Fixtures, grounds, and referees for to-mor-row's outdoor games are given below ■:.— .-■
v RUGBY. National Mutual Cup. Pctone v. Eastbourne, at Pctone, 3 p.m., Mr. IS. J. Paton. :.,.....,..... Senior .A ; "'V.r.Senior ,6. ; ":.'■:.'■ University (geitjerrA^.V.■JVolliniton (senior B), at Athletic Park^S p.ui;,Mr. G. Hoaro. ■ I Senior Trial Match, ■■■'■ i : . Senior A representatives v.' Senior B rdprel«ntatives, at; Athletic Parlr, .LoO p.m., Mr. A, de Clifton j:f '\,:.-,-;. ;.:,.: ;.,■■ ■'• ■. : 3 p.m.-.< : . AtUletic v. 'ponekev'Kilbirniei No, 1, ; Mr, T, Cole; Wellinsttoh;Av.i[utti!l,-H«tt Rec. No.. I, Sir. W. GiU; jPetpne V. Old Boys A, Potone No. 2, Mr. Gi'-I'airbaii'n.;"Taita-v;: St; r Pat's, jaita No. li■'■.■•JUr., B.; Matthews';. Onslow' v. Eastbourne, Prince-1 of Wales Parjcj Sir. A. f!. Price; Bernampoi'o v.' Scats . Old - Boys, cots CoUegoNd.' l; Mr. Sl. SI. Esan; Oriental A v. Mqera, Strand Park No. l,.Mr.,Jb\ Hally; Jonnsbnville-v." Melrose, tTohnsonvllle No. 1, Mr. JJBennett; Marist v.:Selwyn, Wake* field No. 1, Mr. S.: L. • Morgan;; University v. Hutt B, Hutt Rcc. No. ?,Mr,. A. H. Eddy; Wellington B v. Mtfamar, Polo No.;;li Mr. C. O. Gould; Oriental ,Bj a bye. i ■ ' '['■■ MThlrd.—3 'v'.n, '■'■: ■■:■■■:■■ Berhampore v. Onslow, Nairhville No. I,' Mr. H. H. Jeffreys';- Petone v. Hutt, Hutt Park, Mr. J. H. Wilson; Poneke ,v. St, Pat's B, Lyall Bay No. 1, i Mr. B. Morris; Institute, v. Old Boys A, Newtown' Park,1 M.v. A. K. Morris; Oriental v. Upper Hutt,- Quinn's Post' No. 1; 3Kr. L. 1\ Llnley;. Athletic v.- Miramar, Polo 2Jo. 2, Mr. V. Chapman; Eastbourne.v.. University C, Eastbourne, Mr. C.,A. Handle; St. Pat.'s A v.( Seatouni Lyall Bay No. 2, Mr. E. W. Adams-} Melrose v;, University B, Waker flald No. 2,:.'Mr. 0. Cleland; Wellington A v; Wellington B. Kilbirnio No. 3,-Sir..- S. Acjams; Karori v. MarUSt.: Karon "Park, Mr. G. K. Wilson; Old Boys■ B$» a byci J > ■ intsrirtediate.—3 p.m. • ' Athletic vi >. -MarlsW XyaU Bay No. > 3,. Mr. Jt. 31. South; Kaiwarra'v. Karori, Western-Park, 3lr. D. C X&wsoit} Poneke v« Tech. Old Boys, Wakefleld No.-SiSir. J. H, Saunders;'!Moera T. Upper Hutfe Strand Park' No.'2, Mr.- W. .V. Wilson; ■■'Oriental; v. Tatta, Taita Nor 2,' Mr. A. E. Sadden; Welington.-V. :St, Pat.'s, Kelbura Part,, Mr. B. .G. Cook; Miramar y. Berhampore; ; Berhampore, default. ;.-■■;', -Fourth..- ■; :. ■ :■ , ... Petone A y. Oriental) Folono No. 1, .1.30 p.m., Mr. J. Aslitoh; Tech. Old.Boys.v. Pctone B, Wilford School* 8 :p.m., Mr. U. Cameron;, Old Boys Ay.i Wellington A,i Wakefleld No.. 2, 1.30 p.m.*>lfr.VAV Hooper; Marist.V. Hutt, Butt Bee. No. ;1V.i.3p.p.m., Mi-. H. E. Taylor.;, University $ Sehvyn, Wakefleld No. 4,: 1.30; V.m., Mr. T. J; .Ward; Athletic ■■■■ v. •■' Melrbset,. KllWrnto No.'3. 3 p.m.,;' Mr.: L. D. Greenwood; Institute v. Moera; Strand Park' No. 3, ; Sp.m., 3lr. B. Wilsbii ; ■'.• Johnsonville v. Wellington B, JohnsonvUle 'No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. D.. G. Kelly; Poneke v. Railway, Lyall Bay No. Si S p.nt, Jlr. 3. Flnlayson; Miramar *.■ Onslow, Wakefield No. 4,.3 p.m., Mr. G.--.F. Gardner; §astbourne v. Seatoun,: Lyall Bay No. 6, .3.p.m., Mr. XV. Harris;-Old Boys v. Upper Hutt; Quinn's Poet No. 2, 3;p.m.; Old Boys'default; Berhampore, a bye.';. : -J ;-*■'::; i .:-'*-^:.:" ■:',/■■- ;; -.":■,-■■'"■ .■ Bevenfh.-f2 • ;p.m^ ... . ' Miramar Vi Wellington, Polo No. 1, Mr. F.; Bergman; Melrose v. Onslow, Nairnville No.- '■ 1, Mr. E. W, Griffiths; Petone ■ v,. "Athletic, Petono No. 2, Mr. K. Love; Oriental v. Koera, Strand Park No. I', Mr. P. Ci Btzgerald. "I, Eighth; '. : ■ .. ■ ; ■ ' Instituteiy,'Johnsonville, Johnsonvillo No. 1, 5 p.m., Mr. B. Grant; Eastbourne v. Onslow, Kelburn Park, 2 p.m., Mr. E. D. Bex; Miramar v. Sehvjrn, Polo No. 2, 2 p.m., Mr. J. J. M'Artngy; Wellington v. Upper Hutt, Lyall Bay No. T!,; 3 p.m., Mr. B. Sheahan; Marist At. Marist B; Wakefleld No. 1.-2 p.m., Mr. f. Troy. ; . ;■■■. Fifth. ' College representatives v. team from clubs, Wellington ; College No. 2, 1.30 p.m., Mr. E. Simmonds. Sixth. Wellington v l. AUUetic, Lyall Bay No. 6, I.SO p.m.,' Sir. G. H. Voyce. " k;\ ,-^,_:. ?!«t. ; _ _ . All flrst--srade games not being played. I' Second. Wellington College A v." St. Pat's College Newtown Park, 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. Bodman; Wellngton-College B v. Bongotai, Lyall Bay No. %, 1.30 pjn., Mr. D. Chant; Technical v. Wellington CoUege C, Kilbiinie No. 1, 1-30 p.m., 3lr. 3. M. Dean; Wellesley v. St. Pat.'s C, Prince of Wales Park, 1.30 p.m., Mr. M. K. farquhar; St. Pat.'s B v. Hutt Valley, Hutt Valley.Jiro. .%, 8 p.m., Mr. G. J. Williams. Third.—2 p.m. (unless otherwise stated.) Wellington College A v. Scots, Scots No. 3, 3 p.m., Mr. C. H. Jenkins; St. Pat.'s Ay. Butt Valley A, Hutt Valley No. 1, -Mr. G. ttathbone; Wellington College B v. Rongotal A, lyall Bay N0.,2, Mr. E. R. Smith.; TechMicalnX^V.. St.-.Pat;'s- Bi- Kilb,irnic--Nb. 2, Mr.. %•. CtTeftchjißult Valley B -v./Bongotai B; Hutt • galley' No. -2^ ,Mr.- R. Heron; Technical B v. Wellington College C, WakofleWNo. 3, Mr. A. E. Catler; -Wellington. College D v. St. Pat.'s C, Kilbirnie No. 3, Mr. G. p.Leitch; Hutt Valley C'abye.1, ' V ' V 'V- Fourth.—2 p.m.. !, ;; ■ Wellington College A v. St. Pat/s A, Wel-lington-College r No. 1, Mr. E. D. Rex; Technical' v. Hutt Valley A, Strand Park No. 2, air.,'X J^M'Clymont;- Wellington* College. B V.) Bongotai A', Lyall; Bay No. :3, Mr.-,H.. B.v'Simmbnas; Wellington College Cy. Bongotaliß, liyall Bay N0."4, Mr. ,W. Woolott; Scots r. Bdngot^iD, Scots No. lijMfc. Nj.-J, Kitchen; Wetfesley>v. Croydan, Day's Bay, Mr. C. P. Skelleyi Wellington College D v. Si.'. Pat.'s B, WelUngton-College No. :3; -Mr. ]>. Mintyre; Bongotai Cy. St. Pat.'s C. Lyall Bay No. 5, Mr. ». B, Qulntrell; Hutt Valley B, a bye. ■ - FIFTH GRADE TRIAL. thie fofiowing is the fifth grade team from "other clnbs" to play the combined colleges on'Vtbe.Wellinston College Ground at 1.30 to-mdrrow.-r-rfFull-back,: ■' Myers (Wellington); tl«<ji*"iuttrterSi'--'■■'■-Cleland J (Petone), Iteed (PetoneJ;' - Grace (Wellington); nve-bighths, Splance (Petone), O'Leairy .(Petone); half-back: Masters (Wellington); forwards, Wakelin (Petone); Hickmott (St. Pat's Old Boya), Pet-, tei»son_ .{Wellington), Griffiths (Eastbourne), Csidna! (Poneke), Devon (Marist), Berry (AthleUe), Anderson (Upper Hutt), wing. Emergencies: Wright (Old Boys), Pickrang (Selvfyn), '■ ,;■,;;.■; •.. :...... teaiis. ■-- : ■ .;; Senior B: HiU, Pryde, Kiddell, OHvSl^ige,' Johnson, KUby, Nicol, Ferguson, Stanley, Howatson, M'Lean, Carlyon, Tbomtoi. Gaudin; emergencies, M'lvor, Lawson, Hut«b)aoAiV and■ Browne. Junior A: Butterworth, Brackeku Hlnes, Hollis, Humphrey, Tait, Nicole, »ofljtes,-Giles,' Donnelly, Hislop, Boyel, Greig, ■WJ Webb* Costello, Brizzle, Barron. Junior B; ■Grovef, Scrimgeour, Partridge,- Eaven, Doel, Henshawr, Whiteombe, Hlnes, Johnston, Haswell, PerkinSi.Auty^Kae, Simpson, Ityan. Third A: Whltcombe, Bae, Fulton; Bullon, Tait, HenBhaV. Porter, Gilstrom, Briorley, Augustine, Mtotoft, Bond, Climo, Magnussen, Anty, Newtoflii Spry. Third B: Hagonsen, Hansen, pumtley, JI-Leah. il'Nicol, Gilbertson, Rowe,»S!ncla?r. Old, Kemp, Beck, Bums, Campagnolo, M^Briaa, Treeurtba. Intermediate: Frederickson, Childs, Cossgrove, Glennie, Wolletts, Grnttari Miitrell, Bees, Grant, Eobson, Taylor, Gavin, ; Peters; Whyte, Bright, Davies, King, Grcll, Wilson. Fourth A: Crosswell, Sherwood, Emer-. Son, Paton, Anderson',, Edwards, MTUullan, Smart, Denton, Tait, Bickotls, Carter, Coombe, Wilkins. HOrrax, Howell, Gainey. Tourth B: O'Brien, Ward, Carruthers, . Browne, Dimes, Barker. Alexander, Broadbelt, Dye, Barton, Koronelio. Townsend, Fedrotti, Jones, Kuscoc, Burns. Sindall. Sixth: Clarke, Coclirane, Tanthorpe. Marshall, Nash, Sarcich, Wright, Hobson, JeiikjnS, Craeg, Woodcock, .Rowntree, Conlbesr.:Parker, Litten, Sullivan, Cobb, Mathie. Serenthr.' Spencer, Halford, Dodson, M"Keown, Mears.^Masters, Sandtord, Groundsell, Davey, Wtten, ,Ash, Kllduff, Clifford, Banner. Butterlvortll, Turness, Malm, Vincent. Eighth: Rice, Weekley, Potier, Barrett, Hunter, ComCton, Thompson, Myers, Whale, Brown, Cragg, Grint, Banner, Dyhrpeirg, Hogan, Donkln.
*■ Oriental.—-Junior A: Glover, Dorrlun, IV C. 3£ Gibson, Milllken, Hand, Hatran, O'Brien, 3Try> Qfivet, Steers, Fulford, Hondricksen, Glenn, Paddy. Abemctuy. Third: Burgess, MTJonald, M'Klttrick.-Turnbull, Fittes. Kennedy, Grlnlinton. Br.'lley, Porrett, Kevcl, Pasley, Payne, 35ade, ' -th, Fairhall. (Train' leaves Lambton at 1.20 un.). Intermediate: Sutton, Walker, Itonore. Ilarvte, Dowlin?, Kennedy, Harding, Williamson. Laming, Hulbert, M'Cann, Childs, Bibb, mingworth, Coupland, Dawson. Fourth: Hume,-Smith," Spencer, Searle, Crawford, Campjell, Colly, Butler, Hageerty, Dawson, Anderson, Chick, Medows, M'Clennan, Stott. Sixth: GlengSrty. Watta, Burt,"Lewis, Boyle, Buckenturg, Nolan, Bowman, Levy, Kielimond, Burt, Brsndon, O'Jlourke. Maßon, Barrett. Seventh: Weedham, Daly, Campbell, M'Naughton, Merrlck, tojthes, MTSenzie, Drew, 'Warner, Dawson, Snutherav Proudfoot, Ijattimer, Swenson, Dexter,: Bigard, Smith,' Duck, Kcndrlck, Blom, M"Kay. ■■"
S^oera. —Intermediate: Jackson (2), M"Keown, Xenson, Kiddle, Suckroo. Sammons, Crosaon, Hislop, Hemmlugton, Nyahan, M'MaUon, Jones, Belcbam, Elliott, Marshall. • Hutt.—Junior A: Bix-Trott, Koberts, Hansen. Boss, Killeon, Noes, Bcws, George, Sundgren, Tuppen, Clendon, Langford, Kea, Hunt, Sitztaaurice, Clements. Junior B: Hustlor, M'Elwain, Smith, Beck, Adnms, Feeney, Fitzraajjricfl, Clark, Stewart, Slorrison, Hooks, Beardmore, Brown, Kershaw, Perkins, Hester; Third: Baker, Bushby, Body, Corless, Evans, Killeen, Morrison, Jl'lntyre, M'Sherry, Silver, Stewart, Saulbrey, Waltai, Williams, Hobbs. Thornton. Berhampore.—Thirds: Lindsay, Reynolds, Stetrens, G. King, Diamond, Geoffe, Sadlor, R. King, L. Strickland, R. Strickland, Butler, Wadswortb, E. Thomas, H. Tliosias, Packer, 3B*aser.
■Ijistitnte.—Third: Caughley,^ Hlckling, Hinch■cUffe, Whltehead, Holtz, Watson, Hlekling, < Hanaray, Mills, Bentlej, Beere, Adams, Davenport, Westwood, Beid, Osborn. TTnlverslty.—Fourth: Blandtord, Elliott, Mld- - :dlebrook;- Clifford-Jones, Wild, Turner, Denby, Archibald, Adams, BasWn, O'Shea, Hay, Chorl- ' ton, Coup, Nash;, emergencies, Mlllard, ttegglc Mlrßmar.-^-Thlrd: Edwards, Duncan, Mysen, Clark, Gannon, Greathead, Brittain (2), Kerr, Marshall,"Hsier, Horsfall (2), MTherson, Asliioa, Gestro. Duffel, Love, Murphy, Oliver. foorth: I/iwer, Avenlll, Simpson, .Tohnsou, 9 «*fe SroomfleM,. Bogerg, Jl'Donald, Berry, Ttotfiotj ■ Mtooehi Boneghuc, Mason, Kounty, 'Ackms, Simmons. Soveuth: Dalley, Caidnai, |W<^ Vef, Bomsrd, jSplers, Maddocfc, A^kcw
Young, Taylor, Jl'Jlanus, Gcnue (2), Behog, Slssons, Sloan. Eighth: Robinson, Wlren, Gotlieb (2), a'Court, Bradley, Comfort, Parfltt, Calcinai, Johnson (2), Barclay, Leeks, Balrd, -Dumbleton, Gamble, Dumbleton, Smith.
Athletic—Junior: Osbornc, Williams, Bailoy, Williamson, Dlaclv, Petcrsen., Tludill, TouHon, Norris, Cooper, Blair, liongmorc, Brown, Taylor, Robbie, Burnett. Connors, Jloney, 11. Williamson. Interniediutc: Bennett, Ruiiisay, Pctcrsen, Mori, Morgan, Walsliaw, Caldur, Gray, .JC'Nab, Papps, Adams, Holmes, Huglics, Peterson, Alexander, Roger.'!, Laughton Iteveridgc, Fourth: Wright, Ito.v, Brooks, Prltdiard, Parker, Helbron, Brown, Peurcc, Pope, ltolfu, Norris, Solomon, Bezzant, Thorburn, Conical. Fifth: M'lntyre; Beattie, Codcrman, Baclland, Scott,., English, Mack,..Browu, Ellicock, Nolan, Siversen,* Berry^ Morric, - -Cpmvay, Chrlstisen, Alexander,; <Arcber,:.. ;• Sixth:'•'M'Elwain, Lawton (2), StevensOß.:Warwick, Fitzgo'rald, Grant, Heffrotf,-' Joiner, fHerd; Oliver; Lambeth, Norris, Young,.' Sutherland,' Thompson Sampson. Seventh: Haycroft* Waterman, Christlsen, Bentley, Bakor,. Melville, Farrell,' Staples, Beavis, Solomon^ Churcnward, Kellettj Porter, Badland, Irvine, .Hart, Sampson,"Bell,: Buck.. ' Jlarlst.-^Ju'ni6r': M'Calirian,' Stewart, Stevenson, Stone; rSchultz, .Johnson, Burke, Sexton, Gill,, Q'Shea,. Frost, O'Sullivan, p'Shaughnessy, O'Connor,- "'Cbndbni'Kear.v. •/■'Third: Fouhy, M'Gre^vy, BUvtch, Thurston, Quin, Milne, Frost, Condon, "Green "(3K' M'Slahus,'Russell, Mouat, Ryan (2),- MTJOnald, Brooky.' Intermediate: MoUoy, Fraser, Da.rts, Reid, Gresham, Beazer, PiCcWi Smart/ King, O'Sullivan, Barry, Fitzgibbon,' GraUatn.'Hogan, Lyons, Lee. Fourth: Butler, Doohan.'.Dobson, Davies,. Donnelley, Erlccson, ! Haydon,1 liangdon, Meachem, M.'Gree«y, M'Hardy, Meyers, Nunns, O'Sullivan, O'Connor; Pudney, Williams, Wilson. Old ;Boys.rr-Juni6r:, Malcolm, : Finch, Altchesoni Eton. Greufell, Baldwin, Bolt, Wellings,^ Eton,. Hurh: Le Sueur,. Duncan, Reid, Reynolds, : Moffatt.Makin, Redding, Wilson. Third; Mitchell, Denton, Sneddoh, Beck, Reynolds, Hollis,- Gliberd, Tomlinson, Brown, Crammbnd; M'Kinlcy, M'Whannell, Campbell, Clark'. (2), Dv- Chateaui Paton, M'Coll. Fourth A: Sturrock. HlpMns, Miean, Hester, Andrews, Reynolds, Pulley, Clark, Jones, Morrison, Orr, Benge, Hewitt, Rowse, Falconer.
Scots College Old Boys.—Junior: Jack, Watt, Scotland, Willoughby, Fauchelle, George, Robieson, Rees-Jones; Campbell, Macarthur, M'Kelyie, Tudehope, Kennedy, Carstens, Living.
Seatoun.—Third: Ollvant, Pctrie, Archibald, Oliver, O'Brien, Tucker, Smith, Staff, Klee, ■Warring (2), Neville,, Pettlt, Halley, Oldfleld, Stevens, Slme, Canute, and Strachan. Fourth: Adams, Davies, S.. Day, Eastgate, Trillb (2), Patterson; Murray, Wilkie, Wcyboturne, Sullivan, Steel, Shakes, . Holmshcdge, Coleman, O'Brien, Forbes. '.. ' ..• .-• -1, '■
' Selwyn.—Junior:-Coleman, Healey, Murphy, Marsh; Aied, Lewis; Shrodroskl, Morgan, Hatliaway,'Edwards, Sewell, Perkins, Morgan, EaudiahjGerondi3, Jacobs., rourth: Brown, Beaton, IHedges, LecWe, Hislop, Speneor, Sampson, Gar-, rett. Green, ' Hlscocfe,' Williams, Halvorsen, Kelly, Jennings,: Willson/ Witsey, Cunningham. Eighth: Whitburn, Gray, M'Cardell, M'Lean,Iticketts, Jacobs, Moor'es, Ward, Franklin, Plcchi, Altken; Lane, Bowe, Gunderson^ Winter, M'Cann. ' ' ■ . ''.'"■:
Eastbourne.—Senior: Clark, Dinniss, Kittelty, Talt, Armstrong* Chestermau, Martin, Price, Gibbons!, Drummond, Coriett,, Sleep, Reed, J. Dellabarca, il: Dellabarca; emergencies, 'Slur-' ray* Jones. Junior: Hull-Brown, Blair/ Foley, Mayer, Thacker, Collins, Oldfiekl,, King, Bell, Barnett, May, Watson, Houlton,. Gee, Toms; emergency, Parker. Third: Evans, Phillips, Dempsey, Hudson, M'Gown, Gerrard, Johns,: Parkhouse, Hart, M'Leod, Rogers, Gtnn, Grant, Fay,' Dv Freßne; emergency, Taylor. Fourth :> E. Griffiths, Dingle, Dick, Stevens, Walling, Otmß,.Cherry, X, Griffiths, Oldfleld, Dv Fresne, Kent, Jose.v Nelson, Ede, Plimmer, Baker,' Eighth: Macklin, Mcc, Gerrard, Johns, BurdanV Cheyne, Carter, Lawton, Hollway, M'Laughlin, Montague, Rankin, Campbell, Girdleslomv L. Meo; emergencies, Bennett, Battersby. JdhnaonTille.—Fourth: M'Brido, Harlen, Sinclair. Elliot, Hallewell, M'Clelland, Sowerby, Hall, Michel, Grlffln, Bound,- Short, Croft, Broad, Engel, Gane. St. Patrick's College Old Boys.—Junior: Hepburn, Smith, O'Connor (2), Day, M'Carthy, Hart, Guise, Hoskins, Ratcliffe, Jones; Doherty, Burke, Kelleher, Johns, Sarsicb. Third -B: O'Connor, Welply, O'Connell,, PhiUips, Patoa, M'Guinness, Taylor, Gallagher, Hughes, M'Carthy, O'Mallcy, Scanlon, Corry, Johnson, Radcliffe. Black. Intermediate: Moseley, Leech, O'Connor, Kennedy, Fitzgibbon, GUligan, Duncan, Ward Pearce, Goodwin, Pleming,. Rowe, Rawley, Kelleher, Simpson, Dovere, Meyers. Kalwarra. —Brown, Travers, Golding, Lidey, Murphy, Flveash, Burnham, Bowyer 12), Sedman Henderson (2), Charles, Robins, Nickless. Poneke.—Junior: Watkins, Drury, Crisp, Jessep, Bateman, Scroggins, Greenall.(2), Crichton, Green, Beauchamp, Crichton, O'Neil, Neal, Ross, Waterhouse, M'Kay, Middleton. . Third: Hayman Keane, Webb, Elliott, Hodgson, Dryborg, Merrick, Drury, Thomas, -Taylor (2),- Inncs, Organ= Thomson, Godfrey, Pearce. 'Intermediate: Thomas (2), Tonks "(3), Hurdle; Stitt, Brockelbank, Hutchins, M'Gregor, Pomery, Anstice, Eton, - Grocott, Godfrey, Gilbert. Fourth: Bouzaid, Bowe, Bacon, Muir, Hill, Zemba (2), Hathaway, Little, Frederick, Knox, Mansfleld, Strickland, Wilson, Hanscomb, Ladkin. Institute. —Fourth: R. Churchill, Symons, Price, Logan, Simmons, Lane, Day, Taylor, Martlew, Crowe, W. Churchill, Turnbull, Richards, Tohill, Christensen, Littler, Newsomc. ASSOCIATION. Representative Match. Canterbury v. Wellington, Basin Reserve No. 1, 3 p.m., .Jfiv:.E. Watts.,, ;V J^ First ■DiTisionr;ehanipioitship.-^2.45 p.m. ■. W.Y^M.Ii: v.; EetQie,."''. Pfit'oubt. Recreation Ground,' Mr. J. Sanderson. •'* ■:•- Second Division, Championship.—2.4s p.m. Thistla ,v.. Swifts;- Kilbirnie Reserve No. 2, Mr. S. G. Smith; Island Bay v. Brooklyn,: Wakefleld Park K0.,1, Mr. C. B. Fittes; Technical College 0.8. v. Lower Hutt, Kelburn; Partt, Mr. 3. Duncan. First Division, Reserve Championship.—2.4s p.m. Marist v. Sektoun, Seatoun Park, My. B. DaviS;.' '. ' '-;. '■'■ ''■ : '"." y <'- First Resewe Cup Keplay, 2.45 p.m.Diamond v.; Waterside, Wakeaeld Park No. 2, Mr. J. J Devon. .- -.'■ . • Second Beservß.. 'League Championship.—2.4a. ■ ■ ' ' - ' ,■ p.m. . : ,-, Brooklyn A 1 T.Trenlham, Anderson Park No.; 1, Mr. F..Jameson.;' ... .'■'.. ■ . Intermediate Division Championship, A section. ■-■" 2.45 p.m. .'':'■ Swifts A V.'Marist A, Ivilbirnie Stadium, Mr. G. Forbes; Waterside v. Mlramar: Rangers, Anderson Park No. t 2, Mr. T. Plant. Representative Match. . : Secondary .Schools v. rourlh Division, 2.30 p.m., Basin Besorye, Mr. Heath. ■ Fourth' Division Cup Keplay;—l.3o p.m. Seatoun T. Technical College, Kclburn I'ark, Mr. J. Roberts. ! Fifth Division' Representative Match.—l.lo p.m. Canterbury v. Wellington, Basin Reserve No.1, Mr. T. Browell. ' Representative Match.^— p.m. : Hutt Valley League v. Sixth Division, Basin Reserve No. 2, 1.15 p.m., Mr. M. O'Connell. Seventh Division, Kilbirnie Stadium No. 1. Marist Newtown B v. Marist Thorndon, 0 a.m., a Brother; Swifts v. Marist Newtown D,' 10 a.m.,. a. Brother; Boys' Institute v. Stop Out, 11 a.m., Mr. C. S. Scorgie; Diamond v. Marist Newtown A, n p.m., Mr. E. Heath; YJM.C.A. v. Marist Nesvtown C, 1 p.m., Mr. H. J. Steptoe. Eighth Division, Ellbirnie Stadium, • No. 2. Marist Newtown A v. Marist Newtown B, 9 a.m., a Brother; Boys' Institute B v. Marist Newtown C, 10 a.m., Mr. W. J. Jordan; Miramar Rangers -v. Boys' Institute A, 11 a.m., Mr. T. Tucker; Marist Thorndon A v. Seatoun B, 12 p.m., Mr. C. Webb; Diamond v. Marist Thorndon B, 1 p.m., Mr. D. Stirratt; Soatoun A, a bye. (In the event of a draw in the cup replay match an extra ten minutes each way is to bo P aye ' REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS. The following teams will'take part iv the representative matches to be played at the Basin Reserve to-morrow: — » Canterbury Team.—M. Mitchell; W. Lorimer and L. Anstey; S. Buston, A. Sutherland, anil J. M'Leod; J. Spiers, D. Sutherland, F. Smith, C. Pickup, and h. Knight; emergency, S. Cawtheray; manager, Mr. F. J. Turner. Wellington Team.—Parkin; Abornethy and Guest; J. M'Leod, Campbell, and Cummlngs; H. M'Leod, M. Condon, -Jeffery, Smith, and Cudby; emergencies, Bolton, Haines, nnd Marshmcnt; manager, Mr. G. Aers. Fourth Division Team.—Greenberg; Burgo and CartmoU; O'Leary, Pringle, ami Carlsson; Barrett, Baker, Reid, Oliver, and Tanner; manager, Mr. W. Vaney. Senior Secondary Schools.—Cameron; Brewer and M'Clune; Meech, Foley, and Vaney; Moux-tou,-Smith, Samlll,.M'Dermott, Ell,.and HatFifth Division. —Wellington team: Longstaff; Qiiirke and Dalgleish; Stone, Bedford, and Yeoman; MacWe, M"Lellan, Janes, Calanan, and Devlin; emergencies, Foote, Graydon, M'Hendry, and Ball. Sixth Division.—Harris; Vause and Beck; Phillips, Darragh, and- Marshall; Coveny, Duffy, Walker, Phillips, and Leonard; emergencies, Waters and Wliyto. """_ , Technical College Old. Boys.—Senior: Redmond, Bognudn.; Edwards, Harlaild. Raxwortby, Paxton, Stewart, Wooliscroft, Torrington, Macmillan, Briggs. Fourtli Oracle: Nattrass, Richmond. R. Briggs, Halstciid, Ready, Heudry, Bell, White, O'Hagan, Simous. Webster, bcott. Lower Hutt.—Second Division: MTBougall, Chapman, Butland, Stobbs, Land, Barrett, 2v"icolle, Jessup, Potts, Crundwell, Butcholor. ■ : Trentham.—Fifth grade: Gardy, Watson, Poole, Sirly, Wilson, Brown, M'Fadzcn, Pearce, M'Gregor, M'Kendry, Taylor; emergencies, Dqlton, Marsden, Small. Marist.—First Reserve: Turkington, Dufly, Knight, O'Connor, Mahoney, Connell, Connolly, Brennan, Friend, Scott, Hawkin, Barraclough. Intermediate A. Fitzgerald, Mcachen, M'Govern, M'Dermott, Hlndle, Duffy, Devlin, Killeen, Wilson, Quirke, M"Lean, Nolan. TEAMS. Boys' Institute.—Eighth A: To play Miraniar Rangers. Kilbirnie, at 10 a.m.—White, Tlchbone, Moffatt, Mark, M'Guire, Page, Donuldaou, Hastings, M'Carthy, Bett, Lockerbie (capt). Eighth B: To play Marist (Newtown) C,; at Kilbirnie, 11 a.m.—Duffy, Joiner, White, Dallas, Haywood. Petrie, Mullett, Jones, Wellinc, Mullett, Haywood. Fifth: To play Trentliam, at Trentham, I.SO. Train leaves 12.15 p.m.— Flnall, Dallas, King, Ives, Baxter, Service, M'Creedy, Houston, Gates, Allan, Phillips. Seventh: To play Stop Outs, at Kilblrnio No. 1, 11 a.m. —Slmmonds, Burne, Hedges, .Tackson, M'Carthy, Lawton, Stevens, Flctt, Andersun, Purres, Ryan. AVatermde. —Senior Reserves: Ogt', I'earson, Thompson,' Martin, Edwards, 1). Arbuthnotl, Fallen, Boa, M'Kay, Thomson, Anderson, 'T. Arbuthnott, O'Donnell, Hurland, and Bcattle. Intermediate: Jenner, Coad, Douglas. Barrow, Dunn. Goggiu, W. Lark, Patterson, LidUicoat, J. T,nrJi. rullon.
Swifts.—bcniur: Forbes. Lnngbnttom, HilllfV, Bloomfleld, Daiulj, Smith. Kelly, Gibsuu, Dirksou, Bradford, Attains." Intermediate A:
Bradford, (.'lover, Millar, Lone', JlacGrogor, Johnston, Bilby, Shaukle, Henderson, Sinimonds. Archer, Kirkwood.
Brooklyn.—Second Division League: Hunter, Hendry, Godtschalk, E. M'Kcnnu, Iliinson, Upchurch, Jones, Tredea, Anton, Archer, Middleton, Kershaw. Second Reaervo A: Wlcktiffc, Browning, Mahonoy, Philpott, Jl'Conchle, Scott, G O'Dca, E. O'JJoa, W. M'Kenna, Sutton, SX'Ghio. HOCKEY. Senior A. —Hutt v. 'Wclliiiston, Karori. \o. S, 3 p.m., Mr. Purves; 'Varsity v. Karori,' Karori No. a P.m., Jlr. If. Hatch; V.M.C.A. v. Wesley, Karori No. 1, p.m., Messrs. C. Whyto and J. W. Russell. Senior B.—Y.M.C.A. v. Hutt B, Kilbirnie, 3 p.m., Jli-. C. M'Keiizic; Karori v. Wesley, Karori No. 6, 3 p.m., Mr. J. C. Cusack; 'Varsity B v. Training College, Karori No. S, 3 p.m., Mr. R. P. Staples; Wellington v. 'Varsity A, Karori No. 7, 3 p.m., Mr. 11. J. j Smith; Pctone V. Hutt A, Hutt No. 1, 3 p.m., Jlr. W. Keys. Junior. —Petoilo v. Karori,-'Petone Kec, 3 p.m., Mr. C. Harvey; Hula B v. Wellington A, Karori No. 5, 3 p.m., Mr. A. W. Rowlands; Hutt v. Wellington B, Hutt No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. 3. Smith; Hula A v. 'Varsity .B, Karori No. 8, 2 p.m., Mr. J. C. Cusack; V.M.C.A. v. Wesley, Karori No. 1, 2 p.m., Mr. L. Surldge. ■Third.—Potone v. Wesley A, Petone Recreation Ground, 2 p.m., Mr. C. Harvey; "Varsity A v. Karori, Karori No. 2, 2 p.m., Mr. J. W. Russell; 'Varsity B v. Technical, Karori No. 3 2 p.m., Mr. W. Purves; Hutt v. Wesley B, Kilbirnie, 2 p.m., Mr. C. ai'Keazie. .Intermediate. —Karori v. Technical B, Karori No. 7, 2 p.m., Mr. H. J. Smith; Huia B v. V.M.C.A., ■ Karori No. 5, 2 p.m., Mr. G. Lower; Huia A v. Wesley, Karori No. 6, 2 p.m., Mr. A. W. Rowlands; Technical A v. Technical C, mid-week game. , LADIES' GAMES. Senior A^—A v. B Trials, Newtown Park No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. C. Casey. Senior B.—Representative team v. Felldlng, at Feilding; bus leaves Post Office at 8.15 Junior A.—Hospital v. Wererei, Porirua, 2.15 pm Mr. G. F. Armes; 'Varsity v. Wesley, Newtown Park No. 2, 3 p.m., Mr. W. Dougal; Huia v. Eastbourne, Nowtown Park No. 2. 2 pm., Mr. W. Dougal; Ramblers v. Hutt, Petone, 2.15 p.m.. Mr. F. Macfarlauo; Centics, a Junior B.—Toa v. Swifts, at Porirua, 3.15 pm., Mr. G.F. Armes; Hutt v. C.0.G., Petone. 315 p.m., Mr. F. Macfarlane; Wenerct v. Technical College, Newtown Park No. 1, 2 p.m., Miss M Wilkins; Hula v. Eastbourne, Tanera Crescent, 2.30 D-m.. Mr. A. Roxburgh. .. TEAMS. Wesley.—Senior A: Dykes, Thompson, Brooks, Frothey, Hume, Rowse, Hookham, Giles, Johnson, Phillpotts, Butcher. Senior B: Thaw ey, Clarke, Dykes, Luke, Eagle,, Burdcr, Watitoson, M'Dowell, Browne, Strong, Ewart. l™l™M'MUlan, Brady. Offwood, Meier, Irvine, Paterson, Morran, Barrington, M'Dowell, Hurren. Jl'Nair. . Third A: Greenbank, Hancock (2), ■ni-ew Hennessey, Gaustad, Denby, M Coll, S raSs/'Dooley (2). Third B-: Bennetv'wiren, Powell, Blake, Bunckenburg. Kraft, Stafford, Wilson, Thirkettel, S^ch. Me. Intermediate: M'Millan, Gilbert (2), Ambrose, Gibson, Lyall, M'lntosh, Elliott, Krebs. M& Beaf-TWr Bd h; Palmer. Wullf, Blatterwick. Blatherwick, Butter, , M'Donald, Warr, NlaU, Garbett, ,King, TuAsma; emergencies, Jackson and Morris. College Old Girls.—Junior: E. Oates, H. Walkerfz. Pethrlck, D. Oates, J. Watson M. Melville. M. Cooper, B.> Manwariug, J. Thomson, T.-M'Ardle, D. Leonard, L. Renal, 1. WW^Ungton.— Senior A: Guy, Martis, G. Lusty, Newport. Toms, Hamilton, Flack, R. Lusty, Hood, Busbridge. Senior B: Tofts, White Avery, Lowry, HIU, Irwin, MofflU, Kruck' Simpson, Shrlmpton, Weller. Junior A- Sharrat, Mason, Froud. Coleman, MKenzie,- Norllng, Skilton, Haswell, Burton, Holland,, Gilbert. Junior B: Robinson, Beere, Garder, Benhard, Altken (3), Scroggins, Lees, PemberA: Moore, Hull. Crawford, King Perrln, Nimmo, Roberts, M'Gavin, 8080, jeromson; J. Watchman. Senior B: Lewer, Henderson, Dtebert, Carroll, ™«halr, Newcombe,-' M'Donald, Cutts, Gardiner, Needham, Wahren. Junior: Cattanach, P. Adams GJording, Larnach, Shaw. M'Donald Ash Barrett, E. Adams. Frew, Crisp, Long. Third: J. Larnach, Goodin, PeU, Rowe, Wood, F. Roberts. X Watchman, B. Gapes, Gillosplo, Edwards. Pri^ Emergency, Browne Intermediate: Dower ;Ash, Gjordin^, Shaw, Chisholm, Dower, SoS/huII.: 'phypers, Frew, Purves; emorB'(A):;French, Lucas, Hurley, Callus, Hala, rauznles: 'Ferris, M'Donald, Jacobsen, Mac Duff, br nThJd aWAi' S wfi MaGS RoUiweU, Lambert, M'lntosh, Biske Greig, Snet'Hayfo^VilsolrWooa, Salt, Stun- ■ ley, Greay.Syjnß, Hams.
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 40, 15 August 1930, Page 4
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3,518TO-MORROW'S GAMES Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 40, 15 August 1930, Page 4
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