HIGH WATER. To-day: 3.1U a.m.; 3.38 p.m. To-morrow: 1.7 a.m.; 4.30 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, 28th MARCH. H.M.S. VERONICA (4 p.m.), Robertson, from Picton. KAIMANAWA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 211G tons, Corby, from Westport. INAHA, m.s. (9.30 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibson, from . . Patca. RARANf.'A. s.S. (10 p.m.), 7MO tons, Ogilriu, from Picton. KAPUNI, s.s. (10.50 p.m.), 275 tons, M'Lachlan, from Patea. SATURDAY, 29th MARCH. TAMAHINE, s.s. (1.50 a.m.), IUB9 tons, Kane, from Picton. : ECHO, aux. scow (2.15 a.m.), 99 tons, Jarman, from Blenheim. NIKAU, s.s. (4.25 a.m.) 4 24S tons, MacMillan, from Nelson. ARAHUKA. s.s. (4.35 a.m.), 1590 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. STORM, s.s.. (8.45 a.m.), 749 tons, Sheppard, from Wanganui. TOTARA, s.s. (9.25 a.m.), 421 tons, Eden, from Tarakohc. REC'L'LUS, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 584 tons, Maylen, from Motueka. REMUERA. s.s. (11 a.m.), 11,138 tons, Barnctt, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. FRIDAY, 2Sth MARCH. HERTFORD, s.s. (3 p.m.), 10,923 tons, BurtonDavies. for Lyttelton. HAWERA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 174 tons, Brigden, for Wanganui. ALEXANDER, s.s. (G.lO p.m.), M'Leod, for Nelson. OPIHI, s.s. (fi.2o p.m.), 1117 tons, Haclrworth. for New Plymouth. MATANGI, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1349 tons, Hay. for Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 44*30 tons, Qaincrln, for Lyttelton. OPAWA, m.s. (8.15 p.m.), 110 tons, Kadford, for Blenheim. SATURDAY, 29th March. KAIMIRO, s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 2502 tons, Rankin, for Picton. PAKURA, s.s. (3.5 a.m.), 700 tons, Caldicott, for West Coast. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaimai, Greymouth, to-day. Fairburn, Wangauui, to-day. Tamahine, Picton, to-morrow, U. 30 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Wahine. Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Kapltl, Wanganui, to-morrow. Canadian Explorer, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Cygnet, southern ports, to-morrow. Port Caroline, Gisborne, to-morrow. Hawera, Wanganui, to-morrow. Kohi, Havelock, to-morrow. l'arera, Gisborne, to-morrow. Kahika, Greymouth, to-morrow. Karepo, Auckland, 31st. Ulimaroa, Sydney, Ist. Inaha, Patea, Ist. Echo, Blenheim, Ist. Xikau, Mapua, Ist. Gale, Lyttelton, Ist. Himatangi, .Lyttelton, Ist. Xorthumberland, Wanganui, Ist. Kuku. Lyttelton, 2nd. Holmdale, Lyttelton, 2nd. » Kaimiro, Lyttelton, 2nd. Kaitoa, Motueka, 2nd. City of Lincoln, Auckland, 2nd. John, Lyttelton, 2nd. Opihi, Nelson, 2nd. Opawa, Blenheim, 2nd. Karma, Westport, 2nd. y Middlesex, Lyttelton, 2nd. Calm —Lyttelton, 3rd. Gale, Onekaka, 4th. Holmdale, Wanganui, 4th. Waipiata, Dunediu, 4th. Corinthic, Lyttelton, sth. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Maori, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 a.m. Inaha, Patea, to-du.y. Nlkau, Nelson, to-day. Totara, Timaru, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-day. Prog\;ss, Dunedin, to-day. Himatangi, Lyttelton, to-daj-. Waipahi, Dunedin, to-day. Regulus, Greymouth, to-day. Kuku, Lytteltou, to-day. Wingatui, Auckland, to-day. Curlnthic, Timaru, to-morrow. Jlatangi, Nclsou, Slst, 7.30 p.m. Tamahine, Picton, Slst, 3 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, 31st, 7.4j p.m. Storm, Lyttelton, 31st. : Kapltl, Wanganui. Slst. , Kapuul, Patea, 31st. Karepo, Lyttelton, Slst. Fairburn, Karamea, 31st. Cygnet. Kaikoura, 31st. Hawera, Patea, 31st. Komata, Westport, 31st. Katoa, Picton, 31st. Gale, Wanganui, Ist. Kohi, Nelson, Ist. Otaki, Port Chalmers, Ist. Pakura, Napier, Ist. Ngatoro, Westport, Ist. Kahika, Greymouth, Ist. Kaimanawa, Westport, Ist. Kaimai, Westport, Ist. * , Remuera. Southampton, 2nd, dayhreak. Kaitoa, Motueka, 2nd. Canadian Explorer, Auckland, 2nd. I'akelia, Napier,- 2nd. Opihi, Dunedin, 2nd. Holmdale, Wanganui, 2nd. Kaimiro, Auckland, 2nd. John, New Plymouth, 2nd. Himatangi, Wauganui, 2nd. Opawa. Blenheim, 3rd. Raranga, Bluff. 3rd. Calm, Wangauui, 3rd. Gale, southern ports, 4th. Port Caroline, London, 4th. Holmdale. Dunedin, 4th. Karma, Greymouth, 4th. Waipiata. Auckland, 4th. Northumberland, London, 4th. BERTHAGE LIST. Wingatui—Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. Tamahine—Queen's Wharf No. 4 north. Arahura—Queen's Wharf No. 12.^ Progress—Queen's Wharf_ r\o. la. Kuku —Queen's Wharf No. 2. Kalkorai— I'erry Wharf. Maori— Ferry Wharf. Corinthic— King's Wharf. Himatangi—King's Wharf. Pakeha— Glasgow Wharf. Waipahi—Pipitea Wharf. Quay Wharf H'M-S. Laburnum-Clyde Quay flharf. Ka'rtigi—Mlramar Wharf. Ngaio—Patent Slip. Corlnna—Patent Slip.Mararoa —In the stream.. Putiki —In the stream. Gunbar—ln the stream. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS, MAUNGANUI, left Auckland yesterday for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 4th April for Wellington; due Wellington Bth APMAHENo' ieft°\vellington Saturday for Mel- . .„ ..;,, Bluff; due Melbourne to-day; S 'Melbourne 3rd April for Wellington via Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton; due Wellington 11th A rahlAROA,' left' Sydney yesterday for WelliiiEtou; duo Wellington Tuesday; leaves Wellington 4th April for Sydney, due Sydney Sth April. (Huddart-Parker.) MAKURA left Wellington yesterday for Syd-ney-due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney Sth April for Auckland; due Auckland Oth April. (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. ■VORASGI. leaves Vancouver Weducs-,l-iv fir Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, Auck'a d; due Honolulu, 9th April, Suva 18th April, Auckland 21st April, Sydney 2Gtb April. (U.fe.b. CO*\I\RAMA. left Wellington 27th March for Sail Francisco, via Karotonga, Papeete; due Karofon "a Monday, Papeete 2nd April. San Francisco 15th April. (U.S.S. Co.) MAGARA, from Vancouver, for Sydney; arrived Syduey to-day; leaves Sydney Thursday for Vancouver via Auckland. Suva, Honolulu; 'due Auckland'7th April; leaves Auckland Sth i- pr !!: vi u-?cou sr .&* slK.r5 lK.r TAHITI left San Francisco 19th March for Sydney via Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington; \-ivnri' Tineete to-day; due Rarotonga Ist April! Wellington 7th April, Sydney 12th April. IU.S.S. Co.) LOADING OVERSEAS. C VN VDIAN CONQUEROR was to leave llalifav "*sth March for Auckland, Wellington, Tinnrr Dunedin; due Auckland Bth May; Wei";SßK^G E %a^f^er ir i 29,h Mnrch for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttolton Port riiilmers Tiinaru; due Auckland 7th May; I duo Wellington 14th May. (W. Wallis.) CITY OF CHRISTIANIA, was to leave New i York "3rd March for Auckland, WelllnKton, I 1 vttelton Dunedin ; due Auckland 27th April: j i«' Wellington 4th May. (W. Wallis.) KNTON, leaves New York sth April for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin ; due j Auckland 10th May; due Wellington 17th May.; (W Wallis.) GABRIELLA, loads Melbourne and DevonTiort (Tasmania) cud of March for Auckland; leives Devouport 3rd April; duo Auckland lOtli April. (U.S.S. Co.) ' GOLDEN CROSS, leaves Los Angeles Ist April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru; duo Auckland 27th April. (Burns, Philp.i KENT leaves Liverpool 2Gth April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, BlulV; due Auckland 3rd June; duo Wellington 11th June. (W. Wallis.) MAHANA, leaves London Oth April for Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Hawkes Bay; duo Port Chalmers 19th May. (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAROA, was to leave London 26th March for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 29th April. (S.S. and A. Co.) NARBADA, loads at Calcutta, Rangoon, Penang, Singapore, Samarang, Surabaya, during March and April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton,1 Dunediu; leaves Calcutta 3rd April. (U.S.S. . Co.) PORT HUON, leaves Liverpool 12th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; duo
Vuiiilaml l«ith May. (C. and I). Line.) I'OltT PIIUK, leaves London 30th April for Suva, Port Chalmers,. Lyttclton, Timaru. (C. and D. Line.) O.UEKCUS, leaves New York end April tor Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. (C. and I). Line.) RANGITATA, leaves Southampton 11th April for Wellington, Auckland, Bluff; due Weliuglon Mill May. (N'.K.S. Co.) TAIN'Ui, leaves London 23rd April for Auckland, Wellington; due Auckland 31st May. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIKAWA. leaves J.os Angeles 23rd April for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland 18th May. (U.S.S Co.) KAITUXA, leaves Port Kembia 7th April for Wellington; clue Wellington 12th April. (U.S.S. Co.) KAUETU, leaves Sydney 3rd April for Bluff, Dunediu Lyttelton, Wellington; due Bluff Bth April. (U.S.S. Co.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. CITY OF LINCOLN, from New York, for Wellington, Lytteltou, Tiraaru, Dunediu, \Yanganui; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 31st March ; due Wellington 2nd April. (W. Wallis.) CORINTUIC, from Southampton, at Welliugtou; leaves Wellington SOtli Marco for Xiraaru to load. (S.S. and A. Co.) HERTFORD,- from Liverpool, for Dunedin, Bluff. New Plymouth; at Lyttelton; leaves Lytteltou Ist April. (W. Wallis.) KARTIGI, from Sydney, at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) WESTMOOR. from Ghent; at . Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) POOLTA, from Newcastle, for Napier, Greymouth: at Dunedin; leaves Dunedin '20th March. (U.S.S. Co.) KANGITIKI, frcm Southampton, •at AucUland. (X.Z.S. Co.) . . SINNINGTON COURT, from Antwerp; at Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' ■ . WIXTON. from New York, at New Plymouth ; leaves New Plymouth 2nd April for Port Alma. (W. Wallis.) WAIHEMO, from Los Angeles, for Now Plymouth; at Nelson; leaves Nelson 31st March. (U.S.S. Co.) • ZEALANDIC, from. London, Cpr Tiinaru; at Lyttelton; leaves Lytteltou 31st .March. (S.S. ROSEKIC. from Nauru Island, at Auckland. (H. and M.. Auckland.) TASMANIA, from . Liverpool, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin ;at Auckland. (W. Wallis.) GOLDEN COAST, from San Francisco, for Wellington, lyttelton, Dunedin; at Auckland; due Wellington 7th April. (Burns,. Philp.) V^SELS OVERSEAS. CANADIAN COMMANDER, left Halifax Ist March for Auckland and Australia.; due Auckland Gth April. (C.N.S.) CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, left Halifax 2Sth February for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin ; due Auckland about 10th April. C.N.S.) CITY OF WINNIPEG, left New Yorlt. 17th March for Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 22nrt April. (W Wallis.) '' • ■ '■■■•■ . - EGER'A. left Balikpapan 10th' March for Auckland, Wellington; due Auckland Ist April: due Wellington (ith April. (Shell Co.) ELVERIC, left Cuba 3rd March for Auckland ; due Auckland sth April. HORORATA. left London: 211 th. March .for Suva, Lyttellon, Port Chalmers, ; .Bluff, Now Plymouth; due Lytteltou 12th May. (N.Z.S: Co.) HUNTINGDON, left Liverpool lutli March fur Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton. Purt Chalmers; due Auckland 22nd April. (W. Wallis.) . . lONIC, 'eft Southampton 2Sth February for. Wellington (passengers only),'Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff; due Wellington ,9th April; due Auckland Kith. April. (S.S. and-A,'.Co.) KAIKANGA, left Los Angeles 10th March for Honolulu,. Napier, Bluff, Nelson, Wanganui, New Plymouth; due Napier 17th' April: ' (U.S.S: Co.) . ' ■ KALIN'GO, left Port Stephens 25th March for Auckland, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Picton; due Auckland 31st March. (U.S.S. Co.) KIA ORA, loft Antwerp 15th February for Auckland, New Plymouth; duo Auckland about 3rd April. .(S.S. and A. Co.) MAHIA, left. Cardiff 14th March in ballast for Wellington; due Wellington 21st April. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAIMOA, left Cardiff 15th March, for Lyttelton; duo Lytteltou ..2GUI April. (S.S. and OTOKIA, left Los Angeles 13th March for Wellington.: duo Wellington 7th April. (U.S.S., PLUME, left San Francisco 12th March, for Vuekland Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin; duo •Vuckland Ist April;. due Wellington stli April. Auckland.Oth April; due Wellington ,sth April.. PORT HARDY, left London Ist March for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth; due Auckland 7th April: due Wellington 14th April. (C. and D. Line.) . . . PORT NAPIER, left New York Ist .March for Auckland,- Wellington,-Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 30th March,-. : dne .Wellington., 3rd April. (C. and D. Line.). . POUT SYDNEY, left London 22nd March for Lyttelton in ballast; due Lyttelton 3rd May. (C. and p. Line.) . „ ,; „ RUAPEHU, left Antwerp IStli February for. Vuekland, Wellington; due , Auckland 3lst March. (N.Z.S. Co.) ,1 .~' '■ V RUAIIIXE, left Southampton- 15Ur March for Auckland, Wellington, Nelson ;■ due Auckland 21st April. (N.Z.S. Co.) TVIROV left Liverpool Ist March tor Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Diinedm: due Auckland 9th April. (S.S. and A.. Co.) . ■ WAIKOUAITI, left Sydney 2.7 th March for Dunedin, Lyttellon, Wellington; due. Dunedin 2nd April. (U.S.S. Co.) ' ' WAINUI, left England lSlh February for Wellington; due Wellington 1-ltU April. ( WAIOTAPU. left Los Angeles 25th March for Papeete, Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Melbourne, Sydney; due Auckland 23rd April; due Wellington 2Sth April. (U.S.b. Co.) VESSELS LOADING. CANADIAN EXPLORER, at Lyttelton, to call' ■it Wellington. Auckland; leaves Lyttelton 2iith March' due Wellington 30th March; leaves Auckland sth April for New York, Boston, and Montreal (C.N.S. Co.) " CORINTHIC, to call at Tiinaru (31st March), Lyttellon, Wellington; due Welington atli Vnril; leaves Wellington 9th April /or Southampton and London, via Panama. (b.fc>. '"Wr'iWkD, loads at New Plymouth, Wcllin"ton Napier, Auckland; duo Wellington 22nd April- leaves Auckland 10th May for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow. (N.Z.b. C°MATAKANA, at Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers 31st March for. London and West Coast ports, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MIDDLESEX, to call .at- Lyttelton, ■ WelliHEtuu N-ipler; left Bluff 29th March; due Wel--1111.-IJII 2nd April: leaves Napier Sth April for" Rotterdam, Hamburg, and London, via Panama and Curacao. (N.Z.S. Co.) _ NORTHUMBERLAND, at Wanganui; to call, at Wellington; leaves Wangauui 31st March; duo Wellington Ist April; leaves Wellington 4th April for London, Avonmoutli, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama and Curacao.. '""oTAKI, °at Wellington, to call at Port Chalmers Bluff; leaves Wellington Ist April; leaves Bluff 7th. April for London, Manchester, and Glasgow, via Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro. (N.Z.S. Co.) PAKEHA at Wellington; to call at Napier, ~nd: leaves Wellington 2nd April; leaves Auckland J2th April for Rotterdam and London via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) PORT CAROLINE, at Gisborne; to call at Wellington; leaves Gisbome 29th March; due Wellington 30th March; leaves Wellington ■Ith April for London, via Panama. (C. and PORT FAIRY, loads Auckland (7th April), Wellington; due Wellington 11th April; leaves Wellin"ton 17th April for London, via Panama. iepoß^ko LBA e RT. loads New Plymouth ,9th Anril)* Wauganiii, Weliugton, Napier, Gisborne, \wH-md- due Welington lGtli April; leaves Anck"!and3oth April for New York, Boston, Halifax London. (C. and D. Line.) PORT VICTOR, at Opua; to call at Auckland, Napier, Wellington; leaves Opua 31st March; due Wellington »th April; leaves Wellington nth April for London and West Coast ports, vii Pmima (C. and D. Line.) R\ VNGA, at Wellington;.to call at Bluff, Port Chalmers; leaves Wellington 3rd April; leaves Port Chalmers 10th April for Montevideo and London. (S.S. and A. Co.-) _ R4NGITTKI, at Auckland; to call at Tokomiru*B'iv Napier Lyttelton, Wellington; leaves Vuekland'sth April;, due Welington 17th April; leaves Wellington 26th April for Southampton ■iml London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' REMUERA. at Wellington; leaves Wellington 2nd April for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) WvLWDIC, to call at Tiinaru {Ist April), VcWoil Wclllry.on. LytleHon, Port Chalmers; jii-" Wclliivtivi Uth April; leaves Wellington nth Vpril; leaves Port Chalmers 21th April i ior London and Hull, via Panama. (S.S. and I \ Co.) MUMOV loads Lyttelton (20th April), Wa- ' nuaiiuf New I'lvinoUtll, WcllillKtOll; due WelI llii'ctou' 7th May; leaves Wellington 12th May I for Rotterdam and London, via Panama: i (SKl\i'o'ltA A'lo(a Od s New Plymouth (12th April), Lvlte'lton, Port Chalmers, Bluff, Timaru, Wellington ■ duo Wellington 29tli April; leaves Wellington 3rd May for London.and West Coast mirts via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAHIA, loads Wellington (21st April), Napier Waikqkopu, Uisborne, Auckland; leaves Auckland iCHi May for London, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels arc expected to .he within range of the under-mentioned wireless stations to-night;— Auckland. —For Saturday only: June, Port Napier Ruapehu, Kahniro. For Saturday and Sunday: Elveric, Kallngo, KIo Ora, Maunganul, Moeraki, Port Victor, Port Wellington, Somerset, Tofua, Tutanekai, Waitemata, Weirbank, Wiiscox. Cliatlnim Islands.—Vor Saturday and Sunday: Mamilins, Port Hardy. Wellington.—For Saturday only: Maori, Wahine, Arahura,- Tumahino, Makura, Port Ciirolinc, Middlesex, Northumberland, Ilemucra, Canadian Explorer. For Saturday and Sunday: Marama, Ulimaroa, Erigo, Sroldcr, City of
Lincoln. For Sunday only: Kalmlro, Corinthic. Awarua.—For Saturday only: Maheno. For Saturday and Sunday: Tahiti, Waikouaiti, Sir J. if.'. Ross, City of New York, Kaituna. For Sunday only: Makura. PERSONAL. Mr. ,r. W. Sidaway has relieved Mr. C. Key as chief engineer on the Opawa. KIA ORA REPORTS. A radio message from the Kia Ora, en route! from Antwerp, states that she expects to arrive at Auckland at daybreak on Thursday. BY TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY, 2Sth March. . Sailed—Ulimaroa (I p.m.), for Wellington. AUCKLAND, 28th March. Arrived—Tasmania (5.30 p.m.), from Liverpool; Golden Coast (11.30 p.m.), from Los Angeles. Sailed —Maunganui (3.30 p.m.), for Sydney. LYTTELTON, 23rd March. Arrived—Canadian Explorer (3.5 p:m:), from BlulV. '■.'■',.' AUCKLAND, 29th March. Sailed—Karepo (12.30 a.m.), for Wellington. KAIKAWA, 29th March. Sailed—Cygnet (9 a.m.), for Wellington. NELSON, 29th March. Arrived—Matangl (5.45 a.m.) and Alexander (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail—Matangl (8 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON, 20th March*. Arrived—Kaimiro (3.30 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI, 29th March. Arrived—Hawera (1i.30 a.m.), from Wellington. , LYTTELTON, 29th' March. Arrived—Hertford (7.15 a.m.), and Wahtne (S p.m.), from Wellington. * Sailed—Remuera (10.25 p.m., 28th), for Wellington. ' o To Sail—Wahine (8 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON, 29th March. Arrived—Wahine (G. 40 a.m.), from Wellington; Kaitoke (2.40 a.m.), from Tlmaru; *Hert-: ford (7.15 a.m.), from Port Chalmers. *.. BLENHEIM, 29th March.* Arrived—Opawa (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER. 29th March. Arrived—Pnua (8.30 a.m.), from. Wellington., VICTORIA (8.C.), 28th March. .Sailed—Aorangi, for New Zealand. LONDON, 28th March. Sailed—Mataroa. ■ SAN FRANCISCO, 2Stli March. Sailed—Golden Cross.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 75, 29 March 1930, Page 12
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2,573SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 75, 29 March 1930, Page 12
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