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ALL ftOADS STILL LEAD TO ' ALL .ROADS STILL LEAD TO ALL ROADS STILL LEAD TO t , ,£ HE DE LUXE . . , BY TEAM, BY CAB, ON FOOT THE MULTITUDES ARK THRONGING MULTITUDES ARE THRONGING '.MULTITUDES ARE THRONGING To see The Picture of the Generation, " GRAND HOTEL " . " GRAND HOTEL" • •' GRAND HOTEL " . " GRAND HOTEL " " GRAND HOTEL " " GRAND HOTEL " " GRAND HOTEL " A Mclro-Goldwyn-Maycr Picture. (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) LAST NIGHT. FOURTH DAY PACKED JAMMED FULL. PACKED JAMMED FULL. . . PACKED JAMMED FULL. YOU MUST SEE IT! RESERVE TODAY! ~ Bos Plans at Bristol and Theatre. LADIES! ATTEND THE MATINEES! Telephone Bookings not kept after 7.4 J. A SUPREME ATTRACTION' With an all-star cast, headed by ■JANET GAYXOR. DE LUXE THEATRIC. , I-; LUXE THEATRE, i COMMENCING JUNE 1. "STATE FAIR." ! -STATE FAIR." "STATE FAIR." '■STATE- FAIR." (A big agricultural show.) BE ADVISED-BOOK EARLY. BOX PLANS' AT BRISTOL AND THEATRE. .TELEPHONE 53-080. MOVIE BALL, JUNE 22. LAST TWO DAYS! ....,„ ■ THINGS THEATRE • 1_ J-VIjJG'S THEATRE (Steam-heated Throughout) ~ . Presents TWICE DAILY—2.3O and S p.m. STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY In " PACK UP YOUR. TROUBLES." " PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES." " PACK- UP YOUR TROUBLES." -PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES." (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) CANNONS TO THE RIGHT OF 'EM. CANNONS,TO THE LEFT OF 'EM. The Screen'i Grandest Comics in a Merry . Joy-ride of Laughter! — - -IN ADDITION EXCEPTIONAL SHORT SUBJECTS. Box Plans, Bristol and Theatre. NO BOOKING FEE. TEL. 52-212. THE BRITANNIA THEATRE. RITANNIA THEATRE. Continuous from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. TALABIRELL MELVYN DOUGLAS, and - MIKI MORITA ■■ ■ M "N-A-G-A-N-A" ; "N-A-G-A-N-A" "N-A-G-A-N-A" " ■ -"N-A-G-A-N-A-" (Recommended by Censor "for Adults) ■ The most remarkable '■ programme ever presented for the entertainmentj of picture patrons. _- ' . Additional: - "-—- ---. BRITANNIA EEATURETTES/ : Pox Wan ft Theatre or Tel. 40-015. . MOVIE BALL, JUNE 22. CEASIDE PICTURES, LYALL BAY. TONIGHT; AND TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7.43. —The Comical Capers.of a London Policeman— »-A" Medley of Mirth and Music-i JACK HULBERT. CICELY COURTNEIDGE. WINIFRED SHOTTER,, .- In*. ■ ■ "JACKS THE ]50Y." "JACK'S THE BOY." •JACK'S THE BOY." . "JACK'S THE BOY.' (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Entertainment for the Whole Family. Also: EXCELLENT SHORT SUBJECTS. Box Plant at Theatre, or Tel. 16-303. EMPIRE THEATRE. ISLAND BAY. (Steam Heated Nightly.) THIS-EVENING, at 8 o'clock. A BIG LAUGH SPECIAL! SLIM SUMMERVILLE, ZASU PITTS, In "THEY JUST HAD TO GET MARRIED." The spiciest, speediest, snappiest feature comedy , that ever came along to knock Old Man Gloom positively cuckoo. It's the' craziest comedy scream ever seen! - Don't miss it! 2—Special Sports Reel. 3—Osivald Sound Cartoon. 4—Graham McNamee Newweel. (Recommended by Ccngor for Adults.) REGAL THEATRE, ' KARORI. (STeam and Electrically Heated.) TONIGHT 8 o'clock TONIGHT "H-O-I P-E-P-P-E-R." "H-O-T P-E-P-P-E-R." Vie. McLaglen, Lupe Velez, Edmund Lowe. Back again—New gags—New (tills. Two flirting, fighting fools who will convulse you with laughter. Too good to miss. "H-O'T P-E-P-P-E-R." (Recommended by Censor, for Adults.) SPECIAL SUPPORTS. Electrically Heated Nightly. OUR THEATRE, NEWTOWN. UB THEATRE, NEWTOWN. TONIGHT, 7.«. TONIGHT. The delightfully different romance, "WAITING FOR THE BRIDE," "WAITING FOR THE BRIDE," Starring MARY BRIAN, MARY BRIAN. A pleasing all-colour musical-comedy romance. (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) FOUR ADDED ATTRACTIONS. ILBIRNIE KINEMA" - Steam-heated Nightly. LAST NIGHT! LAST NIGHT! A new personality—never before revealed. CLARA B6W in "CALL HER SAVAGE." With- Monroe- Owgley, - Gilbert Roland, _ and Estelle Taylor. BlazingI'fortH on the screen as the impulsive heroine of Tiffany Thayer's soul- . ", ' searching novel. (Recommended by the Censor for Adults.) rpOWN HALL CONCERT CHAMBER. X .FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 8 p.m. •AXDRI BKVIN \-ANDRI- KEVIN ' - - HONG'RECITAL. SONG RECITAL. • Admission "is ,3d;'1 iics'crvcs if, 7d (in(.hiding tax). Box Plau at The Bristol Piano Co* .

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Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 120, 24 May 1933, Page 2


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