(BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) CHRISTCHURCH, 25th March. Masked by a silken scarf Whitefoord Jukes Curtis, aged 17 years, was arrested while crouching behind a counter in the premises of the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Ltd., at 3.30 a.m. to-day. Curtis, though handcuffed, made a great bid for his liberty, but was recaptured after a splendid break, which traversed several blocks and ended at the back of the municipal chambers. It was found, eventually, that Curtis was arrested on his third job, as the information he gave to the police led to the recovery of a large quantity of stolen property, associating him with the operations at two other business premises.
When the night-watchman and a constable entered the Farmers' Co-op-erative [Co-operative] building and the lights were switched on Curtis was not visible, but presently Constable M'lnnes [Mclnnes] found him behind a counter in the seeds department. Curtis was masked with a scurf and, without waiting, the constable jumped over the counter and grappled with the intruder. A sharp struggle followed, but the night-watchman assisted, and Curtis's hands were handcuffed behind his back. He was taken out into the middle of the floor where he told his captors he was working alone. Beside the Cashel street door stood two suitcases full of loot, and a rifle lay on the floor. Curtis was just on the point of leaving when he was disturbed.
Then Curtis demonstrated his athletic prowess. Constable M'lnnes [Mclnnes] stood near the door with his man, holding him by one arm, while Constable Patterson, who had arrived, was making a search for any accomplice. The sound of running steps was heard and when Constable M'lnnes's [Mclnnes's] attention was distracted for a second by the thought that he would have to face a second man, Curtis broke free and bounded out of the door with his hands behind him. Constable M'lnnes [Mclnnes] set off in full chase, but Curtis had a lead in the darkness. Eventually Curtis was cornered after a long chase, and even then he unsuccessfully endeavoured to break away again. Curtis appeared in the Court this morning charged with theft, and was remanded for a week. The police said that there were other charges to be preferred against him.
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 71, 26 March 1925, Page 15
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