HIGH WATER. To-dny: 7.5! ii.m.; 8.25 p.m. To-morrow : 8.35 a.m.; !). I [i.m. ARRIVALS. ntiDAY, oOtii October. JOHN, s.s. '3.20 p.m.), 312 tons, Coiilunci, from Lytlcllon. WAIPAHI, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1753 tons, Dalglcish, from liytti'lton. KUKU, s.s. (0.5 p.m.), 221 lons,, from Lytlelton. SATUHDAY, 31st OCTOBER. MATA.NGI, s.s. (5 a.m.), 13-111 tons. Hay, from Nelson. ECHO, mix scow (0.55 a.m.), 01) tons, Jarman, rrom Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 3ISS tuns, Morgan, from Lytteltou. DEPARTURES. FIUIJAY, oUtll OCTOBER. I'OBT WAIKATO. M.s. (tt.l3 p.m.), liliS lons, Watchlin, for Duiicdin. WAIMAItJNO, s.s. (U. 20 p.m.), 30157 tons, Prosscr, for Auckland. KAITOA, s.s. (1i.30 p.m.), 319 tons, Wahlstrom, for Nelson. ATHELQUEEX, iv. tanker (0.50 p.m.), S7SO tons, Lanccflcltl, for Souraliaya. WAHIXE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 413U tons, It-win, for Lyttcltou. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tamalilne, Picton, to-day, 6 p.m. Cornwall, Uisborne, to-day. Kaltoa, Kelson, to-morrow, G a.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Kapuul, Patea, to-morrow. Ilawera, Patea, to-morrow. lualia, Patca, to-morrow. Kartigl, Westport, to-morrow. , Tamaroa, Lyttelton, to-morrow. l'akura, Gisborne, to-morrow. Breeze, southern ports, to-morrow. l'arera, Napier, via East Cape, to-morrow. Wingatui, Auckland, 2nd. Monowal, Sydney, 2nd. (iaurlellii, Newcastle, 2nd. Knpiti, Wanganui, 3rd. Fairburn, Motueka, 3rd. Rata, Wanganul, 3rd. Echo, Blenheim, 4th. Brisbane Maru, Melbourne, 4th. Karepo, Lyttellon, 4th. Holmdale, southern ports, 4th. Breeze, Wanganui, 4th. Storm, southern ports, 4th. Foxton, l'atea, 4th. Coptic, Bluff, 4th. Karepo, Lyltclton. 4th. Titoki, Nelson, 4th. Talisman, Golden Bay, ."Hi. Middlesex. Falmouth, sth. Fort Walkato, southern ports, sth. Tees, southern ports, Cth. Cinlc, southern ports, 6th. John, l'ort Walkato, 6th. Jlolmdalc, Wnngnnul, 6th. Storm, Wanganui, 7th. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Matangi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Maori, .Lyttclton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Kapiti. Wancanui, to-day. Waipahi, Napier, to-day. John, WanKanui, to-day. Talisman, Nelson, to-day. RangitiUi, Auckland, to-day. Walnul, Melbourne, via Bluff, to-day. Poolta, West-port, to-day. Kuku, Nelson, to-day. Tamahlne, Plr.ton, 2nd, 3 p.m. Wahlne, Lyttelton, 2nd, 7.15 p.m. Kait-oa, Nelson, 2nd, 6.30 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, 2nd, Hawera, Patea, 2nd. Kapuul, Patea, 2nd. Wlneatui, southern ports, 2nd. l'arera, Tcrawbltl, 2nd. Paua, New Plymouth, 2nd. Breeze, Wanganui, 2nd. Kuku, Lyttelton, 3rd. Cornwall, London, 3rd. Pakura, Napier, 3rd. Fairburn, Westport, 3rd. Kata, Westport, 3rd. Tamaroa, Napier, 3rd. Karepo, Auckland, 4th. Holmdale, Wanganui. 4th. | Breeze, southern ports. 4th. Storm. Wanganul, via Picton, 4th. Port Waikato, Taurangn, sth. Tees, New I'lymouth, 6th. Hale, Wanganul. Gth. ■ jrolmdale, southern ports, fith. Storm, southern ports, 7th. BERTHAGE LIST. T.imahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Kuku—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Mntangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Echo—Queen's Wharf No. 13. John—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Waipahi—Queen's Wharf No. 16. Wahine —Ferry Wharf. Cornwall—Glasgow Wharf. Kapiti—King's Wharf. Inahu—King's Wharf. Kapuni—ripitea Wharf, llawera—Pipltea Wharf Uangitlki—Plpitea Wharf. ■Wainui—-Taranaki Street Wharf. Poolta—Miraniar Wharf. Paua—Burnham Wharf. Komata—Patent SIId. . Kaimai—Patent Slip. Mora Nlven —Evans Bay. Himatangl—ln the Stream. Kalwarra In the Stream. Katoa—ln the Stream. Omnna—ld the Stream. Putiki—ln the Stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, left Wellington 30th October for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 6th November for Auckland; duo Auckland 10th November. (Huddart. Parker.) MAUNGANUI. left Sydney 30th October for Auckland; due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland Gth November for Sydney; due Sydney 10th November. (U.S.S. Co.) PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, left Vancouver 14th October rot Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, aud Auckland, due Auckland to-morrow; leaves Monday; due Sydney Cth November; leaves Sydney 12th November for Vancouver, via ports. (C.A. hbiv.) MAKUItA, left San Francisco 2Sth October for Sydney, via Papeete, Karotonga, and Wellington: due Papeete 7th November; Earotonga 10th November; Wellington 16th November; leaves 17th November; duo Sydney 21st November. (U.S.S. Co.) . NIAGARA, left Sydney 15t& October tor Vancouver, via Auckland. Suva, and Honolulu; duo Vancouver 6th November; leaves Vancouver 11th November for Sydney, via ports. (C.A. Lino:) lIONOWAI, left Sydney 2flth October for i San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, : and Papeete; duo Wellington Monday; leaves Tuesday; duo Rarotonga 7th November; Papeete 9tb November; San Francisco 20th November. (U.S.S. Co.) SONOMA, leaves San Francisco Thursday ' for Sydney, via Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, '■ and Auckland; due Honolulu 13th Novomber, Pago Pago 20th November, Suva 23rd Novem- ' ber, Auckland 27th November; leaves 27th ] November; duo Sydney Ist December. (Burns, ] Philp, and T. and W. Young.) VENTURA, left Sydney 27th October for San Francisco, via Auckland, Suva, Pago Pago, and Honolulu; arrived Auckland to-day; leaves to-day; duo Suva Wednesday; Pago Pago Thursday; Honolulu 12th November; San Francisco lSth November. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) SIERRA, left San Francisco ISth October for Sydney, via Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, and Auckland; due Suva Monday, Auckland Oth November, Sydney 10th November. (Burns, Philp, and T. and W. Young.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. KANNA, from Walpole Island, via Noumea, for Tlmani; at Waugauui: leaves 2nd November. (U.S.S. Co.) MINISTER WEDEL, from Singapore, at New Plymouth. (Shell Co.) . NORDHAV, from Ballk l'apan, for Auckland; left Lyttelton 28th October. (Shell Co.) VESSELS LOADING. CORNWALL, to call at Wellington; left Gisborne 30th October; duo Wellington 31st October; sails 3rd November for London and Glasgow, via Panama and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) COPTIC, to call at Wellington (Hh-Sth November), New Plymouth, Auckland, Gisborne, ; Napier; at Bluff; leaves 2nd November; leaves Napier 21th November for London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas. (S.S. and A. Co.) ; IONIC, to call at Port Chalmers (about 26th November), Wellington (30th Novcmber-3rd December) Napier, and Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th December for Southampton and London, via Panama and Jamaica. (S.S. and A. Co.) MIDDLESEX, to call at Wellington sth November, New Plymouth, Napier, Glsborno, Tokomaru Bay, and Auckland; leaves Auckland 28tb November for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. Wallls.) NORTHUMBERLAND, to call at Bluff (about 25th November), Lyttelton, New Plymouth. Auckland, and Wellington (about 14th December) ; leaves Wellington about 17th December for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) PORT HUNTER., to call at New Plymouth, Auckland, Gisborne, and Wellington; at Wanganul ; leaves 2nd November; leaves Wellington 18th November for London, via Panama (C. and I). Line.) PORT FAIRY, to call nt New Plymouth (about 14th November), Wellington (18th-20th November), Napier, Gisborno, nnd Auckland; leaves Auckland sth December for London, via Cape Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Line.) PORT HUON, to call at Bluff (about 24th November), New Plymouth, Wanganul, Ojsliornc, Napier, TjyttcHon, and Wellington (17th December) leaves Wellington 21st December for London, via Capo Horn and Dakar. (C. and D. Lino.) RARANGA, to call at New Plymouth (about «h December), Bluff, Wellington lGthrlOtb December), Auckland, LyttcltonJ leaves Lyttol-
lon 30th December for London, via Panama and Jiinialna. (S.S. and A. Co.) KANWTIKJ. to call at Auckland; .it WellltiElon; leaves Blst October; leaven Auckland 7th November for Southampton and London, via l'anamii. (N.Z.S. Co.) KUAHINE, to call at Auckland (about 16th Novemlier) Napier, Wellington (23rd November) ; leaves Wellington about iOtli November tor Southampton and London, via Panama (N.Z.S. Co.) TAMAHOA. to €-iill at Wellington (lst-Rrd November), Napier, Auckland; at Lyttelton; leaves 3lst October; loaves Auckland Htli Xovemliei (or Southampton and London, via I'anania. (S.S and A. Co.) WAINUI, to call at BlntY; at Wellington;l leaves Wellington 31st Oclober; leaves muff -'lid November for Melbourne. (U.S.S. Co.) ZEALANDIC, at Auckland; leaves Auckland .ird November for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Cape Horn and Las l'almas. (S.S. and A. Co.) ISLAND SERVICES. TOHX'A. leaves Auckland on Monday for Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. (I.'.S.S. Co.) MOItIXDA, left Sydney Slh Oclober for Lord Howe Island. Norfolk Island, and Auckland, via intervening islands. Sbe arrived at Auckland on Monday, and left on Tuesday for Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, and Sydney. (Burns. Philp.) MAUI POMARE, left Auckland 23rd October for Nine and Apia, to load for New Zealand. She is due at Lyttelton on ]Ith November, and Wellington, on 13tli November. (G.B. and II.) KAMSTU, from Newcastle, left. Sydney 2Sth October for Lautoka, Suva, Lcviika, and Auckland. Sbe Is due at Fiji to-day. (TJ.S.S. Co.) HIKURANCI, left Auckland :101b October for Norfolk Island. (Speddlng, Ltd.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations during the week-end:— Auckland.—Saturday only: Aorangi. Golden West, Rtiahinc. Saturday and Sunday: City (if Eastbourne, Maui Foinarc, -Maunganui, Matai, Morindn, Northumberland. Port Alma, Port Fairy, Rona, Sierra, Tyncmouth, Ventura, Waiotapu. Chatham Islands.—Canadian Cruiser. Wellington.—Saturday only: Cornwall, Maori,: Rangitiki, Tamalilne, Tamaroa, Wahine, Walnut. Sunday only: Monowai. Saturday and Sunday: Ath.elo.ueen, Middlesex. Niagara, Nucula, Port Hunter, Rangitata, Southern Cross, Ullrnaroa. Awaru.i.—Saturday only: Monowai. Saturday and Sunday: "Brisbane Mnru, Makura, Ngakuta. Sunday only: Wainui. TAIROA IN BALLAST. The Tairoa left London yesterday morning in ballast for New Zealand, whore she is due about the middle of December to load for Koine. MAHIA LEAVES MONTEVIDEO. The Mahia, which sailed from Auckland on Sth October for London, via Montevideo and TenerilTc, left Montevideo yesterday morning. MAIMOA ARRIVES HOME. The iWaimna, which sailed from Wellington on 13th September for London, via Montevideo and. Tcnerlffc, arrived at London yesterday afternoon. TITOKI FOR THE SLIP. The Tilokl, which has been laid up for some time at Nelson, is due at Wellington on Wednesday to go on the Patent Slip' for cleaning and painting. PORT ALMA SAILS. Having completed her Homeward loading in New Zealand, the Port Alma left Auckland at 1.15 p.m. yesterday for London, via Cape Horn. ROTORUA LEAVES SOUTHAMPTON. The Rotorua left Southampton yesterday with passengers and cargo for New Zealand, via Suva. She is duo at Wellington about 14th December. PORT FAIRY REPORTS. En route from London, via Sura, the Fort Fairy has reported by wireless that sho is due lat Duncdln at 7 a.m. on Monday. THE RUAHINE. The latest wireless advice from Ihe Ruahine, en route from Southampton with passengers, cargo, arid mails, is that sho expects to arrive at Auckland at 5 a.m. to-morrow. BY TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY, 30th October. Sailed.—Maunganul (4.50 p.m.), for Auckland. AUCKLAND. 30th October. Sailed.—Hikurangi (1.2n p.m.), for Norfolk Tsland; Wlngatui (3.50 p.m.), for Wellington; Itona (7 p.m.), for Sydney. I'ICT.ON. BOtU October. Arrived.—Tamahine (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. 30th October. Sailed.—Foxton (12..15 p.m.), for Koxton. To Sail.—Wahine (8 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON, 31st October. Arrived.—Wahino (7 a.m.), from Wellington; Breeze (9 a.m.), from Timaru. DUNEDIN, 30th October. Arrived.—Storm (1.45 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed!—nolmdale, for Oamaru. NAPIER, 30th October. Sailed.—rarera (5.10 p.m.), for Welllingtou. NELSON, "Ist October. .' Arrived. —Taupata (1.20 a.m.) and Kaitoa (7 a.m.), from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 106, 31 October 1931, Page 16
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1,693SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 106, 31 October 1931, Page 16
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