HIGH WATER. To-day: 12.43 a.m.; 1.4 p.m. , To-morrow: 1.23 a.m.; 1.47 p.m. I ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, 23rd MAY. IXAHA, m.s. (2.50 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibson, from Wanßunui. STORM, R.s. 18.30 p.m.), 749 tons, Shcppard, from Picton. SATURDAY, 2111) MAY. MAORI, s.s. (0.55 a.m.), 3153 lons, Invlji, from Lyfoltcu. " ARAHURA, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 1500 tons, Wildnian, from Nelson. JOHN. s.s. (10.H0 a.m.). 342 tons, Holm, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. FRIDAY, 23rd MAY. MAItAMA, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 6497 tons, Morgan. for Sydney. ECHO, aux. scow (4 p.m.), 99 tons, Jarman, for Blenheim. KAITOA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 313 tons, Kislc, for Grcymoutli. MATANGI, s.s.-(7.30 p.m.), 1349 tons, Uay, for Nelson. WAHINE. s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Waipiata, Timaru, to-day. Breeze, Wanganui. to-day. .lolin, southern ports, to-day. Parent, Gisborne, to-day. Tamahine, Picton. to-day, 6 p.m. - Progress, Port Waikato. to-morrow. Kaponßa, Westport. to-morrow. Kapitl. Wanganui, to-morrow. Echo, Blenheim, to-morrow. Komala. Westport, to-morrow. Cygnet, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Kiwitea, Lyttelton. to-morrow. Matnngi Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Wahine, Lytteltqn. to-morrow, 7 a.m. Uahika, Greymouth, 25th. Paktira, Gisborne. 2Gth. Kamona, Grcymoutli, 2fith, Xgatoro, Greymouth. 26th. , Kalnmi, Greymouth, 28th. Canadian Conqueror, southern ports. 26th. Hawera, Patea, 26th. Holmdale. Picton, 20th, Kairanga, Sydney, 26th. Waipahi, Portland. 20th. Hlmatangi, Foxton, 27th. Ulimaroa, Sydney, 27th. Mataroa, Lyttelton, 27th. Huntingdon, Dunedin, 27th. Inaha, Wanganui, 28th. . Taranaki, Napier, 28th. . Totara, Lyttelton. 28th. Calm, southern ports, 28th. Taranaki, Auckland. 28th. Kaituna, Devonport, 28th. . Canadian Conqueror, Dunedin, 28th. Wainui, southern ports, 30th. Wingatul, Auckland, 30th. , PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Xarbada, southern ports, to-dayi Storm, southern ports, to-day. John, New Plymouth, to-day. Inaha, Wanßantil, to-day. Katoa, Lyttelton, to-day. Arahura, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, 26th, 3 p.m. Ei'ho, Blenheim, 26th. Matangi, Nelson, 26th. 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, 26th. 7.45 p.m. Port Hiion, Lyttelton, 20th. Breeze, southern porls, 2ijth. Progress, southern ports, 26th. Cygnet, Lyttelton, 20th. Nikau, Motueka, 2fith. Kapiti, Wanganui, 26th. Parcra. Lyttelton, 26th. City of Osaka, southern ports, 26th. Uolmdalc, southern ports, 26th. Walpiata. Auckland. 20th. Pakura, Napier. 27th. Hawera, I'atea, 27th. Himatansl, southern ports, 27ta. Calm, Wanganui, 28th. Totara, Nelson, 28th. Ullmaroa, Sydney, 30th. Wainui, Napier, 30th, Wingatui, southern ports, 30th. BERTHAGE LIST. Katoa—Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. Xarbada—Queen's Wharf No. 2. Tamahine —Queen's Wharf No. 4. Foxton—Queen's Wharf No. 4. Inaha—Queen's Wharf No. 5. John—Queen's Wharf -No. 10. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12. Progress—Queen's Wharf No. 13. Maori—Ferry Wharf. City of Osaka—King's Wharf. Parera—Glasgow Wharf. Breeze—-Taranaki Street Wharf. Storm—Taranaki Street Wharf. Port Hiion—Pipitea Wharf. Katkoral —Thorndon Breaatnerk. Kaitoke—Aotea Qua; Paua—Burnham Wharf. Katoa —Burnham Wharf. Karetu—Mlramar Wharf. Xgaio—Patent Slip. Corinua—Patent Slip. Nikau—Patent Slip. Putikl —In the stream. Mararoa —In tho stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. MAUNGANUI, left Auckland yesterday for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney Friday for Auckland; due Auckland 3rd June. (U.S.S. Co ) ULIMAROA, left Sydney yesterday for Wellington; due Wellington -Tuesday; leaves Wellington Friday for Sydney; duo Sydney 3rd June. (Huddart-Parker.) MARAMA, left Wellington yesterday for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydnew Thursday for Wellington; due Wellington 2nd June. (U.S.S. Co.) MAHENO, at Port Chalmers for Burvej. (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGI, leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Aucklaud; due Honolulu 4th June, Suva 13th June Auckland 16th June, Sydney 21st June. (U.S.S. Co.) • NIAGARA, left Vancouver 30th April for Sydney via Honolulu, Suva, Aucklaud; left Auckland Wednesday; arrived Sydney to-day; leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver, via ports. TAHITI left San Francisco 14th Slay for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington; leaves Papeete to-day; duo Rarotonga Tuesday; Wellington 2nd June; Sydney Bth June. (li.fa.S. °M\KURA, left Sydney 13th May for San Francisco,'via Wellington, Rarotonga; Papeete; leaves Rarotousa to-day: due Papette Monday, San Francisco Oth June. (L.b.S. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR, left Halifax 2nd Slay for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru Dunedin, Bluff; due Auckland Sth June; Wellington 13th June. (C.N.S.) ■ DAGFRED, left Los Angeles Bth May for Noumel, Auckland, and Australia; fiua Aucl;---'aIENTONIENTONIENTON left New York 11th May for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Austraia; due Auckland 18th June. (W. Wallis.) GOLDEN CLOUD, left Los Angeles Ist May for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. New Plymouth; duo Auckland 27tb May; Wellington 3rd June. (Burns, Phllp.) ILVINGTON COTJRT, left Havana, Cuba, 27th April for Auckland; due Auckland about 30th kiRAMEA, left Liverpool 12th May for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland 14th June. (S.S. and A. Co.) KiITUXA. left Devonport 22nd May for Auckland and Wellington; due Wellington 28th May. (U.S.S. Co.) KAIKANGA, left Sydney 20th May for Wellington; duo Wellington 26th May. (U.S.S. Co ) KKNT, left Liverpool 26th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff, due Auckland 4th June. (W. Wallis.) ORKANGER, left Los Angeles Bth May for Wellington and Australia; due Wellington 3rd June. (V.O. Co.) OTOKIA, left San Pedro 10th May for Wellington ; due Wellington 10th Juno. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT ADELAIDE, left Launceston 21st May for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Waikokopu, and Wellington; due Auckland 26th \ May. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT FREMANTLE, left London 23rd May for Auckland, Port Chalmers, Bluff; duo Auckland about 27th June. (C. and D. Line.) PORT PIRIE. left London Ist May for Port Chalmers. Lyttelton, and Timaru, via Suva; due Suva 6th June, Port Chalmers 17th June. (C. and D. Line.) . QUERCUS, left New York 28th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin: duo Auckland 29th May. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITANE, left Southampton Oth May for Auckland, Wellington; due Auckland about 11th June. (N.Z.S. Co.) SIERRA NEVADA, left Mahe (Seychelles) 10th April for New Zealand. TAINUI, left Southampton 26th April tor Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland Ist June; duo Wellington about Sth Juno. (S.S. and A. Co.) TURAKINA, from Glasgow, for Oamaru, Bluff, Timaru, Wanganui, Wellington; duo Oaniaru end of May. (W. Wallis.) WAIMARINO, left United Kingdom 21st April for Dunedin, Lyttelton, Auckland, ; via Lurban: due Dunedin middle of Juno. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. . ANTONIO, from Ocean Island, at Wanganul. CAMBRIDGE, from Liverpool, for Timaru, Port Chalmers; at Lyttelton; leaves Lyttelton 27th May. (W. Wallis.) CITY OF OSAKA, from New York, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Suva, Noumea, and Rabaul; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 26th May. (W Wallis.) GOLDEN CROSS, from Loa Angeles, at Dunedin (Burns. Phllp.) HORORATA, from London, for Bluff, New Plymouth; at Port Chahners; leaves Port Chalmers. 27th May. (N.Z.S. Co.) JUNE, from Nauru Island; at Auckland. KALINGO. from Newcastle for Wanganui and Oreymoutli; at Timaru: leaves Timaru 27th May. . (U.S.S. Co;). KIWITEA, from flobart. for Wellington, Auckland, New Plymouth; at Lyttolton; leaves Lyttelton. 24th May. (U.S.S. Co.) NARBADA. from Calcutta, for Lyttelton and Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 24th May. (U.S.S. Co.) POOLTA, from Newcastle, for Dtmcdin, Bluff, Greymouth; at Napier; leaves Napier 27th May. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT HUON, from Liverpool, for Lyttelton, Dunedin; at Wellington;, leaves Wellington 26th May. <C. and D. Line.)
RAXGITATA, from Southampton, for Bliilf: at Auckland; leaves Auckland 27tb May. •(N.Z.S. Co.) VESSELS LOAOING. CAMBRIDGK, to call at Tort Chalmers (2Sth May), Tlmnrii. Lyttelton, Wellington, Gisboriie; duo Wellington I'Jth June; leaves (Jlsbornc 28th Juno for London, via Panama (X.55.5. Co.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, at Dunedin; to rail at Wellington, Auckland; duo Wellington 2SIII -May; leaves Auckland 30th Ma.v for .Yew Yorli, Boston, and Montreal. (C.N.S.) COPTIC, at Tlmaru. to call at Port Chalmers. Lyttelton, Gisborne, Wellington- leaves Tlmaru 2(ith Ma.v; due Wellington slli June; leaves Wellington 7th June for London and thu West Coast ports of (he United Kingdom, via I'anama. (S.S. and A. ''iIUXTIXGDON, at Bluff: to call at Wanganui, Wellington, (ilsborne, Auckland, leaves niutr 2Sth .May; leaves Auckland aboui Slh June for New York. Hallfax, and London, via Panama and Curacao (N.Z..S Co.) MAIIANA. from London; loads at Napier (30th May), Waikokopu, New Plymouth Wellington, and Auckland; at Wellington from 7th to 12th June: leaves Auckland 201!) June for Halifax am! London, via Panama. (S.S and A. Co.) MATAKOA to call ai iVollinsrioii :at L'-ttcl ton; due Wellington 27th May: leaves Wellington :ilsl May for Southampton anil l.i.ndnii vm Panama (S.S, and A. Co.) NORFOLK, loads New Plymouth CJlith May). Opua, Auckland. Tokomaru Bay, Napier, Wanganul, Wellington; leaves Wellington Klsi Jim. for London (N.Z.S Co.) POKT ADELAIDE, loads at Auckland (20th May) Gisborne. Napier. Waikokopu, Wellington: due Wellington 12th June; leaves Wellington Mtb June for London, via Montevideo (C. and D. Line.) PORT HUON. to call at Port Chalmers (Ist June) Bluff. Lytteltnn, Wellington; due Wellington I2tb June; leaves Wellington Uth June for London via Panama. (C and D Line.) RAXGITATA, at Auckland: to call at Bluff, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Wellington; leaves Auckland 27th May; due Wellington about Uth June; leaves Wellington about 21st June for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. RUAHINE. at Auckland : leaves Auckland 27th May for Southampton and London, via Panama and Curacao. (N Z.S Co.) TAINUI, from London, loads at Wellington (7th June). Lyttclton, Gisborne, and Auckland: leaves Auckland 28th June for Southampton and London. (S.S. and A. Co.) TAItANAKI, at Auckland, to call at Napier and Wellington : leaves Auckland 24th May; due Wellington 28th May: leaves Wellington 31st May for Southampton and Jjondon, via Panama (S.S. and A. Co.) TCRAKTNA, from Glasgow, to call at Oamimi (30th May). Bluff, Timaru, - Wanganul, Wellington: due. Wellington 16th June: leaves Wellington ISth June for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— ' Auckland.—For Saturday only: Aluui Pomare, Waipahi. For Saturday and Sunday: iUaunganui, Moeraki, Tofua, Golden Cloud, Norfolk. Port Adelaide, Ventura, Taianaki. Wellington.—For Saturday only: Maori, Wahine, Arahura. Tamahine, Kiwitea, Xarhada For Saturday and Sunday. British Star, K;\iranga, Ulimtirna. Marama, Tutanekai, Hordu, Antonio, Tasmania. Port Sydney. For Sunday only. Waipahi, Canadian Conqueror, Port Huon. Awarua.—For Saturday only: Canadian Conqueror Golden Cross. For Saturday and Sunday: Tahiti. Makura, Tairoa, Waikawa, Kaituna. Chatham Islands. —Taimii; Ilvlngton, Qucrcus. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. HAUItAKI, left Fanning Island 20th May for Vancouver, via Honolulu. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIOTAPU, leaves Sydney 31st May for Vancouver direct. (U.S.S. Co.) PORT HOBART LEAVES PANAMA. The Port' Hobart, which sailed from on Ist May for New York, Boston, and Halifax, left Panama on Thursday. TURAKINA TO LOAD. The Turakina, en route from Glasgow to,load in New Zealand, hus reported by wireless that she expects to arrive at Oamaru on Friday She is expected at Wellington about ICth June, and will leave here two days later for London. RANGITANE FROM HOME. The Jtangitaue, which sailed from Southampton on SHU May, left Colon on Thursday for Auckland, where she is due about 11th June. BAR-BOUND AT GREYMOUTH. The four coastal vessels bar-bound at Greymouth are not likely to leave there before tomorrow. The Kaponga. is at present bar-bound at Westport. BY TELEGRAPH. SUVA, 23rd May. Sailed—Tofua (4 p.m.), for Apia.' SYDNEY, 23rd Ma.v. Sailed—Uilmaroa (1 p.m.), for Wellington. SYDNEY, 24tli May. Arrived—Niagara (5.30 a.m.), from Auckland. AUCKLAND, 23rd Ma>\ Arrived— Wingatui (1 p.m.), from Wellington; Kalmlro (3.10 p.m.), from New Plymouth. Sailed—Maungaiiul (3.20 p.m.), for Sydney; Ciinopus (4.50 p.m.), for Westport. PICTON, 23rd May.x Arrived—Tamahlne (6.15 p.m.), from Wcllillßton- ■ NELSON, 24th May. Arrived—Matangl (5.15 a.m.), from WeHinstO To sail— Matangl (7.30 p.m.), for Welling-, t011" LYTTELTON, 24th May. Arrived—Wahino (7.10 a.m.) and Cambridge V^ZZ?^.). for Wellington. , WESTPORT, 24th Slay. Sailed-Komata (7.10_ a.m.), for WeUmßton. Arrived—Kurow (7.25 a.m.), from Wellmgtoll' LYTTELTOX, 2 lth May.. Arrived—Waliine (0.45 a.m.), Cambridge ( a.m.), from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 121, 24 May 1930, Page 12
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1,853SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 121, 24 May 1930, Page 12
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