HIGH WATER, To-day—3.o a.m.; 5.2G p.m. "To-morrow —5.30 a.m.; 0.18 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUUKSDAY. 10th JANUARY. .' KOTITI. ni.v. (1.30 p.m.), 61 tons,- Baggctt, TAMAHINE. 8.8. (0.40-p.m.), 10S0 tons, Fish, from Pleton. JOHN, s.s. (J0.33' p.m.), 312 tons, Hawicl;, from Lyttclton. CYGNET, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 124-terns. Larscn, - from Kaikoura. FRIDAY, 11th JANUARY. SURREY, s.s. .'(2.30 a.m.), 0753 tons, M'Rao, from Wanganui. ECHO, 1 auxiliary scow (3.30 a.m.), S)'J tons, Radfortl, from Blenheim. , NGAIO, s.s. (5 a.m.), I'MJ tous, Wlltlmau from Nelson. ZINCiARA, m.s. (5.30 a.m.), 300 tons, M"Arthur,' from Hokitika. WAHINK. s.s. (7 a.m.), 413(3 tons, Cameron, from t/yttclton. NIKAU, s.s. (S.lO a.m.), 2IS tous, Vasta, from Nelson. HOLMUALE, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), GSI tons, Williams, from Lyttelton. CALM, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 9SI tons, Manson, from Lytteltun. . "\ DEPARTURES. GALE, 's.s.' (3 p.m.), 1)3-1 tons, Jl'Kenzlu for Lyttelton. ... KOTO'rSUA, s.s. (li p.m.), 12,11:! tops, Hunter, for. Southampton, via Panama. AItAHUKA, s.s.' (7.33 p.m.), IGM lons, Wildmau, for Nelson. MAOUI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3112 lons, Inviu, for Lytleltr-ii KUKOW, s.a: (IS.II p.m.), -'023 tons, Watson, . for Auckland. WAIRAU. s.s. (11. p.m.), 143 tous. Jackson. for Bknhdm. FRIDAY, lltb JANUARY. KENT, c.s. (7.45 a.m.), USS7 tous, Matthews, for London. . ■ ULIMAROA, s.s. (noon), 3828 tons, Wyllie, for Sydney. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Taimtuinc, L'iclou, to-day Kolii, Oiiokaka, to-day Canadian Transporter, Auckland, to-day Koutuuui, East Coast, to-morrow i Maori, Lyttclton, to-morrow Arahura; Nelsou, to-morrow Hawcru, I'atca, to-morrow Kapuul, I'atca, to-morrow Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow Kamona, Westpprt, to-morrow .Kapltl, Wanganul, 13th Orcpuki, I'arakohe, 13th Coriiiua, New Plymouth, 13th Echo, Blenheim, 13th Wairau, 'ilcnhelni; 13th ■ . tYairuua, Auckland, Kith . . MaKo, Napier, loth ' . Totara, Lyttelton, 13th Calm,' Wanganui, 13th \ Kannanawa, Auckland. 1-iUi . Manuka, Melbourne,' 14th .. Entori. Auckland, 14th Northumberland, Auckland,' llth Tahiti, San Francisco, 14th \ Maunganui, Sydney, 15th .- - - Kaituna, Portland, 15th Storm, southern- ports, 13th ' Holmdalc, Wanganul, 15lh Nikau, Motueka, 15th Cygnet, southern ports, 15th Komata, Westport, lGth Wuipiala. southern ports, 17th' John, New Plymouth, 17th Zlnitara, llokltika. 17th PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wairau,' Blenheim, to-day ■■"■": ' Nikau; Jlotueka, to-day ■■■. .•'■■ Holmdalc, Picloii, to-day.' ..-■-.'■ Kapitl, Wauganui, to-day ' Kotiti, Sounds, to-day. John, Wanganui, to-day ;. Fail-burn, Karamea, to-day ' .■. Oropuki, Tarakoho, to-day . Ngalo, Nelson, to-day : . '. Wahiue, Lyttclton, to-day Calm, Wanganui, to-day ■ ■Cygnet, Kaikoura,.,-to-day. ,._., Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow "■ ■•. - Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow Zingara, Hokitika, to-morrow..- -, Progress, southern ports, to-morrow Golden Harvest, Lyttclton, to-morrow Komata, Westport, to-morrow Koutuuui, East Coast, to-morrow Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow ■ Kapuni, Patca, to-morrow . Hawcra, I'atca,. to-morrow Tamahine, Pictou, to-morrow Kohl, Nelson, to-morrow' ' Echo, Blenheim, 14th ' lualia; Wanganui, 14th . , .,;.;., Kaimanawa;: VVestpprt, 14th; :,"~<i,\~, totara. New-'-Plymouth, 14th'!y-':> ; '" Calm, southern ports, 14th ' -.i > Corlnn'a, Dunedln,' 14th- . -'. -.'.: Holmdalo, southern ports, ,15th , - . ; . Ivamona, Westport, 15th '•"'.' Wairuna', Jlelbourue, 15th ■ ' ' v Orepukli Wostport, 15th. . - ; •• Storm, Wanganui, 15th.. ■- . .■.; Mako, Napier, 15th '. ' .' ' : ' Kaituna, hyttelton, 15th ' ' ' ; :i Tahiti, Sydney, 15th ' , - ManuUa, Molbourno, via ports; 13th -;.-.' Somerset, Lyttelton, 16th -.- <';■':%'■ John, Lyttelton, 17th ' .-■'?'- " Waiplata, Auckland, . 17th ■ : ■ . BERTHAGE LIST. Ulimaroa—Queen's Wharf, .No. .1 north. -. Kaiuiai—Queen's Wharf,' No. 2. Cygnet—Queen's Wharf, No. 2. Tamahine —Queen's Wharf, No. i. Inaha—Queen's Wharf, No. 5 south.': Calm—Queen's Wharf, No.' 6.' Kotiti—Queen's Wharf, No. T north. luvercargtll—Queen's Wharf, No. 8. ' Nora Nlveu—Queen's Wharf, No. 3. Nikau —Queen's Wharf, No. 10. Echei—Queen's Wharf, No. 11 north. Kennedy—Queen's Wharf, No. 11 south. Ngalo—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. , .. John—Queen's Wharf, No. 13 north. Fairburn—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. Kohi-^Queen's Wharf, No. 11 north. , Wahine—Ferry Wharf. Komata—Railway Wharf. Kaponga—Railway Wharf. Kent—Glasgow Wharf. Somerset —Glasgow Wharf. Surrey—King's Wharf. Kapuni—King's Wharf. V Hawera—King's Wharf. Holmdalc—Pipitea Wharf. ' Kaiwarra—Tnorndon Breastwork. Kanna—Thorndon , Breastwork. Golden Harvest—Taranaki Street Wharf. Zingara—Petone Wharf. Kaitoke—Clyde Quay 1 Wharf.' ; Jlahenoi-Patent Slip Wnirf. Orepulti!— Patent Slip. M^araroa—ln the Stream. Deveron—ln' the Stream. IN lERCOLONIAL" STEAMERS. MAKAMA, leaves Sydney to-day for Auckland; due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland 18th 'January for Sydney; due Sydney 22nd January. (U.S.S. Co.) : MANUKA, left Melb.ourno Tuesday fot Wellington, via Milford Sound'; due Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday for Melbourne, via southern ports. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIMAROA, left Wellington to-qflay for Sydney; due Sydney Tuesday; leaves Sydney 17th January for Auckland; duu Auckland 22ud January. (Huddart-Parkcr Co.) MAUNGANUI, leaves Syduey to-day for Wellington; duo Wellington Tuesday; leaves Wellington 18th January for Sydney; due Sydney 22nd January. (U.S.S. Co.) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. '. AORANGI, from. Sydney, for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and' Honolulu; duo Auckland Sunday. : (U.S.S. Co.) MAKURA, from Sydney tor San t'ranclsco, via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete: duo San 1 Francisco 18th January. (U.S.S. Co.) -I:." NIAGARA, from Vancouver for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland; duo "Honolulu Wednesday. (U.S.SI Co.) • TAHITI, from San t'ranciaco,; for Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington; duo Wellington Monday; Sydney 10th January. (U.S.S. Co.) • ... LOADING . OVERSEAS. ANGLO-COLUMBIAN, loaves Galveston (Texas) early in February for Auckland and Australian ports; due Auckland in March. t GOLDEN BEAR, leaves Loa Angeles Ist February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru; due Auckland" 27th February; due Wellington 4th March. (Burns, Philp.) • HERMINUS, was to leave Antwerp 2nd January for Auckland; due Auckland Dtb February. (S.S. and A. Co.) KEKERANGU, leaves Adelaide 24th January tor 1 Melbourne^ Hobart, ' Dunedln, Lyttelton, Wellington, New Plymouth, - Auckland; leaves Melbourne,2Bth January./ , (U.S.S. Co.) KAWATIRI, leaves Newcastle 14th January "for Napier, Lyttelton, Tlniaru; due Napier 22nd January: . (U.5.5...C0.) KEELCNG. leaves New fork ZOth January tor Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. (A. and A. Line.). • MATAROA, leaves London'3oUU January tot Auckland and. Wellington; dut Auckland 6tb March. (S.S and A. Co.) MIDDLESEX,' leaves; Liverpool loth January for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 2nd March: due Wellington 9tb \farch (Federal Co.) --- OTIRA, leaves Liverpool 2nd February for Auckland, Wellington,.Lyttelton; and Dunedin; duo Auckland 12th March; Wellington about 10th -March* (S.S. and A. Co.) :-.-.- . PORT CURTIS, leaves -New, York' 23rd February for Auckland, Wellington,- Lyttelton, Dunedin: due Auckland 23rd March; due Wellington 30th March.- (C. and D.; Lino.) PORT NAPLKU, leaves! London i3th February for Auckland, Wellington, Now Plymouth; due Auckland 27th March; duo' Wellington 30th March. (C. and D. Lln«.) ■■-': RUAHINE, leaves Southampton 18th' January for Wellington tnd Auckland; due Wellington 25th February (N.Z.S. Co) ISARANGA, leaves Capetown about 7th February for Auckland; duo Auckland about 22nd March. (S.S. and-A. Co.). RIMUTAKA, leaves Southampton Zstn January foi- Wellington (passengers only). Port Chalmers,, Ljitelton, Timtru; Oaraarui ■.:'■"■ due Wellin{rton.sth MtMhr (N.Z.S; Co.)' TAINUI, leaves London 27th February for
Wellington and Auckland: duo Wellington about (ith April.. '(S.S. and A. Co.) • TRKWORLAS. was lv leave New fork stb January for Aucklaud, Wellington, Lyttelton, Diinedin. • (A. and A. Line.) • WAITEIIATA, leaves Lus Angeles 3rd February for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney; due Auckland 2Sth February. (U.S.S, Co.) . " • '■WAIHKMO, leaves Los -Angela ' 22iiu February for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney: oue Auckland loth March. (U.S.S. Co.) ' \ ZI3ALANDIC; leaves Antwerp end o) January for New Plymouth; due New Plymouth Oth March.'. (S3. and A. Co.) VESSELS OVERSEAS. BRUNSWICK, left San Pedro liitli December lor Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington stl> February. (A.U.O. Co.) . ' . . UEN-TON, -left Nauru Isl.iu'J 2nd January lor New Plymouth and Waugauui; ■ duo New Plymouth latli January. COIUM'HIC icli Southampton an ueceui uer tor Welliuutou AucklauU. duo Wellington 14th Jauuary (K.ES ami A Co.) t-CANAUIAN CONQUEROR, left Halifax "Ith January for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tlmaru, Dunedin, Bluff; due Auckland 15tli February; due Wellington 20th February. (C.N.S.) . . ■ -, COitMVALL, left Liverpool Hlb Decembei lor Auckland. I'urt Chalmers New 'Plymouth due Auckland lUlli January • IFederal Co.i CAPE YORK, left Port Arthur (Texas) 31st December for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth, Australia; due Auckland 14th February. (Texas Oil Co.) . GOLDEN STATE, left Los Angeles 3tst December for Auckland, Wellington, Duuedinj duo Auckland -Jtitli January: due Wellington 2nd February. (Burns, Phi In*.) * UAUKAKI, ,eti wuncuuvL-r 2no January ror Auckland Wellington, Melbourne, Ailelakle. and Sydney, flue Auckland 26t1) January. (U.S.S. Co,) ; HUROK.iIA ictl l.iiiKioii aiai" 1 Uecemuei toi IVelliiigluu* Aurklaud Muff, due Wcllinelou Oth February. (N.Z.S. Co.) . - lONIC, left Southampton "ItU January tor Auckland and Port Chalmbrs: due Auckland 11th February. (S.S. and A-, Co.) IvlA OllA let! Anlwcrii •iiiui Ucceiuuei tor Auckland, due Auckland ifltb January (S.S. and A Co.l KILCREUANE, left Casablanca (Morocco) l"(il!i November for Auckland, Lyttelton> due Auckland 20th January. . . MAMILII/a ieti Loiiuuij' i lib .\uvemoei rui Lyttelton. Horl Cltalmurs * Tlmaru; due- Lyttelton 12th January. (S.S. and A. Co.) NASSA, loft Ballkpapan Sth January for Wellington, Lyttelton; due Wellington 28th January. (Shell * Co.) '•>•••■ JTOKIA, left Sau Pedro Bth .January for Wellington; due Wellington 2nd February. (U.S.S. Co.) PUlt'J" «L,MA leff London Ititli December ror Uuuediii Lyttellon Ne» Plymouth, due Dud•dlD lath January.. IC *ud D Line.*. POUT FREMANTLE, left London Qtli January for Suva, Wclllngtou, Lyttelton, Napier; due Suva 7th February; due Wellington 10th February. (C. and, D. Line.) PORT BOWEN, left Liverpool 23rd-,Decem-ber for Auckland, Wellington,. Lyttolton, Dunedin;. duo Auckland 81st January; duo Wellington 7th February. (C: and I). Line.) * PORT I'IRIE left New YorK 22nu December for. Auckland,,, Napier;..-. Wellington*, Lyttelton Dunedin; due Auckland 21st January; due Wellington SOtlv January." V (C. - and D Line.) . V t'REI.EMNA ictl Halifax tan Ueceuibet, tor Aueklaud, Wellington. Lytteitpn, Timaru, Duncdin; duo Auckland 30 th January; due Wellington 4th February. (C.N.S.) ■ I . TREKIEVIi tell Ne» Yolß IZID Uecembei toi Auckland. Wellington Lytleltou..' Dunedin ; due Aueklaud 20th January; due Wellington !7th January. (W Wall!? and Co) WAIKAWA, left Loa Angeles 31st December for Napier, Lytteltou,.Dunedin, Bluft. New Plymouth; due Napier 25th Jauuary (U.S.S Co.l ■ .- - . . ■ -V- i ■. * * •WESTMORELAND, left Liverpool slh January for.Auckland, Wellington,. Lyttelton, Dunedin ; dim Auckland 18tli February; due Wellington 25th February.. (Federal Co.) WAlOTAl'll, from Calcutta auu fenang. left Singapore 27th December for Newcastle, lijtteltou, Timaru, Dunedin, BluiT, Wellington, Auckland; due Lyttelton 21st January. (U.S. S. Co.) .*■.■■■* . ; VESSELS DISCHARGING. HLOEJIFONTEIN, from, New York, for Diiiiedin; at Lyttelton; leaves Lytfoltou 12th January. . (W. Wallis and :Co.) : CUJIBERLAND, from Liverpool, for Timaru; left Port Chalmers. '10th Jauuary. (Federal Co.) ' ' ■■!.- . . . *■■• CANADIAN TRANSPOKTER) from Montreal, for Wellington. Lytlcltan, Timaru, Dunediu, left Auckland Sth January; due Wellington 11th' January.' . CC.N.S.) *' ENTON, ' from • New York, for Wellington, Lytteltoii; at Auckland; ■ leaves Auckland 12th January; dua Wellington 14tli Jauuary. (W. Wallis-and Co.) .' .-* * * . . GOLDEN HARVEST, from Los Angeles for Lyttelton; "at Wellington;, leaves Wellington 12th January. (Burns, Philp.) MAIJIOA, from Liverpool; at Dunedin; leaves Dunedin '16th January for Port Chalmers to commence loading. . (S.S. and A. Co.) •- - . .:-.,- - * , ■ , NORTHUMBERLAND, from Liverpool, for Wellington. Lyttelton. . Port Chalmers, Bluff; at Auckland; ■ leaves 'Auckland 12th January; due Wellington 14th.January. (Federal Co.) OLITEBANK (motor-ship), from Java; at Auckland. OLIVEBANK (Finnish barque), from Maho, Seychelles:. at Auckland.- . (A. S. . Paterson and; Co.) . . ■ , ■ REMXJERA, from London, at Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) ' ■,-■-. ■ TREWIDDEN,. from Montreal, for Wellington and Australian ports; leaves Auckland 13th January; duo Wellington 15th January. (C.N.S.) ■ • . . WAIRUNA, from Los Angeles, left Auckland 10th January for Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney ; duo Wellington . 13th . January. (U.S.S. Co.) '• •■*.."".. VESSELS LOADING. ANGLO CHILEAN, from Port Keinbla, for Wellington, Napier, Wanganui, Bluff; duo Wellington 24th January; sails from Bluff 18th February for Dunkirk, London, and Hull, via Panama. (G. H. Scales). ■ CANADIAN BRITISHER, at Napier; to call at Auckland; leaves Napier 11th January; sails from Auckland 14th January for Now York, Boston) Halifax. (C.N.S.) KARETU, leaves Sydney 15th January for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Oamaru, Bluff; Uuo Lyttelton 21st January. (U.S.S. Co.) MAHIA, left Gisborne 10th January, to call at Wanganui, Lyttelton, Wellington;, due Wanganui , 12th January; , due Wellington 24th January; leaves Wellington 28th January for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) • MAHANA, left Townsvillo Bth January lor Port. Chalmers, Bluff,,Gisborne,. Wellington, Wanganui; due Port Chalmers 16th January; Wellington 27th January;. leaves" Wangauul ath February for London, via Panama. (S.S. md A. Co.)* ■■:.*. ■ ■ V * - *•:- MAIMOA, to call at Port Chalmers, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington; Napier; due Port Chalmers lßth January'; Wellington 24th January; sails: from Napier 2nd February, for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) . PAREORA,. at Dunedin; sails from Dunedin 11th January for Dunkirk, London, and Hull. («. H. Scales): • ' PORT CAROLINE, from Australia, to call.: at Opua, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Timaru, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington; due Opua 23rd January; due Wellington 14th February; ;sails i from* Wellington 17th February for London and West Coast ports, via Panama. (C. and D.' Line.) PORT DENISON, at Bluff;.to call at Lyltelton, Wellington; leaves Bluff'lsth January; due Wellington 22nd January; leaves Wellington 25th January, for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) r : ■■■■>•■ PORT HARDY, at Port Chalmers, ,to call at Lyttelton; leaves Port Chalmers 11th January; sails from Lyttelton 17th January for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) PORT HOBAK'i, trom Australia, to call at Auckland, New Plymouth. Wanganui, Welling-: ton; due Auckland 23rd January; sails from Wellington 13th February for London, via Panama ' (C. and D. Line.) i RBMUERA, at Auckland; to call at Napier, 1 Lytteltou, Wellington;, leaves Auckland 14th January; due "Wellington 28th January; sails from Wellington 2nd February for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) RUAPEHU. at New Plymouth, to call at Nelson, Auckland, Lyttelton, Wellington; leaves Now Plymouth 16th;- January; sails from Wellington 20th January for Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S.- Co.) SOMERSET, at Wellington; to call at Lyttellon ; leaves Wellington 16th, January; due back at Wellington 22nd January;. sails from Wellington 24th January for London and .West Coast ports.. (N.Z.S: Co.). . SURREY, at Wellington, to call at Napier, Gisborne, Auckland; leaves Wellington 13th January; leaves Auckland- 24th January for New York, • Halifas, and London. (Federal Co.) TEKOA, at New Plymouth; to call at Wanganui, Plcton, Wellington, Walkokopu,, Napier ; leaves New • Plymouth 12th January; leaves Napier 4th- February for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.) TAMAROA, at Auckland; leaves Auckland 19th January for Southampton aud London, via Panama. (S.S. arid A. Co.) ' WJTHIN WIRELESS RANGE. "The following vessels ■* are expected to bo within, range of the-undermentioned wireless stations to-nlght:-r . . Auckland :T6fiia,Wairuna; and Abrangi. Chatham Islands: Cornwall and Port' Alma. Wellington: Maori, Wahino, Tamahine,- Arahura, Ngaio, Niagara, Taranaki; .Rotorua Kent, Tredlnnick, Tutanehal, Mamilius, Kawatlrl, Mahia, Dana, Canadian Transporter, Jlaunganui, -Ulimaroa," Corinthlc, Mahana, and Canadian, Britisher., .- - - :.. . ■Awarua: C. A. Larson, N. T. Niisen Alonso, Sir J. C. Ross, City of New York, Tahiti Makura, Manuka; Port Hardy, Eleanor Boiling' Parcora, nnd Cumberland. PICTON EXCURSION. On account of the unfavourable weather the proposed week-end excursion to the Marlborough Sounds by- the Tamahlno has been postponed. Sho will sail for Picton at 115 p.m. to-morrow, however, arriving back on 1 Sunday evening as. usual; .- MANUKA-FROM MELBOURNE. The Manuka' is 'clue''at''Wellington at (5 o'clock on Monday morning.: from Melbourne - Tia Milford Sounds. ' _««»üb,
HORORATA AT NEWPORT NEWS. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Hororala. which has recently beeii 1 fitted to burn 'pulverised coal, is reported to have arrived at Newport News'■ on Wednesday from London. Sho is now. expected to arrive at Wellington on the (ith February... : CANADIAN TRANSPORTER REPORTED. A radio message from the..Canadian Transporter,, en route from Auckland, states that she expects to arrive at Wclliugtoii at 7 o'clock to-night. PERSONAL. Mr. C. C. C'leary has" joined tho Kaituua as second engineer after holiday leave. Air. W. C. Falconer, second engineer of the Walrmia, has been granted holiday, leave, Mr. B. Isaac being promoted to his place. . Mr. IT. P. Addis has joined the Kiwitca as third engineer. NAUTICAL INQUIRIES. Tho Magisterial inquiry Into the circumstances of the recent mishap to the luvereargill, which touched a rock at Ohau Point last month, will open at Wellington on Tuesday morning. Au.inquiry into the stranding of the Parera on Walker's Rock will take place at Napier at a later date. ULIMARdA'S PASSENGERS. Tho UUmaroa, .which sailed to-day for Sydney, took the following passengers :—Air. A. W. Arstad, Aliss 0. Ayhvln, Aliss J. M. Allerding, Mrs. .1'; Alcorn, Mr. C. E. Alcorn, : Mr. H. W. Anderson, Aliss AI. A. Archell, Aliss L. S. Alexander, Aliss C. P. Brownhill, Airs. At. Bealty, .Miss B. Beatty, Miss J. Blackmail, Miss T. B. Black, Air. F. G. Boltou, Air. T. D. Borluiul. Air. Wj Brown, Miss M. Burrows, Air. A. C. Bushell, Mr. F. P. Bolt, Air. E. G. Blair, Air. H. Beauchamp, Air. It. K. .Barratt, Mr. F. J. Blackmail, Mrs. X. Bear, Miss J. B.urton, Air. A.. Bluett, Aliss L. Came, Air. C. F. Connolly, Air. P. W. Cavanagh,' Mr. J. Cpyle, Air. A. B. Carroll, Sir Arthur and Lady Cox, Airs. M. Crookham, Mr. W. Crookham, Miss It. G. I Chippendale, Miss B. Curtis, Aliss A. Cole, Airs. I. Cole, Mr. L. Uonaghey, Air. W. H. Uehiuey, Mrs. B. Dunne, Air. J. S. Dunne, Mr. G. 11. D.vhrberg, Airs. A. It. A. Driver, Mr. F. Urivei;, Aliss K. At. Driver,' Airs. At. E. Daiton, Mrs. AI. Dodds-Clarkson, Air. R. ,1. Dollar, Mrs. G. Dollar, Aliss AI. Ellis, Aliss 11. Al Ellaby, Mr. H. IX lOdmonds, Miss E. Edmonds, Airs. I. Edmonds, Airs. A. AI. Easlbury, Airs A. Evett, Air. C. H. Eyre, 'Miss G. H. Frascr, Air. L. Franklyn, Alaster W. L Ifrunklyn, Miss H. Frecker, Airs. AI. Franklyn, Air. J. Forsytli, Air. Al. Faraday, Mrs. F. A. Firth, Aliss 0. M. Firth, Air. S. G. Finney, Air, J. C. Garrett, Mr. L. Gotting, Mr. T. 0. Gundensen, Mr. I!. B. (ilasson, Aliss G. Granvilio Jones, Airs. S. Godfery, •Air. C. Holder, Air. L, J. Harper, Air. F. G. Hall, Air. (J. B. Hughes, Miss F. E. Hardy, Air. I\*A. Hodgson, Aliss N\ B. Homo, Air. G. T. Hargreaves, Atiss E. Nobbs, Airs. C. Hughes, Air. J. Hughes Miss AI. Harris, Miss 15. Hartley, .Miss. AI. M. Hendry, Air. H. Hayne, Miss J. Hastie, Mr. W. Harle, Aliss F. E. Hollngcr, Air. J. H., Hewitt, Airs. L. 'Hewitt, Mrs. K. Hoaro, Airs. F. 11. Joyce, Miss 0. T. Khigctte, Airs. L. Kirkpatrick, Air. N. 11. Kllllclfl Air. It. T. Killick, Air. F. A. Leighton, Air. T. Le Brim, Miss B. Lockwood, Aliss V. Layer.v, Aliss W. Lavery, Mrs. E. Leveham, Airs. H. Limbrlck, Mr. JJ. Limbrick, Air. W. H. Leonard, Mr. D. Lake, Miss B. At. Livingstone, Miss J. Lyall, Air. • H. A. At'Callum, Air. H. Mayfleld, Air. R. Mars, Aliss M.. ArKenzie, Jlr. T. Al'Eluogue, Jlr. H. Aturrls, Aliss D. L. Alason, Aliss M. Alurphy, Aliss .N. Al'Alanus, Aliss AI. Al'Gerr, Air. K. AI. Mackay; Miss >M." V. Morten, Air. A. Alorten, Master A. J. Alorten, Master. R, D. Morten, Airs. M. Alortcu, Mrs. H. Al'William, Air. B.:'Al'Williara, Air. L. G. Alaedowoll, Mr. C. Ogilvie, Mrs. G. E. Perks, Air. W. W. Perks, Mr. E.S. Porter, Miss I. J. Parker, Mr. ,T. I). •Taterson, Mrs. E. C. Paterson, Aliss G. Price, Air. E. Parsons, Air. A. H. Piper, Air. G. E. Phillips, Air. C. Pearson, Airs. Al. A. Price, Air. R. R. Price, Air. G. F. Radda, Air. J. Robertson, Miss D. J. Roberts, Mrs. AI. M. Roberts, Miss H. AI. Roberts, Airs. A. A. Rotton, ■•Aliss G. Riggs, Air. B. C. Ronald. Alr.J. Ryan, Airs. AI. Al. Roberts, Airs. H. L. Scott, Miss Al. C. Sayer, Mr. H. Short, Mrs. A. H. Sliarland, Air. R. Sharland, Aliss E. M. Starr, Airs. E. Steyne, Mr. R. L. Steyuc, Atrs. C. E. Slicppard, Miss 11.I 1. At. Sheppard, Aliss L. M. Sheppard, Aliss Al. W. Smeeton, Airs. Q. AI. Sears, Air. W. J. Hears. Miss R. Stewart, Air. H.-I. Sinison, Air. ,1. Samuel, Mr. J,,H. Steore, Mrs; J. M.C. Speight, Miss W. J. Speight. Air. H. T. Speight, Miss B: Stewart, Air. D. W. Turner,-Airs; ■ K. Sowers,' Aliss W. Tato, Aliss H. Al. Tllley, Aliss N..L. Vidlcr, Air. B. Warden, Mrs. A. Wilson, Aliss,T. Williams, Miss L. Wilkinson,' Miss V. AI. Wilkinson, Aliss A. Wilkinson, Miss S. Wilkinson, Mr. W. L. Wentzel, Air. Ji. E. Willis, Airs. 0. R. Williamson, • Air. H. A. Williamson, Bliss ■0, Wilson, Alr./G. H. Yatcs, Air. F. H. Rayment, Airs. C. Weller, Air. F. A. Weller, Aliss AI. C. Gilmour, Airs. J. B. Gilmour, >Alr. Ei J. Frost, Sir. M. Donky, Air. R, Andersen, Sir. h. Thomson, Aliss E.. H. Collins, Aliss 0. A. Thomas, Air. AI.. Al'Calum, Airs. Y. E. Hyams, Mr. H. N. Lochrin, Airs. I: A.- Palmer, Aliss F. Healy, Aliss C. Tymons, Airs. AI. Symes, Air. H. Benson, Mrs. E. C. Gieseu, Air. W. B. Gicsen, Dr. S. A. Buckingham, Air. A. W. Stephenson, Airs. E. Stephenson, Air. G. Meredith. BIS CANADIAN LINER. Steamship passenger traffle on tho St. Lawrence route has developed so rapidly since the Great Wat ended that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company now feels justified In- placing a first-class liver of 40,000 -tons 'gross register, on tho Southampton-Quebec'-routOi" Contract for a vessel of this-size, 'known as the Empress of Britain, has been given to John Brown and Company, Ltd., Clydebank, Scotland, which firm has' already built several ships for Canadian Pacific service. Thexnew Empress of Britain will bo 730 feet long, 97 feet wide, aiid, with a (speed of 24 knots,'will he able to mako the trip between Southampton and Quebec in live days. While this new ship will not bo of the miimmoth typo now under construction for certain British • and German lilies for servico • between , Europe and - New York, she will mark a .very distinct advance, botli in sizo and speed, 1 over any ship heretofore operated between Canada and British ports. Her accommodation will bo luxurious ami sho will be. capable of carrying over 1100 passengers in. first, second, and third classes. Sho will bo 50 feet longer'and 25 feet wider than tho Empress of Scotland, .now the largest vessel in Canadian service, and her gross.tonuage will, exceed that of the/Empress of Scotland by 15,000 tons, and it will also be exactly double that of the new Duchess liners. No other shipping company has, for many years, carried out such a construction programme as that which the Canadian Pacific will complete by building the new Empress of Britain, which during a period of four years, from 1927 to 1931, includes five super cargo ships of tho Beaver class, four 20,000-ton ' Duchesses, the new Empress of Japan now building for trans-Pacific service,, aud the new' Empress of Britain for the Atlantic—ateo'tWO'new vessels for British Columbia Coast service. When the two new Empresses are completed the Canadian Pacific fleet of trans-Atlantic and transPacific ships will total 465,307 gross tons in daily service and operating on routes that stretch two-thirds of the distance around the globe. " . BY TELEGRAPH, AUCKLAND, 10th January. Sailed—Wairuna (3.20 p.m.),. for 'Wellington; Kaituna (5.15 p.m.), for. Portland and Wellington. :. . . ; ■ ' SYDNEY, ,10th January. Sailed—Aorangi, for Auckland and Vancouver. • ■ ...... : r BLUFF, 10th January. / Arrived—Port Denison .(2.30 pjn.), from Walkokopu. ■ LYTTELTON, 10th January. Arrived—Katoa (4.20 p.m.), from' Wellington. ' ' .'• -■ DUNEDIN, 10th January;' . Arrived—Oretl (C p.m.), 1. from Stewart Island. . Sailed—Taranaki (2.30 p.m.), for London; Pareora (3.45 p.m.), for London. AUCKLAND, 11th January. Arrived—Trcwidden (0.0 a.m:), from Alontreal. , . ... ■ LYTTELTON, 11th January. Arrived—Alaori (0.4G a.m.), from Wellington. MAIL NOTICES •■. ■ • ■ i — * Alalls will close at Chief Post Office, Wellington, and (between: 9.30 a.m.'and 4.30 p.m.), at Post Offices, To Aro and Courtenay Place, as under, except late fee:— ' FRIDAY, 11th JANUARY, Nelson and Ilnvcloclt, also letter mails for Blenheim, Reefton, and Westport (Ngaio), 5 p.m.; late feo, 5.30 p.m.; at. steamer, 7.15 p.m. ... Southern Offices of New Zealand (Wahlue),' .6 p.m.; late fee. f1.13 p.m. (Late-fee box at gates to Ferry Wharf, 7.30 p.m.) SATURDAY, 12th' JANUAK*. Parcel mails for America, per Aorangi at Auckland >close at C.P.O. at 11 a.m. .Nelson and Havelocu, also letter ..iall3 tor Blenheim, Keel'ton, and Westport, also correspondence for the undermentioned bays, per oil launch at_ Havolock (Arahura), D p.m.; late fee, 5.30 p.m". ' At etearaer 7.15 p.m. (Bulwer, Crail Bay, Elaine Bay, Hopal, -Manama; Port Ligar, To Puru,Wakatahuri, Waltata Bay; also private bags for Homewood, Pohuenui, Okoha, Anakoha, Clova Bay, Waimaru, Brightlands, and Titirarigl estate). Southern Offices of Now Zealand (Alaori). tt p.m.; late fee, 6.45 p.m. (Late-feo box at gates to Ferry Wharf, 7.30 p.m.) MONDAY, 14th JANUARY. Great Britain, Ireland, ' and Continent of Europe, United States of America, Canada, Alexlco, and West Indies, via, Vancouver, also Fiji and Honofulu, per Aorangi at Auckland, 11.45 a.m.; late fee, 6 p.m. (Late-fee box outside Thonidon Station 7 p.m.) Money orders must be obtained by 11 a.m. Mail closes at Auckland 10 a.m. Tuesday; due London 14th February. ... Note.—Newspaper rate of .postage to Onlted States of America is Visd for each two ounces. TUESDAY, 15th JANUARY. .. ' Parcel mails for Australian States and the East/per Tahiti, closo at C.P.O. at 11 a.m. : Australian States, . Japan, China," Straits Settlements, and South Africa; .Apia, Pago Pago, and Norfolk Island (Tahiti),' 1 p.m.; lato fee, i p.m.h. at steamer'2'.4s-p.m. : : . oM'GOtNU. OVERSEA' MAILS. ■.'.' •Alaiis for Great Britain, Ireland, and Continent of Europo (specially addressed corrcspondeiico only), also Pltcalrn Island, Cristobal (Panama Canal), Central America, British, Frencjt, and Dutch Guiana, Venezuela, Republic of Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, per Tamaroa, close at Wellington on Friday, ISth January, at 3 p.m. (late fee C.P.O. 4 p.m.) Mails which left Wellington on 4th December, via San Francisco, arrived at London on tho 51h January.,', • ■ INCOMING OVERSEA MAILS. . : '.' (Arrival tine? ipproximate only.) . ;.■-.;. January 14— S.S. Manuka!. from Melbourne;
30 bags Australian mail, 747 bags from beyond Australia, 9 parcel receptacles. . January 14—R.M.S. Tahiti, from San Francisco: English anil American mail. January 15— S.& Maunganui, from- Sydney; Australian mail. ■' • . MAILS CLOSE DAILY. Wairarapa District—3 a.m. i 6 a.m.: 3 p.m. (late too, 3.15 p,m,) Manawatu District—?.3O a.m., » p.m. (late tee C.f.O. 4.15 p.m.) ' Kangitikcl District—!) a.m. (late .cc Kallwaj Station 0.50 a.m.), .12,30. p.m. date foe C.P.O. 1 p.m., Railway Station 1.5P o.ra.). 4 o-m (late fee C.P.O 'i'.lj p.m.) H. 15. M. I'ILDES, Acting Chief Postmaster. Friday, 11th January, 132!).
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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 9, 11 January 1929, Page 10
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4,176SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 9, 11 January 1929, Page 10
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