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Br "Dropkick"




In preparation for the season's com- • petitions, local Rugby pl.ijeis aie haiing anj .imount of oppoituiuty to get into foim. M.inj _ol (hem ha\c been in action dining the past tew weeks, and the keenness ""1 uh ho-;, been shown on the placing fields and m the gjmnasmms gives added brightness to the piospects of a good reason of football in Wellington. It will not be until the 27th April that the competi tions are commenced, and by that time .ho piaycis should be m good foim. rText Satuiday the usual seven a side touindment is to be plaj cd. It is expected that thcio will be moio ifepiesontative matches in Wellington than was tho case last season, but these should not deprive the players of much of their club tootball. Apart from the championship matches, one of the eaily attractions will be the appeaKince of the Australian Tim eisity repiesentatives, who aie to play two Wednesday matches in Wellington, the ftist against Victo'ia Uimeisit\ College and the second against the Now Zealand University lepiesentatncs Tlien thcio will be a big tiial on the 3rd June ±oi the selection of the Now Zealand Kugby team to visit Austiaha. As is usually the case, thp local ianks have been swelled by many playeis from othci paits, some oi whom ha\c gained representative houoius On tho othe; hand, quite .1 few players have been lost by change ot lesidence and by decision to take a place on the bank. The gams, howc\ei, more than cover the losses; in fact, there is every indication that the number of Kugby players in Wellington this season will constitute a record. Of Wellington's four lepresentatives in tho New Zealand team which toured South Africa last season, three will be turning out with their respective clubs —M. P. Nieholls (Petone), L. M. Johnson (Wellington), and C. Bushbrook (Old Boys). The othtr, F. D. Kilby, has been transferred to Wanganui, but in any case he would Hot have been playing owing to ha\mg undcigone an opeiation some little time ago. Most Cf tho players who represented Wellington m the interpro\mcial games last jear aie to play again. Thoso not on hand include Coulston (now in Wanganui), Pickrang (now in Sydney), Williams (who has gone to England), and Blown (now in Wanganui). O'Began has ictired, and there is a doubt about Wilson plaj ing. / The club gains and losses are mdi cated in the following notes.—. Last Year's Champions.

In winning the senioi championship last year Unrveisity put up their best performance on record. All but throe of the players who made that notable achievement aio cair\ing on this season, and there are good playois available to fill the \acaneios, so that the students should be able to give another good account ot themselves. A special event foi them next month will be a match with the team lcpicsenting the Australian Unrveisitics, and for Boveral qf the Victoria College rcpicsentative.s there will be Test honoius. " Two prominent backs who will be absent this season aic Noble-Adams (full-back) and Blown (wing threequarter). Noble-Adams is in Nelson, and Brown, who lepiesented Wellington, is in Wauganui. Anothei Wellington representative, O'Began (rorwaid), will also be an, absentee. Malfioy, who played principally with the senioi B team, is now in the Wairaiapa.

Mackenzie, Bamson, Mackay, and Leys, all of whom represented Wellmgtgn,- will Jbe in action agaii^ as will Irwin. It is expected also that Foden will bo available. In place of NobleAdams, who seived tho side well last year as full-back, University will ha-ve Cormack, from the Wairarapa. This plajer showed particularly good ioim in. the try-out last Saturday* Munro and Hisl6p are two now thiec'-quaitersj the foimer hilving played pieviously for Hutt'and the latter for Wellington College. '-,-Tier, whp was one of the best backs for Tiaming College in recen^ seasons, ha*- alho joined up with University. The club is likely to be welhserved in the inattci of half-backs, with Leys as No. 1. Whitcombe, j. half-bifck'~fidm Waitaki Boys' High School, shows much promise.

Except for the absence of O'Regan^" the University, pack will be much the sa'mb^a'syltist year. Hislop, I)iederiohy,. Blacker,' ''(Jorinaek*, Blakeney, ~Grant£ "aijt- all turning ;:"out agaiiS'4. TJienytiierefS'rbVsome good/Wn'ior BvfofwardsV'' Airey should be"-a strong candidate for a place in the senior A team this season, although he has been held up-ia-.makin^a'starfc owing to.'ati' injury,, received in a pricket match at . Christehurch' recently.' One of the new forwards-is Simmer's, who;is, )f rom. Canterbury,' College, where he played as': wing' forward.' - '•'- .■■"•.;-. .''•'? : S!-.<:'-. j Petone. ■. • '' „ ': -,' ■ ' I In spite of the fact that the influx 6t play,ers-to Betpne is not as great as was thought probable, towa,rd.s, the end of last^season, ./£verything'~pbirits to a very, solid, iteamivbeing turned out in the '' Village.''' yhaat season th c. forwards, although not> particularly heavy,, -were. the mainstay of the team. The'backs' showed': vipleVitjf:;bf; promise;.but.inelutl.- r' ,ed mostly colts, and, after Corner\ was compelled to drop out^laeked .an experience^ general^. This year there willbe , a good -leavening' ' of '■■ :6xperie'nc'e""to bring*out,the best that '.-is-in"' Ithe-new material. ;■ '„ _ ; -. ..' . . ■. .../•.

Although M", /Corner is definitely off the active list, the backs, will not lack for U;:leader'-with ,Mark Nicholls- back in tlie' ranks. '.The difference that the prqsence of Nicholls makes.: to : the;.Petone team is rtoo well.known to .require further mention. • :

It is probable-that the full-back position will te" "filled T)y 'Cbxon, who' has played most? of his football in Wanga!nui.; v'Jjigb^flj^- built,, but a. goqfl turn.of paecj ho-'has proved lu'Disolf ;a. •goo.d man.inthe position. For the'-three-' quarter ' 'line, "Peterson,"*. Nicholls (centr^), Elyy, and.- Udy are oß'cring. Elvyiyill Ho.'returnliig to the field .'after a spell .from the gamp. There is .little doub't'-that'-a: place will be found somewhere in the backs., for Udy, .even, if not „among- the'^.three-quarters/.- but' Nicholls may. .be in his usual, placed Three.f' five-eighths were tried, in : the game against Poneke last Saturday,, and of these Pollock, who has shown coii-slst'ently-godd form in the lower grades, should, be ..worthy ..of. .further cpnsidej-ation-o'n'his Bhowihg in the trial" game. Whitley did riot combine too well with Coman,..but.L,ambourn.e,, shifted up frdm.fuii;baek in the second spell,' did muohv^better. Laiiibourrie >ias the. advnn|agß"bf possessing a'safe pair of hands/" ;It. is certain that the half-baQk: will be/ Cpman, ".who has, been "elected vice-cap'tawi:of the team.- .';.."'. -'.- .' Petone intend ■playing tlie 3-2-3 serum formation ,-i or,'tlifi' beginning of the sea;sen at'-'least,'..'aiid ,-if ; ,the experiment proves it-: will bo persevcrbd with.' 7'ln that - case, -the-retirement of Parker will not be so keenly felt as it would if.the:c'ub were pom.pellefl to find anotrlier iyin'g-fofw: ard-. ■'■-.>■■■'■ .:•',■... '-•;

Among the forwards offering from •the pld'Fngade-are-'Tlioinas, Potts; ■Mar-'

tin,""Clark, and'Carr, .with Dickens a : doubtful starter." Those players should fovin the backbone of a solid pack, and with tho addition of Monigatti, a hard-working player with plenty of weight from Wanganui, Reid, from Napier, and Pilcher, from Southland, the Blues should have few.misgivings about their vanguard. . Monigatti played an exeeUent'game',against Poneke. . Petone have lost' a':.very useful forward in Coulgtpn," .who. has returned to Wanganui, it'is pcfssiblo he may return. 'TWo'other;good forwards who, will bo missing-are Cameron,' who lias gone to Cross' Creek, and; Warden,; who has retired froni the game: Athletic-. -.■•■•' '■ ■■; /.. „: ■ With the-special training, operations which are being carried out this season; under the ■•.direction of the. New Zea-: ■land captain, :Oliffl Porter, arid with any amount -pi!..likely material, 'Athletic should have.a-, good; season. ■ Arrangements have ..been made for the lighting of' Nairn Street Eoservo, where th*o club; 'is having openrair training, and good use is. also .being made' of the.gym-; iiasium.". '■./','...: ■..'.■'. ■■•■.-■■' ■■>- !'

.Players in the running for Athletics senior, tfeain make up quite a big list.; Heazlewood (full-back), Pelhani, L. and It Cooksoii", jKinloek, Keenan, Butland, M'Dougall^""and . M'.Farlane. are backs; ■who -played, last. year,: and who , are again On hand.. Warwick .(half-back)^ has retired,'.arid.'Whinham will also be' looking b'n,'.'Suteliffe has gone to'Masiterton.: ■•; '■''' ■. '' .; .'- •.." .. ... •

. '■Porter'will'be'in his usual place, and-in-him the team will have a great lead!er.' Fraseri: Pope,; Morrow, Adam,' Wallace, and;B. Watson are all .expected to be again turning, out as pack men, but '.there :is; how some .doubt i about M'Naught, as It is reported that his kneels again giving'trouble. M'Naught started out with hopes of ■ playing. Wright and Barry, representative juniors, and', Francis, and Taylor ' aro : likely forwards ■for- promotion if there'-fpr,- them. Anderson will be ■flaying for .Merrivalc in Ckristehurch' this season, Jimd Edgar has: transferred -to Victoria College.. Webber may be in Wellington, if or part, of the season, arid, if so,"he will no doubt be available.

New tacks for Athletic include- Hu-s.-tablc, the Hawkes> Bay wing tlnce-quai-ter; Judge, a Lair,-back from Giatton, Auckland; and Wano, a Maori plajer fiom a country district. Howard, who was reserve wing-foiwaul last year, is available as a back this season. Among the club's new forwaids aie: Dowsett, a Wanganui representative and wellknown as a swimmer; Tilley, fiom Wanganui; Kearney, from Mernvale, Chnstchuich, who touicd tho West Coast last year with the Canterbuiy ic- | presentatives; Parata, the Hoiowhenua i representative, who has played as a : back, and Stitchbmy, a hookci, fiom Ponsonby, Auckland. West, a foimer member, who played in Sj dnc> las>t year, is back with the club. From Athletics long list ot hkely plajcrs it appeals that the selection o± the first fifteen is going to be a \ay diflicult mattei. Poneke.

; : The oflicials of the Eoneke C!lub are confideni; that .this year's team will bo well, up .'to the high standard of the past. The backs promise to be a sound set, witli-.tho benefit of having' had.the opportunity iof becoming accustomed to .each,; other's ;play,.The -forwards should ■be. well up eto their traditional standard, 'although -there;- wjll-bo one or - : two changes in the-pack. ■;': ■' ••'•'. ;••: ."■ '•' ■;

Foi tho last line of defence an the senior team there are tliiee playeis in the limning, Bariett, Cuinc, and Pctheiick. The last named has tiansicned from the League code, having played with tho Marist Club in Auckland The thiee quarteis will piob.ibly be Llhott (Wellington rcpicsentatrve), II Til yard, and Edgai, all of whom showed up well last season A new five eighth ot cOHsideublo pioiiusc is koal, tiom Johnbonville This playci was one of the younger set to be tried out for leprOSe.ntative honouis. Other fiveeighths are G. Nichollb and Gilbeit, wlio have 'already, had a good deal of expeiieneo in the team. Gilbert gave an lmpiessivc display against Petone last Saturday.

The half-back position caused borne difficulty last yeaij but the question of filling the place, judging by last season's foim, lepioduced- in piactiee matches this jear, has been solved by the advent of Julian fiom the Wellington Club. Julian was one ot tho outstanding players on the field at Petone last Satuiday.

', r The l forwards picked .'mainly.: from.- ■J.';iShearer,'.Slyil.. Organ, Jessup, Smith", ■".•: Petersen;,' JVlitldleton,.; "Eraser, Rene, ,MjNj'col/|ijnd ■ M'Nicol. is ' a eountf^-i player;:;'from |-Pahiatua, ■ M'Millan; vfrom Ran^i^Kei^a^l^aser^clnttrans;'£er, : #oni"^P|r<3lio"i wlier£\he/played in {he'-junior-«:Jftepn/last:;'t'!ye i ar;'i, Rene ;fbi-riierly^playecl ,for;:Pprii-iia; T/-Against Petone, :Wiridsor;iand 'Stone -were both given '.a try-out at wing-forward,-Smith locked the' serum, and Jessup and,. Reno did the•hooking.. '

Losses ;■-from ■ last- yoai-,. •include Piekrang^' 'Australia, and',Peat-soii>''4who/ilias Jeturne'd to Hawkes Bay;j;.| B.i'jWilson'j'israt'present a-'.doubtf iil. stai'teri-'bwiii'g'-Ao-'a-. damaged finger. ■■:"'.'' '

J 7 - Shearer will bo again captaining j'the team, ;vsd; thitf.-the-. pack: should lack nothing in .the matter of leadership. W.. j; ' ("Billy.) "Wallace will continue to carry,-, out .'coaching-.;duties. , ■Berhampore... . , • ■ Although'Berhampore were at the ,bottom_. qf-.the A, grade ladder last season, tneir'teani was quite a good o'itej and with a little luck would have h,eld a more prominent place. Some of their material was young and full of promise, and should show up 'to better adyantage'^tnis season. .; .The players who;:.were most' prominent' iii Berhamp'ore's'back .^iyisipn last year.are again I l.available^- •; aid ;<"Hufley;-'-(full-back), Pickering, Lang, Love, and' N. Taylor should be certainties' for. the team. Pickering had a fine scoring record last season, and he and.Laiig:gained representative-- honours.^ "Love gave some .very. impressive:, displays as a . five-|'.Bfghthy.-lii's o'trly fault being that he was inclined toy-go-u little too far on his own. '■' . ;, • >■■;;..-■■■ •■-■■■ Brp.ttis is a good,back.,who-was out of action last season owing to an injured-, shoulder, .will be playing this year, and T. Taylor has rejoined Ber-hampore'-a •; ranks ;.after, ;a .season with University. A new member is Hopper, a half-back from Chl-istchurch. Two promising backs in Thompson and ,P. Taylor,- of last year's .'fourth gra'clo team, have impressed.Viiv.the '.trials.for the selection of the senior team. „ This year's Berhampore pack, will prob'ably-be'-'lighterrtiiah u'sualj and this ■should be, to its advantage., ■ 'Mollier, Didtson, Gle'nnic, andMouatt arc again on. jhand,j but E.- -Mason is not likely to 'play- -until, later in' the season as he .met with:, an accident . recently. Dccire'is at'.ptese'nt on tho.\Vest..Coast, but hopes tpjbe back in tithe for the championship >matches. ,'..;' Plackett, a former junior member, -.who has ,had-:a! season's experience with the North Sydney seniors in New South Wales, .is likely to find a place in the Light Blue pack-,,and Martin and Sealey are strong, claimants from last year's junior'team. ,'. v .,,.'.;._;,..., '„Lrßr6wn,,:a flne- stamp of forward, is "under. .transfer to Auckland, and ißenner :\fii\.;. be' playing with Upper Hutt. .< I \ ■■;'■ ■.-•■; „;,i. ■■•:■■.., Oriental.;. •'.' .- .;..'.■ ' ' . '.'■•■''^hh r number '-ot- players offering . for .Qnbntal's first ■ fifteen^ this 1 season is going to make the final choice anything but easy. Although tho clul) has lost .some hi ;-:;last,;..year.'sr.seniois, there-aro plenty of newcomers and players from -.other"^gra^es.V.Oniyv'tp'o:-keen to show

that they.aro worthy of senior status. When tho first !fifteoii is finally sorted out Mr. J. Taylor, tho coach, should have little difficulty in getting.tho team into. good working order. It is confidently 'expected, that. Oriental will' improv^e upon their performance of last year. ; '•..-.. As. previously rcpo'rtcd in "The -Post,". M'NicoV (back) and Williams (forward) hayo left for ■England, whero they hope to'join the Air Force. R. Smith and Spalding are unlikely starters, and Dinniss will bo playing with Eastbourne.

Oriental's new 'players include, the following :—L. Smith, a half-back from' Wairarapa; B. Sharp, a five-eighth \vho has represented Wairarapa; Henry, .'a five-eighth from Hawera;' M. Beid, _ a ccntro-threequarter" from the Napier Marist Club; Cave, 'a representative forward from the South Island; Boltou, a lock 'from the Kaierau Club, who has represented Wanganui;. Tasker, a hooker from Pirates (Wanganui); Waugh, a eentre-threequarter from College Bines, Auckland; Nalder, a wingtlireequarter from College Eifles, Auckland; .and Smith, a big forward from Botorua.\ „. . ■ .; '

• Walker, who gave some displays as a wing-threcquarter for- Oriental last 1 year, has returned to Palmerston North. A. Pringle, ■ the,ex-New Zealand /representative forward, who had quite a run of .bad luck, is iapparently , standing down again this season, although he will no doubt be assisting the coach in looking after the players, as he. did last season. '.■''■.'■ Lpchore, Packnatz, Davies, . and Chambers are among the- backs of last season who are again available, and there is a,very promising-player' in Kelly, from tho fourth grade. Hill (wing-forward),. Fox, Graham, Pinkerton, ,H. Smith,, Lincoln,' and Pringle (brother of the former representative) are among last year's forwards in the' running for places in Oriental's senior team. Wyman, who played for-' merly as a back, is now available as a '■■.■■■ ■ \ ■■- Old Boys. ' '. ' 1 i Followers of Wellington College Old 1 Boys should find their team in even-, better working order than was the last season. There is likely to be but little change in the team, not more than three or. four changes at the most, so that Old Boys should take' the field with a ■good understanding of one another's play.. Mr. JE. Perry will again ibe carrying,'out. tho coaching .'duties, and ho can be depended upon to have the team well primed for each -of its engagements. . ' ' ■; ( ' I One of the essential changes this season will be brought' about in making room for C. Eushbrook, who was with the.New Zealand team in South Africa last year. :■ As -a- result of: tho; experienco on that -tour' Bushbrook should be- a bigger help .than over to- Old Boys. .He played as a wing-threequar-ter on the Sbuth .African; tour, but it is expected ■ that' ho will bo ■ doing service for Old Boys as an inside back, possibly as centre-three-quarter. It was hoped that Grenf ell would be. able to play this season, but he will most likely bo "looking on. With Grenf ell', out, the team is in need of a good centrc-three-quartor. There was some mention .of Grenfell,.,if;ho ; -playca, taking the fullback position,, in which': ho 1 excelled when at collegc,but Malcolm is again on hand for the job.', . , ■ , ■ B. Laniasori aud Wylie look like hold-: •irig theirj places ,as wing-threcquarters, and: for tho nvo:eighth positions there are M'Donald, D'ustin,';and'dm Chateau, if the" las^-named'is .not required as half-back. Dv Chateau is? a good linking: up. back, and should go well as-a five-eighth. Fisher has'transferred from Hutt, arid";, on past' form he' should fill the' half-back position ■'■ capably, if dv Chateau is to' .be 'moved back. Jones is likely " missing from'the Old Boys' pack. this., season; and Meadows: is •■' a doubtful ■ ■ starter. No doubt "botli tlieso players.:would.■■,turn! out if they were wanted particularly, but all going well Old Boys should-have a good supply of forwards. Beynolds, Brayi Claridge- (who; has achieved dis-. t'irietion as a swimmer'during the sum-, nier), Hand,. M'Pherson; ■• Emerson, Preston,, and' Bydder are all available, and among. <the lower-grade forwards worthy 'p't promotion is Mitchell. Old Boys; shouldfbe ab^o 'to iield a-really good fifteen. "...'. ;', :''■'■.' Maxist. ' ; ■ ' •-,.'.'' ,

: There is no lack of keenness in the ranks of.the Marist'Club,.and,with any amount'of- new material offering there is 'likely to bo keen .'competition for places in .the . senior "fifteen. .Present indications, are- that 'the- side tovtake | part in the senior championship, com- j ■petition .will, have ...a -fast' set of for-. wards,' although somewhat lighter than usual; Although not weighty, the pack promises to keep the opposing forwards moving, and behind it there will bo an evenly-balanced set of backs. There is confidence among 1 those directly interested in the team that this season's performances will give the team 'an improved record. The fast, open'game is likely to be favoured |by Marist, and they, appear tp have,the players to set a fast pace. In" place, of 'those of last year's players who will not be with the team this season, there will be several newcomers, some (of whom have done well in, other centres. Cuming' (representative fullback), Barry, Wallace, Broderiek (who also I.gained representative honours last season), and Eville are members of last year's team who will again be filling most of the places in the back division. Among the forwards turning out again are M'Hardy (who has represented Wellington as wing-forward), Barry, Dennchy,' Butler, and Ottaway,; with ITlctt making a re-appearance after having had a spell. i . Tho new players include Kcegan, a likely half-back from Sacred Heart College, Auckland. Also from the same college is M'Donald, who plays either as a five-eighth or centre : three-quarter. There are two forwards from Auckland, Judd and Cunimings, fisted as probable members of the pack, and imother> Wynne,-from Ilawkes Bay. Judd .played for Auckland, Marists and Cummings for College Eifles. Arrangements have been made for the Marist all train at the Show buildings, the training nights each week being Tuesday and Thursday. This section of the prepara 1-' tion for match play will be carried out in gym. shoes. The services of Mr. W. Raymond have been secured for coaching tho seniors this season. ' - . ; "A Mild Flirtation." '■ At the annual meeting of the' Old Boys' Football Club it was stated that Mr. W. W. Cook, whose came is a household one in. Wellington College Old Boys' Rugby circles,.had,joined a new club, "about as far distant as Pencarrow/' as one speaker put it. Mr. Cook repudiated the suggestion that he resided in such a far-off neighbourhood; ho lived at Seatoun, i»nd was proud of his district. The only thing wrong with it was that it did not have a Rugby club, so that wheii one was started he enrolled. He had long been wedded to tho Old Boys' Club; his interest in the Seatoun Club could only be described as a, " mild ilirtation." ' ;

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 85, 13 April 1929, Page 22

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RUGBY Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 85, 13 April 1929, Page 22

RUGBY Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 85, 13 April 1929, Page 22


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