After you have smoked ! them you will agree ' "GREYS" Cigarettes i _. m "Second -to none? '< SILK CUT VIRGINIA fiSS^m^ CIGARETTES , ||iS=£^gp| The Dandy' Greys' ' < uou'dicidter ofFwitk aCHEV \>jC' C&4C& "~yet Jt *S -a etter car tlian ever —furiously comfortable, / , A e^sy running. It means increased prosperity for yourself QpUUf and your family, because it means increased business and j^^yj pleasure facilities, at a low initial and running cost—it ■ yw°enß''y°ur mental horizon—it's the cheapest health v^"r . insurance you can have I, Aj^A/J QA& § F°r hard country usage or light town running—Chevrolet 'kiiAfiLlJ costs are amazingly low when compared with those of JjitniAWyi any °^SI car "P to the £400 mark— ask the man, who ***y Q owns one! There are fully equipped Chevrolet dealers in v/?flA^f almost every fair-sized town in New Zealand— A^iktl^klj, , you will never,be held up for a spare. Your QAJf At4L%U Chevrolet is ready for service,, at any moment — /^.^^/g-; anywhere. w OVWJUK* V £233 f.o.b. Main Pouts. S Use it upon the toughest roads —up stiff grades—put it to any test you like—You will prove, as hundreds of others have proved, that Chevrolet is me/chanically reliable—it won't .* let you down. ___ CHEVROLET ~~ ~1 TOURING CAR. (^~" District Representatives: H. J. JONES & CO., Masterton and Paliiatu*. , BROADWAY MOTOES LTD., Palmerston NortH E. C. SAWTELL, Lcviu. ; "< C. L. xVEILSON & CO., LTD., Dannovirkc. BUREELL & DUEBANT, Peildinp. " . , ' .'. ' ' . / N.Z. Distributors: DOMINION MOTORS LTD, Wdlington and Chrhtdmrch.
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Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Post, Volume CIX, Issue 53, 5 March 1925, Page 12
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