I Among the Glories I of Autumn^ ■ I I Smart Shoes at the E * "House for Quality" j Jt Not unnaturally the buyer of tine shoes for f V whatever season of the year gives a lot of ... y , thought to style. jj tj That is quite right as far as it goes, but it is ' f \ not quite far enough if all-round satisfaction is $ i to be assured. ' 3l p< The new Autumn Models in Ladies' Shoes at Jh g the D.I.C. reveal the very latest modes in R L fashionable footwear; "at the same time obvious vi \j * good service is featured in every pair. X* (C | .'■.*■' J) | Some of the New Shoes j d Patent 1-Bar Low-cut Shoes—Low covered heels, ' f rj pump soles- . , 3?/6 4 X Black Satin 1-Bar Shoes—Low •'covered ..heels, * P pump soles 38/6 5 £ "Selby" Patent Trellis Bar Shoes—Low Louis ? f heelgj pump soles 63/. l t £ "Selby" Black Glace Fancy Bar Shoes— Welted, $ 4 Cuban heels 57/6 f( Patent 1-Bar Shoes— Low sports heels, round toes 5 7 \ 52/6 X Zt t Bostock's Tan Willow Brogue Shoes— Bound toes, * X sports heels 55/. . r V Gold and Silver 1-Bar Evening Shoes— Louis heels ' ? C ' 47/6 * ft Silver 1-Bar Evening Shoes—Low covered heels ? go ■■■■■■o j> 49/6 I D-I-C jTTI Wellington \ ff ____ „...___„„ 1 Ji Exquisite Frocks for Autumn Wear Exclusive Models Direct from Paris! We extend a most coid al invitation to ladies to call and view the glorious assemblage, of Georgette, Morocain, and Pailette - Satin frocks in out showroom. • These charming garments are now showing in black and Fashion's Most favourite shades for the new season—handsomely embossed, trimmed fringe, with beaded Fur' and Tunic effects. 264.288 LAMBTON QUAY, AND GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS WELLINGTON. kHMaMkMMHB HHanH^M||||||^HM|^^H GEORGE & DOUGHTY LIMITED Wholesale Warehousemen and Importers (ESTABLISHED 1891) 61-63 VICTORIA STREET 1 Minute from " Evening Post." Cloie t« Public Library. cAbsolutety no connection with tuij other "Open Warehouse" in this City One Week More , OF OUR Great Sale" To those of our customers who have not received the usual prompt attention at the hands of our staff during the rush of the Sale, we offer our apologies. 1 The limited space of our Warehouse has made it impossible to cope with the volume of business and and we have therefore decided to extend this notable ' ' event for one "week only. Buy Your Drapery in a Wholesale Warehouse See Our Big Advertisement on page 11 of this Issue. GEORGE & DOUGHTY LTD.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 13
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