HIGH WATER. . Torday: 5.41 a.m.; 9.-I p.m. To-morrow: 9.21 a.m.; 9.48 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUUItSDAV, Mill AUfJVST. TAMAIIIXE. s.s. (7.3,-. p.m.), 1088 tons, Kauc, from Picton. ICAIMAI. s.s. (S p.m.), H2S tons. Collins, from tlruymouth'. IfKIDAY, 13th AUGUST. MAHK.N'O, s.s. (4.35 a.m.), D 323 tons, Ryan, from Lyttelton. KAWATIIU. s.s. (5 a.m.), 3127 tons, Bruce, from' Newcastle. OPAWA, m.s. (,1 a.m.), .110 tons, Hadford, from Blenheim. MAU.VC.t.VUI, s.s. ( v.m.), 7327 tuas, Seivell, fropi Auckland. . XfiAlO. s.s. (15.10 a.m.), 1203 tons, Vasta, from Nelson. XIKAU,"s.s. (0.50 a.m.), 2-18 tons, MacllUlan, from Nelson. WAHIXE, s.s. (7 a.m.), 4130 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. CORINTHIC, s.s. (7.5 a.m.). 12,343 tons, Bowen from Lyttelton. KOTOKUA, s.s. (7.15-a.m.), 12,112 tons, Lamb, ■from Lyttelton. , . STORM, s.s. (9.10 a.m.). 749 tons, Sheppard, from Wangiinni. '
MATANGI. s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 134 a tons, Hay, for Kelson. .MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3458 tons. Invln, for Lyttelton.
FKIDAY, 15th AUGUST. TUTANEKAI, s.s. (8 a.m.), 881 tons. Burgess, for Tho Brothers Lighthouse.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Matangi, Nclsou,-to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Inalia, Waugamii,, to-morrow. Kuku, Lyttelton', to-morrow. Totara, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Walotapu, Auckland, to-morrow. Wainiarlno, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Calm, southern ports, to-morrow. Kolii, Havelock, to-morrow. John, southern ports, 16t*. Kartigi, Portland, 16th. Walnui, Gisborne, 16tli. Holmdale. southern ports, Kith. Opawa, Blenheim, 17th. Parera, Gisborne, 17th. Canadian Cruiser. Auckland, 1/tl). Waipjaja, Auckland, ,IStU. Progress, Nelson, .IStlj. ' ..... Koutunui, Wanganui, 18th. - Port'AlDia, Auckland, IStn. ■ Jiegulus, Wanganui, 10th. Holmdalo, Wanganui, 19(h. Gale, southern ports. 10th. Calm, Wangauui; 10th. ' • , Ereezej southern ports. 20th. I Oplhl, Lyttelton, 20th. Poolta, Newcastle, 20tli. . . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wahiae, Lytt.elton,,. .■ 745 Ngalo,' Nelson,, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Opawa, Jllanhelra, to-day. Nikaii; Moutcka, to-day. •' ' Koutunui, Wanganui, to-day. Kamona, Grcymouth, to-day. K'aponga,, Greymouth, to-day, Kotorua, Southampton, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton,- to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. Storm, southern ports, to-uiorrow. Otokia, San Pedro, to-morrow. Totara, New Plymouth, to-morrow. Benedick, Balllc Papan, to-morrow. Hcnzada, Lyttelton, to-morrow* Holmdale, Wailganui, to-morrow. Hlniataugi, southern ports, to-morrows Walraarino, Auckland, to-morrow. Calm, Wanganul, to-morrow. John, New Plymouth, to-morrow. Maheno, Melbourne, via Bluff, to-morrow. Walnui, Dunedin,, to-morrow. Kapunl, Fatea, to-morrow. Komata, Westport, to-njorrow. ; Argyllshire, Napier, 17th. Tamahine, Picton, 18th, 3 p.m. Kalraal, Greymouth, 18th. Kaponga, Greymouth. ISth. Corlnthic.' Napier, ISth. Walptata, southern ports, 18th. . Kiiku, Kaikoura, 18th. KoUI, Nelson, ISfh. Gale, Picton. 19th. ' I'arcra, Napier,- 30th. Ucgulu*. Nelson, 19th. Holmdalo, 'southern ports. 19th. Calm, southern ports, 19th. Breeze, Pictou, 20th. (fpibi. Nelson. 20th. ' ' . Canadian Cruiser, Lyttcltou, 20th. Orepuki, Grcyratmth, 201h. ■■'.--. BERTHAGE LIST. -Tamahine —Queen's Wharf No. '4. . Kaplti—Queen's Wharf No. .5. iN'ikau—Queen's Wharf No. 10. 'iS'K.ilo—Queen's 'Wharf No. 12.Uimatangi—Queen's Wharf No. IS. 'Oua-wa—Queen's Wharf' No. 13. Wiililne-r-Ferry Wharf. ' Komata—Hallway Wharf. ' Kaponga—Railway Wharf. notoruu—Glasgow Wharf.'- '■,'■■■ . Kalwarra—Glnsgow Wharf. > . Argyllslllrc-rKing's. Wharf. ~ ... ■... ,_ ' Herizada— King's Wharr.. - ."'•'' ■' Koutunui—King's Wharf; ' ■ 'Storm—Kink's Wharf.-. '.'..'... Corlnthlc—Pipltea Wharf. Waikouaiti—Pipitea Wharf •. Kaitokc—Thorndon Breastwork. Mnhcno—TaraiiaUl Street Wharf. Kalnial—Clydo Quay .Wharf. . . ,- . Kamona—Clyde Quay Wharf. Marama—Clyde Quay Wharf. Otnkia— Wharf. • Benedick —Burnham. Wharf. . . Paua—Burnham Wharf. Maui' Pomiire—Patent Slip. . " - . ■ . Katkoral—Patent Slip. ' ■ '..' Pakura—Patent Slip.- ' .-. : Orciiiikt—Patent Slip. Putiki—ln the stream. ■' Mararoa-^-In tue stream. , ■ Corinna—ln the stream.
MAUNGANUI, was to leave Wellington today for Sydney ; "duo ' Sydney Tuesday-; leaves Sydney 22nd August for Wellington, and Auckland; duo Wellington 26th August. (U.S.S. Co.) , . ULIJIAROA. .was: to leave ..Sydney to-day for, Auckland;■ due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland 22nd August for. Sydney; due Sydney 26th August. (Huddart-Parker.) MAHENO, left Melbourne 7th August for Wellington, via Bluff, ' Dunedln, Lyttelton J arrived Wellington to-day; leaves Wellington to-morrow -for Melbourne, via Bluff; leaves Bluff Monday; due • Melbourne 22nd Augu3t. (U.S.S. Co.) -.'■.:. ■ . MARAMA, laid up at Wellington for winter months. (U.S.S. Co.) .■■ ■
AORANGI, left Vancouver 23rd July for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Auckland; arrived Sydney. to-day; leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, Honolulu. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA, left Sydney 24th July for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu; arrived Vancouver to-day; leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) TAHITI, left Sydney 7th August for San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, Papeete; due Rarotohga to-morrow, Papeete Monday, San Francisco 2flth August. (U.S.S. Co.) MAKURA, left San Francisco (ith August for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, ■ Wellington ; due Papeete to-morrow, Rarotonga Tuesday, Wellington 23th August; leaves Wellington 20tli August; due Sydney 30th August.
ANTKN, loads, at Scandinavian ports early in September for Bluff, Dunedin,' Wellington, ■ Auckland. (W. Wallis.) ARTKMESIA, was to leave Port1 Arthur (Texas) in July for. Auckland and Australia.. ASHBL'IITON, leaves New York Mtli September- for " Auckland,' Wellington, LytteKon, niirl liuncdln. (W. WalllM.V ■ CANADIAN HIGHIiANItER, leaves Montreal \iori August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttellon,1 liunedin, Bluff; due Auckland Stb October. KJ.N.S.) CITY 01' TOKIO. leaves New York "Stb September for Auckland, Wellington. Lyltclton inniediii.- (W. Wallls.) ' FKrcNDAI/B. loaves London 24th September for Lyttcltou Port Chalmers. New Plymouth. (K.S. and A. Co.) GAIIBIELLA, loads tit Newcastle and Sydney for Wellington, Now Plymouth, Wanganui, leaves Sydney 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) TIAUBAKI, leaves. Los Angeles,. 30th September for Auckland, Wellington,- and Australia; duo Auckland 23rd October. (U.S.S. Co.) HKBTFORD, leaves Liverpool 16th August for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttclton, Port Chalmers, New Plymouth; due Auckland about 24tb August. (SS. and A. Co.) HUIA, loads at Grafton early in August for Auckland; duo Auckland about 20th August. KAPONGA, loads at Devonport end of August and completes at Adelaide, Edlthlrarg, and Melbourne for Auckland, Portland, New Ply-' mouth, Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) KARETU, loads at Sydney 25th August for Bluff, Dunodin, Oamaru, and Lyttelton. (U.S.S. Co,) ■ MATAItOA, leaves London 15th August for Wellington and Auckland: due Wellington tfilh September. (S.S and A. Co.) PIPIMKI. leaves New York 15th August for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Duncdln. and Australia. (W Wallis.) PORT NICHOLSON, leaves London 3rd September for Suva, Lyttolton. Duncdln. Bluff, Nelson. (C. and D. Line.) POUT BRISBANE, leaves New loik 2CUI August for Auckland, Wellington, Lytlelton, Duncdln: duo Auckland 2Gtb September. fC. and D. Line.) I'AKRAKOOI.A. leaves Los Angeles 35th August, and San Francisco riot later than I'Xrd August, for Auckland. Wellington, and other New Zealand ports; due Auckland Oth Senti'oiuer. Wellington 121b SeiHembor. (SpcddinK. Ltd.) ISANfiITANK, lciTTCs London t!3tji September for Auckland and Wclllnirton; due Auvk-
land 29th October. (N.Z.S. Co.)
1 RANGITATA leaves Soinliamplon SJth Aueu?t 'for Welllngtoa and Auckland; due Welllnfiin" 11st October. (N.Z.S. Co.) ! RUAHINE, leaves Southampton 15th Auunm fnr Wellington limssenKcrs only), I'ort Clm' New Zealand ports: duo Auckland 9(h Sei.. lumlier, WeJllnsiOD 12th September. (N.Z.:v Co. I TAI.VUI, Icat-es Soutliampton I—tli Scptembuf ror Auckland ituc] Wclllngi.on; clue Aucklami about October. (S.S. and A. Co.) TONGAfiIRO, leaves l,irerpool 27tlt September for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttultou. l'ort Chnlmcrs, and Bluff. (W. Wallls.) TUKAKUNA, leaves Llrerpool SOtu August for Auckland, Wellington, Ljttelton. and Uunediu. (W. Wallls.) YVAIHKMO, leaves LO3 Aukclcs 25tli September for Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth: duo Napier 2011) October. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIItUXA. leaves Los Angeles 10th August for Auckland, Welllnt'ton. and Australia; due Auckland 13tb aoptember. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERIEAt. AJtMADALE, left New Yorli 16th Julj for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Tlmaru. and Dunedin, fla Suva; due Suva IStb August; Auckland 24th August {W Wallls.) BALACLAVA, loft Singapore 10th August for Wellington; due Wellington 31st August. (Shell Co.) . ■ ■ BKYNYMOR, left Bunbury 31st July Tor Bluff. Port Chalmers, and \Velllneton; due Bluff 14th August. (G. li. Scales.) | CANADIAiN TRAWSPOKTER, left Montreal 20' th July for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton j Tlmaru, Dunedin; due Auckland 2nd SeptemIber. Wellington 17th September. (C.N.S.) CITY OF LYONS, left New York lat August, Newport News 3rd August, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 4th September, Wellington about 11th September. (W. Wallls.) FERNWOOD. loft New Orleans sth August for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedin, wangonui, and Australia: duo Auckland middle of September. GOLDEN CROSS, left Los Angeles Ist August for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 27th August: Wellington i 4th September. (Burns, Philp.) lONIC, left Southampton ISth July for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 20th I August. (S.S. and A. Co.) KALINGO, left Coff's Harbour 12tli August for Lyttelton, Timaru, Wanganui. Greymouth. (U.S.S., Co.) NAKBADA, from Calcutta and Penang, for Sam.irang, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin, and ■ Bulft; left Singapore 112 th August; due Auckland about 3rd SeptemI ber. ■ (U.S.S. Co.) . PENBRYN, left -Cub* nth July for Auckland: due Auckland' 16tb August. (Spedding. 1 ltd:) .:■■.. . I TOOLTA, from Graf ton and Port Stephens, I left Newcastle lith August, for Wellington, New Plymouth. Lytteltoii,- Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) 1 UUAPEHO,. left Southampton in August for ! Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington about 10th September. (N.Z.S. Co.) JtAISDALE, left Biiubury Ist August for Auckland., Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland about lath August. (G. H. Scales.) . SOMERSET, left LlTerpool 19th July, for I Auckland, Walllngton. Lyttelton, Dunedin, »nd Bluff; due Auckland 27th August; Wellington 2nd September. . (W. Wallls.) I TARANAKI, left London 25th July for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers via Sut» ; due Lyttelj ton about sth September- (S.S. and A. Co.) ! WAIKAWA, left Los Angeles 24t& July, for Napier, Wellington. New Plymouth, Nelson, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff; due Napier 18th August; Wellington 23rd August. (U.S.S. Co.) ! ZEALANDIC, left Liverpool 2nd August for Auckland, Wellington, LyJttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 4th September. ' (S.S. *nd A. Co.)
BENEDICK, from Singapore, at Wellington, leaves Wellington 16th August for Ballk Papan. (Shell Co.) ■' ■•' ■ ■•■ ' . : ... ' CLYDEBANK, from Galveston, for Australia; at Wanganui. CANADIAN CRTJISEH, from -Montreal, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin; at Auckland; duo Wellington 18th. August;- leaves Wellington 20th August. (C.N.S.) GOLDEN COAST, from Los Angeles, for Timaru, Dunedin; at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton 16th August. (Burns, Phllp.) HENZADA. from New York, for Lyttelton, Timaru; at Wellington ;■ leaves Wellington 16th August. (C. and D. Line.) KAKETU. from Sydney, for Bluff; at Dunedin; loaves Dunedin 13th August. (IJS.S. Co.) KATOA, from Newcastle, at Wellington. (U-.S.S. Co.) . -■■■■■ KAWATIKI, from Newcastle, for Napier; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) -I KAKTIGI, from Melbourne, Devonport, and Newcastle, for Wellington; due Wellington 16th August. (U.S.S. Co.) LADY LEWIS, from Nauru Island, at Wanganui. (H. and M., Auckland.) MIDDLESEX, from Livorpool, for Wellington, Lyttolton, Dunedln; at Auckland; due Wellington about 22nd August. (W. Wallis.) OTOKIA, from San Pedro; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) . . PAKIPAKI,; from Liverpool, for Port Chalmers, and Timaru; at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton lotli August. (W. Wallis.) PORT ALMA, from London, for Wellington Napier; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 16th August; due Wellington ]Sth August; leaves Wellington 21st August. (C. an dD. Line.) ItANGITIKT, from Southampton; for Bluff; at Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers 20tli Aucust. (N.Z.B. Co.) KEMUERA, from Southampton, at New Plymouth. (N.Z.S. Co.) WAIKOUAITI, from Newcastle and Sydney, for Lyttolton; rft'Wellington.-'(U.S.S. Co.) WAIOTAPU, from Los Angeles, Auckland, for Wellington and Australia; due Wellington 16th August. • (U.S.S. Co.) ■-■■•'■■ ■• ■ -
ARGYLLSHIRE, to call at Napier. Oisboruc, Tokoraani Bay, Auckland; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 37th August; leaves Auckland 23rd August for London and the West Coast ports of tho United Kingdom, via Panama. (W. Wallis.) '..-. l .■■.-. CANADIAN CKUISKK. to call at lyttelton, Tlraarti, Dunediii. Wellington;- and . Auckland; due Wellington-27th-August; leaves Auckland Ist September for New York, ■ Boston, and Montreal, via Panama.. (C.N.S.) . CORINTHIC, .to call at Napier,' Waikokopu, and Auckland; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 18tti August; loaves Auckland 27th-August for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) LIMERICK, at Auckland; leaves Auckland 20th August for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■': ':- ■'■■ •'■- ■- ' ■ ■ MAMILItrS,. at .Bluff (25th August); Port Chalmers, Tlmaru, Xyttelton, New • Plymouth, Wangauui, Wellington; duo Wellington 12th September; leaves Wellington 16th September for • London and tho' West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT GISBORNE, to call at : Tlmaru,. lyttelton, Wellington, Waikokopu, Gisborne, Auckland; at Bluff; leaves Bluff 16th August; due Wellington 23rd August; leaves Wellington 25th August; leaves iAuckland 3rd September for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITIKI, to call at Bluff (about 22nd August), Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier^Tokomaru Bay. and Auckland; due Wellington about Ist September; leaves Auckland about lGth September for London, via Panama REMUERA, to .call: at Port Chalmers, Tlmaru, Lyttelton, • and Wellington; at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth 19th August; due Wellington about 27th August; leaves Wellington about 20th August for Southampton (passengers only) and London. (N.Z.S. Co.) ROTORUA, at Wellington; leaves Wellington 10th August for London, via Panama. CN.Z.S.
! The following vessels .are expected to bo within range of tho under-mentioned wireless stations to-night/:—•■ ~ _ Auckland.—Canadian Cruiser, Canadian Explorer, Limerick, Moeraki, New Zealand, Raisdale, Tofua, Ulimaroa, Vacuoline, Centura, Waikouattl. ; Wcaiugton.-Waliino, Maori Tamahlne, Ngaio, Plume. ClydebanK-, Maunganul, Kartigl, Otokia, BZa*i.-&uS!lWi; Fort Bowcu. City ot Khartoum, B'rynymor. PERSONAL. Cantaln ,T L. Brlsed-hns been appointed to tlio Kaponga, and Captain W. Whlteflcld has been appointed to tho Kiwltea. .'■■•■ ' Mr I) M Keith, chief offlcor of the Aorangl, Is' being granted holidays at Sydney. Mr. G. jr. Anderson joins tho vessel as acting-chief " sir." 0. 11. Adams has joined tho Omana as chief officer. Mr \V .T Freeman lias relioved Mr. B. 1. Fislier, chief ofllcer of tho Walpahi, for lioli- ' Sir. D. Munro is now second officer of the 'Mr II .1. M.» Kemp has joined tho Otokia ns* third'officer, rellovins Mr. K. D. Stewart Mr he' Potro is now third officer of tho Waipahi,' having relieved Mr. 3. E. Semraens for Instructions. ■ . ■ . Mr J Forbes recently joined the Tofua as third' offlcor, Mr. D. J. Rutter being granted holidays. Edwar(]g ,„ joining the Koraata as third officer, relieving Mr. C. A. &penco for orders. RADIO FROM PENYBRYN. The Penybryn, en route from Cuba with a car"o of sugar, reports by radio that she expects to arrive at Auckland on 21st August. BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND, 15th August. Arrived—Middlesex, from Liverpool (10.40 a.m.); Canopus (3.50 a.m.), from Westport. NEW PLYMOUTH, 14th August. Arrived—Renuicrn. (2 p.m.)j from Lyttelton. Sailed—Uauturu (5.45 p.m.), for Onchunga. ■ NAPIER, 14th August. Arrived—Mako (2.H0 p.m.), from Auckland. NELSON, 15th August. Arrived—.Watangi (X a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail—Matnngl (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON'. ]4th August. Arrived—Totara (7.23 p.m.), from Wellington; Cygnet (9.'40 p.m.), from Kaikoura. LVTTELTON, l.Ttti 'August. Arrlvod—Maori (0.13 «.ra.), from Welllnglon. Arrivcil—Kalmiro (« a.m.), from "iVclllnston : ,
Maori (0.45 a.m.), from Wellington;■ Kaimanawa (0.55 a.m.), from Timaru.
To Sail—Maori (7.45 a.m.), for Wellington., FORT CHALMERS, 15th August. Arrived—Oplhl (8.10 a.m.), from WelHngDUNEDIN, 14th August. Arrived—Wingatui (2.45 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Kotaro (5.15 p.m.), from' Port Craig. Sailed—City of Khartoum (4,30 p.m.), for Sydney. ________^__
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 40, 15 August 1930, Page 12
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2,341SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 40, 15 August 1930, Page 12
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