HIGH WATER. To-day.—G.l3 a.m.; 6.32 p.m. To-morrow. —7.3 a.m.; 7.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, 26th JULY. HOLMDALE, s.s. (1 p.m.), 6SI tons, Williams, from Plcton. TAMAHINE, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 1959 tons, Kane, from Ficton. CYGXET, a.s. (10.40 'p.ra'.J, 121 tons, Pr.vde, from KalKoura. ■ .SUNDAY. 27(1) JULY. WI.N'GATUI. s.s. (2.30 a.m.). 237$ tons. M'Clellan. from Timnru. NGAIO; s.s. (3.23 a.m.), 1203 lons. Yusta, from Nelson. PAKUKA, s.«. (5.30 a.m.), 700 tons, Coldicutt, from Gisborne. WAHINE, 1 s.s. (7 a.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, from Lytteltoh: OPAWA, m.s. (1.50 p.m.), 110 tons, Radford, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. I SATURDAY, 26th JULY. KAPITI, £.5. (i'.o p.m.), 242 tons, Smith, for Wanganui. JlOA.'aux. scow (4 p.m.), 99 tons, Norton, for Nelson. PORT PIRIE, s.s. (4 p.m.), 7316 tons, Hudson, for London. TEES, s.s. (4.13 p.m.), 553 tons, Dowell, for Lyttelton. KOIIATA, s.s. (5.3 p.m.), 2115 tons, Whyborn, 'for Westport. TOTARA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 421 tons, Pearson, for Lytteltou. STORM, s.s. (6 p.m.),. 734 tons, Sheppard, for Wanganui. MATAiNGI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1349 tons. Hay, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.30. p.m.), 3458 tons, Irwltl, for Lj-ttclton. INAIIA m.s. (9 p.m.), 231 tons, Gibson, for! Wangamii. JOHN, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 342 tons. Holm, for New Plymouth, . . : WAINUI, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 1033 tons, Hackworth, for Napier. i SUNDAY,' STtli JULY. PORT FRKMANTLE, m.s. (7 a.m.). 5072 tons, GllllnK, for Gisbonie. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ; Progress,' Port Waikato,' to-day. j ]irinu!;rn, Southampton, to-morrow. ■ Matiin.'.'i, Nelron,- to-morrow. 5;;iO a.m. j 't':tinslilur, I'iet.on, to-morrow, 6 p.m. \ Jijori. Lytitlton, to-morrow. 7 a.m. j Jnatia, Wunganui, to-morrow. .Storm. Wanganui, to-morrow. Maunganul, Sydney,- to-morrow. Tofara, Lyttelton, to-morrow, j Opihi. New Plymouth, to-morrow. '; Alexander, Wanganui, to-morrow. j Tahiti, San Francisco, to-morrow. t Calm, southern ports, to-morrow. ! Kaplti, Wanganui, to-morrow. i Hawera, Patoa, to-morrow. . Opawa, Blenheim," 30th. Karma, Greymouth, 30th. ! Corinthic, Southampton, ,30th. j Canadian Challenger, Dunedin, SOtb. j Nikau, Jfotueka, 30th. Himatangi, Lyttelton, 31st. Gale, southern ports, 31st. ' City of' Khartoum, Auckland, 31st. John, Port Waikato, 31st. Port Bowen, Auckland, 31st. . Komata, \Vestporr, 31st. Klwltoa, New Plymouth, Ist. j Wain vi, Gisborne, Ist. j Cygnet, Lyttelton, Ist. i Waimarino, Auckland, Ist. Pakipaki, Napier, 2nd. Kaimanawa, Portland, 2nd. Pakura, Gisborne, 3rd. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ngaio, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Breeze, southern ports, to-day.. j Jtolmdale, southern ports, to-day. j Opnwa, Blenheim, to-day. i Cygnet. Lyttelton, to-day. j Jliitniigi, Nelson, .to-morrow. 7.30 p.m. I -Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. i Tdtara, New Plymouth, to-morrow. | Kaikorai, Newcastle,1 to-morrow. j luaha, -Wanganul,' to-morrow.-Progress, southern ports, "to-morrow. ! Kaimul. Greymouth, to-morrow, j , Wingatul, Auckland, to-morrow. Storm, southern ports, to-morrow. Alexander. Nelson, to-morrow. j Muiinganui, Auckland, to-morrow. i l'uliura, Napier, to-morrow. I Opihi, Dunedln, to-morrow. I Calm, Wangnmil, to-morrow. | Kohl, Nelson, to-morrow. I TamahJne.l'icton. SOth. 3 p.m. Kaplti. Wangamii. SOtli'. . . | Jluwera. Patea, 30th. i Canadian Challenger, Auckland, 30ih. Gale. Pictop, Slst. ! Tahiti, Sydney, 30th:. j Tiimaroa, Southampton. 30tto'. ] Hiiuatangi, Wauganui, 31st. I John, southern ports, Slst. j Kawatlri, Westport, 31st. , j Waimarino. southern ports. Ist. j Wainul, Dunedin, Ist. j ' BERTHAGE LIST. i Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. «. I Kohi—Queen's Wharf No. .". ; Breeze—Queen's Wharf No. (!. Futurist—Queen's Wharf No. 7. Ngalo—Queen's Wharf No. 12. (Ipawa—Queen's Wharf No. 13. j Cygnet—Queen's Wharf No.' 13. I Wingatul—Queen's Wharf' No. 10. j Wahine—Ferry Wharf. Kalwarra—Railway Wharf. I Kaimai—Railway Wharf. ' Tamaroa—Glasgow Wharf. j Pakura—Plpitea: Wharf. j Kaitoke—Thorndon Breastwork. i Holmdale—Taranakl Street Wharf. j Marama—Clyde Quay Wharf. Kawatiri—Mlramar Wharf. Haul Poraars—Patent Slip. Kaikorai—Patent Slip. Paua—Patent Slip. | Putikl—ln the stream. I Hararoa—ln the stream. I Corinna—ln the stream. i INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. * ; MAUNGANUI, left Sydney ""25th July. Tor ', Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington Mo-morrow; leaves Wellington to-morrow; due : Auckland Thursday; leaves Auckland Friday 'for Sydney; due Sydney sth August. (LJ.S.S. \ Co.) j ULIMAROA. left Wellington 25th July for I Sydney; due Sydney .to-morrow; leaves Sydney I Friday for Wellington; due Wellington sth I August. (Huddart-Parker.) I JIAHENO, left Wellington 2Cth July for Jlel--1 bourne, via Bluff; leaves Bluff to-morrow; due j Melbourne Saturday; leaves Melbourne, 7tli 'August for Wellington, via southern ports; due I Wellington 15th August. (U.S.S. Co.) ! MARAMA, laid up at Wellington for winter | months (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, left Vancouver 23rd July for I Sydney, via Honolulu, Sura, Auckland; duo Honolulu Wednesday; Suva Bth August; AuckI land 11th August; leaves Auckland 12th Aus- ! ust; due Sydney 16th August. (U.S.S. Co.) j NIAGARA, left Sydney 24th July lor Vancouver, via Auckland; Suva, and Honolulu; ar- ! rived Auckland to-day; leaves Auckland toj morrow; due Suva Friday; Honolulu Sth Augjust: Vancouver 13th August. (U.S.S. Co.) : TAHITI, left San t'rancisco Uth .uilj ror Sydney via Papeete Uarotonga. Wellinst'm; | due Wellington to-morrow: leaves Wol- ! liiißton Wednesday; due Sydney 3rd I August; leaves Sydney 7th August for |San Francisco, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) i MAKURA, left Sydney 10th July, for San | Fraricisco. via Wellington. Rarotonga, Papeete: I due San Francisco Friday, leaves San ! Francisco Cth August for Sydney, via ports, i (U.S.S. Co.) i LOADING OVERSEAS. I ARTEMESIA, leaves Port Arthur (Tctas) in , July for Auckland and Australia. CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, leaves Montreal ' 2:jrd August for Auckland, \Velliii£tou, l.yttel-'-lon. Dunedlii, Kluff: due AuclJiltu'l .11 h Oi'tobcr. (C..N.5.) I CANADIAN TUANSPORTEIi, ra.< mi I».iv« j Montreal 25th July for Aik.-UI.-hkl. Wellington, Lyttelton, Umicdiu: due Aui-kliiml :i!i»:it 7th September. (C.N.S.) CITY OK LYONS, leaves New York 30th July for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin (W Wallls.) FERXWOOD loads at Taniplco and other Gutf ot Mexico ports In August for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Wanganui, mid Australia; duo Auckland middle of .September. GOLDEN CIIOSS, leaves Los Angeles Ist August for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunediu ; duo Auckland 27th August. U'lillirii:toic 4ili Keptember (Burns, Phllp.) HEKTKOED, leaves Liverpool 10th Ausust Tor Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton. fort Chalmers. New Plymouth;, duf Aucklaud about 24th August. (SS. and A. Co.) KARTIGI, loads at Melbourne and Devonport early Hi August for Auckland aud Welillnetnn. (U.S.S. Co.) I KALINGO. loads at Newcastle and Coff's llar- ■ brur, early In August, for Lyttelton, Timan<. ; Wangamii, Greymouth (U.S.S. Co.) ( ; KAIKORAI, loads at Newcastle 4th August 1 for Napier. Auckland (U.S.S. Co.) 1 KARETU. loads at Newcastle 30th July, com- ; pletes at Sydney, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, and . Biuir. (u.s.s. Co.) | MAHIA leaves Liverpool 2nd August for i Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin; due ; Auckland Sth September (S.S. and A Co.) j JIATAROA. leaves London 15fh August for Wellington and Auckland: din? Wellington 16th September (S.S and A Co.) KARBADA, leaves Calcutta early Id August tor Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Tirnaru. Dunedin. Bluff, via Pcnans. Singapore, anr/ i Samaratiß (U.S.S. Co.) POOLTA. loads at Grafton, Port Stephens, innd Newcastle early In August for Wellington, 1 Now Plymouth, LvUelton, T'.lulV. (U.S.S. Co.) I PARRAKOOLA. leaves l,i>s Anu-eles Isili Aim ! list., mid San I'ranrisco not later than 23rd Ausuist, for Auckland. Wellington, timl oihe Ken Zealimd ports: One Ajicklanrt oth Sc;li'iulkt, Welllriirtdii I2(b September. (Sdcildlim, Ltd.) I'IHIRIKI. leavt-s Xcm York ir.tii \:i-:. ur Auckland, W-clllnglon. Lylti-ltnn, fiinicilin :im.: Australia. (\V. Wnllls.i PORT niiISIJAM'. icnres :\>i» York :'<;tli August ' t Aii!'l<!:i.:i(l. Wellington, Lyttelton, Duii'.'il': l"(- \"'-!>l;inil siith Spptemlio:. (C and 11 l. •)•■ i Rl.;.M'i;illi. H-avrs . Si'ijtlKimpt"!! lii Aiijdm fur Wtllinfii-'P) anil Aunklaiiil; due Wflllnstoi! JOth September. tN.Z.S. Co.) j HANGITATA, liares Southßmrton S!!nh August
for Wellington and Auckland: duo Wellington Ist October. (N.Z.S. Co.) RL'AHINB, leaves Southampton Istn August for Wellington (passengers only), Port Chal-1 mers, Lyttelton, Tlmaru; due Wellington 22nd i September (N.Z.S Co.) i TUUAKINA, leaves Liverpool 30th August for j Auckland. Wellington, Lyttolton. and Dunedln. i (W. Wallis.) WAIKUNA. leaves Los Angeles 19th August tor Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland 13tb September. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. AIIMADALE, left New York Ifith July for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, ■ Tlmaru, and Duncdin, via Suva; due Suva 18th August; Auckland 21th August. (W. Wallis.) BENEDICK, left Singapore. Kith July for Auckland, Wellington; , duo Auckland about st!i August: duo Wellinztoa about lOtb August. (Shell Co.) CANADIAN ' CRUISER, left Montreal 2Stb June for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Duncdin ; duo Auckland lOtb August, Wellington 15th August. (C.N.S.) CORINTHIC, left Southampton 20tn June for Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington SOth July. (S.S. and A.'Co.) . GOLDEN COAST left Los Angeles Ist July for Auckland Wellington . Lytlelton Tlmaru and Dunedln ; due Auckland 28th July; Wellioiuoti 4th August (Burns Phtlp.l ' HENZADA' left. New York 28th June for Auckland Wellington Lyttelton, Tlmaru Dunedln . due Auckland about 29th July Wei* linetnn 2nd August (C and D Line.) lONIC, left Southampton ISth July for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 20th August. (S.S and A.. Co.) I KUKOW.1 left Sydney 23rd July for Auckland ; due Auckland 29th July. (U.S.S. Co.) LIMERICK, left Cairns 25th July for Nelson, ! Wangnnut, Wellington (sth August), Napier, I Gisuorne, Auckland; • due Nelson 30th July; ! leaves Auckland 20th August for Halifax. and i London. (N.Z.S. Co.) I MIDDLESEX, lefl UTerpool 6th July torj ; Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln; duo Auckland 12th August. (W. Wallls.) MIRKABOOKA, left San Francisco 12th July for Auckland, Wellington, Bluff, via Niuej due Auckland 2'Jth July, Wellington 2nd August. (Speddlnfi. Ltd.) OMANA, left Sydney.26th July for Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Tlmaru; due Bluff 31st July. (U.S.S. Co.) OTOKIA. left San Pedro 16tll July for Wellington; due Wellington 10th August. (U.S.S. Co.) PENISRYN. left' Cuba ' 11th' July for Auckland ; due Auckland 9th August. (Spedding, Ltd.) PLUME. left San Francisco 3 6th July for 'Wellington and Australia: due Wellington lOtb August. (V.O. Co.) j PORT ADM A, left London SmJ July tor ! Auckland. Wellington. Napier: due Auckland j about Bth August (C and D. Line.) ! RANGITIKI. left Southampton 4th July for 1 Wellington (paiaengera only), Lyttelton. Port Chalmers, Bluff; due Wellington 6tb August (N.Z.S Co.) REKUERA, left London IStrj Jun* for Sura. Wellington, Port Ch»lm«r»; LjtUlton, New Ply mouth; due Wellington 29th July. (N.Z.S. Co.) SOMERSET, left Liverpool 19th July, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunediu, and Bluff. (W. Wallis.) TARANAKI, left London 25th July for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers via Suva; duo Ijyttelton about sth September. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIOTAI'U, left Los' Angeles 17th July tor Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland 12th August. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIKAWA, left Los Angeles 21th July, for Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth, Nelson, Lyttolton, Dunedin, and Bluff;; due Napier ISth August. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. ARGYLLSHIRE, from Liverpool for Wangaaul, at Ne.v Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth '23th July. (W. Wallis.) 1 ASTORIA, from Nauru Island, at New Plymouth. COLUMBIA, from Bunbury, at Auckland. (G. H. Scales.) CLYDEBANK, from Galveston, for Port Chalmers, Wanganui, and Australia; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 28th July. CITY OF KHARTOUM, from New York, for Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru. Dunedln. and Sydney; at Auckland, leaves Auckland 2.9 th July; due Wellington 31st July. (W. Wallis.) ! GABRIELLA, from, Newcastle, for Groymouth; iat Wani'anul; leaves Wanganui 2nd August, j (U.S.S. Co.) KA.MONA trom Newcastle; at Gisborne. (U.S.S. Co.) ' ■'• KIWITEA, from Melbourne, for New Plymouth. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunudin ;at Portland. (U.S.S. Co.) KAWATIKI, frnm Newcastle, at Wellington (U.S.S. Co.) PAKIPAKI. from Liverpool, for Napier. WclUiißton Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Tlmaru; nt Auckland leaves Auckland 29th July, due Wellington 2nd August. (W. Wallis.) PORT BO WEN, from' Liverpool, for Wellington, Dunedin; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 2f!th July; due Wellington 31st July. (C. and D Line.) WAHyOUAITI, from Sydney, at Bluff. (U.S.S. °WAIHEMO, from Los Angeles, at Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. I CANADIAN CHALLENGER, . to cull at Wellington, Auckland; af Dunedin; due Wellington SOth July; leaves Auckland 2nd : Vugust for New York.. Boston, and Montreal. via Panama. (C.N.S.) FERXDALE, at Auckland; leaves Auckland i2oth July for Genoa and London. (S.S. and 'PORT FREMANTLE, to call at Auckland; at Gisborne; leaves Gisborne 29th July; leaves •Auckland Ist August for London via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) ItOTORUA, to call at Port Chalmers, Lyttelton Wellington; at Bluff; leaves Bluff 30th July; duo Wellington 13th August; leaves Wellington ' 16th August for London, via Tanama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAMAROA. at Wellington; leaves Wellington I SOth July for Southampton and London. (S.S. and A. Co.) < WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are . expected to bo within range of the undermentioned \vireles3 ■stations to-night:— v ! Auckland.—Dunedin, Golden Coast, Tofua. ] Ventura. Waipahi, Mirrabooka, Dalfram, Kurow. I Chatham Islands.—Westmoreland, Karamea. I Wellington.—Maori, Wahlne, Tamahiue, Ngaio, ! Uangitikl. Aorangi, Corinthic, Ulimaroa, ! Maunganui, Port Pirie, Papanui, Port Frei mantle, Tahiti, Argyllshire. Kemuera, Kaiwarra, I Golden West. i Vwarua.—Makura, Mahcno, Omana. I . ■ ■- ! . PERSONAL. I Air. K. M'Couville has joined the Waikouaiti '. as chief engineer in nlace'of -Mr. P. H. Jlac--1 donald, who is ashore sick. Mr. O. 11. Dniner bus joined the Kawatm ' as chief engineer. I Mr. W. Webiliiß has joined the Tamahine as i 'ourtn engineer, relieving Mr. A. Lewis for holiMr. J. D.' Hamilton has joined the 'Walmarino as third engineer. Captain G. Whyte-Hearn is in command of the Port Bowen, which arrived at Auckland from Liverpool early on Saturday morning, and he has associated with him the following officers:—Chief, Mr. A. Fishwick; second, Mr. U. Forest; third, Mr. It. Gorman; fourth, Mr. D. Henderson; chief engineer. Mr. A. Edmunds; second, Mr. II Atkinson; third, Jlr. F. Washington ; fourth, Mr. A. Pembcrton; fifth, Mr. IW Harvey: wireless operator, Mr. 1\ Wilkic; chief .steward, Mr. .7. Andrews. The vessel Is ! expected to sail late on Tuesday evening for ; Wellington. CORINTHIC.DUE MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY A radio received to-day from the Corinthic stated that she is now expected to arrive at Wellington at midnight on Wednesday. The 1 vessel Is meeting with fresh south-westerly gales .' and high head "seas. j MAHANA AT HALIFAX. j ■ Tlic .Mahnna which sailed from Auckland on j :!.".th .rim? fur Halifax and London, arrived at Hiilifiix an Friday. j REHUERA DUE TO-MORROW. I En route from Southampton, the Bemuera has i\sent a further radio message stating that a • fresh gale is still prevailing and that she expects to reach Wellington at daybreak to-mor-row: She is to berth at the1 King's Wharf. I RANGITATA ARRIVES HOME. The jlaniMinta. which left Wellington on 21st June for Southampton and London, via Panama, arrived at Southampton on Friday. THE HUNTINGDON. | Tlm- ll'iiilliigdon. which left Auckland on ISth | 1 Tune fnr New York, Halifax, and London, sailed i i from Boston on Thursday. ■ ■ " ■ I CAMBRIDGE AT PANAMA, j ! The Cambridge, which left Gisborno on :;rd '■■ July for London, arrived at Panama on Wcdnesi day, and left Colon on Thursday. >i PORT PIRIE SAILED. ' Having completed her homeward loading, the Port Plrie sailed on ■ Saturday afternoon tor '■■ London, via Montevideo. I BY TELEGRAPH. V j . LONDON, 27th July; j Arrived-Itangitata. | Arrlved-Armidale. : Sailed—Omana, for New Zealand. ! AUCKLAND, 26th July. ! Arrived—Kaituna (3 p.m.), from Greymouth: ; Waihemo '(Via p.m.). from Westport. ! Sailed—Ciiiopus. (!) p.m.), for Westport. ' ■ AUCKLAND. 2Sth July. i Arrived— Niagara. (0.20 .a.m.). from Sydney. P.LK.VHEI.M. 2«lh July. ! Arrived—Ei'lut (ij.3o p.m.), fcum Wellington. | LVTTELTOX. 27th July. | \,.|.|vc-(|—Wiiliiinta '((i."" a.m.). mid Miumi ((■,!:,() ii.di.l. from Wi-lliiißtou: Calm (8 '""'' i""' 11"' WESTPOBT. 271h July. Arrived--Kiirepu. friim Auckland J Komatn. 'from Wellington: Kotltl. from Karsmoa. NEW PLYMOUTH. 28th July. Arrlvcil- Jnlin W a.m.). from Wellington. ! NELSON. 2Rth .Inly. i To! -..M:if;«n^J (7.."0 p.m.). for Wi'llingtun : :' LYTTELTOX, 28th Jrfy. ; i To Suil —Maori [S p.m.), for Wellington. j
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Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 24, 28 July 1930, Page 12
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2,463SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 24, 28 July 1930, Page 12
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