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; Nine-tenths of the work t^^^^^^^^^' 1 dorce /or jwh ..Soaping, rolling, soaking, and rinsing.—'how easy the Sunlight washday is 1 There is no hard, grinding work : '.: about:it. The pure; yellow tablet takes nine-tenths of " "the work out of your hands.. That tablet has a history. It, has been watched and tested at every step of its making by the Sunlight ' chemists. If there had been the slightest impurity in. '„ it, they would have said, " No, not good enough." V : So-no wonder your washing is easy with Sunlight! *;j Everything has been done to make things easy for you; ~, when you buy Sunlight Soap you buy the help of all at the Sunlight works who make the production of £ good soap their life's work. Could there be a finer • ; , nl. ;, guarantee for anything in the world ? 365 ' ■ I,' 33 ' ■ £1,000 Guarantee of Purity on Every Bar. . f\ "^. ' ::'■ ' ■ " ' ■ ■ ' \v / / tLEVEH .BROTHERS f^\ ~M. ">^""^. ' ■ // pi il:||S| %^» 4 ;^HIW lUUIlo) LIMITED B \/% S D // V^ 0^ "zZtf?* r ■ -'-: r^\ ■ m/ ■ vL^Jr •*e-j-j-_l. :^<%~^ // pi ißjilli &T&\ StisiihnieinmmiurMwSSSsiSSa.^^/ f ,JB ,-—*■" —'j'TT^Sy'^^ ' . i^.A*lJL!l'JJ.'J' gJw»ap»

jj Supper Savouries. IV Brown & Poison's I rp Corn Flour IL^ YOUR FEATURES DON'T MATTER 'Half as> much as your complexion. A woman with indifferent, even homely features, can ba exceedingly attractive if she has a fine complexion. '-/ '. What constitutes a really lovely skin? Look at a child's complexion; all the paint and powder in; the world won't produce just that freshness of tint and delicacy of texture. The loveliest skin is a natural skin.' ' ;/ '-■■ ■: '•'■'> ■: '■]' ■ -\ 'V /NATURE'S WAY. ' ' In perfect health the outer skin is perpetually being "thrown off" or renewed, disclosing, the .-clean/fresh tissue under-, ueath.v In time .this action "becomes weakened and sometimes lost altogether, with the result that the: complexion becomes: (Coarse, wrinkled, and. "muddy." Mciv colised 'wax prevents this in a scientific way. By smearing the wax on. every night, the old soiled outer skin is made to flake away invisibly, and"the clear, fresh complexion beneath is /revealed. '■ No, other treatment acts :in exactly this way or produces exactly the same result...-', Natural perfection is the: great--•est Beauty of a complexion. . Mercolised wax assists: your-skin to perfect itself, keeping it clear and free to breathe, and impregnating : it with, oxygen, with the result.thatoany woman who uses it systematically can count on having a soft, clear, and-delicate skin up to quite an advanced age.—Advt.'; "•::..' ■ 'art i ■"■ f: ■'■f; <* - ■—-i ■• ■ WJF ZANN. GIVES INSTANT RELIEF M .-■H-."';. Mr3..C.W.p,, Gisbome: writes:— : ':\ . 'JJ- /. Hie free trial of Zann gave me inA.-. stant relief.- lam enclosing remittN ?? cc I f,or>:o«'«a>ment.".TheZann ' ■ I-" 1 .... Double Absorption treatment is a scientific remedy for piles which has i restored to health hundreds of sufferers. . Write for generous sample ; treatment, enclosing ninepence/in . - : V stamps to cover packing and post- - S?f- wTte Zan» Proprietary. Box ,/./ -.•■-! 952, Wellington. . -: ,'. .--,... ■.' . - BooHeti aria Jfoelii of "'Zann" e»a *• <* .tamed/ from King's Prescription Pharmacy, 4,Conrtenay Place; and W.". S. Wallace, Chonnst, Willis Street and Lambton Quay „.:,;. -.- : v ; ,:-. i-.. Wellington. ./ . /-:.-: ' BADAOTBw- CONSUL! -:.. y _.■:*•': HEADACHES ; <C\J^ SPECTACLES' ;v-^ -:y -'y''^ WEAI ETES OK AwS^ii lEAKEKS >^ ; OPTICIAN «mi ira mm manners 8T;

; "Dont sport with health."—Jackson. You cannot afford to take chances with your health, especially in chilly weather. Keep ills at .bay .with: Baxter's Lung Preserver. For over half a century this famous remedy has given relief to countless thousands^ of sufferers', from ''colds, coughs, bronchitis, and influenza. "Baxter's": has unique penetrative qualities that quickly root-out-the trouble. Also a dependable tonic. i Get a generous-sized 2s 6d bottle now . from any chemist or store. Family size 1 4s 6d. But be sure you get "Baxter's" ! I —Advt. Oh, Kubla Khan was a clever" old man i Oh, a clever: old man was .ho ! I But a Khan can't always euro a cold [ When his -health is .in jeopardy. : | But a Khan- or a man or Mohammedan . Can conquer a cold mature, I Or nip a sniff in the shortest span With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure? ' ■ —Advt.

IJT V-l W LJLIO W lill I JtLIC dALII MANNERS ST. 1-v •-■ • ' . r' ' ' &&F**<: Hafc onrl I\Aams*a««.. Woollen Scarves—Fleecy finish, in shades of « > Xir \ nt/» ■ in. Jr. " ' . ' ■ ■ r^\ :■ ' nats and Mercery jffi^^^i crinkl f^ Boys Wear . Boys Overcoats and Raincoats %.:•' • . , <iiij^^ ' Ohestergate 55 Co.;s Hats—All now shapos and man's scarf . 12/6 Now 10/6 BOYS'SUITS IN WANTED SlZES—(irey Kaia^ BOYS' OVERCOATS—Size. 9, dark groy and |v J #aaP*" 7^*\ . T?!i«Sr> s w,t« , 4.v 21/- Now 18/6 A Dressy Scarf—Whito fancy self stripe poi, sizo 16, 39/6, 35/-; Navy Defiance, size 16,' very nice mid grey, "Lynx" make, usual 40/ v H'- ' ' ' IT W< ' t-»*> f*A ' T^tl ». M otter English Makes- 7/6 Now 5/6 30/-, 15/6; Fawn Tweed Herring, sizo 17, 42/-, now 15/6; size 6, grey.usual4s/-, now 35/-; size «■/'"• i |I ia^rgPS • ' ■ jTX ' Atoto ST™ H T'fc 20/- Now 22/6 Silk Scarves—ln smart black and white stripes 35/-; Dark Grey Herring, sizo 17, 42/-, 35/-; 9, "Kaiapoi," dark heather, usjial-39/6;-now-m r ' ■ ' > //T—jBBR. -J ' V** >^ A\ ' , * r~T, wo latest stapos;;in light groy, Wore 6/11 to 25/- Sale Prices 5/11 to 20/- Dark faroi Kaiapoi, size 17, 47/6, 25/-; Hough 29/6; sizo" 7, herringbone, lovat shade, usual i ■ CaMESSS"^- l^S^/Pv ' ' -rrr V ' tt¥° 32/6 Now 29/6 Onn -_. ITn c' „. w - f v , , 7" , , , Serge, size 17, -15/-, 30/-; Dark Grey Worsted, 39/-, now 27/-; sizo 7, brown herringbone, R - - iSPffCTT ' N-^>V Woodrow's Hats-Superior English; newest col- °P g ™J^ cs-Wl^ suo*° Palm q ss on^.lad^ s' sizo 15,52/6,37/6; Dark Grey Worsted, size 15 usual 35/-, now 25/,; size 12, brown herring I' ••' £>%V£ XflT VTV V*V *££? k p«., TTt."xr * ,35/' Now 32/6 „ * * , 'WcroS°/- Sale Price 35/- 53/0, 37/6; Dark Grey Kaiapoi.. sizo 15, 60/- bone, usual 40/ v. now 27/6; size 12, brown H . % \^' i \JSkJ % -tiats—jvfewost shapes; in light Cape Deer Walking Gloves—ln shades of tan and 40/-; Fawn Herring, size 15, 42/-, 32/6; Mid herringbone, usual- 47/6, now 35/-; size 12 m ' .&>'^\^ffifr'* •/* «OT <*^ ' ffiV ' -r gI°H B tr + t 30/" No w 25/" groy> flee°y-lined 17/6 Sale Price 14/6 Grey, sizo 15, 42/-, 35/-; Brown Tweed, sizo brown heather, usual. 35/-, now 25/-; size is' ■ • ■ ' JT «■" *«• » .I%^^. \ Jt & S W tt\ ' -oors^uio iiats—ln great vanety . 35/- Cape Deer Walking Gloves—Tan or groy, fur- 15, 39/6, 32/6; Grey Kaiapoi, sizo 15, 38/9, brown heather, usual 32/0, now 25/-; sizo 13, H ' y-V.\A-..vl \ ILjwBW, . * * T A TN.?Jc\ Now 32/6 lined to finger tips 22/6 Sale Price 20/- 25/-; Dark Grey Worsted, sizo 14, 49/6, 37/6; dark brown, usual 42/-, now 32/- ' H *''j[' ' Vvf* >^Wdß^* /' *-I \. ' / AT Ihb tk sapS—la ' °apS—la Sreat variet 7 0/6 Ecduced to 5/6 Cape Deer Walking Gloves—Tan or grey, unlined Dark Groy Worsted, size 13, 49/6, S7/6; Serge, BOYS' RAINCOATS—Size 13/ usual 25/- Sale M '-\i' ' '>«\ '\\WfW i««^M / § -A Tk / j^» M JSJI 7/° B'ed-ucea t0 6/6 • Usually 16/6 Sale' Price 12/6 sizo 13,-45/-, 35/-; LigTit Grey Flannel, sizo 12/6; sizo 9, a close gabardine usual' 37/6 i.'- ■ . /Bf\ jXi^ S WiSfR ■L' v»N ilj a "%i /? m9&\ ' • Vf Reduced to 7/6 "Fa-mat" Collars—Semi-rigid, fino black and B'J9^', 3^'\ I^ rk ™ey Tr ee. ds '- I s-, izo (n l/-) -"Sale 25/-; size S, usual 27/6, Sale 12/6; siae 3* H. , . . M >>S<l23|gk \Jff/i/n Sk,,/^!- V 1 /i Mk \ ,9/ 6 deduced to 8/6 blue stripes 1/3 each Sale Price 3 for 2/6 %?/£> Dark m Grcy VSTorsted, sizo 11, 4:9/b, usual 17/6, Sale 10/-; size 11, firm gabardine I" f\ ' Vf xS^^fS^fin i mST 1 m\ PW? #^JW*fel ■ Sale Price 9/6 *> IS/6 SamSOn EngUsh Braces-Great.wearer .Tweed bizo o, 2 a /-, 15/-; Light Grey size 5, stout rain register, usual 35/-, Sale 27/6; size 3^ -•- V>l'*. &&,* '?i y si.i ""'^■^^^l^^^tiK's^^? * § I-aL^bl \ Bl- ' \ brown stripes; including collar to match' «s a t -wx. <-*-*■*•*.*■*-*. i . . . n i i Mpii'c fivPrmafc anil RaitiPAtltc !• V^f ivJ|[^^lKSm« IHII '\ \3 fl • usually 12/6 sale price io/6 SALE TIME- is clearance time. All season clothes must IUCDS UVercoaiS ana KafflCOatS v'-'-WS*'?§f'%v- ' #^"*1 - «L '^^ Men's Pyjamas—ln a soft and durable material, move on For mpn anrl Knvc tliP^ am <snir><t in all rlpnartmpnh; ' Wo are, holding very strongly in sizes for Wg I- *'^P^4ij Ir^^HV l^ll^^f^' iMWl&*¥f ?m. a -*?-• t ■ comfortably cut, made in our own workrooms; xr •i i P departments. men . All these coats have been drastically cut. :: s'''";-"|^« wJ^l #I»*^ / m '^®t 1 • Mm^pS?™^' w A^ 9/6 Note particularly the effect of the "Mark Down" pencil in. Boy^ w^cpuMmJ^^r '. -: NN■» f^ eff^J" n& -I ?^»- ■ «'Kf^7, « '1 Men s Pyjamas—Double warp; our special py- -\v/ J IV/I • r<] l • A • 1. • liL MEIv'S RAINCOATS—Size 7, fawn macintosh: ~\ M *•> ra^^L v'-V'l(wi f S lH' Wl| ' «T'^^F * ' W^P- '•"^k.'-? ' •'ama cloth >' smart new designs; mado in Men's ' Wear and Men S Clothing. A great Opportunity to Obtain ClOtneS a product of tho celebrated Pcrdriau Eubber : flriWV^^^ft/^l \ fIW i Wh %1 l ' and Es-aS-si2cs SifKVi'l3/u ' ofsound wearing textures at Very low prices. ■ ?^S^ I "abS^^'ii^ !'»• J*'#'**f- V "<Jll^' V^^ X. & sW t S^A -5-li' ' OddPyjamaPants—Mon*sO.S. and Kx.O.S. sizes >; : _ ; :^^^^ 3 '.'l). ex,tcr" medium fawn heavy-weight •• ■ fe^Nic^Tß^fl \/i# " M^€M- JW^ oolcoatswoaters~Gllu °a^^^^ S^SE^iBJ ■- '•&••! :I^ "-"•"XrV * Sffi'^ %A JF^- C -™ *&' Jt' Tajicy Pullovers-All wool; in smart check do- "MB 5 800 DOjS DOOI UepanmClll 8, 29/6, 20/; Mid, sizo 8 32/b 25/-; Dark 'as a rain-resistor,'brown shot colour 75/-----f^i«te«Jarl. ? '"^ii ; i^«..%J--?'i\%"-« # • Wffil.M^EZ.JP'l \i&* im "~\ i . feigns in a variety of shades Sale Prico 12/6 Boots and Shoos from the loading English, „??' o si^° ,i °r ?? w ?i • n M^n >•' *V 5/-; Size 6, "Lynx" make, grey gabardine' " " --•:• ■■■fP'fcvF-!v l HBE**j/"''s# \ Cotton ana Wool Singlets only- ' Canadian, and Now Zealand manufacturers f7frl- r^Vv ,?» OM/ 6 ffi/ ■ liid^r "i» £7/7/-. Size 0, light fawn gabardine, 1~ '- - l'j'" v'^- i % *MfflS££Bo&*^ ■ #"'•- \ l^^^S^mr^^m^^^^ Salo Price 3/11 to go all at one prico during Sale. - ?OT/^TrPTH«^ibo'nf 930/6* 29X SUpßri°r "VnUtor," £6/15/----l"' - N / \ uiWi,^!^ Winter WeigW Cotton and Wool Singlets-7/6 Sale Price 30/- • ff^?o? 35/?^ 'V ' 7•" £f^ A \ Sizo 3 ' "Aquatite," gabardine, in I - . ■ JkmßsW^ rWEBBB3BF^Z # \ S ivBH^H^SPW^^ SalePricee/e Men's Glaco Oxford Shoes-Smart shape, welted 20 Jed Shorts-Assorted 8/11 uair elencal groy £5/10/-; £5. . . - I■: • f« "^- / "*> I WKtKW^i^ Pants~ Vll Sale Prico 6/11 Men's Glace Derby Shoes-Wido fitters, welted e 4^atß^ 6 6d aal 1A eP^S MF:N>S OVERCOATS-Size 6, dark^rey her--1 - ;l^\m^ B»W jS ■ XI \saPJ«^^^-^ All-wool Shetland Singlets— Sale Prico 7/11 Men's Glace Oxford Shoes—Good shape, welted Hose—Sizes'? 410 ' Usual Drice 4/3 4/11 ringbone with green stripe, half belt, stitched I 1: .fl^W f§li§£?W J V iii >W All--WOOI Shetland Pants— Sale Price 7/11 Men's Box Calf Oxford Shoes—Smart last,welted oizes o, 4, j.u v g ale p^o 2/11 "Roslyn," £4/15/-, £3/15/- Size 7, mid grey m\H ' I^lsl \ $ iKiR #^ Morloy's All-wool Black Cashmero Sox— Soliccd Men's Box Calf Oxford Shoes—Welted, English ' herringbone, heavj- weight, £4/15/-, £4/4/-. I • Wj I 'i -^M^F 4^s^'"X. ■ Plain Stiff Pront and Guffs- "tall™ Men's Glace Derby Bals-Patcnt toe-cap, welted " * C°LLCGL BKOW^ t S^ ""coWs -«v ° T^'W™ 0"8 i- !L^ K. l^^W^. TWXffl \. Sale Price 12/6 Mcn;s Patent Oxford Shocs-WcUcd and smart. P^iUs i^ccd but to examiac these Shorts Si/c^ ? Tawn com ST' B !bd^.^ L^HS.«#|S8 X ■--. • '/^Sf White Kid 7J to 0 Usually 0/. Men's .Bos Calf Dorby Bals-Lcalhor-linod, to rcco CT «sc the ffrcat value we arc offc,- % Size V, brown homcspSi' 1 ■ • 'S3aaia'^^S^^.~JT^S^L' ]'%^^^r- X • ~ Sal« Price 5/- pair '''"Klish n?, 7/11 for sizes 11 to 16 is some snip. /./-/. £2/15/ Size 6 "home^nn favv-n l?^' I ■ ''OIV/^ i^mM \ A Doctor Shirta-WUt collars Cached? Tan WiUow Calf Dorty Bals-^eltea tl tl^oMlUtfsl^sf^^Sh^-' I' ~*-^ '^! and navy it suM lv J2/C, Sale 10/11 Men s Dark Tan pillow Derby Bals-lu^h BOYS' JERSEYS. light grey hci rinsbone. Prince back, %/*<?.' I ■ yJZi'i*»' J' ''' \ JHff >^ I All-wool Ribbed Sox— Sale Price 1/6 pair. Men s Felt SUppcis-.V goo.l nworlmentlrom 5/6 heather* brown'? fawn* £4/4K A fine range in dark greys Wvns' "■ fc^^^^ IJ -^ Plain Black and Black and WMto^it^es S^ ° 3 " "^1 "S fawn,, dates: all reduced. 3 is^^S-^^^'A«s^f^f*s^^F^ e„, -r t,. saw rnce i/j ; ' >_- !_!_. with striped colhirs. Some ot the best, produc- • > » #^^^^^P^S^ ■ rrho Latest Diagonal Pattern Knitted Tics— MEN'S SI'ORTS COATS— Buy a Spoils " lions from Jlorloy. SMlargarcl, tuul Colonial ' MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS. § f^m^^^W^^"' L , . Usually .VII Sale Price 2/11 Coat and Trouscis :ind you h;ivc a very ">i«s. AH reduced 10, 15, and 20 per cent. A fine range of best quality Dressing Gowns md I P {^^W'i^-^^^-''" ' 3 A ''ilrK ° Assorimcnl. 111 Wide-end "lies—Kloral rhcip Suit Coats 25/-to 45/- Tioubcis Don't, miss tins opportunity to get School Dressing Jackets. All to bear 3/- in £ off 1 g . . -&t j-^ I efici:ls niul smart stripes li/fi Now 1/11 16/6, 21/- to 35/- .lerscys at remarkably low piicos. marked prices • "I I —-— ■„ ,-T-irr™TT-T-nr^ l _ MJ ..i a _uL^^ ■ —1— ''„ "ii 1 ' | - - - ... . . . _-,_._ t „....*..»...- j #.„ k,, '„,,.. A.» *.».... .. W. . •Wi^'.^wJ.^AinV >-» *

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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 151, 30 June 1925, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 151, 30 June 1925, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 151, 30 June 1925, Page 14