FIXTURES AND REFEREES The follow ins are the fixtures, grounds, and referees fur to-morrow's uuhloor games:— RUGBY. Senior A. University v. Petone, Pc-tone No. 1, ;i p.m., Mr. J. B. Benson. Berhamporc v. Marist, WakcHc-id No. 1, 3 p.m., .Mr. D. Caldnai. Oriental v. Wellington, Prince Wales Park, 3 p.m., Mr. J. Gllclirist. Hiitt v. Kastbourue, Athletic Park, 3 p.m., Mr. T. A. Fletcher. I'oneke v. Athletic, Newtown Park, 3 p.m., Mr. J). Paris. Old Boys v. Miramar, Kilbirnie No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. J. Motlltt. j Senior J.I. Upper llutt v. Old Buys, M'idsione J'ark No. I, ;i ji.m.. Mr. 0. H. Ynyce. St. Patrick's 0.8. v. llutt, llutt lice. Xo. 1, Mr. G. Rathbon. Training College v. University, to be arranged. Mr. ,r. O'firacly. I'nrirun. v. Onslow, Porirua, :j p.m., Mr. 11. 5. Lrith. Selwyn v. Oriental, Lyall Bay .No. J, ;; p.m.. Mr. .V. E. Souper. Johnsonville v. Mi-lrose. Johiijsoinilk Xo. 1, :i p.m., .Mr. It. I'atoii. Junior. Pffonc v. Marist, Kilbirnie No. 2. 3 p.m., Mr. T. E. Cole; Ponekc v. 'J'uita, Taila .\o. 1, :: p.m., Mr. 0. Fairbairn; Ilutt v. Wellington B, Wakeflcld No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. A. M. Fiynn; Old Boys v. St. Patrick's 0.51., Polo No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. E. W. Gritllths; Eastbourne v. Bcrhampore, Eastbourne, 3 p.m., Mr. C. A. Ueiidlc ; Allramar v. Porirua, Porirua No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. (.;. Katene; University t. Melrose, Lyall Bay No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. L. P. Hammond; Upper Hutt v. Athletic, Maidstono Park No. 2. 3 p.m., Mr. J. Finlayson; Wellington A v. Technical Old Boys. Wakefleld No. 3, 3 p.m.. Mr. 1). Chant: Onslow v. Johiisomillo, Nairnville No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. K. G. Duun; Oriental, a bye. Third. Petone v. Upper Hutt, Quinn's Post Xo. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. B. Matthews; Old Boys v. Athletic, lij-all Bay No. 3, 3 p.m., Mr. H. B. Siinmonds; Oriental v. Wellington College, College on vacation; .Hutt v. Eastbourne, llutt Hoc. Xo. 2, :) p.m., Mr. W. T. Wilson; Marist v. Technical Old Boys, Kilblrnio No. ;(, 3 p.m., Mr. A. K. Moriee; St. Patrick's B v. Wellington . li, College on vacation; Scatouu v. Miramar B, Polo No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. A. T. Gillum ; University A v. Moera, Strand .Park No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. <:. Cudby; Poiicke v. St. Patrick's 0.8., Wakcfield Xo. •!. 3 p.m., Mr. It. M. Smith; University B v. Kahvarra, Kahvarra, 3 p.m., Mr. W. Harris; Johusonvilh: v. Solwyn, Jolinsuiivillo No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. O. G. Kelly; Wellington A v. .Miramar A. Lyall Kay No. I. 3 p.m.: Mr. (f. It. Wilson; Karori v. St. l'atrick's A, College on vacation; Onslow v. Melrose, Nairnville No. 2, 3 p.m., Rev. .11. H. Jeffreys; Berhamporu v. Institute, JJmcrsoti street, 3 p.m., Mr. B. li. Curler. .Intermediate. I'ilouc v. Old Boys, I'ctonc No. 2, :: p.iu , -Mr. W. V. Gill; Pom-lie i. Marist, uillidrawn; Wellington v. Moera, Hult Park, 3 p.m., Mr. A. K. Scaddou; Oriental v. Plimmertoii, I'limmcrtoii, 2.45 p.m., Mr. D. C. Lawson; Athletic v. Karori, Karori Park, s p.m., Mr. C. H. Jenkins; llutt v. Taila, Taila No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. P. J. O'Neill; Schvyn v. Si. Pat's 0.8., Sclwyn withdrawn. Fourth. Wellington A v. University B, Lyall Bay Xo 6. 1.30 p.m., Mr. I. Whaler; I-ouekc v. Wclllngton C, Wakcfield No. 1, 1.30 p.m., Mr. K. MalUictvs; Hutt v. Upper Hull, Strand I'ark No. 3, 3 p.m., Mr. (i. .7. Williams; Athleth: v. Miramar B, Polo No. 1, 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. Wesley; Kastbourue v. Oriental, Day's Bay, 3 p.m., Mr. 0. Skelly; Old Boys A v. Marist, Killiirnie No. 1. 1.30 p.m., Mr. E. H. Smltli; Scatoim v. l'ctone B, Wllford School, 3 p.m., Mr. li. Cameron; Old Boys B v. Technical Old Boys Lyall Bay No. 4, 1.30 p.m., Mr. T. 11. Wißgs: Johnsonville v. Instituto, Johnsonvillc No. :>', 3 p.m., jMr. li. Grant; Berhampore v. St. Patrick's 0.33., Emerson street, 1.30 p.m., Mr V Bergman; University A v. Onslow Nairnville No. 1, 1.30 p.m.. Mr. J. Fleming: Wellington TJ v. Melrose, N'ewtowu I'ark, 1.30 p.m., Mr A. It. Morris; Petonc A. a bye. Fifth. Melrose v. l.:J)pcr Hutt, quluti's I'ost No. 2 •> p.m., Mr. P. W. Stewart; Poneke \ I'ctonc Petono No. 1, .7.30 p.m., Mr. O. Clelaud; Jlarlst v. Seatoun, Kilblrniu No. 2, 1.30 p m Mr J! Sheahan; Old Boys v. Ouslow, Nairnville. No' 2. 1.30 p.m., Mr. G. Smith; WeUingtou v. Karori, Western I'ark, 3 p.m., Mr. G I) LeithJohnsonvillo v. Hult, Kelburn Park, 3 pin Mr' J. M. Dean; Oriental v. Institute, Prince Wales Park, 1.3U p.m., Sir. M. J. Kitchen; Athlelic v. helwyn, Wakeileid No. 2, 1.30 p.m Mr 7 A SrCregur; Eastbourue v. Berliampori'. Atliictie Park, 1.30 ]>.m., Mr. C. C. Adams; Slinuuar i bye. ' Sixth. Moera v. Sclhtu, Hutt Park, 2 Mr It Love; Wellington v. Miramar, Lyall Bay No' -. j p.m., Mr. U. Meadiain; Athletic v. Upper Unit, Lyall Bay No. 0, 3 p.m.; Mr. F. IS Bey,'" idgc; Melroso v. Pelonc, Petono No. 2 2 n m Mr. l'\ G. Haggett. ' fe'cvcutli. i,ll™' v- Hutt lice. No. I 2 pm Mr. T. A. Stratford; Athletic v. Katwarra Kain'n«M' 3Jn" Mr,' F- M' Gre«- y: Eastbourne v. Onslow, Kelburn Park, 2 p.m., Mr P c Vil/ gerald; Melrose v. Petone, Melroso' default • Miramar v. Sehvyn, Lyall Bay No. s, 2 pi itn r A u THOTburn; Johnsonvillo v. Upper Adams 3' ay K°- 7" VM- Mr- Jf' A. TEAMS. Unirersity.—.Junior: Kelly, Turner Pnetz fin ly,_ Paul,'Osborno, Masters, O'Slea Russell Sherwood, Thompson, Frost, Bengc 'stecle Ilradsliaw; emcrgeiicies, Carey. Curtis Kidd Jhird A: Kember, M'Lean, Middlebrook Grant' Iraser, Denby, llighel, Nicole, Jiodda WiiJiams, Crammcn, Kaskin, Carstens, Olllver Ltinbert; emergencies. Hardy and King. : n ,ird B: 1/jMiar, labian, Pomeroy, Rapson, Joscphsou Maco. Holmes-EdKe, Millard, Winkel, Head' Urodie, Maclver, Birfcs, Hughan. Liddell; emerliencies, Budge, Itowe, Nasli. Fourth A- Hall ■WConvlUe. Blaiidford, Kockel, Wild Edgar Burgess, Wilton, Deck, Coup, Norris, Buddie! Lauehlan, JUddlebrook, Maunder; emergencies Conuell, Chorlton, Fourth B: Patterson, Elliott, Smith, Thompson, Webb, Marshall Anderson, Ongley, Adams, Andrews, Callin'gliam Halstcad, Lawrence, Oleudon, Archibald; emergencies, Hoggle, Tremewan. Athletic—Senior: Fitzimiurice, I[u"hes Ponlton, Sulliugs, Gibbs, Scotland, Burgess' .lolly Adam, Watson, Burnett, GustoKerson, Davis, Christeiison, Blair, Diisliu, Howard. Junior: Barr, Sommerville, WalsUaw, Burnett, Williamson, Bigham, Uiack, Tindill, Andrews Cooper Kobbic, Maney. Hughes, Bezzant, Sargent, Burton, Baker. Third: Taylor, Itamsay, Brooks, Kodgers, Marthow. Helbrou, Galletly de Jlntli Pearco. Pope. Archibald (2), Eolfe, Harland Urapcr, Bennett. Intermediate: M'Millan' .U'lntyro. Prltchard. Mori. Calder, Bcale Jacksou, Beveridge, Ryan, Laughton, Itlley, Petersen, Pope, Adams, Stevenson, Bowrou. Fourth: M'lmjTe, Badland, Cedernian. Morgan Stott! Engllsli, Mack. Christensen. Alexander, Brown, Conway. Siversen. Berry. Nolan, Perrett Merry Archer. Fifth: Largo. Lawton (2) Tre-urtha Hodges. Mayhury. Knapman. Stevenson, Warwick, Grant, Joiner. Christeiison. Oliver, Kellett, Porter, Palmer, Sinclair. Diamond. Pragnell. Herd. Sixth: Bently. Solomon. Churchward, Badland, r.trrell. Hyam, Staples. Bell, Brown, Murphy, Christeiison, Noulls, Proudfoot, ltenseu, Pawson, Uarl, St. Martin. Seventh: Scanbury. Kendrlck. Gibson. Scott. Barber, St. Martin. Burt (2), Koborls, Ilollingsworlh. Melville. Henderson. Thorburu, Hughes, Christenson, Dexter, Spragg. llutt.—Senior A: Jarman. Ball, I'omare, Uausen, Killcen, Liiburue, Sadler, Boss, Wood, Coulston, Jaggers. Koberts, Barry, Skiltou, Wilson, Baker, Peck, Sundgrcen. Senior B: Stevenson, Koberts, Xees, Wickham, Wall, Birch, Adams, Feeney, Clark, Perkins, Bradley, llutlinance, Todd, Monigatti. Fitzmaurice, Cleudon, Saulbrey, Beardmore, Lynskey. Junior: ItixTrott, Waital, Lees, Posselt, Silva, Boss, Jones, Bews, Cameron, Kllleen, .Morrison, Dick, I'cth- , crick. Baker, Joues. Miller, DiiUou, Hjortli, M'Kay. Third: Body. Bn.swell. CleL'g. Craig. Hepworth, House, Hutchison. Jenkins, Jenneas, Orr, Reid, Richardson, Bowse, Seagcr. Taylor, iVartha. Intermediate: Vuiford, O'Coiinell, Cunningham, Corless, Heap, Hall, Parker, Patrick, Fitzmaurice, Coe, Sutclift'e, Deans, Fauvel, Smith, Darby, Hobbs, Gosse. Rea. Fourth-. Stratton, Phillips, Olllvor, Loupcr. Elbe, Kidyard, Spencer, Dome, Langford, Saulbrey, Skiiipage, Foster, Parsonage, Smith, M'Grath, M'Millan, Cunningham, H. Phillip. Uaigli, Walker, M'Holm. Gumming. Fifth: Winnie, Mair, Bell, Terres, Lowe, Perkinson, Wilde, Jl'lntosh, Andrews, M'Tntyrc, Burgess, Carter, Gray, Wilson, Potter, Connolly, Piper, Evans, Stratton, ClaridEC, M'GTath, Morrison. Seventh: Jenkins, M'Herron, Haigh, Strickland, T. Senior, L. Smitli, .Marshall, Jlutehcson, Hay, T,. Smith, Pointon, Deans. Herbert, Roberta, 11. Senior, Beazley, MitcheJl. Marist.—Senior: Cuming, ltobins, Miiedonald, Broderick, Eville, Corliss. Stiver, Mills, Uttaway. Gill, Butler, White, M'Hardy. Peters, Cawley, Keegan, Keary. Junior: M'Calmau, Kilpatrick, E. M'Greevy, Jackson, Stone, Webb, Frost, Ryan, Sexton, Cm-ran, Mouat. Uuniiibrles, Frost, O'Sullivaii, O'Si^-a, Stewart. Third: Molloy, Jl'Donald, Langdon, Davis, Bcazer, D.-ivies, Picehi, O'Brien, Brooky, King, .Meyer, Lee., Butler, Steinmitz, Barry, lieid. Fourth: Fisiier, .Nimns (2). Hogan, Walker. Bailey, Itogeivi, Nolan, Devon, Williams. Lane. Peters, liiibsou, Donnelly. Doolau. Fifth: Quirk (2), O'Neill (2), Wetply, U'lirlcn (I!), Johnson, Weaver, FouUy, Jones, llylaud, Hiscuck, Buach, Meyer. Melrose.—Senior: Bryant. Capper, Falgar, Darling, Burton, M'lnnis, Hunter. Still, Cube, Slverson, ileslop, Siierbrook, Jciincr, Sullivan, Awatcre, Urcbrictncy, Gooch. Junior: Sherman, Holmes, Moynlhan (2), Itamsdt-n, Mitchell, Meyers,' Affleck, Capper. Wells. Trail. Bray, Hay, Clapham. Stevenson, .M'Kay, Watson. Third: Fcir, Cook. Cully, Colins, Thinnings, Brooker. M'Guire, Hay, rotisius, Philips, Wells, Green. Newton. Biddle, Simmons, Kearns, Powell. Fourth: Marshall, Halo. Webb, Gordon, Turner, Slvers, Moynlhan. Himipßrsoii, LMnvk, Bennett. Obren. Young, .Miners, Marplors, llennlo. Fifth: Smith (2), Kergent, Sparli.i, Tollny, Headlfln, Freeman, M'Cormick, Williams. Turnbull, Marriott, Graham. Goocb. Smyth, Jones, Munn, Andrews, Truing. Sixth: M.irchniiitil, Gupii.v, M'llwaln. Parker. Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Jlay, Williams. Connors, Wales, Liimhy, Duddeley, Peach, Lambert, Goose, Brlcc. Berhaiiipore.—S.-ninr: Hurley. Gordon. Diamond, Mailman, M'Donald, Maeauk-v, Hooper, Gleunie, Mullier. Charlen. Cameron, .Miller, Fraser, Gear, l'owell, Hill-Seymour, T'ndle. .liinlor: Odpt-rit. Mason, King, I'ike, GoiTi-, liiissel, M'Auli'.v, Thumas, Wadr-sworth, King. Wcalhcrburn, M'Lcan, Porter, Scarlu, Jl'VYWrtcr,
Couli. Tliwaitos, Hill. Tliird: LinJsay, Wildi'rnuitt, Harper, Truscotl, Sadler, Henderson, Pcai-cu, Houlston, O'Brien, Jenkins, Love, Morgan, Sliuinons, Lincgan, Staudun, Lhvc, Bark-It, Orniaii. Fuurlh': Harpi-r, Ilanaly, Leonard, I'iii.lcnce, (itinn. Masters, Charles. Niclmls. Morris, Kirkland, ISugcrs, Marsh, Watson, Wilkinson, Morris, Biddel. Fifth : .Miller, liryiml, Eagle, Linegan, Hcnnessy, Aslienden, .Munteltli CD, Pointon, Orr. Clauscr, Smith, Bryant, Manning, Goddycr, Tclfor, Ewarl, Reid, Byfonl. Old Boys.—Senior: Masters, Wylle, C.romic, Rushbrook, Baldwin, Mac Donald, Dv Chateau. Grcufell, Wright, Ilcyny.s {■>), Clarldgc, Byildcr, Williams, Lamason, Emerson, llankins. Senior B: Hawker, Tail, Grenfeli, Bedell, Hawker, Wixon, Ames, Blakeley, Wylic, James, l'aterson, Clark. Uuff, Duncan, Cromie. Junior: Reid, Finch, Gilberd, Bolt, ' Hollis. Malcolm, Kirk. Wcllings, Hoare, Hum, Campbell, M'Wliannell, Reynolds, Paton, Wilson, Makin, Sneddon. Third: Sturroek, Hester, Illinj,'wonh, Hipkins, Andrews, Haigh, Reynold.-i, Pulley, Benge, Tilslcy, Churnsldc, Orr, Dinning, Bromley. Packard, Turubull, M'Douald. liiliTiiiciliate: Ames, lJeilell, Arnold, Wylie, Dris.oll, Nattrass, Kelly, Sutherland, Akcl, Tipling, M'Meiiamin, Ilcndrickson, Dcntoii, Bowles, Beckett. Fourth A: Wright (2), Worboys, Kiley, Reynolds, Poulton. Donald, Clark, Jones (2), M'Kenzie, Irvine, Martin, Lambert, Asliendou. Fourth B: Saudo, Roberts, Itc.v----noHl:;, Blick, Amies, Burney, (lilbenl, Hollis, Smith, Peterson, Williams, Uaslall, Akcd, Ryan, Thew, Harris, It. Martin. Fifth: Meek, Mitcliell, Alexander, Morris, Marks, Reardon, AlauInlosh, Murphy, Hodson, Lawton, Roberts, (lark, Amies, Brown, Hayes. Jolmsuiivilli.-.—Senior: Chancy, Craig, Hnlme?. Junes, Julius, Kenny, Low, Moore. Mason. M. U'Brien, I'arsloc, Smith, Turner, M'Leod, M'Clcllaud. Junior: Burrell, f'roft. Douglas, Engcl (2), Foley, Gillcspie, Hall, Hunter, Lee, Mulford, Mastcrtou, Nossitcr, V. O'Brien, Patterson, Still, Waldegravc, Stambrldgc, Rcnner. Third: Augcll, Broad, Cliick, Cameron, Elliott, F.Jigel, Grccr, Keegan, Joe, Jlichtl, B. O'Brien, Round, Sowerby, Smith, Sinclair, Short, Vugemutli, Jl'Clelland, Manning. Fourth: Bowler, Cutting, Davis, Ewing, Fisher, Georgeaou, Hogg, Ilallidaj;, Law, Morris, O'Moore, Scdgwick, Sowerby, Speirpoiut. Jl'Bride, Wallace, 3loore. Fifth: Andrews (2), Crawford, Cochraue, Cameron, Cuttle, Davles, Forsyth, Graut, Hardic, O'Moore, O'Connor, Powell, Sariilc, M'Lennan, Sinclair, Round. Seventh: Angcll, Burns (2), Croft, Day, Forsyth, Johnston, Kenny, Longhurst, Moss, M'Kenzie, Moore, Michel, Pender, Riley, TownhiU. Onslow.—Senior B: Hill, Robinson, Lindsay, Jack, Gentry (2), M'Carty, Dufty. Wright, Mlllington, Clarke, Fryer, Churchill, Tynan, Newport, .Mailman. Junior: Briiigaus, Amooru, Harding, Eagles, Sando. Kennedy, A. Smith, .Montague, C. Bringans, Cutfortli, Weeks, M'Arthur, D. T.riiigans. 0. Wilson, H. Wilson, Tibbie. Third: Fraser, Suudo, Kelly, Williams, Higgins, Kembcr, Service, Malhews, Poole, Naldcr, i!. Smltli, Parker, Bradshaw, Browne, Flctt, May, Powell, Fourth: Ross, Sims, Yardley, Hartnett, Anderson, Lawsou. Burroughs, Glenn, Cairncross, Venn, L'rquhart, Little, Tcitjens, Tyrcc, Sherlock, Connors. Fifth: Serlock, Jl'liugli, llaish. Smith, Thomas, l'oole, Graham, Howe, SinlOi, Larkin, Glllou, Prince, Murray, Koss, Blake, Dumbleton. Seventh: Westbrook, Pyiui, Smith, Little, Simmonds, Thomas, Wood. Holmes, Moody, Murlc, Moody. Walls, Kinvin, Wallace, Mitchell, tiosden, Danson, Kofoud, Dufly, Cutforlh. Kiisibourno.—Senior: Clarke, I'lciimiiii!;, Armstrong, Fuller, Taylor, Chestcrman, Coinan, Price, Butierworth, Gibbons, Corlell, A. .Dellabarca. Sleep, N. Dcllabarca, Hargreavcs, Brunloii, Jojics. Junior: Ritteiby, Dinni.s, Turvey, AVatson, Mayer, Dcllabarca, Martcr. Barnctt, (iiiin. Reid, King, Traill, Drummoud, Gee, lorns, OldllehJ. Parker, Price. Third: Dlugie, J'liillips, Wallincr, Bickerton, Johns, Gerard, Macklin, Jose, New-son, Grant, Faliey, Baruclt, Robertson. Hart, Plimmcr. Greig, Hudson. Fourth: E. Grlnlths, Dick 31111, Ormo, Mco. Andrews, Pullan, D. Griiliths. Edc, Oldtleld, M. Griffiths, Nelson. Brown, Wilson, Wilkinson. Fifth: Hill, Montague, Gower, Daughlrcy, Battcrsby, M'Lean, Burdeu, Reid, Cheyne, Slbkc, Jenkiuson Nelson, Mackay, Evans, Robertson. Seventh: Norman, HcrauJ, Hollway, Bennett, >\'alkcr, Andrews, Campbell, Jl'Loughlin, Carter, Gerard, Andrews, M'Kinnou, 1. Mco. Mack- ' Miramar.—Senior A: Athen, Parlitt, Smith, Crook, Thomson, Condllffe, White, Davldge, Clarke, Rae, Hull, Plnkerton, Har.sett, Haley, Jackson, Skjelle.-up, Murray. Junior: Woods, Walk-er, Spry, M'Nab, Algar, Young, Smith, Taylot Sweetzer, Taylor, Clarke, Eaton, Buck-in-iiam, .Tenner, Masters, Wakeford, Hopley, Barrow, Aiinullell. Third A: Minnoch, Budden. Aspen, Piiintl, Woodhead, Brlttain (2), Kilkolly, Bell, Barron, Oliver, Hutchison. ArkIcy. M'Pherson, Horsfall, Campbell, Turncy. Third B: Qucreo, Edwards (:)), Kilcolly. Heinz. Bloomlleid, Woods, Ucannall, Logan, Bcgalcy, Kerr Welsh. Watersmi. Moore. Asliton. Fourth A: Hill, Avcncli, Williams, Johnson, Lawer, Scott George, Berry, Clarke, Allen, Doneghuc M'Donald, Taylor, Clarke, Rogers, Aekiiis, Hinos Wakeford, Smith, Marshall. Fourth L: Bridge, Butterworth, Covcny, Elworthy Gollop, Enrsman, Kcmplou, Ransom, 'injior, Walker, Wallace, Young, Tliompson, Hazclwood, Logan, Buck, Adams, Flaiinly, Sloan. Sixth: Iroy, M'Courtre. Bellas, Lye, Calcinai Buck Cuugrcve Spiers, Haddock, Leeks, Howard, Dallcy, Bristow, Young, George. Seventh: Askew, Calcinai, Coveny, Woodward, liroomtield, Ait-1-en Barclay, Matthews, Miles. Woolcott, Baird, (iambic, Barrett, WoolUmse, Free, Sloan, Troy, 'poneke.— Senior: relham, Crisp, Payne, Edgar, Ncal, Griffiths, Greenall, Gower, Jessup Dickson, Shearer, Jl'Pliorsou. Orgau, Neal, Moore, Stone, Quirk, Watkins. Junior: Foole, Drury Mouatt, Scroggins, Batemau, llayman, Hatciiard, TurDs, Pearco, Crichton (2), Ross, Thompson, Green, Anstiue, Bcauchamp, Gilbert. Third: Thorns, Drury, Frederick, Irwin, Surrld"e Bfwe, Drybers, Murphy, Taylor, Mcrrick, Hill Organ, Morris, Keau, Wilson. Godfrey, Ladkiu. Intermediate: Win by default. Fourth: Calcinai, Durrant, Carr, Guuu, Dunning, Costello. Bacon. Hanscourt, Muir, Dyer, Mansfield, Tolley M'Kay, M'Lean, Bouzaid, Zemba, Hallam. Fifth: Cobin, Bowe, Stag, Mandcr, M'llvride, Saltul, Williams, MTaggart, Russell, Wilton, Maxwell, Pressley, Messer, Reid. Technical College Old Boys.—Junior: Anderson Moore, Patterson, Elder, Smailes, Tilyard, Dawson, Madsou, Wilkins, Qulnn, Flack, Walker, lleatherwick, Cooke, Dickie, Waterhouse. Third: Default. Fourth: Buck, Ward Small Badger, Southic, Ross, Baker, Churchill, Held, Akhurst, Smith, Blrkett, Koffe, C. Ross, Scott, Dawson, M'Kenzic, Miller. Upper Hutt.—Senior B: Avery, Charles, Ballingur, M'Laughlin, Sutclill'c, Armstrong, Alien Brizzle, Potts, Scott. Douglas, Dauby, K. Bengc, Polling, Falloon, M'Cawe, J. Hazclwubd Junior: Wyclk, Anderson, Wakelin, Thompson Beuge, M'Kcgney, Baigcnt, Morteu, Norteti, Walker, Morris, Little, Corkiu, 11. Scott, Iligsou, Dow, Johnston. Third: Kusselt, Laijgdon, N. Stevenson, M. Hazolwood, Harris, Topp Paterson, Bonit, Burrell, M'Carthy, J. Ciuiniligham, I'oolc, Davis, A. Jones, Wale, E. Baillic, W. Wycth, A. Boull, White. Fourth: Neighbours, Christenseu, Collins, Brown, Cunningham, Edwards, Smith, Robertson, Auckram, Calllngham, Burrell, Cougreve, Butler, Anderson, Coley. Fifth: Wyeth, Jones, Goodman, Natta, Jl'Ghie (2), Anderson (2), Dalton. Uazelwood. Harper, Kirk, Bengc, Buchanan, M'Kendry, Stevenson, Ouscy, Douglas. Sixth: Default to Athletic. Seventh: Gibbons, Blewman, Goodman, M'Carthy, Marshall (2), Skirtou, Ryan, Clements, Stringer, Crabbe, Carruthers, Morrell, M'Kay, Francis, Strickland, AHbon. Porirua. —Senior B: Rene, Campbell, Coleman, Parker, Winecra, (2), Stringer, AVilliams, Wliitehouse, Parai, Rolston, Mattson, Wilson, Jones, Ropata, M'Carthy, Churchill. Junior: Slrachan. Lovu (2), Jlonk (2), Mextcd (2), Harris, Martiu, Hook, Stuart, .Morrow, Hartley, Boulton, Jolin^, Martini, Solomon. St. Patrick's College Old Boys.—Senior B: Hepburn, Smith (2), O'Connor (2), M'Carthy (2), Hart, Dennehy, Johns, Haydon, Jones, Doherty, Sarsich, Jell'ries, Forsyth, Kelleher. Junior: M-Guinuess, Philli\>s, M'Parlaud, Quinn, Jell'ries, Rafter, Greenwood, M'Kcuzie, Itatcliife, Yillcrs, M'Donald, O'Shaughnessy, O'.Mulley, Day, Cooch. Third: Johnson, M'Elvey, Gardiner, O'Connor, E. P. Doherty, Miles, Hauank, Taylor, Katclifie, Drury, Kcilly, Kennedy. Simpson, Raudell, O'Connor, O'Gorman. Intermediate: Moselcy, Sukroo, Wilson, Bcntof, Butler. Gilligaii, Duncan, Ward, DeverC, Barnao, Dillon, Sears, Walsh, Stevens, Bell, Jones, Spillano. Fourth: Reid, Hawthorn, M'Carthy, Stevenson, Black, Beveridge, Dwycr, Mosclcy, Organ, Hickmott, Smith, Whiteford, Woods, Kennedy, Bclgravc, Hurley, Goodwin. Oricntjil.—Senior A : Lochore, Reid, Collingc, Davies, Dawsou, Mills, Jaggars, Wilkinson, Ramsay, Lang, Cave, Ward, Prlngle, M'Millan, lllli, Packua>, Anslcy. Senior B: Coupland, Glover, Coxon, Biggar, Foster, Hand, Wiggs, Chambers, Perrelt, Cheeseman, Brown, Shepherd, Duuahea, Hogan, Powell, Ramsay, Pclvlii, Sinclair. Intermediate: Bassett. Mausell, M'Kiuley, Teddy, Young, Brown, Priestly, Hulbert, Hagan, Sutton,' Walker, Day, Kennedy, Workman, Worthingtun, M'Lennan. Benyon, Hugau, Hansard. Fourth: Kerr, Jacksou, KilIceu, Spencer. Crawford, Burge, Rodder, Stott, Searlo, Mead, Dawson, Prlngle, Meadows, Anderson, Blackwell, Bond, X Young. Flftii: Glengarry, Watts. Lewis. Stiuson. Burl, Bowman, Cooinbes, Nolan, Mason, Barrett, Riclimond. O'Rourke, Yates, Morrison, Wylic, Spalding, Bunckeiiburg, Applcton, Levy. Karori.—lntermediate: Hunt, Burns, Boyle. Melo;>, llcnncssy, Niimno, Dakiii, O'Reilly, Ncedham, Fairfax, Feickcrt, King, M'Farlaue, Smith, M'Kavauagh, Jones. Clarke. Fifth: 1. Smith, Kecue, fiillespie. 11. Smith, L. Smith, Shaw, lark, Fugle, Aitken, Hudson, Needham, M'Kenzie, Henderson, Hanify, Southward, Dredge, Robinson. institute.—Fifth: Ehnliy. Lawieucc, Service-, Curry. Miles, Millar, .Saunders, Post, Tuxlord, llarkcr. Burroughs, Kallahan, Ore, Burns, Ulackctt. Scalon. Key. Gulph. Fourth: Synifins. M'Kcßg Price, Lamb. Simmonds. Day, Turnbiill, Churchill, Littler, Richards. Cm-hill, Marlon, Olstn. Cnuller, Stringer, Payne. Knlwarra.--Third: Kagle, Robins. Waitc, .loliiison, Smith, Bcddlnglleld, Tldey, Goldlng, Picrson. Krebs, Henderson (2). Sleeman, Flaws, Merritt, Murphy. Seventh: llolibs (2), Southee (2), Barnes, Calrivrnss (2). Woolcotl, Holden, Haynes, dc Routligiiac, Jorgcnscn, Hartnett, Cameron, Smith, Sliingleton, Tietjcns. LEAGUE FOOTBALL. City v. Old Boys, Show Stadium, 1.15 p.m.; Mr. R. Salisbury. Pclonc v. Newtown, Show Stadium, :; p.m.; Mr. P. Childs. TKAMS. City: M. Kankiii, 11. .M'Bcnth, K. M'Kcn/lc, Thompson, Harris, Hawthorne, M'Kewen, zic, ,1. Walsh. Preston, J. Cnrnley, J- Joyce, W. Green, F. M'Kenzie; emergencies, L. Rankin, N. Childs, 3. Allen, T. Lawson. Old Boys: Pelhcrick, M'Grath, Davies, SlilUman, Holland, Robins, Pearcc. M'Gcorgc, Molsley, N. Smith, Bailey, Chandler, Ward; emergencies, Watson, Dcmpse.v, Larsen. Newlown: Frascr, Hickllnif. Johnson. Holmes, Tluutipsoiil. Harris, llawiliorne. M'Kewcn, Dutch, Hedges, Compton, Byron. Pollock; emergencies, Ryan, Peach. Pike, Peagran. Petoue; Sliersciu, Scorringe, Hracc, Taskcr, T. Love, D. Love, J. Kelly. Geo. Love, Krd, M'Ciiskell. Saunders. Harding, M'Lean; emergencies, Uanictt, .I'isher,
ASSOCIATION j.-ii-st Division League, :i p.m. Waterside v- Basin Reserve No. 1, referee Mr. L. Cooper. Thislli' v. Marist, Killjirnii! Stadium, II r. W.Y.M.I, v. Peluue, Pctune Recreation, Mr. Hospital v. Diamond, Hospital, Mr. G. Goflin. .Second Division League, :1 p.m. | Brooklyn v. Swifts, Basin Reserve No. 2, Mr. G. Forbes. Mil-dinar Mangers v. Lower Hutt, Hull Kccreatinii Ground, Mr. X. Brian. Technical College 0.8. v. Stop Out, Kelburn Tart, Mr. T. l'lant. Corinthians v. N.A.D.A., Hutt lark Racecourse, .Mr. Williams. Trcntham v. Island Bay, Maidstono Park, Mr. Farrow. Institute 0.8. v. Waterside (Ist reserve), L.vnll Bay h Mr. l'rior. First Division Reserve League, 3 p.m.—Diamonds v reiune. Anderson Park. No. 2. Mr. (.;. llearn; Marist v. Lower Hutt, Anderson Park .No. 1. Mr. .T. Robertson: Scitrmu v. Thistle Crawford Green, Mr. C. 1(. Fitlcs; Waterside (bye) v. Institute (2nd div.), Lyall Buy No. 1. Second Division Reserve League, ". p.m.—lnland liar v. N.A.D.A., Wakedeld Park No. 1. Mr E. Dawcs; Swifts v. Trentham, Kilbirnlc Reserve No. 1, Mr. G. Marker; .Miramar Jlangcrs v. Institute, Lyall Hay No. 2, Mr. ,1. Devon; Brooklyn (bye) v. Lower Hutt (intermediate), Kilbiniic No. -'. lutcrincdlalc Division. '.', p.m—.Marisl v. .Stop (Jut. Wakefteld Park No. 2. Mr. 11. W. Smith; Institute v. Diamonds, Lyall Hay No. S, Mr. .7. Duncan; Brooklyn v. Seatmm, f?ratoun lark, Mr. S. G. Smith; Lower Hutt (bye) v. Brooklyn (2nd reserves), Kilbiniic No. 2. Fourth' Division Championship (1.30 p.m.).— Marist A v. Stop Out, Basin Reserve No. 1, referee Mr. J. .lamleson; Petone v. Swifts, Petone Recreation, referee Mr. Sanderson; Seatoun v. Institute, Seatoun Park, Mr. K. Caisley; Miramar Rangers v. Marist 13, Wakefleld Park, Mr. K. Anderson. Fifth Division Championship (1.30 p.m.):— Marist v. Lower Hutt, Hutt Recreation, Mr. J. M'Leod; Diamonds v. Swifts, Basin Reserve No. 2, Mr. T. Llddall; Institute v. Seatoun. Kilblrnle No. 1, Mr. O'Connor; Miramar Rangers (bye) v. Marist T (sixth division), Kilbirnic Reserve. Sixth Division Championship (1.30 p.m.).— Marist Newtovrn A v. Stop Out, Kelburn Park, Mr. Irvine; Institute v. Waterside, Nairn Street, Mr. 31. O'Connell; V.M.C.A. v. Mnrist Newtown B. Anderson Park. Mr. F. Kama; Marist Thorndon (bye) v. Miramar Rangers (fifth), Kilbirnic No. 2. Seventh Division Championship (l<ill>ii-nic Stadium).—Seatoun v. Miramar Hangers H, [I a.m., Mr. L. Tucker; Swifls v. Marist Newtowu A. 111 a.m., Mr. ('. Miiekie; Beys' Institute v. Marist Tliormkni, II a.m.. iMr. ('. Webb; Diamonds v. Miramar Rangers A. 12 o'clock, Mr. Maustield; Marist Newlown B, a Eighth Division. Cliaiiipionsliip (Kilbiniic Stadium). —Seatomi B v. Marist Newtown E, 'J a.m., Mr. L. M'Girr; Marist Newtown A v. Marist Thorndon B, 10 a.m., referee a Brother; Marist Thorndon A v. Boys' Institute B, 11 a.m., Mr. Jordan; Boys' Institute A v. Miramar Hangers. 12 o'clock. Mr. Scorgic; Se-alouu A v. Diamonds, 1 p.m. (No. 7), Mr. Moore; Swifts v. Scatouu C, 1 p.m. (No. i). Mr. Anderson. Hutl Valley League.—Sl. Thomas v. Lower Hull, Vai Nai Home, Mr. Harris; Anglican Home A v. Epunl 1!, Anglican Home, 3 p.m., Mr. Adam; Epunl A v. Anglican Home B, Anglican Home, 2 p.m. Secondary Schools.—The senior and junior teams lakiug part, in the knock-out competition during the holidays will assemble, at the Rongotai grounds at 2 p.m. nest Saturday. . . TEAMS. ' . Island Buy.—Second Division: Thomas, Scan, Wheeler, Third, Corin, Thomas, Mason, JFarauharsou, Fcrklns, Itawlings, Jones. Swifts.—Second Division: F. Bradford. L. Glover, E. Longbottotu, ,7. hong, J. Dainty, 1). Adams, K. Kelly, J. Smith, J. Shankle, C. Bilby,. fi. Bradford. Second Division Reserves:' I". JlacGrcgor, K. Archer, D. Southern, It. MacGrcgor, E. Flaws, 1). Bradford, T. Henderson, D. MacDowall, J. Martiu, G. Kirkwood, Tutty, J. MacGregor, L. Walking. Fourth: Stanford, Hamilton, M'Clune, 0. 31eech (captain), T. Campbell, W. Scott, A. MacGregor, S. Smith, K. Hamill, D. Beaton, C. MacGregor. Fifth Grade: Whyte, Hicks, Dixgn, Holcrofl, Turner, Parkinson, Scwell, Waters, Thomson (2), Ellis, Sutherland, Archer. Eighth: Ditchburn, Pickett, .lohns, Lantz, M'Clennan, Burns, West, Bruce, Kean, Cracknall, Stone, Ward. Diamond.—Senior A: Wyatt, Guest, Wotherspooii, Neal. Bishop, Geddls, M'Lcod (2), Rigby, Dlckcnson, Brysou, Smith. First lieserves: Arcus, Frascr, Aspen, Shahb, Chown, Halford, Thompson, Cowan, Roebuck, Phillips, Steel. Intermediate: Walker, Farrington, Crosley. Carlason, Wrathall, Hill, Tanner, Lucas, Hunter, Croskcry, Baker, Hutcheson. Fifth Division; Magurk, Bradieubridge, KnuwsIcy, Nicholson. Marshall. Osten, Dcedman, Swain, Walker, Norllug, Gray, Nleoi. Technical Old Boys.—llcdmond, Bognucla, Edwards, Dennis. M'Millan, Paxton, Elliott, Torrington. Liddlcoat, Patterson, Webster, ItaxwortJiy. Thistle—First Division: Cluncs, Martin, Hopper, M'Lellau, Lothian, TTncliurcli, Stewart, I'odd, Montgomery, Cunningham/Johnston. Senior Reserves: Stone, M'Lellan, M'Donald, Walker, Todd, Todd, Whyte, Pagan, Gray, Dewar, Itoy; emergencies, Nicol, M'Donald. Trcntham.—Second Division: Ashford, Hazel. J. James, I'rater, K. White, Hewitt, Middleton, Hamilton, G. James, 3loore, Brigham. Second Reserve- Division: R. Card, Taylor, Poole, Uaines, Wilson, Siely, A. Brown, Cheshire, M. Gard, Yates, C. Dickson. Lower Hutt. —Second Division: Forbes, Logic, Gardner, Land, M'Dougall, Potts, Nicolle, Keillor, Brown. Jcssup, Crundwell. First Division Reserves: Clay. Turner, Cartmell, Blake, Lowcry, Jlansou, Silbury, Pound, (I. Logic, Boyton, Bell; emergencies, Adam, Ilutchlnson. Intermediate : Ilotton, O'Neill, Gardner, Watson, Cartmell, Coe, Richardson, Dunne, Kyte, Dougall, Jl'Grath. Fifth Grade :Radley, Gardner, Irwin-,- Jowett, Reynold, M'Lullan, Doyle, Lockwood, Allauson, Ivcs, Jl'Lellan, Graydon. Brooklyn.—Second Division: WiclUlffe, Mahoney, M'Kcnna, Pender, llausou, Scott, J. ODea, Brown, Anton, Sutton, Jl'Ghic. Second Division Reserves: Hunter, Bell, Fislc, Lampard, Godtsehalk, Wallis, Tovey, Brown, Hcndry, E. Guise, F. Guise. Intermediate: C. Turner, «. ReevesfE. Turner. Grylls, Morris, M'£e::r.r., (!. Reeves' J. Reid, W. Harrison, A. oacobson. N. Clarke! Stop Out.—Senior B: White, Moore, Lark, Power, Hitchen, M'lror, Tinims, Beule, M'Gaviu, Mitchell, Boycc. Intermediate: Woottou, Gosling, Scott, ai'lvor. Catliorull, Miles, Sandholm, Cook, Page. M'Callum, Leonard. Fourth Grade: LoiiKstaff, 11. Stone, Brockic, Bilby, Hayvice. A. Stone, Nicholson, Lld'llcoal, Brewer, King, Simon, Smith. Sixth Grade: Smith, Harding (2). Scott, White, Dormaii, F.arle, Thomson, (2), M'lvor, Ball, Harris, Stecn, Miles. Mnrist.—First Division: Turkington, Laracy, Wilson, Burke, Hindle, Quirke, Barton, N. Condon, W. Condon, Marshment, Scott, Kelly. Reserve Division: Fitzgerald, Meachen, Dooley, Duffy, Mahoney, M'Dermott, Barraclough, Dennis, Friend, M'Lean, Uawkeu. Intermediate: O'Connell, M'Govern, M'Glinchey, O'Leary, Dully, Oliver, Barrett, Eagar, Minnoch, Quirke, Devlin. Fourth Grade: Vallelly, Riley, Camporinl, Vaney, Oliver, M. Wilson, Quirke, Sullivan, Reid, De Muth, M'Parllaud, Akcrs. Seatoun.—Senior: Parkin, Newton, Duftlll, Grimstoue, Kcrshaw, Connell, Garrod, M'Kenzle. Otter, Bradshaw, Wilson. First Reserve: Mansfield. Kennedy, Grimstoue, Brown, Salt, Tucker, Searlc, Kershaw, Bull, Gibson, Hull. Intermediate: Scott, Phillips, Harkncss, Cais-1 ley, Wilson, Hurt, Smallbone, Lingard. Bart-! Lett, Smyth, Hishen. Fourth Grade: Doherty, Parton, Cocks, Yoeman, Bedford, Salt, Grimstone, Smallbone, Jones, Caisley, Mnekie. Fifth Grade: Kltto, Black, Edmunds, Hiimin, Wood, Alexander, Yoeman, Kelseyi Vause, YoeMian, Garrod, Robertson, Cat on. Seventh Grade: Voeman. Hudson, Anderson, Doneghuc, Kent, Berry, Edmonds, Day, Lindsay, Gestro, Barnsley. Eighth Grade: A team, Hill, B. Yeoman, M'Girr, Lindsay, Fenton, .lacobsen, Alexander, Kelscy, Bedford, Sharp, Woods. B Team: Edmonds. Klee, M'Kenzlc, Taylor, Bell, Mnntian. Simpson, Caisley, 1). Yeoman, Edmonds, Higgins. C Team: Jennings, Whetton, Staff, Gordon, Jacobseu, B. IClee, Canute, Boon, Urcaa Gestro, Oliver, Green. Waterside.—Senior: Lucas, Abernetiiy, Bolton, Strain, Halnes, Cummings. Dunkip, Dunsimilr, LoiiEbottom, Rait, or Lark and Cullen. Senior Reserves: Ogg, Pullen, Pear.son, Llddall, tlughes, White, Cullen, Lark, Ferguson, Reid, Lark. Boys' Institute.—Fourth gyrade: Jones, Baxter, M'Leau, King. M'Creedy, Houston, Benfield, Allan, Wilson, Dalgllsh, Dallas, Finall, Greening. Sixth grade : Gates, Hedges, AVhite, Cook, Kristensen. Belli, Lowe, Eadln. Shillson, Molfatt, Dunsmuir, Hagger. Seventh grade: Rayuu, Donaldson, Purves, Bett, Tichborne, Rogers, M'Guire. Locherbie, Lawton, Spearway, Burnett, Page, Hastings. Eighth grade A: Haywood (2). Duncan, Burnetts, Cotter. Sim, Dallas, White. Willing, "Latmer, D. Jlullett, Stratford. Eluhlli grade B: M'Guire, Kiirlne. J!. Deutice, K. Mullett. Fisher, Foot. Reed, Bowden, Oliver, Foot, Peterangi, Simmonds (2). N.A.D.A.—Second division: Hartshorn, Pickering, Fiihey, Corriu, Selkirk, Park, Flett, Horton, College, A. N. Other, A. Atkinson: emergencies. Mitchell, Burnett. Second Division Reserve: M'Ginity, Vlckers, S. O. Else, A. Atkinson, G. Williams, Appleby. Muniliy, ] Carbln, A. E. Williams, Itobson. Scott. Wellington.—Senior: Irvine, Hutchison, Riddell, Granger. Ruru, Page, Hay. Kilby, M'lvor, Nicol, Ferguson, Uowatson, HclVernau, M'Lean, Carlyon. .Hun-ell, Harris. Junior A: Cllmo. Scrlnigeoiir, Bnnikcn, Hollls, Coombi', Foolccs, Traill. Giles. Hislop, Jtuyel. Haswell. Wehb, Browne. Ball, Still, Paton, Fisher. Junior B: f.'relp. Dentou, Ji'Donnld, Duff, Wilkins, flartcr, Fulton, Dud, Hislop, Wliitehcad, Uiirrou, Keancy. Rae. Newman, Cresswoll, Simpson, Bond. Third A: Bullcn. Augustine, Gumblcy, Johnston, Brievk-y, Bradfurd, Minlnit, Munro, Kemp, llanscn, Emerson, Old, Magnussen, Austin, Williams, llerrv. Jntermcdiatc: Dean, Hughes, Kennedy, Scrimshaw, Frascr, Smith, Newton. Hunter. O'Sullivan, Kingston, Berwick. Rces, Clarke, Jl'Lcan1, Pcdrotti, Pugli. Fourth A: Rohson, .M'William, Button, Ycates, Alexander. Petterson, Turner, Howell, While, Parker, Phillips, Crow, Lang, Bond, Gill, Grace, Gainey. Fourth B: O'Brieu, Clarke, M'Keuzlc, Rickett, Dimes, M'Kiulay, Duncan, Kler. Barton, Edwards, Thomas, Towusend, l!u • uc. Burns, Fanlleld, Bishop. Fourth C: Danicll, Grigg, Hutchison, Miller, Broadbolt, Barker, l-'alrhall, Brailcy, Warren. Elder, Cults, Williams, Thomas, Sindall, M'Kay, Wilson, Dcverall. Fifth: Johnson, Clark, Montcith, Fanthorpe. Sandford, Eaton, Sawtell. Woodcock, Parker, Lucas, Giles, Cragg,, M'Lean, Hobsou. Herron. Wright. Paters, Marshall, Howard, Nash, Flynn. Sixth: Groundsoil, Davey, M'Kay, Kildulf. Berry, Speed,' Smlthson, Blencowc, Grcenall, Halford, Itiitterworth, Mears, Dodson, Potler. Hopkins. Ash, Wright, Blake, Smith, Bruce. Seventh: Ilolierty, Tliompson, Roche, Barrett, Cooper, Compton, Patience, Dhayberg, M'Cann, Dawson, James. Fit?gcra!d. Griut, Williams, Malm, Wlialc, Wccklcy, Murch. HOCKEY. Hockey fixtures and teams appear on page H. ;
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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 113, 15 May 1931, Page 3
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4,450TO-MORROW'S GAMES Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 113, 15 May 1931, Page 3
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