HIGH WATER." To-day: 31.5 a.m.; 11.30 p.m. To-morrow: 11.51 a.m. (Standard time.) ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, iitil 'NOVEMBER.. HOLMDALE, s.s. (4.20 p.m.), BSI tons, Holm, from Plcton. . TAMAHJNE, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1080 tons, Gray, - from ■ Picton. WEDNESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. ECHO, aux. scow (1.45 a.m.), 99 tons, Jarman, from- Blenheim. ■ - TITOKI, s.s. (5.43 a.m.), SOO tons, Wahlstrom, from Wanganul. . STORM, s.s. (5.45 a.m.), 743 tons, Sheppcrd, from Wunganui. RANGATIRA, t.e.s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 6132 tons, Cameron, from Lytteltou. KAITOA, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), 319 tons. Hay, from Nelsiu. - . . DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER. MAKURA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 80J5 tons, M'Donaid, for Sydney. rOKT HUON, m.s. (3 p.m.), 7830 tons, Compton, for Lytlelton. JOHN, s.s. (6 p.m.), 312 tons, Copland, for 1 Duhodln. 3IAUI POMARE, m.s. (0.5 p.m.), 749 tons, Bollon. for Auckland. KARTIGI, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 2330 lons, for GreymoiiUi. MATANGI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1319 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. WAHINJS, s.s.'. (7.50 p.m.), 443G tons, Irwln, for Lyttcltou. ' KQJJI, aux. scow (8.3 p.m.) ,„ 125 tons, Goldle, for Nelson. KAREPO, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 2562 lons, Corby, for Lyttelton. . PARERA. s.s. (6J5 p.m.), 50l tons, Miles, for Napier and Glsborno. HAWERA, m.s. (10 p.m.), 171 tons, Brigden, for Patea. WEDNESDAY, IStli NOVEMBER. INAHA, m.s. (noon), 251 tons, Gibson, for Wanganul. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kuku, Lyttclton, to-day. Foxton, Patea, to-day. Tamahine,' Picton, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 6 a.m. Wahine, LytteHon, Jo-morrow, 7 a.m. Kapunl, Patea, to-morrow. Gale, southern ports, to-morrow. Otokla, San Pedro, to-morrow. Wainui, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Talisman, Takafca, to-morrow. Echo, Blenheim, 20th. Waipahl, Gisborne, 20th. ■ Inaha, Patea, 20th. , Kapiti, Wanganui. 20th. Hawera, Patea, 20th. Waimarino, Picton, 20th. Port Fairy, New Plymouth, 2eta. Kuku, Motueka, 20th. Klnl, Napier, 20th. Gale,' Wanganul, 21st. Kalraai. Westport, 21st. Parera, Gisborne, 22nd. Breoze, soutliern ports, 22nd. Kaponga, Greymouth, 23rd. Wingatul, Auckland, 24th. John, southern ports, 241n. Ulimaroa, Sydney, 24tb. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kaitoa, Nel&on, to-day, 6.30 p_.m. __ Kangatira, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.4 a p.m. Kapiti, Wanganul, to-day. Kuku, Nelson, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-da.V. Kalraai, Westport, to-day, llolmdale, southern ports, to-day. Storm, southern • ports, to-day. Tilokl, Westport, to-day. liiaha, Patea, to-day. Matangl, Nelson, to-morroiv, i.oO p.m. Wahine, Lyttolton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Foxton, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Kiipunl, l'atca," to-morrow. Gale, Waiiganul, to-morrow. ■ ■ Port Hunter. London, to-morrow. Tamahlno, Flclon, 20th, 3 p.m. Hawera, Patea, 20th. Maunt'anul, Sydney. 20th. Kuku, Lyttelton, 20th. Waimarino. Auckland, 20th. Waipahl, Dunedin; 20th. . . Wainui, Melbourne, via Bluff, 20th. Port Fairy, Napier. 21st. Gale, southern ports, 21st. Klnl, New Plyomtuh, 21st. Wainui, Melbourne, via. Bluff, .01 li. Talisman, Nelson, 20th. Breeze, Wanganul. via • Flclon, -ord. Pareia, .Napier., 24th. John, New "Plymouth, 24th. BERTHAGE LIST. Tamahine— Queen's , Wharf No. 4. Kuku—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Itolmdalo—Queen's Wharf No. «. •TUokL—Queen's .Wharf■ No. 10. Kaitoa—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. Jrf. Storm—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Ranitatlra— Ferry Wharf. Kurtlßi—Railway Wharf. Kulmal—Railway Wharf. Kallngo—Railway Wharf. Port • Hunter—Glasgow Wharf.. -. Kapunl—King's Wharf. Inaha— King's Wharf. Maunganul—King's Wharr. Kaplll—Plpitea Wharr. Maori—Patent Slip Wharf. , Komata—Patent Slip Wharf. Pakura—Patent Slip. Nora NlveD—Evans Bajr.Hlmatanei—ln the Stream. Kalwarra —In the Stream. . Katoa—ln the Stream. Oraana—ln ilia Stream. Putlkl—ln the Stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, leaves Sydney Friday for Wellington ; duo Wellington Tuesday; leaves' Wellington 27th November for Sydney; duo Sydney Ist December. (Huddait, Parker.) MAUNGANUI, leaves Wellington Friday for Sydney; duo Sydney Tuesday.; leaves Sydney 27th November for Auckland; duo Auckland Ist December. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland; due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland 27th November for Sydney; duo Sydney Ist December. (U.S.S, Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, left Sydney 12th November for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu; due Suva Friday; Honolulu 27th November; Vancouver 4tU December; leaves Vancouver Bth December for Sydney, via ports. MAKURA left San Francisco 28th October for Sydney, via Papeete, llarotonga, and Wellington; left Wellington yesterday; due Sydney Saturday; leaves Sydney 26th November for San Francisco, via ports. (U.S.b. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver 11th November for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland; leaves Honolulu to-day; duo Suva 27th November, Auckland 30th November; leaves Ist December; duo Sydney sth December. (C.A. WMONOWAI, left Sydney 20th October tor San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete; due San Francisco Friday; leaves San Franclsco j 25th November tor Sydney. via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) SONOMA, left San Francisco slh November for Sydney, via Honolulu. Pago Pauo, Suva, and Auckland; due Pago Pago Friday; Suva 23rd Novomber; Auckland ,27th November; leaves 27th November; due Sydney Ist December. (Burns, Phil", and T. and W. VENTURA, left Sydney 27tli October tor San Francisco, via Auckland. Suv.-i. Pago Pago, Honolulu; arrived San Francisco tv-day; leaves San Francisco 26th November for Sydney, via ports. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) SIERRA, left Sydney yesterday for San Francisco, via Auckland Suva, Pago Pago, and Honolulu; duo Auckland Saturday; leaves Saturday; due Suva Monday; Paso Pago 26th November, Honolulu 3rd December, San Francisco 3th December. (Burns, PhUp, and T. and W. Young.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. CANADIAN CHALLENPBU, left Montreal 24th October for Auckland. Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Dunedin, via Gulf of Mexico ports; due Auckland 12tb December, Wellington ltith December. (C.N.S.) CUMBERLAND, left Liverpool 17tb October for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. and Now Plymouth, due Auckland 26th November. (Federal Co.) ■■■.-,■•' FAXEN, from Continental ports, left New-castle-on-Tyne 29th September, via Durban, Cape Town, and Australia, for Auckland and Wellington: due Auckland end of Novembor ISr/edding, Ltd.) GABRIELLA, left Newcastle, 14th November for Wanganui and Gisborne; due Wanganul 20th November. (U.S.S. Co,)' GOLDEN COAST, . loft; Los .Angeles Slst Octobei for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland 26tb November. Wellington 2nd December.::(Burns. Philp.) lONIC, left Southampton Dtn October for Auckland and Port Chalmers; due Auckland 19th November. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATABOA, left Southampton 6th November for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 9th December. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAKANA, left Liverpool 9tb November for ■ Auckland, ■ Napier. Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland 15tb December,Wellington about 24tn December. (S.S. and A. Co.) MELBOURNE MAttU; left Moil (Japan), Ist November for Wellington and Auckland, via Australia; due Wellington Btb December. (Federal Co.) NEWTON ELM, left Makatca Island 6th November, for Auckland and- Lyttelton; dv« Auckland about 18th . November. OTOKIA, left San Pedro 22nd October ror Wellington; due Wellington 19th November. (U.s.s Co.) ' •■■■;..• ■'■.:■■: PORT DUNEDIN, left New York 80th October for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland 27th November, Wellington 30tb November. (C. ana D. Line.) lIANGITATA left Southampton 23rd October for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington nbmii 261 h November. (N.Z.S. Co.) RARANGA, left London B3rd October In ballast, tor New Zealand, via Cape Town and Cape of Good Hope; due New Plymouth 6th December. (3.8. and A. Co.) ROTOKUA, left Southampton CPMr October:
for Wellington; Port Chalmers, and Lyttelton, via Sura; due Wellington about 14tb December (N.Z.S. Co.) TAJROA, Jefl London 30th October In ballast tor New Zealand; due New Zealand aboul 14th December. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIHEMO. left Lus Angeles 9th November for Papeete, Nukualofa, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Nelson, Lyttelton, Dunedln, Bluff, and Australia; duo Auckland Blli December: Wellington 17th December. (U.S.S. Co.) WINTON. from New York, left Newport News Jill) October, and Galveßton 22nd October, for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin; due Auckland 28tb November, Wellington about 2nd December. (Federal Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. CITY OF EASTBODBNE, from Now. York, for Australia; at Dunedin; leaves 21th November. (Federal Co.) INVEItBANK, trom Java; at Auckland. (Speddlng, Ltd., Auckland.) KINI, from Grafton and Newcastle,' via Auckland, for.. Napier, Wellington, New , Plymouth, and Greymouth; due Napier 19th .November. (U.S.S. Co.) , NORTHUMBERLAND, from Liverpool, for Bluff; at Dunedinl leaves IStli November. (Federal Co.) ; ' ■ : PORT HUON, from London, for Bluff; at Lyttelton; leaves 19th. November. (C. and D. Line.) ' • ■'■" ■ SVENOR, from. San Francisco, for • Lyttelton, Wellington, and New Plymouth, via Auckland; duo Lyttelton 21st November, Wellington 23rd November, and New Plymouth 2tith November. (Shell, Co.)- • \ WAI.OTAPU, from Los Angeles, for New Plymouth and Australia; at Nelson; leaves 10th November. (U.S.S. Co.) WAINUI, from Melbourne, for Wellington; at Lyttolton; loaves 18th November. ; (U.S.S. Co.) ■ .:•.'■ WAIKOUAITI. from Newcastle, Port Stephens, and Sydney; at- Dunedin. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ANGLO-CANADIAN,: loads In ■ New Zealand in January and February for Dunkirk, Loudon, aiid Hull. (G. H. Scales.) BENLAWEKS, to call at Picton (about 16th December), Napier, Tolaga Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru. and Port Chalmers;; leaves Port' Chalmers about 4th January for Dunkirk. London, and Hull. (G; H. Scales.). , ' CANADIAN CRUISKR, at Dunedin; leaves Dunedin'lßth-November for. New .York, Boston, and Halifax, via' Australia. (C.N.S.) COPTIC, to call at Gisborne, Napier; left Auckland IStU November; leaves Napier 25th November for London, via" Cape Horn and Las Palmas. (S.S. and A. Co.) lONIC, to call at Port Chalmers (about 26th November),".' Wellington (30th November-Srd December). Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th December for Southampton and London, via Panama and Jamaica. (F-S. and A. Co.) ■■.' ',' .■■•..' ■;.'■ . ; MIDDLESEX, to call at Tokomartt Bay' and Auckland; at Napier; leaves 18th - November; leaves Auckland -28th- November : for London and Weat Coast ports of tho United Kingdom, via Panama. (Federal Co.) r NORTHUMBERLAND, to.callat Bluff (about 25th November), Lytteiton, New Plymouth, Auckland, and Wellington (about 14th December) ; leaves Wellington about 17th December for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) POOLTA, loads at Greymouth 23rd November for Australia.' (U.S.S. Co.) .■' „ ' ;■ PORT HUNTER, at' Wellington; leaves Wellington 10th November for London, via Panama. (C. andVD.i Line.) ■ PORT FAIRY, to call at Wellington (20thr 21st November), Napier, Gisborne,; and : Auckland; at New. Plymouth; leaves 19th November; leaves Auckland sth. Docember for London, via Cape ftorn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) PORT HUON, to call at Bluff (about 24th November), New Plymouth, ■ Wangariui, ■ Gls•lorne, Napier, .Lyttelton, and Wellington. (17tb December) -leaves Wellington 21st December for London, via Cape Horn, and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) • - ' ' RARANGA, .to call at New Plymouth (about sth December). Bluff, Wellington 16th-19th December), Auckland, Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton SOth December (or London, via Panama and Jamaica. . (S.B. and;A. :Co.) ; •'-■- ---RUAHINB,. to: call at .Napier, Wellington (23rd'November); at. "Auckland;: leaves: 18th November';- leaves Welllnßlon about 26th •November for Southampton ■ and London, via I'iinama..: (N.Z.S. Co.): 'WAINUI,. to call at 'Wellington. and Bluff; at Lyttelton; leaves,' 18th.■November; loaves Wellington-20th November,- and. Bluff 23rd. for Melbourne. '(U.S:S, Co;) .•..,;: ;.;... ...:.-.. WAiKOUAITi; to call at Bluff-; at, Dunedin ; leaves lSth.Noyember; leaveii' Blull' 20th N.ovciiihec for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. .Co.) :•■■■-'■... , ;, - ;■ '. . .' .ISLAND SERVICES; r y -TOFUAV-from Apia, is -duesat-Suva to-dayj and Aucklatttl on-Mottday,-.. (U.S;Si -Co.)-: ' ' MORINDA, left Sydnoy'. 12th Novembor .for Auckland, via islands. She . leaves .. Auckland on Ist December for Sydney,1 via Norfolk Island ; and Lord Ho«'e Island. ..(Burns, Phllp.) MAUI POMARE, from. Nlua.and Apia, via Lyttolton,-' :ieft: Wellington, yesterday, for Ancle? land-.-an'd leave's- Auckland on Friday for. "Nluo" and' Apia.i (G;BAand"H.) '■'■*'' '■" -1 ■ KARETUj left Auckland..Saturday for Nowcastle and' Sydney. Sho loads at Newcastlo on Iflth November, and completes at Sydney for Fiji and Auckland. (U;S;S. Co.) TEES, leaves' Lyttelton to-morrow., for the. Chatham. Islands ;to ■ load; for -LyUelton.■ , (G.-E. anclH.) '.:.:,.. , .{." ' ■"..'■ . '■• ' I '."., ..■:■■". , .'-,.:.,-.; WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following;-vessels are expected to be within range of thb undermentioned wireless stations to-nleht:—r ' . .- Aucltliiind.—Aoratgl,:-vCariadlah-: Conqueror, Coptic, Golden; Coast-,. :Kanna, vK'aretu, jMatai, Jfaiil Pomare,- Nowtbrie'iin,':.P66lta'i- . Ruahino, Sierra,- Tamaroa, Tofua, Winton, Yarravillo.. Chatham Jslands.—Cumberland. ■•"."'■■-. Wellington.—Corawalt, Makura, -Middlesex, Niagara,: Otokla, Ringatira.nangitata,. Rangitlkl. Svenor, Tamahbe, Wahine, Walnui, Waiotapu. . . ■! ■ • '; . Awarua.^-Gbldon iWest, .Kartlgl, Mouowai. Northumberland, Paua, Waikoualti.v ,-v ■■ ■ ; PERSONAL. Mr: F. Dewliurst has relieved Mr. R. Hart as inato of the Kaplti... ..;■ . . ■ ■': , ; THf WAINUI. The .Wainul,. fron Melbourne, '"via, southern ports, is now due at Wellington to-morrow, and Is'to leave on Friday for Melbourne, via Bluff. SOMERSET AT LONDON. The. Somerset, which left Auckland on 10th October, arrived at London yesterday. BY IELEGRAPH. ,•'.'-. SJrDNEY,.,I7tIi November.' Sailed—Sierra (3.J0 p.m.), for Auckland., AUCKLAND, lTtii November. Arrived —Nucula (8 p.m.), from Sydney. : Sailed—Svenor (430 p.m.J, for Lyttelton; Karma (5.35 p.m.), for Noumea. "■.■';■.'■. , '.PATEA, 17th November. Arrlved-^Kapunl (? p.mi)» and Foxton (3.5 p.m.), from Welllngtin., •'.-.. ; , ... HOKKIKA, .IStli1. November. Sailed—Gael {5 aVn.), for Wellington. .'■.-'.. , NEI.SON, ISth November. ArrlvtH—Mat'angi (5.55 a.m.) and ■ Waiotapu (3.10 a.m.), from Wdliiigton. ■■';.'■,-'. ' DIiNIDIN, 18th November. Arrived—Walkotiaitii (T.lO-.a.m.), from Oamaru; Northumberland '(10 a.m.), from Lyttelton. ■ ..'■. r ', - .... Sailed—Canadian Cniser (11 a.m.), for Melbourne; Goldehj West (noon), for.Sydney. *■■'"■ LYTTELrON,: 18th November. Arrived—Wahiue (6.J0 a.m.), Port Huou (7.5 a.m.), and Taupata; J8.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Gale (8.5 a.n.) and Waimarino, (7.5 a.m.), from Tlmaru; yainui (0.55 a.m.), from Dunedin. ■ .• . \ ■ ■' \ . To Sail—Wahine (8; p.m.), for Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 121, 18 November 1931, Page 12
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2,015SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 121, 18 November 1931, Page 12
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