The Wellington Cricket Association's competitions arc to be resumed to-morrow. Fixtures, grounds, and umpires arc as follow : — Senior. Midland v. l'etone, at I'otone, Messrs. !■'. A. Laws and A. Francis; Wellington v. Old Boys, Basin Kcservt! No. 1, Messrs. W. Toomath and If. linker; Hult v. Kllblrnic, Basin Reserve No. 2, Messrs. It. Hendr.v and C. Webb; Institute v. University, Kilblrnie No. ], Messrs. J. Thawley and X Kelling. Junior A. Institute v. Kilbirnic, Kelburn No. 1, Messrs. A. Tidman and J). L. Burns; Karori v. Pctono, I'etone, Messrs. \V. V. Pago and J. Slack; Marist v. Midland. Andorsoti Park No. 2, Messrs. .1. J!. Burley and C. Muore; Hiitt v. Wellington, Hutt No. 2, Messrs. L. T. Cobcroft and Jenuess: University v. Old Boys, Kelburn No. 2, Messrs. It. F. Steelc and W. Hatson. Junior 81. Stop Out v. Hutt, Hutt. Messrs. J. Jluleliings and F. \V. Dayton; Johusonvillo v. Institute, Joinisonvllle; Marist v. Midland, Kilbirnic No. 2; Wellington v. Wellington College, bye; Shell v. Hospital, Porirua. Junior 82. Kliandallah v. Hutt, Hutt, Messrs. W. G. Featouby aud Hansen; Old Boys v. Kaiwarra, Anderson Park No. 1, Messrs. M. Stewart and G. Iteiincr; Midland v. Hallways, Wakcfleld Park No. 1, Messrs. W. J. Chatfleld and E. Hamilton; Wellington v. Technical, Newtown No. C, Messrs. E. Eton and F. Wiseman. Junior C. 'Old Boys v. Wellington, Wakefleld No. 2; Marist v. Wellington College, bye; Stop Out v. University, Karori No. 7; Karori v. Duthies, Karori No. 8; Institute v. Kilbirnic, Kilbirnie No. 3; Midland v. Hutt, Hutt. Junior D. Wellington v. Old Boys, Kilbirnie No. S; Marist v. Khandallah, Karori No. 10; Kilbirnie A t. Seatoun, Rongotai No. 1; Institute v. Johnsonvllle, Johnsonville; Kilbirnie B v. Brooklyn, Kilbirnic No. 6; Midland v. Stop Out, Wakefleld No. 3; Karori v. Technical, Karori No. fl. Third. Hutt B v. Midland, Hutt; Shell v. Kaiwarra H. Newtown No. 7; Scatouu B v. Hutt C, Hutt; Stop Out A v. Brooklyn, Lyall Bay No. 3; Scaloun A v. Pefone A, Pctonx:; University y. Dutliics, Wakefleld No. 4; Railways v. Kaiwarra A, Anderson No. 3; Hutt A v. Kaiwarra C, Hutt; Kilbirnie v. Pctone B, Kelburn No. 4. Mercantile League. A Grade Cowans v. Health Department, KUbirnie No. 7, Mr. Brooks and another; Smith and Smith v. Customs, Wakefleld No. 5, Messrs. Harris and Cusack; Pastimes v. Shipping, Wakefleld No. 9;-Cables v. Odllns, Newtown No. 1, .Mr. D. Preston and another; Nivens v. Sargoods, Wakefleld No. 7, Mr. H. Hassell and another. li Grade. —Bookers v. H.M.V., Karori No. 2; Hough and Co. v. James Smiths. Kilbirnie No. •1, Mr. W. Beck and another: Todds v. Koseneath Karori No. 5; Whitcombes v. Wills, Wakefleld No. C; Gas Co. v. Printing, Karori No. 4, Messrs. Price and Sheeny. C Grade.—State Advances v. Hope Gibbons, Kelburn No. 3; "N.Z. Truth" v. "Free Lance, Lyall Bay No. 1, Mr. ¥. Thompson and another; Dalgetys v. State Fire, Karori No. 1; Education v. Public Trust, Kilbirnie No. 9; D.I.C. v. Hannahs, Lyall Bay No. 2. D Grade.—Willerton v. Labour Department, Karori No. 3; Telephone Exchange v. Shipping, Kilbirnie No. 5; Milk Department V. Hutcheson, Bowmans, Wakefleld No. 8, Messrs. Black and Popple; Printing v. Macky, Logans, Newtown No. (i, Mr. W. Legge and another. Boys' Association. Senior.—Stop Out v. Karori, Karori Park; Institute v. Athletic, Prince of Wales No. 1; Marist v. Khandallah, Prince of Wales No. 2; Brooklyn v. Miramar B, Rongotai; Miraraar, a intermediate.—Brooklyn B v. Athletic B, Kilbirnie; Institute v. St. Pat's B, Wakefleld Park; Brooklyn A arid Athletic A win by default; fet. Pat's A and V.M.C.A., byes; Brooklyn A v. Athletic A, friendly game, Nairn street. TEAMS. Wellington —Senior: Airey, Blundell, Cousins, Goodwin, Hamilton, Morgan, Jennings, Whytc, Wlren, Westbrook, Syme. Junior A: Duff, Ellerm, Ham, Allen, Simpson, Wiren Watt, Fay Heed Johnson, O'Connor. Junior JJ-: iloWden, Balharry, Kose, Parkinson, Didsbury, Klrkcaldie, Hammond, Charlton, Ivory, Evans, Bennett. Junior C: Tobln. Bowen, Mans, Goodenough, Rhodes, M'Lean, Anketell, Wylie, Powell, Talbot, JPouhy. Junior 1): Redwood, Mules O'Connor, Eatcliffe, Neal. Hanify, Climo, Durkiu, Chetwin, Hopkins, . Ambrose; cmerChrlatbnherson, Ward, Crook. Tucker, Kershaw, Virtue, Bramley, Morris, Bilby, Hepburn, Hayman. Junior A. Birch, Monkhouse, Harris, Clark Ashenden, Virtue O'Brien, Hanscombe, Melville, Griffiths. 'Bennett. Junior C: J. 5;, SSO^ Clarke (2), Davl,s, Rook, Tobin, TurnbuU, Godfrey J Lawson, Loewenthall: Junior I) A . Itanfleld, Coleman (2), Hollings, Eaton, Davies, Henderson, Koroneho, Outhwaite, Glenday, Kuos, Carr. Junior I) "B": Stevens, M'Cau I, Marshall, M'Donald (2), Smith, Bowman, Tipping, Connell. Moseloy, Congreve, Howard. Third .A: A. E. Clarke, Mackay, H. Clarke, Barrlav Vshenden, Wills, Brnwnscombe, MatnesonVPaton, Council, Collinson, Larcombo, riMidland.-Senlor: Clark, Doneghue, Baker, Bryant! Newman. Dustto. Tindll,. Cntts Morgan, Shepherd, Standidge. Junior A: Cooper, Farnsworth C. F. Armstrong, Lawton, J. w. HutclZs, Duncan, Bull. Forde T*awley, O'Neill, Davenport. Junior B: Mahoney, J. Hutchlngs, Aspen. Nlcol, Henderson Cook, Pellet Thorn, Lye, Whaler, Kennedy, Walker, Hester. Junior C: Esson, Russell, Brigden, Watson, Trendle, Masters, Hodgson, H. Hatch, S. Baker, White, Bromley. Junior D: Bell, Osbomc, Sullivan, Reid, Guise (2), Taylor, Hatch; Pankhurst, Oliver (2). Old Boys.—Senior: Bird, Browne, Bull, Dv Chateau 'Duncan, James, Lamason, Lambert, Moore Parsloc. Ronaldson. Junior A: Browne, Mitchell, M'Donald, Patrick (captain). Prince, Reynolds, Robinson, Stephonson, Stevenson, Smith Wisgs. Junior B: Binnie (2), Bowles, Broad (2), Burt, Dean, Lo Grove, Morton, M'Coll, Sturrock. Junior C: Ashenden, Bradley Browne, Graham, Goldstein, Le Sever, Matthew, Milne, M'Gulre, Sadler. Junior D: Arnold, Benge, Burney, Earl, Garrett, Gustotaen, Holstead, Thorburn, White, Edwards, Reyn°Brooklyn.— Junior D: Wright (2), Walshaw (2) Armstrong, M'Callum, M'Farlane, Wallace, Beveridge, Jeffreys. Third: Thomson, JenKins, Pearce, Havers, Baker, Alexander, Stevenson, Ward, Haslem, Tricklebank, Kempton, Ross. Senior Boys: Meoch, Rait (2), Bennett, Webb, Alexander, Hamill, Thew, Hickmott, Lewis, Reynolds. Ward. Intermediate A: Wliyte, Sutherland, Thomas, Niven, Pragnell, Maturin, Nash, Beiitley, Boyes, Cragg, Meecb, Reid. Intermediate B: Webb (2), Cragg, Hyde, Turner, Whyte, Alexander, Boverldge, M'Nally, Newton, Henderson, Slade, Burt, Logan. Roseneath— Beck, Walden, Faber, Stolz, Hartshorn, Miners, Kcegan, Woods, Ron Martin, Dawson, Hancock, Read (twelfth man). Welgasco.—Waugh, Rigby, Alexander, Smallbone (2), Mead, M'Clymont, Denison, Roebuck, Rod, Wiffen, Young. Kaiwarra.—Junior B: Kelly (2), Harris, Forbes. Soames, Williams. Turner, Logan, Sandholm, Little, Tietzens. Third A: Johnson (2), Couchman, F.lvy, Kemp, Smith, Lubransky, J. Samson. Walters, Dyer, Cook, Aldridge. Third B: Muir, Rait. Ferguson, Samson, Swanson, Ulyatt, Tyree, Edlin, Southec, Burrows, Flett, Thompson. Marist.—Junior A: Duffy, Brennan, Hepburn. Cudby, Rendall (2),Hyland, Keegan. Gamble, Andrews, Cuming. Junior B: Hayden, Reid, Graham, Flett, Creen, Frost, Eyan, Smith, Quirk, Dennehy, O'Gonnan. Junior D: Ericsson, Devlin, Mansfield, M'Gllnchey, Bruce. Bergs, Hindle, Vaney, Patrick, Fitzgerald, Ryan, Senior Boys: O'Connell, Riley, Read, O'Leary, Barrett, Connor, Darrah, Marshall, . Bezzer, Hunter, Wylie. Cowan's.—Brough. Chudleigh (2), Brooks, Heefton, Hassell, Malcolm, Martin, Matson, Ambrose, Talley. Telephone Exchange.'—Barnes, Hancock, Hathaway, Sundborn, Lockwood, Marchant, Bennett, Clark, Churchill, Gilbert, M'Nab, M'Kay. Boys' Institute.—Senior Boys: M'Lean, M'Cormack, Millar, Manzani, Miners, Jacobs, Littler, Final!, Hill, Grace. Andrews Miles. Intermediate Boys: Watt, Hale, Allan, Larobie, Reade, Dallas, Wilton, Coulson, Stratford, Seaton, Service, Mitchell. Stop Out,—Junior B: Dunn (3), O'Dounell, Liddicoat (2). Lee, Balo, Brooks, Macklin. Moore. Mitchell. Junior C: Kemp, M'Phee, Woolton. Scott, Sandholm, Hitchen, M'lvor (2), Mason, Green, Power. Third: Marshall, Brown (2), Bo.vton, Masters, Tindle, Biddle, Ploughman, Morris, Edwards, Casey, Haines. Senior bdys: Hardie, Nolan, Longstaff. Beagle, Dunn, Hayvico, Saunders, Weitzel, Pauley. Petoue.—Senior: Brieo M,. Nicholls. H. Nicholls, Hamilton, Roberts, Hope, Edwards, Kmallwood. Senior, Patrick, Scott. Junior A: Barber, Rodger, Sharpe. Fleet, Abrlm, H. Martin, Coman. Cohen. Gregory, Spence, O'Leary. Junior B: Bryant, Asplett, May, Ward, Fairbalrn. O'Callaghan, O'Neill, J. Martin, Hepplcston, M'Kay, Flux. Third A: Asplett, Holland, M'Lauchlau, Waddington, Foster, l'hilp. Ashtun, Edmonds, Laracy, Hewitt. Third B: Brader, Uowland, Hoult, Avenall, Manson, Harding, Hall, M'Farlane. Croft (2), Watson. University.—Senior: Aim, Bailey, Blandford, Caldwell. Cramond, Grelg, Harrison, Leys, Macallan, M'Leod, Pactz.. Junior A: Arndt, Baggo. Carey, Clouston, Ktrkcaldle, Martin, M'Donald, Otborn (2), Robinson, Williams. Junior B: Bishop, Camp, Duncan, Frost, Moore, Struthers, Warren, Rae, and 3 others. Junior C: Bansgrove. Christie, Eton, Frazer, Hardy, Jamieson, Kirkwood, Nicole, Rlske, Wicks. Third: .Martin, Murphy, Wilton, Lysnar, Bragg, Andrews, Fry, O'Shca, Ford, Dukes, Titkowsky. Duthie's. —Junior C :J. nickling, Noot, Handley, Stanley, Sedgwick, Williams (2), Kerwin, Perliins, Watson, Lawson. Third: Blathcrwick (2). Potier, Dyer, Dawes, Wills. Blundell, Satherly, Horsley, Knapp, M'Comish. Seatoun.—Junior D: Tucker, Jones (2), Janes, Batemau, Hearfleld, Hudson, M'Girr, Harke, Young, Mason. Third A: Anderson, Grigg, Scott, Deacon, Boulton, Paterson, Forbes, Pike, O'Brien, Smith, Thompson, Manttan. Third B: Canute, Alexander, Edmonds, A. Day (senr.), Gibson, Trillo, Whetton, Dohorty, Boon, Lauchlan, A. Day (junr.). Karori.—Junior A: Russell, Nlmmo, King, T'auson, Clnpshaw, M'Gavln (21, Keenau (2), Armilnge, Eobb. Junior C: Guy, Lower, Mnlr, O'Brien, English. J. Monk, Hawkins. Made, Liehert, Hunt. Burson, Randell. Junior P: Adams (2), Crowther. Jensen, L. Nimmo. Carter, M'ilonald, O'Brien, Larnach, Fugle, Mums, Chivniin, Burt. Boys (senior) : Gillespie (2). Larnaeh, Scott. Fugle, Edwards (2), Price. Kconc, Aitlcen, Pbvpers. Gjiskln. Institute.—Senior: Aitkon, Hanks. r.ilV\ Clciivc, Foley, GriDiths, Uauklus, Hcudcijvji (
Masses', A. M'Lean, Wareham.• Junior A: AJgar, Brabin, Burt, Calvert, Collengc, Dyhrhcirg, Douglas, Fortune, Rogers, Donald, "Ward. Junior B: Aamodt, Exton, Myers, Owen, Ptalierton, Pringle, Glover, Middlemass, Sollett, Willis, Stevens. Junior C: Cooper, Cranmar, Creighton, Pringle, Henshaw, Jupp, Hetherington, A. Spolsky, Ormfstou, J. M'Lean, G. M'Lean, Dunne. Junior D: Atkinson, Ell, Fulton, Gaelic, Coulthard, Jamieson, Jones, Hicks, Mallard, Palmer, 11. Spolsky, Baigent. Hutt.—Senior: Aldersley, Beard, Biggar, Birch, Judd, Lees, M'Glrr, M'Kenzie, Monk, Phillins, Warnes, Hoss. Junior A: Gowcr, GivilUam, Costello, Heap, Judd, Loclcett, Matthews Neazor, Pcgler, Haines, Elsom. Junior 111 : Aldersley, Ball, Doig. Duddlng, Hunt, Judd, Stiles Webster, Mason, Wilson, Houbs. Junior B:i: Barnes, Cameron, Faber, Murpby. Mudgway, Jluir (2), M'Malion, Lambert, J. Gray, Sissons. Junior C: Buckley, E. Muir, Sanders, Moran, Thome, Hipkins, Ell, Hoare, Biggar, Wright 11. C.vay. Third A: Lant'ford, Dooley, Wilkinson. M'Jlalion, Roberts, IJ. Ell, Stoddavt, Little, Griffiths, G. Phillips, Williams: emergencies, Perno, Langford, M'lndoe. Third B ■ Adams, Ell, Withers, Elliott, Allan, Kaye, D. Phillips, Caughley, Sissoas, Williams, Clarke; emergencies, Clegg, Penhall, King, Neighbours. Third C: Woollcy, Wall, Richardson, Oldflold, Rudman, Kemp, Doig, Gray, Allson, Slniiiklas, Ilaycs: emergency, Orr. Stop Out (Overhead) : Maddocks, Winter, Bolton Wallis, Welsford, Barber, Gibhings, Handyside, Bcdin&el.'l, Stewart, Maciiauham, Khandallah. —Juuior B : Bradshaw, GrifDths, Gentry (3), Jack, Kennedy, Perkins, Kelly, Smith, and another. Junior D: Bradshaw (captain), Black, Dougal, Kelly (2), Lindsay, Kennedy, M'Kcowau, Towcll, Walker (2). Senior boys: Same aa last.
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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 7, 9 January 1931, Page 3
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1,696CRICKET Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 7, 9 January 1931, Page 3
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