Senior Division.
Second round Chatham Cup competition, 2 45 p.m. sharp. In event of a, draw 15 rain- , utes; each way must be played. p iar ls« v- Scottish Wanderers, Association i-ark ;\o. 2,. Mr. L. C. Cooper. v^'T'b.'V™- tle> AsßOCiation *•*■NoC^^-|- A- v-. Brooklyn, Kelburo Park, Mr. .^Hospital y. Johnsonville. Hospital, . Mr. C. . ; : Senior B -Division. ■'-.■-.' Second Round, 2.45 p.m. ' M^ B nOJohns 'DiamOnd3' '■ Peton« Recreation, h^i-O^ot^ o™' A»*™°* P"k No. JTGnSrt ° V- :Swifts' Kilbirnie »<VI. *■ Welgasco, Brooklyn, and Johnsonville, byes. Second A Division, 2:45 p.m ■;• B .aamonds v. Petone, White's Line, Mr... N. Seatoun v. Swifts, Seatoun, Mr. F Navlor k*T™: Wancl% 8 ' **> I, 1!?" layEliI ayEli d CaledoUians' Polb Groun<i NoHutt, a bye.' :. , , - . v Second B Division, 2.45 ■p.m. - . Mr^f'legge! "™c*™> ; Crawford Green, Mr nS| tUWa& "■ ■Anderson ,- No: 2, C. Mw!ms T" Caledoniaiis ' Lya" Bay No. -2, Jtfr. . M J»h|^««g aT J: Islandßay, Johnsonville,; .■_■;.;;■ -Third,A ; Division, 2.45 pirn l, IMr! ld FBB Jo 4a S n eatOUn ' akefleld ParkNoN?T* L^C '- WakefieM Park F^W* ChinglnStitUte' Hutt • KecreatioD, Mr. South' Wellington, 'a bye. ■ / ■ , . / .... .Third B 'Division, 2.45 p.m. . L s^, o ™°mas' i v. .Petone, Kilbirnie N0.,2, Mr/ 2^ IMr^d3^ yw^ kiyD ' Wakefleld >* No/ F.S:H fa5!. f V" -LyaU Bay> Newtown Park, Mr -;■..', fourth A. Division, -1.45 p.m. " V 2 : *s?% V- H lUl ifcute-";Association Park, No. v. Seatoun, Seatoun, Mr. E. NayWaterside, a bye. ' ' j ' I^urth. B :Division;.Championship,: 1.45 p.m. M? aj? JlSeS 1"- Hutt: ?^ <** "■«>■'. KoSl2 n >JlrßaF T ■JohnsODvil!e' ■ Autas°n Park jj^estoW v. Stop Out, LyaU Bay No. 1, A lnwim 3 te V^ S^ifts< Lya" Bay Ifo- 2 > MrDiamonds v^ Y.M.C.A'.,. Wakelicld Park No. 1, Mr. J. Hitchings. -'■■■. ■ ■ ■■ biraie 1™" ? a JI? rS/' c S°Uth Wellin Ston> KilFifth A Division Championship, 1.4S p. m ."■ Mari3t (N.)-.v., Swifts,. Kilbirnie THo. 2, Mr A. Luchesl.-- » :•-..■■ .. • - ' St. Patrick's A v. Technical, Polo Ground No. 1, Mr. I. A. M. Eager. 2, ■Mr° UH" W ''smith' 16 ' Wakeflelli Park No. : St.; Patrick's B, : a bye. - : ; ..; •"■- ---. Fifth;. B Division Championship, 1.45 ''pjn'•'■■•' 3 :p I£™M Ir.^ nKrs StOP *™a &tl^ B S^h^' 3 ■•:• ■ SeatOUD '';<?««««« .-.Orein.- Mr. ..Technical. v. X.M.C.A,,. Newtown Park, ■' Mr." • Q. Acts.- : . St.Thomas v.: Hutt, Hiitt Eastern, Mr J. M'Leod. '"•■ Diamonds v. Wadestown, Association Park No. 1, Mr.' T. .Boxall. ■■■.:.'•.■: ,; -.-.. , Petoue v. Midland, Petohe Recreation, Mr. J. Innes. . , :■. ■•.'-.■-■■. . Sixth .Division.—Third Round. -■" Technical v.. Marist- (N.), Polo Ground No 2, 1.45 p.m., Mr. E. Josephs. Seatouu v. Institute, Crawford Greeu, 12 45 p.m.,! Mr. S.. O'Brien., . : Seventh. A Division Championship. Seatoun'v Marisf (T.), Seatoun, 12.45 p.m., Mr. ;F. Smythe. : - , . ■ Petoue v. rMiramar Rangers,' Nairn street I.Jo p.m., Mr. F. Sanders. : ... ..- ■ ' _St: .Patrick's v. . Marist CB.), Associaiion Park No. 1, 12.45 .p.m., Mr. E. Heath. ■ Seventh B Division Championship aud Charity viiS'Si'mJ-M^ 11! 11 S^ toD JOhDBOn/ Marist <T.) v. Anglican Home, Hutt Kecreation 1.80 p.m., Mr. F.. W. Chiug. - > gciailT^rk'N^t^^^^^^: lM°%0 ViJ^. yBnStOBe- WhiteV each.wayT'b^p.aVe^' W miDUtes.'<«*». St. Thomas,-, Newtown Congregational, Potone, and Island Bay have byes in Charity Cup compet.tion,. (lrst; round;, also Marist (I:), and Anglican Home., Eighth Division Championship, 12.45 pni ns'^°M^ 1 aagI c"ingtoD ' ;iya" Bay Bar No Unr^ ec tOWebb COnEregatlODal ' Lyall t.; Marist (N.), Polo Ground No. 1, Mr. J. A. M. Eager. '. ■'.■■•-•■; ■ •'■■'~-:''. '-teams; ' ■ ■ BiSwiffi s- MF'?. urt» B: Turner,. Ker, Hillock Bloomfleld Cawthorn Sandholm, Ford, Berry drik "' Southeru-" einergeucy, lieu-_Technical.-Fourth A: Brlgden, Briegs M Arthur, Arbuthnott, Skews, Allen, Bufns Hoore, Pierce, Cross, Gregson. - ■''■■!,*' _Brooklyn.—Senior B: Kerahaw, Bowver Browning, Hanson, Short. Henry Griffiths' Buckmaster, W.. Anton (captali , -Brown Kceble. division: Burbush, Kind, Prosser, Hutchinsou, Sutton (captain), Walsh ™ilae-S^'A^cr. Crane, M'Ghie, Hus ton. Ihird division: A. Brown Burkptf Pearce, linford, .B. Ratcliffe, Handyside, D Ratcline, Murphy (captain),, C. Brown, Turner, Paull; emergency, W. Mason Island Bay .-Third: Hawthorn, 'jackman, Sinsf'^cke^'FVasl^^ 8 ' ™' U^l _Lyan _Bay.-Junior A: Craig, Fairbairn, K.nox, -luues, M'Lee, Trllford, Crockford Duncau, Smith, M'Leod, Carnegie, Clarke Fraser, Harvey. . . ' Miramar Rangers.—Fourth B: Sang Mander Third: : Phillips, Briggs,-Miniflf Be"l, Bnttain, Carswcll, M'Donald, Fergussou Fourth A: Bagar, Harrap, Curtis, Houchens Barclay, Murphy, Hutchings, James. Third: ! Herlund, Lawton. ■ Island Bay.—Junior: Cocker, Osborne Restieaux, M'Coy, Hunter, Lawrence, Estall Lowe, Black, Fletcher, Ledger. Third: Haw- I thoruc, Jackman, Clarke, Neale, Trickor Fraser, ' Mason, Fcrkins, Thomas, Windlv' Corin. Fourth: L. Mouteith, Wheeler, Jacobi Recce, Snisted, Mncdonaltl, E. Monteith Collins, Lauglilan, Hepburu, Stewart. - Newtowii Cougregntioiial—Seventh B: Sezton, Wellington, Simmonds, M'Donald, E Gill Moller, Gill, Aitken, Masters, Grail, Websteremergencies, Benfield and Robinson. Eichth' Gaze, Priddle, Webster, Dudley, Bonneld C.' Carter, Sexton, Carter, Cong'reve, Vinegar Murchmont. • - ■ ' Petonc—Fifth B; B. Burridge, J. Cates A Hegh, S. Payne, J. AVilson.W. Laracy L Forrester, J. Matthews, 11. Smith, L. Jones, s' Muirhead; emergencies, H. Eagles, Andrews V. Carlson. " Caledonian—Second A: M'Quarrie, Morrison Gordon. Carberry, Bremner, Hutchieson Milllgan, Oliver,. Ritchie, Boe. Moncur, Cameron Gourlay. Second B: Rodda, Weldon Currie' Wcldou, Stevens, Rabbit, Meiklejohn, M'Ken?,ie, Stevens, llarrlie, Nicolsdn. ; Swifts—Third. , Division: Stone, Southern Parkinson, Hocking, Brown, Bradford, Brooks', Maugin, Cayliss, Jones; emergencies T. Powell Osborne. . ' Diamonds—Fourth B: Arena, Fclton, Russell Buckmaster, Cowduy, Thompson Wilkinson, 'J'ilsley, Fraser, Clemeutson; emergency, Marshall. V.M.C.A.—Fourth B: C. Thomas, N Vcale (captaiu). A. W. Hill, B. Mason, C. Fuller A II Hill, T. Rahbitt, K. Geary (vicc-c«plain)' A. Hail, A. Creighton, L. Hoe. TOI Itabbitt Scottish Wamlerei-B-Seuior: Murray, Jack Montgomery, Logic, M'Dougull, Jloug,'Suthe.-: ljiucl, Cowan. Houston Lothian, (ialhniith, Cununmghain .TuDior - Newman JJenrv T\T* Whinnie, Malion, Vlelt. Itabbitt, KirkWoV Bellamy, Ilockuell,.Thomson, Rolls, Jlidriietou' M'Lean. Stop Out—Fourth B: White. O'Connor SiobiKO, s Roll, Kemp, Larsen, Ogir. M'Gitviu. M. Ivor, Bromley, Sullivan. Fifth B Tc'im • Knlcht. Lcdtlicoat, Connley, TlcarfieM, Ro'di c ; Cathcrall, Cumming, Dunn, M'lntyre, Winter] . Vtl'dland—hfth' B: Enrlcrt CcißtHlo) \l.
Friugle, Quirkc, Firth, Hester, Moses or Matthews; emergencies, Faire and Costley. riTr \p7S MUior A: Tarrant, '■ Prince, . M'SmtsM" lllr'n Atkinson, Trott, Nicolle, JJemnster Eton, Campbell, and Ballard. SenvL • JJ, c(mes ' Newton, Wilson, Michelson, } ftrso T ?'. J ßerry- Leadsman, Martindule, Par! Lett, Keid, Andrews, and Waller. Senior C: t..n,°\ ySTr-M?Si?itStiTrourttl' A: Melville (capr 1 ml 1 Klll'c.k. Kobmson, Coolcy, Jepsen, Allen, nell Fourth BOnd-- E°bbins ' sh'crsou > ■ Cart? T!i wl /'■ J l : Cole, Cook, ■ " Shcppard, hilly (captain), Barrow, Clunie Lark Sim- »,- ■Ph™te». Warelum, Ma-isef. Sif I. : t, ln 'b- !?!i' Simmonds. Soloman. Kltto (captain) -Billicli, Willis, Ash,.. Sutherland, Briggs, |an^ in & b -e^^^:l ■l-^iSi?'^^ Blooni(!eld: .Seatoun-First• Division B- Wyatt, Grimstone. Donovan, Brown, Kersiiaw, Dufflll, Kinder, Miirie, "M'Kenzle, Smyth. Second Divis.on: Young, Williams, Eowlcy, Young, Hilton, -l-orbes. Ihird Division: Kennedy, Mansfield, iw' Dn S> Atchley. Henderson. Hamilton 'Vn>ff' .■Bi?)? n.e- Bruec, Huston, Smith \n mr n A,, D'vislon-- Atehley, Parkin, Wright, Mimne. Hands, Bertram, Gibson, Saunders Steel. Xovatt. Fourth B Division: Hull, Gor^ don, Luxford, Gray, Haley, Allen. Lavelle, M'Concluo, Briggs. Harris. Pryor. Fifth -A' Division; Gibson. Hardcastle, Clouston, Anderson, ocarfe, Kershaw, Browne Miller Warrinrr Lovatt. Hill. Fifth B Division: Stewart Bafl raclougli _Harrap. Tohill, Brittain, Tohill, Boon Webb, Hemingway, Wadsworth, East' Bate, Tucker, Klee. Sixth Division: Lancaster, Koroneho, Grimstone, Thomas. Salt, Hunter Luxford, Love, Suisted, Webley. Gowans. Sev"' etith A Division: Dougail, Turnbull, Wricley Yeomans, Salt, Phillips, Gibson, Keir, GTimstone, Searie. Eighth Division: Hunter. Gowan, Marshall, Gibson, Marshall. DohertT, Easteate ciYriTb N, iven> Jaues- Pnillips, Boon, Bay. M'Vean, Wotherspoon, Taylor, -M - Whniaie. Leunox, : Bing, Crunwell, Hunter: Locran, Wallace, and Paterson. Old Boys-Senior: Hickev, Fitzgera'd/ K"dolnh (2), Thomas. Burke, Barton, M'Elligott, Marshment, . Costella. and Cudbv i" ulor. A •■Fitzgerald, Gamble, Carruthers, M'Dermott, Burton. Mulholland. 11 Knight C ?, alsiu:,,- Johns- Hennessey. Scott; Fitzgerald, M., PhiUips. Fourth: M. Wilson,-Reed, Scrimshaw T; O'Connor. Bean, Condon, Knieht Austin, Saunders. Guinan, O'Halloran Fifth. Scanlon. Marshall, Green, O'Shea. Cnnnin"'ham, Quirke, Gill, Costello, Purcell, Meacheu lice, Condon. * :
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 148, 26 June 1925, Page 7
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1,230ASSOCIATION Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 148, 26 June 1925, Page 7
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