!> ■•■—■"-■. ■' *;In the various grades of the local championship competitions a complete aeries of matches is to be played to-morrow, play commencing ]fi 10 a.m. . : ' . ■■. ■ , !»; Fixtures, grounds, and umpires are as follow:— ... . £! -.; ." •; Senior. •;■• Midland v. V.M.C.A., Basin Reserve \o. 1 ■Vp a.m.; Messrs. W. X. "Watts and R. HeiS- . ■ . - !*' Wellinfiton -v. Thorndon, Basin Reserve No ;£, 10- a.m.; "Messrs. :L. E. Bell and F W yQlayton. ' : ' "• .. i Petone r. Old Boys, Petone No. 1, 10 a.m.; 'Messrs. JQ. Webb- and J. D. May: SB-t University v. Institute, at Kilbirnie, 10 a.m.: J.vK. Burley and W. J. Chatfleld. •— Hutt v. Kilbirnie, at Hutt, 10 a.m.'; Messrs. W. Toomath and W. Page. ' ' i~. ■. .• .; Junior A. : Institute v: pid Boysl at Kelburn Park No. 1, Messrs. R. Brooks and G. Walden; Thorn--Kilbirnie, Anderson, No. 2; Petone v. :,EMldland, Petone;' Wellllrigton v. University j ggAnderson, No. 1; V.M.C.A. v. Hutt, Hutt. ,'•* Junior B. S University v. Old Boys, at Kelbum Park No. £?2, Messrs': W. iO. L. Beyer and A. Tidman; -silnstttute v. Wellington B, at Kelburn Park gNo. 3, Messrs. W. Clements and J. Kinnear; College t. Porlrua, bye; Karori v.. «.:Johnsonville, Johnspnvllle; Wellington A. v.' **Hutt, Hutt. : , ._;.;,■, . ■ I ■g ' Junior C. v. Kilbirnie, Newtown, No. 7; g*Mldland v. V.M.C.A., Wakefleld No. 2; Marist 'ii»v- Thorndon'. A, Karori No. 8; Wellington College v. Stop Out, a bye; Thorndon B V. Hutt, jiHutt> ijf; Junior'D. : . g Thorndon y, Railways, Railways win by deytfault; Kilbirnie v. Wellington, Newtown No. 1; jjMarlst v. Stop Out, Karori No. 9; University Sly. Midland, Wakefleld No. 1. .- • '(£..' Third A. ' N • ■£g Institute, A v. Eastbourne, Eastbourne; =H-T.M.Cy. Ay. Railways,: Karori jfo. 10; Kllv. Institute B, Wakefletd Park No. 3; yiKhandallali : won from Old Boys by default- '••■ Midland v. V.M.C.A. B, Karori No 7?ISH&- Ti-'.'W'^lngton.xCoHeEeivHutt: four-point -'._ ' ThmTß. - s^"*Petone: v. Johnsonvillo, Jotinsonville; Karori v. Petone Wesley, Petone No. 5; Kilbirnie A v. T.M.C.A. B, Lyall Bay No. 2; Kilbirnie B v. Institute, Lyall *Say No. 1; Y.M.G^A. A r. Wellington. College, V.M.C.A.,: foiir-polnt win. . ■■...". ...,.• Fourth. . •..■.• Stop Out y. Hutt Valley High School, Ston Out four-point win; Hutt v. Petone, Hutt No "jj^;^s>e''"le Wesley V. Khandallah, Petone' No. ;Jjj 6; Johnsonville, a bye. ... 7 <jj ;. Mercantile League.. .:'• -.' •M Nivens v. Golllns, Lyall Bay/No. 2; Todd v. %" OdUns, Karori Park No. 2; Smith and Smith" i**v. Macky-Logan, Karori Park, No. i; Harjv<bour Board v. Stewarts, Wakefleld'Park No. »:r 6; Customs v. Elec A, Newtqwn park No. 5; iJ'Hyamsv.-Whitcombes, AVakefleld Park No. ?t ii Cables v: Cowans, KUbirnle No. 5; Bannaand Hunter v. Dalgety, Karori Park No. 5*5; Blec. B v. P. and T., Kilbirnie No. 9; Tracuum v..Pastime.s, Karori Park No. 3; WiHs j^ v. Ford/lyall Bay No. 1." ' ■ijjf Wellington League. •?J Walker Shield team v. Rest of League, Wake- '•£ field Park, 10 a.m. • • it The following team will represent the Rest is of League:—Aitken, Murphy, Cruickshanks (Selrtjwyn), Elliott, Gell, Walker (Wellington South), •)> Miller, Erskine (1.8.C.), Bolton (Overhead) ft Capes.(C.C.M.), Lye (G.P.0.); emergency, Kenlit ': .'. ' Boys' League. ijj Senior.—Stop Out v. Oriental, Prince of !»►; Wales Park; United B v. St. Patrick's, United Jg win by default.. . Special match: United A ,v win by default; Karori v. St. "Patrick's, Karori -> v. Stop Out fourth sradc; Prince of Wales 5* Park. Cancelled Match: Karori v. United B. Uy Intermediate:—Brooklyn v. St. Patrick's B •|S. Brooklyn win by default; Belmont v. Oriental, w,i Nairn street; Khandallah y. Stop Out Nairn "i;-street; Johnsonville y: St.'Patrick's A, John--5J sonville. win by default ;■ Trinity v. Lyall f.P Bay, Lyall Bay. - . "A '- ' '"' ;': •■'■ TEAMS.- . ■'.. '■■•■ J£ Wellington.—Seniori: Airey, ■ Bruce, Cousins .' Craig, Monkhouse, O'Connor, Plant, Tucker .-? Wagstaffe, Whitwell, Wliyto. Junior A: Brem- (,£[- ner. Butler, Evans, Wetcher, Heap, Jacobsen, ujr Puttick,r.Hex, Richardson, Simpson, Symdnds, ;t^*ren;.'Junior-B: Andrews,. Gllmer, Goss.Rowden; MugUston, Waller, Williams, Stringer, Torlesse, Ward, Bennett. Junior B2: Hobbs SfaliSyß; Blnnie, Treadwell,. Rqdgers, Crombie, '-Cornish, Hlckson; Gray, Do Taur, Hanna. Jun- " Jor D: Black, Benson, Donald, Fltzglbbon, Klndall, Larkin, Hanchard, Natress, Pike, M'Nee Keenlyside.
Midland.—Senior: Baker, Hutchings' (2), Doneghue. Dlnd, Clark, Judd, Hester, Spence, Patrick, Turvey. JuniorvA.i-.Wataon, Allen; Tldman, Nlcholls, Barber; Bezzant, Cooper, Walker N. Hutchlngs, v Santborpe, Joster-Brown, Rodgera (12th mta).- -Junior' C: MrKtanon, 1" Cummlngs, Bromley, Harrington, Heard, Benjamin, Wmta-ms/Mooney, Smith (2), Thawley. i Hntt^rSenior:.'TattersaU; Aldersley, Beard, Watson,-. M'Leod, -Nunn; Shannahan,' Gwllliam, Gibson,-M-Kay,,Lees. Junior "A: Cobcrbft! WaKeJin, Balks, Xockstt; Neagor, Pegler, Mattheyv' Warnes,' A. Judd. Wetherall, Elsora. Jujflot; B: Dolg, "Ball, Wall, Adams, Wesley, £»T c <v,f I!.u<'duig»"P. ,Judd, M'Kay, Webster, Murphy.:, Junior C: Stewart, Robertson (2) Buckleyy Te;-Puni, Prince, Ell. Featonby, Boss) B. Aldersley,.-Phillips. Fourth: Gates, Dyer! Lambert,. Atkins, Sherlock, Perkins, Hayden Roberts, Morrison,:Massey, Wright; emergencies, M earthy, France,-Duncan, Kerrige. : Institute Old'Boys.i^Senlor: Banks, Burt Bllby, Baumber.'.Calvert,'Douglas, Toley, Griffiths, Malcolm, atasseyj Prince. Junior A: Brabin, Crook, Andrews, Owen, Leggatt Stevens, Thomas. Bogers, Noot, M'llwraith, Bxton. B: Plntarton, Herd,.Bryant, Spolsky (2), Ward, Douglas, Burbldge, Pringle, B*rr, Collenge. Third A 2: Markham, Thompson, Taylor, Fulton, Smith, Hlckllng, Halnes/- Pike JS >nl?!- Kay ' L Macaulay. Third Al: Melville, Hinchiiffe, Lewis, Collenge (2), Pratt, Balft (2) Owen, Faulkner. '
.University.—Senior: ■ Mackenzie, Mackay, Hatchings, Lews,, ;WUs6n (2), Tripe - (2) M'Gavta,.Qsborne,,v;ietmeyer., Junior A:oßTaiu ■ Hiln, Hall, Oaicey, Duff,- Hughes, Chtlds, Cor-' mack, ;Arndt,i Smythe; M'Dqnald. Junior B - MTarlane.CPaiton.'Caiawell'(2), Clouston, Pitkowsky,, ; .Crltchley, Grey; Robertson, Plckwell< Moore..^ Junior D: Mac Duff, Taylor, Rlddell GrUßny Kerit,v Johnson, Traser,; Slml3ter, ■ Kelly ; Hammerton,-Tracey. ■ ; . , . wS^ C *t;:^™ orL B- n*u<&c?, R. White," r' Wfjstbrook,«A.' Birch, L. Turner,'J. Smith,!,. Browne; JyVirtue, R. Lamason,>J.-Lamason.-vL; AUanspn.. junior A: 11.I 1. Thomas,.! 1. Swain,' S.;Puncan,jF.- Smith, W. Bolt.tjD. Vlrtuel'iC. Hooper,-E.. Andrews, H.'. Thorn,' D. Reynolds T. Ferguson.; 'Junior C: Franklyn; Aspen,- Aim- - strong,. Green; .Pearson,- Bridges, Pengelly,- Hall Arcus,.Tooley;Pearman. Thlrd-A ("A") :Matse^, s <2>4 Hawker ;(2)i Peddle (2), Sievenson, KeUing,;,iHyltqn, RobWspn;. Rofcerts, Seamer ' Caudln. ■^'/■•''■i:-\'-i'i-O'^ ' ■• -.■'■■ ■ •' :■■■,'
•n, 1? Bs,yfT-Sen!or,: T Barclay, Baillle, Duncan, Dustln, Fltzmaurlce, Lusk, Patrick, Pope, Ron'aldson, Winaifty, Windsor. Junior A: Bull, Burt v Bowles, Colley, .BUJott, Dustln, Johnston S■; Mff tol!f* G*i 's»»lnta. > luiilor-B:: Blnnle, Broad (2). Casey, Condor, Flower, Grainger, Klrker, M'Coll, M'Kay, Souper. United.—A team: Bateman, Godfrey, Hazelm?t.k l ar?.s, ld»« FraaCT- Peachey, Butcher, Marsh, Smith, Scojrgins, Roche. B team:; lh T l?, re ' Mtn^Sampson, Cole, Cook,/ Revoll, Nicholl, - Shlrnun;- 'Mallord, Saddler: 1 - Finlay Logan. 1- .": -'.-' !-,:... .Mi. '.■■■■ -Karori^-Junior'3: Russell^Nlmmo, Shop— hetd,;,BandeU (2)., Keenan (2). Monk Kelly,: Sutton;;.Makin,;Gaßkin.-Third-B: ButcherLegge, Hewitt, Adams, Jensen, Freeman, Lewer' H^nl.» Ct, owthJ r''. King M'GaTin,; M'Naughton. Kllblrnle.—Senior: Armstrong, Eaton; W J Christophersen, Morris, Bramley, Redmond' Lang, GreifT, Holz, Algar (2). Junior A: J. Clark, W. B. Clarke, E. Christophersen, Moss H. Algar, Izett, M. Browne, Dais, Nichole, Sutherland, J. Phillips, Hilton. Junior C: DicklnBjn, Kershaw, Rutherford, Allen, Griffiths, Jeffs, Miles, Watson, M'Quade, J. Brown, ChrlstoDher-sen.-1 Junior-D: Wharton.i Lloyd, Stephenson/ Jtonberg, Hague, Rogers/ P. Phillips; Drummond A^ Armstrpng,, Daniell, Walters/ Dykes, Burton: Third. A: M'Arthur, Guise, Brownlee, Boyes' Brew," Holmea,-Rogers, Teasdale, Law; "Bloom Phillip/, .Third. B (A): Hepburn,' Tucker, Hus- V toij, Duncan. (S), Robinson, Condon, A. E. Clarke, Christie, Perkins. Third B (B) • Capper (2), Toomar; (2), Hobman, Hanscombe Strange, Honors, Rice, Beck.
Tliorndori.—Senior: Hyder, Roberts, Foley (2), Phillips, Caulton, Bull, Gibson, Carruthers, Mason, and Ellerm.
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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1927, Page 4
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1,157CRICKET Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1927, Page 4
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