HIGH WATER. To-day: 3 0.52 a.m.; 11.20 p.m. To-morrow: 11.40 a.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, 10th AUGUST. TAMAHINB. s.s. (3.40 p.m.), IDSO tons, Kane, from Pirton. SUNI7AY, 17th AUGUST. I'KOI.iHKSS. s.s. (2.35 a.m.), 231 tons, Hay, from Nelson. NGAIO, s.s. (6.50 a.m.). 1203 tons, Vasta, from Nelson. WAIIINE, s.s. (7 a.m.). 4'i:jl> tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. OPAWA, m.s. (7.5 a.m.), 110 lons, Radford, from Blenheim. CANADIAN CRUISER, s.s. (3.:,0 p.m.), 717S - lons. Sears, from Auckland. •VAIPIATA. s.s. (5-p.m.), 2526 tons, Elders, from Auckland. PARHRA, s.s. (9.10 p.m.), 351 tons. Miles, from (ilsborne. MONDAY, ISth AUGUST. PORT ALMA, m.s. (7.3 a.m.), 7053 tons, Kearney, from Auckland. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. 16th AUGUST. aTORM, s.s. (1.25 p.m.), 749 tons, Shcppard, I for Bluff. HENZADA, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 5829 tons, Wiles, for Lyttelton. KAMONA, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 1425 tons, Howie, for Greymouth. I lIIMATANGI, s.s. (3 p.m.), 479 tons. Bald, for Duncdiii. ! OTOKIA. m. tanker (3.20 p.m.), 7277 tons, I Harris, for San Pedro. BENEDICK, tanker (4.5 p.m.), 6955 tons, Stonehurst, for Ballk Papan. KOMATA. s.s. (5 p.m.), 2115 tons, Whyborn, | for Westport. WAIMARINO, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 3030 tons, M'Clullan, for Auckland. KOUTUNUI, m.s. (6 p.m.), 171 tons, Smith, for Wangamii. TOTARA. s.s. (G p.m.), 421 tons, Eden, for New Plymouth. WAIXUI. s.s. (G. 15 p.m.), 1C33 tons. Hackworth, for Dunedin. MATANGJ, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1349 tons, Hay, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 31S8 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton. CALM, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 9SI tons, Laverton, for Wangamii. JOHN, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 342 tons, Holm, for New Plymouth. SUNDAY, 17th AUGUST. ARGYLLSHIRE, s.s. (7 a.m.). 11,919 tons, Pngu, for Napier. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Taniahine, Picton, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Totara, New Plymouth, to-morrow. Calm, Wanganui, to-morrow. Gale, southern p,orts, to-morrow. { Koutunui, Wanganui, to-morrow. ■ Regulus, Wanganui, to-morrow. Tees, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Nikau, Motueka, to-morrow, ' Opawa. Blenheim, 20th. i Holmdale, Wanganui, 20th. . ' Poolta, Newcastle. 20th. KapunJ. Patea, 20th. Opihl, Lyttelton, 20th. i Breeze, southern ports, 21st. Wingatui, Lyttelton, 21st. John, Port Waikato, 21st. : Kahika, Greymouth, 21st, Waikawa, Napier, 21st. Uimatangi,. southern ports, 22nd. Gale, Wanganui, 22nd. Progress, southern ports, 23rd. Middlesex, Auckland, 23rd. • Parcra,' Gisborne, 24th.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ngaio, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Wiihlne, Lyttelton, to-daj', 7.45 p.m. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. Progress, southern ports, to-day. Kohl, Nelson, to-day, llolmdale, Wanganul, to-day. Kapuni. Patea, to-day. Walpiata, southern ports, to-day. Kuhu, Kaikoura, to-day. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Corinthlc, Napier, to-morrow. WnJkounltl, Lyttclton, to-morrow. Koutunui, Wanganul, to-morrow. Kegulus, Westport, to-morrow. Kaimai, Greymouth, to-morrow. Gale, ricton, to-morrow. I'nrcra, No pier, to-morrow. , Calm, southern ports, to-morrow. Nlkau, Mapua, to-uiorrow. Tamahine, Plcton, 20th, 3 p.m. llolmdale, southern ports, 20th. Oplhi, Nelson, 20th. Canadian Cruiser, Lyttelton, 20th. Kawatiri, Napier, 20th. orcpuk), Greymouth, 20th. WinKatui, Auckland, 21st, Port Alma, Napier, 21st. Breeze, Wanganui, 21st. Himatangi, Wanganul, 22nd. Gale, southern ports, 22nd. Progress, New Plymouth, 23rd. BERTHAGE LIST. Walplata-—Queen's Wharf No. 1, north. Waiotapu—Queen's Wharf No. 1, south. Tamahlnu—-Queen's Wharf No. 4. - Kaplti—Queen's Wharf No. 5. Kapuni—Queen's Wharf No. 5. . Holmdale —Queen's Wharf No. 6. Futurist—Queen's Wharf No. 7. Inaha —Queen's Wharf No. 9. Kuku—Queen's Wharf No. 10. Opawa—Queen's Wharf No. 11. Ngaio—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Kohi—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Progress—Queen's Wharf No. 11 rarera—Queen's Wharf No. 14. Karllgl—Queen's Wharf No. 18.—Ferry ,Wharf. Wnhiiie—Ferry Wharf. .Kawatiri—Railway Wharf. Waikouaitl—Railway Wharf. Kaimai—Railway Wharf. Kaiwarra —Glasgow Wharf. Corinthic—Pipitea Wharf. Port Alma—Pipitea Wharf. Kaitoke —Thorndon Breastwork. Canadian Cruiser —Taranaki street Wharf. Katoa—Taranaki Street Wharf. Marama—Clyde Quay Wharf. Maul Pomare—Patent Slip. JCalkorai—Patent Slip. Pakura—Patent Slip. Orepukt—Patent Slip. X'utikl—ln the jtream. Mararoa—ln the- stream. Corinna —In the stream.
INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. MAUNGAXUI, left Wellington 15th August for Sydney; due Sydney to-morrow; leaves Sydney Friday for Wellington and Auckland; j due Wellington 26th August; leaves Wellington 27th August; leaves Auckland 29th August for Sydney. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIMAROA, left Sydney 15th August for Auckland; due Auckland to-morrow; leaves j Auckland Friday for Sydney; due Sydney 2<ith August; leaves Sydney 211 th August for Wellington. (Huddar-t-Parker.) MAHENO, left Wellington IClh August for Melbourne, via Bluff; leaves Bluff to-day; due .Melbourne Friday; leaves Melbourne 2Sth August for Wellington, via Bluff, Dunedin, and Lytteiton. (U.S.S. Co.) MARAMA, laid up at Wellington for winter months. (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AOEANGI, leaves Sydney Thursday for.Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, Honolulu; due Auckland 25th August; leaves Auckland 20th August; duo Suva 29th August; Honolulu sth September; Vancouver 12th September. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Auckland; due Honolulu 27th August; Suva sth September; Auckland Bth September; leaves Auckland 9th' September; due Sydney 13th September. (U.S.S. Co.) TAHITI. left Sydney 7th August for San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, Papeete; disabled 460 miles off Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co.) MAKURA, left San Francisco Cth August for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga. Wellington ; due Rarotonga to-morrow; Wellington 23th August; leaves Wellington 2Cth August; due Sydney 30th August. (U.S.S. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS. A.N'TEN. loads at Scandinavian ports early in September for Bluff, Dunedin. Wellington.' Auckland. (W. Wallis.) ASHBURTON, leaves New York 14th September for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, leaves Montreal 23rd August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttellon, Dunedin. Bluff: due Auckland stn October. (C.N.S.) CITY OF TOKIO, ieavc3 New York "Sith September for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. (W. Walliß.) FERNDALE. leaves London 24th September tor Lyttelton. Port Chalmers. New Plymouth. (S.S. and A. Co.) GABRIELLA, loads at Newcastle and Sydney for Wellington, New Plymouth, Wanganui, leaves Sydney 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) HAURAKI, leaves Los Angeles, 30th September for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia.; due Auckland 23rd October. (U.S.S. Co.) HERTFORD, was to leave Liverpool 10th August fot Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, New Plymouth; due Auckland about 24th August. (S.S. and A. Co.) KAPONGA, loads at Devonport end of August and completes at Adelaide, Edlthburg, and Melbourne* for Auckland,1 Portland, New Plymouth, Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) ICARETU, loads at Sydney 25th August for Bluff, Dunedin, Oaniaru. aud Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co.) I'IPIUIKI. whs to leave New York IjUi August for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. and Australia. (W. Wallis.) I'ORT .NICHOLSON, leavus London 3rd September for Suva, Uvtteltntf. Ilunedin. Bluff, Nelson. (C. and I). Line.) I'OriT KKISBANK. irave» New Vcirlt »(;ili August for Auckland, Wellington, f,yttellon, Duncriln: due Aiirkhne! tllih September. (C. and P.'.l I'AURAIiOOLA, leaves Sail Francisco about
23rd August for Aucktanfl, Wellington, and I other New Zealand ports; due Auckland 9th September, Wellington 12th September. (Speeding, Ltd.) KANGITANB, leaves London 25th September for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 29th October. (N.Z.S, Co.) RANGITATA. isaroa Southampton 29th Angus! for Wellington and Auckland; duo Wellington Is* October. (N.Z.S. ?;o.) * ] TAINUI, leaves Southampton 32th September for Auckland and Wellington; tluo Auckland about ISfh October. (S.S. and A. Co.) TONCfAUIRO, leaves Liverpool 27th September for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton., Port Chalmers, and Bluff. <W. Wallia.) TUKAKJNA, leaves Liverpool KUtb August for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. and Uunedin. (W. Wa1113.) WAIHE.MO, leaves Los Angeles 25th September for Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth; duo Napier 20th October. (U.S.S. Co.)
VESSELS OVERSEAS. ARMADALE, left New Tork IGtb July Tor Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Tiraaru, and Dunedin, via Suva; due Suva 18tb August; Auckland 24th August (TV Wallls.) BALACLAVA, left Singapore 10th August foe Wellington; duo Wellington Slst August. (Shell Co.) CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, left Montreal 26th July for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton Tlmaru, Dunedln; due Auckland 2nd September: Wellington lTth SeDtember. (C.N.S.) CARRISO, left Auacortes, America, ISth July for New Zealand ports. CITY OF LYONS, left New York Ist August, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 4th September, Wellington about Uth September. (W. Wallis.) FERNWOOD, left New Orleans sth August for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Wanganui, and Australia; due Auckland middle of September. GOLDEN CHOSS, left Los Angeles Ist August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln; due Auckland 27th August: Wellington Ith September. (Burns, Philp.) HUIA, left Grafton 10th August for Auckland; duo Auckland about 19th August. lONIC, left Southampton ISth July Tor Auckland and Wellington; dv« Auckland 2Uth August. (S.S. and A Co.) KALINGO, left Coft's Harbour I2th August for Lyttelton, 'Tlmaru. Wanganui. Greymouth; due Lyttelton 19th August. (U.S.S. Co.) MATAROA, left Southampton. 15th August for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 16th September. (S.S.-and A. Co.) NARBADA, from Calcutta, Penang. and Singapore, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timarn, Dunedin, and Bluff; left Samarsuig 55th August; duo Auckland Ist September. (U.S.S. Co.) PENBRYN, left Cuba 11th July for Auckland; diverted to assist the Tahiti. (Spedding, Ltd.) POOLTA, from Gratton and Port Stephens, left Newcastle 14th August for Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Bluff, Greymonth; due Wellington 20th August. (U.S.S. Co.) KTJAPEHC, left Southampton lit August for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington about 10th Sectember. (N.Z.B. Co.) RUAHINE, left Southampton 15th August for Wellington (pasesngers only). Port Chalmers, I/yttolton, Tiinaru; duo Wellington about 22nd Boptember. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOLOY, left Galveston, Texas, 3rd August for Australia and New Zealand. SOMERSET, left Liverpool 19th July, for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Bluff: due Auckland 27th August; Wellington 2ud September. (W. Wallis.) TAUANAKI, left London 25th July for Lytflton and Port Chalmers via Suva; duo Lytteltoa about sth September. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIRUNA, left Los Angeles 16th August for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland 13th September. (U.S.S. Co.) ZI3ALANDIC, left Liverpool 2nd August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland sth September. (S.S. and A. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. BRYXYMOR, from Bunbury, for Port Chalmers, Wellington; at Bluff. (G. H. Scales.) CLYDEBANK, from Galveston, for Australia; nt Wanganui. CANADIAN CRUISER, from Montreal, for Lyttelton, Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 20th August. (C.N.S.) GOLDEN COAST, from Los Angeles, for Tlmaru, Dunedin; was to leave Lyttelton Kith August. (Burns, Philp.) HENZADA, from New York, for Timaru; at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton ISth August. (C. and D. Line.) KAKETU, from Sydney; at. Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) KAWATISI, from Newcastle, for Napier; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) LADY LEWIS, from Nauru Island, at. Wangaimi. (H. and M., Auckland.) MIDDLESEX, from Liverpool, for Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedin; at Auckland; due Wellington 23rd August, (W. Wallis.) NEW ZEALAND, from Sydney; at Auckland. (Texas Oil Co.) PAKIPAKI, from Liverpool, for Timaru; at Port Chalmers. (W. . Wallis.) PORT ALMA, from London, for Napier; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 21st August. (C. aiid D. Line.) r.AISDALE, from Bunbury, for Wellington, Lyttolton, and Dunedin; at Auckland. (Ci. 11. Scales.) RANGITIKI, from Southampton; for Bluff; at Port Chalmers: leaves Port Chalmers 20th August. (N.Z.S. Co.) REMUERA, from Southampton, at New Plymouth ; leaves New Plymouth 21st August. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney, for Lyttelton; at Wellington: leaves Wellington lOtlt August. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKAWA, from Los Angeles, for Wellington. New Plymouth, Nelson. Lyttelton, Dunedin. and Bluff; at Napier. (U.S.S. Co.)
W.UOTAPU, from Los Angeles: for Australia ;at Wellington: leaves Wellington 10th August. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. ARGYLLSHIRE, io call nt Gisborne, Tokom.iru Bay, Auckland; at Napier: leaves Napier TStli August: leaves Auckland 23rd August for London and tliu West Coast ports of llio United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. Wallis.) CANADIAN CRUISER, to call-at Lyltelton. Timaru, Dunedhi. Wellington, and Auckland; duo Wellington 27th August; leaves Auckland Ist September for ■ New York, Boston, and Montreal, via Panama. (C.N.S.) COKINTHIC. Io call at Napier and] Auckland; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 19th August; leaves Auckland 27th August for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) LIMERICK, at Auckland; leaves Auckland 20th August for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) MAMILIUS, to call at Bluff (23th August), Port Chalmers, Timaru, Lyttelton, New Plymouth, Wanganul, Wellington; due Wellington 12tb September; leaves Wellington 16th September for London and the West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) ' i . ■ • PORT GISBORNE, to call at Lyttelfou, Wellington, Waikokopu, Gisborne, Auckland; at Timaru; leaves Timaru 21st August; due Wellington 23rd August; leaves Wellington 25th August; leaves Auckland 3rd September for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITIEI, to call at Bluff (about 22nd August), Lyttelton. Wellington, Napier, Tokomaru Bay, and Auckland; due Wellington about Ist September: leaves Auckland about Kith September for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) REMUERA, to call at Port Chalmers. Timaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington; at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth 21r.t August; due Wellington about 27th August; leaves Wellington about 29tb August for Southampton (passengers only) and London. (N.Z.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Tofua, Ulimaroa, Penybryn, Sierra, Canadian Explorer, Ventura, Waihemo, Clydebank, Vacuollne. Chatham Islands.—Nil. Wellington.—Maori, Wahinc. 'J'amahine, Ngaio, Rotorua, Otokla, Argyllshire, Port Alma, Poolta, Corinthic, Kawatiri, Kalingo, Maunganui. Awarua.—Malcura, Maheno, City or Khartoum. ZEALANDIC LEAVES BALBOA. The Zealantlic, en route from Liverpool for Auckland, sailed from Balboa on Friday. She Is due at Auckland ou sth September, and at Wellington about a week later. THE WESTMORELAND. The Westmoreland, which left Wellington on 23rd July for London and West Coast .ports of the United Kingdom, sailed from Caracas Bay last Friday. BY TELEGRAPH. • LONDON, Ifilh August. Sailed. —From Antwerp, Port Melbourne. AUCKLAND, lGth August. Sailed.—Karma (1.55 p.m.), for Greymouth. AUCKLAND. 17th August. Arrived.—Karepo (5 p.m.). from Westport. XICW PLYMOUTH, 16th August. Arrived.—l'aua (12.30 p.m.), from Welling - ' LYTTELTON, 16th August. Arrived.—Alexander (10.40 p.m.), from Nelson. NAPIER, 17th August. Arrived.—Waikawa (11.30 a.m.), frcm Los * nE ° *"' NAPIER, 18th August. Arrived.—Argyllshire (5.40 a.m.), from Welliugton. NEW PLYMOUTH, 17th August. Arrived. —Hauturu (6.30 a.m.), from Oneliunga; Totara (0.45 p.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, ISth August. Arrived.—John (6 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT, 17th August. Arrived. —Rnta (Sioon), from Nelson; Komata (5,5 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON, I'M August. * | Arrived.—Maori (0.30 a.m.). from Welling-I lon • ' Ik'iiziiila (7."0 a.m.l, from Wellington; Calo (7.40 a.m.). from Tlnmrti. CJREVMOCTII, INth August. I AiTivc'l. — Kaponga (') p.m.. l"l»), frum Wellington. I'ORT CHALMERS. ISth August. Arrived.—Walnut (fi a.m.). Hlniiitangl (S.M ii.m.), from .Wellington. :
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 42, 18 August 1930, Page 12
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2,244SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 42, 18 August 1930, Page 12
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