HIGH WATER. Tuclu.v: 11.3 a.m.; 11.30 p.m. Tomorrow : 11.4.1 a.m. AfIRIVALS. SATUItDAY, JULY 20. TAMAHIXB, s.s. (B li.m.), 19SU tons, Kane, from Plcton. SUNDAY, JULY '30. ICOUTUNUI, ni.s. (5.35 a.m.), 171 tons, Haroldsen, from Gisborne. RANGATIHA, t.c.s. (7 a.m.), 6.152 tons, Cameron, from Lyltcllon. KAITOA, s.s. (9.15 a.m.), 31!) tons, Hay, from Kelson. . . . . . CANOI'US, s.s. (1.13 p.m.), 1337 tons, llurley, from New Plymouth. POKT D.UXEDIN, m.s. (5 p.m.), 744S tons, Rliind, from Tlmaru. STORM, .s.s. (6.53 p.m.), 749 tons, Williams, from LyUelton.' WAIMARINO, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 30G7 ■ tolls, Frosscr, from Auckland. MONDAY, JULY 31. COLDUX COAST, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 5703 tons, Svedstrup, from Auckland. DEPARTURES. . SATURDAY, JULY 29. OREPUKI, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 545 tons, Eden, for Nelson. MATANGI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1349 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 348S tons, Invin, for Lyttelton. • PORT WHANUAKEI, m.s. (il p.m.), 500 tons, Holm, for Lytteltoiij SUNDAY, July 30. KOIII, aux. scow (fi p.m.), 125 tons, Goldio, for Plcton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Canadian Constructor, Auckland, today. Canopus, New Plymouth, today. Tamahinc, Picton, tomorrow, U. 15 p.m. Jlatangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 0.30 a.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Holmglen, southern ports, tomorrow. Ngahau, Katapoi, tomorrow. Fairbuni, Westport, tomorrow. Brunswick, Sydney, tomorrow. John, southern ports, tomorrow. Kohl, Plcton, tomorrow. Awahou, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Taupata, Napier, tomorrow. Wailgauella, Sydney, tomorrow. Kaimal, Westport, tomorrow. Rata, Wanganui, tomorrow. Echo, Blenheim, 2nd. Zealandic, Auckland, 2nd. Storm, Wanganul,' 2nd. iCaramea, Lyttelton, 2ud. Foolta, Gisborne, 3rd. Kapiti, Wanganul, 3rd. ICaimiro, Greynioutli, 3rd. Calm, southern ports, 3rd. Holmdalc, southern ports, 3rd. Brisbane Maru, Geelong, 4th. IVainui, Lyttelton, 4th. Waipiata, Lyttelton.-. 4th: Tltoki, Lyttelton, . 4th. Calm, Wanganui, sth. Op.ihl, Lyttelton, sth. Makura, Sydney, 7th. ■ PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Echo, Blenheim, today. Inaha, Patea, today. • Rangatlra,' Lyttelton, today, 7.45 p.m. Kaitoa, Nelson, today, -6.30 p.m. ' Storm, Wanganui, today. Waimarino, southern ports, today. . Port Dunedin,' New Plymouth, today. Slatangi, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. . Pairburn, Westport, tomorrow. Hfllmgleu, New Plymouth, tomorrow., Karepo, Westport, tomorrow. Canadian Constructor, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Kohl, Nelson, tomorrow. Canopus, Westport; tomorrow. Surrey, London, tomorrow. John, Wanganul, tomorrow. Taupata, Tatakohe, tomorrow. Kapiti, Wanganui, tomorrow. Koutunui, Gls'borno, tomorrow. Rata; West Coast, tomorrow. , Tamahine, Plcton, 2nd, 2.43 p.m. Brunswick,. Auckland. 2nd. Storm, southern ports, 2nd. Echo, Blenheim, 2nd. Poolta, Dunedin, 3rd. Karamea, Auckland, 3rd. Wanganella, Sydney, 3rd. Zealandic, Lyttelton, 3rd. Calm, Wangaiiui, via Picton, 3rd. Holmdale, Wanganul, 3rd. Kaimlro, Auckland, 3rd. Brisbane Maru. Auckland, 4th. Watnui, Blurt. 4th. Waipiata, Auckland, 4th. Calm, southern ports, sth. Opihl, Nelson, sth. Tltoki, Napier, sth. BERTHAGE LIST. Canopus—Railway Wharf. Canadian Constructor —Pipitca Wharf. Echo—tjueon's Wharf No. 13. Fairburn—Queen's Wharf No. 11. . (; uc i—Queen's Wharf No. 7. Golden Coast—Pipltea Wharf. Ulniatant.'l-l'o the Stream, fnaha— King's Wharf. Kaimiro—Mlramar Wharf, kuiwarra—ln the StreaDi , Koutunui—Pipltea Wharf. Komata—ln tue Stream. Katoa—ln the Stream. Kaimai—Railway Wharf. Kaitoa —Queen's Wharf No. 10. Karepo—Bailway Wharf.: Monowai—Queen's Wharf No. 16. Ngahau—Taranaki Street Wharf. Omanu-lii Hie Stream Pakura—ln Uie stream. Parera—Tunrndon Breastwork. Paua—Bumharo Wharf Port Dunedin —Glasgow Wharf. Rangatira—Ferry Wharf. ■ Storm—Queen's Wharf No. •. Surrey—Glasgow Wharf. Tamahln»—Queen's Wharf Nai 4. Waliine—Patent Slip. Wanganella—Queen's Wharf No. 1 : south. AVaimarino—Queen's.Wharf No. 1 north. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. ALABAMA, loft Auckland July 28 for Sydney; due tomorrow; leaves Sydney August 4 tor Auckland; due August 8. (U.S.S. Co.) WANGANELLA, left Sydney .Inly 28 for Wellington; duo .WeUlngtou tomorrow; leaves Wellington Thursday for Sydney and Melbourne; duo Sydney 'August 7, Melbourne AUjiuat 9. (Huddart, Furkor.) MONOWAI, leaves Wellington August 10 for Sydney; due Sydney August 13. (U.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. NIAGARA, left Vancouver July 19 for Sydney;, duo Suva Friday;. Auckland August 7; leaves Auckland August 8; duo Sydney August 12. (C.A. Lino.) _ MARIPOSA, left San Francisco July 20, leaves Honolulu today; due Pago Pago August 5, Suva August 8, Auckland August 11; leaves August 11; due Sydney August 14; Melbourne August 18. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) MAKTJRA, leaves Sydney Thursday for San Francisco; due Wellington August 7; leaves August 8; due Rarotonga August 12, Papeete August 14, San Francisco August 25. (U.b.o. °MAUNGANUI, leave 3 San Francisco Wednesday for Sydney; due Papeete August 12, Barotonga August 15, Wellington August .21; leaves Wellington .August 22; due Sydney August 26. (U S S. Co.) . • MONTEREY,^ left Sydney July .26 for Los Angeles and San Francisco; duo Suva tomorrow ; Pago Pago August 2; Honolulu August 7; San Francisco August 14. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) _ AORANGI, left Sydney July 20; due Honolulu Friday, Vancouver , August 11; leaves Van^ couver August 16 for Sydney, via. ports, MONOWAI, leaves Sydney August 17 for Vancouver; due Auckland August 21, leaves August 22; due Suva August 25, Honolulu_Septcmber. 1, Vancouver- September 8. <>. Co.) , '.■•■••■■■ ' . . LOADING OVERSEAS. CITY OF SINGAPORE, leaves New York August 22 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CRTJISEB, leaves Montreal August 25 for Australia, Dunedin (due October 22). and Lyttelton. ,(CJJ.S.) . CANADIAN VICTOR, was to leave Montreal July 28 for Auckland (due September 6), Wellington (September 10), and Australia. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN CHALLENGER, leaves Montreal August 31 for Auckland, (due October 10), Wellington (October 14), and Australia. (C.N.S.) CUMBERLAND, leaves Liverpool September 9 for Auckland (due October 18), Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (Federal Co.) FORDSDALE, leaves London August 30 for Suva, Port Chalmers (due about October 11). Lyttelton. aud Timaru." (S.S. and A. Co.) GABRIELLA, leaves Newcastle August 2, completes at Sydney, for New Plymouth, Wanganui, and Gisborne. (U.S.S. Co.) GOLDEN BEAR, leaves Los Angeles September 1 for Auckland (due September 27), Wellington, and Australia. (Burns, Philp.) GOLDEN ROD, leaves Los Angeles August 15 for Auckland (duo September 10) and Australia. (Burns, Philp.) , GOLDEN EAGLE, leaves Los Angeles August I for Auckland (due August 27) and Welllneton (August 31) ' (Burns, Phllp.)' HAURAKI, from Vancouver, leaves San Francisco August 8, Los Angeles August 10, for Papeete, Auckland (due September S), Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton. Dunedin. and Australia (U.S.S. C 6.) ' lONIC, leaves London August 9 for Lyttelton (due September 20), Port Chalmers, and Bluff (S.S and A. Co.) KARTIGI, from Edithburg, leaves Adelaide July 31, Melbourne August 3, for Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (U.S.S Co.) MELBOURNE MARI. leaves KoDe July 31 for Wellington (due September 1) and Auckland, via Australia (Federal Co.) /. ■ NARDADA. leaves Calcutta earlj August, completes at Penang. Singapore, ana Samarang ror Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Tlmaru. Dunedin and Bluff (D.S.S. Co.) O. A. KNUDSEN leaves San Pedro August II for WellluiTton. (U.S.S. Co.). PORT ALMA, leaves Liverpool August 19 lor Auckland (due September 25). Wellington (September 28) Lyttelton. and Dunedin (C and D Line.) PORT HUNTER, leaves London August 9 for Auckland (due September 18), Wellington (September 21) and New Plymouth. (C and D Line.) REMUERA, leaves London August 24 tor Auckland (due September 30) and Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) SYDNEY MARU, leaves 110.11 September 1 for Wellington (due October 2), and Auckland (October 5). via Australia. (Federal Co.) TISKOA, was to leave Liverpool July 20 for Auckland (duo September 6), Wellington (Sep-
tember 13), Lyttelton, Duucdin, New Plymouth, I, and Nelson. (Federal Co.) ■ • j WAIHEMO, leaves Los Angeles September 15 : lor Auckland (due October 10), Napier, Wcl- i Huston, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. (U'iS.S. Co.') ■,• : VESSELS OVERSEAS. BiUSBANE MAUL, left Kobe June 30 (or Australia, Wellington (duo August 3), and Auußlatiu i federal Co.) ■-BRUNSWICK, left Singapore July 6 for Wellington (due August 1), and Auckland, via Australia. (A.U.O. Co.) I'AAAIUA.t BIIiHLANDEH, ietl Montreal Juno 30 [or aucklund (due August II), Wellington idue Augus' lat . and Australia IC.N.S.j CANADIAN LEADER, left Montreal July 21 for Australia, Dunedin (due September 17), and Lyttelton. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN aCOI'TISH. Lett Montreal June ■H tor Muuedln (due August 231. and LyUtslton vis Australia (C.N.S.) IBINI, from Constantinople, for Lyttelton (due August 8), Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland. (G. H. Scales.) KANNA, leti Wutpole Island July 25; for Dunedin (duo August 3),' Timaru, and Lyttelton, via Noumea. (U.S.S. Co.) MATAKOA, left Southampton July .14 for Wellington (due about August 16) and Auckland (August 21). (S.S. and A. Co.) , MAHANA, left London June 29 for Lyttelton (due August 7), Port Chalmers, and Bluff. ISS. and A. Co.) GPAWA, left Liverpool luly a tot Auckland (due August 16), Wellington (August 231. Lyllelton, und Dunedin (Federal Co.) PIAKO. lefr New York June 28 for Auckland (due August- 7),-Wellington, Lyttelfon, and Dunedin, via Gulf of' Mexico ports. (Federal Co.) PORT FREMANTLE, left New York July 22 for Auckland (due August 21).' and Wellington (August 24). (C. and D. Line.) HA.VUITANE, left l*mdun June 29. for Auck land (due August 2) and Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' RAN.GITATA, left London July 37 for Auckland (due 'about August 30) and Wellington. (N.Z.S. Co.) RUAHINE, left Londbn July 20 tor Suva. Wellington (due September 6), Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, and Napier. (N.Z.S. Co.) SAGONA, left Sau Francisco July IS Tor Auckland (due August 11). Wellington, and Australia. (V.O. Co.) WAIKAWA left Los Angeles July 10 (or Auckland (duo August 6), Wellington (August 10), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Australia. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. ALYNBANK, from Nauru Island; at Dunedin. (H. aud- M., Auckland.) ASHBURTON, from New Yorlt; at Bunedln. (Federal Co.) CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, from Montreal, for Lyttelton and Dunedin: at Wellington. (C.N.S.)' . FIFE, from Galveston; left Duuedin July 30 for Wanganut. . GOLDEN COAST, from Los Angeles; at Wellington. (Burns, Philp.) . KIWITEa rrom Melbourne, Adelaide, and Hobart, for New Plymouth; at. Auckland; leaves July 31. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney, for Timaru and Lyttelton; at Dunedin; leaves August I. (U.S.S. Co.) WAINUI, from Hobart and Melbourne; for Dunedin, .Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington (August 4); at Bluff; leaves July 31. (U.S.S. Co.) , ZEALANDIC, from Liverpool, for Wellington (August 2), Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff: at Auckland; leaves July 31. (S.S. and A. Co.) VESSELS LOADINGCANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, at Wellington; leaves August 1 for. Lyttelton and Dunedin; leaves Dunedin August 3 for New York, Boston, and Montreal. (C.N.S.) CAMBRIDGE,' at Lyttelton; loaves August 2 for London and West Coast ports, via Panama Canal and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) KARAMEA. at Lyttelton; leaves August 1 tor Wellington and Auckland; leaves Auckland August 8 for London, via Cape Horn. (S.S. and A. Co.) KENT, at Oamaru; leaves.August 2 for Bluff, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wanganul, and Wellington (due August 17); leaves Wellington about August 21 for Southampton and Londou. (N.Z.SI Co.) ' KAREPO, loads Wellington August 1, Westport and Greymouth; leaves: Greymouth about August 5 for Sydney and Newcastle, (U.S.S. Co.) POUT DUNEDIN, at Wellington; leaves July 31 for New Plymouth, Auckland, and Napier; leaves Napier August 16. for London, via Capo Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) I'ORT HOBAKT, at Timaru; leaves August 2 for Port Chalmers, Bluff; Lyttelton, Wellington (August 0); leaves Wellington August 12 for London, via. Panama and Curacao. (C. and D. Line.) ' PORT .WAIKATO, at Tauranga; leaves July 31 for. Auckland and Whangarel; leaves Whangarei August 2 for Clarenco River and Sydney. (Holm and Co.) RANGITIKI, left Tokomaru Bay July 31 for Auckland; leaves Auckland August 4 for London, via Panama Canal. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, at Wellington; leaves August 1 Tor London, via Cape Horn. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAINUI, at- Auckland.; leaves August 2 for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington (August 11-15), and Auckland; leaves Auckland August 23 for Southampton and London, via Panama and Kingston. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, at Dunedin; leaves August 1 for Timaru, Lyttelton, and Bluff; leaves Bluff about August 9 for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S; Co.) ■ ISLAND SERVICES. KARETU, left Sydney July 28 for FIJI, Tonga, and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUI POMARE, left Wellington July 18 for Apia and Niue; due back at Lyttelton August T, Wellington August 8. (G.B. and H.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following, vessels are expected, to be within range of the undermentioned wlrelew stations tonight:— - . ■ Auckland—Canadian Scottish, Karma, Karetu, Marama, ■ Matar, : Matakana, : Maul Pomarc, Mcaterey, Rangitane, Rangitiki, Waikawa, Zcalandic. Chatham Islands.—Nil. Wellington.—Akaroa, Aorangi. Brunswick, Canadian Constructor, Dunedin, fife, Golden Coast Laburnum, Mahana, Maori, Manposa, Niagara, lUako, Port Dunedin, Rangatlra, Rangitata, Tamahine, Turakina, \cronica, Wancanclla. Awarua.-^-Ashburton, Brisbane Maru, Kent, Voco, Waikouaitl, Wainui. . , . PERSONAL. Captain W. J. .WylHe is In command of tho Wangauella, relieving Captain , Bates. Captain K. Svedstrup is In command of tho Golden Coast, which arrived this .morning from "captain" Haroldsen Is In command of tha Koutunul. ■. . • . TANKER IRINK Advlco has been received by Messrs. G. .H. Scales, Ltd., that the tanker Irlnl, with about 6000 tons of bulk motor-spirit for New Zealand from- Constantinople, left Bunbury, South Australia, last Thursday. .The.lrlni will call at Lyttelton direct, arriving .there on. August 8, arid will "complete discharge at Dunedin^ Wellington,'and Auckland. She will then bunker at Westport, and leave on her return voyage In ballast. / ".s■'. :' LOGS ADRIFT IN TASMAN. The secretary of, the Post and Telegraph Department, Mr. G. McNamara, advises that the following warning was broadcast from Sydney at 10.12 p.m. yesterday, beginning: Several logs dangerous to navigation reported 9 a.m. 29th In latitude 29 degrees 26 minutes Bouth longitude 153 degrees 42 minutes east. BRUNSWICK REPORTS. _ Tho tanker' Brunswick, en roiite from Singapore, via Australia, has reported by wireless that she expects to arrive at Wellington at i p.m. tomorrow. She will sail on Wednesday for Auckland. ' THE BRISBANE MARU. Tho Brisbane Maru, from Japan, left Geelong at 1 p.m. on Saturday for Wellington, where she is now expected to arrlve^on Thursday. Sho willsail for Auckland on Friday to complete discharge. , . THE CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR. The Canadian Constructor was expected to arrive In port at 4 p.m. today from Auckland. Sho will sail tomorrow for Lyttelton and Duuedin. . GOLDEN COAST FROM AUCKLAND. Tho Golden Coast arrived at ■Wellington this morning from Auckland to complete discharge. Sho is expected to sail at noon tomorrow for Molbournc. ' : THE SURREY. Tho Surrey is now scheduled to leave Wellington at 3 p.m. tomorrow for London, via Capo Horn. PORT FREMANTLE LEAVES SAVANNAH. The Port Fremantje, en route from New York, left Savannah last Thursday. She Is due at Auckland on August 21. , MATAROA REACHES BALBOA. Tho Mataroa, which left Southampton on July 14, sailed from Balboa on Saturday for Wellington, where she is due about August 16. AKAROA'S "ALL WELL." The Akaroa, which left Wellington last Wednesday for Southampton and London, lias reported that heavy weather was experienced after leaving port, but conditions are now fine. All are well on board: KAIMAI BAR-BOUND. The Kalmal has been bar-bound at Westport and now expects to arrive at Wellington tomorrow. PORT WAIKATO'S MOVEMENTS. The Port Waikato Is at present loading at. Tauranga. , She will complete at Auckland and Whangarel, sailing on Wednesday for Clareucc River (New South Wales) and Sydney. MERCHANT SERVICE GUILD. The monthly general meeting of the Wellington Merchant Service Guild will bo held | In the Guild Rooms on Tuesday, August 1, at1 10 a.m. All members are requested to attend. -I
BY TELEGRAPH. , SYDNEY, July' 28.' , : Arrived—Makura (5.13 a.m.), from Welling* i ton. LOXiJON, July --'• Arrived—\t Colon, Mataroa.- ■ • ! Sailed—From Sydney (New Brunswick), Canadian Leader; from Curacao, Jftitaron. ! . AUCKLAND. July i». Sailed -Monterey (j.30, for Los. ; ! Angeles. ... • LYTTELTON, July t'i. Sailed—Totara (1.33 p.m.), for Tlmiiru. WESTPORT, July 2». • Arrived—Te Aroha (1.15 a.m.). from \YcI« ; lington. ■ DUNfiDIN. July 29. Sailed—Voco (7.30 a.m.), for Sydney: Kent (11.45 a.m.), for Oamaru; Fife (1.23 p.m.), for Wanganul. . LYTTELTON, July 30. . Arrived—John (5.35 p.m.), from Timaru; Kiiplti (2.40 p.m.). from Wanganul; Port Whangarel (4:40 p.m.), from Wellington.. DUNEDIN, July 30. Arrived—Walplata (7.10 a.m.) and Calm (G.lO a.m.), front Bluff; Asliburton (D.W a.m.), Walpahl (1 p.m.). and Uolmdalc (2.30 p.m.), from1 Lj'ttelton. ■ • ■ ■ . . NAI'IEU, July 31. Arrived—roolta (4.45 p.m., 30tli)> from \Yel« lington. . ■ . : . : . DUNEDIN, July 31. Arrived—Titoki (2.50 a.m!), from Wellington. „' ' ' LYTTELT.ON,. July 31. To Sail—Maori (7.45 p.m.), for Wellington, ' TOKOMARU BAY, July 31. Sailed—Rangitiki (3 a.m.):, for Auckland. :
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Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 26, 31 July 1933, Page 10
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2,571SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXVI, Issue 26, 31 July 1933, Page 10
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