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HIGH WATER. To-day: -1.52 a.m.; s.l<> P.m. Tu-iniirrow: 5.1S a.m.; p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. 17th FEBRUARY. TAMAHINE, s.s. (G. 20 p.m.), 11)80 lulls, ]Ca.uo, from Pieton. PROGRESS, s.s. (0.-1,-i, 2S-1 tons, Copcliuid. from Lyttelton. WEDNESDAY, ISth FEBRUARY. TITOKI. s.s. (1.3" a.m.), SOO tons, lirauam, from Taraliohc. rcilO nii-v scow (1.10 a.m.), !i!) tons, Jarniiin Horn Blenheim. MATANCiI. .s.s. (5 a.m.), 131'J terns, Hay, from .Nclsiin. WAIII.NK. s.s. (7 a.m.). II3IS tons, lrwin, frum l.vttcllon. HAriiAKl. ni.s. (7.3 a.m.), 7113 tons, Norton, from Lytlelton. NORTHUMBERLAND, s.s. (7.'15 a.m.), 11,573 tons, Upton, from Wanganui. BREEZE, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 553 tons, H'Artliur, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. • TUESDAY, mil FEBRUARY. HALKRIO, s.s. (3.45 p.m.). 51G9 tons, Mann, for Lyttelton. NIKAU, s.s. (1 p.m.), 24S tons, MacMillan, for Motueka. KAPITI, m.s. (5.20 p.m.), 212 tons, Smith, for Wanganui. KArUXI. M.s. (5.30 p.m.), IS4 tons, M'Lachlan, for Patoa. HAWERA, m.s. (5.40 p.m.), 174 tons, Brlgden, for Patea. OTAIO. M.s. (B p.m.), 10.04S tons, Mead, for Lytteltou. OriHt, s.s. (G. 5 p.m.), 1117 tons, Warren, for New Plymouth. ARAHURA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 159G tons. Wildman, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3488 tons, Morgan, for Lyttelton. KANNA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 1948 tons, Davies, for Auckland. PAKURA. s.s. (0 p.m.), 700 tons, Coldicutt, for Napier. KUKU. s.s (9 p.m.). 221 tons, Larson, for Nelson. JOHN, s.s. (10.10 p.m.). 312 tons. Holm, for Picton. WEDNESDAY, 38th FEBRUARY. PROGRESS, s.s. (11.-IO a.m.), 353 tons, Copland, for New Plymouth. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Arahnra, Nrlson, to-morrow, 5.30 p.m. Tamahlnc, Pieton, to-morrow, (! p.m. Maori. 'Lyttclton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow. Inalui, Paten to-morrow. Kapiinl, Patca, to-morrow. Hawora, Patea, to-morrow. Nikau. Motueka, to-morrow. Tauj'ata, Mapua, to-morrow. .K.iimnl, Greymoutli, to-morrow. Kapiti, Wauganul, to-morrow. Kalmiro. Oamaru, to-morrow. Storm, southern ports, to-morrow. Wa.ln.ul, southern ports, to-morrow. 'Kuliti, Motueka, to-morrow. Canadian Transporter, Timaru, to-morrow. Echo, Blenheim, 20th. Mahcno, southern ports, 20th. Kuahine, Napier, 20th. (!ale, sputlieru ports, 20lh. Opilil, Nelson, 20th. Otolda. San Pedro, 20th. Paua, Dunedin. 20tli. Wainiiirino. Glsbornc, 20th. Karepo, Pieton, 20tli. Port Dune<lin J Port Chalmers, 21st. Kotitl, Karamea, 21st. Holmdalo, southern ports, 21st. Kiiii, England, :» Storm. Wangaiuil, 21st. t'akura. Napier, 22nd. Maliiira., Sydney, 23rd. Hoimdalc, southern ports, 21th. Kallnco. Newcastle, 2 Ith. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. MatallKi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Walilne, Lyttelton, to-day. 7.-15 p.m. Kahili!, (ircymontli, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-day. Surrey, Port Chalmers, to-day. Komiita, Westport. to-day. Titokl, Westport, via Nelson, to-day. Ly Helton, to-morrow, 7.<1 o p.m. Araliura. Nelson, to-morrow. 7.30 p.m. Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow. Nikau, Motueka, to-morrow. Tnupata. Mapim. to-morrow. Port Pirie, Lyttelton, to-innrcow. Storm, Wangamii, to-morrow. Kukn, Kaikoura, to-morrow. Wainul, Napier, to-morrow. Inalia, Wanganui, to-morrow. Breeze, southern ports, to-morrow. Tamahlne, Pieton, 20th; 3 p.m. Hawcra, Patea, 20th. Kapunl, Patea, 20th. Kapiti. Wnnganui, 20th. Canadian Transporter, Auckland, 20th. Karepo, Auckland, 20th. Uliinaroa, Sydney, 20th. Storm, southern ports, 21st. Kotitl, Westport, 21st. Gale, Pieton, 21st. Walmarlno, sotithern ports, 21st. ' llnlmdalc, Wanganui, 2.lst. iMuheno, Melbourne, via Bluff, 21st. Oplhl, Dunedin, 21st, Pakura, Napier. 24tli. Holmdale. southern ports. 21th. Makura. San Francisco, 24th. Port Dunedin, Southampton, 24th. BERTHAGE LIST. Ullmaroa—Queen's Wliarf No. 1 north. Tamahlnc—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Wairau—Queen's Wharf No 8. Titokl—Queen's Wharf No. 10. Matangi—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Progress—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Eclio—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Opawa—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Waimarinn—Queen's Wliarf No. 14. Wahine—Ferry Wharf. Komnta—Railway Wliarf. Surrey—Glasgow Wharf. Northumberland —Glasgow Wharf. Tasmania—King's Wharf. Inaha—King's Wharf. Breeze—King's Wharf. Port Plrie— Plpitea Wharf, llaurald—Taranaki Street Wharf. Kahika—Mlramar Wharf. Kaiwarra—Patent Slip. Kaikoura—Patent Slip. Putiki—ln the Stream. Kaltoko—ln the Stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. MAHENO, left Melbourne 12th February for Wellington, via Bluff, Lyttelton ; duo Lyttclton to-morrow, Wellington Friday; leaves Wellington Saturday for Melbourne, via Milford Sound and Bluff; leaves Bluff Monday; due Melbourne 27th February. (U.S.S. Co.) MANAMA. leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland and_ Wellington; due Auckland 24th Feblinston 27th February for Sydney'; due Sydney 3rd March. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUr, leaves Auckland Friday for Sydney; due Sydney 24th February; leaves Sydney 27th February for Wellington; clue Wellington 3rd March. (U.S.S. Co.) UUMAKOA, leaves Wellington Friday for Sydney; duo Sydney 2Kh February; leaves SyCfiey 27th February for Auckland; due Auckland 3rd March. (Huddart-Parkcr.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AOKANtiI. left Sydney sth February for Vancouver. via Auckland. Suva, and Honolulu; due Honolulu Friday, Vancouver 27th February; leaves Vancouver 4th March for Sydney, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) i MAKURA, leaves Sydney to-morrow for San Francisco, via Wellington, Karotonpi Papeete; due Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday; due Karotonga 28th February, Papeete 2nd March, San Francisco 13th March. (U.S.S. Co.) MONOWAI, left San Francisco to-day for Sydney, via Papeete, Itarotonga, and Wellington ; due Papeete 28th February, Raro-toiiL-a 3rd March, .Wellington Oth March; leaves Wellington ' lOtli March; duo Sydney 14th March. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Vancouver 4tb February for Sydney via Honolulu. Suva, and Auckland: due Suva Friday; Auckland Monday; leaves Auckland 24th February: due Sydney 2Sth Fehninrv; leaves Sydney sth March for Vancouver. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. ARMADAIE, left New York 17th January for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Forl Kcmbla and Melbourne: due Auckland 23rd February. (W. Wallis.) ASHBURTON, left N;cw York 15th February fnr Suva, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin; due Auckland 25th March; WelliiiKlon Ilflth March. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, left Halifax 24th January for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Timaru and Dunedin; duo Auckland Gth March; Wellington about 11th March. (C.N.S.) CITY OF DIEPPE, from New York, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland Bth March, Wellington about 15th March. (W. Wallis.) CORNWALL left Antwerp 22nd January for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland about Gth Mnrch. (N.Z.S. Co.) GOLDEN WEST, left Los Angeles 31st January for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin ; due Auckland 2Gth February. Wellington sth March. (Burns, Philp.) HERTFORD, left Liverpool Mth. February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, New Plymouth; due Auckland lGth March. (W. Wallis.) MAIMOA. left Liverpool I7tn January for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin: due Auckland 25th February, Wellington 3rd March (S.S. and A Co.) MELBOURNE MARU, from Japan via Australia due Auckland 2fith February, Wellington Ist March. (W. Wallis.) OTOKIA left San Pedro 25th January tor Wellington; due Wellington 20th February. IU S.S Co.) PORT ALMA lert London Otb January for Port Chalmers, Lyttcllou, Bluff, via Suva: leiivrs Suva 17th February; due Port Chalmers 22nd February. (C. and I). Line.) UANGITANE, left. Southampton 13th February for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington about 10th March. (N.Z.B. Co.) KAN GIT ATA, left Southampton 16th January for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland.

19th February, Wellinglon 2Gth February. (.\.Z.S. Cu.) SOMERSET, left London 30th January ror Lyttelton, Purl Chalmers, Timaru. New I'lymuuib. Nelson; due Lytteltou about tub March (N.Z.S Co.) I'AINUI ten London 30ih January '"' ~nd and Wellington; due Auckland Sib March Wellington 14th March. (S.S and A Co. I TEKOA left Liverpool 24th January In Ballast for New Zealand; due Wellington about Bth March. (W. Wallis.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. CAMBRIDGE, from Antwerp, at New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' CANADIAN I'HANSPORTER. from Uallfax. at Timaru. (C.X.S.) CIUIBERLANII, I'rum Liverpool, for Bluff; at I'ort Chalmers, loaves Port Chalmers ISth February. (W. Wallis.) FUKU MAKU, from Japan, for Wiuignnul, Lyttelton, and l'ort Chalmers; at Auckland. (Kempthorne, Prosser.) (JOLDEN CLOUD, from Los Angeles, for Dunedin; at Timaru. (Burns. I'hilp.) HALKRIC, from San Pedro', for Dunedin and Australia; at Lyttelton. ((I. H. Scales.) HAUKAKI, from Los Angeles, for New I'lymoutb, Auckland, Napier, and Australia; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) MATAROA from London, at Auckland. (Ss.t>. and A. Co.) JIIRRABOOKA, from San Franoiseo, for Australia ;at New Plymouth. (Spedding, Ltd.) OTAIO, from Liverpool, for Dunedin; at Lyttelton. (YV. Wallis.) "PORT PIRIE. from New York, for Lyttelton; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 19th February. (C. and D. Line.) TUHOA, from Antwerp, for Now Plymouth; at Auckland ; leaves Auckland 21th February. (S.S. and A. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ANGLO CANADIAN, to call at Timaru; at Dunedin; leaves Timaru 21st February for Dunkirk London, snd Hull, via Panama. (G. H. CAMBRIDGE, loads at Wellington, Napier, Oisborne, Auckland; at New Plymouth ; leaves New Plymouth 2(ith February; leaves Auckland Uth March for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via I'auama. (W. CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, to call at Timaru and Auckland; at Timaru ; leaves Timaru 19th February; duo Wellington 20th February; leaves Auckland 2lird February for Now York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) COPTIC, to call at Timaru, Port Chalmers, and Wellington; at Pictoji; leaves Pictoil 18th February; due Wellington 20th February; leaves Wellington 2Sth February for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) CUMBERLAND, to call at BlulT, Lyttelton, Wellington (23rd February), Wanganui, Napier: at Port Chalmers; leaves Kupier about (Stli March for London, via Panama and Curacao (N.Z.S. Co.) HEKMINIUS. to call at. Timaru, Wanganui, and Wellington; at Port Chalmers; leaves Port, Chalmers 20tli February; due Wellington 27th Februaiy,'leaves Wellington 3rd March for London anti the West Coast ports, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) . MAMILIUS, to call at Bluff, Wellington (26th Pebruary-2nd March). Napier, Auckland; at wWaniil; leaves Wanganui 20th February; leaves Auckland 11th March for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, to call at New Plymouth and Wellington; at Auckland; leaves Auckland •Hrd February; due Wellington 2Sth February; Teavcs Wellington nth March for London, via Panama (S.S. and A. Co.) NORTHUMBERLAND, at Wellingt>#i; leaves Wellington 21st February for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama. (W. Wallis.) PORT DUNEDIN, lo call at Wellington; at Port Chalmers; due Wellington 21st February; leaves Wellington 24th February for Southampton and London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) PORT FREMANTLE, to call at Auckland; at Gisborne ; leaves Ciisborne 21st February; leaves Auckland 21st February for London, via Panama, (f. and B. Line.) PORT VICTOR, loads at Opua (20th February) Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Wanganul, Wellington (10th March) ; leaves Wellington 11th March for London, via Panama. <C. nnd RANGITATA, loads nt Lytlelton (about sth March) Napier. Auckland. Wellington (23rd March)*, leaves Wellington about 2Stb Marcn for Southampton and London. via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) 'itTJAHINE, to call at. Wellington; at Napier; leaves Napier Wth February; leaves Wellington 2Sth February for Southampton and London, via Pitcalrn Island, Panama, and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) RUAPEHD, to call at Oamaru. Timaru, Picton. Wellington ;at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth 21st February; leaves Wellington 28th February for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, to call at BlulT; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 18th February; leaves Bluff 21st February for London and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. WaI'ZEALANOIC, nt. Bluff; leaves Bluff l!Hh February" for London-via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) ISLAND SERVICES. TOFUA. leaves Auckland on Saturday for Fiji. Tonga, and Samoa. (U.S.S. Co.! MAUI POMARE, left Auckland yesterday for Apia and Nine. (0.8. and II.) TRES. was to leave Lytteltou yesterday for Waitangi. (G. 8., and II.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels aro expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Armadale. lonic, Laburnum. Raugitata, Taranaki. Ventura, Sierra, Port Alma. Port Victor. Malmoa, Canadian Britisher, Euruptdes, Dunedin, Diomedc, Maui Pomare, Fuku Maru. Chatham Islands.—Norfolk. Wellington.—Maori. Wabine. Tamaliinc, Aorsingi, Niagara, Rangitikl, Itangitane, Kini, Matai, OtoWa, Tninui, Huntingdon. Port Fairy. Ruahine, Surrey, Parracombe, Coptic, Mamilius, Port Fremantle. . Awartta. —Maheno. Zoalamlic, Horminlus, Ilaleric, Port Dunedin, Cumberland, Anglo Canadian, Otaio, Whalers. PERSONAL. Mr. A. Bcddie has relieved Mr. J. Powell as engineer on tho Kuliu. BENMOHR ARRIVES HOME. The Benmohr, which left Port Chalmers on nth January with a cargo of wool, arrived at London on Sunday. RADIO FROM PORT ALMA. Tho Port Alma, en routo from London, via Suva, has reported by wireless that Khe expects to arrive at Port Chalmers on Sunday afternoon. CARGO OF ASPHALT. The Port I'irie, from New York, shifted today from the Pipitea Wharf where she has been discharging general cargo, to the Burnhiim Wharf to unload a consignment of asphalt. She leaves to-morrow for Lyltclton to continue discharge. MALOLO'S CHANGE OF COLOUR. Before leaving San Francisco on 10th .Tanuary on tho first trip in flic newly-inaugurated San Francisco-Honolulu-Los Angeles service, the Matson liner Malolo had the hurt colouring which she bore when she visited Wellington last year changed to white. It was the flrst time a Matson liner, had gone to sea painted white. THE STRATHNAVER LAUNCHED. According to cable advices received from London, the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.'s new vessel," Slrathnaver (20,000 tons), which will bo used In the passenger trade between England and Australia, was launched at Ylckers-ArmstroiiK, Ltd., construction works at Barrow-in-Furness at midday on iith February. A large crowd witnessed the ceremony. This was tho largest hull yet launched from the yard. At the moment that Lady Janet Bailey, daughter of the Earl of Inchcape, chairman of the P. and O. Company, christened the ship with' a bottle of Australian Burgundy it started to move to the accompaniment of loud cheers. The Straihnaver will leave London for Australia on her maiden voyage on 2nd October. THE MAHENO'S PASSENGERS. The Maheno, which is due at Wellington tin Friday from Melbourne, via southern ports, has on board the following saloon passengers for this port:—Dr. B. B. Armstrong. Mr. S. .1. Balrd, Mr. R. D. Belford, Mrs. L. .1. Barclay. .Miss L. Barclay, Mr. K. Beamish, Mr. E. W. Hrookett, Mr. S. M. Bird, Mr. A. ,r. Chuck, Miss It. Calender. Mr. D. Devitt, Mr. J. It. Elliott, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. E. J. Forgo, Mr. B. .1. Grant. Mr. Leo (iluck, Mrs. I. Hymns, Mtss E. Hampton. Miss jr. Inghani. Mrs. E. .Tacombe, Miss G. L. Lees, Mr. J. C. Russell, Mrs. J. C. Riissell, Mr. A. Robertson, Mr. V. G. Scarlett, .Mrs. V. (J. Scarlett, Miss W. Scarlett, Dr. R. E. Shutcr, Mr. A. D. Sproate. Mr. F. StapletonHllcy. Mrs. F. Stapleton-HUey, Mr. 11. C. Taylor Mrs. 7. Wilson, Master B. J. Wilson; and ii« steerage. Round trip: Miss 11. A. Kilsey, Miss M. h. Rldger, Miss E. M. Shaker. The Maheno leaviw Wellington again on Saturday for Melbourne via Milford Sound and Bluff. BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND, 17th February. Sailed—Maul Pomare (3.20 p.m.), for Apia; warships Dunedin and Diomede (6 p.m.), for Russell. NELSON, ISth February. Arrived —Arahura (5.30 a.m.), from WolllngTo Sail —Nikau (" p.m.), Arahura ("30 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON, ISth February. Arrived—John (7 a.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, 18th February. Arrived —Mirrabooka (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI, ISth February. Arrived—Kapiti (S a.m.), from Wellington.' OAMARU, ISth February. Sailed—Kalmlro (12.45 a.m.), for WollingLYTTELTON, 18th February. Arrived-Otalo (G. 15 a.m.). Maori (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail—Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington.

I'OKT CHALMERS, 18th February. Arrived—llolnidalo {0.20 a.m.), from WelUiiKton. LYTTELTOX, IStli February. Arrived—Maori (li.'lO a.m.), Otalo ((i.50 a.m.). from Wellington; Storm (0.30 a.m.), from Tlmaru.

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 41, 18 February 1931, Page 12

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SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 41, 18 February 1931, Page 12

SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 41, 18 February 1931, Page 12


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