HIGH WATER. To-day—l2.4o, a.m.; 1.10 ri.m, ' To-morrow-—1.37. a.m.;-2.o!.]ijn. ..... ARRIVALS. .MOXDAY, 3rd JUKE. • ■■■ OPIHI. s.s. (9.50 -a.m.), 1117 tons, Howie, from Grcymoiitli." FX'HO, auxiliary scow (8.30 p.m.), 90 tons, lladford, from .Bleulieim. TUESDAY, 4th JUNE. AItAHURA, s.s. (6.25 a.m.),, 1590 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. , MAHKNO, s.s. (8.30 a.m.)., 5323 tons, Morgan, from Lyttelton. - - - - - MAUNGANUI, s.s. (8.30 a.m.),, 7527 ' , tons, Martin, from Sydney. . DEPARTUnES. MONDAY, 3rd JUNK. NGAIO: s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1203 tons,; Wildniau, for Nelson. ' '.-■'• MAOJiI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3488 .tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton., , . . . ■ ' TUESDAY, 4th JUNE. lAMAHINE, s.s. (2 a.m.), 1989 tons, Kane, lor Plcton. - EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tamalilne, Picton, to-tlay . Maori, Ljftelton, to-morrow Xgaio, Kelson, to-morro\7 Tltokl, Waußenul, to-morrow Nikau, Motucka, - to-morrow ; •Cyssnet, Lyttelton, to-raorrow Kapunl, Patea, to-morrow Hay.era,' Patea, to-morrow ' Kapltl, Wiinganui, 6tlf Corinna. southern ports, Gili - * Komata. Westport, 6th tiold Shell. Lyttelton, Gth Echo, Blenheim,- Oth Inaha. Wansanul, 7th , Breeze, southern ports, 7th Kalmal, Greymouth, 7th Kotitl, Foxton; 7th Taranakl, Lyttelton, 7th Corinthle, Southampton, 7th I'oolta, Nelson, 7th ■ . . Calm, Wanganui, Slh Kalnianawa, southern ports, Bth Progress, southern ports, Bth John, • Picton, Bth • Putlki, Napier, 9th' Golden State, Auckland. 10th Malmoa', Auckland, 10th PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' Arahura, Nelßon, to-day Maheno. Lyttelton, to-day • -, Echo, Blenheim, to-day Kapltl, Wanganui, to-day Sussex, southern ports, to-day Putikij Napier, to-day Gale, southern ports, to-day Waipiata, Lyttelton, to-day Totara, New Plymouth, to-day Calm, Wanganul,; to-day Ngalo, Nelson, to-morrow ,: i . Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow . Tamahlne, Picton, to-morrow Oplhi, Greymouth, to-morrow . Makura,' Sydney, to-morrow . - Otokia, Auckland, to-morrow Titokl, Westport, to-morrow Norfolk; Glsborne, to-morrow '■■'■'•■' Nikau,: Motueka, to-morrow » •■■■.- Fairburn, Karamea, to-morrow . , ' Inaha, Wanganui, to-morrow ': Hawera, Pafea, to-morrow ■ ' Kapunl; Patea, to-morrow • Corinna, Nelson, -6th Maunganul, Sydney, Oth , Karma, Greymouth, 6th Kotlti, Haveloek, 7tli Port Auckland, Lyttelton, 7th Breeze, Wanganui, 7th Kent, Lyttelton. 7th Calm, southern ports, Bth ' Kalmanawa,: Auckland, Bth Progress,: New Plymouth, -Bth . John, New Plymouth, Bth ;...,. Tamaroa, Southampton, Bth Taranakl, Glsborne/ Bth ■'':■'-■"
:: BERTHAGE LIBT. '* Maheno—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south. | Gale—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 north; - Makura^Queen's Wharf, No. .2. Tamahlne—Queen's Wharf, No. 4 north: Kaplti—Queen's Wharf, No. 5. . ■ Calm—Queen's Wharf, No. 6. Nora Nlven—Queen's Wharf, No. 17. / - Futurist—Queen's Wharf, No. 7 north. (nvercarglll—Queen'• Wharf, No. s. Totara—Queen's Wharf, No. 10. Inaha—Queen'3 Wharf, No. 11 south. Echo—Queen's Wharf, No. 11 north. I Arahura—Queen's Wharf; No. 12. V Falrburn—Queen's Wharf; No. 13 north/ Putlkl—Queen's Wharf; No. 14 north. Maunganul—Queen's Wharf, No. 16. Tutanekai—Ferry Wharf. ... ' Oplhl—Railway Wharf. ' '. Norfolk—Glasgow Wharf.' ''■• Tamaroa—Kind's Wharf. Kapunl—King's . Wharf. Hawera—King's Wharf. Kent—Ptpltea Wharf. Port Auckland—Plpltea Wharf, . . Sussex—Thorndon Breastwork. ■■-..■ Walplata—Tarariakl Street Wharf. Karma—Clyde Quay Wharf." Paua—Burnha'm Wharf. Otokla'-r^Mlramar. .Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMEN. MARAMA, - left ,Sydney Friday for Auckland; arrived Auckland to-day; loaves Auckland Friday for Sydney; due Sydney 11th Juno. (U.s:s. Co.)' .MANUKA, leaves 'Melbourne Wednesday for !:Wellington; vla/Bluff, Dunedln, and Lyttelton; due Bluff 9th June; due Wellington 14th June; | leaves Wellington 15th June for Melbourne direct.. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIMAROAi left. Wellington Friday tor Sydney ;, arrived - Sydney, to-day; leaves Sydney I Friday,'for ; 'Auckland r due Auckland 11th June. '■'■■:-, (HuddarttParker Co.) iK-.-MAIJNOINPI.rIefV Sydney Friday for Wei-, llngton,'{arrived Wellington to-day; leaves Wei- . llngton Thursday for Sydney; due Sydney 11th | June. :^(U.S:S. Col) '■&/■ JA-ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. AORANGIv left' -Vancouver 29th May for Sydney,- .via; Honolulu,; Suva, and Auckland; due Honolulu Thursday; Suva 14th June; [Auckland; 17th. June; -and Sydney 22nd June. I (U.S.S. 1 -Co.) ' ~- '■■■ -:. -:■• MAKURA, ;.ieft 'San Francisco 15th May for Sydney, via Papeete, Barotonga, Wellington; leaves Wellington to-morrow for Sydney; duo Sydney Saturday. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGABA, 'left Sydney 30th May for Vancouver :; via Auckland;;" Suva, and Honolulu; left Auckland to-day; due Suva Friday; Honolulu 14th June'; Vancouver 21st June. (U.S.S. Co.) // /-:».v.-t ■■<■'■. :■■■ ■ . - TAHITI.:, left .Sydney 18th May for San Francisco. ■■ via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete ;>left Papeete, 28th May; due San Francisco Friday; San Francisco 12th June for Sydney,, via ports. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, leaves Sydney 13th June for San Francisco, via. Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete; due Wellington 17th June; loaves Wellington 18th June; due Rarotonga 22nd June; Papeete 24th-June; San Francisco sth July. (U.S.S. Co.) . LOADING OVERSEAS. AUSTRALIA; leaves■ New: York about 22nd or 25th Juno for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru. and Dunedin. (W. Wallls and C->.) BARON PENTLAND/" was to leave Chile 27th May for Auckland and Australia: due Auckland about 30th June. RARANGA, leaves Liverpool 6th July for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Bluff; due Auckland 13th August. (S.S. and A. Co.) . CANADIAN HIGHLANDER, leaves Montreal 25th June for • Auckland,' Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru; and Dunedln; dve 1 Auckland 7th August j due Wellington 12th August. (C.N.S.) CITY; OF SALISBURY, waa to lea»e New York 31st May'for Auckland, Wellington, Lytlelton,; Dunedln. . (W. Wallls and Co.) CORNWALL, leaves Liverpool 22rid June for Auckland, Hawkes Bay,. Wellington; Lyttelton. and Port Chalmers. ' (W, Wallis and Co) ■ - GOLDEN COAST, leaves Los Angeles Ist July for .Auckland; Wellington,- TimarUi Dunedln; due ■Auckland 27th- July; duo. Wellington . 6th., August. - (Burns, Philp.). ■ GOLDEN WEST, was to leave Los Angeles Ist June.for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton; dve ■ Auckland 27th June; due Wellington Bth July. (Burns, Phllp.) •
KUROW, loads at Adelaide, Melbourne Hobart in tile :mlddle of Juno for Bluff, Dunedln, Lyttelton, Wellington, New Plymouth, Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ .
MATARpA, leaves : London 19th June for Wellingtoß (passengers only), Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff; duo Wellington 23rd July. (S.S. and A. Co.)
NARBADA, ' loads during July and August at Calcutta, Penang,: Singapore, and Samarang, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin, arid Bluff... (U.S.S. Co.) 'NORTHUMBERLAND, leaves Uverpool Bth June.for Auckland,.Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and New Plymouth. (W. Wallla and:, Co.) ; , , :
PORT ALMA, leaves London 19th June for Wellington, Auckland, and New Plymouth. (C. and.D..Line.)
' PORT QISBORNE,. 'leaTM New Jork 20th June- for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (C. and D. Line.)
RUAHINE. leaves Southampton 7th June for Wellington,. Auckland; due Wellington 12th July. (N.Z.S. Co.) •
WAIHEMO, leases Los Angele3 10th June for Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedln, Bluff, New Plymouth;, .due. Napier sth July. (U.S.S. WAITEMATA.. leaves.Lbs Angeles 3rd June for,; Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney; duo Auckland 28th June.; (U.S.S. Co.) '■'• ':V' ■■'_[ VESSELS OVERSEAS. * BRUNSWICK.' left'Los-Anselea 18th May for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne. Sydney: due .Auckland- 9th Jun«. i (A.U.O. Co) , CANAPIAN'CONQUEROR, left Montreal 30th 'May/for-Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timam, •Dunedln; due Auckland ■ Bth July; due .Wellington 13th July. • , (C.N.S.) CANADIAN. TRANSPORTER, lert Halifax 2nd May for Auckland, 1 Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin; due Auckland Bth June; due Wellington 13th June. (C.N.S.)
: • CORINTHIC. left, Southampton zßlh April for Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington 7th Juno. ; (S.S. and A: Co.)
. : CI!T? OP: BAT A VIA; > left New York 18th Mayjor; Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dun-
cdin; due Auckland 2".th June; due Wellington 2nd July. (w. Wallls and Co.)
CUMBERLAND, left Liverpool inn Alay for Auckland. Wellington. Xytteitoh, Timaru, Port Chaimers, and Bluff; due Auckland ISlh Juno. (W. Wallls and Co.)
TLOWERGATE, left N^uru Island '.'rth May for Auckland; due Auckland* Bth June.
HORORATA. left London 31st May for Auckland, Lyttellon, Port Chalmers; New Plymouth;- due Aucklaud "SUT iJuly: (N.Z.S.
HURUNUI, left London 10th May for Suva, Auckland, and New Plymouth; duo Aucfelnnd 24th June. (N.Z.S. Co.)
lONIC, left Southampton 26th May for Auckland and Wellington; due Auckland 4th July (S.S. and A. Co.)
KAIKORAI, left Port Kombla 30th May for Dunedln; due Dunedln nth June. (U.S.S. Co.)
KIA ORA, left London lOth May for Port Chalmers, Bluff, Lyttelton, and New Plymouth; due Port Chalmers 23rd June. (S.S. and A ) KING GRUFFYDD, left Antwerp 2nd May for Auckland. New Plymouth: due Aucklaud about 27th June. (N.Z.S. Co.)
PLUME left Sau Francisco 1811) Ma} for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunodln: due Auckland I Oth Juno. (V.O. Co )
POM DUNEDIN, left Liverpool 25th May for Auckland, Wellington, Lytte.lton, * Dunedln; due Auckland Ist July. (C. and D. Line.') SURREY, left New York 30th April for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton Dunedln New Plymouth; due Auckland sth June. (W. Wallls and Co.) TRELISSICK. left Ocean Island 22nd May for Auckland and Lyttelton; due Auckland fitii June. VESTVARD, left Port Arthur (Texas) 28th April for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia: due Auckland Cth June. VALACIA. left London 20th April for Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff, Tlmaru : due Lyttelton sth June. (C. and D. Line.) VESSELS DISCHARGING. AELYBRYN, from Nauru Island, for Port Chalmers; at Lyttelton. BARON MACLAY, from Galveston (Texas), for Lyttelton, New Plymouth, and Wanganui; at Port Chalmers. GOLDEN STATE, from Los Angeles for Wellington, Timaru, Dunediu; at Auckland; leaves Auckland Tth Juno; due Wellington 10th June. (Bums, Philp.) GOLD SHELL, from San Francisco, for Wellington, Auckland; at Lyttelton; leaves Lytteltou sth June; due. Wellington 6th : June. (Shell Co.) , . KARETU, from Sydney, for Lyttelton, Bluff: at Dunedin; leaves Dunedln sth June. (U.S.S. Co.) . KARTIGI, from Port Ksmbla, for Auckland; at Gisborne; leaves Gisborne sth June. (U.S.S. Co.) KENT, from' Liverpool, for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, New: Plymouth; at Wellington; leaves Wellington Tth June. (Federal Co.) i MAIMOA, from Liverpool, for -Wellington, 1 Lyttelton, Dunedln, Auckland; leaves Auckland Bth June; due ■ Wellington •■ 10th ' June. (S.S. and A.' Co.) ■ ■,; OTOKIA, from Lps Angeles; at Wellington; leaves Wellington sth' June for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) ■■■ • ■ PORT AUCKLAND, from New York, for Itfttelton, Dunedln; at Wellington; leaves Wellington Tth June. (C. and D. Line.) . RUAPEHU, from London" 1 for New Plymouth; at Auckland; leaves Auckland sth June. (N.Z.S. Co.). POOLTA. from Sydney, for Nelson, Wellington, Timaru, Bluff; at New Plymouth; leaves New Plymouth 4th June. (U.S.S. Co ) SUSSEX, from Calcutta, for Lyttelton, Dunedin; at Wellington; leaves Wellington 4th June. (U.S.S. Co.) WAIRUNA, from Los Angeles,' for Bluff r.nd New Plymouth; at Dunedin; leaves Dunedin sth June. (U.S.S. Co.) , . VESSELS LOADING. : , CAMBRIDGE, at Napier; to- call at Auckland; leases Auckland 7th June for New York, Avonmouth, Glasgow, Manchester, and Liverpool. (W. Wallts and Co.) ■■•:.■• CANADIAN BRITISHER, from Wellington, to call at Auckland; leaves Auckland 4th June for New York, Boston, and Halifax. (C.N.S.) HUNTINGDON, 1 at Auckland; leaves Auck^ land Tth June for London'and- the West Coast ports,'via Panama^ ■ (N.Z.S. Co.) SIAHJA, .from Australia, for New Plymouth, Wangamii, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland; due New Plymouth 24th June; due Wellington 30th June;:leaves Auckland 13th July for New York; . Boston and London; via Panama '■ i(N.Z.S. Co.) '"■. MATAKANA, at New Plymouth; to call at Gisborne, Walkokopu, 1 and Wellington; leaves New Plymouth sth June; due Wellington 12th June; leaves Wellington' 15th June for London and the West Coast ports', via Montevideo and Teneriffe. (S.S. and A. Co.) NORFOLK, at Wellington, to call at Gisborne; leaves Wellington sth June; leaves Gisborne Bth June for London, via Panama..
PIAKO, at Gisborne; leaves Gisborne sth June for London, vii Newport News. (N.Z.S. Co.) -' , - '.
PORT NICHOLSON, from Australia; to call at Auckland.] New Plymouth. Wellington: due Auckland 4th; June; ;leaves Wellington • 20th Junevfor Londqn, via Montevideo; 1: (C., and D. Linb,)' '".:■':,...'■...- ■". '■' ■■ 'V ■.
REMUERA; at: Napier; to call at Lyttelton, ■ Wellington; leaves > Napier 6th / June f. due Wellington. 18th .June; leaves Wellington- 22nd June for Southampton "and-London via Panama. ■• (N.Z.S. Co.) • ': ' ■ JRUAPEHU. : tp icall atV NewJpiymouth^ Wang«nul. Tlmaru, and Wellington;, 'Am "Weil!ngton!2lst June; leaves Wellington, 25Uj:June for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. ;Co)' f TABANAKI, at Tlmaru; to call •atV'Lvt-" telton, Wellington, Gisborne, and Auckland; leaves :> Tlmaru 4th June; due Wellington 7th June; leaves Auckland 15th June for London, via Panama. (S.S: and A. Co.) ' ':■-. . ' TAMAROA, at Wellington; leaves Wellihc-' ton Bth June for Southampton and London vlaPanama.i (S.S.. and A. Co.) . . ' - WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. ; 4 The. following vessels will be within.irange of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— '■'■.'■ '■'•.' -■■_ Auckland: Brunswick, Canadian; Brltlslier Golden Cross, Hauraki, Malmoa, \Marama Niagara, Plume, Port Nicholson, Sierra, Surrey, Trelissick, Vestvard,;Waiotapu, and Walpahl. Chatham Islands: Rotorua, Karamea, and Devon. ' ■ .. ;,' . .... Wellington: Maori, Mahen'o, Tamahlue. Arahura, Ngaio, Corlnthlc, Aorangl, Port Victor Mineric, Piako, Remuera, Sussex,'and 1 -Liwbeath. . - . ■ ■ ■ - -;, - Awarua: Kaikoral, Walruna, and Tahiti. '•'' PERSONAL. : :. . .On the eve of his retirement from the Wellington Harbour Board by which he has been employed for close on 40 years, Mr. J. P. M' Manaway, chief clerk in charge of the Glasgow Wharf, was the stevedores and casual tally clerks of the overseas shipping companies and presented with a well-fllled, engraved note wallet. Mr., Alexander, who made the presentation, thanked Mr.. M'Manaway' for the assistance he had always been ready to give the shipping companies,. and Mr. M'Manaway suitably replied. On .Thursday Mr.- M'Manaway was presented with a the storemen and shed hands .at the Glasgow Wharf: In making the presentation-Mr.',H. Potts thanked Mr. M'Manaway for the consideration with which he had . always treated the men. .. , RADIO FROM SURREY. Tho Surrey, en route from New York, reports by radio that she expects to arrive at Auckland to-morrow morning. TASMANIA REPORTED. , The Tasmania, from Auckland, is reported to have arrived at New York on Thursday. BY TELEGRAPH.' NELSON, 4tn.June. Arrived—Ngaio (6.15 a.m.), from Wellington. ' " . ' I-''. To sail-rNgaio (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA, 4th June. Arrived—Hawera (G. 30 a.m.), from Wellington. : ■ . Sailed—Kapuni. (0.15 a.m.), for Wellington. ... , GREYMOUTH, 4th. June! Arrived—Kaimai (5.45 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. . . LYTTELTON, 4th June. Arrived—Maori (7 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 128, 4 June 1929, Page 12
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2,111SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 128, 4 June 1929, Page 12
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