HIGH WATER. To-rla.v: 1i.30 a.m.; 7.23 p.m. To-morrow: 7.30 a.m.; 5.16 p.m. (Standard lime.) ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, litli NOVEMBER. TA3IAHIXE, s.s. (j.03 p.m.), 1759 tous, Kane, from rintoii. KANXA, s.s. (li-IO p.m.). MIS tons, Hewitt, from Groymouth. VIUDAY, 13lh NOVEMBER. TAUPATA, m.s. (l-.10 a.m.), 171 tons, O'Uonnell, from Molucka. KAI'ITI, m.s. (2.43 a.m.), 242 tons, Smith, from WangaiHil.' ECHO, aux. scow (G a.m.), 'J9 tons, Jarman, from Blenheim. KAITOA, s.s. (0.13 a.m.), 319 tons, Hay, from Nelson. RAXGATIUA, t.c.s.B. (1i.r.5 a.m.), 8132 tons, Cameron, from L.vtleitou. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, 12til KOVEJIBER. RUAHINE, s.s. (1.40 p.m.), 10,720 tons, Kinnell, for Auckland. TOTAKA. s.s. (ij.23 p.m.), J2l tous, Kdeu, for Lyttelton. BREBZE, s.s. (1i.25 p.m.), 533 tous, U'Arthur, for Flcton. KUKU, s.s. (7 p.m.), 221 tons, Larsen, for 'Motueka. INAHA, m.s. (7.20 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibsou, for I'atea. MATAXGI, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1349 tous. Wildman, for Kelson. "WAIIIXE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. JOHN, s.s. (H p.m.), 342 tons, Copland, for New Plymouth.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Foxlou, Fatea, to-day. Waipahl, Lyttelton, to-da.v. Talisman, Orepuki, to-day. Matangl, Nelson, to-morrow, 6 a.m. Wahlne, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Holmdale, southern ports, to-morrow. Hawera, Patea, to-morrow. Inaha, Patea, to-morrow. Tamahiue, Ficton, to-morrow, C p.m. Kapuul, Patca., to-morrow. KiiUu, Motueka, to-morrow. Waiolapu, Auckland, to-morrow. Breeze, Wanganui, 13tb. Onilii, tyttelton, loth. Wingatul. Lyttelton, 15th. I'arera, Gisborne, loth. Kaitnal, Westporl, loth. Storm. Lytteltun, 15th. Port Huon, London, 10th. Echo, Blenheim, 10!b. Kareuo, Auckland, 101b. iMakura, San Francisco, 16th. Kullnso, Newcastle, ltith. Kapiti; Wanganui, 17th. John, Port Waikato. litli. Port Hunter, Napier, lith. Maunganul, Sydney, 17th. Storm, Wanganui, ISth. Holmdale. Wanganui, IStU. Gale southern ports. IStli. Walnut, Lyttalton, 19th. Waipahl, Gisborne, 19th.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kaitoa, Nelson, to-day, 6.30 p.m. Ransatira, Lytte'.ton, to-day, i-lo p.m. Gael, Hokitika. to-day. Kapitl, Wanganui, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-day. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, i.30 p.m. Wahlne, Lyttelton, to-morrow, i.ia p.m. Taupata, Nelson, to-morrow. Kapunl, Patea, to-morrow. Hawera, Patea, to-morrow. Holmdale, Wanganui, to-morrow. Walpahl, Napier, to-morrow. Talisman, Nelson, to-morrow. Kutut, LytteKon, to-morrow. Foxtou, I'atea, to-morrow. Inaha, Patea, 16th. Tamahine, Picton,, -3 p.m. Wingatui, Auckland, 10th. Opihi, Nelson, ICtli. Breeze, southern ports, lbtli. Storm, Wa.nganui, 10th. Karepo, southern ports. 16th. Kartigl, Greymoulh, 10'Ji. Waiolapu, Nelson, J Vth. ,lohn, boutliern ports, l.lh. MaUura, Sydney, 17th. Parcra. Napier, 17th. Maui Pomare, Auckland, l'tli. Holmdale. southern ports. IStli. Storm, southern ports, 18th. Gale, Wnnjanul, ISth. I'ort Hunter, London, 18th.
BERTHAGE LIST. Marama—Queen's Wharf Ko. 1 south. John—Queen's Wharf No. :!. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Koplll—Queen's Wharf No. .->. Wnipahl—Queen's Wharf I*.o. 6-Cael-Queen's Wharf No. T. Kntloa —Queen's Whnrf No. 12. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. ]3. liangatira—Ferry Wharf. ; Karma— Railway Wharf. ; Nnrthumberland—Klnu'B Wharf. Knpiinl—KUif's Wharf. Foxton— King's Whnrf. Kartigl—Clyde Quay Wharf. Maori—Patent Slip. Knmata-Calent Slip. Pakura—Patent Slip. Nora Nlven- Evans Baj. Himatangl—ln the Stream. Kahvarra —In the Stream. Katoa—ln the Stream Omana—ld the Stream. I'utUii—ln the Stream.
ULIMABOA, was to leave Auckland to-day for Sytacy due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 20th November for Wellington; due Wellington 24th November. (Huddart. Tarker.) MAUNGANUI, leaves Sydney to-day for Wellliißton; duo Wellington Tuesday; leaves W Ulngton 20th November for Sydney; duo Sydney 24th November. (U.S.S. Co.) JIAItAJIA, leaves Wellington to-day for Sy.lney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 20th November for Auckland; due Auckland 21th November. (U.S.S. Co.)
AOISANGI, left Sydney 12th November for Vancouver, via, Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu; du<2 Auckland Holiday; leaves Tuesday; due Suva 20tli November; Honolulu 2-th November; Vancouver 'Ith December. (C.A. MAKURA left San Francisco 28th October for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington ; duo Wellington Monday; leaves Tuesday flue Sydney 21st November; leaves Sydney 26th November for San Francisco via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left. Vancouver 11th November for Sydney, via Honolulu ISlh November; buva •>7lh November; Auckland 30th November; leaves Ist December; due Sydney sth DeccmbeMOKOWAl,L left Sydney 29th October for San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga. and Papeete; due San Francisco 20th November; leaves San Francisco 25th November for ySONOMA, left San Francisco sth November for Sydney, via Honolulu? Pago Pago, Suva, and Auckland; leaves Honolulu to-day; due •Paeo Pago 20th November; Suva 23rd November- Auckland 27th November; leaves 27th ■November; due Sydney Ist December. (Burns. Phllp and T. and W. Young.) VENTURA, left Sydney 27th October for San Francisco, via Auckland. Suva. Pago PaRO. Honolulu; due San franc sco Wednesday. (Burns, Phllp, and T. and \\. \° u"f) SIERRA leaves Sydney Tuesday for San Fmfciseo, via Auckland. Suva. Pago Pago ■md Honolulu; due Auckland 21st November, leaves 21st November; due Suva 23rd November Pago Pago 26th November, Honolulu 3rd December San Francisco 9th December. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.)
CANADIAN CHALLENGER, left Montreal 24th October for Auckland Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth. Lyttelton, Dunedin, via Gulf of Mexico ports; due Auckland 12tti December Wellington llith December. (C.N.S.) CUMBERLAND, left Liverpool 17tb October tor Auckland Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin, and New Plymouth, due Auckland 26th November. (Federal Co.) tfAXEN. from Continental porls, left New-castle-on-Tyno 29tb September, via Durban, Cape Town, and Australia, for Auckland and Wellington: due Auckland end of November (Spedding. Ltd.) GOLDEN COAST, left Los Angeles Slst October for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltou, and Duucdln; due Auckland 26tb November, Wellington 2nd December. (Burns. Philp.) lONIC, leti Southampton Uth October for Auckland and Port Chalmers; due Auckland 10th November. (S.S. and A. Co.) KIM, from Oral'ton, left Newcastle loth November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth, and Gre.vmouth ; duo Auckland lGth December. (U.S.S. Co.) MATAKOA. left Southampton 6tli November for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington !Mi December. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAKANA. left Liverpool 9th November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duneuin; due Auckland 15th December, Welll.-Bton about 24th December. , (S.S. and ' 'MELBOURNE MARU. left Mojl (Japan) Ist ■Novembei for WellinKton and Auckland, via Australia; due WellinKton stb December. (Federal Co.) OTOKIA, left San Pedro 22nd October ror Wellington; due WellinKton ICtb November (U.S.S Co.) PORT HUON, left London 9th October for WellinKton Lytteltun and Bluff; duo Wellington lull) November. (C. and D. Line.) POKT DUNEDIN left New York DOth October fur Auckland, WellinKton Lyttelton. and Dunedin, due Auckland 271n November, Wellington SOU) November (C. ano D Line) KANGITATA left Southampton 23rd October ror WellinKton and Auckland; due WellinKton aboiii 26th November (N Z.S Co.) RAKANGA. lefl London 23rd October In ballast, for New Zealand, via Capo Town and Cape of Good Hope; due New Plymouth about SU) December (S.S and A. Co.) UOTORUA, left Southampton SOif) October for Welllinuton. Port Chalmers, and Lytlellon. rla Suva ; due Wellington aboul 14lh December (N.Z.S. Co.) SVENOR. left San fc'ranelsco 21sl Uclober tur Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and New Plymouth; due Auckland about 17th Noiember.. Wellington 22nd November, I/yttelton 2-lth November, and New Plymouth 26th November. (Shell Co.). _... .
TAIHOA, left London 30th October In ballast lor New Zealand; due New Zealand about Hlh December. (S.M. and A. Co.) WAIIIEMO, left Los Ant'cks 'Jib November for Papeete, Nukualofa, Auckland, Napier. Wellington, Nelson, Ljttelton, lJmieclin, UlulV, ami Australia; dtiq/Auckland Stli December: Wellington 17(li Ueeember. (U.S.S. Co.) WAINUI, left .Melbourne 11th Kuvemlior ror HlulV, Dunedln. L.yttelton, and-Wellington ; due Bluff Hjlli November; Wellington 20lli Xovemlier. (U.S.S. Co.) WIN'TON from New York. Icll Nun-pnrt News IKb October him! Galveston 2ind October, for Auckland. VVelllnKtou, Lyltelton. and Dunedin; due Auckland 26th November, Wellington about 2nd December. (Federal Co.)
CANADIAN CRUISER, from Montreal, for Tlmani and Dunedin; at Lyttellon : leaves istli November. (C.N.S.) CITY OF EASTBOURNE, from New York, at Dmiedtn. (Federal Co.) GOLDEN WEST, from Los Angeles, for Tlmarti and Dunedin ; at Lytteltou. (Burns, Phil p.) INVEKBANIC, from Java: at Auckland. (Spcddiiiß, Ltd., Auckland.) KAPONGA, from Adelaide and Melbourne; at Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) NOHTHUMBEKLAiNO, from Llrorpool, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, aud Bluff; at Wellington; leaves 13th November. (Federal Co.) PORT FAIItY, from London; for New Plymouth; at Tlmaru; leaves 13th November. (C. and 1). Line.) WAIOTAPU, from Los Angeles, via Auckland, for Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Australia; due Wellington 14th November; leaves 17th November. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI. from Newcastle, Port Stephens, and Sydney, for Oamaru; at Lyttelton; leaves 11th November. (U.S.S. Co.) .
ANGLO-CANADIAN, loads ill New Zealand in January and February for Dunkirk, London, a»d Hull. (G. H. Scales.) ARDENVOHR, loads In New Zealand in I'ebruary and March for Dunkirk, London, and Hull. (U. 11. Scales.) EEXLAWEKS. to call at Ik-ton (about lUtli December), Napier, Tolaga Buy, Wellington, Lytteltou, Tiniaru, and Fort Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers about 4th January for Dunkirk, London, and Hull. (G. H. Scales.) CANADIAN CRUISER, to call at Tiinaru and Dunerlin ; at Lytteltou ; leaves 13th November; leaves Dunedin 17th November for New York, Boston, and Halifax, via Australia. (C.N.S.) COPTIC, to call at Gisborne, Napier; at Auckland; leaves 17lh November; leaves Napier 21Ui November lor London, via Cape Horn and Las I'almns. (S.S. and A. Co.) IONIC, to cull «t furl Chalmers (about ilitli November). Wellington (30th November-3rd December) Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th December for Southampton and London, via Panama and Jamaica. (?S. and A. Co.) MIDDLESEX, to call at Napier, Gisborne, Bay, and Auckland; left, New Plymouth 12th November; leaves Auckland 2Sth November for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (Federal Co.) NORTHUMBERLAND, to call at Blull (about 25th November), Lytteltou, New Plymouth, Auckland, and Wellington (about 14th December) ; leaves Wellington about 17th December for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) PORT HUNTER, to call at Napier and Wellington; at Gisborne; leaves 33th November; duo Wellington 17tli November; leaves Wellington lOtli November for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) POR'l t'AIRV. to call at New Plymouth (about loth November), Wellington (20th-21sl November), Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland; leaves Auckland sth December for London, via Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) PORT HUON, to call at Bluff (about 24th November) New Plymouth, Wanganui, Gisborne, Napier, Lyttelton, and Wellington (17th December) It.nves Wellington 21st December for London, via Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) RARANCA, to call at New Plymouth (about 3th December), Bluff, Wellington lGth-19th December). Auckland, Lyttelton; leaves Lyttellou SOth December for London, via Panama and Jamaica. (S.S. and A. Co.) nUAHINE. to call at Auckland (14th November), Napier, Wellington (23rd November) ; leaves Wellington about. 26th November fnr Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAMAHOA, at Auckland, leavc3 Auckland 141 h November tor Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKOUAJTI. to rail at Oamarn, Dunclin, and Bluff; at Lyltnllnn: loaves lUh November: leaves Bluff 19th November for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.)
TOFIJA, from Auckland ,'md Suva, is due at Apia to-day. On the return trip she is duo at Suva on 18th November and Auckland on 23rd November. (U.S.S. Co.) JIORINDA, left Sydney Sth October for Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and Auckland, via intervening islands. She left Auckland on 27th October for Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, and Sydney. (Burns, Phllp.) JIAUI- POMAKE, from Xiue and Apia, via r.yttelton; is at Wellington. She leaves on Tuesday for Auckland, and loaves Auckland on 20th November for Niue and Apia. (G.B. and H.) KAKETU, left Fiji on Saturday, and arrived at Auckland to-day. (U.S.S. Co.) HIKUKANGI, left Auckland 30t.1i October for Norfolk Island. She arrived back at Auckland on Sunday. (Speckling, Ltd.) TEES leaves Lyttelton 18th November for the Chatham Islands to load for Lyttelton. (G.B. and It.)
The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioued wireless stations to-night:— . Auckland.—Aorangi, lonic, Xmi, Ilatnl, Newton Elm, Potter, Svenor, Tofua, tilunaroa, Wairuna, Yarravillc. Chatham Islands. —Nil. Wellington.—Cornwall, Kalinjjo, Marania. Miiunßnniii, Middlesex. Ninsarsi, Nortlinmbi-r-----------laml, Otokia, I'oolta, Tort Hunter. Tori Uuon, Rangatira, .Hangllata. Rangltiki, Enahlne, Tamahine, Wahine, Waiotapu. Awarua.—Canadian Cruiser, City of l.istbourne, Maknra, Monowai, Wainul.
The Tonic, en route from Southampton, has reported by wireless that she expects at arrive at Auckland on Thursday morning.
Having been delayed by heavy rain at Gisborne. the Port Hunter Is to leave there to-day for Napier and Wellington. She is due at Wellington on Tuesday, and sails on Thursday for London, via Panama, being due at London 011 23rd December.
The Rotorua, en route from Southampton with, passengers and cargo for New Zealand, via Suva, sailed from Caracas Bay yesterday mornIng. She is due at Wellington about 14th December.
The following saloon class passengers were, booked to leave by tbe Marama to-day for Sydney: Miss A. Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Beranger, Mr. A. C. Boccard, Mr. W. Brosgarth, Mr. J. E. Cole, Mrs. J. Cole, Mr. J. Cole, jun., Mrs. J. Colo, jun., Mr. E. A. Chalmers, Mrs. E. M. Coyle, Miss E. M. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cotton. Miss Driden, Mr.' X V. G. Day, Mr. C. N. Fegan, Mrs. E. E Forsyth, Miss M. A. Forrest, Mr. Gnfilths, Mr A. L. ; Gracey, Miss V. Graham, Mr. B. C. Hartshorn, Miss E. Hooley, Mr. P. G. Hlckey, \[r J N. Lloyd, Miss F. B. E. Malfroy, Mrs. n 'E. 0. Malfroy, Mr. R. P. Malfroy, Master r" F Malfroy, Mrs. S. Metz, Master A. J. Metz, Miss D. R. Montgomery, Mrs. .T. Montgomery Mr. A. M'Naughton, Mrs. M. Quill, jlr. and Mrs. h. Rowson, Miss L. E. Rowson, Mr J H.-Pimpson. Mr. t. A. Saunders. Mrs. Barclay Smith, Mr. J. N. B. Wallen., My . X Wait. Mr. Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibb Vim Chow; and 42 third class.
BY TELEGPAFH. SYDNEY, 12th November. Sailed— Aorangl (5 p.m.). for Auckland. YVANGANIH, 1-tli November. Arrived—Hawera (5.15 p.m.) and Kapltl (5.10 nin } from >VcHington. 1 sailed— Kapill (2.23 p.m.). for Wellineton. TIMAIIU. 12th November. Sailed—Holmdalo (4.30 p.m.). for Wcllinglon' NELSON. 13th November. Arrived— Matangi (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. -lyxxkltoN. 13th November. Arrived—Wahino (0.13 a.m.), from WellmgtO To Sail—Wuhlne (S p.m.), for WcUlnzicn.
Messrs. Cathie, Dempster, and Co., bave received the following frozen meat market report from Messrs. Sliced, Thomson, and Co., Ltd., London: Lambs, 2's, 7d, 7%d, S'a'ed, G'/id, i's, 4%d, sd. seconds, sVid, SV- f \; wethers, I's, 7's, 3 7-Bd, 4 l-8d; 3's, 9'f, s's, 3%d, 3%d; ewes, I's, 7's, 2 7-Sd, 3'4d, 3's, O's, s's,. 2%d, 2 5-8 d; ox beef hinds. 3%d, 3 7-Bd, fores 2 3-Bd, 2Vi>d; cow beef hinds 2 7-Sd. .'id, fores 1 5-Sd, ]%d; porkers, filed, 6'/£d: baeoners, sd, ; tallow, fine mutton 2Cs, sweet beef 275, good mixed 255. Lambs, wethers and quiet, with downward tendency, due to heavy Australian supplies; wether* and ewes: Markets quiet, with downward tendency, due to heavy Austral inn supplies'. Beef market qui^t. with downward American; porkers, market quid, with downward tendency diiu heavy supplies home killed pigs; baeoners, prices nominal! tallow, market firm.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 117, 13 November 1931, Page 10
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