The following candidates in the Wellington and adjacent districts satisfied the examiners in the Public Service Entrance Examination in JJovember last, names being arranged in order of merit, as indicated by the numbers:— 1 Dodson, Edward, Nelson; 2, Hosl'e, Reginald/Wellington; 3, Brown, Donald, New Plymouth; 4, Westwood,. Lloyd, Hawera; 10, Kosoman, Geoffrey, '-"eliding; 19, Price, llaymond, Wanganul; 20, Newlands, William Alan, J*almerston North; 24, Walters, Mary, Hastings; 37, Berry, Annie Hayes, Wellington; 39, Crawford, Ronald, Cartcrton; 40, Gover, John, Stratford; 45, Hoist, Halvor, Wellington; 49, Yesty, Douglas, Dannevlrko; 50, Norton, Laurence, Wellington; 52, O'Connor, Mylcs, Nelson; 511, Thawley, Ralph, Sfotueka; 65, Bartlett, Beryl, l'almerston North; 66, Fleldes, Morlce; ?2, Jlesser, Thomas, Wellington; 79, M'Lennau, Clifford, Waipawa; 82, Trapp, Henry, Masterton; 86, Shortall, Margaret, i'ellding; 91, _eon»rd, Cornelius, Wellington; 92, Gainey, Stanley, Pahlatua; 93, Darwill, Maisie, Masterton; 97, Andrews, David, Lower Hutt; 98, Cook, Leicester, Wellington; 99, Jensen, Alexander, Feilding; 100, Smith, Ellen, Wairoa; 103, I'rebble, Norman, Walpawa; 103, Wlgitlwhi, Tuahu, Waipawa; 110, Reilward, Allison. .Wellington ; 112, l'uddie, Rita, Napier; 113. Bassett, Kenneth,'Wanganui; 115, Cottier, Howard. Stratford; 118, Ormiston. James, Mastings; 121, Roberts, James, Wellington; 127, Wanfca, Abraham, Walpawa; 129, Low, Allan, Wanganul; 130, Edwards. Clarence, Carterton; 138, Spratt, George, Palmerston North; 140, Ryder. Myrtle, Nelson; 143, Jackson, Basil, Wanganul; 144, Olliver, Ken, Palmerston North; 14f>, Lazarus, Kenneth, Wanganui; 149, Olddeld. Roy, Marton; 155, Connole, Francis, Wellington; 157, Bell, Arthur, Wanganul; 158, Gray. Frederick Samuel, Carterton; 159, Jeffries. Keith, Feilding; 160, Boyes, William, Nelson: 162, Clouston, JBlva, Nelson; 103, Ollfant, Theodore, Wellington; 169, Scarfe, Florence, Wellington; 172, Gruszrilng, .Harold, New Plymouth ; 173, Phillips, Catherine, Wellington : 180, Holland, Herbert, Nelson; 181, Horrax, John, Pahlatua; 182, Halstead, Harry, Wellington ; IS6, Connell, John, Feilding; 190, Lash, Norman Rex, Nelson; 191, Coup, Mostyn, Wanagnui; 196, Lydford, Anne, Napier; 197. Allen, Herbert, Palmerston North; 200, Barlow, Richard, Napier; 203, Gill, Leonie, Nelson; 204, M'Nell, Freda, New Plymouth; 205, Douglas, Kathleen, Lower Hutt; 207, Campbell, Margot, Gisborae; 210, pene, Ruhi Ngaungou, Walpawa; 211,-Paul, Louis, Wellington; 215, Bryan, Willlan, Wanganul; 216, Smith, Thora Margaret, Wellington; 216, Sharp, Campbell, Napier; 222, Romanos, Peter, Wellington; 224, Jamteson, Arthur, Wellington; 228, Hector, oJhn Ross, Wellington; 231, Templeton, James, Napier; 236, Jones, Verna Mary, New, Plymouth; 240, Garvcy, Mary, Feilding; 242, Sinclair, Mary, Blenheim; 248, Bramwell. Laurence Wanganui; 251, Whitlock, Howard, Wonganui; 256, Williams, Hazel Mary, Lower Hutt; 260, Taylor, William, Lower Hutt; 264, Hunt, Lawrence, Wellington; 265, Klee, James, Stratford; 267, Glbbs, Cosmo, Nelson; 271j Webb, James, Wellington; 272, Bell, Allan, Wanganui; 276, Childs, Charles, Wanganui; ,277. Dawson, Akenebe, Wanganui; 288, Henry, Edwin, Lower Hutt; 293, Livingston, Bell, Gisborne; 295, Telford, Lilian, Wairoa; 296, Compton, Erl Wiliam, Carterton; 299, Cane; Sylvia, Palmerston North;. 300, ; Newbegin, Annie Elsneth, Napier; 302, Digby-Smlth, Daphne, Pahlatua; 304, Milne, Donald, Lower Hutt; 310, Renton, Bruce, Gisborne;. 311, Saundera,. Freda, Blenheim; 312, Wilkinson,-George, Wellington; 313, Chapman, ■ Marjorlo, Wanganul; 314, Forster, Grace, Wellington; 31G, Blair, Thomas, Hastings; 318, ■■ Collyns, Eric Arthur, Nelson; 321, Williams, Jessie, Gisborne; 323, Clark, Douglas. Wellington; 325, Driver, Charles, Palmerston North; 328, Garrctt, Eric Ronald Shackleford, Wellington; 334, Craw, Cecil Hallwin, Hastings; 338, Cooper, Eric, Palmerston North; 341, Goodall, John, Marton; 345, Hewitt, Thomas, Wellington; 346, Mackay, Thomas William, Wellington; 350, Waite, James, Wellington; 353, White, John, Lovin; 355, Mitchison, Stuart, Wellington; 357, Barnes, Esme, Napier; 358. Benham, Alan, Wellington; 361, Johnson, Mabel, Napier; 367, Clinton, Clyde Owen, Palmerston North; 373, Knight, Fred, Palmerston North;. 377, Stonohouse, Douglas William, Palmerston North; 379, Thompson, Stewart, Napier; 386. Rodgers, Mark, Palmerston North; 387. Williams, Edward,- Gisborne; 389, Gower, James, Napier; 340, Williamson, Raymond, Gisborne;, 395, Lloyd, Frank, Napier; 397, Bowler, Joseph John, Wellington; 398, Doolan, Mary Margaret. Wanganui; 400, M'Donald, Leonard, Marton; 405, Bond, Graham,-Wanganul; 406, Howell, Charles, Pahlatua; 407, Mohr, Francis John, Gisborne; 409, Webster, Briar, Napier; 412, " Barrett, William, Carterton; 415, Perreau, Theodore, Palmerston North; 417, Dingle. Lawrence Newton, Gisborne; 421, M'Carthy, Francis Augustine, Wellington; 423, Bradley, Albert, Palmerston North; 436, Barrio, Elizabeth, Lovin; 438, Chisholm, Euphemla, Napier; 44a, Urbahn, Karl, Hawera; 447, Bern. Bruce, AVanganui; 450, Hartnng, Henrietta. Wellington; 45T, Heyward, Leila, Lower Hutt: 457, White Allison, Palmerston North; 45S ,cle'» ndPeggy, Wanganul;. 462, SchofleW. llarold, Mastcrton; 464, Reid, Paul, Wellington; 471, Nielsen, Norman, Wanganul; 473, Cochrane, Henrietta, Masterton; 474, Fearnley, Marjor c, Levin, 475, Holt, Reginald, Waipawa; 480, Shaw, Andrew Gisborne; 481, Tottman, Rosemary. PalSon North! 482, Tuckwell Walter Frank, Wellington; . 484; Lendrum, Robert, Hawera; 487. Cochrane, Jean, Masterton; 490. Fife. William, Masterton; 491, Milne, Ronald; Hastings; 492, Piric, Mavis Palmerston North; 494, Dray, Olga Mabel, Wellington;- 49T, Harding, Graham, New Plymouth; 504, Dalgltsh, Bruce Stanley, Nelson; 508, . Eagles, Harold; Wellington; 509, Latham, Donald. New Plymouth; 511, MKwon, Robert,- Palmerston ortl'j. ™- Cooley, William George, Hawera; 520, _otov, Nonna, Feilding; 522, Carter Cecil Lloyd Palmerston North; 527, Mullins, Joyco Kilgour, Wanganui; 531, Clark Alwyn Motueka; 532, Clark. Stanley, Wanganui; 535, Broadbeit, John, Felldlug; 539, Smith, Noeline, Dannevirko; 540, Stewart, Alexander, Wellington; 541, Watts. Mavis Joyce, Napier; 542, Cheers, Ernest, Waipawa: r»4,Ford, Patrick, Stratford; '545; Fox, Mavis, Feilding; 546, Harding, Ernest Leonard, Gisborne; 547, Mlnnis, Richard John, Wellington; 549, Jewiss, Eleanor, Wellington; 551, Poulaen, Phyllis May, Danuevlrko; 557, Phillips, Sylvia, Wellington; 559. Hlngston, May Ruby, Nelson; 566, Dunlop, .Lenore, New Plymouth;' 567. Gray, Maxwell, Wanganul; 577, Thomas, Arthur Edwin, Wellington; 583, Rickett, George, Dannevlrke; 586, Donald, Colin Trancls, Wellington; 587, Gardiner, Allan Concher, Feilding; 593, Andrews, Helen Mary, Napier; 504, - Austin, Grace Eileen, Pahlatua; 598, Heath, Jean, Napier; 601, Berthelsen, Alan, Nelson; 606, Toy, Eleanor. Hawera: 603, M'Culloch," Jeani Anna; Dannevlrko; 612, Sparks, Henry, Stratford; 616, Johns, Stephen, Wellington; 617, M'Whlnnle, Leslie, Masterton; 621, Fleming, Norma, Palmerston North; 622, Haraldsen, Samuel, Napier; G24, Rafter, Thomas, Wellington; 625, Conner, Robert, Wellington; 630, Box, Betty, Levin; 637, Benefleld, Victor, Wanganul; 643, Stalker, Lilliam, Jfasterton; 644, Thompson, Joyco, • Palmerston North; 649', Mathleson, Cecil, Napier;- G53, Mather, Mena, :Lower Hutt; 654, Mainwaring, Alan Alfred, Wanganul; 657, Box, Murray Ernest, Talhape; 664, Simo, Marie, Wellington; 678, Mouat, Irene, Wellington; 679, Robertshaw, Denis, Wanganu!; 686, Richards, Thomas, New Plymouth; 689, Davidson, Alexander, Wanganul; 693, Barke, Margaret, Wellington; 695, Do Costa, Peggy, Gisborne; 698, Jl'Lernon, Samuel, Gisborne; egS^M'Conville, John, Lower Hutt; 701, Reid, George? Wellington; 702, Ward, Clarence, New Plymouth; 704, Vincent, Leonard : Talhape; 705, Beattie, Gordon, Hastings; 706,- Gibson, Alwyn, Gisborne; 709, Bourke, Geerge Francis, Hawera; 713, Hutchinson, Thomas, Napier; 715, Millar, Roberts, Hastings; 718, Cooper, Enid, Napier; 720, Nairn, lan,' Palmerston North: 724, Hall, Cecil Stanley, .Wanganul; 729, Hayblttle,, Keith Augustine, Palmerston North; 730, Hlggins, Lancelot, Nelson; 735, Naylor, Thomas, Palmerston North; 737, Cakobau, Edward Tulvanuavou, Wanganui; T42, Scoullar, Keith, Wanganui; 749, Wliltlock, Maurice. Wanganu!; 749. Wills, Bernard, Pahiatua; 750, Jones, Leslie, Marton; 755, Lucas, Campbell, Eketahuna; 761, Fouhy. Daniel, Wellington; 763,. Mathleson, Francis, Napier; 765, Peacock, Patrick, Wanganui; 766, Douglas, Gordon, Lower Hutt; 769,. O'Sullivan, Irone, Wellington; 770, Reidy, Denis, Waipawa ; 778/ Holmes-Edge, John, Wellington; 782, Glenny, Dulcie, Napier; 784, Greening, John, Walpawa; 7SG, Copu, Leslie, Blenheim; 788, Armstrong, Marie, Wanganui; 790, Hales, Helen, Wanganul; 792, Absolom, Arthur Richard, Wanganui; 797, Llddell, Laurence, Waipawa; 799, Collins, Joy, Wellington; 803, Gillen.Hugh, Lower Hutt; 809, Whiltans, Florence, Napier; 812, Sceats, Lionel, Wellington; 813, Smith, Joan, Wanganul; 816, Byles, Mary Jean, Napier; 818, Burke, Catherine, Levin; Sl9,.Cowle, lan, Hawera; 820, Craig, Malcolm, Wellington; 822, Grace, John, Wellington; 823. Talbot, MUly Ellen, Gisborne; ■ 525, Zahlrudin, —> Wanganul; 827, Nelson, Arthur John, Wanganul; 832, Hemmingscn, Ivan, Palmerston North; 832, Bishop, Sidney, Wellington; 836, Masters, Norman, Wellington; 839, Boss, Mona, Wellington; 840, Wakeford, Jack, Palmerston North; 845, Bundle, Rex, Masterton; 851, Stewart, Jack, Nelson; 859, Hlshon, Sylvia, Wellington; 860, Mepham, Allen, Wanganul;
861, Smith, Gordon, Wellington; 863, Coombe, Keith, Marton; 864, Gibson, Agues, Glsborno; 805, Honeyfleld, Esme, Now Plymouth; 567, Plank, Wilfred Douglas, Napier; S6B. Welch, Adelaide, Gisborne; 871, Munro, Donald Robert, Wellington; 874, D'Ath, Bernard, Wanganut; 877, Shearer, Ivan, Waugiinul; 878, Sproule, Elizabeth. Wellington; 882, Ingram, Laura, Motueka; 883, M'Dougall, John, Hastings; 885, Courtney, Sybil, New Plymouth; 890, Price, Raymond, Wellington; 894, Almond, Catherine, Wellington; 897, Barnes, Robert, Masterton; 898, Broad, Elinor, Wellington; 899, Nuttall, John, Lower-Hutt; 904, Heath, Charlotte Hambly, Nelson; 907, Taylor, George, Palmerston North; 908, Reid, Dorothy, Nelson; 912, Smith, Monica, Wellington; 915, Ward, Forbes, Wanganul; 920, Roe, Erl William, Levin; 923, O'Brien, Cornelius, Wanganui; 926, Ribbands, Henry Hula, Hastings; 929, Oldham, Frederick, Nelson; 930, Paterson, Iris Elaine, Wellington; 935, Davies, May,- Wairoa: 938, M'Auslin, Lorna, Napier; 940, Traue, Mavis, Gisborne; 947, Crabtree, Aubrey, Napier; 948, Taylor, John, Nelson; 951, Browne, William, Wanganui; 954, Featherstone, Alfred, New Plymouth; 955, Burke, Kathleen, Lower Hutt; 956, Challies, Nelson, Wellington; 957, Gleeson, Monica, Blenheim; 959, Dohnt, Helen, Masterton; 960, Fletcher, Murray, Levin; 902, Smellle. James, Gisborno; 9(i4, M'Millan, Margaret, Lower Hutt; 967,'W00d, Sidney, Wellington: 971, Hudson, Clifford, Levin; 974, Anderson, Archibald, Masterton; 978, Tasker, Bernard, Wanganui; 980, Butler, Donald, Wellington; 981, M'lntyre, Monte Alan, Gisborno; 984, Wise, Edith, Napier; 986, Markham, Kenneth. Wnnganul; 988, O'Meara, Margaret, Napier; 990. Francis, Richard, Gisborne; 993, Chipper, Huxley, Wellington; ■ 994, Coulter, Arthur, Wellington; 395, Hunter, George, Wellington; 1008, Cowan, Margaret, Wellington: 1009, Sandllands, Jean, Wairoa; 1011, Chambers, Mary Edna, Gisborne; 1015, Stevenson, David, Wellington; 1020, Cornford, John, Napier: 1024, Ormiston, Walter, Hastings; 1034, James,,MllUcent, Wellington; 1035. Reeves, Molra, Blenheim ; 1039,: Elliott. Ivor, Nelson; 1045, Harris, Walter, Hastings; 1046, Mlddlebrook, Leslie, • Palmerston North; 1048, Fraser, Andrew, Wellington: 1061, Berridge, Alice, Gisborne; 1062, Manton, Maxwell, Wellington; 1063. Hart, Gladys Amy, Carterton; 1067, Gordon, Ronald, Wanganul; 1071, Hartloy, Joseph Francis, Wellington ; . 1072, Stewart, Sylvia. Wellington; 1073, Cox. Hazel Beatrice, Gisborne; 1075, Chapman, Andrew, Walpawa; 1081, Alexander, Keith, Wellington; 1084, Owen, Arthur, Gisborne; 1088, Halpln, Aubrey, Wairoa: 1087, Haworth, Victor, Wanganul; 1089, Packer, Robert, Napier; 1091, Meyers, Leslie, Wellington; 1094,. MacGregor, Kenneth Perm, Walpawa; 1098, Moroney, William, Walpawa; 1099, Shaw, Roy, .Masterton: 1101, Satyanand, Mutyala, Wanganui.
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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 26, 31 January 1929, Page 7
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1,610PUBLIC SERVICE Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 26, 31 January 1929, Page 7
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