. '■ ANTED to Buy, Goulding Motor-Bike Chassis and wheel. Price, .etc., 714 Evg. Post. ' - ' ■ ' ' ANTED, Set Drainlayer's Rods, Extension Ladder, %in to 2in, Oster Dies. Tel. 25-221. WANTED, Good Second-hand Carpet, about 10ft or Oft x Oft; reasonable price. Write 023 FA'g. Post. WANTED to Purchase, Gent's Hairdressing Chairs, Machines, Couches, and Showcases, etc; 640 Evg. Post. WANTED to Buy, Empty Oil Drums, 5-gallon, any quantity; highest prices. 5!)0 Evg. Post. ■ WANTED to Buy, Austin 7 or Morris Minor Saloon. State model and cash price to 734 Evg. Post. ■■ WANTED to Buy, several good Sewing Machines, dropheads or hands; spot cash. 156 Molesworth, Street. \\7 ANTED to , Buy, Second-hand "SafeT " State full particulars to 005 Evg. Post. ■■ WANTED to Buy, Locking Steel Filing Cabinet; particulars, size, and where can be seen, price, etc. Box 119, Te Aro. - ■ ■- . . ANTED to Buy, Furniture, any quantity, highest . cash priced. The Bialto, Bond Streefr. Tel. 43-553. ANTED to Buy, cheap, Car, must.jje in good running order. Reply 718 Evg. Post. " ANTED to Buy, Villiers Engine or Old Bike with same. Apply 651 Evg. Post. ANTED to Buy, Harley Twin, with or without side-chair, cheap for cash. 707 Evg. Post. OUND Half-draught Horse, suitable farm work. Write Williams, 15 Hutt Road, Lower Hutt. OAT, 14-15 ft, good order, must be cheap for cash. Particulars, to 115 Post Agency, Miramar. IGH Frequency Violet Bay Apparatus, complete. State number of condensers and electrodes, cash. 116 Evg. Post, Miramar. ; . I WILL pay £200 to £250 cash for reasonably level Section, Northland or Wadestown to Lambton Station. Full particulars to 703 Evg. Post. t^LDERLY Couple desires * or 5-rd. *-* Bungalow, Kilbirnie or Hataitai, £1000 cash. Particulars 744 Evg. Post. DUNBAit SLOANE, LTD., Auctioneers, are cash buyers for Small or Lafrge Quantities of Good Furniture; highest prices. Tel. 45-107. RAT A Firewood, on roadside or truck. Particulars to 350 Post Agency, Lower Hutt^ . •__ IGHEST Prices, Shotguns, Rifles, Cameras, Binoculars, Musical Instruments, Jewellery, Old Gold, Tools, Fishing Tackle, etc.; transactions confidential. Meltzer Bros., 131 Manners Street. ACCOUNTANT, deposit £600-4-5-rd. ■*•*• House, good neighbourhood; detail price, mortgages, uo agents. 497 Evg. Post. . ,' ' ' " GOOD Light Sedan wanted, urgently, cash buyer. Apply 1025 Evg. Post. FINANCIAL. ~ MALL and Large Amounts Lent confidentially on Furniture without registration in "Mercantile Gazette." Apply Dalton, Bonlcott Chambers. Tel. 42-759. £2 TO £10 Confidential Loans; no security; Civil Servants and permanent employees. 697 Evg. Poet. MONEY, "Cheap Money," small sums, short terms; low rates permanently employed; confidential. Room 17, 31-33 Johnston Street. A CCOMMODATION to approved clients, -"*• strictest confidence, large or small amount. Room 1, 13 Dixon Street. - King 54-053. LET us relieve you of financial worries— Money lent on any security of value, P.N.s, etc.; strictly confidential. City Finance Co., 69a Manners Street. Tel. 41-330. '. , ' .■■.■ ■/ - .. IMMEDIATE Loans granted, from £1 upwards, terms to suit; P.N.s discounted. City Finance Co., 60a Manners Street. Tel. 41-330. ' " ONEY Lent, payments to suit; Furniture. Life Policies, P.N.s, Bonds, Interest under Wills. City Finance Co., 69a Manners Street. Tel. 41-330. LOANS arranged on any approved security; easy weekly or fortnightly repayments. For prompt attention and fair dealing consult Australasian Loan Co., Cooper's Buildings (opp. "Evening Post"). Tel. 47-471. A DVERTISER lends small sums deserv- ■<"- ing cases, no security or guarantors; perm, employees preferred. 201 Evg. Post. ÜBLIC Service, Insurance, other Permanent Employees requiring temporary assistance, consult me; loans arranged. Strictest confidence. Take lift. Room 706, 7th Floor, Brandon House, Featherston Street. Tel. 41-428. SUBURBAN LOAN AND DISCOUNT •O COMPANY, LTD., Room 301, Hamilton Chambers, Lambton Quay, and Bells Building, 57 High Street, Lower Hutt, have Money to Lend on approved security. Applications treated confidentially. Call or write. Tel. 43-078- for appointments. ■■ WHEN you are in need of Financial As- "*• sistance consult The Loan Security and Discount Co., Ltd., 22-23 King's Chambers, opp. Stewart Dawson's. ONEY to Lend—To bank officers, insurance clerks, civil servants, prompt advances. The Loan Security and Discount Co., Ltd., 3rd Floor, King's Chambet^ . *- WE can arrange for you Temporary. ■Financial Assistance, from £10 to £100, with reasonable repayments. The Loan Security and Discount Co., Ltd., 22-23 King's Chambers. [ ONEY to Lend on Life Insurance Policies, Household Furniture, and other approved securities.. . The Loan Security and' Discount Co., Ltd., 3rd Floor, 22 King's Chambers. MONEY TO LEND. BY Wellington's Oldest Financial Institution (established 30 years), at lowest rates for. .gilt-edged securities and easiest repayments'available. Loans granted upon bonds; debentures, shares, furniture, P.N.s, interest under wills,- and lite PSOUIH PACTFiC MORTGAGE AND DEPOSIT CO., LTD., :. A.M.P. Buildings. Telephone 40-806. PAWNBROKERS — Money Lent on -"- Jewellery or any article of value; confidential transactions; country clients register packages. Anchor Loan Co., Ltd., 131 Manners Street, Wellington; also Auckland and Christehurch. MONEY to Lend on any security, £5 upwards; strictly confidential; after MUTUA^ LTAt^DipOSITCO. LTD 151 Lambton Quay (next Midland Hotel). Telephone 41-264.. DON'T Borrow before calling at the Britannia Loan and Deposit Co., Ltd.; 113 Willis Street (opp. Hotel St. George). Advances made on any approved security. Cash available immediately. Strictly confidential. MONEY—Let City Finance Co. assist JIL —Loans furniture, life-policies, interest under wills, P.N.S discounted; all classes security, easy repayments; Friday, 7 to 9 p.m.. Tel. 41-330. 69a Manners St. LOANS, £1 upwards, any security,-in-cluding Furniture, Promissory Notes; confidential. Civic Loan 'and Investment Company, Ltd., 114 Lambton Quay (side entrance). 45-479. MISCELLANEOUS. ARE you worried, depreseed, unable to concentrate? Then you need Harvey's Mineral Tonic. C. H. Porrett, Chemist. , .

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Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 29, 3 August 1933, Page 3


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