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Technical College pupils and their nei friends assembled yesterday afternoon ma iv the Concert Chamber for the annual „"[' prize-giving ceremony. ' Mr. W. H. c<* Bennett, chairman of the college Board fir; of Governors, presided, and others ou * the platform were the Mayor (Mr. G. nIE A. Troup), Mrs. Troup,' Mrs. Bennett, «" Mr. J. H. Howell (Director), Mrs. {{■> Ho well, Mr. G. L. Stewart (Education c". Board), and Mr. P. Fraser, M.P. nl , Mr. Bennett scored a round of ap- ?," plause from the pupils when ho told m, them that, although they had been kept fir at school a week longer than the other colleges because the board had agreed "li to fall in with the Department's wish fir that all schools close on the same date, ? r the board would see that the time c " would be niado up to them later. The work done in the college, said Mr. a" Bennett, had reached a better standard jd than ever before, reflecting credit on m< staff and students. He referred to the indebtedness of the school to the th Advisory Committees, and later made '» the pleasing announcement that Cab- Einet, on the recommendation of tho Si Minister of Education (the Hon. H. ca Atmore), had approved a substantial .. grant for additions to the Technical "l College. At a call from Mr. Howell, th the pupils gave three rousing cheers '? for the Minister. |Jj Mr. Troup'said that as Mayor of the city he was proud to acknowledge the J'1 service to the city of the chairman and a" the Board of Governors of the college, si He also thanked Mr. Howell and his '* staff for the civic work they were gi doing in giving technical instruction. There was no better principal in tho J" whole of Now Zealand than Mr. Howoll. gj Mr. Troup also congratulated tho par- \\ cuts on attending in larger numbers s' than formerly. He urged the scholars, al when they left school, not always to'ci be concerned with getting justico for themselves, but always to bo just to others. Thoso that wcro leaving mightthink that they were done with education, but they were not. They might leave school, but they did" not leave education, because, although they had, as the chairman had explained, laid the foundation of their lives at school, there wero many stories to add to it as thoy grew older. Education also meant training every part of the body and all tire faculties, and it helped tho heart so that they might considor kind ly the affairs of others, and through the spirit it taught them to aspire to something higher. Mrs. .Troup presented the prizes, and the old songs "On the Ball" and "Forty Years Ago" were snug by tho pupils. Marie Melville delivered her champion speech on the Jutland hero, Cornwell, and the school orchestra played several pieces, "Auld Lang Syne" concluding the ceremony. In presenting his eleventh annual report on the work of the college, Mr. Howell referred to the late Mr. Ballinger, who took a keen interest in all the school's activities, and to the late Mr. A. D. Kiley, who for nearly 20 years spent himself in laying soundly the foundations of technical education in the city. When the history of technical education in New Zealand came to be written the part that Mr. Riley played would be recognised as of very great value not only to Wellington but to the Dominion. Tho enrolment during the year had been as follows: In the Technical High School 855, as compared with 833 last year; in the evening school, 1748, as compared with 1641; and in the art school 356, as compared with 332. The total enrolment for all departments was 2959, as against 2795 for 1928, the increase in the number of individual students being 164. There was striking evidence of the, strong appeal the work of the college^was making on parents and visitors' evening, when the college was inspected by from 1500 to 2000 visitors, and on all sides surprise at the variety and praise for the quality of the work were expressed. Over 1700 young people had undertaken a course of training at the evening school, and in giving them this, the college was rendering a real social service, for the effort to acquire knowledge and skill . that would be of use in their daily calling was in itself a factor working towards the development of character along the best lines. The following are the prize-winners: Award for kindliness and helpfulness, made by their schoolfellows: Dorothy Beavis and W. Cree. Arts Shield Competition.—Bowen (L. Sceats and Isabel Kennedy). Sports House Shield Competition.—Seddon (Betty Hill and K. Douglas). Herbert Smith Trust Cups—House Competition (under 15 years) .—Cricket—Boys • Wakefield (E. Mallard); girls: Seddon (Jean Waddle . Basketball: Seddon (Joan-Sellers). Lifesaving, Swimming: Bowen—Boys (L Sceats) • Bowen-Glrls (I. Kennedy). tS) ' Mar"e llMefvlUe klnß Championsh'P (medals).— Athletic Championships (medals) Senior Jun?nr SL p'l;^riate' L.''h NiTul Junior, L. P.. de Rldder; Senior—girls Svlvli Laughton; Junior, Jean Sharp Swimming Championships.—Senior— boys G «^S g u| n P £ n ; e r D rr Glendnming: Kathleen M'Mahon For best practical work In engineering workasicsr^w.vsa.r1" and ™- DAY SCHOOL. Building: P. E . Gray, K. W. Dou°las B E t" Orchiston. Home Science: V • Beavis i' Holmes, K. Wood. Art: K. Trethewav mmm , Holmes Engineering: G. Beu an Social Art Scholarship.- Joan MlUinßton CERTIFICATE LIST ma^riiuSU"-^^?^' '" French- raatlicHarry Halsfead, second in! j" r g enc h scie, cc' 0"0 \ S'^rS-' tWrd equal ln Fr^hSoi- a „**«■>■ SSSS&£F*SS Inclty; Glenn 0. A. Beu, first in English and mathematics, second in French, processes fit ■i>6 and turning, and drawing geometrical" third in arithmetic; David M. P, rvl s first in * Couch processes, and Beometrical 'drawini? second in electricity, third in Enrllsli mnthf' matica. fitting and turning. JinElls". mathe- ' C.5.2 (Boys).—Herbert V. Lancford first in mathematics, history, typewriting, and'dfawin" second in book-keeping, third in English arithmetic, geography, and electricity; Francis C Cook, first in arithmetic, second in p n »ii«h French, and electricity, third in drawine • nnna ri H Cameron, first In English. French an 1 electricity, second ln history, third in niathenvTtiri and geography. C.5.2 (Girls).—Blanche Carr, first in English, French, book-keeping, history, shorthand home science, second ln drawing, cookery thin in arithmetic, geography; Ruby Jackson first in arithmetic, geography, second in French book-keeping, history, shorthand, third in English, typewriting, drawing. " C.S.I (Boys).—Laurence H. O'Brien first in English, French, office routine, geography history and civics, first, equal in drawing second equal in mathematics and handwriting; Joseph Hartley, first in arithmetic, book-keeping, and mathematics, second in history and civics I French, English, second equal in handwriting' E.S.l.—Roderick W. M'Kenzie, first in mathematics, arithmetic, and electricity; Donald F

)ococ!c, second In mathematics, physics, and awing, third In arithmetic; Corsclluiuj 11. ills, first in history and civics, drawhiK, cond in electricity. C.S.I (Girls).—Winifred A. Lowe, first In lgllsh, arithmetic, bookkeeping, French, ience, second in history, writing, shorthand, 'awing; Marjorio E. Rochester, first In lots id mental, second in arithmetic, typcwrltliiß, ird in bookkeeping; liwendollno F. Uazlcy, ■st In shorthand, second in bookkeeping, Keo■aphy, third in French. E. 3 (Lower).—Samuel C. Hole, first in mathcatlcs, trigonometry, mechanics, electricity, sat engines, motors, second In history, iiiaclie drawing; lan W. M'Cutchcon, Urst In achino drawing, metnlwork, second in eleeiclty; Georgo A. Churclilll, Jlrst in English, story, second In mathematics, mechanics, heat igines, motors. E.2.—Leslio G. T. Albrccht, first in English, :st workshop processes, second In history, inalino construction and drawing, motor cnicl3ering; Robert J. Hamill. llrst In matheatlcs, macliino construction and drawing, heat lglnes; Bruco Lyon, tlrst equal In English, rst in motor engineering, chemistry; Nelson M. yder, first lv applied mechanics, llttinß and irninn second in workshop processes l'lillllp . Downcs, special merit for freehand drawing. JS.I.A.—W. K. Bowc, second lv mathematics, [story, physics; C. 8. Dcnham, first in arlthetlc, third in physics; H. K. Hogben, first In nglish, history, electricity, second In arlthletic, tlilrd In bookkeeping; J. P. Greenstrect, rst In mathematics, bookkeeping, mctalwork. X.1.8.—A. G. Woodward.—First in niatliolatlcs, arithmetic, physics, second In history ud civics, third In drawing; H. J. Stephens, rst in bookkeeping, third in mathematics, rithmutlc, drawing; I). A. M'MUlan, second 1 mathematics, workshop, third In history and Ivies, electricity. ll.ii. —John King, first In building construction nd drawing, carpentry theory, carpentry pracce, trigonometry, mechanics; Philip J. S. ohnson, first In English, second in algebra, lechiinlcs. B.2.A.—Mervyn T. Bell, first in English, ticmlstry, geometrical drawing, carpentry :ieory, carpentry practice, first equal meclinics, second In mathematics; equal, Frederick i. Gray, first In mathematics, urst equal in lechanlcs, second In metalwork, and Harry irown, tlrst In economic history, second in arpentry practical. 8.2.8. —Bruce E. T. Orchlston, first in Eng:sh, history, mechanics, carpentry theory, hemistry, woodwork, geometrical drawing, bird in mathematics; Norman A. Sellens, first [l mathematics, second In history, carpentrylieory, chemistry, woodwork, geometrical drawtig. B.l.A.—Konald H. K. Clark, first in EngIsli, maliiematics, arithmetic, bookkeeping, hisory and civics, geography, practical geometry mi drawing, carpentry and joinery (practical), econd ill physics; Everest G. Edmunds, first n physics, carpentry and joinery (theory), netalwork, second in history and civics, geo;raphy. lt.l.Jj.—Arthur W. 'Hutchings, first, in carciitry, theory, geography, second In English, look-keeping, history; lan Holmes, first in comctrlcal drawing, second in woodwork; Vllllam B. Marshall, first in woodwork, phyIcs. Il.l.C—Charles W. Thomas, first in fitting nd turning, building construction, third in arpentry and joinery, theory; Clifford C. It. Vrlght, first in geometrical drawing, history, nd civics, workshop, arithmetic, English; WII--iam I. Simmons, first In fitting and turning, ihysics, geography, second in history and ivies, building construction. C.3.—Alma Kinloch. first in English, aritliuetic, bookkeeping, history, and civics, shortland, second in typewriting, cookery; Irma dug, first in typewriting, second in shorthand, hird in history and civics, fourth equal in Jngllsh. For marked improvement: Molly Jargh, first In cookery, third in English. C.2. (Boys).—Harry D. Yates, first in. arlthnetic, tots, and mental, bookkeeping, office outlne, shorthand, second in English, drawng, third in writing. C.2. (Girls).—Edna Nunn,, first In English, lyglene, cookery, second In history, drawing; S'ancy Wildermoth, first in arithmetic, tots, md mental, bookkeeping; Patricia Flan, first in .ypewrlting, history, second in dressmaking; Marie Footo, first ,ln shorthand, second in jookkecpfng. C I.A.—John Cameron, first in ' English, irithmetic, bookkeeping, history, mathematics, woodwork; Ivan G. Prisken, first In writing, irawing, second in geography; Frederick Morris, second in arithmetic, mathematics. C.l.B.—Jean M'Caul, first in English, arithmetic, tots, and mental, bookkeeping, geography, "history, shorthand, and hygiene, second n office routine, typewriting, and drawing; slay Wapp, first in office routine, writing, second in bookkeeping, history, and hygiene; Imelda Peters. second in arithmetic, bookkeeping, third in typewriting. Marked Improvement: Margaret Clark. C.l.C.—lris Thomas, first in English, arithmetic, tots and mental, bookkeeping, office routine, geography, history and civics, shorthand, typewriting, hygiene; Stella Jackson, first in cookery, second in arithmetic, tots and mental, bookkeeping, office routine, geography, history and civics, typewriting; third equal, Dorothy King, second equal in geography, shorthand, third in history and civics, and Doris Johnson, second in hygiene, third in office routine, third equal In bookkeeping, English. H.3.—Ella Walker, for general excellence. H.2.—Joan Holmes, first in English, history, drawing, cookery, hygiene, dressmaking and needlework, first equal in arithmetic, fourth In millinery. H.l.A.—Janet L. Carter, first in cookery, first equal In hygiene, second in drawing, embroidery; Betty A. Alabaster, first in arithmetic, dressmaking, second In needlework; Kathleen A. S. M'Mahon, first in needlework, drawing and embroider}1, second in arithmetic. H.l.B.—Jean M. Pearce, first in English, arithmetic, history, needlework, first equal in hygiene; Ngaire A. Patience, first in cookery, second in English, history; Joan W. Sellars, first in hygiene, second in needlework, second equal in drawing. A.2 (Girls). —Patricia Boss, first in object drawing, illustration, first equal in design, sketching, second in English, history, and leatherwork; Joan Milllngton, for excellence in A.I.A. (Birls) : Gwen Harrison, first in history, object drawing, illustration, plant drawing, second In English design; Dorothy Perkins, first in plant drawing, modelling, cookery, second in English, history. A.2. (Boys).—Robert Tretheway, first in English, geography, history, lettering, design, outdoor studies, and memory drawing, second in mensuration, object drawing; John Benfield first in object drawing and modelling, seconc in design, arithmetic. A.I.A. (Boys).—Raymond Cox, first in English, lettering, geometrical drawing, design and modelling, second In arithmetic Willian IS G Turkington, first In arithmetic, history model drawing, illustration, and plant study second in English. A I.B.—Thomas Gordon, first in design, animal drawing, history, second in modelling, lettering, English; Oscar Miller, first in design animal drawing, lettering, second in arithmetic Edward Taylor, first in modelling, second in history, third In lettering. Awards of Senior Free Places, Extensions, etc, Engineering Special.—Beu, Glenn 0. A.; Blackie, Laurence G.; Eagle, Mervyn; England, Vornier F.; Hector, John R. M.: Kennedy, Dennis H.; O'Connor, Gerard D.; Perry, George E.; Plcton, Norman; Purvis, David M., Styles, Victor H. C; Wahren, Cedric W. of Junior Free Place: John C. P Bayley; William T. Cooke. . Commercial Special.—Girls: Baker, Doris Bollons, Nancy; Browne, Claudia; Bruce. MarIon; Capper, Jean; Carr, Blanche; Chandler Marjorte; Curry, Irene; Eustege, Lorna; Jackson Ruby; Lyttle, Mavis; Murphy, Elsie; Roberts, Dorothy. Boys: Bevan, Henry W ? Cameron, Itonald H.; Clarke, Maurice G.; Cook Francis C.; Hooper, Maurice G.; Langford Herbert V.; Livingstone. Keith V; Mallard Eric G.; Smith, Spencer J.; Wilde, George E Engineering (Upper).—Barnes, Donald C. Carter, lan R.; Churchill, George A.; Corcoran John; Fitzmaurice, Raymond L.; Johnson, Benjamin A.; Matthews, George H.; M'Cutcneon lan W.; Niall. Laurence H.; Ridler, Albert E. Kofe, Samuel C.; Cormack. John B. Engineering (Lower).—Albrecht, Leslie G T.; Cavelt, Alexander J.; Chisholm, Wesley P. Clark, Teone M.; Cunningham, Clifford Downes, Philip C.; Gifford, Kenneth J.; Hamill Robert J.; Hodge, James; Kelly, Henry A. Knowles, Geoffrey H.; Lyon, Bruce; Moore Raymond -J.; M'Neil, George V.; Prince. Gor don; Robertson, lan M.; Ryder, Nelson M. Saville. Hubert R.; Steffenson, Albert. G. Venn, Robert C.; Williams, Bernard E. Extension of Junior Free Place: Keith S Crawford. Building A. Division.—Bell, Mervyn T.; Bennett Georcc II.; Blatherwlck, Kenneth G. Brown, Hairy; Evans, Patrick; Fairbum Charles E.; Gjordlng, John C.; Graham, Lewi: V • Gray, Frederick E.; Hartnett, John H. Hall Stephen; Heron, Alexander T.; Hendry Rui G.; Humphreys, Cecil A.; Kuchen. Harold 0. Building B. Division.—Macdonald, Ernest T. M'Grath. William; Mehaney, Wilfred G.; Mitchell, Ronald I-..; Moller, Jens A.; Morris Colin C.; Morris, Sidney C.; Nelll, Vivian J. Orchiston. Bruce T.; Philpott, Douglas A. I'urkis, Arthur H.; Pyne, Rondon A.; Scholes James; Sellcns, Norman A.; Sloanc, John H. Smart. Ernest; Toms, Noel S.; Warr, Raymoni F.: Willoughby, Kenneth G. Commercial. —Boys: Carter, Gordon J. Clarke, RonalJ A.; Clark, Walter G.; Farquhar Georgo E.; Foster, Wesley X.; Henrys, Lesl'n T - Mayes Arthur C.; Williams, Garth; Yatcs Harry D. Girls: Baillic, Mary M.; Boddy Jean M.; Briekley, Laurel; Button, Margare F • Cassey, Nancy; Clark, Jean G.; Clark, It; A ' Conquest, Joan; Cooksey, Elizabeth M. Flan Patricia M.; Footc, Marie C.; Goodall Kunlcc A.; Green. Amelia; Haycock, Leila Howe Joyce P.; Joseph, Kathleen H.; John ston 'jean E.; Massey, Dorothy; Nunn, Edn; M P • Peek, Elizabeth; Reynolds, Gwendolin y{ B ■ Robertson, Christjna; Roue, Edna D. Skiiiacc Joyce; Somervillc, Beatrice M.; Wll dermoth, Nancy M.; Winter, Pearl M. Home Science. —AUport, Joyce X.; Graj Doris M • Hassc, Una F. J.; Hollls, Bertha J C • Holmes Edna J.; Laughton, Sylvia 0. M. piank Grace M.; Patrick, Nancy J.; RichardE Jean M.; Ross, Phyllis L.; Sellens, Hester Stewart, Edna; Warner, Jean M. Art— Amas. Stephen; Baker, Albert; Ben field John; Hilton, Ronald; Lawton, Alexan der-'Lawton Leopold; Mitchell, lan; Smithes Bernard ■ Thomson. David; Tretheway, Robert Melville ' Marie; Mlllington, Joan; Ross, Kath ieen • Ross, Patricia; Rlach, Lily.

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Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 149, 20 December 1929, Page 18

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TECHNICAL COLLEGE Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 149, 20 December 1929, Page 18

TECHNICAL COLLEGE Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 149, 20 December 1929, Page 18


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