To-day—l2.;43 a.m.; 1.11 p.m. To-morrow—l. 31 a.m.; 1.50 p.m.
TUESDAY,. Sth MAltCll.
TAMAHINE, s.s. (U. 30 p.m.), ]OS9 tons, Fish,
trom Pictou. ' ULIMAROA, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wyllie, from Sydney. WEDNESDAY, 6th MARCH.
KAITOA, s.s. (4 a.m.), 310 tons, Murtlu, from
Motueka. NIKAU, s.s. (6 a.m.), MS tons, Vasta, from Mapua. WAHINE, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 443U tons, Cameron Lyttelton. NGAIO, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 1203 tons, Wlldman,
from Nelson. - . ■' KAPITI, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers from Wanganui. CALM,- s.s. (11.10 a.m.), 981 tons, Manson from Wauganui.
PUTIKI, s.s. (6 p.m.), 40!) tons, Nairn, for Napier. AKAHUItA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1596 tous> Wildmau, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (S.S p.m.), 31SS tons, Invin for Lyttelton. KAIKOKAI, s.s. (8.20 p.m.), 3151 tons, Corby, for Lyttelton. , . TITOKI, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), SOO tons, Graham for Nelson. • KAIMAI, s.s. (5.55 p.m.), 142S tons. Warren, for Grcymouth. TEES, s.s. (9.45 p.m.), 553 tons, Dowell for Chatham Islands. WEDNESDAY, Oth MARCH.
HAWEKA, s.s. (noon), 171 tons, M'Lachlan for Patea.
Cygnet, Kuikoura, to-day. Waltcmata, Auckland, to-day. Tamahino, Pictou, to-morrow. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow. Itiniutnkti, Southampton, to-morrow. Holmdale, Wanganui, to-morrow. Canadian Conuueror,' southern ports, to-mor-row. Waiplata, Timaru, to-morrow. Gale, Wanganui, to-morrow. Echo, Blenheim, to-morrow. Inaha, Wanganui, to-morrow. Breeze, southern ports, to-morrow. Hororata, Bluff, to-morrow. Opawa, Blenheim, Bth. Ilawera, Patea, Bth. lonic, southern ports, Sill. Koutunul, Glaborno, Bth. Kotiti, Wanganui, gth. Kaltoa, Tarakohi, Bth. Totara, Lyttolton, Sth. Wairau, Blenheim, Bth. :-.■ Progress, southern ports, ■■.Bth. Koruata, Westport, Bth. , Kahika, southern ports, Bth. John, southern ports, Bth. NlUau, Mapua, Sth. Kapiti, Wanganui, 9th. Wingatul, Napier, 9th. Kapunl, Patea, 9th. City of Norwich, Auckland, Oth, AmpuUarla, Singapore, 9th. Putikl, Napier, 10th. Corlnna, southern ports', 10th. Kaitangata, Greymouth, lOlh. Kaimai,. Grcymouth, lllli. Tahiti, San Francisco, llih. Inkum, Auckland, 12th.
Kaltoa, Tarakoho, to-day. • Port Melbourne, Auckland,, to-day. Calm, southern ports, to-day.' Wahino, Lyttelton, to-day. Ngaio, Nelson, to-day. Nlkau/ Mapuu, to-day. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. v . Orkanger, Melbourne, to-day. Hawcra, Patea, to-day. Kotlti, Wanganui, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-morrow. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Holmdale, southern; ports, to-morrow. .Kapiti, Wanganui, to-morrow. Gale, southern ports, to-morrow. Kaltoko, Westport, to-morrow. Kapuni, Patea,. to-morrow. Brcoze, Picton, to-morrow. Cygnet, southern ports, to-morrow. Kia Ora, Southampton, to-morrow. Inaha, Wanganul, Bth. Argyllshire, London, Bth. Ulimaroa, Sydney, Btu John, Wanganui, Sth. Northumberland, London, Sth. Tamahine, Picton, Bth. Walrau, Blenheim, Bth. . ' Walpiata, Auckland, Bth. Golden Bear, Lytlelton, Sth. Kahifca, Napier, Bth. Totara, New Plymouth, Sth: Koattmul, East Coast, Bth. Progress, New Plymouth, Bth. Wingatui, southern ports, Otli. Waitemata, Melbourne, 9th. Port Plrie, Auckland, 9th. Corhma, Nelson, 11th. • Putiki, Napier, 12th.
Ulimaroa—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 north. Westmorland—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south. Taniahino—Quean's Wharf, No. i. ■. Kapiti—Queen's Wharf. No. 5. Invercargill—Queen's Wharf, No. 8. KoHtl—Queen's Wharf, No. 10. Kennedy—Queen's Wharf, No. 11. ■ Ngalo—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. Cygnet—Queen's, Wharf, No. 13. Troworlas—:Quoen's Wharf, No. M. Wahiue—Forry Wharf. Ealtoke—Railway Wharf. Eileen Ward—Railway Wharf. Cornwall—Glasgow Wharf. Northumberland—Glasgow Wharf. Middlesex—King's Wharf. Kapuni—-King's Wharf. Port Melbourne— King's Wharf. Argyllshire—King's Wharf. Port Pirle—Plpltea Wharf. Kia Ora—Pipitea Wharf. -i Kaitoa—Pipitea Wharf. Nikau—Pipitea Wharf. ' . -.■-. Calm—Pipitea Wharf. Hororata—Plpltea Wharf. : Waitemata—Thorndon Breastwork. Golden Bear—Taranakl street Wharf. Canopus—Clyde. Quay Wharf. Kcho—Burnhani Wharf. Huahui—Burnham Wharf. Maheno—Patent Slip Wharf. Paritutu—Patent Slip. . Mararoa —In the stream. Iris—ln tho stream.
MARAMA, left Wellington Friday for Sydney; arrived Sydney yesterday; leaves Sydney Bth March for Auckland; due Auckland 12th March. (U.S.S. Co.)
MANUKA, from .Wellington for Melbourne via southern ports; left Milford Sound Sunday ; due Melbourne to-day; . leaves Melbourne 13th March for Wellington, via southern ports. (U.S.S. Co.) :■ .
ULIMAROA, left, Sydnoy Friday for Wellington; arrived Wellington yesterday; leaves Wellington Bth March for Sydney; due Sydney 12th March. (Huddart-Parker Co.).
MAUNGANUI, left Auckland .Friday for Sydney; arrived Sydney yesterday; leaves Sydney Bth March for Wellington; duo Wellington 12th March. (U.S.S. Co.) - v
AORANGI, leaves Sydney to-morrow for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu; due Auckland 11th March. (U.S.S. Co.)
MAKURA, from Sydney, (or San Francisco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete; left Papeete yestorday; due San Francisco 15th March. (U.S.S. Co.) .
NIAGARA, loaves Vancouver to-day for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.)
TAHITI, from San Francisco, for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington; left Rarotonga yesterday; due Wellington Monday, Sydney 16th March. (U.S.S. Co.)
BENHOLM, leaves Now York Ist April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. (W. Wallis and Co.) 1
CANADIAN BKITISHEK, loarei Halifax 25th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedln; due Auckland 4tb M»j. (C.N.S.)
CAMBRIDGE, was to loava Liverpool 2nd March for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttclton, Dunedin. (Federal Co.)
CORINTHIC, leaves London 24th April, for Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington 3rd June. S.S. and A. Co).
• CANADIAN' TRANSPORTER, leaves Montreal 25th April for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltou, Timaru, Bluff; duo Auckland .4th June; duo Wellington flthJune. (C.N.S.) - >
CITY OF ADELAIDE, leaves New tork Isth Margb for Lautbka, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and DUnediri: (W. Wallts and Co.)
GOLDEN CROSS, leaves Los Angeles Ist April for Auckland, Wellington, Ljttelton, and Nelson. (Burns,-Phllp, and Co.)
HAURAKI, leaves Los Angeles in April for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Adelaide. (U.S.S. Co.) ,■■■■..
EAIAPOI, leaves Adelaide 6th March and Melbourne 12th March for Dunedlu, Lyttelton, Tarakohe, Wellington, Auckland; duo Dunedin 18th March. (U.S.S. Co.)
KARAMEA, learea London 6th March for Suva, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Nelson; due Port Chalmers 17th ApriL (S.S. and A. Co.) MATAKANA, leaves Liverpool 16th March for Auckland, Wellington, Ljttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 23rd April; due Wellington 29tn April (S.S. and A. Co.)
RUAPEHU, leaves Southampton 3rd April for Wellington, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, New Plymouth : due Wellington ' 12tb May. • (N.Z.S. Co.) -.-''.■■
REMUERA, leaves Southampton 12th April for Wellington, Napier, Auckland"; dus Wellington 17tb May. (N.Z.S. Co.)
BOTORUA, leaves Southampton 15th March for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth; duo Auckland 19th April; dug Wellington 26th April. (N.Z.S. Co.)
SUSSEX, leaves Calcutta early In April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, via Penang, Singapore, and Samarang. (U.S.S. Co.)
TAMAROA, leaves London 27th March for Auckland, Wellington; dv« Auckland 2nd May: due Wellington 9th May. (S.S. and A.'Co.) WAIOTAPU, .leaves Los Angeles 6th April for Papeete, Wellington, Lyttelton, Melbourne, and Sydney; due Wellington 2nd May. (U.S.S. Co.)
WAIRUNA,! leaves Los Angeles Bth April for Auckland, Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff,
and New Plymouth; due Auckland 3rd May. (U.S.S. Co.) -
WIItIIAL, leaves New York Sth April for Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedln. (W. Wallia and Co.)
PORT ALMA, leaves London 171b April for Lytlclton, Port Chalmers, Bluff, Tlniaru; due Lyttelton 21st May. (C. aud D. Line.)
AMPULLARIA, from Singapore for Wellington, Lyttelton; due Wellington iHli March. (Shell Co.) . .
BROCKABECK, from Itio do la Plata, with linseed, for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; duo Auckland 2Dtli March.
TUEGENNA, left Makatea Island lull] Ifebruary with phosphates for Auckland, New. Plymouth, and Wangauui; due- Aucklaud Bth March. , . . .
BAKON INCIICAFE, left Galveston, Texas, UOtb February for Auckland and Australia i duo Auckland 30th March. ,
BRITISH GLOBY. left Los Angeles 2(itb February for Wellington; due Wellington 10th March. (U.S.S. Co.J
CANADIAN CHALLENGE!!, left Halifax 4th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Duiiedln; duo Auckland 19th April; duo Wellington 24th April. (C.N.S.)
CITY OF KOUBAIX, left .New York Ist March for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltou, Duncdin; due Auckland 2nd April; due Wellington S)th April. (W. Wullls and Co.)
CANADIANS WINNEK, icll Ualirai ZBLD January (or Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, Tltnaru, Dunedln; duo Auckland 7th March; due Wellington 14th March. : (C.N.S.) . .
GOLDEN CLOUD, left Los Angeles Ist March for Auckland, Wellington, 1 Duuediu; due Auckland 27th March. (Burns, Philp Co.)
GOLDEN FOREST.: left bos Angeles 14tli February for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due Auckland 13th March; due Wellington 20th March. (Burns, Fhllp.)
HUNTINGDON, left Liverpool Kith February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff; due Auckland 28tli March. (W. Wallis and Co.)
KUROW, left Newcastle iiSth February for Napier, Wellington, Picton, and Nelson-; 1 due Napier 7th March. (U.S.S. Co.) . . . .
KING MALCOLM, left Antwerp 21th January for Aucklaud; duo Auckland 13th March. (N.Z.S. Co.) •>
"EJ3LUNU, left New Xork luth Fcbruarj ror Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Wanganul: due Auckland 17tb March. (Federal Co.) - .
MARISTON, loft Antwerp 3rd February for Auckland. Now Plymouth; due Auckland 20th March. (C. and D. Line.)
OTIRA, left Liverpool 4th February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedlu; due Auckland ,16th March. (S.S. aud A. Co.) POKT CURTIS, left New York 22nd February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunodiu; due Auckland 34th March; due Wollington Ist April. (C. and D. Line.)
POUT NAPIEU, left. London 17th February for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth; due Auckland 30th March. (C. and D. Line.) RANGITIKI, left Southampton 6th February for Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmeri, Bluff; due Wellington 24th March to land passengers. (N.Z.S. Co.)
RASANGA, left Liverpool 19tb January; called at Capetown early In February; due Auckland about 22nd March. (S 3. and A. Co.)
RIMUTAKA, left Southampton 25th Januarj for Wellington, Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, Tinam, New Plymouth; due Wellington 7th March. (N.Z.S., Co.)
TAINUI, left Southampton Ist' March with cargo and passengers for Wellington and Auckland; due Wellington 6th April. (S.S. and A. A. Co.)
WAIKOUAITI, loft Sydney' Sth "March for Dmiediu, Lyttelton, Tlmarii; due Dunedin 11th March. (U.S.S. Co.):. : .'
WAIHEMO, left L,os Angeles 22nd February for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney: due Auckland 19th March; due Wellington 25th March. '(U.S.S. Co.)
ANGLO COLOMBIAN, from Galvcstoh; for New Plymouth, Port Chalmers, and Australia; clue Port Chalmers 9th.March. (G. H. Scales) CITY OF NORWICH, from New I'ork, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; at Auckland; leavos: Auckland 7th March; duo ■ Wellington 9th March. (Federal Co.) . ;
GOLDEN BEAR, from Los Angeles, for Lyttolton; at Wellington ;■ leaves Wellington Bth March. (Burns, Pliilp, Ltd.) IIKKMINIUS, from . Antwerp,. at Auckland, leaves Auckland 10th March for New Plymouth'to commence loading. (S.S.and A. Co.) INKUM, from Bunbury, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln; at Auckland; leaves Auckland Oth.March; duo Wellington 12th March. (G. H. Scales.)
INDIANOLA, from Antwerp, for Now Plymouth; at Auckland; loaves Auckland 9th March. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■
KARETU, froui Sydney for Oamaru, Bluff; at Dunedln; leaves Dunedin 7th March. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ ''. .
MAJAKOA/ from London, for Wellington; at Auckland;, loaves . Auckland: 9th March; duo Wellington -Xlth Mnrcli. ■ (S.S. and A. Co ) IHDDiESEX, for .■-XytteltoUi Dunedin; at Wolllngton. :'■■ ■ ■■ - . '-
OKKANGER, from San Pedro; for.Australia; at Wellington; loaves Wellington (ith March for Melbourne. . .
RUAHINE, from Southampton for Aucklaud; loft Wellington Dth March; due Auckland 7th March. (N.Z.S. Co.)
TREWORLAS, from Now York, for Lyttelton, Uunedln; at Wellington. (W. Wallis and Co.) Oth March./ (U.S.S. Co.)
WAITEMATA, from Los Angeles; left Auckland 4th March for Wellington; due Wellington flth March; leavos Wellington Oth March for Melbourne. (U.S.S.-Co.) ■ -...■■■
WESTMORELANI), from Liverpool, for Lyttcßjjn, Dunediu;'at Wellington; leaves Welllrigtori 'Oth Maixli for Lyttdllon. (Fciloral Co.)
ARGYLLSHIRE, at Wellington; sails from Wellington Bth March for London. (N.Z.S. Co.) . :"•■.
CANADIAN CONQUEROR, at Lyttollon; ta call at Wellington, Auclilaild; leaves Lytteltou 6th Marchr duo Wellington 7Ui Match; leaves Auckland 12tli March for: New .York, Boston, Montreal. (C.N.S.) , •
COPTIC, froni Australia, for Gisborne, Now Plymouth, Wangahui, Lyttelton; Wellington; duo Gisborno 12th March; sails froni Welllneton flth April for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.)
CORNWALL, at Wellington; to call at Napier.; leaves.Wellington. 14th March;'leaves Napier . 18th March for • London and West Coast ports, via Panama. (Federal Co.) HORORATA, for Bluff; to call at Wellington, Napier, Auckland; duo Wellington Bth March; loave3 Wellington 13th March for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) lONIC, at Tiniaru; to call at Lyttelton, Wellington; due• Wellington Bth March; leaves Wellington -13th March for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) HERMINIUS, to cs.ll at New Plymouth, Nelson, Napier> Waikoltopo, Wellington, Bluff, Port Chalmers; due Wellington 23rd March; loaves Port Chalmers 3rd April for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.)
KIA ORA, at Wellington; leaves Wellington 7th March for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAMILIUS, left Lyttelton 6th March for London and West. Coast ports, via Panama. ;<S.S. and A. Co.)
NORTHUMBERLAND, at Wellington, leaves Wellington Bth March for London and West Coast ports. (Federal Co.) '.'. ' . / PAKEHA, at Auckland; to call at Plcton; ■Wellington; leaves Auckland 12th March; due Wellington 16th March; leaves Wellington 22nd March for London, via Montevideo. (S.S. and A. Co.) ... :
PIPIRIKI, at Auckland; to call at Wellington, Wangauul, Napier; loaves Auckland 9th March;, duo Wellington 11th March; leaves Napier 20th March for Dunkirk, London, and Hull, via, 1 Panama. (G. H. Scales.) >
PORT PIBIE, at Wellington; • to call at Auckland; leaves . Wellington Oth March; leaves Auckland 13th March.for London. (C. and D. Line.) ■ . .
PORT MELBOURNE, at Wellington; to call at Auckland; leaves Wellington 6th March; sails from Auckland 12th March for London, y'. Panama. (C. and D. Line.)
PORT FRHMANTLE, at Auckland; to call at New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington; leaves Auckland Stir March; duo Wellington 19th March; leaves Wellington 23rd March for Rotterdam, London, and Hamburg. (C. and D. Line.) ... ■• .■,'■ ■■'■■
RARANGA, due Auckland 22nd March to commence Homeward loading at New Zealand ports. (S.S. and A. Co.)
TASMANIA, due New Plymouth 13th March from Brisbane; to call at Wanganui, Lyttelton, ' Wellington, Napier Glsborne, Auckland; due Wellington 22nd March; leaves Auckland 10th April for New Sork, Halifax, and West Coast ports of Great Britain. (Federal Co.) , ZBALANDIC, at. Bluff; to call at Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Port Chalmers; leaves Blult Till March; duo Wellington 18th March; ileavos Port-Chalmers 25th March for London, via Panama; (S.S. and A. Co.) r
1 Tho following vessels are expected to be within, range of the uuder-meutloned Vfireless stations to-night:— .',■<. . .
Auckland—Canadian Winner, Port Adelaide, Tregenna, Canadian" Highlander, Crane, Maul Pomare, Ruahine, Ampullarla, King Malcolm.
Chatham Islands—Tairoa,' HurunuT, Port Alma, Otlra. ■■■■ :: :jl ■■'■■■': -
.WellingtoiH-Maori,. Wiililne; Tamulilne, Arahura, Ngaio.lris, Kurow, 1 Rlmutaka, Waitemata, Hororata, Middlesex, Canadian Conqueror, West moreland, Trmvorlas, Port Melbourne, Orkanger, Mamilius. : . ■-■.:}' '; ■
Awarua—C. A, Larsen, Sir J. C. Ross, City of New York, Eleanor-Boiling, Tahiti, Malrura, Kekcrangu, Anglo "Colombian, Manuka.
Nearly twelve hours behind-'her usual tlmo owing to heavy weather in tho Tasinan, the .Ullmaroii arrived at Wellington lute yesterday afternoon and berthed at No. 1, Queen's Wharf, shortly after 5 o'clock. She left Sydney, at noon lust Friday and experienced strong easterly winds which frosliened to galo force. Head winds and heavy seas were encountered on Saturday and during Hlio greater part of Sunday. The ship had to bo slowed down considerably and hor arrival at Wellington was consequently' delayed. On .Monday (he weather conditions Improved and from then oh-lho vessel was ablo to mako good time. Tho Ullmaroa brought tho following saloon passengers :—Mrs. M.Andci-son, Messrs. H. and W. Ballersby, Mr. H. Berry, Mr. A. Blackmail, Mr. P. Brown, Mr. T. Bowes, Mr. L. Barnott, Miss 11. Blrks, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barber, Mrs, V. Bushnell, Mr. J. Balnea, Miss J. Burden, Mrs. F. Bagley, Mrs. ,1. Bullies, Mr. W. Blakiston, Miss TV M. Blainoy, Mrs. Brown aud child, Mr. A. Brownleo, Mrs. M, Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver,
Miss E. Boothmau, Mr. G. Clifton, Miss O. Collins, Mr. M. Cohen, Mr. V. Clarke, Mr. VV. ,1. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. W. and Miss A. Cole, Miss G. Crcssy, Mr. H. Couch, Professor 11ml Mrs. K. E. Davics and child. Miss O. Uavles, Mr. J. Davis, Miss M. Dallow, Mrs. E. Doull, Miss M. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. O. Deane, Miss B. Elliott, Miss N. Eyre, Mrs. E. Ellis, Mrs. L. V. Empson, Miss V. Flood, Miss (!. Forsyth, Miss W. Faulkner, Miss L. Fisher, Mr. M. Graham, Mr. A. Gray, Mr. G. Goodhcw, Mrs. R. Gallagher, Mr. C. Green, Mr. L. Hamilton, Miss M. Harvlc, Mr. H. and Miss H. Herd, Miss F. Hendon, Mr. H. Hand, Miss E. Hudson, Mrs. M. Halston, Mr. B. Hollls, Mr. D. Hall, Mrs..W. Hughes, Miss M. Hamilton, Mr. W. Jacob, Colonel F. James, Mr. and Mrs. It. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kates and child, Mr.-and Mrs. G. Kent and child, Miss I. Kent, Mrs. I. Kempton, Mrs. C. Kitto, Mr. H. G. Klnncar, Mr. K. King, Miss 11. Leydon, Mr. F. Laycock, Miss A. Mlddleton, Mrs. N. Mason, Mrs. K. Miller, Mrs. K. Mooro, Miss L. MOIVIIII, Mr. and Mrs.X: Maiscy, Mr. and Mrs. K. and Miss A. M'lntosh, Messrs. J. and J. G. M'Clumpha, Miss G. M'Keuzie, Miss. M." M'Gowan, Mrs. F. M'Lean, Mr. F. M'Glyun, Mi-.' M. Notniiin. Mrs. A. Ncale, Mr. and Mrs. It. Owers, Miss J. O'Brien, Mr. J. J. O'Shanassy, Mr. K. Poynton, Mr. W. Prentice, Mr. G. Parker, Sirs. Pumplirey and child, Mrs. O. Pyc, Miss G. Pocock, Mr. D. Kogers, Mr. C. A. Itamsey, Mr. and Jlrs, W. nenqte, Mr; S. Sergeant, Mr. J. Shorter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Speechley, Mrs. E. Shrimpton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Stott, Mrs. E. Sweetzer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott, Mrs. J. aud Miss Swansegar, Mr. and Mrs. G. Trlngham, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thorne and child. Miss P. Thome, Mr. R. Tapley, Miss E. Tims, Mr. and Jlrs. H. Thorneley, Mr. R. Tucker, Miss O. Ussher, Mrs. G. and Miss H. Vaughan, Sir John and Lady Vicars, Miss C. Watts, Miss L. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. J. West, Mr. M. and Miss A. West, Mr. S. B. Warry, Mr. D Watts, Mr. J. Wood, Mr. E. Williams, Mrs. Wilson and two children, Lieut.-Colonel W. E. Young, Mr. and Mrs. H. Manchester, Mr. F. Clark, Mrs. C. Fellmer, Mr. W. Ford, Miss C. Briggs, Mr. E. Kllndworth, Mr. B. Shanks, Mr. E. Huehscher, Mr. T. Whlteley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vereau Cau, and 77 second-class.
Captain A. B. Slzer has reported from holidays and has been appointed to comamnd or the Kaituna, relieving Captain W. H. D. Gardner.
Mr. D. L. G. Turner, third officer of the Kaimai, has transferred to the Kalmauawa In a similar capacity, relieving Mr. D. C. N. Champion, who is now third officer of the Kalranga. Mr. I.' L. Itusseil has been granted holidays.
Mr. T. W. White has rejoined the Waikouaiti after holidays, relieving chief officer J. D. Lundie, who has been granted holiday leave.
TOFUA, from Friendly Islands, is duo at Apia to-morrow. Sho leaves on Friday for Suva and Auckland.
MAUI POMARE, from Apia, is proceeding to Auckland direct owing to trouble with her refrigerating machinery. (G:B, and H.)
Cabled advice states that the Surrey, en routo from Aucklaud to London, via New York and Halifax, left Now York on Saturday.
The Australian steamer Rosny Is reported to bo the only ship on Lloyd's Register that has two masters. The reason for having two captains Is that It has been decided to work the Rosny two shifts, beginning at 10 minutes to 7 o'clock In the morning and ending at 8 o'clock at night. The masters aro Captain A. J. Skehan and Captain J. Scully. No objection has been made ; against having the names of both masters included on the shipping register.
; HALIFAX, sth March. : Arrived—Surrey. PANAMA,. sth March. Arrived—Canadian Transporter. CURACAO, sth March. Sailed—Rcmuera and Huntingdon. NEW YORK. sth March. Sailed—West Loquassuck. , . : COLON, Sth March. Sailed—Port Curtis. AUCKLAND, sth March. Arrived—Kairanga (11.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Omana (8 p.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed—Canadian Highlander (6.15 p.m.), for Brisbane. AUCKLAND, 6th March. Arrived—Port Frcmantlo (0.10 a.m.); Pakeha (7.20 a.m.), both from Napier. DUNEDIN, stb March. Arrived—Storm (7.5 p.m.), from Lyttelton. SYDNEY, sth March. Arrived—MauriKanui (5 a.m.), from Auckland; Marama (G a.m.), from. Wellington. HALIFAX, 4th March. Sailed—Canadian Challongcr. LYTTELTON, sth March. Sailed—Kekcrangu (9.5 p.m.), for Dunedin. LYTTELTON, 6th March. Arrived—Maori (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail—Maori (8 p.m.), for Wellington. BLENHEIM, 6th March. Arrived—Echo (5 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI, 6th March. Arrived—Holmdale (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail—Calm (1.25 a.m.). for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS, 6th March. Arrived—Corlnua (5.40 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON, 6th March. Arrived—Arahura (5;40 a.m.); Titoki (8 a.m.), from Wellington. To Sail —Arahura (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 53, 6 March 1929, Page 12
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3,269SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 53, 6 March 1929, Page 12
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