Fixtures, grounds, and referees for to. morrow.'a outdoor-games are as follow:—-
, ■ . ? Senior. ' " : ' '■ . . Selwyn v. Petone, Petone No. 1, 2.15 p.m., .\lr. R. Herron. Poneke v. Berhampore, Athlotic Park, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. S. King. ' . ' . Hutt v. Wellington, Hutt Recreation No. 1., 2.10 p.m., Mr. H. Pilcher. .' Old Boys v. Oriental, Wakefleld No. 1, ; 2.45 p.m., Mr. R. T. Bailey. 'Varsity v. Marist, Basin.Reserve, 2.45 p.m.V Mr. A. Smart. Athletic, a bye. . . _ -:: ."-■ -'■' Junior. ■,:-.■,.". : Wellington v. 'Varsity B, Kilbirnio No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. H. Anslow. -■..:':. -. : .' : : "-.. Petono v. poneke, Petone' No. 2, 2.45 n.m.. Mr. ;O. W. Rathbone. Hutt v; 'Varsity A;. Huti' Recreatioii No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. D. J. Guiney. -. j Berhampore v.: Oriental, LyaU Bay No. 1, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. Scott. V ■ " ■ - Marist B v. Technical Old Boys, Crawford Oreen.-~2.15.-p.rt.i-Mr.-J." O'Sullivan.. ". Athletic v. Old Boys, Wakefleld No. 3, 2.45 p.m., Mr. J. P. Downey. Marist A- v. Training Collegei^Kilbirnie No. 2, 2.45 p.m., Mr. 'H. J. Bradley. . Eastbourne v.. Selwyn, Eastbourne; 2.45 p.m., Mr.. A. Curtayne. .'•",-.. .-..,. - Johnsonville v. Porifua, Kelburn Park. 2.45 p.m., Mr: 3. Wilson. " -■■-".-• : . v ,--'-■•'■ ,-''' ".■.. - '-'■ Third..'/: :'"-';. r "-'- ,/:. :..V:Vi .'■ Berhampqre'v. Marist,:Kilbirnie No.' 3,!2.45, Mr.-W.B: Clarke; Athletic v. Scots' Old Boys, Scots College No. .2, 2.45, Mr. H. Dewhurst; Traiuing College A v. iSelwyu, LyaU Bay No. 2, .2.45, Mr.■-. J. B. Benson;; Oriental *A v. ■-Technical.Old Boys, Newtown; Park, 2.45, Mr: -R.. G., Cooke; Wellington A v. Old Boys A; .Wakefleld;No. 2, 2:45. Mr. C: T. Andrew; Wellington College v. 'Varsity, Wellington College No. 2, 3, Mr. D.Calcanai; St. Patrick's v. Wellington B, Lyall Bay No. 3, 2.45, Mr. A. Wakeford; Eastbourne v. Old Boys B, Day's L Bay. -. 2.45, Mr. C. ." T.. Skelley; : Upper Hutt v. Oriental B, "Upper Hutt, 2.45, Mr. A. Brown; Melrose v. Karori,: Karori Park; 2.45, Mr. T. A. Fletcher; Porirua v. Kaiwarra, Porirua, 2.45, _ Mr. G.Katene; Johnsonville. v. .'Varsity B, Johnsonville' No. 1,- 2.45, ■ Mr. J. Peterson; Training College v. Poneke, Polo No. .1,-2.45, Mr. AAAdams; Hutt v. Petone, Petoue No.S, 2.45, Mr.; G., Fairbairn. :;,:•; : ; ' .:<■■:. /Intermediate'..^ v. /" : Hutt v. Oriental, Strand Park No. 1, 2.45. Mr. W. T. Christensen; Wellington A: v. Upper Hutt, - \Vallaceville , No. 1, 2.45, Mr. A. J. Parsons; Wellington B v. Berhampore, Polo No. 2, .2.45,. Mr. W. 'Boswell; Athletiu ■v. Poneke, Prince of-Wales Park,-2.45, Mr. A. M. Flynn; Petone v. Training College'; Hutt Park, 2.45, Mr.-=A;,Francis; Kaiwarra v. Taita B, Taita, .2.45, Mr. ~ D. F. Walls; Old Boys v..Taita:A-, Taita, 2.45, Mr. B. D. Vial; Marist "v. Selwyn, Lyall Bay No. 1, 1.15, Mr. A. Mills.: '.'.■'■■' ■■'''- '"■■.': ' " Fourth.' 'i."■".:'; ' ,':'. ': ■ ■ ■■ Kaiwarra v. Berhampore, Athletic Park' No. . 2,: 1.15, Mr. W: M'Carthy:' Scots Collece v Technical Old Boys, Scots K"o. 1 545~ Mr' J. Gilchrist; Wellington College v. Oriental :AVellington College,-No. 1,"3, Mr. R. P. ; Smythe; Selwyn v. Old Boys,,"VVakefield No. 4, 2.-15, Mr. C. Lamberg; Marist v. Athletic. B, Kilbirnie No. .1, 1.15, Mr. E. E. J.Martiji; Athletic A. v. Wellington .A.ZKilbirnie-No. 2, 1.15, Mr. W. Carson; Poneke v. ■ Johnsonville, .Johusouville No. 2, 2.45, Mr. B. Fisher; Wellington .B v. .Upper Hutt, Wallaceville No. 2,. 2.45, -Mr. K. -W.- 1 Hogg; Melrose A v East bourne,-, Lyall : Bay, No. 4, 2.45, Sir. .G. R. Wilson; . Petone A Iv. Hutt, Petone No. 1, 1.15, Jlr. Q." Dickens; Petoue B v. Oriental B, Strand Park No. 2, 2.-15, Mr.'E.'-S. Hylton; Institute v. Melrose -B, KilbirDieNo. 8, 1.15, . Mr. E.R.. Foster. ■.■•■ .'/ : . '■■'■ ':■'■ ■ V Fifth;'/,/"■',':■ //: :;''' v':/ Hutt' v. 'WellesleyV Ilutt" Recreation No. 1, 1.15,-Mr. A. L. Clark; Technical v. Wellington . College B, Basin Reserve, 1.15; Mr. J. A.. 3,l^. ll? or;--■T ell in Ston College A v. Poneke, Athletic Park Xp.-l, 1.15,-. Mr. ;G. Tierney; Wellington B .y. "Sehvyn, Newtpwn : Park, 1.15,: Jlr. C. "E:". Chapman; "Wellington A v. Berliainpor'e," .Wakelield ■ No: 'l, n; 1.15,': Mr. A. E. Evans; Athletic v. /Marist,' Lyall Bay-No.; 2. 1.15. Mr.vT).-.Paris; Melrose v. Old Boys, . Waketield No. 2, 1.15,- Mr. A.- W. Travers; Petoue A \:l Oriental, Petone No; 2, 1.15, Mr. ,J. Asbton;-.Petone B "v., Johnsonville,: Ivelburn. Park, ,1;15;. ; Mr.-J:-H. Saunders; ..Wel-lington-College Cv.iSt.-Patrick's,'. Wellington College -No.; 3, 3, Mr. E." W. Adams. ' '"-. /: ;- ./'r r-V .■-'-■■'..".~ sixth; /J /./..:/' -.;. , -. ..TVcillhgtou ■ College" :A v. Athletic,' Wellington College N0..-3, 2,,-Mr.C. Jenkins; Wel--liugtuii'. College', 1) -y.Xßerhatnpore, Wakefieid No. 2, K15," Mr.' A.' Osborne; AVellinston College. C v. Petone, 'AVeUiugton- College: No. 1, 2. Mr. A. Grißg; Wellington College D v.Selwyn,. Wellington College Xo. 2,. 2, Mr. I. Greig;:/Welliugton College E-v. Wellington, LyaU Bay Xp. 3. 1.15. Mr. G. F. Taylor! St -Patrick's A V. Technical, Polo No. 2,- 1.15!. Mr. C. Russell; St. Patrick's By.: Oriental. Wakefield-No. 4, IJS, Mr. R. J. Paton; .Scots v. Taita, Strand Park, 1.45, Mr. J. Goodall; Marist v. Hutt, llutt Recreation No: 2, 1.45, Mr. T. W. ■; NaisbittJ; : i. .•■.._.: -.';-:' . ..-" '■;.'■' ■:■-': Seventh. /; ■' '"_■/-../ '•%.'■■ ■'",-'■ Wellington ,v. St. 'Patrick's, Lyall Bay No." 4, -\Ao; Mr. H. S. Leith; Athletic v. :Petone, Petone No. 3, 1.45, Mr. N. E. Sbuper; Eastbourne v. institute. Crawford , Greeu, - 1.45, Mr. A. C. 1 Kitto; Technical-B,v Oriental P-010 No. 1, .1.45, Mr. A. E. Smith; Selwyn A v. Wellington College C, V/ellingfcon College No. .»,:• 1, .Jlr.-'.G. Bradley; Technical v. AVelhngtou Colleße B, Wellington'Cblle-'e No 1, I,' Mr. H. Whale; Selwyn B v. Wellington College A, .Wellington College No. 3,-1, Mr. R. ■ Wilkinson; Wellington College: D v AVellington College E, midweek. - ■'■ •■;--" /:': -/; ; teams. ...i,_.:' ] ',■■-. "' ..■-. Poneke—-Senior: Gilbert, :Hickey, Gibbs, Tilyard (2), Gibson, Hall,-Jessup, Shearer (2) Wilson, Adams, Smith, .Walsh; Slater, Pope Peterson. Junior: 'M'Alees, Cooper, Morris,- Bur-nian.-.Toms, Le:Comtei-Scott, Barker, Green Croll, Hurley, Rouse, Russell, Fraser, Kehnedv • ' JS?*^-' -M'Phersou.-.Third : Dixon, Christie (2), I'nngle, Mason, Pratley, Gon", Frost, Mackie, Parker, Noble, O'Douoghue, Mullins, Pollock, , ,M\N ab, Harris, Harvey, - Gilbert, Tonks (3), Berg. Intermediate: Waterhouse, ■ Willr m t s, (2)- Clark,. Jessop,. Dalley, Lamberg, Matthews, Noot, Crichton, Carter, Organ Middleton Greenall Pearce, Horsfall, 8 pAlmer Fourth: Dickey, Reid, Barrett, Richards, Logan, Johnston, Stapleton, Windsor Green Clark, Currie, Baker, Read, Creighton, Stone', Canhanv Eaton. " . -..-•.-. ■M?n Iwy?rSe xmo, r,: Ha"ington. Watts, Y oU np, JI Donald,... NicUess, Foster, Scadden, Lloyd Moss, Churchill, Churchill, Jaraieson, Eastgate, M'Wilhams,: Budge, M'Brearty... Robb, M Lucas, Wogan Junior: Ansell, Baigeut Bird, Osmond, Vance, Eves, Fuller, Grigs Sewell, Winchester, Nelson,. Pike, ' Ottawav Draper, Hendry, Prouse, Clark, Archer. Third •' Hancock, Hogg.- Kennedy, M'Kenzie, -Hanson ]■ abian, Walker Love, Cropp, Belcher, Delahunt, Anquetil., Anderson. Ainsley, Gould Cropp, Haults, Hanson, Rouse. IntermediateRankm, Looner, White, Stewart, Usmar, Scoringe, Jackson. Sange. Chell. Money, Brown, Bennett, Runkin, Hamilton, Marsh (2), Rumble Sandford, Bramley. Fourth .;■ Smith. Cndbv, «ard, Fraser, Leggatt, White. M'Farlane, Stohr, Haley^. Morris, Burridge, Essen, Makin Prangley. Newman, .Kelly. Fifth: Marsh Hume, Gordon, Wilkinson, Campbell, Clarke' Money v Yong, Johnson, Madson, Knox, Will liams, Russell. Butter. Brown,. Douglas' Walk or. Young." Sixth: James, Jane Corlis}.. HagKity, Clumberlain,' Smith. Wilkinson, Sitters. Dunn, M'Lean, Roy, Wellington, M'Gee, Williams Arthur, Jacobs, Thorburn.: Seventh A: Anderson, M'Lean, Love, Lawler Garrett, Gates. Hedges. Ward, Collyer Slierman PoDDle, Morgan, Helbron. Jacobs Beaton, DickTnson, Driscoll, Znnder. Seventh B -Hall Brown Tonkß, Dunnit, Austin, Montgomervl Gill, Beaton, Wietten, Keegan, Hnmphersoh Ldwards, Anderson. King, Jones, Meek Nis' bet, Stapleton, Mlliclch, "Stott. Berhampore—Senior - Walters Alnfcb---;nn 8' B^i^^^ Goodall, L. Brown, Deere, M'Artney, Glennie' Bennett, Duncan. Junior: Warwick Wat' kins, Nicholls, Miller, Brettis;" Gray Kellv Bridges, .Renner, Mason (2), Todd. Mollicr Jenkins, Scott, Allen, Newson. Third- Alt' ken, .Mills, Tregonning. Stewart. Brewed Campbell, Charles, Griften, M'Donald (2V A very, Cartwright.Wylie, Evans, Richardson," JJoyle. Cowan, Skeats. Intermediate: Thompson, Welsford. Harris. Mailman, Walls Cameron, Fear; Taylor, Wildermoth, Jude Harrington, Welsford, -Barlow,. Grlffen, '-Vvres J?'-™". M'KilJop, Dixon.-Fourth: Thompson Smith, Carnley,. Mailman, Keery, M'Aulev Wark, Barker, Standen, M'Whirter, Heap Bayhp, Povter, walker. Miners. Bryant. Fifth:' W Arty, Little Saltor, Green, Thompson. Dilloa, Love, M'Artney, GrifTen. Avres, Watorhouse Ryan, Baker, Hender.-..n. Burnett -^?, v-f 1V N^ c-- Shth: Williams. Wllkens, Burns' ulnteiy. Taylor, Browne, Stevenson, Russell' v-|i L% y ' 'V Li!">say. Browne, Thoma": lull, 31 Taggart. Shaekleford. Twomey, Fra-Wellington-r-Senior • Hill, Morgan/Day, CorJnss, Johnson, Cunningham, Frater. Lindsay, Cleland, Carter Honcyfield, Theyers, Mathea kie Maxwe"' - Voi«: . emergency, i.jiii&iie. Junior; Jarvie Green ffto^^eicherl^,,^^ Si d«ville, TJiitch«r. Proctor knlgtit SiVe^n" fraser, Giles, Rienhenson, may.-Rumne, Leek■■)p, -Blnndell, Diilley. Gordon, Charles. Inlcrlnediate A: Bnttenden. Croskery, CutJcr. FulGo&. tetrS rraa smit r- M v^r,™.Carr. Wilby, Levy. Intermediate B . Bartlctl' Berry, Cross, Cockburn, Clarke, Coomber, Hicgs. Kennedy. Marriott. Ravnor t , ,"' *Jennng. Fourth A: M'Cullous!li Johnston, Butterworth, Howataon, Partridsei
Humphreyß, Norton, Scanlon, Jl'Gregor, Leppien, Osborne, Veitch, Mead, Murphy, Johansen; emergencies, Bracken, Hnun. Fourth B: Lawrence, M'Gowan, Chenl, Ferris, Buist Ross, Bliss, Fitzgerald, Hines, Mowat, Howatson, Nelson, Kirker, Mushet, Fitzgerald: emergencies, latching,- M'Kenzie, Crumptou. Fifth A: Ross, Nicol, Tudor, Gaudin, Bray, Marlow, . Laluuau, Allan, Grieg, Matthews, Cockburn, Newth, -M'Koy '(^arcoe; emergencies, Ferguson, Hutchison. Fifth B: Ashcroft, Bolton, Bender, Coker, Daniel, Dot,chin Drew, Evans (2), Ferguson, Gardiner, Gestro, Hiiughey, Jayce, Latham, Moore, Nei'son, Wilson,. Withers. Sixth: Brown; Nathan; Clarebut, Knight, Hooker, Gill, Guuli?Sv Laurenson,r M'Clintock, O'Brien, Stennett, JU. Kenzie, Scott, Thompson, Joyce, Young, Bloomfleld. Seventh: Beck, Mackliu, Poultou, Birley, Stcelo, M'Donald. Sinclair, Hewett, Hawker, Davies, Ransom, Powell, O'Brien, Doherty, Aitcheson, M'Grcgor, Holliugs. Pryor. Harrington. .■ ....--.., ■ . Oriental—Senior •. Sidet, K. Smith, Wepihana;' Taylor, Cowdell, M'Nicol, Chambers, Chant, Hepburn, Ponlter, Parker, Sly, Watts, Hill, Mune, Pinkerton. Junior: Newall, Porter, M Ilwraith, Wickens, Card, Giorgi,: Tulloch, tray, Thompson, Ferguson, Simmons, Hall. -Jackson,: Terry, M'Farlane, Boollories. Third A: ptzharris, Clark, Truman. Quiri, Lochoro, | Davies, Archer. Burbidge. Hobson, Hodgson, j Clementson, Gillies, Smith, Royal, Lincoln. Third B: Reid.' Harris, Mill -Stevenson, Gillespie, % Wison, Swain, Smith, C. Clarke, Truman, Rldyard. Williamson, Latham, HodgkiDson, Robins, Burley, Hobson, Udy. lutermediato:^ Harrington. /Stevens, Arthur, Wright, Smith. Kingsford. Williams, Willetts. Owen, Fox,. Bell, Tofts. Clishy. .Voyce. Gillespie, HallFourth A : Ramsay, Bell. Brown. Harris. Daniels, Pringle, Butler,' Shaw. Tindell. . Alley, Wyman, Pender, Thomas, Wallace, Brown, Bognuda. Aitcheson. Fourth B: Dally, Lcitch Bridie, Hawthorn.. Dawson, Craik, Copeland, Dorrian, Coster, Graham. Haselton, Gurren, Forsyth, Krebs, Kidd. Bnsb, Shaw, Nolan, Mackay. Fifth:: Lochore, Grant, Creenbank. Strange, Harie, Ramsay, Greenbank, Bolt, M'Gmity, Christensen,.Guy, Bpgnuda, Anderson. Clarke, M'Kay, Spring, Organ. . Seveuth: Doherty, Peterson, Kerr. Nolan, Smith, Wood. Dawson, Parker, Dakin,. Fittes, Hall, Flaws, Boswell. Leight, Chick, Golding, Bradley, 0'- - .'Varsity—Senior:. Marks, Malfroy. , Kells. '. £?*?->"■' _^ a'Po'e, ' Love, Hart,. Mackenzie, fjft, O'Regan, Burns, Martin-Smith, Joll/ M William, . Baldwin; emergencies Wiren Pope. Junior. A: Stewart, Leadbetter. Arudt, Kalaugher, . Foden, -.-' Kent, Atkins, Deidrich, Hislop, Laurie,, Jobliu, Bird, Nicholls, Frazor, /ohrab. Junior B: Chadwick, Fletcher, Smith, I'ord, Cormack. Williams, White, Dixon, Lochore Webb, Wills, Blakeney, M'Kenzie, Burns, ?h /i erV 1 c i mi rg';nci^' 'Mitchell,. -Brboker..- Mar■■w a-i" nilird, A = G;in<=. Maude, Dumbleton, White, Todd, Campbell, Johnston, Gray, Red--?°tn^ •.r?* azer> Chamberlain/ Ellis, Dixon, Sutch^Vietineyer; emergencies, Saunders, Rus- ! el',' W le< Thlrd B: Moses, Clouston, Blundell. Tripe, Ballinger. Bollard, Rodger, Grieg, ? 1 n lmr^ so, D ' Hislop. 1. Platts-Mills, Hart; Kembal Bullock. Hickson;- emergency/ Tripe. ■ Old Boys—Senior:' Malcolm, Bedell, Grenfell, Lamason, Hnderhill, Mansfield, Bramwelli Dormer, Barclay,. Jones,: Hum, Stempy, Menzies, .barmody, Lamason; emergency, Francis, War■?r»Vt J"J 10r: Bailey. Bailey, Dv Chateau, fn a '-mli? ma?i lce ' T , He3ter> 3and. Keegan Shnnnnn tS?*™^ P, reston. Rushbrook, Reid. snannon, Shaw, Taylor, Turvey, Wilson. Third A- Anderson,- Coote, Eagles, Ellis, • Ellison/ f|, D9|r,^n^^^y«nS craig, rWacson, Tames, Denton, Wale. Fifth! Hawker, Radford, Burberry, Grant, Eobertson, Ames, Lapwortli, ■ Hoare, Kilpatrick, Robertson Gittings. Grenfell. Stevenson, Smithson, Beck Newtown Congregational-Seventh B: , Sex- .. Bastbourne.-Junior: J, Robinson, H. BruuFo^ev ;ji Pife>^ \°H' Ar A- Baruett, E.Hanton,' Thira : Tj?'HartHdg';!' 1' Rogers P. Jludson, >V: Incier, C. Vaubors:■' sum y J». X-. Russell, J. Stevenson, X Kidler. C. Keating, H..Thompson,: C.--'Houlton E I) PiUl neJ> li ■■'J- r:,? in« J-Petherick; emergencies, C. Macmillan, V. Dodd Fourth- Hull Brawn,^Dellabarca,- Daley,,.Hutchings,' Blair, Foley,. Eggleton, Poole, Turner, Barnett Dun' can, .May, Ellingfofd, Thompson, Cartwright, Gould, H Jones,: Ritchie, L.' Jones. .Seventh:. Whitcombe, Reid, TJnderwood, Maerens, Gerard, Walling -Feltham,,. Kent, Blundell, Jones, Sutherland, Meo, -Matthews, . Orme,' lewis• emergencies, Maerens, Griffiths,: Jose, Lees; • .---Johnsonville'.—Junior: Barlow,: Bramley«(2) '• Bryant, Chancy, Craig, Fisher, Holmes, Law, Leamey (2), Look, M'Cleiland, M'Farlaue. Thio^' l S rrV Perrvma".: Richardson,..Selwooti.: Third: Barber. Bird, Carman, Earl, Grear, Johnson,. Jones,. >Kinjr,,Leonard, Law, M'Len!San .■.(%'-,: Pattisgn,., Rolston,,. Roso, . Byah.. bwindalß, ; -Ricliards6n,- Orr."fourth::.Blackburn .Bringans.-.Elsoii,, Fink, Foley, George. Hardgraves Hedulaud, Helllwell, Mason (2). An, 11.I 1. s Wesi -Wilson;. Wolf, ; Woods.-. ■ Firth: Angell, Barlow, - Cameron . (2\ Douglas Garrett, Hedgland, Bodgsou;" Johnson, Kenny, Masfccrton;- Moore (2),- Seal,' Parsloe. Eenner, ■Styles, Tapliu, Tyiiaa. v: ; . .: '■. Thirdr Henderson,' Hill, Stokea, .Harrison, - Krebs, Newport, Hughes; Hender^ son,-, Kearns, - Flaws, Bennett, Jones, Scott, ian' ,P? bl? s; ,Goltliue, Travers, Harris, Boswell, Kilpatrick. -Intermediate: Mummery, Shaw, Piersou, Robinson, Thompson Harris Olseu, Sleeman, Dawsou, White, Murphy,: Parker, Hosewarue, Morrison, James, Quinn, Meecham,. Hunt, Crooks. .. ' . . ■ Athletic.—Junior: Butterworth, " Hanson, ? a"e& h Ta, tD ' ■ ?« re}'." Dufty, Winhim, Parker, Cny,-'Shanley, West, Bognuda, Edgar Frasor iMilcs, Barnes, Woolcott. Third: Hale, MaoFarline, Chisliolm, Gray, \ Bezzant, Keenau, Butland, Keenan, Cress, Taylor, Roussell, Lewis Ryan, M'Millan; -Conner,: Walls Tal' bot, 80y?... Intermediate: Yataa, Taylor Watson, Whiddan, Edwards, Evenson, Clay, Low , Spence, Low, Elder, Dow, Quinn, Tait, M'Fadgyen, Neild; Robinson. . Fourth' A: Barr, Humphreys, Turley, Mailman, Cookson, De ■ bouza, Douglas, Calnan, Cole, .. Tomlinsou, I Davis, Mnes, Rathner,, Biss, --. Francis,. Alexv^rti %> teTS°a- Kesler, Leake, Phillips, iourth B: Cameron, Magee, Mooney Morril?°> .Kindell, Richardson, Howell, ' Ratclilfe Ha,gh, Chesterman, Clouston,. Allers, Powers Che^n, Phillips. Fifth: Brown, Leer, CaS der, Pc-fllton Courtney, Morgan, Burgess, Thompson Watson, Wright,: Dudfleld, Taylor . ■wSJh 1 —ffi Popc l i,' ? au!t- NlxoD- 'Sixth •■ S haw L,.Adams Bh-themau, Trendle, Diack, Currie, Tiudil! M'Dowell, Solomon, Gillou fn™n" S?,."^"'']' 3 <!osgrave, Hayes, Dudley Logan, Stafford, Evans. Seventh- Yarrel Beveridge Levy, Ridyard, Toms, Douse, Bar-' ton, Diack, Coldbsflt, Pope, O'Neill, PatterB°r»W V 'i CrO m' Cul°y. Bradford, Aitkens, arlson yn Ta s'lor. Semple, Cassis,. Rich^ T^il° iCo al 9°H B° Old Boys.-Junipr: Norris, £?,r J Sand °. Sargeant, Clark, Davis, Under! hill Pudney, A. Isaac, Bull, Jelley, H. Isaac, W H. Isaac, Woodley, Ledger. Third: Scott Hn ■yTr-?°foe> Fors>t h- Clements, Bailey, CoN ■MtnJ Zt" mo us- P a 7' Esau- Hart. ■ Hewitt,' S» hi ' KuA sel1 ' , AsPlan<i. Fourth: Vlnsen Headland Cleverley, Murray, Walker. Ross, w , y> Jonpstone, .Roberts, Clar.k, Cullimore, Ward, Gnffen, Meale, Johnston; emergency Scotß College Old Boys.—Living : Plimnier (3), Campbell, Simister, Virtue 7 Gold, Pu" die, -I raser,: Pearson, Mitchell, Bowen^ Gibson, Leitch;. emergency. Hanninp ■ Melrose.-Third: 14De ypostine Holland, Gill, M'lnnis, Gpddard, Rea, Clapham, Symons I Lacey, Lamberg, Greeks, Parfitt, M'Leod. Lep--1 Rm'i ™alkw' ( ,KGoo D ch', P'Loughlin. Fourth A : Oldham. Webb Perkins, Ayres, Cropp. Ferguson, Wolfe, Lamb, Still, Douglas, M'Grath Cameron ■ "Collins, Middleton, Millar, PaS son, Ogilvie, Norris. Fourth B: Dobson, Mathews, Mears, Wiggins, Langley, Edge ■io^'on^wo^' & Dd'M^r SDii Holmes. Fifth: Sherman;' Allardyce Thomas' Haines, CappeM^), Tyson, Upchurch, M-Innisl Gooch. Cole, galley, Newson, .Sullivan, Norris, usniar, Laughton r.M'.'-jif'-r-Senior: Murphy, Foley, Mabouey, : ngf Johnston, Ryan Carmody, Simmons, Fitzi gerald, Barry Ogden, Dennehy, Tobin, White Ward, M'Parland, Roach. Junior B: Smith l-erguson Coemau,- Harris, Eddie, Little; Edmonds W. Edmonds, M; Williams, Beve^ Wge, Kelleher, Page, Bertinshaw, Keegan I Barber,. Jennings Atkinson,- Median,. Chris^ lie (2), Lander., Intermediate: Wliite Waterson, Nelson, Penman, M'Carthy, Saunders Kcrrmh, Beveridge, Black, Genet, Parknjson,' 1-urlong, o Shea, Dowhng, Lander, GreW Rafferty O'NciM. Fourth: Tliurston, O'CoSnell Blatch, Tuphy. Mcech, Lafferty, d"laney, Bond, F. Curran, Foster, Barry Taylor, Fisher. Murray, Jr Curran, O'Sullivan Fsher. Fifth: O'Sullivan. Minogue, DobsoS; O'Brien, Hoan, Quirke, O'Malley. Green. Posselt Bray Talamoana Cunningham, Mouat, Rnapp, Sloan. Fitzgibbon. Si\th • DivifKnn Whitt M'Carthy, Davis, M', SilS, Gornall, Ratclifto. Trembath, Cunningham ' I ray, Quirke. Dillon, Darville, Marks, O'SulHvan, Hawthorno. Jlutt.—Junior: Hansen. Prcstldgo. ' Brown, Power, Burt, Hickling, Evans, Odhim, Hoddinott, Gillespie, Walpole. Mitchell. Slinn Orr Debrecemy, Cooper. Senior: Cudby, Hickling, M'Kay, Woods, Berntsen, Munro. M'Dou. gall, Faucett, Silva, Whiterod, Crotty, Sulliyan, Dawsoii, Carter. M'lntosh, Daily. Third: Lesells, Hunt. Sundgreen, Conroy, Tnppen, i M'Kay, Cummingß, Langford, Odium. Prehhle Fitzmaurice, Bailey. Halliday, Foster Tiea Silva. Intermediate: Hodgins, AVaitai. Alexander. Diblcy. Oliver, Clout, Doyle Mnrnhv I M'flougall. Huthnance. Feist. CTafk TeaV sou. Payne. Fifth: Artams, TcT'cox ilXr' flarratt, Wickham. Babington. Orr, ' Cotton' ■Fecney,."Knight, Djer, Alexander. Adams, Strong, Parker, Oliver. Sixth: Whilcman Adams. Ireland. Perkins .Tamipßnn wil«nn - Sweetzor. Warned Feeney, KiS Low-y' Roper. Baron, Jamicson, Ritchie, Odium,' ?onf eH 0 L,S n gs™S!^> °Oad'il"- AUd":
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 148, 26 June 1925, Page 7
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2,615TO-MORROW'S GAMES Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 148, 26 June 1925, Page 7
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