(UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION—COMRIGUT.) . (AUaTRALIAN-NEUf ZEALAND CABLBI ASSOCIATION.) --■■. ' NEW YORK, 25th June. A rum syndicate, backed by millions at the command of British and French financiers, operating; in tho. United States through socially and politically influential Americans was.revealed bf the study of the papers ot Hie steamer Klierio, "which was recently soized p(t tho coast with liquor wovl!v ! £500,000. ■■'
I'vopr that tho cargo 'was. jntejiclei! for the wealthy residents of 'Maine sum met resorts, and Uis mimes pi i\\e lujuo) ownera i^ro iv tlw hands'o£ U^ trials
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 7
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93DRINK FOR THE RICH Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 149, 27 June 1925, Page 7
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