HIGH WATER To-day: 1.5 a.m.; 1.20 p.m. To-morrow: l.lli a.m.; 2.10 p.m. (Standard time.) ARRIVALS. I'T.IDAY, 20th NOVIIJinKR. KUKt;. s.s. p.m.), 221 tons, Larscn, ' from Motueka. SATU'ItDAY. 21st NOVEJIUEII. KINI, s.s. (12.30 a.m.), 1388 tons, Warren, from Napier. KAITJ'I, m.s. (3 a.m.), 212 tons. Smith, from Wangaiiui. MATANCI, s.s. (3.10 a.m.), 1319 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. WAHINK, s.s. (1).3j a.m.), -14uU tons, Irwin, from Lytteltun. DEPARTURES. FKIDAY, 20111 November MAUNCANUI. s.s. (3.13 p.m.). 7327 tons, Scwell, for Sydney. WAINUI. s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 1033 tons, Briaco, for Bluff. ECHO, aux. scow (3 p.m.), 89 tuns, Jarniau, for Blenheim. WAIPAHI, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 1753 tuns, Dalgleish, for Duncdiu. WAI.MARINO, s.s. (li.lo p.m.), 3007 lons, Prosscr, for Auckland. KAJTOA, s.s. (1i.30 p.m.), 31D tons, Hay, for HANCATIKA, t.c.s.s. (7.50 p.m.), Gl 52 tons, Cameron, for Lyttclton. SATUItDAY, 21st NOVJSMBEU. KAPITI, m.s. (1 p.m.), 212 tons, Smith, for Wanganul. KUKU, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 221 tons, Larscn, for Lyttclton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tamahine, Picton, to-day. G p.m. Kaitoii, Nelson, to-morrow, li a.m. Kangatira, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m, (iale, Wanganul, to-morrow. Taupata, Motueka, To-morrow. Kolu, Nelson, to-morrow. Kualiluc, Napier, to-morrow. Parera, Glsborne, to-morrow. Breeze, soutliorn ports, to-morrow. Kalmai. Westport, to-morrow. Svenor, Lyttclton. to-morrow. Echo. Blenheim, 23rd. Kapiti, Wanganui, 24th. Kapuui, Patea, 24 th. limha, Patca, 24th. Alexander, Napier, 24th. Kaponga, (iroymouth, 24th. John, southern ports, 24tn. Wingatui, Auckland, 241h. Ulimaroa. Sydney, 24th. Kuktt, Lyttclton, 24th. Hawcra, Patea, 24tli. Holmdalo, southern ports, 23th, ltangitata, Southampton, 25th. Holmdale, Wanganui, 23th. Breeze, Wangaiiui, 2M\. Walpiata, Lyttclton. 26th. Storm, southern ports, 2litn. Opihi, Lyttelton, 2Gth. Waipahi, Lyttclton, 27th.
PROJECTED OEPARTURES. Matangi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Wahlnc, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.13 p.m. Talisman, Nelson, to-day. Kini, New Plymouth, to-day. Port Fairy, Napier, to-morrow. Knltoa, Nelson, 23rd,, 6.30 p.m. llangatlra, Lyttelton, 23rd, 7.45 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, 23rd. Gale, southern ports, 23rd. . Tamahlne, Plcton, 23rd, 3. p.m. Breeze, Wanganul, via Victon, _~:il Svenor, New Plymouth. 23rd. Tauuata, Motueka. 23rd. Jnaha, Patea, 21th. Hawera, Pat.en, 24th. Kapiti, Wanganui, 21th. Kuku, Nelson, 21th. Kapuni, Patea, 241h. Otokla, Auckland, 24th. . Kalingo, Greymouth, 24th. Alexander, Greymouth, 24th. John, New Plymouth, via Plcton, 24th, Parera, Napier, 24th. Kohl, Nelson, 24th.
Wingatui, southern ports, 24th. Kaimal, New Plymouth, 24th. Holmdale, Wanganul, 25th. Breeze, southern ports, 25th. liuahine, London, 20th. Waipiata. Auckland, 20tli. Storm, Wanganul, 26th. Opihi, Nelson, 2Gth. lilimaroa, Sydney, 27th. Holmdale, southern ports, 2Sth,
BERTHAGE LIST. Tnmaliinc—Queen's Wharf No. 1, Gale —Queen's Wharf No. fi. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Wahlne—Ferry Wharf. Port Fairy—Glasgow Wliarf. Kini—King's Wharf. Kalingo—Miramar Wharf. Otokia—Miramar Wharf. Maori—Patent Slip Wharf. Komata—-Patent Slip Wharf. Pakura—Patent Slip. Sura Nlven-Evans BaT. Hlmatangl—ln the Stream. Kalwarra—ln the Stream. Katoa—ln the Stream. Omana—ln the Stream. I'utlki—ln the Stream.
UMMAROA, left Sydney 20th November for Wellington; duo Wellington Tuesday; leaves Wellington 27th November for Sydney; due Sydney Ist December. (Huddart, Parker.)
MAUNGANUI, left Wellington 20th November for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 27th November for Auckland; due" Auckland Ist December. (U.S.S. Co.)
MARAMA, left Sydney 20th November for Auckland; due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland 27th November for Sydney; duo Sydney Ist December. (U.S.S. Co.)
AOHANGI, left Sydney 12th November for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu; due Honolulu 27th November; Vancouver 4th December; loaves Vancouver Oth December foe Sydney, via ports. (C.A. Line.)
MAKURA left San Francisco HSU) October for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington; arrived Sydney to-day; leaves Sydney 2Gth November for San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete; due Wellington 30th November: leaves Ist December; due Rarotonga sth December: Papeete 7th December, San I'rancisco IStu December. (U.S.S. Co.) KTAGAKA, left Vancouver 11th November foe Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland; due Suva 27th November, Auckland 30th November; leaves Ist December; due Sydney Oth December. (C.A. Line.)
IIONQWAI, leaves San Francisco Wednesday for Sydney, via Papeete, Itavotonga, and Wellington; due Papeete Oth December, Rarotonga Sth December, Wellington 14th December; leaves 15th December; due Sydney l'Jtli December. (U.S.K. Co.) SONOMA, left San Francisco stl> November for Sydney, via Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, and Auckland; due Suva Monday; Auckland 27th November; leaves 27th November; due Sydney Ist December. (Burns, Philp, and 1. '""VENTURA, leaves San Francisco 26th November for Sydney, via Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, and Auckland; due Honolulu 4th December; t'ago Pago 11th December; Suva 14th December; Auckland 18th December, and Sydney 22nd December. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. left Sydney IStli November for San Francisco, via Auckland, Suva, Pago Pago, and Honolulu ; arrived Auckland to-day; leaves to-day; due Suva Monday; Pago Pago 2bth November, Honolulu 3rd December San Francisco Oth December. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.)
CITY OF EASTBOUItNE, from New York, for Australia; at Duncdin; leaves 24th November. (Federal Co.) INVEUBAiSK, from Java: at Auckland. (Spedding, Ltd., Auckland.) „,.„,, lONIC from Southampton, for Port Chalmers; at Auckland; leaves 23nl November. (S.S. and A. Co.) . KINI from Grafton and Newcastle, via Napier, for New Plymouth and Circyniouth; at Wellington; leaves 21st November. (U.S.S. Co.) NEWTON ELM, from Makatea Is., for Lyttel'ton; at Auckland. NOUTHUMHEULANI). from Liverpool, for liluif; at Port Chalmers; leaves 21st November. (Federal Co.) OTOKIA, from San Pedro, at Wellington. PORT HUON, from London, at Bluff. (C. and D"SVKNOR, from' Sun Francisco, for Wellington and New Plymouth; at Lyttclton; duo Wellington 22nd November, and New Plymouth 21th November. (Shell Co.) WAIOTAPU. from Los Angeles, for Australia- at New Plymouth; leaves 21st November. (U.S.S. Co.)
ANOLO-CANADIAN, loads iv New Zealand in January and February for Dunkirk, London, and Hull. (G. H. Scales.)
BENLAWEKS, to call at Piclon (about ltilli December), Napier, Tolnga Bay, Wellington, Lyltelton, Timarn, and Port Chalmers: leaves Port Chalmers about 4th January for Dunkirk. London, and Hull. (G. EL Scales.)
COPTIC, to call at Napier; at fiisborne; leaves 21st November; leaves Kapler 25th November for London, via Cape Horn and Laa Palmas. (S.S. and A. Co.)
lONIC, to call at I'orl Chalmers (about *<itti November). Wellington (30tb November-Srd December) Napier, aud Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th December for Southampton »nd London, via Panama and Jamaica. (P S. «nd A. Co)
MIDDLESEX, to call at Auckland; at Tokomaru Bay; leaves November; leaves Auckland 2Slh November for London and West Coast ports_ of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (FcdcraTfa.) -3NOrtTIIUMBKItLAXD, to call at bluff (23rd November), Lyttclton, New Plymouth, Auckland, .'uid Wellington (about nth December) ; leaves Wellington about 17th December for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (N.Z.K. To.)
KAMXIJO, lo'nds at Grcymnutli 2lilh November for Newcnstlo and Sydney. (U.K.S. Co.)
KATtTIGI, leaves Creymouth 24th November for Melbourne. (U.S.S. Co.)
POUT FATItY, to rail at Napier, Olsbnrno, anil Auckland; at Wellington; leaves 22nd November; loaves Auckland 5tU December for Lon-
dnn, via Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Lint.)
I'OItT IRON, to rail at Tiniarii, New Pl.vmoiitli. WaiiKanui, (ilsbornc, Napier, Lyttclton, ami Wellinylon (17lh December); at BLiitf; leaves 2,' lii November: leaves Wellington 21st December for London, via Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. aud I). Line.)
IC.AJtA.NUA v, call ill New I'lymouili (anoiu all) December), Blull, Wclliutftuu llith-lUtl) Uivcmbcr). Auckland, Lytieliuu ; leaves Lyttelron 30th Uecembei for London via Panama ami Jamaica ISS and A Co.)
11UAIIJNE, to call at Wellington; at Napier; leaves 21st November; leaves Wellington 2Cth November for London, via Panama. (X.55.5.
WAIXUI, to call at Bluff; Jpft Wellington 20th November; leaves Bin ft* 23rd November for Melbourne. (Ii.S.S. Co.)
TOKUA, left Suva Iflth November, iind is due at Auckland on Monday. (U.S.S. Cn.)
MORINDA, left Sydney 12th November lor Auckland, via Islands. She leaves Auckland on Ist December for Sydney, via Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island. (Burns, J'bilp.)
MAUI rOMArtE. Ml Auckland 201h November for Nine and Apia to load for New Zealand, (H.B. and H.)
KAItUTU, left Auckland 14th November for Newcastle and Sydney. She leaves Svrlnev on Tuesday for Fiji and Auckland. She sails from Fiji on sth December. (U.S.S. Co.)
TEES, left Lyltelton ISth November for the Chatham Islai Is to load for Lyltelton. (C.B. and II.)
The following vessels are expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations during the week-end: — Auckland.—Saturday only: Newton Elm YarraviJle. Saturday and Sunday: Golden Coast, Inverbank, Karma, Mamma, Matal, Maui Pomare, Sierra, Sonoma, Tofiia, Wclrbank, Winton. Sunday only : Middlesex. Chatham Islands.—Fort Dunedin. Wellington.—Saturday only: Middlesex, Ilangatira, Svonor, Tamahine, Wahinc. Saturday and Sunday: Aorangi, Coptic, Cornwall, Cumberland, Maunganul, Niagara, Port Hunter, Ilangltata, KangitiUl, Itualiine, Tamaroa, Ulimaroa. Sunday only: Port Fairy. Awarua. —Saturday only: Makura, Northmuberland, Paua. Saturday and Sunday: Canadian Cruiser, Golden West, Waikouaiti.
The lonic, which arrived at Auckland yesterday from Southampton, is now under the command of Captain W. S. Quinn, who is making his first visit to New Zealand for IS years. Ho has taken over command from Captain W. T. Hodgson. Captain Quinn last visited the Dominion as first officer of the old Zcalandic, and since that time he has been on all the largest ships of the White Star Line, mostly in the Atlantic service. The vessels included the liunic, the Arable, the Olympic, the Laurentic, and the Demosthenes. The Demosthenes was liis last command. Captain Quinn has made several trips to Australia during the 30 years lie has been associated with the White Star Line. Captain Quinn has with him the following oflk-ers: Chief officer, Mr. H. O. Griffith; tlrst. Mr. 11. P. W. Stevens: second. Mr. V. ]~ Kcan; chief engineer, Mr. W. Scott; second, Mr. H. Warren: third, Mr. It. W. Sankcy; ship's surgeon, Dr. C. H. Wilson; purser, Mr. E. N. Kettle; chief steward, Mr. F. H. Bristow.
The Hermlnius left London yesterday in ballast for New Zealand, via Cape Town. She is due In New Zealand about 2nd January.
The tanker Otokia is to leave Wellington on Tuesday for Auckland, and after going into dry docks for cleaning and painting will sail on Saturday for San Pedro to load another cargo for Now Zealand.
The Tongariro, which was formerly scheduled to leave London on 31st December for New Zealand, has been replaced by the Somerset, which will leave on that date for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff, and Tinmru. She is due at Lyttelton about 6th February.
LONDON, 10th November
Arrircd—At London: Orsovn, Cambridge; .Southampton, Jervis Bay, Kangitane; at Dunkirk, Commissaire Hamcl; at San Francisco, Ventura; at Suez, ltomolo, Mcmnon. Passed—Perlm, Largs Bay, Port Deuisou. Sailed —From Colombo, Moldavia; from Curacao, Tongariro; from Gibraltar, Port Brisbane; from Port Said, Tcmplur; for Australia from Hull, Torvanger, Barrgrovo; iron) Table Day, Troja; from Barry, Noliata; from Oran, Thlstlepaitli: from East London, Cragpool; from New 'Westminster, Tisnarcn; from Suez, Ormonde. SYDNEY, 20th November. Sailed—Uliuiaxoa (3.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Marama (5 p.m.). for Auckland. AUCKLAND, 20th November. Sailed—Maui Pomaro (5.10 p.m.), for Apia. AUCKLAND, 21st November. Sailed—Wingatul (11.10 p.m., 20th), for "Wellington. Arrived—Sierra (6.30 a.m.), friim Sydney. WANGANUI, 20th November. Arrived—Gale (5.25 p.m.), from Wellington. PICTON, 20th November. Arrived—Tamahino (G. 20 p.m.), from Wellington. BLUFF, 20th November. Arrived —Port Huon (3.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Waikouaitl (3.5 p.m.), for Sydney. NELSON, 21st November. Arrived—Kaltoa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON1, 21st November. Arrived—Rangatlra (6.45 a.m.), Foxton (4.30 p.m., 20th), from Wellington. BLENHEIM, 21st November. '< Arrived —Echo (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 124, 21 November 1931, Page 16
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1,855SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 124, 21 November 1931, Page 16
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