ANOTHER COLD NIGHT. Easterly gales with moderate ram were reported this morning in the far North, but the barometer i's rising, elsewhere. has been cold and damp, but conditions have improved to-day. Last night was very cold, and hard frosts were experienced in the South. Moderate to strong southerly and easterly winds have ruled., The forecast issued to-day by the Dominion Meteorologist, Mr. D." C. Bates, is for squally weather. with heavy showers in the Northern districts, and changeable and showery weather in the East Coast districts of the North Island for a short time. Fair to cloudy and misty weather is to be expected elsewhere, and a very coid night is probable generally,, with frosts inland and hard frosts in the South. Easterly winds, strong to gale at times, are expected to decrease soon north of East Capo and KawJiia, with south-easterly to northeasterly winds elsewhere: Weather prospects for to-morrow are described by Mr. Bales as. being "only fair."
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 130, 5 June 1925, Page 8
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 130, 5 June 1925, Page 8
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