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SATURDAY, 9tll JUNE. 2YA, Wellington (120 metres).—3 to .1 p.m.: Afternoon session. G.O: Children's session— ■Aimlie Uot and-Uncle 'i'oliy. ".0: News, market reports, anil sports results. 7.10 : Lecturctte— I'rofessor Hunter, director W.E.A., "Tlio Value of Adult Education." S.O : G.1'.0. clod;. 8.1: Overture—The Orchestra, "Hounds from the Sunny South" (Isoman). Melodic Four, ■They Kissed." 8.12: Bass, .Mr. \V. Marshall, "Drinking." 8.10: Orchestra, (a) "Uaindrop rreluclc" (Chopin), (b) "Serenade" (Drdla).,: Tenor, Mr. F. Bryant. "Iloniclantl." S.:iO : English maiulola, Mr. Lad Haywood. (a) "Somewhere a Voice is Calling." (v) "Only a. Ywir Aro." S.:i7: Humour, .Mr. George Tltelieuer, ".My Motor-bike." 5.42: Orchestra, "Three Spanish Dances" (Moszkowski). B.BU : Tlie Glad Idlers, "Love Birds." 8.55: Concertina, -Mr. 11. W. Strathmore. "Medley of Plantation ilelodies." ».O: Weather report and anuouncemeuts. i 1.2: liaritone, Jlr. Jt. S. Allwright, "She is Far from the Land." 9.0: Tenor, Mr. Sam Duncan, "I Hear a Thrush at Eve." 0.1!:: Orchestra, "The Chocolate Soldier" (Sullivan). n.IS: Melodic Four, "Mosquitoes." 5t.32 : Knslisli maiulola, Sir. Lad Haywood, (a) "One Fleeting Hour," (b) "I Gathered a Rose." 'J.M : Humour, Mr. George Titeliener, "I'd Like to Shake, Shake Shakespeare." 9.3-1: Orchestra, request numbers. 11.42: Duct, .Messrs. F. Bryant and H. S. Allwright, "Here's to the Lass." !>.4fi : Concertina, Mr. It. M. Strathmorc, "Sweet Chiming Hells." 9.31: The Cilad Idlers, "Wondering Time." 'J.oli: Melodic Four, "Slow ltiver." 10.0: Dance programme; choruses by the Glad Idlers. 11.0 : Close down. IYA, Auckland (333 metres).—:! to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon session. 0.0: Children's sessionCinderella, assisted by Uncle Big and Cousin Small. T. 15: .News and sports results. 8.0: Chimes. S.I: Kelay of overturo from Princo Edward Theatre. 8.11: Lyric Quartet, "A Russian Lullaby." 5.15: Tenor, Mr. Herbert Itichards. "Farted." 5.19: Vocal and instrumental, Bohemia Trio, (a) "Lay My Head Beneath a Rose," (b) "1 Wonder How 1 Look When I'm Asleep?" 8.27: Humour, Mr. Alan M'Elwain. 8.32: Lyric Quartet, "Dinah." S.3G: Relay from l'rinco Edward Theatre. S.-U: Tenor, Mr. A. Kaplcy, "Jest a-wearyinj! for You." S.4S : Humour—Mr. A. M.'Klwain. 5.33: Bohemian Trio, (a) "Blue Skies," (1)) "When Vour'rc Lonely." U.K. "r-tss —Jlr. E. Thomas. "Friend o' Mine." 9.S : Lyric Quartet, "Evening's Twilight." 9.12: Dance music from Dixieland Cabaret. 11.0: God Stive the Kins. :>YA, Christclutrch (300 metres).—2.43 p.m.: Description of Rugby football at Lancaster l'arl;. G.O: Children session. 7.15: News session. 7.50 : Sports results. S.O: Chimes and overture. 5.5: Plantation choruses, followed by tenor, solo— Avuiilan Minstels and Mr. Ernest Rogers, (a) "Our Dinah," with bones and tambourine effects by Mr. Alf Cotton, (b) "For You Alone." 8.13: Mouth organ, Mr. Alfred Toliill, (a) "Msrchcla,"l lb) "The Bells of St. Mary's." 8.11): ISass, -Mr. J. Filer, "Bombardier." 8.23: Scottish humour in song, Mr. Bracey Wilson. "Hooch Aye." 8.25: Plantation chorus, Avonian Minstrels, "It's Gone." 8.32: Christchureh Broadcasting Trio, (a) "Andante" (Papiui). (b) "Capriccio" (Reissiger). 8.42: Tenor, Mr. D. Clapperton, "Meadow Larl;." 5.40: Burlesque, Mr. Sidney Comfort, "Told by 'the Steeplejack." 5.52 : Songs at the piano, Misses Muriel Jo'.ms (Piano) and Edna Johnson (ukulele). S.SS: Weather forecast. 9.0: Overture. D.5-: Avonian Minstrels, "A Darktown Lullaby." 9.<J: Scottish humour, Mr. Bracey Wilson, "The Waggle o' the Kilt." 9.14: Bass, Mr. J. Filer, "The Bosom of the Deep." 9.15: Trios, Clirivtcliurch Broadcasting Trio, (a) "Water Lilies," (b) "Gavotte" (Thomas). 9.28 : Humorous recitation, irr. Sidney Comfort, "The Curate." 9.33: Duet, Messrs. E. Rogers and J. Filer, "The Baltic Eve." 9.37 : Songs at the piano, Misses Muriel .Tolins (piano) and Kilna Johnson (ukulele). !).«: Mouth organ, Mr. Alfred TohUI, (a) "Destiny Walt/.," (b) "I'ack U|> Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag." 9.49: Monologue, Mr. Frank Olds, "Hello! What Arc You Doing Here!'" Ihii : Plantation chorus. Avo»i,-in Minstrels, "Do Lecture." Dance music until 11 P.m. God Save the King. 4YA, Duncdin (4t!3 metres).—2.l j p.m.: Description of Itugby football match from Carisbrook Grounds. 7.15 : News session. 7.30 : Address on "Psychology," by Mr. 11. M'Quecu. S.O: Town Hall chimes. S.I: Relay from the Empire Theatre. S. 10: Quartet, 4YA, Harmonists, "Alice, Where Art Thou?" 8.1-1: Pianoforte, Miss Arolia Allan (a) "The Doll Dance" (lirown); (b) 'Tolly" (Zamecuik). 8.1!): Soprano, Miss Roma Buss, "Song of Sunshine." 5.22: Violin, Mr. A. R. Watson (a) "Polonaise" (Bohm) ; (b) "Romance" (Thelma). 00 : Tenor, Mr. It. A. Mitchell, "Passing By." 8.33: Cornet, Mr. George Christie, "The Mocking Bird." 5.40: Mezzo-soprano, Miss Moliic Andrews, "The Hills of Donegal." 5.43: Relay from the Empire Theatre. S. 00: Baritone, Mr. F. M. Tuohy, "Tlio Night Nursery." 8.53: Flute, Mr J. W. Stewart (a) "Belladonna" USuckner) ; (b) "Philomelcus Klage" (Popp). 9.3: Weather forecast. 9.5: 4YA Harmonists, "A Lover's Ditty." 9.5: Pianoforte, Miss Arolia Allan: (b) "Simple Aveu" (Thome); (b) "liieljcstraume" (Lizst). Soprano, Miss Roma Buss, 'The Willow." 9.19: Violin, Mr. A. I!. Watson, "Carnival de Venice" (Haddock). !i.2-l: Tenor, Mr. It. A. Mitchell, "Bo Thou h'aithful Unto* Death" (Mendelssohn). 'J.2il: Cornet, Mr. George Christie, (a) "Tranquillity"; (b) "Romance" (Jenkins). 11.35: Mezzosoprano, Miss .Moliic Andrews, "Love, Here is My Heart." 9.35: Flute, Mr. J. W. Stewart, "Lorcley." 0.43: Baritone, Mr. F. M. Tuohy, "Kleanorc."' 9.41!: 4YA Harmonists. "Goodnight, Good-night, Beloved." 9.50: liclay from Empire Theatre. 10.0: Close down. 2FC, Sydney (142 metres).—S.O: From tiic Conservator! tun Hall, a programme by the Conservatorhuu Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Alfred Hill. A Wagnerian programme. Soloist, Vladimir Elm. Russian baritone. 9.10: Late weather forecast. Oliver King (basso), (a) "Ho, Jolly Jenkin; (b) "Old Clothes and Fine Clothes." 9.15: From the Conservatorium Hall, Sydney, continuation of Wagnerian programme. 10.10: From the studio, Oliver King. 2I!L, Sydney (349 metres).—B p.m.: U.P.O. clock. Topical chorus. 5.3: Scotch concert, from tlio Auburn Town Hall. Pipe selection, Durnsido Boys' Pipe Baud; solo, "Sound the Pibroch,1 Mr. Richard M'Clelland; solo, '"Sing lac Me the Auld Scotch Songs," Miss Mabel Biitchclor: Scotch humour, Ad Crce; solo, "Hail Caledonia," Amy Ostiuga; violin, "Sweet Afton," .Mr. Tom Williams. 8.30: Talk on tlso aborigines by Bringa. 8.45: From the stadium, a description of (lie boxing contest. 9.30 : From the Auburn Town Hall, pipe selection. Buruside Boys' I'ipe Band; solo, "M'Gregor's Gatherln'," Mr. Kenneth Hunt: solo, "Land oT Hamc and Purple Heather," Miss Amy Ostingii; Highland lancers; solo, "Will Ye Xo Come Back," Miss Mabel Batchelor; violin, "Ye Banks and Braes," .Mr. Torn Williams; solo, ".rock, Tarn, and Kab," Mr. Richard .M'Clelland: Scotch humour, Jlr. Ad Cree. 10.10: Following day's programme. 10.20: Wentworth Cafe Orchestra till 11.'15 p.m. 3IiO, .Melbourne (370 metres).—B.3 p.m.: Camp Fire Competition: Ist West Footscray Troop, Concert programme. 8.25: Madame l.ambeit, soprano, "Two French Songs." 5.33: Rupert Hazcll and El3ie Day, "Harimmylarity " S. IS: The Station Orchestra "Floods of Spring" (Rachmaninoff). 8.33: Description of to-night's event at (ho Stadium. 10.15: The Station Orchestra, "A Lover in Damascus" (fiuden). 10.25: Nettu Rnduc.v, soitbretle "My Blue Heaven." "Kverytliing's Made fur Love." 10.32: Tlio Station Orchestra, "My Heart at. Thy Sweet Voice" (Saint-Saens) "Keraerdo" (Koro). 10.40 : Kileen Jlovd contralto, "Beyond the Dawn," "Surrender.'" II 47 ■ Ijiilo sporting notes. 11.1: Tlio Vagabonds, dance music till 4I!G, Brisbane (355 metres).—S p.m.: Relaying of ihe choral session, Murwillumbah -Musical Festival, including grand choral cnntcsi, mule choir contest, and ladles' choir contest. 10 p.m.: News; weather; close, down. SUNDAY, lOtli JUNE. 2VA. Wellington (42(1 metres).—ll am • Morning service of the Cambridge Terrace Congregational Church. Preacher, Rev. Thomas \atcs; organist and choirmaster .Mr. 'J. r ur . r'n /-I' ,'!■'"■ •'" '1-:!." "•'"•: At"''»oon session. i>.o. Uridrens session —Uncln Hrncst and St. ..iimess Presbyterian Chulr. 0.35: Evening sel . lie Horn hi lhoin,-is-.s Anglican Climch. \ev.('vicai , I!i"nsun: *-r; uMr. Wcnzcl Collie.' Lit" hii.p'i'ox./^Re'la'v^ot' IYA Auckland (:,:;:: metres).-:; , 0 „,;„ P.m.. Alternuun session. 0.0: Chihlren's sum; service, conducted by Undo Leo, assisted by Dominion Road Methodist Sunday School 7 I)'----livening service from St. Andrews Church Creaclicr, (he llcv. Lamb Harvey. O-ganht' •r. Neil M'Doupall. 5.30: Relay of" Auckland Municipal Hand reciial from Town Hall. 3YA, ciirlstchurcli (.100 metres).-. 3.30 • Children's song service, conducted by Uncle Sam. assisted iiy Tennyson Street Congr ill».'ial Sunday School. <i.3u : Evening service from Trinity Congregational Church. I'rcacher, the Rev. D. Gardiner .Miller. 8.15. Relay ■IYA, liiineiliu (-103 metres).— 5.30 p.m. : Children's song service, conducted by Big Brother Hill, assisted by the V.M.C.A. Boys' Division Choir. 0.30: Relay of service from the . Moihodtst Central .Mission Preacher the Rev. W. Walker: organist, Mr. Charles A. .Martin. S.O; Relay from His Majesty's Theatre of concert by the Kaikotal Band. T/.V, I'almcrsto:) -North (255 metres).—.l pm till 4.30 p.m.: Concert session. 7 till U: Con2FC Sydney (112 metres).— p.m. till 10..-1(1 p.m. 2I!L, Sydney (319 metres).— p.m.: Service from Chalmers fresliytoriau Church, city. 5.30: Hand recital by iiic North Sydney Tramway Band. 0.1".: From the .studio. -Miss Bertha Waters (soprano). !).22: Mr. Herald Wiih-nn lylolinlst). 9.29: Jlr. Stanley It. Catlett (tenor). 9.30: Jlr. Bryce Carter (cellist). 9.13: Miss Bertha Waters. 9.50: -Mr. Gerald Wali'iin. H. 57: Weather report aiuf '10.1: Jlr. Stanley R. Catlett. .10.8: Mr. lirycii Carter. 10.15: Close down. 3LO. Jli'iboiirne (371 metres).- 7.0 p.m.: lining service from Wesley Church. Melliriuruc: ciHHliictnr li.v the Rev. C. Irvinn I'.cns.m. 5.31/- Birthday greetings and au- ' iniiinccmi-iii.-. -i.3.-.: Maivcrii Tramway* ISa-id. .selection. "Tsclialkiiwsky's Works.- 5.17: lionah! .M'licalh, violin. "Itomuncc" (Svciis-li.-ii) : ■•liondiu.r- (licHliovcn). 5.51; The Sturv "(" an Open', iimlcr the direction ol William' (;. Jani'.'s. !'.:!!: M.ilveru Traumnys liar.d. I'ri'luil" and Inlcnm'Z-'.o frotr Hi-' ' ".M'-chari of Venice." 9.10 : llnnalil Al'licnlh. vinli... •■lii' Mi.i"-'" (Wlcnlawski) : " Ml«"nijilil ISclls" (lli'iibci-Kerl. 9.311- Mnlvern Traui-i-iiv.v liiuid ■•l.dwliislonc." 9.r>2: Newt Scr■l'.JG IJiisliiiuc (393 mitres). ■ 7.30 p.:u.: l-"rn:i S|. Stephen's Caihedriil. evening service, tnllmvcl by :i .Mi'iccri. hy ihv tiri.-diam- Municipal ''oi'Ci-rl l'j'"'j;

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Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 135, 9 June 1928, Page 7

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RADIO PROGRAMMES Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 135, 9 June 1928, Page 7

RADIO PROGRAMMES Evening Post, Volume CV, Issue 135, 9 June 1928, Page 7


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