iiIAJBS.— In., loving memory of our dearest mother, who passed away on the sth June, 1927.
J To. memory ever dear. Irisertecf j>y,sEva^ Bob/ and Reg.
CAMERON.—ln[loving memory -of Ross Wallace Cameron, who passed away on the sth Junß,-19U., ■...;.-.•
"For ever with the Lord."
Inserted by Jessie, also Ernie and riorrie. KEAKNS.—In .loving memory of our dear mother, Ellen Hay, who departed this life on the sth June, lo2f. Sad ■Is the word "Remembrance," As these few lines.. will show; You will always be remembered In the years that coma and go. Inserted by' her loving son and daughter-in-law. Bill and Edio.
McLAUGHLIN.—In loving memory of my dear wife, Florence 'Elizabeth llcLaughlin, who departed this life on the sth June, 1322. Though" life brings miruh.that alUra, . „ •Ana time brings much that's new. There Is-one thing that never alters, 'Tis my lore, dear I'lo, of you. By her loring husband, Jim. J?!i? sF-rr ln loT'ng memory of Charles RH«y, 192S n'"'Jtelsoll HosP'tal on the sth June,
Insedeaiby hls-lovine wife aid daughter.
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Bibliographic details
Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 129, 5 June 1929, Page 1
Word Count
172IN MEMORIAM. Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 129, 5 June 1929, Page 1
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