LAST FOUR DAYS. LAST-FOUR DAYS. LAST FOUR DAYS. LAST FOUR DAYS. G R A ND OP E R A HOUSE. (Direction—J. O. Williamson Films.) MATINEES DAILY, at 2.15. NIGHTLY, at 8 o'clock. UNITED ARTISTS PRESENT THEIR AMAZING AIR SENSATION, "HELL'S ANGELS" "HELL'S ANGELS" (Recommended by the Censor more suitable tor Adult Audiences.) There will not be another picture like '"Hell's Angels" for a long time, if ever. . No matter what you've seen before, you'll be electrified by its three terrific high-lights —the raid on London, the bombing of the German munitions factory, and the free-for-all dog-light high in the clouds. Together with THE LATEST "NEWS OF THE WORLD." BOOK NOW! BOX PLANS at the Berkeley and Bristol (Theatre Telephone 28-106).
PUBLIC NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. TITESSRS. KENT AND WEBB, Barris- ■"-*• ters and Solicitors, have moved their Offices to the New COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' CLUB BUILDINGS, 107-109, CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY (two doors below old address). ~NEW ZEALAND^CATHOLIC LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION. RAFFLE OP OIL PAINTING. T>Y kind permission of the Honourable ■*■* Minister of Internal Affairs, the closing date of this Raffle has been extended from 31st JANUARY to 28th FEBRUARY, 1931, and the Drawing Date from 14th FEBRUARY to 14th MARCH, 1931. PATRICK WILLIAMS, Hon. Secretary Raffle Committee. Wellington. TN BANKRUPTCY.—In the Supreme -*- Court of New Zealand. NOTICE is hereby given that Reginald Edmund Montgomery, of 11, Walter street. Motor Engineer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Tuesday, the 24th day of February, 1931, at 10.30 a.m. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of February, 1931. S. TANSLEY, Official Assignee. HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Brougham drive, i Rooms, large garden. Apply J. E. MiJes, 51, Austin-st. . HMO LET, Khandaliah, new 8-rd. Bunga- -*- low, at bus 'stop. C. Quinn. Tel. 37-521. TO LET, House, new, 6 rooms, h. and c, harbour view, garden, balcony, near Cuba-st. 504, Evg. Post. HTO LET, 0-rd. House, just out of build- ■*- er's hands, best position in Hataitai; rent £2 15s; refs. required. Ring 21-381. HPO LET,, 4-rd7~Cottage, 75, Fitzherbert--1- st., .Petone; rent 27s Cd. 24, Fitz-herbeit-st., Petone. ■ T^O LET, Island Bay, 6-rd. House, one ■— iloor, range, gas stove, hot, cold water, c.l. Apply 276, Adelaide-rd. rvo LET, >rd.\ House, not far from -*- Mornington bus and school, rent reduced for suitable tenant. 569, Evg. Post. TO LET, 0-rd. Dwelling, all conveniences, situate 11, Evelyn-pl., . off Webb-st. Apply 9-12, 2-6 p.m. rpO LET, lngestre-st., Vogeltown, 5-rd. -^- Modern Bungalow. Apply Bethal, lngestre-st. Tel. 23-431. , ; rpo LET, 5-rd. Cottage, 3 mins. Ava Sta- ■*- tion and bus stop. Apply Tama-st., Lower Hutt. 6 -ROOMED Residence, Farnham-st., Mornington, handy to school and bus terminus; all convs.; 30s per week. Apply Qdlin's, Cablc-st., Wellington. BELMONT— 4 Rooms, bathroom, range, hot water, gas cooker, c.1., every cony., lawns, garden, native bush, no climb, closo station, 235. Maelaren and Nisbet. . •■" ' ': . T YALL BAY—Rua-st., Modern 6-rd. '-*-' House, garages, near tram terminus, £2 10s weekly. Tel. 17-041. .- T3ROOKLYN, 5 Rooms, 22s 6d; Kelburn, ■*-* 6 Rooms, 455, 5 Rooms, 40s; Khandallah, 6 Rooms, 30s; Hataitai, 5 Rooms, 455; Karori, 40s; City, 6 Rooms, 455; 8 Rooms, 70s; 10 Rooms, garage, 90s. Also 65 others. Public Service Agency, 58, Manners street!'".'Bungalow, City end Island Bay, •*: all convs., close tram, partly furnished, 355; adult tenants. Write 590. Post Agency, Newtown. ANTED .to Let, 6 Rooms, 1. minute Lambton-qy., 45s per week, reliable tenant. Apply A. Whittaker, 35, Moles-worth-st. "., ". . » . r^HICAP Rent, Lower Hutt, near Station, 3 Rooms and scullery, convs. Ring 22-837 or 40-505. - . '.' : : (~i ENTLEMAN.'S Home (Thompson-st), " 7 rooms and sleeping porch, delightful situation and view, every modern cony., approved tenant only, rental 75s weekly. Woodward. Agent, to). 22-804. "DOULCOTTST. (noar Majestic The-' •*-* atre), 4 Rooms and washhouse. A comfortable little homo right in the city, no climb, no train fares, 45a weekly. Ring 22-SO4. Tj^ASTBOURNE—To Let, Comfortable ■" Furnished Cottage, electric light, electric range, water laid on, moderate rent to good tenant. 562, Evg. Post. PL I MME RTON EXT.—To LeT 473". Fuvnishrd Cottnge. H. Gotlieb, Tailor, 245, Lambton-gy. Tels. 43-734 or 21-359. T YALL BAY—3-rd. Detached Bach, ■" convs., £1 per week in advance. Apply 162 a, Onepu-rd. K-RD. House, Shop to Let, Riddiford-st., *•* Newtown, room for motor. Jupp's, 155, Willis-st. "BURNISHED House, Hataitai, for few -*- weeks, moderate rent, would exchange for seaside cottage. Ring 2S-S4O. I?ONGOTA1 —Bungalow, 4 large rooms -*1 and kitchenette, all modern convs.; rent £2 ptr week. Apply 40, Kauri-st. C^ITY —7 rms. (suitable boarders), no 1 tram fares, 555;. Brooklyn, 5 rms., 22s 6d. Call A. F. Jauncey, Burlington Arcade. r^lTY —6 Rooms, newly papered, hurhour view, £2 15s; Kelburn, 4 Rooms, kitchenette (bungalow), £2; Khandallah, ITY—Well-furnished Home. 7 rooms, garage, harbour view. S. George Nathan and Co., 105, Customhouse-qy. ARORl—Bungalow, 6 rooms, espen.sively furnished, 60s; 7 rooms, unfurnished, 50s; 6 roonis, 40s; 5 rooms, 32s Od. Call Aston Agencies, Cooper's Bldgs., opp. Evg. Post. MT. VICTORIA—S-6 Rooms; Day's Bay, Bungalow, 4-5 roonis (furnished), garago; Thorndon, 5-S rooms. G. Egerton Warburton, 19C, The Terrace. O. 17, Byron-st., Miramar —Good 4-rd. House, every convenience, large motor died, good garden; rent 32s Od. Apply No. in. EA'l'OUN—Furnished 2 Roonis and kitchen, 30s, closo tram, adults. 50, Ferry-st. Tel. 17-816. 5 Rooms, kitchenette, good order, 37a Od; Northland, harbour view, 6 Rooms, 355; KhMidullab. 7 Rooms, garage, large section, £2. Leslie Jones, 101, Willis-st. BUNGALOW, 6 spacious rooms and wide entrance hall, good bathroom, laundry, splendid modern home, newly papered throughout; £2 10s. 160, Queen's drive, near Lyall Buy tram. Inspect between 9 and 4 daily, or by appointment. Thomson and East, Ltd., 20, Brandon-st. UNGALOW and garage (partly furnished), £'.i; 6 rooms, kitchenette, every cony. (i bedrooms), dining-room, bedroom, kitchen completely furnished; fitted ball carpets, linos:., curtains, blinds; good position, uloiiiiside tram, near school, stores; mm. Lyall 'Hay' beach. Key Thomson and East, Ltd.. '20, Brandim-st. A PCS PER week, « Rooms, 125, Cocil- **" r d., Wadestown; 40s per week, 4 Roonis 123, C'ecil-fd., Wades town; 36s per week, 5 Rooms, 79, Wilton-rd., Wadestown; 32s 6d per week, 3 Rooms and garage, 404, Queen's drive, Lyall Bay; Ms per week, 3-rd. Bungalow No 5, Sabsbury Garden Court, Cecil-ru., Wadesimvn. Apply H. S. Pillar, Builder, 124, Cecil-rd. Tel. 40-292. SUNNY AUSTIN STREET. 7 LARGE Rooms, sun balcony, garage, no climb, near tram, garden. Tel. 20-005 or 40-974.
FLATS AND ROOMS TO LET. rpO LET, Hataitai, Flat, 2 large sunny ■*- rooms, kitchenette, sep. meters; modern liume. Tel. 23-255. rro LKT, in Landcross-st., Partly Fur- -*• nished 2-rd. Flat and kitchenette, sep. entrance, gas stove; rent 25s a week. Apply 5, Devon-st. ryO LET, Furnished Double Bed-Sitting- ■*- room, with own kitchenette, c.1., caliphont. Gleniti, 18, Nairn-st., top Wil-lis-st. 'HO LET, Double Furnished Bed-Sitting- -*- rooms, 255; also Single 12s 6d, all convs. (i, Huwkestonc-cres. rpo LET, Well-furnished Flats, 3 rooms -*- and kitchenettes, sep. entrances, completely self-contained, with all convs., caliphoiits, gas stoves, etc.; rent 37s 6d and 345. Apply 2, Upton-ter. (opp. Hillst., in Tinakori-rd.). ■rpo LET, Modern 4 Rooms, kitchenette, -"- all convs., sunny position, one section. Apply 133. Vivian-st. Tel. 22-262. rpo LET, Double Furnished Bed-Sitting- •*• room and kitchenette, also Single Rooms. Apply 92, Boulcott-st., City. rpO LET, 2 Furnished Rooms, own "^ entrance, reasonable rent to good tenant. 76, Richmond-st., Petone. HPO LET, Superior Furnished Flat, 2, 3 ■-*■ rooms, modern home, sep. kitchenette, meter. Tel. 25-863. _^___ rpO LET, Self-contained Flat, 4 rooms, -*• kitchenette, bathroom, sep. meters, private entrance. 42, Colombo-st. rpo LET, Self-contained Flat. 41, Rox- -*■ burgh-st., all eonvs. Jupps, 155, Willis-st. rpO LET, Kilbirnie, 3 Large Unfurnish- -^ cd Rooms, sep. entrance, all modern . couvs. Tel.. 17-695.; fpO LET, 1 Large Front Double Furnish- -*- ed Bed-Sitting-room, private gas, every cony. 20, Murphy-st., Thorndon. rpo LET, • Well-furnished Double Bed-Sitting-room, single beds, morning tray, 10s pflr week. 54, Kent-ter. npO LET, Sunny Single Room, ever} x cony., lady or gent. 25, Home-st. ofl Kent-ter. rpo LET, Comfortably Furnished Single ■*- Room, modern home, central, rent reasonable. Tel. 28-234. ■ ■ rpO LET, Superior Sunny Single Room. -1- 1, Eccleston Hill (opposite Parlt Bldgs., Hill-st.) : -■■■ rpo LET, Well Furnished Single Room, x morning tray, private family, handy G.P.0., gentleman preferred. Apply 149 : Wellington terrace. rpO LET, Furnished Double Bed-Sitting--1- room. 341, The Terrace. AUSTIN-ST. (28a), Superior Uniurnisb ed 5-rd. Bottom Flat, select locality sep. entrance, tel., garden, rent 455. TJASADENA Flats, Hawkestone-st.—i -"- Rooms, sep. entrance, all convs., un furnished. Ring 43-870. . T7"ELBURN—SmaII, Select, Self-contain 1 ■*-*■ ed Furnished Flat, perfect order; ideal 2 people; refs.; 37s 6d. Ring 21-876. TrELBURN PARADE, 18, opp. Univer •*■*• sity, top floor—s Rooms, every cony. Sep. entrance, self-contained.. Tel. 40-221 rr_RRACE, 2 Furnished 4-rd. Flats, £. A 12s 6d; Oriental Bay, 2 Furnished ■4-rd'. Flats, £2," £1 17s 6d; Island Bay, 2 Unfurnished Flats, 255,- 27s 6d; City, 5 Rooms, 35s Apply 1, Lindum terrace, Oriental Bay Terminus. ' SUPERIOR Furnished Self-containec Flat, 2 large sunny rooms, kitchen ette, tel., • beautiful harbour view. 221 The Terrace. XTATAITAI, 5 Rooms, bathroom, 37s 6d: xx City, 3 Rooms, 255, 5 Rooms, bath room, 40s; 4 Rooms, bathroom, 43b; alsc 54 others, 35 Rooms. Public Servic< Agency, 58, Manners-st. "FURNISHED Dining-room, Bedroom x gas stove, use convs., 27s Gd, includ ing gas, c.l. 102, Russell terrace, Newtown. . CiITY — New "Bungalow Flat, 2 rooms J kitchenette, bathroom, sep. entrance absolutely self-contained, 30s; garage optional. Tel. 21-SHI . . T ARGE Furnished Room, fireplace, c.1.; -L-' kitchenette, gas stove, separate meter, balcony, 255. 16, Hall-st., Newtown. ■ . . . MENTAL BAY, !). Lindum terrace —To Let, Beautifully Furnished Single Bedroom, tel. T ARGE Front Comfortably-furnished ■M Bed-Sitting-room, single beds, every .cony.; suit ladies. 210, Tinakori-rd. TTNFURNISHED Quiet Self-contained Flat, four rooms, bathroom, conveniently situated. Apply ,41, Brougham-st. O-RD. Flat, kitchenette, 255; 3 Rooms. ** kitchenette, 27s 6d, range, gas stove; Bach, 12s-6d. 82, Webb-st. 27-576. UNFURNISHED. Self-contained 3-rd, . Flat, large sunny hall, sep. entrance, all couvs., fireplaces, gas cooker, ground floor. Apply 41, Ribble-st., Island Bay. A NICE Double Bedroom, 15s; also, Single Room, use all convs. 13, Col-ombo-st., Newtown. BACH, self-contained, own convs., including lavatory, only 2 ladies in mail house. A. F. Jauncey, Burlington Arcade. ; TTNFURNISHED Self-contained Flat, i *-' good rooms, kitchenette, nice outlook: reasonable rent. 370, Tinakori-rd. CAMBRIDGE TERRACE — Comfort ably Furnished Flat., vacant, 2 b.rooms, sitting-room, fireplace, good kitchenette. Key to view, 26, Majoribanksst a "WO Unfurnished Rooms, gas, £1. '5. - Goring-st. Tel. 14-657. TTNFURNISHED 3-rd. Flat, kitchen- --' ette, self-contained, sep. meter, entrance, _ fireplaces, 32s Cd. 31, Graftonrd., Roseneath. FLAT, 2 rooms, close to Courtenay-pl., 17s 6d week. H. G. Rutter and Co., Agents, 35, Panama-st. YALL BAY*—Modern Furnished Flat, lounge, d. bedroom, s. bedroom, kitchenette, bathroom, self-contained, tel garage optional. 251, Queen's Drive, lei. 17-763. — SUPERIOR Unfurnished Self-contained City Flat, living-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchenette, bathroom, sun porch. 01, Broughain-st. FLAT 2 or 3 furnished Rooms, ground floor, convs., own gas meter and cooker. . V»2a. Svduey-st. West. "XTICE Single Furnished Room, gas ring, -^ c. light, all convs. 43, Brougham-st., corner Elizabeth-st. ______ TTNFURNISHED Flat, 2 rooms, sunny, U c light, gas, all convs. 43, Broughamst., corner F.lizabeth-st . AY-ST. (14)". off Molesworth-st-Single Bed-Sitting-room, also Double Front Downstairs, fireplace, furnished, TpmiE-S'-r (33)-Comfortable Single -t Furnished Room, also Room to share, single beds, tel. , SUPERIOR City Flat—Most Modern »5 Building, with continuous hot water and special li eating included in reasonable rental; liviim-romn, 2 bedrooms (wardrobes), Kun-porcli, beautilully ntted tiled kitchenette and bathroom. Inspect early. Tel. Custodian, 2S-483. Agents, Thomson and East, Ltd., 20, Brandon-st. (near D.1.C.). : CITY Flat (few mins. Courtenay-pl.), £2. Wide hall, living-room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen; ground floor; selfcontained; perfect order. Inspect early. Thomson and East, Ltd.. 20, Brandon-tit. " HOUSES TO LET. KELBURN. GROOMS, all com-*., rent 455. William Jack. Tel. 45-241, 44-752 (evening 22-106).
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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 39, 16 February 1931, Page 2
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1,923Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 39, 16 February 1931, Page 2
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