Mrs. L. B. Beale. who has been on a visit to Auckland with her husband, icturned to WelUngton to-day. ■Mr. and Mrs. F. N. B. Meadows and Miss Meadows, Lower Hutt, have left , for a visit to Australia. ... Miss Dorothy Murphy, Wellington, is the guest of Mrs. F. G. Murphy, Palmerston North. Mrs. Jasper Parrott has returned to Wellington, and will be the guest of her sisterj Mrs. W. P. Spmmerville, Coroinande! street, during the absence of her husband, Paymaster-Lieut. Parrott, of H.M.B. Dioinedc. ' The death occurred this morning after a long illness of Mrs. Carev, the wife of Mr. A. H. Garcy, manager of the. Bank-of Naw Zealand at Greymouth, states a Press Association telegram. Mrs. G. A. Chapman presided at the monthly meeting of the Lower Hutt branch of the Plunket Society, which was well attended, The nurse's report, showed a busy month. The secretary, reported everything well in hand ior the annual meeting. The nomination of a lady representative of the Salvation Army for the incoming committee is of special interest, as it completes the "Plunket Square" as drawn up by Sir Truby King. . . The engagement is announced of Misn Rene Stains, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stains, late of Wanganui, now of Gisborne, to Mr. George S. Persson,'son of Mrs. A. Persson, Victoria avenue, Palmerston North. ■ ;
The Public Works Department is holdingits animal dance next week. This year the dance is to be held in the Masonic Hall, The Terrace.: A feature of the Department's dance in previous years has been the original decorations, and this year *s committee has a most artistic decorative scheme in hand. The music will be supplied by the Star Orchestra, and Mrs. Oscar Johnson is in charge of the catering. An arrangement for late buses to Hataitai, Lyall Bay,-Island Bay, and Lower Hutt-has been made. '■■■/•':■. ":■ •'•,: Miss E. M. Leitch (of the permanenr. staff of the Government Insurance De'partment)whd ( isleaying to be married to Mr. P. Gilligan, of the same Department, "'has been entertained by r her fel-low-officer's on, several occasions during the past week. She Hyas entertained by tho members' of the Department at a kitchen tea, when gifts were made suitable to tlie occasion. ; On another evening, a party was given in her honour (in the Department's elub-rooni) by the Social ,Glub.- The first part pf the evening wa^ i,d?'V ote3 to * bright Pierrot: performance given by'several menibers of the club, tho remainder of the evening being ispent in. dancingl The ladies of the staff provided-a dainty supper for the guests, of -whom. there ■ wero a^iout 75 proscnt; .A very enjoyable evening was spent,' during which, Miss Loitch: was /presented p'n behalf of the Social Club' with a ;handsome Stewart crystal'salad bowl. On Thursday afternoon Miss.Leitch arid Mr. Gilligan were the recipients from .the staff of the Department of a handsome dinner service and Westminster chiming ■. clock. The; presentation ;was ;niade-by the Commissioner, tMri' '|f'.'E. Allison, who, referred to tlje; great ■,estecn> in yrliich Miss lieitch and .Mr/Gilligan - were llicld '■■ by the "s't'affjTandr Who conveyed best wishes-, for-their, future. ,_.„,.' ,
Internal Affairs Department Dance. . The Mokoiai Hall, was gaily decorated with blue and gold streamers last night, when the Internal Affairs Department staff held their annual dance. ,Tho:Min- ;- ister of Internal; Affaifaf (Hoik 'B. F. Bollard) and jMiss.Bollard were present, and were accompanied by-Mr. and Mrs. J. JJislopi: the; latter in a black-beaded frock. .Tho meiribers-pf tlio committee resnonsible for :th^ .arrangements rwerc: Miss; Barry,: iij.., g^een and, ailver tissue and taffeta; Miss Miller, in blue beaded georgette; Miss Wylie, in pink charmeuse; Miss. Trqtt,' blue, georgette and lace;' Miss Charman, .Javondcr taffeta; Miss M' Alooii, ivory taffeta; Miss "Williamsoii, in blue georgetto and silver lace; and Messrs. JTurlong, Jenkins, Bender, and Swift;. Among tho many present were Mr., ami-Mrs. Dwyer, Miss S. Brown, Miis M. Craig, Miss 11. Bold, Miss O. Archer, Miss.M. Murphy, Miss 1). Nelson, Miss .Bobison, Miss Hill, Miss Jacobscn, Miss Murray, Miss Morrison, Miss Knbbott, and Messrs. Moffat) Millier, D. Jones, and Forsythe. Miss Connop' and, partner gave an ap-. preciated exhibition danco. tho Spar Orchestra rendered capital music, iinft the extras were played by Miss Hill and Mr. Millier. '-■'■ ■■-■'■■
Children's Dance. The Masonic ..Hall, Soatoun, was crowded recently when a children's party was held by tho local branch of the Women' 3 i National, Boserve in aid of the W.N.B. Besidential Nursery. It was most gratifying to see: tho large number of mothers, who camo to enjoy the fun and help the good cause.' Mrs. 8. M. Stone was in charge of the programme, and had capable helpers in Mr. Hemingway as M.C,, and Miss Mason as pianist. 'During.tho afternoon a recitation was given by Miss Marshall, and exhibitions of national dancing by the Misses M'Carrison. Tho rest of tho time was Bpent in- dancing, games, and novel competitions, and Jin the interval enjoyable refreshments were served by the ladies of tho committee. Prizes were presented to tho champion ticket sellors, Misses , Johnston ' and Pease and Master Stewart Koir, also to the winners of the various competitions. At the conclusion hearty' votes of thanks were accorded to Mrs. Stone, Miss Mason, Mr. Hemingway, and Miss Freoman, president of tho branch, for providing a most enjoyable afternoon, by which the funds of tho nursery would greatly benefit. Women's National Reserve. Mrs. Matthew Holmes presided at the headquarters' oxecutive meeting of tho Women's National Beserve, and received a very hearty welcome from tho members after her recent indisposition. Mrs. Snell (secretary) gave an account of the quarter's work, and Miss Post treas.) presented the financial statement; both were most satisfactory. It was resolved,, to donate £25 to the Girls' Club, and much appreciation was expressed of . the fine work the members of the club ■ had accomplished. Mrs. Guthrie gave a gratifying report of the welfare branch of the W.N.B. A subcommittee was set up to make arrangements for the annual meeting, which is to take place in July. An Interesting Visitor. _Many people are looking forward with very great pleasure to the visit of Mrs. Howard Taylor (of China), who, as well as: being: a distinguished missionary, is an authoress of distinction. Among her books are:."Tho Story of the Chinese Island Mission,." "In tho Far East," and 1 the "Life of Pastor Hsi.' (one. of .China's scholars), and a number of others. The W.C.T.U;': '■"':- -,/■ .- : -:V. Mrs. Harry gave an interesting account of her/visit to tho district convention,'held recently in IToxton, a!, the monthly meeting of Wellington Centrarw.C.T.lT. The Petitions Com-, .niitte.o..reported, satisfactory progress in their efforts for the petition for the tivo-issuo ballot paper. One now member whs added to the union; also an evening social and sale of small goods was arranged for, to take place during July.
A Pleasant "At Home.,"
There was a great gathering of gucslfi at the Prime Minister's residence in Tinakori road yesterday afternoon, whoii Mrs. J. G. Coates gave a very pleasant "at home." The rooms wore delightfully bright and warm, with many pot-plants and flowers making groups of beauty in a number of directions. Tea was set in the dining-room, ■with a large shaded crimson lamp above the tables, and a.silver bowl oi' pink and crimson shaded antirrhinums iv the centre. The billiard-room was also utilised as a tearoom, and thore the decorations were of deep yellow incurved chrysanthemums, in silver and crystal vases, arranged .with autumn leaves. An orchestra played some acceptable music in the hall. Mrs. Coates received her guests wearing black georgette over ivory colour, bordered with ivory lace, and a posy of coloured flowers. Her Excellency Lady Alice Fergusson was present, wearing a black satin ensemblo costume, with, touches of .scarlet, and a hat to match. Among the other guests were Lady Stout, Lady P,omarc, Lady Luke, Lady Bobcrts, Lady Allen, Lady Findlay, Mrs. Sprott, Mrs. Troup (Mayoress), Mrs. A. C. Day, Mrs. Bollard, Miss Downie Stewart, Miss Skerrett, Mrs. B. A.-Wright, Mrs. Norwood, Mesdames L. P. Blundell, Knox Gilnier, H. Hall, Tringham, Parker, C. W. Salmon, Maedonald, Florance, B. Kennedy, Corrigan, Mitford, Wylie, O'Shea,- Davidson, Harcourt, Jacob Joseph, Darling, Gear. Andersen, A. Harper, E. Hadfield, iSievwright, F. E. Ward, Malfroy, M. Myers,- D. C. Bates, A. Gray, Beere, W. G. Johnston, Peacock, Graham Eobertson, Eawson, Sheridan, Leech, Alpcrs, Mouat, Markman, Macassey, B. P. Ward, J. G. Anderson, Boyle, Burdekin, C. H. Chapman, W. D. Stewart,.' Chesney, Carpenter, D'Oyley, M. Hobbs, Hawkins,: Valintine, V. Bhind, B. W. Kane, Lyon, Dennehy, A. Smith, C. lzard, Buckleton, Carter, W. H. Field,. S. Myers, J. Henderson, Harty, Oi-mond Cooper, Hop* Lewis, J. Joseph, Eichelbaum, J. His; lip, Kemp, Bowerbank,' P. J. Nathan, Elliot, W. Kennedy, Yaldwyn, Clayton, M'Kay, Mazerigarb, M. Holmes, Lown, J. Gillon, Pow, Misses Halse, -MaoGregor, D. Hadfield, Markman, Smith, Cooper, Darling, Pomare,' Malfroy, Coleridge, Butts, Harcourt, and many others.
Public Trust Department Dance. Barely has St. Francis Hall looked as it did^-last evening, when the staff of the Public Trust Office held their annual dance. The decorations Hyere beautiful. A huge orange-shaded lamp, sot in a square of coloured lights, with festoons of red, cream,' and orange paper ilow-< evs suspended canopy-wise, had a delightful effect. Many coloured Chinese lanterns, lycopodium, and bowls of flowers were arranged round the.sitting-out corners, while the top of the room was made comfortable with carpets and easy chairs for tho hostesses. Delightful music was rendered by Allen's Orchestra, and a dainty supper .was served downstairs. Much credit:is due to the joint secretaries, Mrs. Masters and Mr. Haldane. The hostesses wero Mrs. J. W. Macdonald,; blue taffetas with silver lace,' and Mrs. Rose, flame satin and gold lace. The committee consisted of Mrs. Masters, cau-de-nil taffetas; Mrs, Moon, black, panne velvet and siU :v.or. tissue.,' withY .diainanto^.prnamen ts; Miss"Cording, pale pink georgette; Miss Jennings, cyclamen beaded-, geoigettc; Miss-Burns, nat.tier blue -taffetas; Miss Boffa, mauve and -silver sequin frock Messrs. Haldane, Kitchiug, . Watkins, Hewitt, Hill;.- Davidson. Also present, Mrs. Guy Monrc, Miss Little, Miss Gilfedder, Miss Fielding, Messrs. Macdonald, Little, Boss, Kelly,' and' Bowling. Khandaliah Croquet Olubl
Tho annual meeting of tho Khanda'llah Croquet Club -was held in tho Bowling Club pavilion last Tuesday, Mrs. Grant presiding over a good attendance of members. Officers for the coming season were elected as follow:— President, Mrs. Hollis; treasurer, Mrs. Murray; secrotary, Mrs. Wright; club captain, Mrs. Grant. A hearty vote of thanks wns passed to Mrs. Living, at present on a trip to England, for her valuablo services to the club as'honorary-, secretary. Prizes won last season were presented to Mrs. Grant, winner of tho-championship singles, who retains the Blyth Cup for another year; Mrs. Kombcr, who, in ,the handicap singles, won the club's gold button for tho A's; Mrs. Boultou, winner of tho B's silver button, who, also received Mrs. Grant's trophy; and Mrs. Warren,-who won Mrs. Kembor's trophy in tho C class. Mrs. Grant, the. retiring .president, provided afternoon tea.. .'.. .
French Club. | The fortnightly reunion of the French Oluli was hold on Thursday in the Pioneer Club Hall, Owing to the indisposition of Mr. Balhani, whose evening it was, Professor Boyd-Wilson and others kindly provided an impromptu programme, Mr, F. Mnckenzie contributed two piunoforte pieces, the first by Vordi with explanatory notes, and a ."Romance 11 by Sibelius as an encore. Professor Boyd-Wilson gave a most interesting lecturettp on euphemism. Mr. Miles gave a reading, "Sur le Scuil," anil M, Verliera gave one, "Lo Chion do Zetto"; both were touch appreciated. Mmc. Bendall conducted the conversation class, and a pleasant evening closed with tho "Marseillaise. '' Weddings. Tho wedding was celebrated recently at tho Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, of Dorothy May, only daughter of Mr. and Mry. J. A. Simpson, to Charles Henry, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. C. II Drydcn, both of Brooklyn. Tho Rev. L. M'Master, 8.A., of Christchurch, performed tho ceremony," and Mr. Len Killer presided at the organ. The church was beautifully decorated by tho Sunday school teachers. The bride woro v frock of ivory georgette and silver lace. Her veil waa beautifully embroidered with silver, and was held in place by a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet of cream roses,, pale-pink carnationa, heather, and: maidenhair fern. There were two Ijridesmaids,. Miss Dryden (chief) being in lavender georgette and silver laco and'bandeau of silver and lavender petals,; and. Miss'H. Frost in salmon georgette' and silver laco, with a bandeau to match. .Both carried bouquets to match their frocks. Mr. J. K. Purdie was best man and Mr. Robert. Kirker was'groomsman. After the ceremony.Mr. 1 and: Mrs. Simpson entertained their guests/ at Dustin's. Mrs. Simpson wore a frock of blue silk marocain and■& fawn brocaded satin coat and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Dryden later left-for the South. / The wedding was quietly solemnised at the Presbyterian Church, Khandallah, on 7th June, ; by the Rev. H. Watson, of May,^younger daughter of the late {Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckeridge, of Wellington, and Robert Valentine, only son of Mrs. Scrimgeour, of Ngaio, and of the late Mr.'J. R. Scrimgeour. The bride was given away by Mr. H. Forsythe-Connelly. The staff of Messrs. J. C..Williamson presented Mrs. ScrimI geour (jun.) with a cheque, Mr. H. Stringer, secretary, making the presentation in the absence "of Mr. Bert Royle.
A quiet wedding took place at St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral on Tuesday evening, when Elizabeth, elderV 1 daughter of the late J. B. Innes and Mrs. Innes, of Wellington, was majrried to Henry William, second son of the late H. W. Sutton and Mrs. Sutton, of Hawera. Archdeacon' Johnson officiated. The bride, who ' was given away by her brother, Mr. C. A. Innes; wore a charming frock of pastel pink, and hat to match, and sable fox fur. She carried a posy ot pink roses and freesias. The bridesmaid, Miss K.iola Innes, niece of the bride, wore a beige net and lace frock, with brown velour' hat, and carried a; posy of autumn tints. The best man was Mr. Frank Richmond, of Glasgow. Afterwards the guests were entertained by the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs., Sutton left later for "he North, the bride wearing a plum-coloured ensemble suit, trimmed with skunk fur, and hat to match.
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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 18 June 1927, Page 13
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2,360WOMEN IN PRINT. Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 18 June 1927, Page 13
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